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Superman & Lois: Season 4 (Final Season)

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Matt Zimmer
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Superman & Lois "The End & The Beginning"


All throughout the episode I kept thinking how much trouble the Kents were in. That last look of Lois? Finally told me how much trouble LUTHOR was in for this. I needed that.

I don't dig The Death Of Superman because it's a fake-out. He comes back, usually via a ridiculous alien reason. And normally when shows do fake-out deaths it pisses me off when they make us grieve the characters. I will give this show a little slack there because we are the fandom that knows he isn't dead forever and a raw real reaction from the family ups the stakes. I'll allow it, but tread carefully here, producers.

Maybe I would have respected the Death of Superman comic more if it had ended on an extended flashback on what Clark meant to Lois. So yeah, fake-out of not, the drama felt earned.

Before Lois's final glare the thing that was driving me nuts is that there is no part of me that can't consider this entire thing her fault. She should have retired when Luthor demanded it. Why? Because the flashback showed actually shoddy journalism on her end. And the idea that she used an unsourced hit piece to turn the only person who loved against him? It's not justified what's he doing. But fuck, it's inevitable. She took shortcuts in the story because it would screw Luthor. Full stop. Which is pretty much unforgivable.

Sam Lane survives the season premiere. The shorter cast list has one selling point. It's puts every main character but the Kents' fates into question. You're worried they'll kill him because they can't afford his actor. If Superman and Lois turns out to be a shitty show, that is how the rest of the season will go down. But they resisted it in episode 1, and I exhale.

Clark was an adult virgin when he revealed himself to Lois! How adorable is that? And how much do I think Smallville is less-than this show because it NEEDED to engage in WB teen sex? There's something incredibly sweet about Lois being his first.

I love Jonathan saying "It's sounds like you were the problem." Luthor pounds the table, I wince, and I'm like "Yeah, Jon, read the room."

I love the flashback when Lois sees Clark is bleeding and he had a Kryptonite shard in his neck that he didn't notice. Goddamn, I wish small bits of Kryptonite were treated like nuisances in all the other projects too! But to build up the threat, they suggest even a tiny bit is fatal. Which is stupid. And the fake groans they ask Tom Welling, Tim Daly, and George Newbern to do. Ugh. I like this in THIS Universe Superman can get a shard stuck in his neck and not notice. That's awesome.

Lois not screaming f-bombs at Clark at she is giving birth reminds me that this is network television. It's the only place a woman can be enduring her uterus torn open and use the word "freaking" as it is happening.

The is no version of The Death Of Superman that won't wind up a cheat or a cop-out. But this version started right at least. 5 stars.

Superman & Lois "A World Without"


First question for anyone seeing that: Does anybody truly believe Lex Luthor could destroy Superman's heart just by stepping on it?

There's your answer to the problem posited.

Lex knows. And by the way, if I believed that was Clark's heart, yeah, Jordan would be to blame.

"Thanks for playing." This is Luthor winning the season. I understand why she pressed the button for the Sophie's Choice thing, but she shouldn't have. I am 95% certain she chose Jordan to die. And the thing that kills me by her playing that game is that one of the reasons Luthor is gunning for her is because she turned his child against him. That phone call, whose polls results were obviously recorded is now poised to do the exact same thing. Ironically, if I were Lois I'd have chosen Jordan because he's the worse son, but if she chooses to say it's because she figured he had an even chance getting out of it either way, that would be a fair interpretation. Luthor wanted both the choice and the demoralization of the stomping of the false heart more than he wanted the death. This week.

They are trying to turn Lex into a Tech-Bro and his reaction is why it won't work. It's nonsense and Lex Luthor doesn't do nonsense.

Just so we're clear, Lex has the weaker hand. He did starting out the season and still has it. But he's winning because he's playing it better. Killing Superman SHOULD have worked against him. Jordan is fucking up Lois' mojo entirely, and to be fair she fucked it up herself pretty well by storming into his place. But here is Luthor's hand: He is threatening to kill everyone Lois loves. He has Doomsday on his side but he's been holding him in reserve so he isn't really playing that card yet.

The look in Lois' eyes at the end of the last episode was her MUCH stronger hand. And she blew it. Lois' strength with Superman dead is that the show COULD have chosen to portray an interesting dynamic. Perhaps Superman protected Lois from Lex Luthor. But just maybe, him being that family's moral center protected Lex Luthor from Lois Lane! I would have found it fascinating if Lois just walked up to him, held out a gun and tried to get him to give her reasons not to just fucking do it. And why shouldn't she? She'll go to prison? So the fuck what? Her boys will be safe! Worth it! Say what again, motherfucker, I dare you!

They both ended the episode with the exact same hands. Except the hologram of Clark gives Lois a false sense of security and continuity. Just straight-up thrill killing the bastard is not on the table on anymore. And you know what? I think things might have been more interesting if it were. The last look in the last episode gave me visions of a bloodthirsty, unforgiving Lois Lane. And considering how many version of Superman we're seen with that, I thought it would be cool to suggest Lois isn't just the person keeping Clark together. He's doing the same for her.

They went in a different direction. I'm disappointed. 2 1/2 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Safari Joe, Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Cruncher, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Nayda, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat.
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Matt Zimmer
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Superman & Lois "Always My Hero"


I'm giving that a positive review, and I'm a little shocked that I am. It engaged in tropes I do not approve of, and it did so in a manner that not only was not objectionable, but made the tropes work in a way they almost never do. In particular when Sam Lane died, I was pissed. I knew the smaller cast list would tempt the producers to randomly kill off the now no longer series regulars as a way to "up the dramatic stakes!" That is a very real problem television engages in. A lot of times who lives and who dies is simply down to contractual obligations. That infuriates me not just as a viewer. But as a storyteller who puts great thought and effort into the very rare times I kill off a hero.

But this show did an amazing thing and made Sam's death a sacrifice, and the catalyst for bringing Superman back to life. I can't rave at the series for this TOO much, because the idea that Luthor WAS actually able to stomp out Superman's heart last week after all is a pretty stupid idea. But that's a very grand and even romantic notion to use Sam's own heart to bring him back. I can't object to it.

I was also unhappy about the Sophie's Choice phone call last week, but I'm glad they didn't dick around with it. I don't buy Lois' explanation, and neither should Jordan. But to be brutally honestly, after everything that's happened this season, if I were Jordan I'd understand it's not just Lois who needs to make it up to HIM. Jonathan losing his cool shows Jordan has a lot to make up for himself.

As for Jonathan getting his powers, I feel like although rage triggering them makes narrative sense, it feels a little narratively messy to get them while Jordan is such a mess himself. Maybe that will feed into it in the weeks ahead, but it seemed to be piling it on in the episode where Jordan heard his mother choose to save Jonathan's life over his.

I'll say one thing for Jordan. When Lois screeches at him for saying she put Luthor in prison for a crime he didn't commit, I was like, "Why ISN'T he allowed to say that? It's actually true." Yeah, Luthor killed his dad and now his grandfather. But they would both probably still be alive if Lois hadn't done that. I think the Kents were getting a little too comfortable blaming Jordan for messing up when the truth is the mess isn't actually his. It's Lois' and was the entire time.

Putting General Hardcastle in charge of the DOD in Sam's place could be a problem. I am aware of the character's bad reputation from Superman: The Animated Series and Justice League Unlimited (where he was a man). I don't trust her at all.

I should not be giving that a good review. But Sam's final message moved me, and using his sacrifice to bring Superman back is the noblest way the series could have ended his arc. My only quibble is that making the episode so flashback heavy with the General sort of telegraphed this was his final episode. I think TV needs to stop making episodes they kill a character off ABOUT the character they are killing off. They are pretty much spoiling the death by doing that.

Still, I liked that more than any other project that pulls similar moves. For whatever reason the show did them right, and navigated how annoying those tropes usually are successfully for once. 4 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Safari Joe, Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Cruncher, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Nayda, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat.
Check out Gilda And Meek & The Un-Iverse! Blog with every online issue in one place!
