Titans: Season 3
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Titans: Season 3

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Matt Zimmer
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Titans "Barbara Gordon"


I'll give the episode credit for something. Season 2 of Titans started off very misleadingly. The first couple of episodes or so bordered on respectable. Not great, but definitely not terrible like the entirety of season 1. Of course season two wound up utterly blowing up and ruining whatever credibility they were going for, and cemented Titans' place as the worst DC project live-action or animated, and the worst live-action superhero show of all time. Season 3 was kind enough to be an utterly appalling wreck right off the bat. I don't have to pretend to judge a seemingly okay start to the season fairly. This is the horrible show I know and hate at its absolute essence. I will not need any nuance in destroying that.

Before I do I want to point out that this travesty was cowritten by Geoff Johns. And that's why I predict Stargirl is gonna wind up sucking. I don't care how badly he wants to do right by his sister, the fact is he's not merely a majorly untalented writer. He's an actual bad writer. I haven't read any of his comics but I'm wondering if he's coasted through them because standards for them are entirely different. But that doesn't sound right to me either. Good superhero comics DO exist. Is Johns decent at them? If so why does he take to that format the way he does not TV and movies? This is pure garbage.

When Barbara, Dick, and Bruce are having a nice reminisce about Jason and then she turns into Parker Posey from Best In Show I knew I would be giving the episode one star. She's supposed to be there to help comfort Bruce in a time of grief. And she tells Dick that's her way of helping the next kid Bruce recruits. If that's so, why do the pleasant small talk about Jason to begin with? Does Johns have any idea how people behave? Does he have any idea of how they are supposed to behave? Barbara's "I meant to do that," is complete b.s. as long as she starts off the evening making cordial small talk, and only goes off on Bruce when he annoys her. I'm sick of this crap. Who wouldn't be? That's when I knew the episode would get one star.

I knew the episode would get ZERO stars when Bruce whinily asks Dick if he wants to be Robin again. So aside from the fact that Bruce is noticeably balding and has a visible gut paunch, apparently he's also now a whiner. I have previously called Iain Glen the worst Batman of all time, live-action or animated. But even I never suspected he was this bad. He's looking for kids on the internet to recruit? This Bruce Wayne is essentially a creeper perv. Perps have lost their computer access and internet privileges for less. And just to show how much he sucks, he kills the Joker. This show is an absolute trainwreck. And Geoff Johns cowrote this episode. The guy is a legit sucky writer, and I'm not going to let him coast on his sister's grief any longer. This specific episode made me lose all patience with doing that.

Speaking of the Joker, that was like the worst laugh I've ever heard. If they weren't gonna cast a real actor, they couldn't have gone for somebody affordable like Troy Baker who can actually do it? My God, that was the most embarrassing thing I ever saw in this franchise (until Bruce whined that Dick could be Robin again).

It should be noted that the opening scene is the first time in three seasons the characters have actually fought crime. That fact doesn't impress me in the slightest. Also should be noted the writers gave the actual victory over Gizmo to the dog. Do you know when they shouldn't do that? THE FIRST TIME THE TITANS HAVE FOUGHT CRIME ON THE SERIES EVER. Honestly, I'm mad because crap like that should be self-evident. I should not have to complain about it. The writers should already know it.

That was awful. Possibly worse than ever, but I'm not sure. Season 2 was so bad I might have blocked bits of it from my long-term memory on behalf of my sanity. But that was an utter piece of crap. Did I mention this show got renewed while Matt Ryan was fired as Constantine, Pennyworth is on the bubble, Krypton was canceled, and Suicide Squad bombed? Thought it would be nice for me to point out proof that DC can do almost nothing right. It's disgusting. 0.

Titans "Red Hood"


Let's see. On the surface, that wasn't terrible, at least not by this show's standards (although this is the only show I've seen dumb enough to have a superhero accidentally eat dog food). I'm giving it a failing grade for two reasons. A passing grade and positive review would be me handing this show more trust and credit than it would ever deserve. The second reason is that even if the surface areas of the episode didn't actually suck, it kind of did deep down. Surfaces aren't everything. But Jason Todd doesn't have a remotely plausible motive to be doing what he's doing since the short timeframe we've last seen him. One of the show's biggest weaknesses is that it randomly has characters do terrible things without rhyme or reason. Jason turning in THAT after one episode is bad because there is no believable explanation they could possibly concoct that I'd believe would have gotten him there.

Red Hood was pissed Batman refused to kill Joker in the comics, and took it as a personal affront he didn't. Batman here KILLED Joker on Jason's behalf so that motive is gone. Jason had YEARS in the wilderness in the comics to stew in his juices, and Jason here is Red Hood the episode after he was Robin. Worst of all, the death seems random and stupid. There was a kind of twisted logic to Jason being resurrected by Ra's Al Ghul in the comics. What could they possibly do to justify either that fake-out or resurrection? And I think the worst thing of all is saying that at this point in time, Jason Todd is a match for Dick Grayson. Years in the wilderness in the comics made that plausible. Jason was Robin five minutes ago. And a crappy Robin at that, who got his dumb ass "killed" by the Joker. That's insane. Granted, Titans' Dick Grayson IS the worst Dick Grayson of all time in any project. But he shouldn't be THAT bad.

So while no, the episode didn't negatively push my buttons as the show often does. But the storytelling is as illogical as ever.

On the bright side I really dug the pothead Jonathan Crane. Simply because he's unlike any other interpretation. Normally, that's something to frown upon (glares in Iain Glen's direction) but the truth is the dude is interesting. More-so than his name-sakes in Gotham and Batman Begins at any rate.

But no, I'm not dumb enough to give that good review. 2 stars.

Titans "Hank & Dove"


I'm supposed to be moved by that and find it heartbreaking. I'm not. It's tiring.

Jason's actions make no sense. Hank going to help Jason after claiming he plans to kill him makes no sense. Dick refusing to deliver the gold bars when he has enough money to simply exchange for them makes no sense. This show is freaking exhausting.

The whole thing with Jason saying he grew past his fear and so did Bruce suggests Scarecrow is the mastermind behind all this. But I just don't freaking care. 1 star.

Titans "Blackfire"



Dick's plan totally sucked. Per usual. What a loser. I liked the bit with the net though.

Jason told Crane everything? What a mess. I honestly think Crane needs to die at this point. Him knowing that secret will cause nothing but grief.

Also for the record, and to the show's discredit, learning Crane is somehow the "Mastermind" doesn't make Jason actions make any more sense. They are still bordering on ridiculous.

Remind me again why Starfire freed Blackfire. What was the brilliant idea there supposed to be?

This show is just hot garbage. 2 1/2 stars.

Titans "Lazarus"


Above average episode of the show. But I hate the show so I didn't like the episode.

Also, just throwing it out there. While the events of the episode explained Jason's behavior all throughout the episode, they didn't explain or justify his actions in the previous episodes. That is a failing and a way the show is still super shady.

I'm not giving that a passing grade simply because my skin didn't crawl.* I have higher standards than that. . 2 stars.

*P.S.. My skin still crawled a little.

Titans "Lady Vic"


Everything that episode did was wrong. It's almost eerily uncanny that the show can do nothing right.

I knew I would hate the episode after the hideous first scene.

All Kori does is complain about how much Blackfire sucks. Then why did she break her out of prison? This specific problem is entirely of Kori's making, and she's blaming her sister for her own bad decision. Blackfire would have survived perfectly fine in that prison. Especially because that is where she belongs.

Basically, 6 years ago Dick and Barbara were jewel thieves. Remember me saying this show can do nothing right? Case in point.

Barbara describes Oracle as a "monster". Here is a flashback episode for the show I am not looking forward to.

How the hell was Barbara dumb enough to fall for that message from "Bruce"? It clearly wasn't him, especially with him telling her not to tell Dick. How dumb is she? And how dumb is this show for expecting me to believe that character is that dumb?

Speaking of dumb, Dick offers to search Barbara's apartment for Lady Vic. I don't know much about crime-fighting, but it seems to me that if there might be an assassin hiding in your living space, they might be easier to spot if you turned on the freaking lights. This is not something I should have to complain about, by the way. Something like that is self-evident.

This is the worst show I currently watch and the worst DC project of all time. By far. 0.

Titans "51%"


This show can do nothing right.

If Blackfire's story is true (and it sounds like it is) it makes Starfire's irresponsible actions in seasons 1 and 2 unforgivable. Call me crazy, but you shouldn't make a lead hero unforgivable. As far as I'm concerned, she's as despicable as Dick Grayson. The fact that she coldbloodedly murdered that mobster with no repercussions says the entire show is wholly immoral and written by sociopaths.

THAT is Oracle? What a terrible idea, and why every inch of this show is wrong. And it's sold as the only thing that can beat Crane. And then Barbara foolishly destroys it. And they easily beat Crane anyways without it. It is shocking how badly written the show is. There is nothing internally consistent with any of the plot turns and twists. It's just a bunch of random horrible crap happening for no rhyme or reason.

I cannot say enough bad things about this show or this episode. 1/2 star.

Titans "Home"


Not horrible. But the show is serialized. It's part of a larger whole that IS horrible. I'm not giving a passable episode TOO much credit.

I found it very interesting that Jason got the best advice from the naked woman.

I also found it interesting that Crane sincerely seemed to regret to have to kill the man with the yogurt cup. He probably regretted it more than killing his mother. Interesting choice to give the character.

Gar said something that's true, but he doesn't seem to understand that it shouldn't be true. He says he's a murderer too and everyone forgave him because he's family. You know what? Maybe Gar SHOULDN'T have been forgiven. Most superhero shows don't walk around with every single character a murderer. Gar belongs in prison, as do Starfire and Dick (and probably Conner). The show and the characters giving and getting free passes for killing sprees is not admirable and a reason Jason deserves one too. It's a moral failing of the show, and the deeply troubled writers who write it every week.

So far, I like Tim Drake. He's one of the only things on the show I currently like. But this show being this show means I don't expect I'll wind up liking him for long.

Didn't understand the point of the ceiling leaking and then falling down. Seemed kind of random.

The whole question of whether Jason can be forgiven and come home shows a deep sociopathy and borderline sinister mindset for the writers of the show. These weekly antics suggest the writers have no personal qualms with the characters' murderous behavior, and feel like it might be okay to do it themselves if they thought they could get away with it. I have previously opined elsewhere there are probably bodies buried under Torchwood's Russell T Davies' floorboards. Similar revelations come out for Akiva Goldsmith and Geoff Johns, I wouldn't be shocked there either. The entire show strikes me as a cry for help from some deeply disturbed individuals. Honestly, this facet of the show is partly why I can't ever fully enjoy Stargirl or what Johns is trying to do as a tribute to his late sister. His work on this show suggests Johns is a dangerously troubled person. Not the kind of person I am ever willing to extend sympathy towards. If Titans doesn't wind up destroying a few Hollywood careers, Hollywood is utterly broken.

Did I mention the episode itself wasn't terrible? It riled me up anyways because of that, so I'll grade it like it was. 2 stars.

Titans "Souls"


I like Doom Patrol's afterlife better.

Here's a shocker. I liked the episode. A LOT. It's amazing how decent things get when Dick, Kori, and Jason are entirely absent. True, this is still the worst Bruce Wayne ever. But he was barely in the episode except to attempt suicide (groan!) and it wasn't about him.

I liked Rachel calling the Amazons cowards. I don't know if she's right about that or not, but her reasons for being fed up with them were legit.

Clever way to bring Hank back for an episode. But instead of returning him to the show full-time, the show reunites him with Don and gives him some actual closure. I do not object to that.

Hank said something interesting when Donna laments Dawn must be devastated (lot of people named "Don" to do with this episode): "She'd better be." This is an opinion I share. People wanting to spare their loved ones misery upon their deaths and hoping they'll cope well is not how I want to be remembered. I want people to miss me and be upset. And I think it's a normal reaction. Or if it isn't, it should be. I'm not weird for feeling that way. I want it to be hard for people who love me because it will mean they DID love me. Pain is real and something people need to work through. I'd like to know I'd caused enough of an impact on the world that they'd be sad I was gone. Not a remotely popular opinion. But I think it should be.

Amazing this insight occurred in a show normally featuring sociopaths. If the writers came upon a great truth like this, I'm almost inclined to believe it was an accident. You have the characters say enough outrageous things nobody would ever say in polite company, one of them is bound to turn out to be true.

I'm under no illusions that this is some sort of turning point for the show, or that they can turn this mess around. But it was a solid standalone, and I liked it. 4 stars.

Titans "Troubled Water"


That was SOOOOO stupid.

Gotham treating an unknown, unauthorized broadcast by Crane as having legal weight is stupid. The fight at the police headquarters is stupid. Blackfire stealing Kori's powers is stupid. And Jason destroying the painting of the Waynes is outright vulgar.

A really bad week. 1 star.

Titans "The Call Is Coming From Inside The House"


Sigh. That was mostly crap. I'm debating how long I should spend deconstructing that and itemizing the crap. Like my Riverdale reviews, Titans is a show I put a lot more effort into bashing than I get out of watching. Some weeks it's okay to just throw up my hands and say "That sucked."

I'm not quite there this week. Mostly because the episode was MOSTLY crap, not entirely so. I liked the stuff with Donna and Tim, and Crane's stuff was okay.

I think the show is trying to raise a Trump allegory with Red Hood and demagoguery, and while the show seems to have a point that even the most loathsome people can gather a loyal following in the right circumstances... these aren't the right circumstances. Red Hood is NOT the charismatic leader that would inspire loyalty instantly. For one thing, Trump took a few years to get the following he did. His voters were not brainwashed all at once. This has been the status quo in Gotham for like two days. Even with the serum messing with people, it's not credible. Because him speaking into the camera in the mask makes him look and sound a like a supervillain. Crane admires him for losing the mask, but the show is dumb for trying to get me to believe he'd be inspiring with one in the first place.

So Dick knocks out Conner and Krypto when he takes on Jason. Why? What about that specific scenario said that he couldn't use that kind of back-up, especially a big gun like Superboy? Dick says "I'm sorry I had to do that." He didn't HAVE to. It was in fact a dumbass move made by one of the most dumbass characters on television.

For the record, Starfire has been spending the entire season whining about how much Blackfire sucks, The reality is, the only Tamaranian the show ever lets us see doing sucky things is Kori herself. A better show might have made that the actual point, but I think the writers are simply too stupid and broken to understand that's what they've been portraying. It makes me a little bit sick.

That's all I got this week. About six paragraphs that took me ten minutes to write. It was more effort than what I just saw deserved. 1 1/2 stars.

Titans "Prodigal"


That was sickening. That was depraved. That was disgusting.

Who the hell is this series for anyways? What is the exact type of sicko who was designed to enjoy that? DC and HBO Max letting something like this show out of their studios says they need their heads examined. And it's in its third season! Crap this loathsome and offensive on the show is nothing new.

Let me give a special shout-out to how terrible the creators of the show are as human beings for turning Connor Kent into a creepy psycho stalker. This is an actual thing in this corner of the DC Multiverse. Geoff Johns, Akiva Goldsmith, and Greg Berlanti can go to hell just for that.

I seem to recall getting this angry at Riverdale on a weekly basis. But that was truly some of the worst television I have seen since then. 0.

Titans "Purple Rain"


Underwhelming,, but with perhaps the exception of the disgusting last scene, perhaps not overly offensive.

I will say this. Even when the show isn't horrible, it's still simply badly written. The writers are incompetent and can't construct a basic scene. Like when Gar talks about how there are too many dive bars in Gotham to make that a useful clue, Dick says "Narrow it down." How? By what means is he supposed to do that? The show in that moment is using words that should be spoken by adults and professionals with writers too stupid to actually know what the words mean. And that's this show in nutshell. I can't believe it exists.

I will say this: I found it VERY cool and apt that Crane was singing "If I Only Had A Brain." Sort of a no-brainer for the Scarecrow (pun intended) and since the Wizard of Oz rights are with WB, the song should be affordable too.

Iain Glen remains the worst Bruce Wayne of time, live-action or animated. His voice, the way he speaks, his appearance, everything about him is all wrong, and that's not even broaching how badly written he is. It boggles the mind that he was cast.

I'm not gonna give this finale too much shade, but I'm not singing its praises either. That was truly a substandard DC season finale. 2 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Safari Joe, Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Cruncher, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Nayda, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat.
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