Batman (1989)
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Batman (1989)

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Matt Zimmer
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Batman (1989)


It's been decades since I've seen this and I remembered little about it. I remembered I didn't like it but not much else.

Surprisingly, I liked the first half of the movie this time out. But the climax is both a mess and freaking slog. It's overlong, it's just Batman climbing a tower, and it's boring.

The quips are surprisingly good. My favorite WAS in the climax where Batman tells the Joker, "I made you? You made me first." I also love the Joker telling his goons to leave one of the paintings alone because he liked it. I thought that was perfect. I also love his girlfriend telling Jack he looked good and he's like "I didn't ask."

LOTS of firsts. This WAS the debut of "I'm Batman. Tell all your friends about me." The bit with the Joker asking for mirror was also iconic, as well as "Where doesn't he get those wonderful toys?" and "What kind of world do we live in where a man dressed up as a bat gets all of my press?" How about "You want to get nuts? Let's get nuts!" "You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?" Usually only amazing films are this quotable, and superhero films usually aren't at all.

Having the Joker being behind the Waynes' murders was a controversial choice at the time, but honestly, it's something I'm surprised never occurred to the comics. It seems perfectly in line with these mythic characters.

The Batsuit is not my favorite thing, if only because he can't turn his neck. Michael Keaton is surprisingly good as Bruce Wayne, and rocks the glasses. His Bruce is better than his Batman. But in fairness his Batman isn't seen much and the cowl doesn't let him emote much either.

I loved the boss Batmobile, and thought its shields were awesome, but the Batwing seems a little too small. Its silhouette in the full moon was pure fanbait. But it firing bullets and missiles doesn't sit right. Batman shouldn't use guns.

Jack Nicholson is great as the Joker. A little more subdued compared to Mark Hamill, but the make-up is truly terrifying and his unpredictable scary violence earns the movie its PG-13 rating.

The Danny Elfman theme is amazing too, although I don't dig the Prince songs. Which is weird because Prince was usually great.

Knox talking about having to use a wide-angle lens to photograph naked reminds me this film was probably Robert Wuhl's career high point. That's partly why he's so funny poking fun of himself on American Dad. And don't forget the potato salad.

It never hit me right that Jack Nicholson got top billing over Michael Keaton. It still doesn't.

I don't much like Vicki Vale but Kim Basinger did a better job in the role than critics at the time said she did. Alfred revealing the identity shows him and Bruce have a different sort of relationship in this continuity. The fact that Bruce isn't mad says everything.

I was never a fan, but some of it is better than I remember. But the climax is a freaking mess and I can't quite recommend the film. 3 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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