Black Adam (2022)
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Black Adam (2022)

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(just a place holder for Mike to do his press release thing later)

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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October 21, 2022

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

Matt Zimmer reacted
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My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

Matt Zimmer
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Black Adam


My review of that is going to be mixed, but I want you to keep something in mind. And it's something I reminded myself of to be totally fair. This movie is nice enough, but there was a lot of disappointment that it wasn't amazing after all that time in development hell and hype. Let me just point out that regardless of whether the movie is great or not (and I don't think it is) the truth is it was a far better film than Eternals, Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness, or Thor: Love And Thunder. Out of those three only Eternals really hit the public badly. I don't get why those lousy Doctor Strange and Thor sequels get a free pass while this is nitpicked to death. It doesn't strike me as remotely fair.

But honestly, while Johnson is funny in a deadpan way in the role (his bits about sarcasm and catchphrases shouldn't work, but do only because he delivers the jokes entirely without the SLIGHTEST wink or nod to the audience) I didn't feel like the stakes were all that high. I knew the heroes and Adam were gonna have to eventually team up against a bigger threat, but until that happens, the level of dramatic tension and danger is nonexistent. Basically the Justice Society is there fighting for colonialism on Amanda's Waller's behalf which is actually gross. The audience automatically understands these are bogus orders, whether this Teth Adam cat is a danger or not. Fate and Hawkman use words like "Kneel" and "Surrender" to the guy and we're supposed to think Adam is the antihero here? No, the problem with the movie is the audience knows the Justice Society doesn't actually suck, and will eventually come around. And the only real other opposition to Adam is Intergang, which he is creaming without a second thought. So basically as long as the JSA is getting in Adam's way, the actual dramatic tension boils down to a misunderstanding. And one in which Adam is less at fault for.

I can't stand DCEU Waller, by the way. I was as happy to see Henry Cavill as Superman in the tag as anyone, but I can't help but feeling distaste that Clark has allied herself with someone who I think is far more dangerous and evil than Adam himself. Superman as Waller's lapdog doesn't sit right with me.

But seriously, I wish the Extended Universe didn't suck so hard. Cavill was one of those rare actors like Christopher Reeve and Tyler Hoechlin who actually LOOKS the part for Superman. And I have to say, seeing him again, he actually fits into that suit better than Reeve and Hoechlin did and do. I wish to God Man Of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Justice League didn't suck butt. Cavill deserved better. Like Gal Gadot he was one of the actors in the Extended Universe who wasn't actually miscast. I'll be glad to see the tail-ends of both Batfleck and Ezra Miller's Flash. But Cavill was cool.

I was less surprised to see Superman (worst-kept internet secret ever) than to see Harcourt. Deep EU cut there. Also blink and you'll miss the ACTUAL Wizard from Shazam.

I liked Pierce Brosnan as Doctor Fate, and Cyclone's powers were pretty cool too. But I could take or leave Atom Smasher and Hawkman.

The most interesting bit in the movie was Adam talking about his version of teamwork. Hawkman is furious he dropped those two dudes, but Adam correctly points out they were in no danger as long as Hawkman was there, and that he Adam was actually following his lead. I believe it's what they call Bad Cop. Fate saying the dude had a point there was correct. Surprised Hawkman didn't see it. Kind of obvious.

Adam smashing the throne at the end was cool. Johnson was not afraid to make it look like he was relishing is a bit before he did though.

I'm not giving that a higher grade than three stars, which is essentially my lowest passing grade. But come on, guys, a LOT of worse Superhero stuff has come out recently, even from Marvel Studios. I'll take "a diverting way to kill two hours" and like it. ***.

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