DC's Knight Terrors
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DC's Knight Terrors

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Ok, yes, I'm slightly behind because I read the books via the DC app, not physical books.

However, the whole run of this event is now available and some books are much better than others (as is expected with every line wide cross-over). So ... SPOILERS AHEAD


The main book introduced a new Villain in Insomnia, although why they needed to introduce a new character at the expense of Dr Destiny and his dream stone isn't really clear (I share this sentiment with Doomsday and Bane although Bane has become an intriguing character while Doomsday is still a plot point and not a character, but I digress). And the Nightmare Stone, partner to John Dee's Dream stone is nothing more than a fancy macguffin. The whole point of this story is to make the common fold of the DCU recognize that our heroes should be feared.

Ok. I kinda get it, especially from the perspective of someone who is collateral damage. However, doesn't this just absolutely go against everything DC is trying to do with the "Dawn of DC" initiative? That whole year long launch of and reintroduction to characters in the DCU to give them a more bright and hopeful approach? But they are now also scary and should be feared?

Luckily, as typically happens with major crossover events, the repercussions of Knight Terrors will only be felt in books that the writer wants to use the impact, most likely in the Batman titles since this was a Batman based event.

Still, I can't help but think the timing of this is wrong and an event storyline of this nature shouldn't have happened in the midst of "Dawn of DC"


Anyone else have thoughts?
