McFarlane Batman '6...
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McFarlane Batman '66

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ht tps://toy newsi.c om/14-47530


Funny that McFarlane's comic-based Batgirl looks more like Craig than Mattel's likeness-approved version does...  If only McF had done the two sided cape like Mattel, that's the only point the lost on this one.  That photo also made me realize that the Burnside Batgirl costume is actually inspired by Craig's costume...

Next wave is rumored to have Lord Deathman in it.  I still want the other Freeze and False Face and Hatter and Bookworm and Siren but I've wanted a Deathman in any line for a long time now so I welcome the addition, if true!  Wonder what Bat-variants that wave will get?...  Too bad Merriweather is tied to the movie which Todd doesn't have rights for and that Astin would never approve likeness rights for anything...

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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I agree, I think it looks pretty good. I'll be happy to pick it up. 

I just got my Wayne Library shipped from Target. Supposedly they're in stores, but the nearest one was about 40 miles away. So I just ordered it off the Target website. It showed up really fast, too. 

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I found the Batboat at Target. The tailfin folds down for storage - that's a nice touch. 

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Lord Deathman and Superman (really hoping he can pass for George Reeves) from the '66 comics are supposed to be in the next wave, hopefully we'll see them soon.

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ht tps://w tube.c om/watch?v=rCVscCAD7Kk

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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Found Batgirl at several Targets. She disappeared quickly, though. Of course, the Batman and Robin figures with the rebreathers are now clogging the pegs. 

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I found out that the Batbot, Superman, and Lord Death Man were available on Amazon, and ordered all three. I hope McFarlane continues to produce figures from the show's extended universe. I'm re-reading the Batman '66 comic to see what else there might be. I do wish we could get Alfred, though. I'm sure it wouldn't be a bestseller, but I wish they'd done him as a pack-in with the Batcave or library or both. 

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I saw Superman in the bins at work today.  Hopefully I can get an order in before they're all gone.

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Picked up Jokerman at Gamestop today. With my monthly $5 off coupon, got him for $13. The best part is that he comes with a key to Gotham City. I've been looking for a key for my JLU Key for AGES. This one's perfect. I may buy another. 

I reread the Batman 66 comic to see what other characters are available, They introduced a Killer Croc, Solomon Grundy, and Harlequin (not exactly Harley Quinn). Also Poison Ivy. All of those would make great additions to the line.

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Seems the line is going to pivot a bit from the 66 comics to some 77 Filmation...

ht tps://w tube.c om/watch?v=Pdzh42xtMb0

removed link

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...and back to '66 for the next wave...

ht tps: / / toy newsi.c om/14-52630

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More pictures of the wave...

ht tps : / / toy newsi.c om/14- 52667


That Nightwing is all kinds of odd, I don't get how it fits into the '66 universe.  Love the action pose they used for Alfred with feather duster (also comes with a red phone that has a separate handset.  Space Batman looks exactly how he should.  Bookworm comes with a magnifying glass but no book?...  Wax Robin is the real head-scratcher.  I don't remember that episode at all (need to give the show another watch) but he comes with the dustbroom (is that from the movie?...) and a spray can of something.  If they're gonna do odd Robin variants why not put a Jill St. John head on the Robin body?...  (I still say that she was the inspiration for Carrie Kelly...)  Really need a Mad Hatter to go with the already released Radioactive Batman, a suited Riddler and I certainly wouldn't say no to a Siren...

There is also a Gold Label comic based set the the Batmobile in purple and green and a repainted Jokerman...

ht tps : / / toy newsi.c om/14- 52671

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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Jim, the Nightwing figure and the Bat armored one are taken from the Batman '66 comics. The comics are excellent, if you haven't read them and are fans of the TV show. McFarlane is using them for inspiration and I'm here for it. The comic has ended, but all of the issues are available in trade format. And again, excellent. 

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Yeah, I understand from the comic.  I meant that Nightwing just does not look like an age progression of Burt Ward at all.

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New retailer listing is out.  No figures on it but a 66 Batgirl cycle is.

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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