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McFarlane/DC Direct Super Powers

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People are starting to find listings for the next wave (Metamorpho, Booster Gold, Guy Gardner, etc) on  Still says "Not n stuck" or "Sold out" but we are getting close.

I'll be hitting refresh on the McFarlane site every 2 minutes or so for the next few days I guess.

Bryan L
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I ordered the next wave (Metamorpho, Booster Gold, Guy Gardner, etc.) from Entertainment Earth. A bit pricier than I'd like, but I've started to do the same thing with this line that I used to do with JLU -- order them first chance I get. That way I avoid stress and aggravation. 

Matt Zimmer reacted
Ham Salad
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When McFarlane got the DC license, I told myself I wasn't going to be starting over after Kenner/Hasbro and then Mattel. 

And I've managed to steer clear of the Multiverse line. 

When I saw they were doing Super Powers, I told myself I didn't need to start a new line. 

And I managed to avoid them... until a few months ago. 

I am weak, and DC figures, especially 5" DC figures with 5 points of articulation, are my kryptonite.

So I'm all in. It feels good. All I'm missing is that dang Panic in the Sky Skull Ship with Brainiac. 

Matt Zimmer reacted
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And of course the new wave gets released while I am offline for 8 days.  Luckily I was able to place a pre-order for the figures n Amazon. It was a nice thing to come home to though

Matt Zimmer reacted
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If I've read right, Superman and Batman are only going to ship in the assorted case and won't be available in solid cases for online retailers...  Hopefully, if the wave does show up at the local Walmarts Superman from the previous waves has already been over-saturated and finding this one won't be tough...

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

Matt Zimmer reacted
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Retailer listings show a gold, chase Aquaman for wave 9

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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Apparently McFarlane has entered the crowdfunding game with some "Drawing Board" items for the Super Powers line.

<a href=" removed link ">ht tps :/ /m cfarl aneto ysst ore. com /dr awing-bo ard/


21 days left to go.  Guess this line has legs, even with all the redecos.

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8.3% funded in two hours, not bad I guess...  The Robin repaint is really lazy, that one could've used some new tooling.

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

Bryan L
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I found Metamorpho, Black Manta, Golden Age Superman, and the Miller Batman in Target yesterday. A buddy tipped me off that he got Booster and Guy there on Thursday, pre-release, but I think the employee put the rest of the set back in the stockroom for release day. So I found the rest of the set had been put out on Sunday, the official release day. Weird story -- I had snatched them up and was looking around for more, and somebody ran up to one of the employees and started asking about a new release and the website said they had four of them. I'm pretty sure he was looking for the figures I'd just grabbed. I sidled away and went up front and rang them up. 

I checked other stores for Guy and Booster with no luck. Today I checked eBay and found them for $21 each shipped. After wondering how much time I wanted to put into driving around looking, I decided the answer was "none" and bought them. 

Matt Zimmer reacted
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Nice snag.

Haven't fond them at any local stores yet, Target or Walmart.  I still have them ordered from Amazon and expect them August 14 but if I'm able to pick them up in person first I'll cancel my order.

Bryan L
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Yeah, I canceled my Entertainment Earth order. They weren't even giving a shipping date. Plus they were going to charge me $70 plus $20 for shipping. Even paying the eBay scalper prices for the last two figures, I'm saving money. And they'll get here in a week. 

Bryan L
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Also, I saw some online fuss about Metamorpho being huge. I'm looking at him right now next to Superman, and he's pretty much exactly the same height. I don't know what the post I saw was talking about. 

Ham Salad
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Posted by: @bryan-l

I found Metamorpho, Black Manta, Golden Age Superman, and the Miller Batman in Target yesterday.


Two questions for you:

1. Where are you located?

2. Where were the figures located: toys or the collector's section?


Bryan L
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Sorry, Ham. Just saw this. I live near Orlando, and the figures were on the toy aisle on a lower shelf, not the collector's section. I didn't see a peg for them.

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Bryan L
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Circled back around to that Target and found Booster and Guy. Bought them, of course, while carefully preserving the receipt so I can return the two I bought on eBay to Target. And again, they were in the regular toy section on a lower shelf. 

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