Hot Wheels Racer Ve...
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Hot Wheels Racer Verse

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Looks like this line has some legs and is expanding.

In addition to the Batman racer that Dan found, there is also a Joker and a "Batman v Wonder Woman" 2pack.


Also found new Jurassic Park themed Velociraptor Racer, Ninja Turtles, and "Inside Out: Joy" racer shipping now.

Jack Skellington was found on eBay so I'll be hunting that one now as well.

Matt Zimmer reacted
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oh, wow... another Hot Wheels line I gotta watch...  I've completely missed DC ones...  I have way too many Hot Wheels for someone who doesn't actually collect Hot Wheels...

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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Found a lone Batman today at my local Target.  There was only 1 so I'm not sure how many are in any given case.  I imagine there will be more in future cases as part of refresh.  Didn't see a Joker or Batman/Wonder Woman 2 pack so still on the hunt for those

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MOTU has joined the RacerVerse...

ht tps://for eternia.c om/2024/04/skeletor-and-he-man-joins-the-hot-wheels-racerverse

removed link

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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Entertainment Earth has some case packs up for pre-order.  Looks like we are getting a Harley Quinn single, A Catwoman 4 pack (interested to see what other characters are in the set, especially if it isn't a Batman 4 pack), Scooby Doo, Bugs Bunny, and Trolls.  

Guess this line has some legs and was able to net most major licenses.

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Dang, did I miss a bunch


Gizmo in Barbie corevette

Marty McFly in the Delorean

He-man and Skeleton 2 pack and singles

Scrooge McDuck

SpongeBob & Plankton 2 pack


Everytime I look into this I find more licenses added. This is going to be a fun little collection

Matt Zimmer reacted
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Walmart had two 4-packs this morning.  One Disney (Stitch, Mickey, Vanellope and I'm forgetting the last one) and one Jurassic Park (Owen and, I think, three dinos).  There was also a Mario Cart 4-pack in the same size/shape box but I'm pretty sure that it's it's own thing and not Racer Verse.  That Jurassic Park set is the first I've seen (in person) of Racer Verse that isn't a Disney property.

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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This line keeps getting bigger. New announcements include:

Captain James T Kirk

Judy Hopps

Mr. Incredible



This line will easily surpass the Mario Kart counterparts in a very short amount of time.

Matt Zimmer reacted
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I've seen Mr. Incredible in stores for a while, pretty sure in both his blue/black retro look and the red/black outfit.

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

Matt Zimmer reacted
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Interesting, I've never seen him. I'm beginning to wonder if the case packs get distributed more heavily in one region than in another. All my local Targets and Walmarts seem to be getting them same "Batman" case mix in abundance but I have yet to see any of the others even though they have been popping up on eBay for a few months already

Matt Zimmer reacted
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I haven't seen anything but Disney properties (outside of a Jurassic World 4-pack) at Walmart.  I never get to Target anymore so I have no idea what goes on there...

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

Matt Zimmer reacted
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With the recent announcement of Marvel's "Secret Wars" Racerverse items, does this potentially open us up for DC's "Super Powers" Racerverse?

I know that we already already getting some of those characters (in both Marvel and DC), but to have retro inspired packaging for them as well?

Please. pretty please

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Posted by: @bnjmnrlyr

With the recent announcement of Marvel's "Secret Wars" Racerverse items, does this potentially open us up for DC's "Super Powers" Racerverse?

I know that we already already getting some of those characters (in both Marvel and DC), but to have retro inspired packaging for them as well?

Please. pretty please


So, the Secret Wars branding is not just for the SDCC set?  (Rumor has it Hasbro has a batch of Secret Wars retro-carded Legends coming later in the year)


Oh, crap...  Just realized something...  I think I'll start another thread for it...


My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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Even if they are only for SDCC (which isn't in the body copy of the release: "Hot Wheels and Marvel celebrate its 40th anniversary with an ode to the cover of Issue #1 featuring a Spiderman diecast accompanied by a lenticular coin and a Wolverine chase variant."), We could still get a Super Powers set to match.  Put Batman with a Joker chase (no new tooling, straight up repaints same as Marvel) in the fancy packaging and I'd be drooling to find one.

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The Catwoman 4 pack is available on  Catwoman, Batman, Harley Quinn, and Damian Robin.  $25 for 2 new characters and 2 re-issues is a bit steep but better than the 1 new character in the Marvel pack.

ht tps://w ww.ta rget.c om/ p/ hot-whe els-racer verse-bat man-veh icles-4pk /- /A-89 970763#lnk=sam etab


Also found this new playset. $50, Batman is a redeco, Joker is the same, The Killer Croc feature is fun:

ht tps://w ww.ama m/Ho t-Whe els-Racer Verse-Trans forms-D ie-Cas t/dp /B0CPLD53SM/ref=sr_1_3?crid=PLUFB4AECAZQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.E8cpSAn1ksI6OTgw6PbiG7-qH_iIXXqwasqq_CFRDhPyJDUzw0fIWLVSDHSFUMKHABnQXFrfB2ove2RARGfk9fgeui8i3ijovlpL7995dYBmEAUIAmuO2TjdgjBT9lqLyZZkHwDbxU8l_RgmJlNVyUWF31M9rmqpJ1UL3sJWCewIpQOanGDAgxRF4popxOgCp8xbTow3dCCXRkn8YoFZ5uBuoeDCt5WVIRCLmJ5U2pezIfzDH-MHFXmDpizC2-FWknWkSI5EDXRfC94QywMfdchnwzqcEpRIcikaVDoc2jA.nkBks2tnOI43UTI02po4FmJ7M0jQQkv78I9oEzO18to&dib_tag=se&keywords=racerverse&qid=1721837115&sprefix=racerverse%2Caps%2C861&sr=8-3

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