Apparently only 1 store of the 8 local are getting the full Super Powers display. The rest are going straight to pegs. At least now I know which store...
While I am ecstatic that this series finally got made and Sandman is being translated for the masses, there are some nits I have to pick with the show...
Yeah, my local stores are a complete mess. Hopefully the resets won't take too much longer I was able to find a listing for Green Lantern o...
I"m just afraid the line will be tied to big "event" comics and we will end up with the same variants we always get with one new figure at best. ...
I passed on the first 4 due to their size and I'll probably pass on the next 4 as well. However, I can see myself getting a Flash and Hal/GL and being...
The shoulders of Grundy leave a lot to be desired. That is just lazy toy making. But I'll still get it when I eventually find it on shelves. Thi...
Again, this is just me being upset and impatient, but how in the hell do some areas/stores already have wave 2 available for purchase when I don't hav...
...And of course, "not currently available" 😡 🤯 😤
Looks like they hit Superman Supermobile Darkseid Batman Batwing Finally getting a set with...
From the rumors that have made their way to me, Feige and co. will not be making an "X-Men" movie as they feel the name is outdated and mis-representa...
RWBY is a very popular Anime (technically not an Anime according to purists but still ...) I believe this animated production will be an adaptation ...
Was there any news about this line/these lines announced at SDCC? I know that some Black Adam figures and sets are starting to hit Targets, but ...
According to the ads that have been running on most of the social networks, the series premiere is mid-August
@bryan-l Yeah, I've been watching eBay and the prices are not what I am willing to pay right now. I thought I had heard that these would be listed o...
I'm still hunting. 7 stores daily for the last week and a half and no one that I have run into has seen them yet. Sometimes I hate being a toy c...