and I just found THIS place set/vehicle on Amazon: ht tps://w er-P rice-Ima ginext-Trans forming-Proj ectiles-Pres chool/dp/B0CM...
Off to Amazon I go to place another order. At least it was payday today... I will admit, I'm not wholly on board with the "Super Hero Girls" designs...
They made a what?!? I've never seen the Steph Batgirl anywhere, not in solicits, not on eBay, Definitely not in stores. Do you have a pic or link to...
Apparently there is a new female body form and a multipack to launch it <a href=" removed link ">ht tps://sh op.mat m/prod ucts<...
And of course the new wave gets released while I am offline for 8 days. Luckily I was able to place a pre-order for the figures n Amazon. It was a ni...
Roughly 7000 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) was the birth of Ajunta Pall who would become the founder of the Sith
Also, as an aside, if this series takes place roughly 100 years before Episode 1, where is Yoda? Wouldn't he already be on the Jedi Council? Dude was ...
Even if they are only for SDCC (which isn't in the body copy of the release: "Hot Wheels and Marvel celebrate its 40th anniversary with an ode to the ...
I think if they were single figures I would be more apt to be happy they exist but not feel the need to collect them. If they were in the multipacks ...
With the recent announcement of Marvel's "Secret Wars" Racerverse items, does this potentially open us up for DC's "Super Powers" Racerverse? I know...
People are starting to find listings for the next wave (Metamorpho, Booster Gold, Guy Gardner, etc) on Still says "Not n stuck" or "Sold...
This movie is meant to be seen as a prequel to the Original Godzilla movie (hence the -1) that started it all, so in a sense, the end tag leading to "...
I didn't read that as racism some much as elitism or classism. Lindy wasn't opposed to him being black, but definitely was because he wasn't wealthy ...
Is Jimmy's new "Flamebird" crew a nod to the Newsboy Legion? Kind of looked like them filling out the background of the team but they didn't have an...