Yeah, the Boo Book art is very "Bean" looking
On second thought, let's not limit it to Fast Food premiums, even Circle K is offering DC badges with $10 gas/store purchases. What else is out ...
I know there are Aquaman movie figures coming as well. I have seen package photos of a 3 pack that includes Aquaman, Manta, and an Atlantean (but its ...
Interesting. Granted I don't get out the Webster store every often, but I was there just before the summer resets and it wasn't there at that time. ...
That's an unfortunate way to add spaces to the link Jim. 😉 But thanks for sharing
They also have pre-orders up for Wave 5 (individuals or a complete set) and the Whirly Bat. Thanks for the heads up Jim
I'll take a mini clayface too please
I'd like to get the updated Blue Beetle but not at the expense of a Hall of Justice multipack playset. eBay, here I come.
The reduction of shelf space in all big box retailers would say otherwise. If those stores aren't giving up shelf space for the product the companies...
OOOoooo... thanks for the heads up on the Snickers. I'll need to be on the lookout for that.
The XL line has a new Batman with motorcycle
Looks like there are still new figures coming. Blue Beetle movie figures (in some of the most oversized and space wasted packaging I've seen in a lo...