I found Gold Superman, Batman, Flash and the yellow Sinestro at a GameStop. I actually found the entire wave, including Blue Beetle and Kilowog, but I...
Jim, the Nightwing figure and the Bat armored one are taken from the Batman '66 comics. The comics are excellent, if you haven't read them and are fan...
I'm also hesitant to pick up the black Batman set. Like a jillion other people, my Batplane's canopy broke. I bought a second on clearance and careful...
Clearly I haven't been keeping up around here. I'm really impressed with the current wave. Beetle, Kilowog, and Brainiac are all top-notch, and the Bu...
Picked up Jokerman at Gamestop today. With my monthly $5 off coupon, got him for $13. The best part is that he comes with a key to Gotham City. I've b...
I found out that the Batbot, Superman, and Lord Death Man were available on Amazon, and ordered all three. I hope McFarlane continues to produce figur...
I saw everybody getting their McFarlane shipments of figures so I placed my order. I'd previously ordered everything through Amazon, which still said ...
Got my Steel Clan figure yesterday from EE. I'm particularly struck by the forearm guns. There are removable panels on each forearm and you can plug i...
Found Batgirl at several Targets. She disappeared quickly, though. Of course, the Batman and Robin figures with the rebreathers are now clogging the p...
Picked up Angela at my LCS last week. I had preordered her, but was able to cancel that preorder.
Just realized I typed 20 when I meant 2. Sure, 20 Batmobiles. That's not weird. Actually, I may have that many if I counted up all the toy lines.
I did receive my McFarlane shipment and everything was in good shape. I'm an opener, but the packaging was fine. Both the Invisible Jet and the Batmob...
Argh. My shipment was sent last week, and was originally scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Then I got a notice it was early! Yay! But it's not here and tr...
I found the Batboat at Target. The tailfin folds down for storage - that's a nice touch.
I'll still buy anything that gets released. I won't necessarily pay a premium for it, but if I can get it reasonably, I will.