Announced coming 2025 but no exact date, yet.
No exact date but Disney did announce it will begin in March 2025
June 26, 2026
Not real toys (but they should be!), check out DC's variant action figure covers... ht tp :/ / ww w.action figure insider.c om/dc-comics-announces-...
First two episodes drop on September 18, 2024
Amazon has pre-order up for a pack with a black Batwing, black Whirlybat and Toy Biz inspired black Batman... ht tps : / / w azon.c om/DC-Dire...
They just announced Mirror Lion-O and a Mumm-Ra variant.
Darkbird pre-order exclusive at BBTS... ht tps : / / ww w.bigbad toystore.c om / Product / VariationDetails / 274142? o=4 That close-up shot i...
More pictures of the wave... ht tps : / / toy newsi.c om/14- 52667 That Nightwing is all kinds of odd, I don't get how it fits into the '66 un...
The DC blind bags are at Walmart now. Got the two I wanted last weekend. Also, there is a giant R2 coming to match up with the giant Vader. h...
Found a new flavor of Sprite last night called "Chill". Comes in regular and zero varieties and has a mild cherry-lime flavor added to the normal fla...
Those Tiny Might sets are down to $15 at the Walmart in my town and the one closest to work. Will probably get a set next week. McDonald's is r...
...and back to '66 for the next wave... ht tps: / / toy newsi.c om/14-52630
Walmart had two 4-packs this morning. One Disney (Stitch, Mickey, Vanellope and I'm forgetting the last one) and one Jurassic Park (Owen and, I think...
Matchbox, not Hot Wheels on this one... They've got planes from the Indiana Jones movies in the Sky Busters assortment right now. Found Jock's bipla...