Cobra Kai: Season 6
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Cobra Kai: Season 6

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Matt Zimmer
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Cobra Kai "Peacetime In The Valley"


I think Stingray had some DAMN good points for Johnny, but I love that Johnny stuck with Miyagi-Do anyways. What a great ending.

I have to say, although it led to a good outcome eventually, I thought Robbie meddling in Kenny's life was out of bounds. Kenny's brother Shawn clearly has a good head on his shoulders, and if Robbie wanted to make peace, he should have gone directly to him, instead of trying to undercut him. Considering how Robbie treated Kenny, Shawn wanting him to stay away from his kid brother is understandable. Robbie acting like it wasn't was uncool.

Kreese continues to be insane for no no good fucking reason that I can ever see.

Good premiere. 4 stars.

Cobra Kai "The Prize"


Johnny as a good car salesman? Love to see it.

Kreese is crazy and believes stupid things.

I love the kids hanging out at the college with those kids who used to bully them. Progress.

Fun episode. 4 stars.

Cobra Kai "Sleeper"


Annoying episode.

The ending was portrayed as a surprise problem, but it's actually not remotely one.

Kreese is so stupid I don't just marvel he's gotten as far as he has. I marvel he can put his own pants on in the morning by himself.

I think the most annoying part of the episode was Daniel's reaction to Mr. Miyagi's past. Surprise: He's a real person with a past. Also it's weird you think you are entitled to these secrets, which I would actually think an adult would have NO business telling a kid. It's an annoying turn for Daniel. Daniel has always been annoying on this show, but while Johnny has evolved in that department, Daniel has not.

Did I mention the episode was annoying? 2 stars.

Cobra Kai "Underdogs"


Okay, DEVON planted the laxatives? Now I don't like her.

I kind of like that Mike Barnes is secretly friendly when he drops character.

Daniel is a surprisingly bad father to Anthony. The advice given here is terrible.

Parts the episode were actually kind of problematic but it was all right. 3 stars.

Cobra Kai "Best Of The Best"


Super annoyed by this. To put Torrie through the emotional wringer like that and have her end up at that place at the end of the episode was cruel and not fair.

Also hate seeing Johnny and Daniel seriously going at it. I don't mind the fact that Johnny is wrong. I mind the fact that Daniel ever even refuses to CONSIDER the idea that that he, Daniel, might be. It's been pissing me off for 6 seasons, and the character has learned nothing.

Really bad place to put an episode break. Not a fan of the final season's episodes being released in batches. 1 1/2 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Safari Joe, Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Cruncher, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Nayda, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat.
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