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His Dark Materials: Season 3

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Matt Zimmer
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His Dark Materials "The Enchanted Sleeper"


Wow, on that new main title.

It's interesting the additional context the show is giving us of the War in Heaven outside of Lyra and Will. But the truth is their journeys are really the only ones that matter. Why? Because despite the fact that I believe Asriel's cause is righteous, the truth is he is a wholly evil man fighting this war for entirely selfish reasons. And as bad as the Authority is portrayed as in this episode, one of the things that interested me about the actual war in the book is that there were no actual good guys to root for. You could only hope that Lyra and Will could squash this nonsense by figuring out what was really going on. And yeah, as great as it is to get a bigger picture than we got in the book, at this point, the only perspectives worth exploring were Lyra and Will's. There is the welcome return of Yorick here and Lee Scoresby shows up later in the afterlife too. But I wasn't entirely sold on the premiere because both Lyra and Will got comparatively little screentime.

Mrs. Coulter with the deaf girl is weirdly chilling. Her false empathy is the thing that makes me cringe.

The two male angel lovers from the book are here. I always thought that was neat.

It's a promising opener suggesting how that final crazy novel might possibly be done on a TV budget. But I would have liked it more if it were more focused on Lyra and Will. 3 1/2 stars

His Dark Materials "The Break"


You know, Asriel, risking your daughter's life isn't the grand sacrifice you say it is if you don't actually love her. You aren't fooling anyone. He never for one second expresses the slightest bit of concern for her safety, even before knowing the Authority put out a hit on her. Worst father EVER.

Weirdly, I believe Mrs. Coulter actually DOES love Lyra at this point, which is all kinds of messed up.

The stuff with the female angel and the captured one was riveting. I also liked Asriel's interrogation because before he even started the torture he got a LOT of information simply from correctly reading the angel's body language and facial expressions. I can't stand Asriel, but even I know that's a gift.

The thing that I detest most about the man is he's never given us a satisfactory explanation on why he's intent on taking down the Authority. Yeah, yeah, oppression, and the loss of free will of everyone on Earth. Except Asriel never talks about that. I always get the feeling that Asriel's beef with the Authority is down to the fact that Asriel believes himself a divine being and detests anything out there potentially laying claim to a higher authority than his own. His quest to destroy God is down to the fact that that's the final frontier of the scientist who has discovered and conquered all previously unknown worlds. Asriel doesn't want to destroy God because he's righteous. He wants to do it to prove there is no being in existence that has power over him. It's narcissism and hubris that drives Asriel.

Churchy types gave the books a LOT of crap for being antireligious. But if you ask me, the antireligious movement takes it on the chin a lot itself. Repeatedly.

Mrs. Coulter is so dangerous because she knew exactly which buttons to push to get inside of Will's head. And once she messes up she's all, "Look at what you've done!" Much like her ex-lover Asriel, Coulter is a person who very much refuses to take any level of responsibility for any foolish or damaging things she's done.

That trailer at the end of the rest of the season was amazeballs. I mean, I already knew Lee Scoresby was coming back, but the split second shot of Lin-Manuel Miranda at the end was a REAL crowdpleaser. This season is going to be great.

Things are definitely picking up. 4 stars.

His Dark Materials "The Intention Craft"


The show is definitely family friendly. But it's also clearly not made for children. The dangerous office politics of the Magistarium are riveting. And would bore a kid to tears.

Similarly, when Asriel asks Coulter why she can't be what he wants, she tells him to get his hands off of her. It's a great moment, clearly written and meant for adults.

Lyra sweet-talking Yorick into doing whatever she wants never gets old, mostly because at this point she is using reason rather than guile. Her arguments being correct being the thing that impresses Yorick says something good about where Lyra is now.

People are starting to have doubts about Asriel. To be blunt they should have had them long before Coulter showed up. And the messed up thing is I trust her far more than I do him.

The show's last season is turning out amazing. 4 stars.

His Dark Materials "Lyra And Her Death"


Lyra fought a LOT harder for Pan in this episode than she did in the book. Which is good. Not just for storytelling purposes, but for dramatic ones as well. They played every bit of the trauma and misery felt by both characters to the hilt.

As for the Father President, as far as TV villains go, he's the most appalling I've seen in a while. Notice I don't say most evil, devious, conniving, sinister, or insane. He's appalling in the sense that the way he says and does the things he says and does make me cringe in embarrassment for him. I'm wondering if this specific type of villain was truly plausible until some real-world examples of embarrassing evil people came along in the past few years. All I know is very few evil characters get my pity for how they choose to go about their evil. Pathetic villains are not unheard of, of course. But Hugh is on his own damn level of that.

I love that Mrs. Coulter asks the security guard to follow up on his threat, and he lamely says he'll call for support. And she smiles and says, "Good for you. We all need support." I mentioned this show isn't made directly for children? That! That!

I like the Boatman for being absolutely 100% real with both Lyra, and especially Will. Will thinks Lyra's his first upset customer? NOBODY wants to be there! The guy always tries to be chill to help calm the situation, but really man, this is not new. I love that.

I was less comfortable with the notion that a death is a living thing all beings carry with them. If somebody wants to accuse Philip Pullman or this show of being sacrilegious I just want to point out that is specifically a very spiritual idea and notion. If Pullman were the intractable atheist his critics claim he was, that idea wouldn't be a thing.

Man, that ending just ripped my guts in half. As intended. Kudos. 5 1/2 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Matt Zimmer
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His Dark Materials "No Way Out"


The scenes with Coulter, the Father President, and Cooper were by turns riveting and horrifying.

Equally spooky was the brief scene of the angel reporting to the Regent.

I loved Lyra's scenes of reminiscing with Roger and her reunion with Lee Scoresby.

Mary's stuff was pretty great too.

It was a pretty great episode in general. 4 stars.

His Dark Materials "The Abyss"


I'm calling that a success. I am well aware the series can't actually afford to do everything the final book did on a TV budget. I think a TV adaptation of the first two books was probably not TOO taxing, but I knew going in The Amber Spyglass would be a really hard thing to adapt for television. I think it got the emotional beats of the story right, even if some of the visuals and epic notions were a bit streamlined.

Mrs. Coulter's drama with her still unnamed golden baboon daemon was not in the book, but I found it interesting. Sarafina telling her and Asriel that what Lyra just did made his rebellion look like small potatoes, and that their priority from that point forward should be her was rewarding too.

It's nice Lyra got nice goodbyes with Lee and Roger and Will got the same with his father.

Coulter refuses to believe Asriel when he tells her she's alive probably because he obviously didn't care when he heard she was supposedly dead. I have never hated Asriel more than in that moment.

The creatures that travel around on pods for wheels are a lot less elaborate onscreen than they are in my head, but for a TV show, they look pretty lavish anyways.

Good episode, I think. 4 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
Check out Gilda And Meek & The Un-Iverse! Blog with every online issue in one place!

Matt Zimmer
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His Dark Materials "The Clouded Mountain"


They were able to do a hell of a lot of good on a TV budget. They pulled a similar trick George Lucas used in the original Star Wars. Make a lot of the battles seem a bit visually ill-defined and allowing the action and motion to carry the audience the rest of the way. And even in HD that's just fine.

I feel like as I love the show and this is the penultimate episode, and two major characters died, I owe it to the show to do a longer review. And yet I can't really think of anything I could add to that. I felt satisfied and thought it was good. Hopefully I'll have more to say about the series finale, but really that sort of spoke for itself. 4 1/2 stars.

His Dark Materials "The Botanic Garden"


Beautiful. A perfect rare example of the fabled Good Hurt I am always chasing in fiction, but seldom finding. I actually cried. Those tears were wonderful. I thank the show for them. I feel again.

I love that Mary was allowed to see her daemon at the end. I don't think that was in the book, but I don't remember for sure.

The written tag teases The Book Of Dust, but I don't want to get ahead of ourselves. I just want Philip Pullman to finish the third damn book before I think about any sort of adaptation.

I absolutely loved it. TV has gotten so cold as an experience to me. To make me feel is a rare joy I cherish. Magnificent finale of a phenomenal series. 5 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
Check out Gilda And Meek & The Un-Iverse! Blog with every online issue in one place!
