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Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles

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Matt Zimmer
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Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "The Big City"


Man, the title of this show simply does NOT roll off the tongue. Usagi Yojimbo may be a tough name to pronounce, but it still SOUNDS better than the title of this show.

I am well aware it is unwise to judge an entire series by a single episode. But as far as Pilots go? That left an unfavorable impression.

The writing is pedestrian, bordering on poor. The animation is underwhelming, bordering on mediocre. The jokes are unfunny, bordering on painful. This specific series, based on the highly regarded comic book, didn't start off on its lucky rabbit's foot. The debut episode is kind of a dud and a clunker. 1 1/2 stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Yokai"

The writing is still piss-poor but that sword fight was pretty cool. 2 stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Possessions"


The idea that there are good and bad Yokai is interesting. I also like the fact that Usagi is the one who released them is not going to be simply forgotten.

Gen's sister is kind of cute too.

The end was sort of going for surprising but I found it basic instead.

Gen finally gets his horn cut off.

All right, I guess. 3 stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Run Rabbit Run"

I'm finding this show entirely tiresome. 1 1/2 stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Common Sensei"


I think some of these Yokai are cute. The vending machine one was pretty adorable.

And while the ending was a predictable one, it was also a good one. 3 stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Nobody Likes A Ninja"


It was written by Justice League Unlimited's Matt Wayne so how bad could it be? Definitely not his best work, but it WAS interesting.

You know me and surprise betrayals. They never work. I still believe that. And yet I believe this scenario DID work. I would simply argue it's not a surprise betrayal. Not only did Chizu refuse to go through with it come crunch time, but the viewer was made aware of it very early on. Does not remotely qualify as that damaging trope.

And I'll tell you the reason I liked the way it was handled. Gen and Kitsune are spitting mad (especially Kitsune). But it didn't bother Usagi or Tetsujin AT ALL. Which is right. Any show that has every single character react to that exact situation the exact same way isn't being believable. People everywhere would take it differently. For Kitsune and Gen the secret kept for so long and the intention to go through with it before the last minute change of heart damns her. But because of the change of heart itself it doesn't bother Usagi or Tetsujin at all.

I frequently complain about the fact that genre has so wedded itself to believable scenarios and situations that it has neglected writing believable dialogue or characterization. This episode is NOT perfect. But Matt Wayne helped the show out big time by actually doing that.

I mentioned the episode isn't perfect. The stuff with Gen and the doctor kitties is weird and off-putting, and I especially dislike Usagi's initial defense of his ancestor saying he didn't hurt anybody. Well, except for some guards and I'm sure they deserved it (this in particular did not endear me to how Young Usagi views his world's caste system). There is something true about Tetsujin saying that the truth is easy to see once you have the full picture and information. However the two visions Usagi HAS gotten were damning. They were very suggestive that Usagi Yojimbo in this continuity is as corrupt and evil as claimed. Of course in reality he isn't. But based on what he's seen I'd like Usagi the younger a lot more if he was disillusioned rather than defensive about what he's learned.

But if you want my opinion for the record? This was the first episode of the series I truly liked. 4 stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Belly Of The Beast"


There's only so much they can suggest in a kids show, but what I like about the monstrous revelation that the Ninja children are being treated so abusively by Fuwa is that is gives us added context for Chizu's change of heart last episode. Before we might have considered it a bit of waffling or last minute weakness. What this suggests instead is that it was untold bravery she should be celebrated for, not something to be held against her. I think only Usagi understands that so far, but if the Ninjas are going to be the constant thorns they appear they are going to be, everyone else will soon realize it too.

I actually expected the show to have Usagi do the wrong thing at the end with the Yokai, so I found it refreshing that he did the right thing instead. It's not a very well accepted fact among genre writers, but you are allowed to have likable heroes who will do the right thing. You don't need to portray a hero as a total bastard half the time to keep the audience guessing. It's actually all right to have heroes you can root for the entire time without feeling bad. You'd figure something like this would be self-evident, but to many writers, but it totally is not.

The ending says the Chikabuma guys are totally in over their heads.

I sort of liked this one too. 3 1/2 stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Go"


I'm thinking that the resolution that Kana is Karasu-Tengu is entirely too pat. Here's an additional unusual opinion about that. I think patness is absolutely fine in a kids show. In fact, there I demand it more often than I don't. I want mysteries and ambiguities I watch Twin Peaks or Lost. I watch a cartoon about a Samurai Bunny, I don't object to those kiddie fables being wrapped up in a tidy bow at all.

Also good for the show for finally allowing Usagi some disillusionment about Yojimbo. It's something I felt should have happened before now.

Is it too pat? Yes. But I'm kind of glad it is. It works. 3 1/2 stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Kagehito Unleashed"


Things are gettin' spacey. Literally.

The reference to a Multiverse (of sorts) is sort of the closest this show will probably be allowed to reference the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

I realize it's been several episodes since we seen Lord Korgane, and I unpleasantly realize how much better the show had been for his absence. I took his obnoxiousness for granted in the early episodes. The reality is there isn't another character remotely as obnoxious as him. Not even Chikabuma. I wish he had stayed lost.

The last time a major plot crisis hinged on a broken or damaged yo-yo was when Duck Dodgers had to stop the bad guys from stealing the galaxy's supply of yo-yo polish. The difference there is that was the joke. I can't believe this show expects me to find PATHOS in the notion.

I liked the end being a cross between the Cthulhu Mythos and the Turtleverse. But the episode was far from perfect. 3 1/2 stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Soul Oath"


Any significance to the robots entering the sewers at the end? Because you know what we're all thinking.

It was all right. What bums me out is that the fight sequences are pretty poorly animated, especially considering it's a finale. For me, that has never been a dealbreaker. But usually when I think that, the given show's drama is better. This show's idea of pathos is a fake-out death for the main character. I don't demand great action animation or fight scenes. Those don't get my motor running. But inferior ones are MUCH more noticeable in worse shows. That's just the way it is. 2 1/2 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Matt Zimmer
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Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Runaway Training"


I had totally forgotten how lame and stupid this cartoon was. This episode was quite the helpful refresher.

And do you know who Kitsune is at the end? Elmyra. THAT is the obnoxious level of company she keeps with that. 1 star.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Game Dogs"


I've never really read Usagi Yojimbo but I'm guessing this show has veered far outside of the premise at this point.

I like the Yokai telling Lord Kigane that he was a three-eyed clam and he needed to lower his expectations.

It wasn't great, but at least it was better than the first episode. 2 1/2. stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "The Fuzzy Pony"


Usagi Yojimbo may have been centered around a cartoon rabbit, but it was never as obnoxiously cutesy and cloying as this.

Do you know what bugs the crap out of me? This nonsense was written by JLU's Matt Wayne, an actual great writer. I and The Universe are not going to thank this show for making Matt Wayne suck. 2 stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Adventures In Ninjasitting"

It was dumb but I laughed at the bit of Tetsujin saying that kids sometimes confuse old people for smart because they are old. It's funny because it's true. 2 1/2 stars

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Interdimensionals"


I'll tell you what I like: I like that Usagi takes former enemies and turns them into allies. That is something I respond to in fiction. I enjoyed the board game at the end for that reason.

I also like that Usagi can't wear the sunglasses because his ears are in the wrong place. Good thinking there, writers. That would have escape many cartoons' notice. (See the Energizer Bunny for the most obvious and stupidest example).

I kinda liked this one. 3 1/2 stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Warbotto"


Tetsujin was an even bigger nuisance than usual this episode.

I like that O-Dokura was allowed to be useful at the end.

I also liked when Usagi correctly pointed out Chizu's idea to destroy all the robots wasn't a plan, but a goal.

The stuff with the bubbles was stupid though. I don't really take anything on this show seriously because of stuff like that. 2 1/2 stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Willow Branch"


I liked the ending for the ghosts, and I like that when O-Dokura was given his new body he didn't turn on the heroes, and still kept the peace. I like the fact that the show pushes for peace so hard. It's not a show I like very much. But I very much like that part of it.

It actually makes sense Tetsujin is a good fighter. It also makes sense as to why we've never seen it before.

The only part I really didn't like was the talking swords bit at the end. A little too silly, even for this show. I think my main objection is that it should have been a serious moment, and they went for the joke instead, which is frustrating. But I very much liked the rest of the episode. 4 stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "A Chizu Stands Alone"


This show is very badly written, especially as far as dialogue goes, but I really REALLY respond to the themes about self-sacrifice and wanting to do right by the greater good instead of what is easy and expedient. I thought it was very cool when Kagehito gives Usagi his blessing to cut the Clovis on the Keystone, even knowing it would doom his people, and Usagi ultimately refuses to do it because he knows that.

I was impressed Chizu already knew who the spy was, but the show did wrong by having ALL the Ninjas turn on her at the end. I was as disappointed as she was.

Kitsune got the funniest line. I liked her relating the time she once insisted puppetry would save the world, and she was told to keep her voice down because they were in a library.

Personally, I would have cast Stan Sakai as Usagi Yojimbo, whether his voice was right for the role or not. For the record.

It was all right. 3 stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Eggs!"


I loved that. I see value in the show. Whether the writing is beneath my personal standards or not, I love the idea of the show teaching kids we all have free will, and can make our own decisions, and effect the world in a positive way if we choose to. There is no such thing as destiny or inevitability when it comes to our choices and our behavior. Even for robots. And that's a refreshing moral for a kiddie show. I'll sit through 10 badly written episodes to see it. No question.

So yeah, I loved that idea. 5 stars.

Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles "Invasion!"


Fine finale. I want to give the show credit for something. Kagehito has a VERY scary character design and voice. I admire the show for resisting the urge to turn him into a bad guy at the end and say he was faking his redemption. The reason I appreciate it goes beyond the fact that it would be cliched and badly written. But I like that the show has been talking up making good and noble choices all season, and refuses to undercut the moral for any reason.

And no, I don't think the show is very good quality-wise. But its positive messages are sorely lacking in most other kids shows. The other kiddie cartoon show whose themes I approved of on this level was She-Ra And The Princesses Of Power. Now She-Ra was a great show and this isn't. But I similarly think kids can take something positive from this too. 4 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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