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Venom: The Last Dance (2024)

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My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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July 12, 2024

November 8, 2024

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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New date: October 25, 2024

New name: Vemon: The Last Dance

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

Matt Zimmer
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Venom: The Last Dance



Longtime readers of both my reviews and my work know I usually consider that the highest compliment when describing fiction. Does this popcorn flick that the critics were nearly evenly split on deserve that specific level of praise?

I think so. It was interesting.

When I review this film people are going to wonder WHICH Matt Zimmer will show up. The lenient one who tolerates inoffensive fluff and crap, (even predictable crap) because he's not actually picky? Or the totally unfair hardass who will latch onto a singular fault of a movie or TV show and claim the entire project ruined for something most other people don't even care about? Want to know a secret? We are the same damn person! "WE are Matt Zimmer!" Keep that in mind when reading this positive review.

I had a couple of problems with the casting AND the tags, but we'll get to that.

What did I like?

I liked Tom Hardy's performance. You know, I don't think he gets enough credit for Eddie Brock. It's kind of a thankless role. Yes, the movies are kinda sucky, but Hardy is REALLY fascinating as Eddie Brock. In this film he is actually quite passive most of the time, which is interesting, and a bit of a change from the first two movies. He seems completely broken, and it's interesting Venom is his last, best, and only friend, and giving him strength and words of encouragement when he needs it. It's buddy cop movie with a single body. Which is fun.

Dr. Paine declares the Symbiote she witnesses "Beautiful". So... she cray. Right?

I love the RV family Eddie befriended. A bunch of lovable hippies, who ALL survived, because despite what you heard, the movie doesn't totally suck.

Chocolate! Nom nom nom!

The first scene was a little too expositiony to be credible, but ooh, interesting! I'll allow it.

It amazes me in hindsight how they turned Venom into such a lovable and comedic character. And despite it being outside of the other interpretations, it sort of works. And it might not have if Spider-Man were present. But I find the jokes Venom makes pretty funny. The dance with Mrs. Chen in particular was wonderful and charming.

The Xenophages remind me SO much of the Xenomorphs from Alien. Total rip-off actually. With the difference being they aren't slimy and gory and gross, and don't make me want to puke. I'll allow it.

Speaking of previous action movie homages, Eddie being forced to cross broken glass barefoot is a total Die Hard moment.

I didn't know Tom Hardy did Venom's voice too! They sound nothing alike which is cool. Hardy might want to consider a voice-over career.

The Venom horse is something I never EVER want to have to see again. It will haunt my nightmares. "Beautiful", Dr. Paine? You ARE crazy.

Bad stuff next.

Ugh. Tags. When you end a trilogy it is a BEYOND reprehensible idea to add TWO post-credits tags teasing upcoming stuff. Not only because it's dirty pool to everyone who paid to see a satisfying wrap-up. But frankly, the franchise died with Kraven, so we'll never get answers, and that pisses me off.

Complaint the second: Both Chiwetel Ejiofor and Rhys Ifans were utterly miscast. Because they both played memorable roles in the MCU (and a Universe adjacent to that).

Strickland especially bugs me because when he shows up, the shady things he does, and even some of the shady things he's said, make me positive it's Mordo. Either from the future or distant past, but when Strickland observes people "on this side" are weird, I was SURE he was talking about this end of the Multiverse. But if he wasn't, why did he say that? Didn't the producers know we'd guess he was Mordo and be utterly disappointed when we found out it was a new random character instead? Why not cast somebody who never did any recent Marvel stuff? Especially while the Marvel Cinematic Universe is currently exploring the Multiverse, and it and Venom's Universe are very much "Shared Spaces"? The Blip is even mentioned by the bartender from the MCU. Don't they see first how confusing this is, and then how ultimately disappointing it is?

Ifans also bugged me, but still, he bugged me MUCH less, because there was NO chance this Martin clown was Dr. Curt Connors, and it read more as a continuity goof (or if you are being charitable to the damn Multiverse, a continuity coincidence instead).

But at some point these stopped being continuity errors, and turned into continuity headaches. And it wouldn't have happened if they had cast two different people in both roles.

But ultimately, I liked more than I didn't. And confidentially, the Sony Marvel stuff is nowhere NEAR as bad as people say it is,. I think people say it's worse than it is because they want the full Marvel rights back at Disney SO bad. So do I. But I don't need to lie and say these underwhelming films are terrible, when they aren't. This one was actually pretty good. And say it with me, interesting. 4 stars.

Venomous Laughs: Outtakes & Bloopers

The rule of thumb about Blooper Reels is that they are seldom funny, unless one of the main stars in the cast is a comedian-comedienne already gifted in improv.

Suffice it to say, this Blooper Reel isn't funny. 2 stars.

Deleted & Extended Scenes

Sound interesting finds here (the stuff with Venom and Mrs. Chen was hilarious) but outside of learning Null is a God, I ultimately don't think there was much cut out of the movie that needed to be IN the movie. Which is good. Overall: 3 1/2 stars.

From Bar To The Abyss

This cut scene at the beginning EXPLICITLY ties into the Multiverse, which frankly makes the Mordo confusion even MORE frustrating. 3 stars.

Dog Fight

This 6 minute scene was greatly pared down in the film, probably for pacing, and ends on a different shoe joke. The out of sync "We are Venom!" thing is still funny, and I think it's an amazing touch that when he's trying to talk the gang leader down so he won't have to kill him, Eddie calls him "Sweetie." 3 1/2 stars.

Strickland's Pursuit

This was probably cut / trimmed for time. There's nothing wrong with it, but it's not necessary either. 3 stars.

Venom's Guilty Pleasure

You know, the idea that Venom is a secret Mexican soap opera addict is fucking hilarious, but the scene is hella short, and raises a BUNCH of questions that we'd not only never get the answers to, but are neither here nor there. The scene is mad-funny though. 4 stars.

Toxin's Warning

The idea that Null is a God (albeit a dark one) strikes me as something that should have stayed in the movie. It is what is known as "pertinent information". 4 stars.


Mrs. Chen is delightful, and so is this scene, but it references the alternate shoe take in the deleted Dog Fight scene, so the producers probably reasoned the entire thing should go. It's really cute and funny though. 4 1/2 stars.

Xenophage Landing

Venom always makes me laugh! That voice! It's Tom Hardy and it's hilarious! 4 stars.

One Last Dance - Tom Morello x Grandson

Music video. Like most music videos from movie soundtracks, it is unnecessary. Unlike MANY similar music videos, it's not actually any good, which was always the thing that made you forgive the self-indulgence of it all. Not feeling it. 2 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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