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Monster High

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Not sure who here still collects these but Mattel just announced via their Social Media that a special "Ru Paul Dragon Queen" figure is coming out and it is Fab-U-Lous!

Here's a link for more info and pics:

htt ps://crea tions.mat m/ prod ucts/mon ster-high-rup aul-dragon-que en-doll-hrp91


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Last one I got was Elvira and it had been a long, long time before that since I'd bought one.  The new ones just don't have the charm of the G1 dolls and some of the changes made to characters.. oy...  I saw the new Catty Noir a few days back and they've re-imagined her as Lizzo.  There's a "Hissfits" werecat 3-pack that I may get because the cats were always my favorites in the line, hopefully they won't screw up Catrine Demew if she gets a new version...


EDIT: Just looked up the RuPaul doll.  There was no "monsterfication" done at all, just a dragon costume on RuPaul.  Back when they made Lady Gaga they turned her into "Zombie Gaga" and there were a couple of teen celebs that got custom dolls made for them back in the day that were monster'd up but this one is just a Halloween costume comparatively.  And, not surprisingly, it has already sold out.

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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