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I was just heading here to post about the Joker Fun House and Joker Copter that I found at Walmart.


There is now also a line of die cast vehicles for the Batwheels tv show.  The come single carded and in sets and it looks like they change the facial expression to be exclusive to certain packaging (smiling Batmobile in dingle card v angry Batmobile in the 4 car set for example). [I'll start a separate thread for these in case anyone else is interested]

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Saw new 2-packs with the new Super Friends logo at Kohl's last night.  One had a black and gray Batman with Flash and the other had a blue and gray Batman with movie Supergirl.

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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The XL line has a new Batman with motorcycle

https://www.ama ginext-Friends-Batcy cle-Projectile-Laun cher/dp/B0BLJS5KPQ/ref=sr_1_8?crid=RTXGWQ7 Q9YJD&keywords=imagin ext+xl&qid=1692066895&spr efix=imaginext+xl%2Ca ps%2C123&sr=8-8

and a Joker with motorcycle

(sorry, can't find a link on Amazon for it just yet)


I also found a new 4 pack (Batman, Joker, Penguin, Riddler. Not even repaints, just a new pack out) in the new package and logo design (the "Super Friends" is much more prominent and sporting a new style)

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Posted by: @bnjmnrlyr

and a Joker with motorcycle

(sorry, can't find a link on Amazon for it just yet)


ht tps://ww w.wal mart.c om/ip/Imaginext-DC-Super-Friends-The-Joker-XL-Figure-and-Laff-Cycle-Vehicle-Set-for-Kids-10-inches/1475440026?from=/search


My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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@jim_abell I picked up the Batman and movie Supergirl today.

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At Kohl's I saw a rerelease of the Hall of Justice in a multipack with vehicles and 5 characters Batman, Superman, Flash, Killer Croc, and Blue Beetle with wings.

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I'd like to get the updated Blue Beetle but not at the expense of a Hall of Justice multipack playset.  eBay, here I come.

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Has the blind bag Series 8 been released, or is it still coming? They were supposed to have the black haired Supergirl in that assortment along with a basic Blue Beetle. Now those characters are appearing in other sets.

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Posted by: @joeace

Has the blind bag Series 8 been released, or is it still coming? They were supposed to have the black haired Supergirl in that assortment along with a basic Blue Beetle. Now those characters are appearing in other sets.


Oh?...  I thought the blind bags were done a long time ago...  Would be nice if there was some sort of reliable info stream from F-P.


My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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@jim_abell this is the blind bag page that I found a few days ago.

This post was modified 1 year ago by JoeAce

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Posted by: @joeace

@jim_abell this is the blind bag page that I found a few days ago.

Nice!  I figured that the book boxes were going to be a permanent replacement for the bags.  That said, Supergirl and Clayface (nice to be getting a normal sized one) would be the only two I'd really need to get.


My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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I'll take a mini clayface too please

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Checked Walmart for DC blind bags but nothing.  They did have blind bags for Trolls, tough.

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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Blind Bags are back!

New DC Super Friends Wave 1 are on eBay:

ht tps://w ww.eba m/itm/256419724584


Unfortunately, there isn't anything new in the wave but it is a nice assortment of characters

Batman, Aquaman, Bizarro, Blue Beetle, Ninja ManBat, Bane, Swamp Thing, Superboy Prime, and classic Martian Manhunter (at least that is a new variant)


Now to figure out what stores will be carrying them

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That Martian Manhunter is nice!... Hopefully mygrodd will get the code numbers up soon!

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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