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I found them tonight at Target for $4.99 each. Here are the numbers for Series 1. Yes they started the series over again.
79 - Blue Beetle - same as the Kohl's Hall of Justice version but with a blue shield.
80 - Aquaman
96 - Batman
97 - Superboy Prime
98 - Martian Manhunter
99 - Man-Bat
00 - Swamp Thing
01 - Bane
02 - Bizarro

This post was modified 12 months ago by JoeAce

Matt Zimmer reacted
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Found 2 pegs full at my local Target.  They were all #79, 80, & 01.

15 packs hanging on 2 pegs and there were only 3 code numbers.  ☹️ 

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Holy crap...  (o.o)...

Fisher-Price got Star Wars...

ht tps://jed iinsider.c om/8-26297

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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I am so excited for this line


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Found a full counter display box of the new DC Super Friends blind bags.  Not sure if this is a running change or a "second print" but the codes are now printed on the packaging under the bar code instead of stamped/debossed into the foil like the ones I previously found.


Makes it much easier to identify the code and know who you are getting

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The DC blind bags are at Walmart now.  Got the two I wanted last weekend.


Also, there is a giant R2 coming to match up with the giant Vader.

ht tps : / / jed iinsider.c om/8-26 426 # gsc . tab =0


I find it odd that they aren't showing the back of either of them.   Is there no play space on the back?...  Also find it odd that both only come with one figure.

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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Apparently there is a new female body form and a multipack to launch it

<a href=" removed link ">ht tps://sh op.mat m/prod ucts<a href=" removed link ">/imagi next-dc-su per-frie nds-rivals-pack-hwd49

New Catwoman playlet:

<a href=" removed link ">ht tps://sh op.m m/prod ucts/imag inext-dc-s uper-frie nds-catw oman-playhouse-hwd50

New Lex Luthor vehicle:

<a href=" removed link ">ht tps://sh op.mat m/pro ducts/imagi next-dc-su per-frien ds-lex-luth or-spinning-saw-vehicle-hvy17

New Batgirl HQ Playset:

<a href=" removed link ">ht tps://sh op.matt m/pr oducts/ima ginext-dc-su per-friends-batgirl-hero-hideout-hwd51

New multipack with Long-haired Nightwing:

<a href=" removed link ">ht tps://sh m/prod ucts/imagi next-dc-su per-fri ends-deluxe-figure-pack-hxf94


These are all apparently Amazon exclusives (at least that is the only place they are listed to be available to buy)

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Like the Imaginext take on the Super Hero Girls, I think I've been suckered in...  Was looking around at other things and discovered something...  THEY MADE A STEPHANIE BROWN BATGIRL!!!  Says it came out a year ago!  How did I miss that?!?!?!?...

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

Matt Zimmer reacted
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They made a what?!?  I've never seen the Steph Batgirl anywhere, not in solicits, not on eBay, Definitely not in stores.  Do you have a pic or link to share so I can hunt for it too?

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Posted by: @bnjmnrlyr

They made a what?!?  I've never seen the Steph Batgirl anywhere, not in solicits, not on eBay, Definitely not in stores.  Do you have a pic or link to share so I can hunt for it too?

What's really cool about her is that she is a specific sculpt and not just a repaint of a Barbara or Cassandra.  It's a 5-pack, found it on Amazon and it's in-stock.  Search for "Imaginext Super Friends HML03", posting a direct link here is pointless...

Also saw a Batman 85th set which has figures for Keaton, Clooney, Bale and Pattinson, some if not all of the sculpts are specific to the movie armors.


My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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Off to Amazon I go to place another order. At least it was payday today...

I will admit, I'm not wholly on board with the "Super Hero Girls" designs for the new packs, BUT I think this is probably the only opportunity to get a Bumblebee figure so at the minimum that pack was a must

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Also, I wish I had been more proactive at the start of this line and kept a record of every figure (and variant) released to have a really accurate checklist of who has been made in the line so when someone like Stephanie Brown Batgirl gets released we aren't caught off guard.  Of course that would also mean having a contact at FP willing to share that information with us too ... 


This line has been so long lived and so diverse, even with all the variant Batmans I am still finding myself surprised when new characters with new sculpts hit the pegs.

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Don't know that anyone could keep up with a checklist considering how much stuff just shows up out of nowhere and how much stuff just seemingly doesn't get made.

My friend told me to stop quoting the Monkees. I thought she was joking. But then I saw her face.

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Just got back from a local Target that completed the reset and the Darth Vader Imaginext set is in stock.  It is huge at 3 feet tall.  I would've grabbed it instantly if it wasn't $150.  The price point might be the reason I don't pick it up but I'm sure I will see it again as the other area stores do their resets and I'll make a final decision then

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