Next wave of figures is being reported as found in Walmart in Oklahoma. For those of you that are interested, start your searching.
It has already been announced and confirmed that Val will NOT be in this season and it is completely due to health reasons. Fun Fact: Val's son ...
A Justice Society set would be amazing. Black Adam (re-release), Dr Fate (re-release), Hawkman (re-release), Atom Smasher (New figure/XL figure), Cy...
Batman, Joker, and Flash are old. All have been plentiful in my local area Targets and Walmarts. I'm wondering who else might be in the pipeline?
Here's a new Head Knocker I wasn't aware was coming. Anyone else know about this one? <a href=" removed link ">https:// ww
These have hit ebay Nightwing: <a href=" removed link ">https:// w 275582498492 Deathstroke: <a href="...
Thanks for the heads up Jim. I think Supergirl is from a previous assortment as well but not 100% on that. Also, has anyone seen or heard about ...
No surprise I truly enjoyed the music, but the special itself was mostly meh for me. The time that Drax and Mantis spent on earth just dragged a bit...
Jim, if there is one thing that Star Wars has done incredibly well, across all its iterations, it has made us truly empathize with the droids. Sometim...
You could just stop watching it
This one was a shock. Shine the Batsignal for him.
Ok, I really shouldn't have been surprised by what I saw, but it was not at all what I was expecting. Highly recommended if you are fan of Al's work...
Just to clarify,