It also seems, at least according to what is available on eBay, the comic lines are on hold while they cycle through "The Batman" movie sets.
Which version of Netflix He-Man is this? Not the Kevin Smith run, right? This is the more "kid-ified" version?
That's a pretty good way to summarize it Jim. I agree. Movie was fine, enjoyable, but didn't really feel like it was part of the greater MCU
This is full bore Sex, Guns, and Rock & Roll. I should like it more than I do and I can't quite figure out why.
I'll be watching it tonight now that its on Disney+ I can let you know what I think of it after that.
Seriously, the show is fun, but the pacing just drags.
Who made it and where did you get them? They are beautiful
Interesting ...
@Jim_Abell, care to remind me of what the Wave 2 Slammers consisted of? I have no memory of seeing pics or release info for these. Also just fou...
Walmart in Brockport put out a fresh display yesterday. Completely packed and untouched when I found it. Had 4 Harley Quinns, 4 Deathstrokes, and 3 Ba...
There's no Wheel of Morality accessory ?!? That's it! I'm out! (if only it were that easy for me to say no....)
Man. I really want this line, but at the same time I don't want to pay $30-$40 per figure for Animaniacs. The reveals will decide for me if this is a...
Thanks for the heads up. I'm heading to Walmart tomorrow morning for some other shopping so I'll be sure to check the holiday shippers.
Don't know who else is still collecting these, but I found Harley Quinn at Target yesterday. Still looking for Deathstroke and Batwing. If anyone ha...