Oddly, I got my Brooklyn at the end of last week and my Broadway on Sunday from BBTS. I'm glad to have them but it's just weird they were shipped so c...
I agree, I think it looks pretty good. I'll be happy to pick it up. I just got my Wayne Library shipped from Target. Supposedly they're in stores, ...
Thanks. Just preordered Lexington.
Got my final figures in. Luke Cage, Spider-woman, and Doctor Doom. I was worried Spider-woman didn't have glider wings, but she sort of does. There's ...
Well, since this has largely been my thread, I guess I'll take it to the bitter end. Picked up Ghost Rider and his bike at Target yesterday. It was $3...
Yes, I agree. I understand the need for Batman and Superman repaints. Wonder Woman is a stretch, I think. Unless, and this is purely speculative, the ...
Found Nightwing. So I got all three before they arrived in the mail.
Well, I called that. Found Wonder Woman and Deathstroke today at Walmart when I went to buy light bulbs. No Nightwing, but I bet if I drove around I'd...
I've only focused on the animated offerings for this line but today I stumbled on a Blue and Gold Multipack for $19.99 on clearance. Snapped it up bec...
Yeah, I found the Flash at my store the day after mine arrived from Walmart.com. I just checked and the shipping information has been updated to next ...
I've been hitting the links a couple of times a day for the last week. I set up a list and then just try to move the list into my cart. Whereupon I wo...
Yeah, initially you apparently could argue the price and get the original price on the Batwing, but I think people were using the online ad as evidenc...
Seeing reports in Texas and other midwestern areas, too. Of course, the shelves here are now full of waves 1 and 2. The $7 clearance price doesn't see...
Old news plus newer news. I picked up the 8-inch Sentinel a couple of months ago, and then yesterday found the 8-inch Apocalypse at my LCS. Both have ...
And, of course, Flash showed up at every Walmart in my area. Like two days after the Flash I ordered arrived.