Pixel-Dan talks to Brian Flynn about the vac-metal figures. They will be more expensive but price isn't set, yet. ht tps://w ww.you tube.c om/watch...
Re-issuing Batman, Robin (Dick), Scarecrow and Freeze in a build-a-figure wave to make Condiment King h ttps://w ww.you tube.c om/watch?v=rCVscCAD7K...
ht tps://w ww.you tube.c om/watch?v=rCVscCAD7Kk
ht tps://w ww.you tube.c om/watch?v=rCVscCAD7Kk
ht tps://w ww.you tube.c om/watch?v=rCVscCAD7Kk
ht tps://w ww.you tube.c om/watch?v=wS_qbDztgVY
I'll get back with you, Fone, as soon as I get to read everything over... Until then, Pixel Dan's con floor video... ht tps://w ww.you tube.c om/wa...
Wave 4 on display -- Vac-metal Steelheart and Quicksilver, green Buzz-Saw and what looks to be more muted armored Mon*Star -- essentially a "Kenner" w...
Only 3,000 backers to make it happen?!?!?... 4,000 for tier 1 and 5,000 for tier 2?... Don't think they'll have any problems there... ht tps://to...
Anthony Carrigan - Metamorpho
The add image button is gone, again... MUSIC - Deep River, written by Norman Luboff
The list got out of hand for tonight... I've got about four times that much to add to what's already up there, hopefully I'll get it up-to-date tomorr...