The first thing I thought when I saw "animatronic" was Disneyland's Lincoln then I realized that was crazy and the thought went to The Rockafire Explo...
Don't know how you managed it, Ben, but you got working links up there even with the spaces added!
oy... still not working... just take out the spaces for the season 3 trailer... htt ps://w m/watch?v=voMJJgjqENM
Superman would have to be on the short-list. With the Aquaman movie coming I could see Aquaman and Black Manta getting the treatment. Green Lantern,...
Don't remember seeing a Freeze before... There's two Batman and a Joker that have been out, right? Saw Flash linked in the Freeze page... ht tps:/...
Go ahead and try a few, spread them between sections and see what happens. Your last post and Ben's didn't need approval so maybe that part is fixed.
Hopefully Mike will show up and weigh in on this but I saw a story (which I can't find now) saying that the Fox X-Men will be sticking around a little...
Rumor out there that the show is having problems and will end up delayed from six months to a year after the planned release. I wonder when the next ...
Thanks but getting the holiday rush over with will be the biggest help I can get... (and on a side-note this thing is wonky... had to approve your "...
MOD- I gotta make this quick but I did talk to Peter and he hasn't had the time, yet, to look into the code to find out what is going on but he thinks...
I don't know. I've been sick the last two days and haven't written Peter, yet. I'll be glad when January gets here...
"Nope" is right... Even the Imaginext thread that I didn't have to approve my own post in just required Ben's post to be approved... oy...