Animaniacs "Season 2, Episode 1"
Rome Sweet Rome:
The Model Of An Ancient Roman Emperor Song was pretty good.
Good "Goodnight everybody!" too.
Dot was funny with the laser pointer.
I love John Cena's joke about Medusa objectifying people. To bad they couldn't get him to voice himself.
Good cartoon. 4 stars.
Backwards Pinky:
Brain can turn on the cutesy charm when he needs to.
Honestly, the conjoined stuff got kind of revolting by the end. Pinky eating the rotten hotdog and Brain puking was nasty.
I liked the "No strings attached" puppet relationship joke though.
Sort of a wash. 2 1/2 stars.
Now Loading...:
Yeah, that's how annoying loading is.
Bonezo? Okay.
Short short is short. 3 1/2 stars.
Episode Overall: 3 1/2 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 2, Episode 2"
Please Submit:
I liked the public service announcement at the end.
Also great was Dot's "Make like a cobbler and shoe."
Funny. 3 1/2 stars.
The Flawed Couple:
The Honeymooners and The Brady Bunch are parodied in a lot of stuff, and The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air still is present in cable reruns. But you don't hear much about Cheers anymore. I wonder if the kids in the audience even know what it was.
Brain deconstructing the unlikeliness of the plot of meeting his boss at the same restaurant is why I'm glad I don't live in the 1950's. I would accept something that stupid as a matter of course instead of being outraged by it. Of course you could have said that about my acceptance of crappy 80's and 90's TV too, but the important thing is I'm here now. And this episode makes me realize I never wanna go back.
Nora is kind of nuts, isn't she? She makes me uncomfortable. I fear there's a chance her horribleness is a shot at powerful women. I hope I'm wrong, but the fact that it's such a rarity in our world (we still haven't had a woman President) suggests the cartoon is less normalizing the idea in kids' heads, and more like making her craziness a cautionary tale. I would love to be wrong. I might be.
Pretty good stuff though. 4 stars.
Everyday Safety:
Speaking of 80's throwbacks, seeing this was a bit of nostalgia. The emergency they thought of was great as were the uses for the random seeming items.
I like what the bat is for. NPR sucks.
Next week's emergency sounds great too.
Funny stuff. 4 1/2 stars.
Episode Overall: 4 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 2, Episode 3"
Rug Of War:
I love the "Mutton is gamey" bit.
This show still writes good songs.
I love the mattress with a stain that looks like Putin.
If I were that rug and saw Dot with the blender, I'd run.
Wakko and the possum "rug" made me laugh.
Funny. 4 1/2 stars.
Run Pinky Run:
Sort of tightly plotted for a Pinky and the Brain cartoon.
I liked the design of the goons.
The snake also looked menacing. The animation on this show is great.
I hated that. Zort! That's how you know I'm lying. 4 1/2 stars.
The Hamburg Tickler:
Dr. Scratchansniff is in charge again? How did that happen?
The weakest of the shorts in the episode. 3 stars.
Episode Overall: 4 1/2 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 2, Episode 4"
Awesome. That is all. 5 stars.
My Super Sour Sixteen:
Seems like sort of a dated thing to parody, but the show's been gone for awhile. There's a lot of pop-culture in the meantime for it to catch up on.
I'm thinking the heartwarming ending with Dot and Cora was unnecessary. But that might just be me.
This is the longest segment the relaunch has ever done. No commercials means none of the segments are tied down to any specific length.
All right but not great. 3 stars.
How To Brain Takes Over The World:
Is it just me, or are the character expressions and facial animation for both Pinky and the Brain WAY more fluid and interesting to look at than on the old show? This feels like it's on a whole 'nuther level. It looks dynamite and super expressive.
The solution of how the lottery plan was wrecked was smart and stupid at the same time. Which is sort of how Brain's plans failing worked on the old show. I'm glad they are getting back to that idea.
Very good. 4 stars.
Episode Overall: 4 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 2, Episode 5"'
The Warners Are Present:
Bill Watterson has used Calvin to say a LOT of great things about art, including comic book art. But I think Calvin nailed it when he said the secret trick to modern art is knowing who is scamming who. I find most modern art absolutely ridiculous, and the idea that the artist has made themselves the subject and silently sits behind a table was not made up by this show. I've heard of that before. And any "art" project that uses live humans in its display is, to put it charitably, totally asinine.
I liked the Warners' pressing questions getting her to speak and ask some interesting ones of her own. If you ask me, those were some damn good questions.
Cool Daffy Duck cameo. Because why the frak not? He's voiced by Eric Bauza rather than Jeff Bergman here.
The Banksy bit was actually a lousy non-ending, but the cartoon was about modern art. I'd be shocked if any conclusion about it remotely satisfied me.
Pretty good. 4 stars.
The Pinktator:
Frankly, this isn't a subject matter great for laughs, and the politics in this franchise have always been cringe, but that wasn't as terrible as it could have been.
For one thing, they chose a funny voice for Putin. The credits say it's Anthony Carrigan, who played Victor Zsasz on Gotham, and was a rare highlight on that mediocre show. Great choice there. For another thing, it's very credible by Pinky's anecdote that Brain could easily be confused for HIS dumb friend. Many, if not most, of the errors in the world domination plans tend to be down to Brain himself after all.
I loved Brain's reaction to the explosion: "Why would they create a button that does THAT?!" My theory: Putin is super dumb. That's why he digs Pinky. Like recognizes like.
Not great, but it could have been much worse. 3 stars.
Know Your Scroll:
Dot says at the beginning that everything on Webpix is top-notch. Dot has apparently never watched Webpix before.
Dot claiming she loves strong female characters, but only if they fall in love with a cute boy, is the problem with fictional women in a nutshell. Dot herself is outside that trope, but it's troubling, it exists, and it sucks. I don't know what the answer is. Help me, Gilda.
I did not like the Japanese soap parody. The animation was too broad to portray the mundane thing the soap would be trying to portray. Also, maybe this is liberal guilt talking. But it felt a bit racist or at least culturally insensitive to be taking those specific shots at Japanese television. Family Guy or The Simpsons, I don't bat an eye. A kids show however? It concerns me a bit.
However once they got to the part where the guy's great-great-great grandmother is the disgusting boss who spits on the paper, it got a cheap laugh from me. A shameful one, to be sure, but because the critique turned outlandish which is why I felt any potential bad racial messages should probably NOT be taken too seriously. Which is good. 3 1/2 stars.
Episode Overall: 3 1/2 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 2, Episode 6"
Yakko's Big Idea:
I like Dot calling improv the lowest form of entertainment and then being eager to see Yakko's pitch because it's gonna be terrible.
Randy Rogel may no longer write them, but the songs are still great.
Good one. 3 1/2 stars.
Mouse Congeniality:
No fair! They just described the greatest Pinky and the Brain cartoon ever and we weren't even allowed to see it!
I loved Brain disgustedly telling Pinky he thought he was Woke. Which begs the question of why he thought that.
Brain or The Brain? It seems kind of like a stupid controversy, but it still gets in The Brain's head.
Loves Putin playing MFK. That's clearly what they were playing, and we walked in on the middle of him describing the F. Goodnight, everybody!
The whole dressing room thing was creepily from real life. The problem with Animaniacs doing political humor in 2021 is that politics are now gross.
This is Pinky's lifelong dream? Also DJ Baby Boom Box suggests he might have a different definition of integrity than the dictionary does.
That was pretty great. Mostly because they kept Trump (or Chump) himself absent. 4 stars.
Rejected Animaniacs Characters:
Bold Opinion: Mime And Meme, Social Butterfly, Office Supplies, and Aqua-Claus are all better than the Hip Hippos and Chicken Boo. Search your heart, Animaniacs fans. You know deep down it's true.
I loved the nifty new animation styles. Aqua-Claus having Clutch Cargo lips was particularly neat.
See, the Warners are great sophisticated characters because Wakko eats a lot, Yakko... Yaks, and Dot's a girl. Very self-aware, self-deprecating slam right there. There really IS no excuse for no new recurring sketches as long as that's true.
That was great. 5 stars.
Episode Overall: 4 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 2, Episode 7"
Yakko Amakko:
Looney Tunes has gone back to the Duck Amuck well several times, both with Bugs and Daffy, and the new versions have taken a whack at it too. I rolled my eyes once I understood the premise of this one. But the show does something different and has Yakko beat and then befriend the animator, so she will torment characters on the show who actually deserve it. Interesting ending because it surprised me.
You know why I'm gonna dunk on this cartoon though, right? Every single mean thing I have ever said about Pepe LePew was painfully reminded to me by having to see that rat fink again. I did not miss him at ALL and was NOT delighted by his surprise cameo. Go attempt to rape oblivion, Pepe. I'm sure it won't deny you.
Ugh. So needless to say I can't give that a perfect grade. 3 stars.
The Longest Word:
The word that Yakko presents is not something I can say or spell, but it's always fascinated it and scared me. I always wondered who would ever be crazy enough to use it. Because that would mean they'd have to try and spell it. Not down with that mess.
I am not the biggest fan of The Big Bang Theory. But considering this show's shaky history, it does not have the right to dunk on it. If Rita and Runt and The Goodfeathers didn't exist, I'd allow it, but Animaniacs is not a show that can claim quality control against a show like Big Bang Theory. That specific high horse only works if the show they are slamming is markedly worse than their franchise. Big Bang Theory? Doesn't qualify. It reminds me of how often Seth MacFarlane would repeatedly drag Dharma and Greg during Family Guy's early episodes. Someday, if I am very lucky, I will get to sit down with Seth MacFarlane, put my hands on his shoulders and look him straight in the eye and say "Every single episode of Dharma and Greg was better than the first two seasons of Family Guy. And that is a fact you are going to have to accept and live with. Reality doesn't care about your spite." Same deal here.
Got a bit off-topic there. 3 stars.
Happy Narfday:
Surprisingly sweet. But this portion of the franchise has always had that as a subtext so it works. The revelation that Brain forgot the real birthday, and Pinky didn't want to bother him because he was so busy felt completely right.
Frankly, I feel bad for Pinky because he should get more than one day a year like this. Brain says he's a bad friend. And he is. If he were a good one, they'd alternate days for doing domination and nonsense.
Good stuff. 4 stars.
Magna Cartoon:
Honestly? That was kinda dry. The show has done much more memorable historical numbers in the past. 2 stars.
Episode Overall: 3 1/2 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 2, Episode 8"
Wakkiver Twist, Part One:
You should take Wakkiver liking the gruel with a grain of salt. He eats a dumptruck full of garbage in the intro to every episode. (Psst! It's actually a dumptruck full of food).
Just because you sing it, doesn't mean they can't hear it. Good one.
Funny. 3 1/2 stars.
Plight Of Hand:
Good Destiny's Child reference. The Silence Of The Lambs one wasn't bad either.
I like Brain calling the hands Pinky's Pinkies.
Pinky's American-accented Pilot voice is great.
Brain's never said this to Pinky before but that was cool.
Great. 4 1/2 stars.
Wakkiver Twist, Part Two:
Yakko's World In The 1800's was dynamite. They even got back Randy Rogel for it. I would have liked to have heard the whole thing.
Good to see Plotz again as the Judge.
We should have stuck with Pinky and the Brain's story. Of course then we wouldn't have heard Yakko's amazing song. I'm torn.
Warning about adoption: The Warners may be immortal. Now they tell us.
That was super. 5 stars.
Episode Overall: 4 1/2 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 2, Episode 9"
What Is That?:
Love the Not Bruce Waynie Thing.
Poor Announcer. 3 1/2 stars.
Mouse Madness:
Oh, man. That was great. The stop-motion universe blew my mind.
And for once Pinky IS pondering exactly what Brain is pondering. Which is why Brain thinks that universe sucks.
Nah, they're gonna take over the world tomorrow night. Funny ending.
That was amazing. 5 stars.
Christopher Columbusted:
Say what you will about Animaniacs, the show has NEVER been afraid of exploring adult political controversies, and bravely taking the liberal side. Some parents who see this are gonna go nuts. Without remembering the show did stuff like this when they were kids too.
The ending of the pun counter drowning and the dead in the water thing was absolutely outstanding.
I also love how it's become a running gag that the other Warners are wary of making Yakko sing The Nations Of The World at the drop of a hat.
Also fantastic. 5 stars.
Fake Medicines:
Silly. 3 1/2 stars.
Episode Overall: 5 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 2, Episode 10"
Cold Open: Exercise Minute:
You know what? That was mean. Didn't like it. 1 star.
Reichenbrain Falls:
Julia's revenge! Considering what Brain did to her in the last episode I was actually rooting for her. Her facial expressions are amazing. What a great design.
I thought it was hilariously homoerotic when Pinky says "Don't interrupt me, Babe." In reality, it's a major clue it's Julia. Well played.
Extra long cartoon. Its quality justified the length in my mind. 4 1/2 stars.
Targeted Ads:
Can't believe they showed a couple licking each other's tongues. That's a Family Guy joke. Not a kids show joke. The rest of the ads were funny though, especially the DMV one. 3 stars.
Starbox And Cindy: Bath:
Here's something interesting, that I suspected as the short went along: There is no writing credit. I think the producers merely sat down and put child actress Eleanor Johnson in a bathroom, allowed her to riff with a few basic directions, and made the action onscreen fit what she was saying. Interesting visuals and ideas occurred from them doing that. 4 stars.
Episode Overall: 3 1/2 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 2, Episode 11"
A Brief History Of History:
Yes, Yakko, is objectively best at summary jingles.
I liked him interrupting the s-bomb.
No Nations Of The World, but it was still pretty good. 4 stars.
The Incredible Gnome In People's Mouths: "Gerard":
This remains the single most bizarre premise in the franchise's history. I love it. 4 1/2 stars.
The Prisoner's Dilemma:
"Oooh, I've got you by the gills now, Wet Gregory." I don't know what that means but it makes me laugh.
Dopplerville is like if Wes Anderson had a seizure at Brooks Brothers. Good analogy, Brain.
Jack and Rose could have totally both made it.
In my heart of hearts, I know Pinky isn't an evil genius. But considering the chaos and destruction he always leaves in his wake, I can see why he was confused for that.
Pinky hasn't seen that much food since he first saw that much food a few seconds ago.
I know I seem to keep saying this, but Doppler has a great design.
He did it! Pinky crossed over!
Great short. 4 stars.
Math-terpiece Theater: Beachballs:
I love whenever the show messes with the animation styles. Carlo's design as the creature from The Grudge was freaky.
Neat. 4 stars.
Episode Overall: 4 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 2, Episode 12"
Warner's Ark:
Ugh. Chicken Boo. And it was a great premise until the ending.
Yakko hasn't seen this many freaky characters since Steve Carell started chasing an Oscar. Good one.
It was good until we realized it was Chicken Boo's origin story. 3 stars.
The Apology:
Being famous hasn't changed the Warners. They've always been terrible. Funny stuff about an annoying trend. 4 stars.
Narf Over Troubled Water:
Ugh. The 60's. Time of leg and armpit hair. Glad I missed it.
Original Acme Labs design which is cool.
I like the name Narfunkle.
Maurice La Marche has always done an amazing Ed Sullivan. Besides Orson Welles his Vincent Price is great too.
All right but kinda gross. Just like the 60's. 2 1/2 stars.
The Warner's Vault:
The Dated Material Alert suggests they expected Trump to win reelection. I actually didn't, which makes me amazed to realize this show is more cynical than I am.
The 70's designs of Warners are good and bad. It shows something true, that in the 60's and 70's studios would often totally redesign a major character, and it will look very strange in hindsight once the original design is gotten back to. I'm thinking of Goofy and Woody Woodpecker specifically.
The bad thing is the animation in this short is far too fluid to be credible. Animation was never as cruddy looking as it was in the 70's and if the show wanted to be an actual time capsule to the era, the short would have looked nearly unwatchable. That would have made it funnier too. 3 1/2 stars.
Episode Overall: 3 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 2, Episode 13"
80's Cats:
I'd watch the hell out of that if they made it. 5 stars.
All About The Benjamin:
Aaah! Baby Brainy! So cute!
I don't know who the Sandsmith is supposed to be a slam of, but it's funny.
I like Dot's "Tops are for looking, bottoms are for booking."
Solid, but not fantastic. 3 stars.
23 And WB:
Ralph's rambling at the end shows why Frank Welker is an irreplaceable national treasure.
If Nora ever followed her test results, she'd be in a hospital for the criminally insane. That tracks.
Gotta warn you. Flora's really gullible. She watch Tucker Carlson. That also tracks.
No Pinky and the Brain this episode. But this cliffhanger cartoon was good. Here's hoping Hulu renews the show. 4 stars.
Episode Overall: 4 stars.
ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
Check out Gilda And Meek & The Un-Iverse! Blog with every online issue in one place!
Animaniacs "Season 3, Episode 1"
So the credits listed the recap as a separate cartoon, so I need to review it. But it's a freaking recap, new spit-take animation or not. 2 1/2 stars.
Season Three And WB: Part 1:
Maybe not do movie parodies to escape if the new guard ran the studio in question and saw all the movies.
True note: The Dark Knight Rises is worse than The Dark Knight in every nearly respect. But it DID have the more memorable set-piece. Doesn't stop it from sucking, but it was a true observation from Yakko.
Meatball Man felt too far outside the franchise. And since I didn't like the original show too much, I don't tend to mind that. But when it gets TOO far outside it, it's noticeable, and noticing things like that makes the viewing experience worse. It's not bad per se, but the fact that it feels "wrong" makes my enjoyment less anyways. Does that make sense? 3 1/2 stars.
How To Friendship:
The Pinky the Brain cartoons on the relaunch are really getting in the psychological underpinnings of the codependent relationship between Brain and Pinky. It's such a conundrum that Pinky ruins everything Brain tries to do, and for some reason Brain still can't function without him.
I could be wrong, but I think Maurice La Marche played the catch-phrase at the end entirely differently for the first time ever. I don't recall him using this specific tone before. Usually when Brain does the "The same thing we do every night, Pinky" he's sort of low-key sinister followed by ambition and falsely earned triumph. Here, his voice has a measure of disgust in it. The undertone is, "How many times do I have to say this, and when are you going to stop asking me the same damn question?" That was an interesting thing, for sure. 3 1/2 stars.
Season Three And WB: Part 2:
I could be wrong, but this hit me wrong tonally too. I don't like that it turns out Nora actually beat the Warners last episode. They had to beg her for mercy, and it turns out it wasn't a con on their end, they truly cut a deal with her and held up to it.
Yeah, that's... new. But it's totally outside of the premise. The Warners are always supposed to win against their antagonists. That's the whole bit of the show. I understand Bugs Bunny lost to Cecile Turtle on occasion, but Bugs Bunny was not a franchise that had been around for nearly 30 years when Bob Clampett was messing around with the tropes. Again, this felt wrong to me. Am I crazy for thinking that? 2 1/2 stars.
Episode Overall: 3 stars.
Before I review the cartoon, I will offer a brief opinion of Jojo Siwa. She is one of those celebrities that absolutely makes my skin crawl. She dresses like Punky Brewster, and no lie, has a voice like Baby Huey. Everything she says and does project utter stupidity and vapidity. I'm not saying my generation didn't love stupid things. But I am hard pressed to think of a thing as obviously stupid and repulsive as Jojo Siwa gaining a huge amount of screaming fans. To me, it's obscene.
So I was looking forward to a cartoon taking shots at a stand-in for her. But it's a toothless parody instead, throwing her undeserved sympathy for supposedly not being allowed to be a kid. That annoyed me, but whatever. But the episode can't even stick that landing and makes her a psycho at the end. So what's the point of the cartoon anyways? What's the message? What is its stance?
What it is, is an utter mess in both premise and execution. 1 star.
A Starbox Is Born:
I think they aged up Cindy so they wouldn't have to change her voice actress.
And yeah, I always love that these shorts use different animation. 3 1/2 stars.
Royal Flush:
Talking about how the stand-in for Megan Markle's horse farm resides on stolen Aboriginal land raises a HELL of a lot more political questions for me than the cutesy idea that gosh, I don't understand WHY this woman of color could possibly feel like an outsider in aristocracy / monarchy. People give Megan Markle SO much crap. If that Aboriginal Lands thing is true, this is the first time I've seen anyone give her crap for a legit reason. But since I never heard of this before, I'm loathe to take it at face value. Sorry, I'm not just gonna take this show's word for it. I'll do some research later on, probably after this damn review has already been posted elsewhere. But it's sort of weird I've never heard of that.
Is Pinky actually in love with Brain? The cartoon is hinting at that, and I feel like maybe that's the show going a little too far with the fact that they like to make Pinky effeminate as a joke. I don't find that idea funny. Considering the way Brain treats him, if that were so, I'd find it tragic.
Also, why the hell did Brain randomly confess to being the paparazzo at the end? Are we sure it's Pinky who is the stupid one who always ruins everything? There was no reason, or even logical benefit to Brain doing that other than plot-related stupidity that would allow him to be "properly punished". And I am not a fan of that. Although the original show sure as hell did its share of it too.
I didn't like this cartoon either. 1 1/2 stars
Episode Overall: 2 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 3, Episode 3"
Future seasons? Fat chance. The episode also basically admits the old episodes without Pinky And The Brain are inferior, but was clearly written and animated before anybody knew Hulu would take the original series off the service.
In fairness to the cartoon at hand, I like Hamster Hog Heron Boy. 3 stars.
Talladega Mice: The Ballad Of Pinky Brainy:
See if I were Brain at the beginning I wouldn't be chastising Pinky for playing an anti-mouse game. I'd be praising him for actually getting the damn Mouse Trap toy to work. Does he have any idea how near-impossible this is? Seeing Brain max out Pinky's stress levels is also another clue that Pinky might be halfway competent if Brain didn't treat him like crap.
I love Brain's Christopher Lloyd and Morgan Freeman impressions. I also laughed at his panic at not knowing how to do Orson Welles. Right. Here's how you do Orson Welles, Brain: Sound like you are the cast member of Transformers: The Movie most embarrassed to be there and then you're all set.
Good cartoon. 3 1/2 stars
I like the fan art. I wonder what part of Wakko on it was big.
I will never tire of a character pointing out that money is an artificially agreed-upon, fictional construct. Yakko is my people.
Funny. 3 1/2 stars.
Episode Overall: 3 1/2 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 3, Episode 4"
Not too many cartoons where the Warners and Pinky and the Brain interact. The opening animation style is neat. 3 stars.
Uber Nachtmare:
You know what? I thought this was a little too mean. I DID like the mule who spoke like a New York cabbie though. 2 stars.
Mad Mouse: Furry Road:
Sorry, Dexter. There IS no season four. You are finished.
Still can't believe that's the same guy who voices Mickey Mouse. 3 1/2 stars.
Episode Overall: 3 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 3, Episode 5"
And yet, still not as dumb as Riverdale. 4 1/2 stars.
Dog Days:
Starbox And Cindy Arc? Why not? 3 1/2 stars.
Groundmouse Day:
Two-Parter? I love it.
Great Garfield slam.
I love when Pinky talks about something Furry, Brain's worried they're playing things a little too close to that side of the fandom. And people wonder why Minerva Mink has been entirely absent on the relaunch.
The Board Store is running out of that guy! Constanza exits room.
Thinky is a funny name, but truthfully there IS every possibility that Pinky is the genius and Brain is insane. Remind yourself what the textbook definition of insanity is and yeah, Brain's not looking so hot there.
So Stephen Tobolowsky played the DJ. If I ran the show, he'd have played Egwind.
Great stuff. 5 stars.
Episode Overall: 4 1/2 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 3, Episode 6"
Not the timeliest parody, for sure. 3 stars.
Murder Pals:
This Lassie / Flipper parody felt like the randomest trio of interstitials EVER. And then the title reveal at the end of the episode hits, and it's pretty much perfect comedy.
Take note: I think the TV-PG rating of the relaunch is bogus. And yet, I am well aware these dark Lassie and Flipper gags could NEVER be done on Fox Kids or Kids WB. And that title would certainly have to be changed as well.
I think this is brilliant. 5 stars.
Groundmouse Day Again:
The original show did this a couple of times too. And it's sort of both important to show and depressing in equal measure. Brain taking over the world is not a pipe dream. It is possible. It's just that he's too incompetent to do it under normal circumstances.
Take this episode. If he hadn't blown his stack with Pinky at the end, and destroyed the proto time machine, he could have ridden a final loop, taken over the world, THEN destroyed the machine, and then he would be Master of the World for good. Maybe Brain isn't insane. But he sure as hell isn't a genius, and is probably stupid deep down.
My favorite bit in the cartoon was the DJ telling us Brain took over the world once simply by claiming he was the ruler and everybody just went with it. I think that's kind of how most people saw the Trump Presidency too. While we are taking shots at Brain's intelligence.
Pssst! Show! Hillary won Colorado! Hillary stand-in FAIL.
I liked it though. 4 stars.
The Island Of Dr. Warneau:
Kind of a dark and gruesome cartoon. And the implications of the Warners having done away with Scratchensniff's brother without him ever being aware of it gives me the willies too.
The joke I liked was Yakko telling his island stand-in that he likes that he's the tallest so they can tell he's the oldest. I would like to think our Yakko has more to him than that (and he does) but the show poking fun at the superficiality of the design is interesting.
The animation was good too.
But that's a darker ending than freaking Murder Pals. 2 1/2 stars.
Episode Overall: 4 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 3, Episode 7"
"Cleft In Twaining" is a good one.
Josh Polar has a great design.
"Here Comes The Sea" is a DAMN good song, considering Randy Rogel had nothing to do with it.
Was the ending too political? Well, yes. But if it wasn't, they couldn't really tackle the topic at all, could they? Maybe they shouldn't have. But the song tells me any uneasy preachy morals are probably worth it. At least this time. 4 stars.
Lawn In Sixty Seconds:
Cynical cartoon that I dislike simply because it makes Murder Pals feel less special. 2 stars.
All's Fair In Love And Door:
Julia continues to have the best cartoon character design and animated facial expressions on the show. I hear people taking shots at this show's animation for supposedly being worse than the original series. And in fairness it's been awhile since I've seen it. But I was an animation fan as a teenager. If they had ever animated a character as perfectly back then as they do Julia now, I would have noticed it. No question.
No, I think the series is just seriously underrated as far as animation goes. 4 stars.
Cute Things That Can Kill You:
Again, another differently animated interstitial I'm resentful for because it takes the wind out of the sails of Murder Pals. The noive. 1 1/2 stars.
Episode Overall: 3 1/2 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 3, Episode 8"
Cameos from the Goodfeathers, Slappy Squirrel, and Chicken Boo.
Those guys look like Wakko smells. I love Wakko telling Yakko to punch up for once, why don'cha?
I also laughed when Yakko points out he's technically a Boomer. I totally forgot that. The old-timey nature of the Warners has been largely ignored on the relaunch.
What would be amazing would be if someone on Reddit liked the reboot.
By the way, it's not a reboot, it's a revival. Reboot is the most misused word in popular culture. Animaniacs 2020 does not fit its definition.
Jackass Monkey? Okay, I'll concede that legit earned the ep a TV-PG rating. It's normally unnecessary.
I liked some of the Terminator sequels. I thought Genisys was a lot of fun.
Funny stuff. 4 stars.
Starbox And Cindy: Bedtime:
Surprisingly sweet ending.
I also should probably say that the more I hear it, the more I think the Starbox and Cindy theme tune ("Alien Chorus") is excellent.
Weirdest Cindy line (in a show where she says nothing by weird lines) was her saying she was born with a tail, but it fell off, and that's how you can tell if a person is a monster. She then looks at Starbox's butt and tells him he's just a guy.
Turning these shorts into an arc this season has made them extra interesting. 4 1/2 stars.
The "sucks" and Beastwipe trying to "seduce" Wakko are more TV-PGedness.
I got the battle videogames they were parodying but I kind of think it would have been more fun to instead of seeing the Warners as 3D CGI videogame characters, for them to turn into 8/16-bit sprites instead. Granted that's been done before, but Animaniacs actually HAD a Super Nintendo game, so it would probably have felt more appropriate. 3 1/2 stars.
Crumbly's Moment:
This is essentially the Animaniacs version of a Pixar short. It's a bit of a goofy premise, but the animation is cool and it feels shockingly sweet and sincere too. Not too many Animaniacs cartoons I'd call "nice". That qualified. 4 1/2 stars.
Episode Overall: 4 1/2 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 3, Episode 9"
Bringing up "A Pinky And The Brain Christmas" was smart. Not only is it great to acknowledge one of the best episodes of the original show, but doing so allowed them to manage expectations about this one and perhaps not have to do something quite as heartwarming. There is some of that here, for sure. But we'll get to that soon enough.
My favorite bit in the first part is Robot Pinky asking if we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys, and Brain deadpanning that's TOO stupid. I don't think everyone in the audience is going to get that joke, but it's hilarious of you are of a certain mind. Let's keep it at that. 4 1/2 stars.
I'm not going to say Animaniacs ripped off my Santa from Gilda And Meek, but... No, you know what? I AM gonna say it. Mine was online in 2017. Make THOSE guys defend it. Eh. I'll give them this one because I'm kind: My ripped Santa is way better and funnier. If they really ripped it off, their version would be cooler.
This show makes the excellent musical numbers look effortless. Although truth be told, they may actually be. I have a sneaking suspicion great original musical numbers aren't actually hard. Bob's Burgers just makes them LOOK hard. 3 1/2 stars.
How The Brain Thieved Christmas: Part Two:
I love that they do the same thing every Boxing Day: Finish off the nog before it goes bad, and try to take over the world.
There is a slight element of tugging at the heartstrings. But unlike the classic special it doesn't feel genuine. That's actually all right (A Pinky And The Brain Christmas was EXTREMELY unusual for an Animaniacs related project) but it's hard to take Brain's redemption at face value when the characters are literally deconstructing how the Whoville chorus works on a manipulative emotional level out-loud. But Brain doesn't have to love and appreciate Pinky this year. Him accepting part of the holidays is disappointment and regret is another valid response. And I'm glad the two Christmas specials, decades apart, reach different conclusions. And that's okay. Because some Christmases are better than others.
It feels nice to get an Animaniacs Christmas special again, but the fact that it streams on Hulu is a double-edged sword. We get all the episodes at once, but it means the Christmas special drops in February. It was a good one though. 4 1/2 stars.
Episode Overall: 4 1/2 stars.
Animaniacs "Season 3, Episode 10"
Good intro. 4 stars.
Aliens Resurrected:
That's sort of the videogame sprites in the opening I was looking for.
And yes, I appreciate the show giving the audience a clearer picture why Hello Nurse and Minerva Mink are gone. Do you really miss them? Really? I'm gonna save my rage against dumb and pointless arguments for the last cartoon, but I think Slappy has me unleashing my inner curmudgeon today.
Also, psst! Warners? The aliens are not actually coming back. 4 stars.
Eh. Some of these random jokes are good. This one added nothing. Although the Australian accents gave it a bit of international flavor. But if you want good parents with Aussie accents your best bet is Bluey. 2 1/2 stars.
The Stickening:
The Gnome In People's Mouths makes his one brief appearance of the season here. I'm less surprised he sat the rest of the season out, and more surprised he was brought back at ALL in season two. 3 1/2 stars.
Slappy's Return:
Slappy was a fan demanded character, and I think I like the fact that she thinks that's stupid. It was nice to throw Sherri Stoner this bone when they suspected it was the final episode, but I think Slappy finding fan outrage at her absence annoying entirely appropriate.
The irony is beside the Warners and Pink And The Brain, Slappy Squirrel was the one decent sketch on the original series. Literally everything else was awful. I'm not exaggerating my opinion. I truly think it all sucked, and I did as a teenager too. Goodfeathers, Rita and Runt, Buttons and Mindy, Hip Hippos, Chicken Boo, Katie Kaboom ALL of it sucked ass. If you didn't think so, you were young. Goodfeathers in particular confounded me. Who the HELL was that cartoon geared towards anyways? How is one pigeon repeating the line from Goodfeathers even a joke? How was this such a major recurring sketch they were in the damn theme song? What the freaking hell? Crap.
Slappy always struck me as hit and miss. When she did stuff like takes shots at Bonkers, I cringed, but mostly she was all right. And I felt the same way about the Warners, so I actually didn't really see the logic of not bringing her into the relaunch too. But damn, she was hardly an unimpeachable cartoon genius, no matter what Spielberg smugly told the kids at home at the time via obnoxious, unfunny meta jokes. I was like "Man, get over it!" to the fans whining about her absence. Maybe they didn't bring her back because the old show told every interesting story with her worth telling. That makes more sense than some massive conspiracy on the end of the producers to ruin your childhood and Tom Ruegger's legacy that his kid likes and retweets.
And yeah, I'll tell you one thing I won't miss about the reboot. The dirty laundry being aired behind the scenes. The show getting it from the fans of the old show is understandable. That goes with the territory. The show never had a remote shot so long as Tom Ruegger was turning fans against it. I found the actions of both Ruegger and his son completely unprofessional. And it strikes me as a good thing he wasn't invited back. He obviously is not a good team player or willing to share credit with anyone else. Maybe if the show had his blessing it would have either gotten a bigger fanbase or not been such a lightning rod for fan-hate. But his behavior towards the show was completely unprofessional. You think Don Rosa likes DuckTales 2017 or that Scott Bakula likes Quantum Leap 2022? They don't, but they said their piece, and that was the end of it. They didn't have their kids online nitpicking every little thing and trying to sabotage the show week by week. I'm not gonna miss that. At all.
Also should point out that math does in fact exist. Therefore even if you accepted that the reboot's versions of the Warners and Pinky And The Brain are worse than the original series' take (which is debatable, if you ask me), the fact that all of those awful cartoons I mentioned, that ate up SO much of the original series' runtime, are enirely absent, makes this show ten times better than the original. And that would be so if the Warners and Acme Labs were twice as bad. And I don't think they are, so it pisses me off the guy who let the Hip Hippos on the air is always whining about quality control. Give me a freaking break.
Wait, didn't I say I was gonna ONLY start arguing against stupid stuff in the last cartoon? I'm trying real hard to be the shepherd here, Ringo... Okay, maybe that joke's as played out as the Joe Pesci thing. But see, I'm only telling it once in this review. 5 stars.
Everyday Safety: Giant Adirondack Chair:
Well, that's it, isn't it? I don't want to hear complaints about the ending and how it's cliffhanger and unresolved or the Warners died. Don't be stupid, okay? Please? Just this once, don't make me argue against nonsense. Let's pretend a comedy ending on a joke is acceptable. Because guess what? It is.
As the last cartoon, I guess it will be important to talk about what the show did right and wrong. I know the series probably wished for more seasons, but I don't like that Julia's Arc on Pinky And The Brain wound up totally unresolved, especially since it was just warming up. Similarly, I was delighted Starbox and Cindy sort of became a bit serialized this season. But it just stopped and we're left hanging. I object to that far most than the Warners being hit by a comet they would survived had the series been renewed. Like, I have Starbox QUESTIONS, man. Don't do that to me.
So That's All, Folks. Or more like, Those Are The Facts. 4 stars.
Episode Overall: 4 stars.
ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
Check out Gilda And Meek & The Un-Iverse! Blog with every online issue in one place!
Animaniacs x MasterClass: The Brain Teaches World Domination "Meet Your Instructor"
Animaniacs x MasterClass: The Brain Teaches World Domination "Disguises And The Art Of Subterfuge"
Somehow I feel like the wrong guy is teaching this class. 3 1/2 stars.
Animaniacs x MasterClass: The Brain Teaches World Domination "Analyzing Your Adversaries"
For the record, I knew how to spell Mississippi since I was 8. My dad taught me: Em-eye-ess-ess-eye-ess-ess-eye-pee-pee-eye. SUPER easy to remember it that way.
I hope these are on the Animaniacs season three DVDs. Cute extras, and a little bit more of the show after it's been canceled. 3 1/2 stars.
ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
Check out Gilda And Meek & The Un-Iverse! Blog with every online issue in one place!