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Matt Zimmer
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1992)


It's 2021 as of the writing of this review. Can you believe this is the first time I've ever seen this?

First off, it's absolutely awful. There is no use kidding about that. We'll get back to that soon enough.

As Joss Whedon's horrible treatment of the cast members of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer TV series became public knowledge, I thought it would be instructive to rewatch The Buffyverse and see what impressions I would now see knowing that the creator was a bully and a harasser. And I could definitely have a field day with this movie regarding some of the skeevier elements. The problem is I get the sense the script was reworked so much that it doesn't feel like Whedon at all.

I'm not saying Whedon has never written corny scripts. The first and seconds seasons of Buffy the TV show say he has and on numerous occasions. I'm saying this script did corny things that Whedon would have immediately jumped on and pointed out for meta comedy.

One of the most unpleasant elements of the film is that teenage girls seem to be a bit objectified here. And again, Whedon's done that on the TV show too. But when Buffy is in the gym in a sports bra and Merrick comes in in a trenchcoat and cryptically insists she comes with him to the graveyard, Whedon would have played up the pedophile angle instantly. It's the first place the audience's mind goes, so Whedon would let us know we weren't crazy for thinking that. After a few beats, Buffy sort of cottons on to the idea that he could be a dangerous killer, but there is something wrong with the intelligence of the script if that isn't her first reaction. Since it isn't, I can pretty safely say Whedon did NOT write that scene. Or if he did, it was written differently.

A lot of the elements are different from the TV show including vampires not being dusted when they die. This would have been a pain in the neck on the TV series with the cast having to clean up bodies and cover up murders at the end of every episode. There also is reincarnation involved with the Slayers and the Watchers, and their roles are more limited because of that. And the less said about PMS being used as a vampire detector the better. That specific bit I'm betting DID come from Whedon (it's totally in character), but was probably dropped from the TV series because it's stupid.

It's amazing the movie is played entirely as a comedy, and I didn't laugh once. I hear all the time about Paul Reubens "hilarious" extended death, but not only did I not laugh, it's much briefer than it's reputation suggests it should be. If Pee-Wee Herman had the longest film kiss in screen history (legitimately) than Paul Reubens' extended vampire death SHOULD actually take awhile.

Here is my suggestion: If you want to see the movie, watch the trailer instead. There are a couple of nice things in the movie that are all spoiled in the trailer. When Pike tells Buffy she's not like other girls and she puts her head on his shoulder and says "Yes, I am," that's wonderful and iconic. And you don't have to waste an hour and 25 minutes to see it, because it's in the trailer. As is Buffy catching the knife thrown at her head with her hands, and saying she didn't even break a nail after she hit the guy.

Here is something that will amaze you. Buffy the TV show was very influential in the fluidity of fictional language, and the way characters spoke using pop-culture names and terms for shorthand. The movie did it first. What's amazing to me, and something I don't think the movie gets credit for is that one of its quips actually became a real saying, while Buffy The Series' insular dialogue remains singularly Buffy: The Series'. When the girl describes the jacket as "SO five minutes ago", that actually became a real pop-culture saying in a way nothing from the TV series ever did. It's funny and a bit annoying too. I mean, Jane Pauley would probably not like to best be remembered for coining the term "Bad hair day". But that's essentially what she WILL be remembered for. And yeah, the most the Buffyverse ever caught fire into the fabric of the pop-culture landscape was a throwaway joke from the terrible movie. Life is so unfair.

Buffy's personality is like Cordelia here, as the TV series suggested it was in "Becoming: Part 1". I don't object to her being a spoiled, bratty, bully. What I object to is that movie Buffy is clearly stupid. Part of the joke is that it's the bimbo killing the monster in the horror film, but even if Joss Whedon's feminist cred is suspect, he knew enough to make Buffy Summers actually admirable and cunning on the TV show. It's very weird the movie has Buffy being so dumb.

The less said about Buffy's mother in the film, the better. She is an unrecognizable cartoon caricature of the worst and most absent parent ever. Her clueless behavior is beyond appalling, and completely outside of the sympathy and empathy Kristine Sutherland brought to Joyce on the TV series.

I kind of feel like it's useless to try and deconstruct this movie to get into Whedon's headspace and the way he treats women and minorities. Because very little of the film actually feels like Whedon. Every inch of it feels like he must have been pushed aside. I don't think much of Whedon as a person, but he's not THIS bad of a writer. I can see why the movie, of which he has sole writing credit, is a major sore spot with him. 1/2.

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Matt Zimmer
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Welcome To The Hellmouth"


So, in the wake of the revelations that Joss Whedon was basically an an abusive ahole on the set of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, that sort of led me to decide to rewatch the series (and Angel) on Hulu and see if knowing what I know now colors how I view the show.

As far as the first episode ever goes, I didn't notice too many red flags (although Jessie asking Cordelia if she wants a shoulder to cry on, or to better yet, nibble on, is super gross) but it's very clear to me my previously low opinion of the first season was justified. There are a couple of interesting and refreshing choices in the storytelling (including making Darla at the beginning the Vampire in the opening late night at the empty school horror scenario) but frankly a LOT of this makes me cringe. Joss Whedon has been celebrated his entire career for his sharp dialogue. Is this truly the same guy who wrote Cordelia's painful "Coolness test" or Buffy's first ever entirely cliched and unfunny banter with Darla and Thomas in the tomb? I always thought these aspects of the episode were lame, but I always gave Whedon a free pass for them because stuff got better later on. But there's really no excuse for the show to be this badly written at this stage of the game.

There is some moody and atmospheric lighting during some of the horror scenes, and yet the direction for most of the episode is quite pedestrian. A lot of the boarding and directing in the high school is the exact same kind of stuff you could see on 90210. And I don't mean that as a compliment. The Avant Garde stuff the show later became famous for was not present at the beginning.

I also have to say, the score absolutely sucks. Walter Murphy has composed some good things for Family Guy later on, but his work on Buffy is entirely unremarkable. Buffy always had one of the most memorable scores to me out of any TV show I watched. And Murphy's stuff is not only forgettable, but it sounds a little tinny too. Generally speaking, the show's later composer Christophe Beck was not afforded an orchestra either. But the music was elaborate enough that you either couldn't really tell, or you didn't mind when you could.

It's interesting that David Boreanaz initially affected his performance as Angel with a sort of droopy-eyed demeanor and a somewhat slow, slurry, and croaky voice. It's an interesting choice right off the bat, but simply not sustainable. Boreanaz was new to acting when he got the part (he was a dog-walker before he was cast as Angel) but I think he quickly learned a quirky performance is not something to saddle your character with forever if you don't have the chops for it at that stage in your career.

It is not credible that there is a dead body found in a school locker, and the worst thing that happens is that gym is canceled.

Fun Fact: The Cthultu Mythos, longtime considered a major influence on the franchise, is present in the very first episode, and further delved into at the beginning of the next. What else are the Old Ones a reference to? While the writing on the show may not always have been sound, it appears the bones of the long-term mythology was. This is all stuff that eventually played out with Illyria on Angel: Season Five 8 years later. That's a pretty impressive level of groundwork being laid in the first episode ever.

I smiled at watching the theme song again for the first time in years. That is a great tune and main title. And the first and second season's versions are spooky and horror movie atmospheric, rather than the rockin' action movie homages the later main titles became.

Ultimately, however the first episode was a bore, and Cordelia's casual cruelty seems even worse than when this aired. Not a great start. 1 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Harvest"


Oh, yeah, bad warning signs aplenty here. Sheesh.

Let me start off by saying the episode sucked, and the last scene is not actually iconic as fans of the series think it is. It's lame. Maybe it wasn't in 1997. But it is now.

Buffy calling herself "mentally challenged" is the casual cruelty of Joss Whedon in a nutshell.

Speaking of which, the scene where Cordelia tells Willow that she doesn't interfere in her private conversations because she's boring was remarked in the DVD commentary by Whedon as something he snarkily said to a female classmate in high school, and found out later he really unintentionally hurt her feelings. That notion and this scene feel a lot less understandable knowing Whedon was still making those kinds of snide comments the entire time on the series and didn't understand he wasn't loved for it.

I liked the scene transition from the sewer sliding vertically into the library card catalogue. It's a VERY early example of the show using an "interesting shot" which it got better at later on.

It's not credible that people are making excuses for the vampires not being vampires at the end. The series is asking us to believe they are offering a harsh critique of the denialism present in society. No. That's not what it is. The people in Sunnydale always make excuses because if they didn't, that would change the entire premise of the show. And while I do appreciate that would make it worse (especially after only episode 2) I don't appreciate being sold the idea that the show is doing a cynical observation of people. Observations actually have to be true. It's simply a thin excuse for the Total Reset Button being rehit at the end of every episode. And it isn't remotely believable.

Similarly not credible is the "deliver" scene. Are you telling me the teacher never told the students what the delete key does? That joke seems to have been written by an adult who believes the younger generation is a lot more computer illiterate than they are. It's not a commentary on Cordelia being stupid at all. It's something that a student in 1997 would already know in order to function in a computer class. It's sloppy writing in the name of a very cheap joke.

Back in the day, I appreciated the allegory the show was making of Buffy's mom not actually understanding that her being grounded IS actually the end of the world. She says Buffy only believes that because she's a 16 year old girl. In the years since I watched the series I learned about a political rationalization called a "false equivalency". It's not actually a good allegory in hindsight after all. It's actually bothsidesing the apocalypse. It's not something I tolerate anymore. I don't put up with it from The New York Times, and I won't put up with it from Buffy The Vampire Slayer either.

Garlic can briefly be seen in Buffy's weapons chest. Very, VERY rarely seen in the franchise, and it only made a single other appearance in either Buffy or Angel past the Pilot.

My favorite scene in the episode holds up years later, and frankly I'm a bit shocked more people aren't impressed with it. Xander says a fairly stupid and cliched line: "Oh, we've gotta stop Jessie from doing something even stupider than usual." And Giles gets fiercely angry at him for that, and insists with both fury and sympathy that Jessie is dead, and they are dealing with the thing that killed him. I like that moment. It's a serious reminder of the stakes, after Xander says a thing that would be not particularly controversial for another character to say in a different franchise. Instead he get reamed for it, which I like.

Finally, the thing I want to talk about this episode is something that is actually kind of minor in the episode itself, but it's the first symptom of a larger pattern of bad messages. Ironically, this was not a problem that affected Firefly at all, so I'm not sure why only The Buffyverse was afflicted. But Joss Whedon has been getting a lot of flack for his feminist insensitivities for the past few years. After MeToo, that was inevitable. But until Ray Fisher, I don't think people have ever given him the proper level of shade he deserves for his racial insensitivities.

We'll be talking a LOT more about this as we get into reviewing Angel, but in the second episode of Buffy ever, the tough, muscled, black bouncer is turned into a quivering coward and killed. Basically, Joss took the one black person who has appeared on the series so far, and completely emasculated and killed him off for shock value. I believe that every death you show in fiction makes a statement. The statement of the first black man on Buffy The Vampire Slayer being killed in such a humiliating fashion shows that Ray Fisher was probably onto something.

As I said in the first review not off to a flying start. 1 star.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Witch"


It's been years since I've seen this, and the first thing that jumped out at me is that as far as mysteries go, it is beyond poorly constructed. The supposed clues are all misleading, and don't actually make sense to what is going on. The selling point of a red herring is that a red herring is a plausible culprit. What this episode does instead with "Amy's" various confused and innocent seeming reactions to horrible things she's deliberately caused is make it completely outside of what the mystery is. Is it possible Catherine is merely acting surprised to dupe Buffy and friends? Conceivable. But if this is a mystery, that is something that needs to be spelled out explicitly to the viewer in hindsight. As it stands, it's simply an unfair mystery.

The reason I so readily identified it as such is because the Buffyverse has its share of unfair or unjustified plot twists, and I've sort of been on the look-out for them. This is definitely the first example, although it's not as egregious as some upcoming ones (I'm specifically thinking of the "bogus" prophecy arc in Angel: Season Three).

What else? I like Buffy asking Giles how he planned to stop her being a cheerleader. I was annoyed at Giles' behavior for many reasons. His "I forbid it," suggests he believes he holds more power over Buffy than he does. Who can he contact in the school to object to this? The principle? Her Mom? Won't they be questioning why a school librarian is raising the objections he is? And frankly Buffy saying she wanted something normal in her life is something Giles would want for her in later seasons. I'm not suggesting Giles grew as a character. I'm suggesting he's being written out of character here. Why? For pretty much the single most vulgar reason you can write a character out of character: to create artificial conflict where none should actually exist. To be blunt, this era of television was rank with that, and I can't indict Buffy The Vampire Slayer for it without slamming every single other show I watched and loved at the time. But it's a failing in hindsight, and it's one I no longer tolerate.

As I was watching Cordelia's driver's ed scene, I noticed something for the first time. The direction on the show this season is entirely dated. I'm not saying the Buffyverse is a timeless franchise. Many of the references and fashions put it in a very noticeable place in time. But as far as filmmaking goes, as much as I could (and will) criticize some of the scripts, the direction became relatively cinematic and modern, and it stayed that way. That sequence and the rest of the episode could have been made on an unmemorable low budget TV drama from the 1980's. Whatever else the Buffyverse felt like, it felt fresh at the time. I was underwhelmed with this era of the show back then. And that's probably because it's filmed like every other boring piece of television I didn't care about.

I think as far as creepy, nice guy, entitled incels go, Xander Harris was essentially Patient Zero for that gross phenomena. I found his "You're like a guy" thing to Willow appalling for that reason. Which is why I smiled when Buffy drunkenly told him he was like one of the girls. I think Xander's behavior towards Buffy is creepy. I liked that moment because he actually had to pay for it a little.

Buffy's mom Joyce is annoying at this stage of the game, but she's real. The movie version of Buffy's mom is a cartoon caricature of the most clueless and absent mother ever. I like that as annoyed as Joyce's foolishness makes me, she does actually care about Buffy. Although the real thing that tells me that she's not paying attention to her is that Buffy tells her there was an accident during the cheerleading tryouts and she doesn't look up and say, "My God, what happened? Are you okay?" I actually think it's out of character and bad writing that she doesn't do that, but television wasn't TOO concerned with making parents on teen-themed shows entirely realistic or sympathetic to viewers. And that's another failing.

I will say something nice. Anything I really objected to was due to it being a weak episode. Not due to the producers failing women and minorities. It's just not a strong script. Which is frankly nice. Because I am predisposed to like the show. If I don't have any ideological problems with it, I'm inclined to just sit back and enjoy a crappy episode. Now maybe this episode was slightly TOO crappy to actually enjoy. But I suspect better episodes coming up with nothing infuriating in them will be very enjoyable to watch. 2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Teacher's Pet"


I'm with Buffy and Giles. I liked Dr. Gregory too. Although it's weird he has his name embroidered on his labcoat.

The look on Sarah Michelle Gellar's face as she was listening to Cordelia's counseling session was priceless.

Principle Flutie remains one of the most inconsistently written characters in the franchise's history.

This episode starts the trend from this era of the show of making the last scene or shot a cliffhanger that is never followed up on.

It's a bit noticeable that in the establishing shots of Sunnydale High, the same people walk in front of it (in the same clothes) each time.

The She-Mantis puppet is fake-looking, but here's an unusual opinion: That kind of thing doesn't actually matter. None of Buffy's non-human creatures have ever been remotely credible during its entire run, and that never stopped my enjoyment of the show, even knowing and being able to tell they were totally fake. Realism in science fiction and fantasy is a vastly overrated commodity. If the writing is actually good, the visual effects don't matter. It's a pity current stuff takes the opposite stance.

Only so-so as far as it goes, but that pretty much describes Season 1 in general. 2 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Never Kill A Boy On The First Date"


The Anointed One reveal at the end was pretty great.

I still use the phrase "Okay, at this point you are abusing sarcasm," in my everyday life.

I'm not saying Whedon was eyeing Cordelia for Angel in a spin-off at this point in the game, but "Hello, Salty Goodness" is still somewhat ironic in hindsight.

Xander's creepiness has gotten a fair amount of backlash in hindsight (he's particularly bad in this episode) but I wonder why Cordelia doesn't get the same shade for exhibiting the exact same predatory behavior here. Probably because the gender power dynamics are reversed, but I rarely have seen Cordelia grosser and more unlikable than this episode.

Speaking of Xander, that bit with the Tweety Bird watch was hysterical. One of the funniest things on the series up to this point.

All right. 2 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Pack"


Technically, the scariest episode so far. But it's also not aged well.

The rape implications are pretty nasty, but that's par for the course for the show, and simply the introduction to the producers using that as a threat against the female heroes by the male ones. It's systemic and gross, and it's really unfortunate.

I want to address the Zookeeper's demise. Buffy threw him into the hyena pit. For all intents and purposes she killed him. Why is nobody making the federal case out of her doing that when they were all over Faith for doing the same thing to the Deputy Mayor in Season 3, except by accident? I have found that when it comes to television and the morality of its heroes, when it is and isn't appropriate to use lethal force is entirely arbitrary.

I find Principle Flutie's death unfortunate not simply because he didn't deserve it. But it's clear he was only killed off because he didn't quite mesh with the dynamic of the rest of the show, and the writers were clearly frustrated by that. It's a valid storytelling choice, but whenever TV writers do it, it certainly is never fair to the actor for the character the writers couldn't crack. But the close-up of the smiling photo makes me feel especially bad in hindsight.

There are a couple of amusing things in the episode. Giles declaring Xander a 16 year old boy, and Buffy calling that him trying to Scully her was fun. It also delighted me to realize the lead bully Kyle was played by a youmg Eion Bailey, who played August on Once Upon A Time. I suspect if I like watching the franchise less this time than I do any of the others, I might be a bit surprised and delighted about who I now know used to be on the show in a bit role.

My biggest question is something I would have been asking the entire time if I were a better writer or a more observant viewer back in the day. We took this for granted during the Oz episodes but it really makes no sense. Why does the school library have a cage? I don't get that bit, and it's weird it's not something I've ever questioned before.

For the record, the Zookeeper was giving me skeevy feelings from the beginning of the episode. It's very weird that I seem to recall being surprised by the twist ending at the time. In reality, his behavior in the first scene would have been a red flag to the 45 year old me he was responsible all along. The painting already being on the floor would also not be something I would have missed if I had watch this for the first time today.

I found the scene in the Bronze at the beginning of Buffy and Willow discussing Xander and Angel entirely insufferable. Whedon had obviously never heard of the Bechdel test. Almost all female on female scenes in this show so far have been about discussing love-lives. Not great.

One of the interesting things about the episode that I have not seen it complimented about (although most fans seem to agree it's a good episode in an otherwise bad season) is that it's very interesting that lot of the performances and cues being asked for the actors to get across to the audience are entirely nonverbal. The gym teacher's dumb joke about loving the brutality of the dodgeball game is besides the point, and probably only there to help any dummies in the audience who couldn't quite grasp how horrible that was supposed to be. But I like that a lot of what the characters are feeling is shown mostly through their expressions and non-verbal cues. That's unusual for television, especially for television from this era.

But yeah, the whole franchise is starting to feel a bit shaky in hindsight. If I'm noticing the dumbness of a cage in the library way back in episode 6, what other dumb stuff in the future will I no longer tolerate? Eyes wide open, man. For sure. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Angel"


If you had told me going in that this was the first episode of Buffy I really would have laid into and nitpicked to death, I would have been shocked. "Angel" is generally considered by all fans to be a turning point into the show becoming great. It didn't turn the show great YET. But it wouldn't have later become great without it. I am a little amazed and disturbed that if Arrow had aired this episode two seasons ago, I'd give it one star at best. Some positive turning point.

Let's start off with the ugly. Xander telling Cordelia her outfit makes her look like a hooker is eye-opening to me. Major red flag there. Not only is it uncalled for, it's not even funny. It's telling that Joss Whedon identifies most with Xander Harris and made him the comic relief at the same time. I'm starting to get the feel for how he treats other people just based on the way Xander does. He thinks those kind of remarks are cute and endearing instead of hurtful and annoying. And it seems like he always did.

Yes, I'm aware David Greenwalt's name is in the writing credits. But Whedon was famous for sprinkling one-liners into other writers' scripts. If he didn't write that specific line, I'll eat my hat.

Buffy talking about Darla being a bit worn around the edges is gross for the same reason, although since it's not constructed entirely as a clever quip, it's possible Whedon didn't write it.

It's very weird the Master is talking about power and responsibilities. That's Spider-Man's whole bit.

Kristine Sutherland made an interesting acting choice that I love, that I also entirely missed until now. But when she meets Angel for the first time, Sutherland plays it as if Joyce clearly doesn't like him. Whoever this strange man is, he's bad news, and she's trying to figure out how to get Buffy away from him without driving her straight into his arms. It's interesting that Joyce doesn't like or approve of Angel instantly, but she always seems to have gotten along with Spike. Which tickles me in hindsight.

Giles' problem with fighting Buffy with the quarterstaff is that he forgets she has superpowers. Her easy victory is a lot less impressive than the show is saying it is.

Even knowing it's coming, the Angel vampire reveal is quite effective. I don't know if I would have actually been surprised if I had first seen this episode before I already Angel's deal (I started watching the show in Season 2) but the dramatic beats of making it and revealing it as a surprise are sound.

In reality, don't you think this is something Angel should have already revealed and discussed with Buffy ahead of time? Granted, there would be no drama in the episode if they had done that, but I am not a big approver of creating drama in lieu of common sense.

If you ever need proof how dated the show actually is, just witness how freely Angel uses the word "Gypsies".

In Angel's first Vampire episode, it's revealed he has hospital blood-bags in his fridge. In later episodes it's said Angel drinks pig's blood, and that human blood is addictive and dangerous for him to drink because it makes him overly aggressive. I don't blame the writers for not having that down completely in his first real episode, but it's a difference I notice.

I'm not saying the episode and the show downplayed Angelus' old actions in this episode. After all the Master declares "Angel" the most vicious creature he's ever met. At the same time, Giles saying Angelus was like all of the other Vampires will be retconned in season 2, when it's revealed that he's probably the cruelest and most evil vampire who ever lived. He's like if Hannibal Lecter lost his soul and humanity. It's also weird to hear the Master and Darla call him Angel when describing his previous evil actions. The series was not quite consistent on that point yet. Hearing Darla call him Angel after he's staked her especially hits the ear wrong.

Giles pronounces "Angelus" correctly right off the bat, but he's one of the few characters in the first two seasons who do.

"It's so nice of you to invite me into your home." I don't like that line of Darla's. At all. It's said for effect for the sake of the audience, but it's not something a real person would ever say. This isn't just a problem with Buffy The Vampire Slayer by the way. That kind of atrocious dialogue was endemic in ALL television in 1997, especially genre. Subtlety was unheard of, and almost every show needed to hit the audience over the head with what was going on for fear of losing the audience's interest because the average audience member in question couldn't follow complex ideas. Now due to cable and streaming, television can be a lot more intelligently written, because smart people can now seek out smart shows, and those shows can find audiences and make money without having to worry about dumb viewers getting lost. Buffy was a show on network television at the time, and that line is a prime piece of evidence that it equally depended on dumb eyeballs as much as smart ones in a way current good television doesn't need to.

While I'm on the subject of bad writing, Buffy finding Angel in the position with Joyce she did is beyond lazy, and not credible, and they really had to set up a ton of unbelievable and unlikely pieces to make it happen. As huge a moment as it is to see Buffy believe Angel has fed on and tried to kill her mother, they had to move mountains to put Angel in that specific moment, and none of it is remotely believable. I don't like that either.

Angel and Buffy's fight at the end, as well as him goading her felt entirely unnecessary too.

Willow and Buffy can still talk about nothing but boys. It's really tiresome.

I like that Joyce questions what the school librarian is doing at the hospital to see her. Her asking that tells me she's far more sensible than the writers who gave her the lines about barbecue forks or the school really caring would have you believe.

Darla using guns was a nice wrinkle.

Angel says here that he's never fed on another human being since the day he was cursed. This was later retconned. Big time. He's actually done it several times.

I adore the phrase "With a song in my heart" to describe violent, unforgivable actions. I named a Gilda And Meek story after that phrase for the same reason. It gives me the chills.

I like the moment where Collin comforts the Master about losing Darla. I like it because it's a moment of empathy for two characters I barely know and roundly dislike anyways. What I especially like about it is that Collin uses the evil framework of "Darla was weak and we're better off without her". And he's doing it to make the Master feel better! One of the interesting things about the vampires in the franchise is that they can exhibit love, concern, and caring. And that doesn't change the fact that they are completely evil creatures at the same time. I think this is the first time we've witnessed that idea outside of Angel, and later on Spike and Drusilla. And it's the only time we've gotten that for either the Master OR the Anointed One as well.

I have to say it was a huge mistake to kill off Darla this soon. She's a great character, and I see why Angel: The Series resurrected her. I get the logic of killing her off. By Angel doing that, he's resisting temptation once and for all, and casting the die and throwing in with the good guys. The problem is Darla still being a temptation would have been good for the show. I don't like or respond to love triangles, but this one already exists, and the stakes are much larger than "My boyfriend didn't call me tonight. I think he's cheating". I get the storytelling logic of Angel definitively choosing Buffy for this episode. I just don't agree with it. And this is spoken as someone who HATES love triangles! This one actually half-works, and it's not one I'd simply get rid of. Simply because there are so few that actually do.

I will give the episode something. And it's something all Mutant Enemy shows deserve credit for: A great last scene. The cross being burned into Angel's chest after Buffy describing their last kiss as painful is properly romantic, grand, epic, iconic, memorable, and all those other big superlatives you want in a tragic romance. And I take note that unlike the contrivance of Buffy finding a half-dead Joyce in Angel's arms, they didn't have to move mountains to create the scene. It feels right and perfect, and it's the reason I respond to the Buffyverse in the first place.

Unfortunately, it's quite possible that great and memorable scene colored my response to how good the episode actually was back in the day. It actually sucked. But truthfully I don't think that amazing ending was why I overlooked the suckiness of the rest of the episode before now. I think I simply wasn't a sophisticated enough viewer and writer to recognize the rest of the episode as sucky, or understand that many of the story turns and pieces of cliched dialogue were b.s.. I'm not saying I've gotten too demanding in the meantime, but standards on TV HAVE been raised, and there is plenty of current stuff that can deliver an ending that bittersweet without the rest of the script being an utter mess. I think my standards have simply changed. What this means for me rewatching the rest of the franchise going forward is anybody's guess. 1 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "I Robot, You Jane"


The last time I reviewed this episode (in the beforetimes) was back when I got my first DVD player and reviewed the Buffy: Season 1 set (one of the first DVD's I ever got). I've seen it a few times since that review (which was quite pedestrian by my current writing standards) and I've also been through many DVD and Blu-Ray players in the meantime, but this is the first time I'll be writing down my thoughts since then.

And the episode "Angel" concerned me because I always liked it back in the day, and clearly I was wrong. My old review declares "I Robot, You Jane" the single worst episode in the entire Buffyverse, with the worst dialogue hands down. Not an exact quote, but close enough. Can you see my concern from here?

And yeah, it sucks, and yeah, it's probably the worst episode of Buffy (although there are a couple of Angel episodes that I hate more in hindsight). But what surprised me going in is that I liked the opening scene. It's a flashback to the 1600's which is refreshing and unusual enough. But the romance it's depicting that Moloch has cast on his last victim before Willow is actually same-sex, which I can't believe didn't register with me before. I must have simply thought Moloch's love worked differently between male and female acolytes, but I'm a very simple minded viewer now, no longer invested in refusing to believe what I'm seeing. The dude Moloch kills at the beginning is clearly gay, and it's weird that didn't register before.

But from there it's pretty much all downhill from Fritz's embarrassing "jacked on" rant. But the first thing the awful episode did to me is surprise me with a scene I liked.

Let me see if I get this straight: Sunnydale High allows Xander to walk around with a T-shirt that says "Porn star" on it? How did I miss that? High definition makes everything better (and in this case much worse).

This is the era of teen television in which everything on the internet is portrayed as inherently dangerous. It's not just dated, it's wrong about the actual dangers that exist. Since this aired I have become aware of some of the very real dangerous things the internet has been responsible for. And almost all of those dangerous things DO involve misinformation. But it's more to do with people sharing hatred and propaganda, rather than tricking teen girls in chatrooms. I'm not saying that isn't a problem. But considering all of the real problems social media has caused the world, and this country in particular in the meantime, warnings about internet stranger danger feel like missing the forest for the trees. The real danger of the internet isn't the person on the other end. It's the misinformation that gets passed back and forth. People in 2021 meatspace using the internet rarely cause the kinds of havoc seen in 1997 network TV, and if they do, Chris Hansen is on top of it. I feel like the episode acting like the freedom of untold information is the great thing, but making online connections is bad, is the opposite moral they should be teaching.

Granted, I have 24 years of hindsight to think that, but it's another reason this episode (and the show) are dated.

It's not credible Giles doesn't know Spider-Man. He's 40 years old, and a person.

"We read make our speaking English is good," is a great line. It's terrible dialogue, and in the episode with the worst dialogue, I am unsurprised they made it funny. It's the writers playing to their strengths.

I knew I would be giving the episode a zero again by the scene with Willow writing to Malcolm in the computer library. Why does her school computer have a speech function? The show tries to pass Malcolm's voice off as emotionless but a real speech function in 1997 would actually sound like Stephen Hawking. There would be no inflections at ALL. And this is an intimate conversation, right? Why would she make it audible in a public area of the school? And it IS a public area. So where are all the other students? Is the show saying she's the only youth there interested in using a computer?

And why is Dave using the speech function? He's essentially discussing and admitting his crimes in a public. And you know what? The suicide note read out-loud was extra tacky. I don't find that funny or entertaining. This show has some messed up priorities and ideas about what good horror actually is. That's just sick.

Later when Moloch is in the robot body, it's clear how and why he was able to make the speech function work that way. Which means it never would have worked in real life, and as a computer nerd Willow would already know that. Before Miss Calendar came along, Willow was the group hacker. They made her in explicably computer illiterate in this episode which is another sign it's badly written.

This writing is all shady if you ask me. I called this the worst episode ever 15 years ago. If I was right is to be determined. But there's a ton of awful stuff in it that actually blew by me at the time.

"Tell me the truth. How's my hair?" That admittedly made me laugh.

Xander falls down off the fence as if Uncle Phil just threw him out of the Bel Air mansion.

I never gave the episode proper credit for this because I started watching in Season 2, but Miss Calendar already being in the loop about the demon on the internet IS actually a good and surprising twist.

I like when Giles suggests a computer virus, Miss Calendar says he's seen too many movies. That's actually great.

I'll tell you what I like: I like it because it happens over and over again, and isn't quite in your face at any time. But Moloch appears to be creating various obscene moments of internet havoc among the tertiary or background characters. During scene transitions various never-before-seen characters express frustration over their laptops acting in bizarrely violent and even fascist ways. And I like that it's not made explicit for any of those weird happenings, and the viewer has to tie that together themselves. I will give this episode zero stars with no regrets. But the truth is it's better than I remembered in a lot of ways. Because of that.

"Demon come!" is like the dirtiest demonic command in hindsight.

Willow's last confrontation with Malcolm was beyond excruciating. I said this episode had the worst dialogue? Yup.

The score during the climax is pretty tinny and amateurish-sounding too. Even for this season.

I like Giles' thing at the end about liking books over computers because they smell and have texture. It's understandable. It's weird. But it's understandable.

For the record it's a quirk I share. Tactile sensation is why I prefer books to Kindle and DVD's to streaming. It's relatable even if Jenny doesn't think it is. Physicality is the key. It's amazing the TV show is talking about this 20 years before I ever heard anyone else bring it up. It's definitely a real thing.

One last thing before I grade the episode the zero it may or may not actually deserve. Joss Whedon said something many years ago after I watched and graded this episode so poorly that made me pause. He said it contained his favorite scene of the entire first season: The conversation between Buffy, Xander, and Willow talking about their disasters with relationships, and ending upon Xander joking that they were doomed, them all laughing, and then realizing it's not funny because it's true. Watching it again, I see why Whedon liked it. I still don't. It's cloying, and sounds like it comes from snarky adults on a sitcom rather than teenagers with actual problems. That's probably true for a LOT of the dialogue on the show. But I'm not giving this episode or that scene extra credit for it. It's actually kind of annoying.

So yeah, worst episode ever. At least until the one in Angel: Season 3 where Angel verbally threatens to eat his infant son in front of Wesley at the end, and Wesley is supposedly the bad guy for trying to stop it in the next episode. But one dud at a time. 0.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Puppet Show"


I suspected two things going in, and knowing them made me make a promise to myself. I was 95% sure that this episode was going to be overrated by both the creators and the fans. And I promised myself that wouldn't matter when I'm reviewing it. No matter its quality, I'm going to judge it by my own standards and expectations, not anyone else's. We'll see how I did.

In truth, I still feel the episode is overrated. But it's still the best episode so far. Why? We'll get to that. But it's a well constructed mystery for the viewer, that interests me because it isn't one for the characters. The characters take an awful lot on faith, and even though the audience is given the information they are right (out of context) Buffy and her friends have no way of knowing that. When Xander suggests they may have been "Keyzer Sozed" for all THEY knew, he could have been right. And they would have been screwed because they would have had no counter to that. But that's for later. We'll get there soon enough.

First, I again object to the idea that there are several murders at the school and the students are not sent home, and school and / or the talent show aren't canceled as a result.

I'll tell you something that shocked me. Principle Snyder was infamous on this show for being the one character with zero redeeming virtues. But I actually liked his first scene. I loathed him as much as I remembered from his second scene forward, but I like that he hears Buffy, Willow, and Xander mocking a teacher's discomforts and punishes them for it. What shocks me is that it actually serves them right. They were being obnoxious brats simply because they knew Giles wouldn't call them on it. Regardless of their relationship to Giles outside of school, they shouldn't be talking to him like that IN school, especially in front of other people. In school he is not their peer or their friend. He's an authority figure. I liked the new principle reacting badly to that and defending his teacher's honor.

Of course in the very next scene Snyder is revealed to be the single worst human dirtbag in the show, but I'm shocked his earliest negative impression of Buffy and friends is actually justified. Did not expect that.

Things Snyder won't tolerate: "Students loitering on campus after school. Horrible murders with hearts being removed. And also smoking." So we know the dude's priorities.

He is also a sufficient red herring and mislead. He's so horrible you wish he's the culprit, which is part of why you might think he is.

Xander and Giles' trick with Cordelia's hair IS kinda neat.

Let's delve in the mystery further. I think it's exceptional as far as the viewer is concerned. In fact, I don't believe I've understood exactly how tight it was, and how impressive its narrative tricks were before this viewing. And one of the reasons I noticed THIS time is because I am aware that the Buffyverse has a problem of telling very unfair mysteries to the viewer, that do not hold up to scrutiny. That is the entirety of the arcs of Season 7 of Buffy and Seasons 3 and 4 of Angel. It is obviously easier to tell a mystery fairly if it only occurs over the course of one episode. But the episode went above and beyond at first glance.

The thing I love is the deliciously brief, out-of-context scene between Sid and Morgan, where Sid is trying to convince Morgan to kill Buffy. Outside of everything else, it means Sid is guilty. Knowing the actual solution means the writers basically figured out a genius way to make a scene of Sid planning Buffy's murder being iron-clad evidence to the audience in hindsight that Sid is actually innocent! Another major clue (which I missed entirely until this viewing) is that when Xander takes Sid to the library, while Giles, Willow, and Xander don't say anything that sounds incriminating to each other, to an outside observer with Sid's mission, the things they are researching, and the fact that they are trying to help Buffy, makes them sound like willing and knowing accomplices to a demon murderer. Now if Sid were slightly smarter, he'd question how and why Demon Buffy could possibly have finagled real human allies, but it works if you accept Sid is under pressure, and believes he's working on a clock. Everything fits.

For the audience. In reality, Buffy was foolish to trust him. Or at least trust him as much she did. I'm not saying her trust was unfounded or unreasonable, but it could have screwed them if she was wrong. And I think her being right is luck more than anything. If Sid had been scamming Buffy (or as Xander put it, Keyser Sozeing her) he said the exact right things. I recently wrote a comic book story involving the fake psychic scam known as "cold reading" which is how John Edward convinces grieving people he can contact their dead loved ones, and why I believe that man is sinister and belongs in jail. But I recognized a lot of what Sid said as consistent with how cold readers get people to believe unlikely stories. One of those ways is to flatter the listener. He tells her he suspected she was the demon because how could not after seeing what she could do? Also playing to Buffy's vanity is Sid claiming to have known and loved a Slayer. The reality is, if Sid WERE Keyser Soze, these are all lies he could have believably made up off the top of his head to cover his tracks. And Buffy would have believed him anyways, even if he were guilty. The audience is given a few ironclad instances that Sid is on the level. Buffy should actually be a LOT less sure of that than she claims to Xander, if she were being more responsible. But she believes Sid is on the level for the same reason people believe in John Edward: He made a seemingly real connection with her. The fact that it WAS real is random luck as far as I'm concerned. He offered no proof, and him disappearing when he did meant Xander's theory should at least have been considered.

I love mysteries that make me pour through minutia, which makes this a good one.

Finally, let's talk about the tag. Probably the most overrated scene in Buffy history. I have been a Buffy fan for a LONG time. I actually used to collect the VHS tapes. The tapes were also woefully inadequately collected and the first 3 seasons essentially only contained the 6 most important episodes to the given season's arc. The last Season 1 tape collected this episode instead of Prophecy Girl which was a mistake beyond all reason.

And the reason given for including it with the tapes is the tag. In 1997 when this aired, networks used to cut off the end credits of programs, and the makers of the tapes assumed people would like to have this for posterity because obviously it would only be aired on the WB the once, and never seen again. But I've seen it aired repeatedly since then, even on the WB. FX aired it in every time it broadcast the episode, so I think the makers of the tapes thought it would be a rarer Easter Egg than it was. And yeah, it's on Hulu with no fuss or muss too.

And you know what? It's not even funny. It's not worth destroying the entire Season One arc just for a 30 second improv from the cast. So that's where I stand.

So yeah, maybe the episode is overpraised for some things. But on another real level (the construction of the mystery) I don't think it's praised enough. 4 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Nightmares"


Ah, the Fear / Nightmare Trope. A better demonstration of it here than most projects. And this is spoken as someone who doesn't really dig the episode. It's boring, but it still used the trope well.

I have a surprisingly significant superficial-sounding complaint. The actor who plays Billy looks FAR too similar to Andrew J. Ferchland. I've seen the episode many times, so I know better, but if it had been a few weeks since you last saw the Anointed One, you might be a little confused about who the kid in the teaser is. The fact that Ferchland is in the episode too doesn't help much. They look that much alike.

If you ever believed Marti Noxon was a terrible writer and showrunner, and should not have been placed in charge of things from Season 6 onward, this episode gives you all the proof of that you need. It is clearly demonstrated here that Buffy has a very real fear of being buried alive, the other characters see that for themselves, and it isn't brought up once in the first three episodes of season 6 (or ever again). Make no mistake: Joss Whedon is not off the hook for this unforgivable oversight either. He actually wrote the story for this specific episode! If he were doing the bare minimum of his job, instead of spending his free time telling the cast and other writers how much he thinks they suck, he would have caught this himself. Season 6 really is unacceptable on every level.

I very much like that idea that when Collin was a mortal boy, his biggest fear was monsters. A child psychologist would have a field day with The Annoying One.

"It's funny if you're me," is a good line. And really unfortunate in hindsight. And almost certainly written by Whedon. Like I said. Unfortunate.

I mentioned this is a great use of the Fear / Nightmare Trope. I love Wendell's fear of spiders. Because he doesn't hate them, he loves them, and his fear come from guilt. That's a very interesting and unusual dynamic which is why this episode uses the trope better than most.

Unfortunately as well written as the tropes are, for a horror episode, the direction is really quite bland. It could have been seen on Degrassi Junior High in the 1980's. That's how basic the school drama is. That's a regular problem for Season 1, but it should not effect the Nightmare episode. It does right by the trope in the writing (rare) and botches the execution (frankly, also rare).

Like "I Robot, You Jane", various misfortunes involving the premise seem to be happening in the background to various never-before-seen characters. Also like that episode, they are mostly played for laughs (the tough kid being embarrassed by his gushy mom is kind of funny).

Kudos to the show for making Cordelia's fears as stupid as they should be.

I am very unimpressed that Xander is the type of person who picks up random candy off the floor and eats it. I don't care that it's already wrapped, he doesn't know where it comes from, or where it's been, so it's totally stupid and nasty.

And he's so stupid he can't even imagine brand-name candy bars.

Willow's stage fright fears were great. Do you know what's ironic? Alyson Hannigan obviously has some real-life hang-ups about her singing voice, so it's kind of funny this was a part of Willow before it ever became an issue in the musical episode.

Buffy as a vampire was interesting. It's played as if that's what she actually is but it doesn't completely track because she never acts or does anything evil. But that describes Spike sometimes when he has a larger agenda of working with the Scoobies. Perhaps evil Buffy thought being human again and saving the day were actually in her best interest. But that still doesn't fully track with the behavior of other vampires.

Still a vampire doing the right and noble thing for entirely selfish reasons is not unheard of. That's that janky raping cretin Spike's entire reason for getting his soul back. I just can quite figure out what Buffy's selfish reasons could possibly be, especially considering how empathetically she still treats Billy.

I'm probably overthinking it, and it was simply badly written. But the problem is that I'm always the guy trying to figure out reasons why what I just saw wasn't actually badly written. It's a definite flaw of mine and I tend to rate bad episodes of something I otherwise like higher than I should because of it. This episode will probably be another example of that.

Do you know what does track? Giles' fear of Buffy dying, and her fears of being buried alive and turning into a vampire compound on and compliment each other beautifully. There is almost an elegance and symmetry to each worsening level of horror there.

Finally, I'm going to go into a bit of depth why the Fear / Nightmare Trope almost never works, at least not for me. I almost never believe it or find it credible.

Most projects are unwilling to give their heroes realistic fears in these types of episodes. Their scenarios are so outlandish and outside of the audience's experience, that you'd think the first thing the character would wonder is if they were dreaming, realize they were, and find the power to fight the nightmare and wake themselves up. The very first time I saw the trope (outside of Star Trek, which has so much crazy stuff going on it doesn't count) was the third episode ever of Batman: The Animated Series, "Nothing To Fear". That episode is utter turd on every level, and it's the biggest reason I think that for the most part, the DC Animated Universe version of Scarecrow is a total dud.

You see, Batman's life is genuinely scary. He deals with life-threatening and horrifying things every night. But that was the era of kids television that believed a hero showing a human emotion like fear is a weakness, rather than something the viewer, young or old can relate to. No, when Scarecrow sics his fear toxic on Batman, Batman isn't afraid of the Joker learning his identity and killing everyone he cares about. He's afraid... Groan, his father, Thomas Wayne would be disappointed in him! Of course! Basically the producers decided the actual scary thing in Batman's life is the idea that he simply isn't awesome ENOUGH! It's a bit disgusting on some level to be truthful. Instead of me thinking Batman brave for not having a life-threatening, or God forbid "unflattering" fear, I'm questioning the World's Great Detective's logical capabilities. He's freaking Batman! There is no part of Thomas Wayne that would ever be ashamed of him and not proud of every inch of him. How dumb is Batman's fear to boil down to bogus insecurity he should already know isn't true? They wanted to give Batman a flattering fear? In truth it makes it so I cannot actually think any less of him. What a dope.

You can argue, "Fears are irrational, and fears don't make sense." Which would be perfectly fine if Batman were a stupid and gullible person. Intelligence-wise he's supposed to be one of the smartest people in the world! And he worries Daddy won't love him for risking his neck every night to save lives and bring criminals to justice in his parents' honor? C'mon, now. How dumb do you think I am? Because you are portraying the World's Greatest Detective as even dumber than that.

The reasons Buffy's fears resonate with me is because I think a lot of them are justified. Not only because stuff like Xander being in his underwear is coming true, but as the series progressed, although we RARELY saw Hank Summers, what we DID see of him leads me to believe he's one of the worst fictional fathers on television. I don't believe Buffy is being a drama queen for her essentially having Batman's same fear. I believe she totally thinks Hank has this in him to actually say to her on a bad day. What makes me angry (and really empathize with Buffy's pain here) is that I think she's right. The guy is never there, and frankly him giving a real reason for cutting ties other than just always refusing to answer the phone would actually be a vast improvement. Basically, as horrible as Buffy's vision of her father is, he's far more present and real in the dream state than he is in reality. I sympathize with Buffy rather than Batman because Batman thinking Thomas Wayne sucks is unforgivable, and Buffy thinking Hank Summers sucks is totally accurate. Did I mention that I love how the episode uses the trope and it's one of the few fictional projects I did? Buffy can't reason herself out of the worst of this stuff because unlike most saps who fall for and believe the dumb things the trope shows them, she has no evidence they are actually untrue. Maybe she'd piece it together quicker knowing a bunch of nightmarish things are happening to everybody else too, but it's credible simply because Hank DOES suck that much, and Buffy always believed he had that in him. And he probably would have said something similar to this at some point if he weren't such a GD coward all the time.

Like I said, the episode handled the premise wonderfully. I'm not giving it five stars though. No TV episode that ever does the awful and lame Wizard of Oz callback at the end deserves that. Four's the best I can do. Sorry. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Out Of Mind... Out Of Sight"


Can you believe it's episode 11 and this is Cordelia's first spotlight? Long overdue.

Her chastising Shakespeare's Shylock for every single thing she herself is guilty of is Cordelia in a nutshell.

I like that Buffy is wistful that she used to be May Queen. Xander isn't selling the "You don't need that, you've got us now," argument very well, is he?

Actually, Xander, the vampire bat joke WAS funny. It borders on criminal no-one else laughed.

"Can you say 'Gulp?'" Another good one.

Principle Snyder is proving to be an effective thorn in the heroes' sides. He's an unneeded complication in scenes that didn't used to have that complication, which makes him an good antagonist. Plus Armin Shimerman makes the dude super easy to hate.

Ultimately, I don't think the invisibility gimmick is believable here. At least not to me. I imagine there are superhero fans who'd dig it. But my problem with the power is the person would always be accidentally knocking into people who don't see them. Marci commits her attacks in crowded public spaces, gets away clean each time, and isn't knocked over flat even once. Xander said it's the superpower he wants the most. It's the one I'd want least. It's the Monkey's Paw of superpowers. It's the one that puts the person in the most unwitting danger without even realizing it until the truck hits them. And it never stops. The episode exploring its abilities without ever even hinting at the alarmingly huge amount of drawbacks means it's failing the premise.

You could argue that maybe Marci doesn't knock people over because she's had the power for so long and mastered it. My opinion is that is not something a person could EVER get used to or master. A ninja maybe. A high school girl? No way.

I loved Xander's line of "Want to come over for dinner? Mom's making her famous phone call to the Chinese place." That's great. It clearly came from a middle-aged comedy writer rather than a high school kid. But that's why it's funny.

Vampires not casting shadows is a form of invisibility. No wonder Angel has Giles spooked. But not being able to see yourself in the mirror is an overrated pleasure.

Do you know what REALLY bums me out about Angel and Giles' first scene? They really like each other! Giles is legitimately grateful to have someone find something as amazing as the Codex for him and I get the sense Angel is never allowed to talk to guys like Giles as a peer. Until now. They don't exactly trust each other yet. But they both trust Buffy and that's good enough. It kills me that Giles is a far bigger advocate for Angel's role as Buffy's helper than Xander ever could be. Especially considering what that vampire butthole is gonna wind up doing to him in season 2 when he turns evil. What a waste of a perfectly good potential bromance.

Cordelia's May Queen acceptance speech is TOO terrible. I know it's supposed to be funny, but there is no way I can sympathize with anything else bad that happens to her in the episode from that point forward. The problem with Season 1 Cordelia is that she simply isn't dumb (or innocent) enough. She's too smart and insightful to be forgiven. She seems to be fully aware of how horrible she is. But believes it's fully justified against whichever lesser being she chooses to bully. Which makes her deplorable rather than funny.

I like Charisma Carpenter's line-reading on "Bait?". I also like Buffy correctly agreeing with Cordy that canceling the celebration is letting Marci win, and that that's wrong because she's way more evil than Cordy herself. What's especially messed up is that it's true.

Cordelia's speech to Buffy about feeling alone is something she believes is a valid explanation for her messed up views and behavior. In reality, it's a blazing indictment of them. Like I said, she's TOO smart. She knows how wrong it is, and does it anyways. That justification to Buffy seemed to justify Marci's actions far more than they would be if Cordy hadn't said it.

I like Marci calling that out for being the manipulative drivel it was when she tried it on her. But as Buffy said, she's a full-on loony. so I can't fully support her disgust with that while she's attempting to carve up and disfigure Cordy's face to horrify future generations of children. Bummer.

FBI guys all around the episode in the background. The show is always good at those kinds of background "set-up" Easter Eggs. They get especially good at them in Season 4. This is a good and rough early example.

Buffy was all "Little late, fellas," to the FBI agents and she was right. They've been on-campus the entire episode. There was no excuse for them to only show up after it was already over.

Like "Teacher's Pet", the episode ends on a twisted and delightful cliffhanger that was never resolved, nor ever intended to be resolved. But the idea of the government having a special ops team of invisible assassins is great. Am I wrong in thinking this probably should have come up in the Initiative arc in Season 4?

This was solid but I found plenty to complain about too. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Prophecy Girl"


The underwhelming end to the teaser with the Master was fun specifically because it was deliberately underwhelming as a joke and wink to the audience. This is definitely the first episode written and directed by Whedon.

Buffy breaking a nail is a callback to the movie. The end of the world is truly nigh for that reason.

This episode is a turning point. It contains the best scene Joss Whedon had ever written up to that point. Granted, Sarah Michelle Gellar did most of the heavy lifting, but the words he gave her were pitch perfect: "I'm 16 years old. I don't want to die." How is it that people were screaming at the unfairness of Sarah Michelle Gellar being snubbed for an Emmy nomination for "The Body" when the truth is she should have been nominated already in Season 1 for this? When she asks if it will hurt my heart breaks. She throws things at Giles when he starts talking about the signs, and she yells at him to tell her her fortune, and that he's useless there with "your books". That's a perfect distillation of the unfairness of the Watcher / Slayer dynamic. Granted, it's no fun for Giles. But just because as Buffy herself says, "That's the deal," doesn't mean it's not a totally raw deal.

Xander's invitation to Buffy to the dance it outwardly sweet. But it drives me crazy. He botches what could have been a nice moment for the both of them. When she tells him she doesn't want to ruin what they have, he could have backed down gracefully, said "You have a point", or "Call me if you ever change your mind." Instead he's like, "That's not the point. You either feel something or you don't." That's manipulative. He's making Buffy be the bad guy, and he counting his increasingly diminished chances on the fact that's she too nice to be direct with him. But I don't think a "nice guy" backing a girl into a corner deserves niceness. Because he isn't being nice. Frankly this is a lesson I could have probably taken myself earlier in my life and saved myself some grief, but I don't like the fact that stuff like this ALWAYS happens on TV with characters like Xander and the character is never called on it.

What's worse is he's petulant and rude to her after HE forced HER to do that. He not only forced her to be the bad guy, but let her feel and believe she was that every second she had to do it. Some friend.

Frankly when Aeryn called out Stark for this on Farscape, as a person who loved Stark, I was devastated. But she was right to do it, and it also made me admire both her and Farscape. It's not fair that Xander is putting the responsibility to set limits in their relationship entirely on her. I wouldn't even object too much to him feeling her out and seeing where the limits need to be. But he shouldn't be making her set them all herself. That's not fair. If he senses she's uncomfortable, he needs to back up, at least a little. He shouldn't be demanding a definitive answer from her about something she's clearly never even thought about before.

And after all that, he thoughtlessly asks Willow to the dance without once considering how much that would actually hurt her. Because if there is one thing nice guy creeps are good at, it's spreading their nice guy creepiness outwards to infect others around them.

And what bothers me the most is that Xander is Joss Whedon's surrogate character! Whedon speaks though him. And apparently the initial plan was for Buffy and Xander to end up together! He didn't realize with all of the various petty sabotaging Xander has done between Buffy and Angel, including suggesting killing him without talking to him, how bad that would come off as? Am I really supposed to believe the guy who created television's most visible "Nice Guy" creep as his own surrogate is a feminist or an ally? And am I to understand he calls himself that without ever being a single bit aware of how episodes like this make Xander come across?

No, Joss, the problem isn't that people don't get you or your humor. The problem is you are a creep. That's always been the only problem, and why we aren't allowed nice things.

I do have a shameful confession. I have used the line "On a scale of 1 to 10, it sucked" many times. Often in these very reviews. I can only take my bashing and disdain of Xander and Whedon so far as long as I possess the brass to do that. Mea culpa.

I love the scene of Joyce giving Buffy the dress. Best mom ever. Although I think Joyce miscalculated something. She tries to sell the idea of her going to the prom alone and winding up meeting Hank as an example of a happy ending. Considering what a turd Hank is, it might actually be a cautionary tale instead.

I like that Miss Calendar expresses surprise that Buffy is the Vampire Slayer because she's so little. It's funny because it's true. That's only the kind of joke the series could do once it was up and running for a bit. It wouldn't make sense if Gellar hadn't been cast as Buffy yet. Which makes it fun.

The scene with Cordelia and Willow bonding over how annoying and not cute it was the guys were watching cartoons is amazing for how quickly it devolves from humor to appalling horror. The bloody handprint on the TV over the dancing pigs really sells what an actual violation to the kids' safety this actually is. And that's got to be extremely tough to get across in a show where students are routinely murdered every week. But the bloody handprint on the happy pigs sells why Willow is as devastated as she is, even after all this.

"It wasn't our world anymore. They made it theirs. And they had fun." Joss Whedon's reputation for perfect dialogue is somewhat overstated, but things like this and Buffy's earlier scene with Angel and Giles are the reasons he has it to begin with.

Also, tell me again why school wasn't canceled after that.

After all that, Willow telling Buffy she likes her dress is why I like Willow. It's a perfectly Willow thing to say.

Again, I don't want to take away too much credit away from Joss Whedon's dialogue writing ability. He IS good. But ultimately it is probably fair to say that a LOT of his career success has to do with pure timing and luck. He is very lucky television was as bad and hackneyed and cliched as it was before he got there. The truth is the line, "Tell him... Think of something clever, and tell him I said it," is not particularly smart or clever as far as writing dialogue goes. But Whedon is the first guy ever to make that specific obvious joke so it seems like the most brilliant thing ever. Whedon's star only really started to diminish once people as good or better at this than he was started to give him competition. When the most famous TV writer from this era is a jackass like David E Kelly, who won shelffuls of Emmys despite being the worst fictional writer of the 1980's and 1990's, Whedon had the medium and the entire playing field to himself for two or three solid years. And people complaining about Whedon never winning an Emmy never really understand why it doesn't bother me. Those idiots gave Kelly, a writer who is basically a cautionary tale in every single aspect of how you should NOT write a script, boatloads of Emmys for multiple terrible series. I don't think Breaking Bad nabbing the Emmys even matters nowadays. After Kelly fooled the organization so long into believing he could pass for a good scriptwriter, writing Emmys are meaningless and not worth winning. Whedon never winning and only being nominated once is actually a career selling point if you ask me. Twin Peaks was shut out too. The Emmys don't reward great television. They reward easy television. What's amazing is that that line makes the impact it does because it's effortless. Because TV was so bad it never occurred to anyone else before Whedon wrote it. So Whedon saying a very funny but obvious joke makes him the hottest writer in Hollywood. And that's largely due to luck. If television were at the current quality it is now in 1997-99 Whedon would get practically no attention or traction. But his success involves writing great scenes when no-one else was even writing good ones. And never winning anything because none of his shows had a creepy dancing baby.

Whedon never needed to be great to catch fire the way he did. He just needed to be good when nothing else was. And yeah, that's what happened.

I think this next bit might be a plot-hole on Joss Whedon's part, but I'm going to choose to believe it was deliberate. But when Buffy tells the Anointed One she knows who he is, you can assume that the prophecy was botched by Joss himself, and he didn't keep the story consistent enough to make what he planned in episode 5 go down the way it should have. Whether that is true or not (and I suspect it's true) I choose to view it as a happy accident instead. If that huge a part of the prophecy is so clearly wrong, isn't it possible that Buffy's death is being misinterpreted too? And the reason I will give the episode that benefit of the doubt, is because that's what happened. I choose to believe a sloppy mistake is clever foreshadowing instead. Because despite all my negative reviews of various things, I like finding reasons to like a project rather than excuses to hate it. The notion that prophecies are not all they are cracked up to be gives me a reason to actually like the Annointed One's inconsistent arc. And that's just fine with me.

I like that Xander and Willow are all "Do you mind?" to Miss Calendar and wondering why she's now in the club. It's actually a fair question.

The Locutus of Borg reference is so great because it's the first time I had ever seen a pop-culture reference to the Borg from Star Trek: The Next Generation. That made the joke matter to me when I first saw it back in the day.

As much as I hate Xander in the episode, him thrusting the cross at Angel and saying he didn't like him was cool, as was him asking him to prove Buffy right that he's a person. Xander is such a manipulative bunghole earlier on. I can actually like him when he's direct.

I love that the Hellmouth opens directly in the high school library. That's something I have always loved.

Speaking of great dialogue, the Master dryly disparaging the "feeble banter" portion of the fight is not great dialogue (and the feeble banter actually IS feeble). But Joss is the first guy to do the joke, so he has the playing field entirely to himself, and it seemed like genius at the time. The credit belongs to him for something Dan Harmon or Vince Gilligan could have pooped out in their sleep today. The guy was super lucky everyone else was so bad at this.

The Master taunting Buffy that he needed her there to escape in the first place was a great and horrifying moment. He seems to have similar mesmerizing and telekinetic powers as Dracula in Season 5. I also liked her echoing that he liked her dress after he kills her and she drops dead face-first into the water. Although unlike Willow, it's cold-blooded rather than cute when he says it.

I like Buffy telling the Master he has fruit punch mouth. THAT is a perfectly Buffy thing to say.

Yeah, yeah, Angel, everyone likes the dress.

I don't like the idea that Xander saves the day by giving Buffy the Prince Charming kiss. I don't like that subtext one bit.

The Master is so old that when he's dusted he leaves behind his bones. There's a Yo Momma snap in there somewhere. I'm sure of it.

His slo-mo walking outside WAS pretty epic. Nice moment.

This is the best episode so far, and arguably the first great one. But do you know what? The score still totally sucks! It's bad when the only music cue that really lands is when they play the Nerd Herder theme during the climactic Power Walk. I think this great episode would have been even better had Christophe Beck been around to score it. Still, great. 5 stars.

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Matt Zimmer
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer "When She Was Bad"


Buffy doesn't just have issues. She has a whole subscription.

First Christophe Beck score. And the show is miles better for it.

"Hey, guys. Miss me?" is a pretty iconic moment.

Nice to see David Boreanaz in the main titles.

Liked Giles questioning the wisdom of Principle Snyder's vocation.

I like the look of bitter shade Giles gives Xander when Xander wins his bet over when Giles would say he'd need to consult his books.

I don't like the dream sequence where Giles turns into the Master and tries to kill Buffy. It doesn't play fair with the viewer. Also, did they actually hired Mark Metcalf back or just get in a stand-in to wear the make-up? He doesn't look quite right.

"Oh, sarcasm. Right." I hate that line. Season 2 is the era of the show when it was starting to become great. But it's not great yet. And Whedon often would have the characters say something embarrassingly stupid and then say "I can't believe I just said that." Joss was trying to have it both ways. Have the characters be as dumb as a jokey bad TV show, but buying it back as he tried to make things on the show seem more and more credible and grounded. It never worked. Willow believing the clog-dancing is not remotely believable, and the joke is badly written and ill-placed.

Case in point. "A bitcuh?" I don't know how Whedon shows his face in public after that.

"They're gonna cook her dinner?" It's really beyond the pale and unacceptable at this point.

However Snyder not knowing smell is one of the five senses is actually in character for that dope.

This mentions something about the Anointed One that either brushed by me or I forgot. It mentions he has power and control over the other Vampires, and that they will do whatever he says. For obvious reasons Andrew J. Ferchland's days on the series are numbered, but that's a cool idea. It's very interesting he can get the vampires to keep digging in a grave with consecrated soil. Nothing says they'll do anything for him quite like burying through dirt while their hands are set on fire.

Absalom is a pretty cool villain. It's a shame he lasted only the one episode. But Joss really enjoys killing off black characters so we are where we are. His death is pretty great though.

"You've got something on your nose." Xander is the worst.

A rarity: Hank Summer's isn't the worst person in the episode. I don't think that ever happened again outside of dream sequences and flashbacks.

Buffy's dance with Xander is so mean because it's cruel to three different people at once (Xander, Willow, and Angel) for three different reasons. It's not a great thing to realize in hindsight how good Joss Whedon is at writing casual cruelty.

I liked Cordelia saying she could hold her own. Not the response Buffy was looking for, and I like that Cordy didn't take the bait.

Speaking of bait, the selling point of Angel is that he can tell when a trap is not going down as planned. He's smarter than Buffy. It's no wonder he later pulled the same scam himself when he turned evil.

Xander saying he'll kill Buffy if they hurt Willow is the emptiest of threats, but you can tell he believes he means it when he says it.

For some reason I like that they've stopped treating the Anointed One's voice.

Buffy saying killing all the vampires would distract them is a good line.

Unfortunately, I dislike the idea of Buffy torturing vampires. What sucks is that this is a problem Whedon, who believes he's progressive and woke, should have picked up on himself. Yeah, vampires aren't people and are completely evil monsters. But that's why showing a hero like Buffy torturing them is shady. Well, vampires aren't people, so it's okay. Well, terrorists are monsters too, so that's okay. And Muslims are pretty much terrorists, right? See how the dehumanization chain works? If you can come up with a rationalization for torture for a pretend reason like Whedon has here, your mind will get closer to accepting it for a real-world reason on real people. If Buffy were called on it at the end of the episode, and this was treated as part of her "Dark Buffy" arc in the episode, it would be one thing. But instead Whedon is acting like she just means business, and is finally taking things seriously. It's not okay.

Buffy smashing the Master's bones was cathartic and the right way to start off the second season.

"We could grind our enemies' bones into Talcum Powder, but gosh we just did that yesterday." I like the "All is forgiven" expressions on Xander and Willow's faces.

"I hate that girl." There is so much about the Anointed One I do not know, and I regret that I never will.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer is known for having very weak and boring premieres. I think this one and the seventh season's opener are the only ones that feel narratively satisfying, and as a good kick-off to the season in question. But I do however feel that much of the writing is still sophomoric, and that Whedon still hadn't fully got ahold of how seriously to take the premise and treat the characters' intelligence. It's a pretty good episode in and of itself, and a rare decent premiere, but it still contains many growing pains. Much like Buffy herself. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Some Assembly Required"


I like that Anthony Stewart Head has taken over the opening narration. He has a lot more gravitas and far less cheese than the WB announcer ever did.

I like that Angel is actually jealous of Xander! What a dope! Buffy is right to call him on the "He's just a kid," thing. It's another reason I think Buffy and Angel's jailbait romance was so ill-thought out in hindsight.

And he is not afraid to use Cordelia to get Buffy jealous. That's the emotional maturity level of the Vampire with a Soul.

Same students in the same clothing walking across the opening wide shot of the high school. What a coincidence!

I like Giles suddenly deciding this was none of their business. But the whole stork thing is a smokescreen.

I will actually get into the debate over whether a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable. It's a vegetable. Full stop. I don't care if it has seeds. So do cucumbers. Are you saying THOSE are fruit? That's a slippery salad and sub topping slope, my friend. It's a vegetable. One of the very real things science is wrong about.

Weird that the episode is directed by a guy named Bruce Seth Green. No relation?

"Yeah, I knew that. But did you see the look on her face?" One of the few things I like about Xander is that he knows the right way to get a proper negative reaction from Cordelia. As far as obnoxious person skillsets go, that doesn't suck.

"Love makes you do the wacky." That's a great line. Full-stop.

Buffy's an old-fashioned gal. She was raised to believe the men dig up the corpses, and the women have the babies. Another great line.

Call Xander an optimist but he's hoping to find a fortune in gold doubloons.

Xander saying it's a first that Cordelia has told the truth hits me BADLY. It's wrong. Love her or hate her, she is always completely honest. It's like Xander was grasping for an insult in the moment, seized on the untrue thing, and said it because there was no better slam available. Xander's a jerk. That doesn't surprise me. What bothers me is that none of the other characters call him on that. Not even Cordelia! It bugs the poo outta me.

I love how Buffy's criticizing throwing the body parts away from a time-management standpoint. Honestly, being analytical like that is an important skillset for a given hero to have. Buffy isn't given it enough and neither are most other heroes, who tend to have to have the smarter person in their supporting casts point out things like that.

Eric singing "My Girl" as he cuts off Cordelia's head on the picture shows how messed up he is. It's a good jump cut to end the scene. Eric's so creepy he has a porn collection that scares even Xander.

I like Jenny saying Miss Calendar is her father.

I like Giles' rugby slam. It's a good one.

The moment of Daryl under the bleachers is moving simply due to Christophe Beck's music cue (although the episode's score was by Adam Fields). The second Beck joined the show, it got ten times better than it was.

It is never a good idea to invite Cordelia to scream all she wants.

The climax leading to the lab being set on-fire is a bit unlikely and convenient, but it sort of works.

"Do you mind? We're talking here." Xander is the worst.

For some reason at the end of the episode, learning the first thing Daryl said to Chris after he woke up is that he shouldn't have brought him back makes me forgive him a little. Nice touch.

Solid-ish week. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "School Hard"


Spike running over the Sunnydale town sign, stepping out of the car, lighting a cigarette and saying "Home sweet Home" is like the perfect introductory scene for the character. Him immediately poking holes in the braggy Vampire's crucifixion story by using Woodstock is an allegory is great too, and sort of tells us everything about the character immediately. I really like the idea that many vampires falsely claim to have been at the Crucifixion in the same way many Boomers falsely claim they were at Woodstock. It's very instructive about what world events actually effected Vampire-kind. And I think the thing that created the Cross and Holy Water is definitely a defining moment in the next generation of Vampires. It Was A Moment.

Drusilla makes a similarly favorable impression by saying absolutely insane sounding things in a spooky voice with those bulging eyes. I love the way Spike dotes on her, which is another fascinating insight into the ways vampires can care about and love each other (which will be more fully explored later on).

"Miss Edith speaks out of turn. She's a bad example and she'll have no cakes today." I mean, that's just NUTS! I like that she can do the Vampire roar.

"What's the up, guys?" is great Buffyspeak.

Spike's introduction to Buffy is memorable too, although his predatory stalking of her in the Bronze has unfortunate implications for later on.

I like Xander saying he's putting a collar with a little bell on Angel.

Are we supposed to believe Buffy is so stupid that she doesn't know you put sugar in lemonade? Because I don't. Typical Season 2 cheap joke that isn't remotely credible.

I like that Cordelia is immediately impressed with Joyce's appearance. She declares her a woman who really knows how to moisturize.

Do you know what I'm not impressed with? Joyce's intelligence. Her taking what an obvious worm like Snyder says at face value says she is very unfair to her daughter.

Spike's "William The Bloody" mythology is surprisingly tight with what came later. Yes, he's faced and killed two Slayers since the Boxer Rebellion. However, some of this was retconned later on. Angelus wasn't actually his sire, Drusilla was. Angel was like his Grandsire. Also, Spike like almost everyone else in season 2, pronounces "Angelus" wrong. Also, the last Slayer Spike killed (Nikki Wood) didn't actually beg for her life, although that IS the kind of lie Spike would tell to Buffy to sound bigger.

And of course the black guy dies. It's systemic in this franchise.

I'll tell you what I like: "Set 'em up. Knock 'em down," is a good plan. I like that Buffy is the one on the show who comes up with the plans. That's quite refreshing from when Giles used to always tell her what to do last season. But at this point, Buffy is the group leader and they view her as such. I can quibble about Joss Whedon's intentions and other messed up messages. But I can't deny how refreshing it was to do that for a young female character. It still happens rarely. I mean, you still have to tell Supergirl, Stargirl, and Batwoman where to punch. I like that it's Buffy who not only comes up with the plans, but that they actually work with little to no fuss attached.

Do you know why Angel sucks? He actually offers up Xander's neck to Spike before Spike calls his bluff. Xander may hate Angel for the wrong reasons, but his hatred isn't irrational. The guy sucks.

I like Spike promising to make it quick and that it wouldn't hurt and Buffy corrects him that it's going to hurt a lot.

Joyce for the save at the end! It is not lost on me Spike would have actually killed Buffy without her intervention. Women!

The Mayor isn't mentioned yet at the end, but Snyder suggesting he knows the truth and is a part of the media covering it up suggests the larger conspiracy already.

"The Annoying One." I love that. I love that Spike actually bends his knee in supplication, before he's all like, "Nope" and simply kills the kid off instead. It may be the third episode of the season, rather than the first, but I think when Spike promises the audience a little less ritual and a lot more fun, the season is off to a roaring start. Great stuff is happening. 4 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Inca Mummy Girl"


I like the idea that Xander doesn't like Rodney for that time he beat him up every day for five years.

"Blah, blah, bliddy blah. I'm so stuffy. Give me a scone." It's like Buffy knows Giles.

First appearance of Seth Green as Oz. Green's mustache and goatee look SO weird here.

I'm a little insulting nobody figured out Impada was the Mummy. Literally every single thing she said about her backstory was a red flag to her being the actual culprit. I don't know if I want to solve a mystery being looked into by heroes this dumb.

Speaking of which, why doesn't it register with Xander that the bodyguard recognizes Impada and says "You!" I know he's got a thing for her, but still.

First appearance of the Danny Strong as the very unfortunate background character Jonathan. He's pretty pathetic right off the bat.

I feel like there is a scene missing in the jump cut between the scene with Giles in the library and the bodyguard immediately attacking Impada and Xander. It feels very sudden and forced and as if the scene leading up to it must have been cut for time. I guess they needed to make room for the lame Twinkie scene.

The whole "Chosen One" thing suggests any girl who gets called that is destined to get a raw deal. It's amazing that nobody really ever made a big deal about Impada telling the bodyguard she was in love. That seems a little quick, if you ask me.

It's SO cute that Oz is into the Eskimo.

Cordelia is SO mean to her exchange student. Hate that character. I like him asking if Cordelia is even from this country.

"Does it look like I'm with Xander?" is crucial. It gives us permission to hate Impada. We needed it. Bad.

I like Willow's reaction to Impada being the Mummy: "Oh. Good."

Buffy casually uses the slur "gypped" at the end of the episode which is another reason I don't like this era of television.

Not feeling the episode. 2 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Reptile Boy"


I like Xander, Willow, and Buffy deconstructing Bollywood musicals.

Buffy isn't going to let go of Giles immediately because I'm thinking at this point he needs the lesson more than she does.

Sarah Michelle Gellar's pout gets to you every time.

"Nothing happened last week. I was there." That's a good one.

How great are Angel's accurate warnings about how badly this is gonna end? "When I kiss you, you won't wake up from a deep sleep and live happily ever after." "When I kiss you I want to die." Seriously. What great, torpid, overly dramatic dialogue. These are things that would definitely be said by an emo vampire and a teenage girl. I've never even read Twilight but I can bet it doesn't have a line as epic and ridiculous as that. I'm sure there are epic and ridiculous lines in Twilight. But I'll bet not all at once. Buffy's greatest gift is the ability to do both at the same time, and make you believe both things at once too. I sincerely doubt Twilight pokes holes in itself as it happening.

"When I was your age, I wasn't into grown up things either." I hate people like that. As if Richard there is SO freaking mature for trying to get underage girls to drink so he can sacrifice them to his lizard God. The series really has an ear for despicable young men, which is kind of alarming. But I mean, that it is not a quip said by any decent person ever.

Buffy is 16 going on 40 (accurate description by Willow) and knows more about adult things and responsibilities than Richard ever will. I resent that he actually made her feel bad about that.

Richard coming upon Buffy passed out on the bed is creepy and horrifying. I really don't like the buttons this series is pushing with that.

Angel's going to live forever and he doesn't have time for a cup of coffee? Go Willow.

I personally believe the series physically body-shames and humiliates Nicholas Brendon far too much. I get he wasn't actually a teenager when this was filmed, but it still feels skeevy to play him undressed and in women's clothes for laughs.

How DOES Angel shave? I never got that bit.

I like the notion with that with the Reptile dead, fortune 500 CEO's that used to pledge the frat were being raided by the FBI and financially ruined. I don't feel like Tom going to jail was as just a punishment as he deserved for what he did. The consecutive life sentences and the implosion of their elders makes me feel a little better.

One of my favorite Xander moments of all time occurs in the episode. Mostly because it's a moment played unlike any other time I've seen the moment. Including on a Joss Whedon show. But Xander is talking about what a freak Angel is, sees Angel is behind him, doesn't miss a beat, and says "Hey, man, how you doing?" I love that. Every other show would play the "He's right behind me, isn't he?" unfunny bit instead. But Xander simply doesn't care that Angel heard that. There is not much admirable about Xander Harris. But this is one of the moments where I truly liked him most.

Machida is apparently played by voice actor Robin Atkin Downes. I always thought Downes was kind of handsome for a voice actor, and could be a leading man if he chose. When I thought of him in a live-action role, Reptile Boy isn't quite what I had in mind.

All right episode, but nothing special. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Halloween"


I like that Hulu has the recaps at the beginning of the episode. The DVD collections are wholly inadequate for always leaving them off, and in some places, cutting them off so much they actually got rid of parts of the beginning of the episode. Buffy needs a proper DVD rerelease in the worst way. Fox's early efforts were beyond pathetic.

It's not mentioned by the other characters, but this is the first episode to explicitly prove vampires can show up on film, even if they cast no reflection. It's very interesting it isn't remarked upon here because it's kind of a big deal. And it's still consistent with stuff that is shown later. You can find set bloopers where David Boreanaz's reflection showed up on camera. But I like the idea that vampire photographing but not photographing well has been true since at least this episode.

I love that Cordelia makes Angel laugh at the beginning.

"Rough day at the office." I love that the Slaying stuff is always referred to as "the office". It's just a job after all, as crazy as it is. "Office romance" between Buffy and Angel is funny for that reason.

Larry's first appearance is wild to me. He's such a vulgar, thoughtless jerk. Which is in reality a mask. It's very interesting.

I love that Vampires stay in on Halloween. Nice facet to the characters. Spike watching the Great Pumpkin in Season 6 is also great.

Willow stating Cordelia is not Angel's type is inaccurate, to say the least.

When Cordelia says that "When it comes to dating, I'm the Slayer," that is a perfect distillation of Cordelia.

Drusilla: "Do you like my insides? The parts you can't see?"

Spike: "Eyeballs to entrails, my sweet."

I repeat: This show is great at the epic and ridiculous at the same time.

Ethan Rayne is an interesting character but I never felt his arc was ever properly paid off. Robin Sachs played the heck out of him, and I think it's kind of weird I never really saw him in anything else but this show (at least on this side of the pond).

Buffy, Lady of Buff and Duchess of Buffonia. Love that line.

Oz's scene with Cordelia was funny as was his meet/cute with Willow as the ghost. Who is that girl?

Toothbrushes. Mrs. Davis must be stopped. Show has its priorities right about that.

Buffy instantly fainting shows what a disadvantage the heroes have going in. Ethan does not play fair.

Is this woman insane? She's never seen a car. Sgt. Rock is taking a lot on faith here.

I like that Spike thinks this is just neat.

Giles is flipped out the exact proper amount at seeing Willow walk through a wall.

Major Plothole: How did the Vampire get into Buffy's house without being invited in? What really bugs me most is that it's SO huge of a plot-point and this is literally the first time I've noticed it. How dumb am I?

Beating up that pirate gave Sgt. Rock a weird sense of closure.

I STILL think "Ripper" sounds like a weird nickname for Giles.

Ethan saying he knows who Giles is and what he's capable of is juicy, but I still don't think it was ever paid off properly. After seven seasons and three or four appearances by the character, I still never even slightly understood the motivation for Ethan Rayne.

Giles beating the poo out of him is what is known as a good start.

"Hi, Honey, I'm home." It's a well-worn line for a reason. I kind of want to cheer that moment.

Ominous ending. Not too many episodes black out on a close-up shot of Giles' face.

There were interesting elements but I didn't feel the episode was too strong as a whole. Things didn't feel quite cohesive to me. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Lie To Me"


Cordelia sympathizing with Marie Antoinette is why I don't like Cordelia.

I like Xander telling Ford he'd only be imposing in the literal sense.

"Oh, THAT'S what that song is about?" I love Willow.

Ford isn't wrong. Angel is older and has cold hands.

I like the expression on Xander's face after Willow tells him he made Angel do that thing where he's gone. He don't care.

Willow's bedroom door opens directly outside? I have never seen a bedroom door operate like that.

Angel talking about honing his brooding skills isn't actually funny, but it's a progression because it's the first time he's been allowed to make a joke.

Chanterelle as seen here (later to become Anne Steele on Angel) has one of the most surprisingly solid arcs of the entire franchise. And she appears for a total of four or five times. But the progression we've seen from her each time is pretty impressive, especially considering the naive wallflower she is here.

Ford saying every teen should be allowed to die young and stay pretty is sort of a funny joke in a show with vampires but it's also not true to life for most teenagers who consider themselves unattractive. It never occurs to Ford that other people his age might value different things.

I like Giles worrying Buffy is compromising her secret identity to impress cute boys.

I like Angel telling Xander to stop calling him "Dead Boy".

The dude being dressed exactly like Angel sort of undercuts his entire rant against these kids.

Spike is a bad, rude man. I like how he dotes on Drusilla after she starts whimpering about being told the bird is dead. It's very funny.

"I've known you for two minutes and I can't stand you. I don't really feature you living forever." This is one of my favorite Spike lines of all time, and one of the best Buffyverse lines ever. And after Ford actually brow-beats him into doing the lame 30 seconds line, I feel and understand Spike's disgust at the kid. He's super annoying. I don't see what Buffy sees in him.

Angel and Willow's is a forbidden love.

Angel's story of what he did to Drusilla is horrifying. But he's still underselling the deliberate cruelty behind it. Buffy is unfortunately going to have to learn about Angelus for herself.

I like that the threat to Drusilla is enough to make Spike back down completely. That's an interesting thing about Spike.

Also interesting that he actually comes through with his bargain with Ford. What's interesting is that if he had doublecrossed him I actually wouldn't have blamed him.

I don't actually sympathize or feel sorry for Ford having brain cancer. He's made some pretty deliberate choices that dying gives him no actual excuse for.

It was an interesting episode but I think I gave it more credit back in the day than it was actually due. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Dark Age"


I like that Buffy thinks Giles's diapers were tweed.

I don't think Slayer missions should involve protecting blood banks from vampires. At least they aren't killing live people. And if we have to stake every vampire who stole blood from hospitals we'd have to go after Angel in season one.

I like Nicholas Brendan's line reading on "Extra class AND Cordelia? Mix in a little rectal surgery and it's my best day ever!"

Fist mention of Xander's Uncle Rory who we'll meet in Season 6.

I like when Buffy accuses Ethan of selling her that dress at Halloween and nearly getting them all killed he says, "But you looked great." WHAM!

It's interesting that when the zombie guy escapes the cage Xander immediately moves to protect Cordelia.

Xander asks if him feeling pretty good about digging through Giles' files makes him a sociopath. I'm guessing yes.

I like the black and white photo of Anthony Stewart Head with the long hair, leather jacket, and guitar.

"Don't be sorry, be Giles." I like that. I also like Head's line reading on not knowing how to stop Euygon without killing Jenny.

"We're sorry./ "We'll be good." I like that Willow just scared Cordelia and Xander with her authority.

Angel throttling Miss Calendar here has unpleasant implications later on.

I like that Jenny is a bit cold to Giles after all that. I don't blame her one bit.

I like that Giles likes the Bay City Rollers.

Decent episode. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "What's My Line? Part 1"


As far as mysteries go, the first part is well-constructed. I suppose that's easier to do in a two-part episode rather than a season arc, but Buffy has whiffed short mysteries in the past and will again.

Mr. Pfister the worm guy is suitably creepy, but I thought the same thing about the coroner on Picket Fences, and they are the exact same guy.

The cliffhanger is great. It's a bit of a cliche that Kendra and Buffy get into a fight when they first meet, but at least the show put in the legwork of making the audience see Kendra's suspicions seem entirely justified just based on what she saw.

I totally forgot Willy the Snitch existed until I saw this episode again just now. I love that character and I forgot I loved him.

Dalton the learned vampire is another minor character I'd forgotten, but I think he would have been better served taking off after the events of this episode. He is not cut out to play in the big leagues, and every second he's around Spike and Dru is another that ticks on his mortal clock. NOT as smart as advertised.

I often forget that just because Oz does poorly in school, that his aptitude is high, and he is not actually stupid. I also liked him deadpanning that Buffy was a "Tense girl". Mr. Wears-A-Bowling-Shirt-Everywhere-Before-Wearing-Bowling-Shirts-Was-Cool has always been a master of understatement. I also love that he's the kind of guy who takes things like that in stride.

What does "Don't warn the tadpoles!" actually mean? Willow using "Frog fears" as an explanation is entirely unhelpful.

I like Giles' yelling at Xander for joking around when the situation was so serious. He doesn't do that often which lets you know it IS serious.

Buffy's paranoia in the hallway was great. Giles worrying he might have been TOO alarming later on is the wrong mindset. Willow was right that it was good she took him seriously.

Buffy just killed a Superbowl Champ? Great laugh-line. I also should point out that that guy seemed to me to be human, and supposedly against the Slayer code to kill. Faith gets nothing but grief for it later on, although admittedly a large part of that is probably her sociopathic reaction to it.

Xander calling Cordelia "transportation" in the way he did was really dirty and low-class, but I DID like him describing her as his witless foil.

My favorite Xander moment in the episode, and I think it's my favorite thing in the episode, is something that either brushed by me before now, or I simply wasn't mature enough to appreciate how great it was. I love after Snyder says this horrible thing about Xander being a waste of space, (nothing any adult has any business telling any kid, especially one under their care,) I love that Xander's response is to thank him for being honest with him. And that he hopes someday that he's in a position to be equally honest with him. I love that. It's unfair that Snyder can say something like that to Xander, but if Xander says something horrible back, he'll get in trouble. I like the moment because it points out the unfair power dynamic a lot of adults have with kids, and also shows the true thing that many adults abuse that dynamic to air their petty grievances on people unallowed to call them on it. Because the cruel adults know if they spoke that way to people their own age, they'd get reamed for it. I think a large part of the show uses Snyder and some of the miserable adults the kids encounter in the first three seasons to pander to its core audience a bit. But it's not like this specific unfair thing is untrue, or something teens watching this don't have to put up with themselves. Good for the show. Pandering or not, it's true and unfair that small men like Snyder take out their frustrations over their miserable lots in life with people not permitted to fight back. It's infuriating actually.

The stuffed pig is not great for me. It highlights the age difference between Buffy and Angel even more. She can joke that he's a cradle-robber. But it's not actually a joke. That's what he is.

Buffy enjoying and being comforted by sleeping in Angel's bed breaks my heart in hindsight. That poor, dumb kid.

I like Spike saying the Society of Taraka is not overkill. It's just the right amount of kill.

I have a complaint, that I can only offer now with 20 years of pop-culture experience. Bianca Lawson's African accent sounds cartoonishly, unbelievably fake. I'm not saying her performance is bad exactly. I'm saying I can't take it seriously as long as the way she talks is so unrealistic and outside of the African dialect. Black Panther basically ruined Kendra for me for all time.

But this was a solid first part. And one of those rare early Buffy episodes that ends with "To Be Continued" flashing before the executive producer credits. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "What's My Line? Part 2"


The Buffyverse is probably the lowest budgeted franchise that I outright love. Almost all of my fandoms besides it actually have really good production values, at least for the era they were made in. What's fascinating about the Buffyverse, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer in particular, is that despite the nonexistent budget, (and the fact that things were so cheap they actually had to film in real graveyards in Season 1,) is that the writers and directors came up with some very visually iconic and striking moments. Drusilla carrying Spike out of the Church in her arms would probably have played better with a bigger budget. But the truth is even most of the big budget shows I watch don't often deliver visuals as iconic as that. It doesn't matter that it isn't perfect. It's memorable. It stays with you. Twin Peaks is a definite influence on this show. But things this show did are things I believe also influenced later shows. It showed how to make interesting visuals on television without having to spend a mint. And I don't think there are any other equally cheap franchises I've watched that were ever as great at that specific thing. I can talk down the dialogue, the dated sexism and implicit racism, but the show carried itself like a major motion picture rather that a WB teen soap with a tiny budget. It's very unusual in that respect. And yes, I see the influences of David Lynch in that. Although Twin Peaks always had a MUCH higher budget and better production values.

I remember laughing about the romantic "orchestra" playing during Xander and Cordelia's "Sam and Diane" moment, but with 20 years hindsight, it's not very impressive. While it is true almost all shows now use synthesizers rather than orchestras, technology has evolved to the point that they sound somewhat credible at mimicking orchestras. They never sound quite as pure and good. But they are usually passable for them. In 1997 or 98 when this aired, synthesizers sounded kind of awful when attempting that. There is a tinny echo to the soundtrack that would be absent in a real lush orchestra. It's a failing I only realize 20 years later in pop-culture hindsight.

The cop pulling out the gun after calling out Buffy's name was a great and stark reminder these assassins could be anybody. It was a shock, especially seeing it in a school. But it's not credible the students weren't immediately sent home after that.

Also not credible was Oz's reaction to being shot that it was amazing but painful. That's a TV reaction, not a real one.

I like Oz noting his hair is brown sometimes.

I love Oz and Willow at the end. The bit with the monkeys wearing pants in animal cookies is pretty much adorable, as is the notion that all monkeys are French.

Here is something I didn't realize until I saw it this. I think Buffy is far too patient with Kendra. I'm not saying that Kendra is wrong that all vampires need to be killed. But Kendra is SO darn sure about everything, completely earnest, and unwilling to ever think she might be wrong. What she is is an annoying know-it-all. It bothers me she believes Willy's lame lie, and it bothers me worse that Buffy takes her word for it. Kendra does nothing but complain about Buffy's lack of discipline and how she isn't taking her training seriously. And that's none of her business. And I'll tell you who survived seven seasons: Not Kendra.

Dru torturing Angel was a bit cathartic for me knowing what I do in hindsight. Her bit about them eating cakes and honey sounds funny, but it's also heart-breaking. I find it interesting that Angel mocks Spike's manhood and suggests Drusilla is actually still in love with him to get Spike to lose control and kill him before Dru is restored. What really gets me is that things probably would have turned out better for everyone if Spike HAD killed him then and there. Very gallant move. That I regret for Buffy's sake that Spike didn't take him up on.

Speaking of Willy, I mentioned that last episode that I forgot I loved this character. After hearing him ask Buffy and Kendra to nude model I don't anymore. Unacceptable in the current climate, although the truth is it was always unacceptable. Positive thing about MeToo is that I can recognize that now.

Slightly off-topic: Can you believe that they are bringing Beavis and Butt-Head back? That will never work. For the same reason.

I don't like this as much as the first part, simply because I am infuriated with Kendra's presumptuous and rude behavior. It's typical for television to create forced conflict between heroes, but I have found that the weak TV shows do that by making one of the heroes insufferable and always wrong. Do you know who Kendra actually is? Brainy Smurf. I don't get why pop-culture junkies are allowed to make fun of the "The Complainer Is Always Wrong" Trope, while primetime television for adults practically offers similar versions of the same character all the time. I'm not defending terrible 80's cartoons written by committee and approved by child psychologists. I'm suggesting modern television, even otherwise good stuff, is not actually much better than they are in that area. True, we now have smart and complex villains. Stipulated. 80's cartoons never had that. But we never seem to actually have a shortage of rude, annoying, and always wrong heroes. Brainy would be proud. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Ted"


I had a sneaking suspicion when I sat down to watch this that it wouldn't hold up, and that's putting it mildly. To be absolutely fair, I was never really crazy about the episode. The truth is I can take or leave about half of the episodes in Season 2. But the things portrayed and depicted in the episode are wrong.

Remember the episode of Alias in Season 3 that ended with Vaughn's new wife Lauren assassinating a guy? CLEARED that love triangle between her, Vaughn and Sydney Bristow right up amazing quickly. And annoyingly. The answer was Vaughn married a b-word. Ted being a serial-killing robot leaves everybody off the hook. And they shouldn't be. Buffy's behavior was wrong, as was Joyce's. It's not narratively fair to the viewer to make things this easy for them. Plus, remember how I said Buffy: The Series has its share of short-term mysteries that are poorly constructed? This episode qualifies.

Forget how awful Ted is for a minute, the second Buffy told Joyce Ted threatened her, she should have believed her. I can't believe Willow and Xander were making excuses either. The drugged cookies were another cheap contrivance.

The other thing that bothers me is something about Buffy I actually appreciated. She says "I'm the Slayer. I shouldn't have hit him that hard." She's right, and I like that she knows she's right. But it's not fair she gets off the hook while Faith is later brow-beaten by both her and everyone else for the exact same crime.

Cordelia said something interesting that is sort of used as an insult and laugh line against her when Willow tells her what she is suggesting is fascism. She suggests the laws should apply differently to Buffy. And there is definitely some truth to that. I think Buffy has it right that she must be held accountable for her actions for hitting a human that hard while being a Slayer. But the laws of man are almost irrelevant when applied to what Buffy does and what her role in the world is. I'm not suggesting Slayers should be allowed to indulge in the criminality Faith does later on. But they dispense their own form of lethal justice to keep the world safe. I would not necessarily declare Ted's "death" a clean shooting if she were a cop. But she'd probably only be put on desk duty, or in the worst case scenario fired. I don't think it would be something she should be considered criminally responsible for. Buffy herself says in Season 7 that as the Slayer she is the law. I think that that's more of what Cordelia is referring to.

Ted's dead wives are in his closet? And nobody smelled anything going into the apartment? Did I mention this mystery was poorly constructed?

Good for the show for finding a use for Cordelia: She actually knows the rug doesn't match the decor, so they find the trapdoor.

I really always liked and appreciated Detective Stein in Season 2. He was one of the very few "real" characters on the show. The fact that he's usually set against Buffy is something I like because I very much like him and how good at his job he is. There doesn't appear to be a bruise on Buffy's cheek so maybe killing Ted for that is overkill? I love that. I love that's he's a regular, competent cop, doing a decent job. I don't care if he mistakenly suspects Buffy of things she isn't guilty of. I love that his reactions to the craziness of the town are that of a normal person. I love that very much.

For the record, kids of Xander and Willow's age in 1998 would have had no idea who the Captain and Tennille are. How would I know? I'm ten years older than they are and didn't know who they were. The show is obviously written by middle-aged writers right there.

I still use the line "The subtext is rapidly becoming text" in real-life.

Speaking of which, I was all set to compliment the episode on a very good feminist thing, which would have been nice to be able to do considering the allegations against Whedon, and the fact that he co-wrote the episode, which is essentially about a man abusing a mom and her daughter. The episode's subtext is icky, and when I saw this scene I pounced on it and was ready to give Whedon all the credit in the world.

I love the moment where Jenny tells Giles he's making her feel bad that she doesn't feel better. More women need to tell guys this. Back the frak off, dude! It's not Jenny's job to make him feel all right about it. If she needs space, she should be allowed it. Giles is making her feel guilty for having to set limits and making her be the bad guy. What an amazing scene of empowerment for her!

And here's how I remembered the episode was written by Whedon, and why he never deserved the slightest bit of feminist credit for his tenure on the show. She later apologizes to him for her harsh tone! See, she's allowed to say the true, empowering feminist thing to Giles. But he's a well-intentioned man, so that means it's her responsibility to walk it back later on. It's like Joss wants the credit for caring about a woman's pain. But the woman's pain is not allowed to make the sensitive man feel bad. That's a bridge too far for a "nice guy" feminist like Whedon. How is it nobody has ever called him on this stuff before now? I'm annoyed. What's especially frustrating is that Giles being put in his proper place not being bought back would not have hurt the episode or the arc of the series. There would be other ways for them to reconcile besides her apologizing for stating her truth. And considering the danger they faced that bonded them, the words "I was out of line before" did not need to pass her lips. But the brand of feminist Whedon is is that a woman is allowed to set limits. But making men uncomfortable by doing so is a bridge too far for him. And that disgusts me. And says everything about him as a person.

Why ISN"T Joyce allowed to have a man in her life? Why IS Buffy allowed to be right about Ted? Why does Buffy get to have her way when she's been unreasonable from the start? She was rude to Ted long before he showed his true colors. I mentioned that this show panders to its youthful audience in getting it to mistrust adult authority figures. This is going TOO far in that direction. Not every new boyfriend Mom comes home with is evil. I realize this show uses allegory to illustrate problems teens face, but there is nothing truthful about that allegory. Worse, there is nothing healthy about that allegory. It doesn't actually teach the teenagers watching a true lesson, and in fact makes the world seem more dangerous than it is. It feeds into their narcissism as well. That's not a good moral. And it one of those cases where the show pandering to its audience comes back to haunt it.

This episode is such a mess. I'd declare it a disappointment but I expected it to not hold up, so that's not quite right. But jeez, you want to talk about questionable feminist ideals being portrayed by Whedon early on in the show? This is probably the biggest first example. 1 star.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Bad Eggs"


Back when the first few seasons of Buffy were airing, I didn't own a computer or have access to the internet. Basically the way I followed my fandom was through magazine articles. The Buffy The Vampire Slayer fanzine was pretty good, but also hard to come by. My best Buffy reporters of note were Entertainment Weekly. Even Family Guy has made a joke about how much that magazine loved this show. I suspect Family Guy's judgment about that is especially harsh because EW has always hated Family Guy. But I digress. I read Entertainment Weekly to keep up with any Buffy I missed. And I missed "Bad Eggs" the first time out. But I remember the description Entertainment Weekly used to describe it, and it's perfect, and I probably don't need to write the rest of the review after I paraphrase the sentence. They called the notion of redneck vampires "money in the bank". And that's the most accurate distillation for a review of the episode a critic could possibly give. This is literally the first project to ever have a vampire say "I'm going to beat you like a red-headed stepchild," and pop culture is all the richer for it. I don't care if "Bad Eggs" is one of the least remembered episodes ever. The Gorches are genius. They are the kind of numbskulls who destroyed an entire Mexican village before they became vampires.

I especially love Lyle. Take note, other vampires: "It's over." Lyle is one of the only three major evil vampires of note (the others being Drusilla and Harmony) who actually survived all eight years Buffy and Angel were on the air. And that's because he knows when to book when the getting is good (and that includes his next and last appearance next season.) The doomed Dalton could have taken notes from him. He would have lived longer. As dumb as Lyle outwardly seems, him running when he did says he's smarter than almost anybody else.

I think the thing the episode gets the most credit for is something it should and is still impressive in hindsight. It pretty heavily telegraphs Buffy and Angel's romance is about to be doomed, which is great. The show was great at giving hints and clues of upcoming stuff by making visual cues like that, especially in graveyards. But as Buffy and Angel are making out a little TOO hot and heavy, the camera pans to the tombstone next to them which reads "Rest In Peace". It can either mean Angel's soul or the ship in general, and it wonderful foreshadowing of the highest order. Buffy got a lot of credit for doing things like this at the time, but I think people have sort of forgotten that aspect of the show. I think other shows do that to some extent nowadays, but I think all of their clues are more subtle and subject to interpretation (probably to keep the obsessing fans guessing) which is somewhat less fun and definitely less amazing. There is something really epic and memorable with the fact that Buffy was unafraid to hit you over the head with what was about to happen. As Giles notes earlier, the subtext is rapidly becoming text.

"I'll see your Eeeyaugh! and raise you a Gaauyeegh!" The comedy in this episode is working just fine. Thanks for asking.

For the record, the fact that that Angel doesn't smack Buffy upside the head for saying all she sees in her future is him, and affirms that sappy teenage nonsense instead, tells me he's actually a jerk of the highest order. With or without the soul. This is not a guy looking out for a teenage girl's best interest. You want to call Angel a pedo creep? He actually is.

Something, something bezoars and mind-controlling bad eggs. Me? I'm only here for the redneck vampires. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Surprise"


I am leery. I am very worried about my rewatch of "Innocence" and seeing "Surprise" again did not alleviate those misgivings. I think on some level Marti Noxon (who wrote the episode) deserves a lot of credit for the amount of painful foreshadowing she infuses every action Buffy and Angel take together for the final time at this phase of their relationship. But in hindsight, whether it's good mythology set-up or not, I am not positive making "Innocence" as painful as possible for the viewer in hindsight is actually admirable. In hindsight, maybe "Innocence" was handled wrong.

What is interesting to me is that regardless of the questionable messages being sent about teenage sex I find that this section of the season is actually when the show hit its stride, and a LOT of the individual elements are stronger now than they have ever been. I seem to have overlooked Juliet Landau's brilliance this episode. Bringing the character back to full strength really made Landau embrace the crazy and chew the scenery for good measure. The scene where she's threatening to scratch Dalton's eyes out with her fingers is both playful and scary. Her putting back on and straightening his busted glasses, and patting his head with a bored look on her face was quite funny.

And Oz. Oz. The whole bit where he's telling Willow that he is going to ask her out, he's nervous about it, she tells him she'll say yes, and he admits comfort to that idea providing a buffer, is beyond adorable and endearing. I don't think the writers quite nailed who Oz was until he deadpans "Say, did everybody here just see that guy turn to dust?" and while Willow clues him into the realities of vampires she's all, "I know it's hard to accept," and he instantly and cannily says "Actually, it explain a LOT." TV didn't have characters this cool back in 1998 before Oz. And what kills me most is knowing how badly the show is going to fail and ruin the character in season four. One of the worst things about Buffy the Vampire Slayer is that it will create perfect characters and scenarios, and just destroy them for the sake of destroying them. And it bothers me more than most of the times the show did that that they wrecked Oz of all characters. This right here is a special dude who deserved better.

James Marsters is billed "As Spike" for the first time in the guest star credits. I like him basically making fun of Angel's truly ludicrous plea to sacrifice himself to the Judge instead of Buffy. He smiles almost ruefully at Angel's dumbness and he's like "There IS no instead. It's first or second." Which anyone but an idiot like Angel could clearly see. This situation did not cry out for a negotiation and Angel looked like a chump for it.

I'm going to talk a little bit more about Miss Calendar's reveal as Romani in the next episode. I have to say, knowing this show, I half expected there to be little clues all throughout the first and second seasons of the idea that she was sent to watch Angel, but this is literally the first time it's ever come up. The foreshadowing to the next episode is pretty impressive. But there was literally no place to suggest Jenny had a link or interest in Angel previously, so it seems out of nowhere instead. That's not good mythology. That's sloppiness.

I am going to warn you. My review of "Innocence" is gonna be long, and I'm betting shockingly uncomplimentary in hindsight. I hope I'm wrong on both counts. But Buffy's dew eyes in this episode and Angel's sweet and purely good behavior means I'm probably gonna come down hard on a plot turn I used to be impressed by, but no longer am. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Innocence"


I do not approve.

I seem to recall back in the day a secret part of me hated this episode, but it was critically acclaimed, and back then Joss Whedon was in the phase of his career where he could do no wrong, so I accepted the accolades and half-loved the episode too. The part of me that hated that episode was the part that hated Buffy being hurt, which meant it was effective, and therefore, great. Right?

I am going to make a prediction for the rest of the season. I am going to give "Becoming, Part 2" the highest rating I can give a an episode because I personally believe it is the best episode EVER of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. What kills me is it's never on any fan's top ten list. I hear about "Hush", "The Body", "Once More With Feeling", and "The Gift" but "Becoming, Part 2" has not received its proper fandom acclaim. It was considered the best episode when it aired, but other episodes soon took other fans' place in that regard. My opinion is that it was the best episode and stayed the best episode. What makes me respond so positively to it while this kind of made me cringe in hindsight?

"Becoming, Part 2" made me hurt, just as much as this episode did. But it was a GOOD hurt. I cry like a baby every time I see it, but those are good, cathartic tears, of witnessing something truly tragic and epic that moves me in the way few television productions ever have. People talk about Buffy's pain here, but it's just nastiness. Angel hurts her by slut-shaming her and making her ashamed of her sexuality. Which is bogus. It's not something you could really complain about in 1998. But in the era of MeToo? Yeah, it's a problem.

The thought behind this episode's acclaim (and a LOT of Buffy's goodwill) is that, Buffy always shows negative consequences to teenage behavior that parents might find questionable. Like horror movies before it, Buffy is a roundly conservative franchise punishing characters for not living up to an adult's expectations regarding sex. Horror movies kill the characters off. Buffy puts them through the emotional wringer instead. Neither position is healthy to portray.

It would be one thing if Joss Whedon were a conservative himself, and the show was reflecting his ideals. I could actually respect that and even see the artistry there. But Joss Whedon, liberal extraordinaire's main message to the kids at home is that sex is bad, even if both people love each other and are ready for it, and men will always use and abuse women after they get what they want, and women will wind up being ashamed and feel like embarrassed pariahs among their group of friends. That's not a feminist message. And it never was. The idea that Whedon has branded himself as such is not nearly as appalling as the fact that people didn't push back on it long before now.

David Lynch similarly treats women terribly in his movies and TV shows. But say what you will about Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (and I'll say the first 40 minutes are utter dreck) but it helped a lot of women who suffered abuse confront that about themselves in seeing Laura's struggles and ultimate redemption. I think Lynch does not get enough guff for how he treats women on-screen. But I cannot deny his work has resonated for many victims of abuse who think Fire Walk With Me has value while the rest of the Twin Peaks fandom treats it as the Black Sheep of the canon. And God, I could also probably deal with it if the abuse Buffy suffers from Angel led to women in similarly abusive relationships to recognize how to get out them. But the moral of the season is Buffy and friends trying to get Angel's soul back. Instead of Buffy dumping him for the loser he is, the show has turned into all about how she can fix him and how he can change under the right circumstances. There is no redemption for Leland Palmer coming, so Twin Peaks exploring Laura's pain actually is a healthy message for people who've been through the same thing. This season is telling kids there always a hope that the guy who beats you and treats you like waste can become a good person if given the proper motivation to change. Did I mention it's appalling feminists haven't been calling Whedon on this poo long before now?

We're gonna spend some time discussing individual scenes in the episode. I knew this review was gonna be long, and I suspected it was The Scene that was going to do it. I was right.

Some of what I am about to write has been verbalized by me elsewhere. I am a writer. And this episode and The Scene in particular were turning points in how I approached writing. I consider writing a form of therapy. My problem is Marti Noxon does too, and it ruined season 6 of Buffy by making it a cry for help, but I can say nothing I write is toxic for the sake of working out my issues. I think I should probably talk a bit about Joss Whedon's DVD audio commentary about The Scene and why his reaction to it made me decide how to write my characters going forward.

When discussing the "Next Day" scene Joss says that he wrote the deliberately, horribly, cruel things Angel says to Buffy off the top of his head, and afterwards he felt like a total dirtbag, and totally guilty for how easy that was for him to do. And based on the allegations against him, I would not have been comforting myself the way he did afterwards. Let me be blunt. The scene is amazing. Its cruelty is precise and laser focused in a scene that lasts a surprisingly short space of time. Angel says things both nuanced in their meanness and deliberately horrible. It's a master abuser at work, and everything wrong with men done in as an efficient and damaging a manner as possible. And let me tell you something. And this is especially true because the scene is amazing. If it weren't I might cut him some slack. But his "Woe is me, I felt so bad for writing that," does not pass my b.s. detector. He says he feels like a horrible person? That's because he is. He is not off the hook for that simply because he recognizes it in hindsight. The whole "Woe is me, I'm such a jerk, love me for it," thing pretty much wore out its welcome with Louis C.K.. I'm not saying I'm a better or worse writer than Joss Whedon. What I will say is that given half a chance I would totally botch that scene. I have men in my comic books mistreat women from time to time, but none of it is subtle, and borders on cartoonishly outrageous, which is sort of the point. I do not know enough about how to say the correct cruel thing to a woman to get under her skin. You know what? I'm cool with that. I am perfectly happy with my sexist characters not being all they should be because I don't understand the specific mindset of the abuser deep down. I'll accept my writing is worse for it. Because I don't feel like a terrible person otherwise, which I would if I could come up with something that brilliantly written off the top of my head. I can look myself in the mirror and sleep at night. Fair trade.

Next scene to discuss. Also a big deal on Whedon's audio commentary. The scene with Jenny's Romani uncle describing the purpose of vengeance. It is Whedon's favorite scene in the episode, and the one he was dreading writing. And I get why he likes it. But I don't think it's actually a good scene.

The problem with the idea of the Gypsy Curse is that it makes no sense for the Gypsies to build in the escape hatch into it for Angel experiencing human happiness. Whedon loves the scene because it makes something that really makes no sense sound plausible. I don't love the scene because as much as the characters rationalize it, it's still not actually plausible. What were the Gypsy's thinking?

Willow and Oz in the van. Whedon has a special place in his heart for the scene and I do too. Oz's initial reaction to Willow offering to make out was priceless ("Whaaaat?") and his whole explanation of wanting her to kiss him back is beyond sweet. I swear to God, this is why I resented them destroying the character so much. He's perfect as is.

Xander reveals he still possesses the military skills he learned at Halloween. It's kind of cool, and it's also something you wish they went back to more often than they did.

When Buffy pulls out the bazooka, that's when it's okay to cheer. "What's that do?" I can bemoan this episode's messages all I want. This is clearly the show in its prime either way.

"Wear something trashy...er." Here's something interesting. In the commentary, Whedon bemoans the fact that he didn't think to have wardrobe dress Charisma Carpenter in a trashy outfit, and Xander saying that while she's dressed wholesomely is out of line. Do you know what that is? A red flag. The reality is, it would have been wrong for Xander to say that no matter WHAT Cordelia is wearing. And Whedon doesn't know that? And he still claims to speak for feminists? Stuff like this is why all of the abuse allegations are no surprise to me. It was woven into the very fabric of his writing.

Spike wanting to destroy the world in the episode is actually out of character. Granted, he had secondary selfish reasons for teaming up with Buffy in the finale to take down Angel, but him wanting to destroy the world is wholly outside of the idea that he likes the world he professes in "Becoming, Part 2". I'd actually cut the show a little slack for this if another writer wrote this specific episode, but Whedon wrote both. It's out of character since he did.

I loved Giles' scene with Buffy in the car at the end. Giles is a thankless role on the show but Anthony Stewart Head brought the goods there and showed why he's indispensable to the show's success and why Seasons 6 and 7 didn't work with his lesser involvement.

I will give the episode this much: Because it exists, and because "Passion" exists, "Becoming" is the best episode. The good hurt would not have existed without the bad hurt first. I can acknowledge that much. While also pointing out that it IS a bad hurt, and nothing about the moral of the episode or how the female characters are treated is remotely admirable or empowering. 2 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Phases"


That was not only better than I remembered, it's definitely better than the critics always said it was.

Entertainment Weekly in particular was lukewarm on the episode. It said Jack Conley, (who played Sahjahn on Angel, and can be seen here out of demon make-up) delivered a rare bad performance for the show. I disagree. Kane's problem isn't down to Conley. It's simply bad writing. I mean, in order to make it clear Kane is absolutely loathsome, he has to make deplorable, gross, and sexist remarks. Kane sucks. But Conley delivered the lines the writers fed him with no problems. And they sucked.

"A Werewolf in love," was a pretty cheesy way to end the episode, but I'll forgive it. Just because Oz on the phone with his Aunt was great. "Hey, is Jordy a Werewolf? Uh huh. And how long has that been going on? No reason. Give my love to Uncle Ken." Classic. I also loved him watching the Catherine statue at the beginning of the episode, and noting its eyes follow you. Oz saying he likes something means it's good and it always did.

Angel's scene in the episode was creepy but not in a good way.

The way Xander dusted Theresa was cool. Cool enough visual to make the main titles of Season 3.

I love Giles telling Buffy not to jump to conclusions, and Buffy saying she didn't jump. She took a tiny step, and there conclusions were. That's great, classic Buffy The Vampire Slayer dialogue.

In hindsight I really like how Larry is portrayed in the episode. I think it's pretty much the best one-episode character progression I have ever seen a random character be given. He is so horrible throughout the first part of the episode. And when he comes out to Xander his entire demeanor instantly changes. A weight has been lifted, and he's lost the chip on the shoulder. I normally would scoff at any of show giving a character this amount of growth in this short space of time, but when I see him help the girl pick up her books at the end, I think it's brilliant instead. It's not remotely realistic. But who says fiction has to be? What it is is great.

This episode is SO unusual because Xander is talking so much smack about Oz. Outside of Willow herself, it turned out Xander wound up liking Oz more than the rest of the Scoobies. Giles and Buffy liked him (as did Cordelia) but none of them developed the appreciation for his laconic demeanor that Xander did. It's SO weird to hear him bashing him.

I love Giles being excited by the Werewolf ("One of the classics!") and thinking Xander's moon pie joke was much funnier than it was. Has that ever happened to you? Somebody makes a LAME joke and you are the only one who finds it hysterical? You feel sort of crazy in hindsight when everyone is rolling their eyes at you. But it's funny! No fair judging me!

Willow says she's not much fun to be around three days out of the month either. I very much enjoyed how the show tied Oz's Werewolfism into puberty. I especially love that because they did that Willow gets that line.

They changed the design of the Werewolf later on to make it less fake-looking, and also a little more unique-looking to only this show, but that just means the production values of the episode seem wildly inconsistent. Here is an interesting opinion: The Werewolf may look fake here, but it looks fine for the show. I think the best reason to change it wasn't because it looked fake but because it's better to easily be able to put Seth Green in the make-up and beast transformations.

I'm with Oz. I like it. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Bewitched, Bothered, And Bewildered"


Joyce and Jenny macking on Xander is the funniest thing ever.

The episode missed the boat on two things. Ironically, I was disappointed in this back in the day too. But because Buffy is the Slayer, when she was the rat, she should have beaten up the cat and broken the mousetrap. Clearly the show didn't have the budget to do those two things. But it's what it SHOULD have done.

I love Oz punching Xander and saying he just really had the urge to do that, and then instantly helping him up. I love Oz. Him looking for Buffy as the rat was great too.

There is not enough comeuppance for Angel this season for how much he sucks, but I like how stupid he looked and felt when Drusilla said Xander was a real man compared to him.

I love that Cordelia is still wearing the necklace. It's clear she's somehow hoping this break-up won't be a permanent thing.

However I rolled my eyes are her "You mean that love spell was for me?" She thinks it's sweet instead of the single creepiest thing a person could ever do. Ugh.

"Angel nails a puppy..." I'm with Buffy, Giles. Stop. We don't need to know this bit.

This was fun. And yes, the premise is creepy and so is Xander. They still made it work. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Passion"


There are things about this episode I have always loved and still love. But to be blunt, I have a LOT of problems with it now. I am by turns amazed and disgusted at various points in the episode.

I think before we really discuss the good things in depth (and there were many) I want to basically say why I'm not okay with this episode anymore. And maybe question my fitness as a discernable TV viewer for ever being okay with it. But the episode is FAR too cruel. Especially considering Angel's descent into evil, especially going by the last scene, was never intended to be permanent.

I think the "gift" he left for Giles was startling in its horribleness, but I think it went far farther than it ever should have. I mean leaving her in the bed is problematic enough. The cops should have arrested Giles for murder for it. And the drawing of her left in Giles' apartment simply makes the idea stupid as well. The cops didn't take that crucial piece of evidence at the crime scene? Come on, now.

But as cruel (and stupid) as the picture of Jenny is, I think the thing that I most regret watching again is something I'm angry at myself for not objecting to before. What REALLY angers me is Angel looking in Buffy's window and laughing at her and Willow wailing in despair over learning Miss Calendar is dead. Is that necessary? Does that or Angel's torpid narration wrapping around the episode actually make it even slightly better in any respect? What has happened instead is that I will never, EVER forgive Angel, and the part of 2021 Matt Zimmer who is disgusted with this episode is equally disgusted with late 1990's / early 2000's Matt Zimmer who later forgave Angel and was a fan of his own TV show. I thought giving SPIKE a redemption story after his actions in Season 6 was disturbing? For some reason, that strikes me as far worse for multiple reasons. And I cannot believe I ever, EVER wanted to see good things happen to this character later on.

According to the DVD commentary there was some debate over whether or not to show Angel actually killing Miss Calendar or whether or not to surprise the viewer when Giles was. Seeing it happen and knowing what Giles is walking into with the "Upstairs" card and roses and candles is far worse. They also pointed out that they made a conscious decision to have Angel kill Jenny in his Vamp face because they were afraid if he did it in his human face the audience would never forgive him or accept him kissing Buffy again. I think that "concern" sums up the problem with the writers on the show in a nutshell. They actually believe at some point the viewer should forgive Angel, and accept him kissing Buffy, even after that. That's troubling, to say the least.

But there is a LOT of good in the episode. I mentioned the show is in its prime and it is. Only Buffy The Vampire Slayer would have the magic shopkeeper with the thick foreign accent instantly switch to a New York dialect and say to Miss Calendar, "Oh, you're in the trade?" That is pure genius, and the first time I ever saw a scene as perfectly clever as that was when the episode first aired.

There is another selling point to the episode that I will almost certainly be discussing in-depth in "Becoming, Part 2". But I'm a little shocked and proud this compliment can also be extended to this episode. Joyce Summers is like the best and most refreshing TV mom to a teenager from that specific era of television. She's trying to navigate the idea that her daughter had sex and she asks Buffy if she was at least careful. And Buffy rolls her eyes and is like, "Come on, Mom." And Joyce is like, "Don't come on, Mom me. You had sex with a boy you didn't even see fit to tell me you were dating." Joyce has no way of ever knowing Angel probably has not had sex since before the AIDS epidemic, or that vampires can't get humans pregnant. She's a concerned mom who loves her daughter. That is 100% the right question. Buffy has no right to brush it off as besides the point. Stuff like that is why I love Joyce. You'll hear a lot longer and more extended rave about the character in the second part of "Becoming".

Willow saying that Ira Rosenberg would be unhappy with his daughter nailing crucifixes to her bedroom wall is a great joke.

Plothole: Angel claims the Latin sign outside the school inviting all who seek knowledge to enter is the thing that invited him into the school. In reality, it should have been because it's a public building. He doesn't need an invite for that.

And finally, as angry as a lot of the episode made me, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Anthony Stewart Head brought the goods. I love that after Buffy saves Giles' life she decks him in the face and tells him he was going to get himself killed, and that she can't do this without them. Which ends up with them sobbing in each other's arms. And knowing neither actor was ever nominated for an Emmy for this show shows how useless that particular award actually is. That moment actually gave me chills.

I am unhappy with a lot of this episode in hindsight. And what's disturbing is that I am equally unhappy with myself for failing to recognize these problems until now. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Killed By Death"


This will be an interesting review.

Generally speaking, among Buffy fans, this is considered an unambiguously bad episode. The children in jeopardy trope is outright gross, and the actress who plays young Buffy looks so unlike Sarah Michelle Gellar it didn't even occur to the producers to hire a blonde girl. So, knowing that this episode is widely hated (for admittedly good reasons) are there any interesting things to note? Or even any, GOOD things?

Actually, yeah. I was really digging Cordelia in the episode. Her "Tact is just not saying true things. I'll pass," is a classic and essential Cordelia line. And it's especially classic and essential because it's true. Giles even mentions to Willow later that what Cordelia was talking about in Buffy's trauma with her dead cousin making her need a tangible monster to fight is 100% accurate, and insightful to boot. I don't see why Cordelia should be getting shade for clarifying this important distinction with Buffy ahead of time. Especially if even Giles thinks it might be true.

I laughed at Giles pouting about being saddled with Cordelia, but on this go-round, I find it more troubling than I did before. Not because I don't believe Giles would be that petty. My problem is is why is Xander seemingly in charge, and why has everybody just decided he was? I don't get the group hierarchy at ALL when Buffy is in the hospital.

My favorite scene is something I didn't even register or notice before this viewing. I love Joyce extending sympathies to Giles about Miss Calendar. What amazes and interests me is it hurts Giles because he didn't expect to be reminded of that when he was. Which also tells me both Giles and Buffy don't really appreciate Joyce. Her empathy is no surprise to me, but it shocks Giles because he takes her for granted. She's the clueless Mom who has no idea her daughter is the Slayer. So maybe Giles and Buffy have mistaken that aspect of her as stupidity. And since THEY are the ones holding back the secret, THAT is the hang-up THEY are saddling her with. It's interesting Joyce being insightful surprises them when it does. Mostly because they never treat her like an insightful or even a real person. They act like she is always in the way. But Giles is in pain and she noticed, and offered her sympathies. I like that about her.

Angel telling Xander it must have killed him he got there first really, REALLY angers me. First of all, because Angel is a low-class jerk, and I dunno, I feel like the show often makes characters antifeminist so it's easier for the viewer to hate them. It actually is NOT great to hear a character make gross and sexist statements, even if they are evil. I also am annoyed that Xander doesn't say "You are a gross and stupid person, Angel, and I pity you." To be perfectly blunt, if Angel said that to me in Xander's exact position, I wouldn't push back on it either. Because Angel is powerful, dangerous, and crazy, and I would never push my luck in antagonizing that psychopath in that circumstance. But Xander has already done quite a bit of threatening and goading Angel in that scene, so when I needed to hear him stand up for Buffy's virtue, when he doesn't, I took extra notice. I am not happy about that scene. At all.

Also, the writers shouldn't be asking Charisma Carpenter to mack on middle-aged dudes to get intel. I get that Carpenter was like actually 30 when Cordelia was in high school, but because Cordelia IS supposed to be in high school, it's still super skeevy. Ick.

This also clarifies that Angel does not need an invite for public spaces. Another bit of proof the last episode messed that up.

Here's something. I think that the monster's method of killing is actually pretty good. It's scary, has a good visual, is gross and creepy, and still looks all right on the show's nonexistent budget. When people are talking down how much this episode stinks, I hope they don't mean those eye suckers. They actually give me the willies.

So yeah, a bad episode. But as bad as people say? I wouldn't go that far. 2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "I Only Have Eyes For You"


This episode is VERY highly regarded and well-loved among the fandom. But what I noticed during my latest "Eyes Wide Open" rewatch of the franchise is that it isn't highly regarded or well-loved enough! This is the first episode I have seen since I started rewatching the show this go-round that I outright loved. That I have no negative notes for. That does not hit me as wrong, creepy, or tone-deaf in hindsight. I expect there will be a few more raves coming. But I did not quite remember this episode being so great. But it's greatness impresses me because the episode and the bones of the episode are so freaking solid, when nothing else has been yet.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer has done a lot of scary episodes. It's done many horrifying episodes. It's done TOO many disturbing episodes. But this episode is a rarity in that it's SPOOKY, which is not something the series trafficked in regularly. And maybe they should have. They nailed it here.

People have done psychological dissertations about Buffy The Vampire Slayer and what it means, but I think this episode is like a perfect psychological deconstruction of the characters, and would given REAL Buffy scholars, the ones I would listen to, a LOT to talk about. I think the most genius thing I remember is still the most genius thing, although it means even more now. But I love the fact that Buffy is possessed by the murderous male student and Angelus is possessed by the poor doomed female teacher. I have to confess David Boreanaz's performance isn't perfect, and I actually laughed once in a place I shouldn't have. What I found funny was how humilating and uncomfortable this must be for Angelus, and yeah, we've NEVER seen him that upset before or since. This REALLY got to him.

What I love about Buffy refusing to forgive James is that you are led to believe she refuses to feel a shred of sympathy for this kid because she sees his murder of the teacher he supposedly loved as the ultimate betrayal. The way Angel betrayed her. You are led to believe as long as she can't forgive Angel, there is no forgiveness possible for James and the teacher.

But she actually identified with James rather than the teacher. She believes SHE is the murderer who snuffed out the person she loved due to her own selfishness and neglect. And it's a weird, amazingly complex, and GENIUS idea, that should be playing out on a TV show with a LOT higher of a credibility factor than something called "Buffy The Vampire Slayer". And that's the frustration the fandom has over the entire franchise in a nutshell. We take it seriously (as we should) but because the show has a silly name, nobody who doesn't follow the show would EVER understand WHY we could take something called "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" seriously to begin with. I appreciate Whedon named it that to sort of make this amazing show inaccessible to TV snobs and cynics. But I think that was a mistake. I think TV snobs and cynics did not deserve to be driven away from this great show as in-joke between Joss and the fans he truly cares about. And I didn't really have that specific perspective until I rewatched this perfect episode.

Truthfully, all I'm here for is the radiant adult Meredith Salinger (from The Journey Of Natty Gann, one of the few decent Disney live-action films in the 1980's). Also shocked that the guy is portrayed by Christopher Gorham, who voiced the Flash in some of those recent DC Universe Animated Movies. I had always assumed Gorman was MUCH younger than someone able to play a high school student in 1998. If you told me he was currently in his late 20's in 2021, I'd believe you. Even if the math of when I started watching those movies wouldn't hold up, I wouldn't bat an eye.

First mention of the Mayor which shocks me. While the conspiracy has been played around with since the third episode of the season, this is the first time the Mayor was mentioned. When I saw Season Three, I always felt like the Mayor was the elephant in the room in season 2, and the Big Bad in waiting. The truth is, we aren't even aware he exists until the third to last episode of the year. That surprises me.

I need to discuss James Marsters as Spike. Two things. Because I hated Spike after Season 6, I don't think I was able to quite give James Marsters his due for what he brought to the show before that season, and before Joss Whedon and Marti Noxon destroyed his character, because they believed him trying to rape somebody would make a swell moment of personal growth for him. But Marsters has serious acting talent. And I'll tell you what made me think that. It's Angel slobbering all over Drusilla. I always recalled him being furious at that. But that's not all it is. He's also genuinely upset and disturbed by it. But he can't say anything for risk of revealing he's gotten his strength back.

Speaking of which, say what you will about Spike (and I have and will) the character is known for being placed in visually iconic scenes that you remember, and made good clips for his credit billings in the theme songs the season after they aired. I would argue the only real iconic moment Spike has had before now so far was him running over the Sunnydale sign at the beginning of his first episode. Him standing up out of the wheelchair at the end as the thunderous music plays, is definitely the second. It's amazing how huge that lands, and it's all due to Marsters' performance. While you don't get any sense a team-up with Buffy is coming, William the Bloody just became the series Wildcard as long as Angel doesn't know exactly how healed he is, or how much he loathes him. It literally gives me chills.

The whole episode does, and the playing of that eerie title song is pure emotional dynamite, and everything in the episode lands, and everything works. I suspected going in when I decided to rewatch things with new eyes after the recent Whedon allegations that I would probably still love quite a few episodes. What surprises me is that so far, it's fewer than I predicted. What is a bigger surprise is that this is the first one of them. Didn't see that coming. But the episode is pretty much perfect. 5 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Go Fish"


First the cliche: "That was wrong on every level."

Now to deconstruct the cliche. Usually when someone says that something is wrong on every level, they are actually expressing amusement and a sense of wicked admiration for it. Not me though. Not about this. This was LITERALLY wrong on every level. I'm not being cute. This sucked.

I'm going to try to make this review shorter than normal, because that was SO sucky I don't wanna dwell on it, but maybe I should, because a LOT of it is a huge red flag for the later Whedon allegations. But let me try to detail the suckiness as briefly as possible.

I actually understand why Snyder is mad at Buffy for breaking the guy's nose. And I am angry that I am understanding about that. The truth is Buffy is the Slayer. I thought the debacle with Ted taught her that she shouldn't ever be hitting normal human beings that hard. It sucks on some level, but because she's the Slayer, she actually should have waited for him to attack her before punching him. Considering what she can do, him locking the doors and telling her to relax does not cut it. And what makes me especially furious is that because Buffy IS a superstrong person, she would actually have to let the guy get in a LITTLE bit of an attack to make it remotely justified, which is unfair and ridiculous. And then they tell her she dresses wrong, and to wear something appropriate to school tomorrow? Do you know what I think? I think the PRODUCERS have the actual problem with how Buffy dresses. And objectifying Xander later on in the swim briefs does not make the producers fair. It makes them equal opportunity creeps.

And when the coach says his boys "have other needs", I was like "Whoever wrote this episode should be fired. Out of a cannon. Into space. Butt first."

It's weird, but I recall seeing this episode again AFTER Wentworth Miller hit it big as the smoldering hunk on Prison Break (his clip being a memorable part of the season 3 intro always tickled me for that reason) but this IS the first time I've seen the episode since he graduated from intense eye-candy to off-the-wall scenery chewer Leonard Snart on The Flash and DC's Legends Of Tomorrow. This is one of those shows that never deserved him and that he is way better than. Although I'd probably only be a LITTLE annoyed at this if I was forced to compare it to his lame stint on the execrable Joan of Arcadia.

The last "epic" shot of the monsters in the ocean, was obviously done on the cheap. They are suggesting they are deep in the sea, and yet the tide is rolling as if they are right by the shore. It's as if they only had to budget to film on a beach and they are trying fruitlessly to hide that fact. Normally, this show's desperation to hide how cheap it is is sort of endearing to me, but this episode is so gross it makes me mad instead.

Jonathan not being appreciated being saved by Buffy from the bullies is actually understandable. But the peeing in the pool thing shows Jonathan is and always has been a creep.

You know? Snarking aside, I'm done. That was nasty, and I don't want to think anymore about it. I'm out. 0.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Becoming, Part 1"


Watershed. A gamechanger. A landmark in serialized television. More epic than anything this low-budget has any right to be. Containing ONE thing in it that drives me nuts, so it's imperfect. It has it all.

This will probably be a long review, and almost all of it is gonna be complimentary. There is a lot to mull over and be wowed by.

I very much like how the episode opens and ends on Whistler's ambiguous narration. The differing scenes don't actually change the meaning of what he's saying the second time out, but the neat thing is that it fits both scenarios either way.

It's too bad we never saw Whistler again after the next episode. The plan was for him to be Angel's mentor on Angel: The Series, but Max Perlich, (excuse me SPECIAL GUEST Max Perlich) was unavailable, so Glenn Quinn was cast as the similar character of Doyle. But the main reason I wanted to see Whistler again is that unlike Doyle, he's mysterious, and I know nothing about him. And now I never will.

Joss Whedon can talk smack about Donald Sutherland, and how he botched his performance in the Buffy movie all he wants, but the truth is even if that's true, he lent the franchise gravitas. Casting Richard Riehle in the crucial role of Buffy's first Watcher Merrick always confounded me. It's such a big role that it deserved a cameo from a big actor. Movie Buffy's Merrick was the evil President Snow in The Hunger Games. TV Buffy's Merrick was the grandfather in Grounded For Life. These are not equal interpretations, whether Whedon think Sutherland ruined his movie or not.

I'll say one good thing about the TV version of some of the stuff covered in the movie: Buffy is portrayed as sort of stupid during it. That's good. That suggests that Kristy Swanson's character might have been more cunning than the ditz she acted like deep down, and simply never had cause to take anything seriously before. Interesting idea to make Buffy out-Cordelia Cordelia. But forget Cordelia. That's actually a compliment she doesn't deserve. She's actually one of the Heathers.

I love when weird TV shows involve real people. They rarely do however. But when the guy at the museum (played by Jack MacGee) asks Giles why he wants to wait to open the stone crate, and wondering why he wouldn't want to simply be surprised, that's a real-world viewpoint from a real person. If I was unaware vampires and the supernatural existed (and I don't think they do on my level of The Dark Tower) that would be my exact reaction. Genre often forgets to add real characters. Joss Whedon remembered just this once.

The flashbacks later became a staple of Angel's TV show. With the exception of Los Angeles, none of the sets here are remotely convincing for the given area of the world they were supposed to be set in. But I don't care much. The scope still exists, even if it's not entirely effective. Just attempting it works more than if they hadn't.

I have been spending these past two seasons of this rewatch being generally appalled and disgusted by Resident Nice Guy Xander Harris, and his creepy and entitled behavior towards Buffy. So I am both appalled and delighted that his jerkiness and cynical perspective matched my own to a T this episode! He should be a lawyer. "Here's an interesting perspective: Who cares?" I love that! Giles brings up that it was Jenny's last wish to restore Angel's soul, and loses his cool when Xander coldly (and accurately) points out that Jenny is dead. What's especially ironic about Giles's position is that it's another example of the character giving Angel a far bigger benefit of the doubt than that character actually ever deserved. He's going to regret this mindset of mercy in the very next episode. When Xander says, "The way I see it, you want to forget all about Miss Calendar's murder so you can get your boyfriend back," I was like "Boom! Mic drop!" That's actually how I see it too. My fist is punching the air, especially after my rewatch and new perspective about "Passion". Angel is unforgivable at this point. At least to me (and Xander, God bless 'im).

I think this might be one of Spike's funniest episodes simply because he does so much with so little. His visible pleasure at Angel's failures is a bit cathartic and very good to see. His sing-song "Someone wasn't worthy," goes in the hall of fame for his one-liners, as does "Wackiness ensues." And I don't think I ever appreciated the deepness of "Oh, look, it's a rock. It's a big rock. None of my friends have a rock this big," until now. It's not just sarcastic, it's somehow wise.

But is it just me, or is Angel's "Gosh, I was hoping we could get back together," painfully unfunny and lame? It strikes me especially so knowing how absolutely witty and clever Angelus wound up being on Angel: The Series. His "You fall for it every time," might have been a better snap, but the truth is Buffy only fell for it once before now, and that was when Angel was with her. Kind of a punk move to use that trick against her a second time. But yes, Giles is in trouble.

One more thought on the Flashbacks, specifically the first. In a later season, Buffy does NOT like hearing Angel say a Vampire's personality is extremely similar to the person they replaced. But drunken Irishman Liam, as seen in the alleyways with Darla? He is FAR more recognizable to me as Angelus than Angel. And that's all without being evil. There is a zest for life both Liam and Angelus share, although Angelus' zest is more for death. But they are equally zesty, is what I'm saying.

Two more things to talk about. The first thing is the thing in the episode I didn't like. The second thing is how the episode ended. If God is kind, I will have more to say about the second thing than the first.

But I hate Kendra's death. It's pointless, and stupid, and done to basically service Buffy's arc rather than Kendra's. And Kendra is literally the most important person of color on the show for the first two seasons. And she goes out like a punk to teach the white characters a lesson about the stakes. IStandWithRayFisher. After that, how can I not?

But... but... I like the cliffhanger anyways. Remember what I said about me loving real characters in fiction? On Buffy demons and people are killed left and right (seriously, nobody thinks to close the school when a woman walks off the street into the middle of the classroom and sets herself on fire?) but it is alarming how little law enforcement is involved. Buffy is about to realize that her dangerous calling might in fact put her close to dead bodies she can be confused with for their murderers. One of the things I loved about 'Salen Lot, is that Matt Burke told the characters that even if they won and killed all the vampires, chances are, a cop would see the wrong thing and they'd all be going to jail for murder. I love that's Buffy's grief is real, and private, and intruded on by people seeing that bit of horror entirely out of context. It is not only unexpected complication out of nowhere, but it's a realistic complication so I kick myself and Buffy for never seeing it coming. It's the perfect "Insult to injury" moment to end the episode on. I just wish Whedon didn't feel the need to murder the show's only real black character to do it. Either way, it's a heck of an ending. 5 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Becoming, Part 2"


I am going to state a controversial opinion. What annoys me about this controversial opinion is that it is uncommon. But I think it's a no-brainer, and I am mad at society for not sharing it. You guys are nuts and you all suck. But when all is said and done, "Becoming, Part 2" is the single best episode of the series. Every Buffy fan loses their minds for the gimmick episodes of "Hush", "The Body", and "Once More With Feeling", that they don't remember or appreciate how important to the show, and frankly television history, this was. "Becoming, Part 2" was the best episode the show had done so far (and most Buffy fans would agree with that at the time). What I think is that it's never been surpassed. On either this show or Angel. I will go one farther. Nothing on Firefly or Joss Whedon's stint in the Marvel Cinematic Universe comes close to it either. This was Whedon's career high point, that considering it's unlikely that anyone will ever be willing to work with him again, will NEVER be surpassed in my eyes.

I mentioned TV history, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer was very good for television. It was good for television in the way The X-Files was bad for television. I don't want to get TOO off-track in this review, but everything The X-Files did wrong, Buffy The Vampire Slayer did right (at least until Angel's finale "Not Fade Away".) But The X-Files was extremely unhealthy for television, and TV was made worse for it being a success. The fact that The X-Files was often amazing doesn't change this fact. In fact, if The X-Files were terrible, it never would have caught on, and neither would have the questionable trends it started.

Because of The X-Files, a LOT of genre television didn't believe you needed a firm game plan when planning out the mythology of a sci-fi show or fantasy. Twin Peaks mistakenly got the "David Lynch is making it up as he's going along" accusation leveled at it as well, but in reality the mythology to Twin Peaks is deceptively simple, and holds up in hindsight. The X-Files however was an utter mess both in hindsight and at the time. Apologists made excuses for it but they (and I) were fools for ever having Wanted To Believe. Not a single plot twist held up to scrutiny. And instead of giving answers for and resolving plotlines, Chris Cater simply compounded the problems by adding new elements that didn't fit what came before. I defy you to explain the logic of the Black Oil. It destroyed the show. In flipping Season Three! Things became SUCH a mess that Carter had to take the audacious (and annoying) tack that everything we learned about aliens on the first 9 seasons was a lie when he relaunched the show for two seasons a couple of years ago. Basically, things were such an unplanned mess, The X-Files had to retcon itself in entirety. And a lot of similar shows similarly did not have a big game plan. Buffy did. Boy did it ever.

The second destructive thing The X-Files did is make a movie. You can level this complaint against Star Trek, but no Star Trek movie damaged either that franchise or television in general the way The X-Files: Fight The Future did. Star Trek The Original Series was canceled before its time, and The Next Generation had a lovely and satisfying last episode itself, so no harm no foul. No, what The X-Files did is have a movie set between the seasons. And the series was left unresolved because Chris Carter believed he could someday later on resolve the entire thing on the big screen, and didn't want to waste all of the mythology secret reveals (as bad as they were) on a mere TV finale. Suddenly, after The X-Files, a LOT of TV shows declined closed endings and instead set up their finales as prologues to films that invariably never happened (see also Alias). Even Buffy and Angel did this. But what Buffy also did was tell a compelling story from season to season with a beginning, middle, and an end. It did not live and die by season ending cliffhangers, and told its entire story, sometimes setting stuff up for later, sometimes not. But Buffy knew where its story was headed. Not saying I LOVED all of those seasons and stories, but once Buffy showed TV you can have a gameplan, other creators like J.J. Abrams took after that, and soon enough it became common, and the mantra for shows far better than Buffy could ever hope to be. But artistic, satisfying, tear-jerker endings like this episode did not exist before "Becoming, Part 2". I'm sorry, they just didn't. TV has done tearjerkers before (Quantum Leap springs immediately to mind). On rare occasions before this they'll even wrap up a story (see the original The Fugitive). TV even had the occasional artistry going for it (The Pilot and Episode 2 of Twin Peaks). But before Becoming, Part 2, no show dared to try and put all of those things together at once. Never before. Name an example. There isn't one.

The third X-Files damaging trope thankfully never damaged or hit Buffy, but Chris Carter believed that if David Duchovny or Gillian Anderson left the original series, he could replace them and their irreplaceable characters with new actors, and that the audience would just be fine with it. And a LOT of shows since then (glares in Smallville and The Office's direction) have followed this idea (to their detriment). Luckily for us, Buffy ended exactly when Sarah Michelle Gellar wanted out. As it should have.

But Buffy The Vampire Slayer and "Becoming, Part 2" were very good for television, and put all sorts of bright ideas into the heads of people even more talented than Whedon. Which is a very good thing.

Let's talk about the episode. This is already a long review, and we haven't even done that bit yet. Weird, right?

The teaser is dynamite, and lives up to the cliffhanger. And Snyder lives up to being the character on the show with no redeeming qualities. He will always make a situation worse than it has any right being if he is in it, usually due to either bias or dishonesty (as seen from his "The cops of this town are deeply stupid," line later on, it's both here). Snyder sucks so bad and is so clueless that when Buffy theorizes he's never gotten a date in high school, he doesn't recognize it as a slam. "Your point being?" No adult or villain should ever be this stupid. If Snyder were an even remotely worthwhile character, he'd say something like "My dating life or your theories about the lack there-of aren't about to stop you from either being homeless or in jail." The point being that Snyder would STILL be better off than Buffy, high-school dates or not. Instead, Snyder misses the point entirely because the character is allowed no redeeming virtues.

Seeing this again startles me a bit at how stupid and annoying with her stupidity Joyce is. But regardless of whether or not she handled Buffy coming clean well or not (and she clearly didn't) I like the fact that despite the fact that she's stupid, she's not about to let Buffy call her that. There is a moment when Buffy tells Joyce sarcastically to get another drink (Joyce has been stress-drinking already) and Joyce smashes the glass against the wall. and yells at her appalling daughter that she has no right to talk to her like that. And I love her for it! I love that even when Joyce is being dumb and unreasonable, she lays down the line when her daughter treats her that way. To be blunt, (and I may be getting a little off-track here, AGAIN,) it's one of my favorite moments of the entire series just because it is unlike the reaction of any fictional TV parent of a teenager before or since. If Brandon or Brenda Walsh had told their stupid pet of a mother to have another drink in this circumstance, she'd widen her eyes and say, "I think that a good idea," before nervously sitting down and taking a swill. I love Joyce pitching the fit that she does here instead. Regardless of how dumb and ditzy Joyce is being (and she's far dumber and ditzier in this episode than usual) Buffy has no right to talk to her that way. She is not her peer or her girlfriend. She needs to check herself.

What kills me about how great and unusual a moment that is, is that it wasn't remarked upon by Whedon in the audio commentary at all. I have never seen a single Buffy fan before ever bring it up, point it out, admire it, or even quote that it exists. I suspect for many people reading this review, I will be the first person they've ever heard discussing it. But I believe Joyce's personal dignity is hard fought for and won here, and nobody should ever dismiss it or forget it after that.

I have something unkind to say about the producers and Drusilla. Drusilla and Juliet Landau are amazing this season. But they are the only season she is. Granted, Landau's reappearances amounted to guest shots rather than the arc she enjoys here, but Dru looking back on Angel and Spike after making out with Giles and saying she was in the moment was really the last memorable thing the character ever did and said. And she did and said a TON of memorable stuff. But only this season for some reason.

Spike on the other hand is hitting his stride. I'm not saying Whedon was already planning Spike to someday become a full-fledged cast member at this stage of the game. But I guarantee it's his and Buffy's team-up here that gave him the idea. They gelled as peers shockingly quickly, and when Spike says he wants to save the world I actually believe him. His shrug upon leaving Buffy to be killed by Angel is such a funny moment the main titles used it when James Marsters was bumped up to a series regular in season 4.

Part of me wants to clock Xander for not warning Buffy that Willow was trying the curse again, (obviously hoping she'd kill him before it was successful, because Xander is worse than Hitler). But the moment of realization and sacrifice would have meant a LOT less to me as a viewer and a fan if Buffy had known it was coming.

Buffy understanding it is happening with no warning instead, and still sending her beloved to Hell because it's too late is one of those mythic and Shakespearian turns comic book writers say superheroes are about but never seem to actually be. Here, her telling her beloved to close his eyes, stabbing him in the stomach, and sending him to Hell.. Gets.. The Point... Across... Like nothing else.

And the Sarah MacLachlan thing just kills me decades later. I didn't actually cry this time through (mostly because I was still mad about what Angel did in "Passion") but I came closest when Joyce reads the note and choked back a sob. "Now leaving Sunnydale. Come back soon," is another perfect endpoint for the series. It sets up stuff, but is a satisfying ending in its own right. Whedon did NOT learn that from Chris Carter.

I wish Oz had more to do in these last couple of episodes. His "We know the world didn't end because... check it out," was the one Oz thing he said these past couple of weeks, and a laughline right at the point we could really use one.

The Mutant Enemy zombie saying "I need a hug," is another great tension reliever to leave us off with.

It is not lost on me that Giles grimaces when Willow suggests Angel was cured and Buffy and he ran off together in a whirlwind of romance. Do not forget that grimace. It will come up again.

I thought Drusilla's performance as Jenny Calendar was very convincing. Far more convincing than it needed to be. But she WAS "in the moment". When Giles says the words "Angel's blood..." a less skilled interrogator would let him finish the sentence for further clarification. She realizes however that he already said the only thing that matters, and kisses him instead to keep up the pretense (for apparently no reason).

For the record, Giles confirming to Xander he wouldn't want to see him in a dire situation is played as a funny joke at Xander's expense, but I think it's a jerkish thing for Giles to affirm. I know he's been through a lot, but jeez he's a punk for that.

Joyce and Spike making small talk for the first time is golden. Spike later says that Joyce was the only person of the group he could stand and I can see it. She actually treats him like a person, even after learning he was the guy she knocked over the head with an axe handle. It's kind of cool.

Snyder seems excited about the Mayor. I'm with Xander and I will very much enjoy seeing this tool being eaten by his man-crush next year.

Angel seems glad Spike has his back. If Angel were smarter, that would actually make him suspicious.

Spike high-tailing it out of town in the black Cadillac with one arm wrapped around Dru is one of those visually iconic moments the show always seems to give him.

I personally believe this episode contains my favorite non-Twin Peaks musical score out of any television episode. "Close Your Eyes" devastates and amazes me in just the right places. Christophe Beck is amazing. I get literal chills.

Here's a question: Who actually called the cops at the beginning? If I had written the episode, I woulda said Angel did the second Buffy ran off at the end of the last episode, simply to mess her up. It's an annoyingly unanswered question that I can reasonably answer myself.

Willow eyes turning blank and her voice turning harsh as the Latin chant she was reciting suddenly took over her and became automatic is very, unexpectedly scary. Which also makes it predictably funny

You can argue about the merits of the Lynch influences in "Restless", or about the true nature of sacrifice in "The Gift", or the realistic portrayal of loss and grief in "The Body". But do any of those episodes have ALL three of those themes, AND a big honking swordfight to top it all off? No. This is actually the best episode of the series, and it always was. I will fight you. 5 stars.

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Matt Zimmer
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Anne"


Buffy The Vampire Slayer is famous for have surprisingly sucky season premieres, and "Anne" is the second worst of all (next to "Buffy Vs. Dracula"). I understand the rationale behind it, at least I did at the time, but it's an outmoded way to tell a story.

What Joss is doing with small, underwhelming premieres is what is known as The Slow Burn. Sometimes I appreciate it even if the episode sucks (Season Four's premiere is quite impressive with its foreshadowing, without ever once being impressive itself) but "Anne" is even worse than usual because NONE of the Season 3 Arc is being set up here, and it's all unrelated to everything else. We'll talk about a few interesting things, and the episode's many failings. This is a bad episode and I don't want to unfairly pick on it or suggest episodes this bad are common for this show.

I'll talk about things that didn't work first. Just to end things on a more positive note.

The Scooby adventures were shockingly bland. Outside of the classic bit of Oz whiffing throwing the stake at the fleeing vamp, nothing is funny or clever. Even Xander and Cordelia collapsing in orchestral passion as the vampire turns to dust feels a bit old hat.

"Here's my impression of Gandhi." That is a classic Joss Whedon joke. What is especially classic about it is that it's not the slightest bit funny and Whedon seems completely unaware of it. It's this episode's version of Captain America's "Language" from Age Of Ultron. It's Whedon believing he is funnier than he is and that his fans' threshold for laughing is lower than it is. It's annoying. Here's something new: I wouldn't have recognized it as annoying as it is if "Language" never existed. One of the worst things about Age Of Ultron and Justice League sucking so much is that many of their weaknesses throw into relief flaws in his earlier work I would have had no context to recognize as sucky as they were. The "Gandhi impression" is Whedon at his stupidest, confusing himself for clever.

I am thoroughly unimpressed by how unimaginative the Buffyverse's version of Hell ultimately is. Yes, the show's budget is shoestring. And it doesn't stop this version from paling in comparison from what they were able to come up with in Lucifer, DC's Legends Of Tomorrow, and even Preacher. Preacher's Hell being memorable especially stings because they didn't actually usually have to pay a whole bunch of money to portray it. This just sucks.

I am creeped out at Whedon sexualizing Buffy in the dream sequence. The camera lingers WAY too long on her breasts to be considered anything but icky. To be fair to Whedon, sexualizing teenagers is a major problem in Hollywood still, and has been done on everything from Smallville to Riverdale. I don't have to like it or think it's isn't gross though.

Next I am going to talk about good things, and finally some random things of notes.

The first good thing is Joyce blaming Giles for Buffy leaving. It throws him for a loop, but he regains enough composure to tell Joyce he didn't make Buffy what she was. As far as excuses go, it utterly sucks. Joyce's complaint isn't about Buffy being the Slayer. It's about how she was doing it in secret, and had an entire secret relationship with this man she knew nothing about. That's super creepy. And Giles believing Buffy should keep this from her mother is 100% on him. Especially because the blow-up wouldn't have occurred if this had been revealed and acknowledged during a quiet moment and Joyce had been allowed the proper time and context to deal with it. To be blunt, Buffy does little to comfort her mother about the truth in the last episode and that's also on her. It bothers me that the finale portrayed Joyce as being dumb and unreasonable. Because Buffy and Giles have been treating her terribly. I like this episode because Joyce actually calls Giles on it.

Say what you will about the climax (and it DID suck) but the practical fights were SO badass, they made wonderful clips for the intro to Season 3. The badass look of Buffy looking around with the axe in her hand is so iconic it spent three seasons as the end of the theme song.

"I'm Buffy The Vampire Slayer." Generally speaking, the characters in the show say the title of the show rarely. But when Buffy does, it's ALWAYS a big moment.

Lily may be annoying in this episode, and this episode may have sucked for set-up for the rest of the season, but Lily becoming Anne at the end of the episode was neat set-up for her arc on Angel.

"What are you doing?" "Going through your secret files." "I'm calling the police." [Rips phone off the wall.] That and Buffy's "I suck at undercover" is one of the reasons I like her as a hero. She's pretty no-nonsense when dealing with strangers, which is kind of refreshing. She has never been comfortable at guile or spyjinks and none of her missions have ever been compromised simply because she refuses to b.s. her enemies. I like that about her. Here's something: For people who like and admire Buffy, I don't think I've ever seen anybody else compliment her about that one thing. But it's one of her coolest qualities.

Speaking of main title clips, one of the shots of a homeless woman standing in the middle of the street was eventually used on the main title for Angel for all five of its seasons. I didn't realize it came from this episode until I just saw it this time.

The episode may not have set up the arc of the season, but the notion of time moving differently in Hell sure explains why Angel is totally crazy when he comes back in a couple of episodes.

One of the frustrating things about The Slow Burn is that later producers discovered it was unnecessary. The show "Lost" started with a plane exploding on a mysterious beach and the first scene in the Pilot being gripping and exhilarating didn't lesson the mystery, or make the journey less rewarding as it went along. Joss believes in a story getting better as it goes along. I believe in that too. What Whedon fails to understand is that doesn't mean you have to make the beginning of the story suck for the sake of comparison. The other option is to make a great premiere and keep upping your game every week. This is clearly not something Whedon was EVER cut out for. Season Seven is the basic proof of that. But that doesn't make weak season premieres like "Anne" any more acceptable. 1 star.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Dead Man's Party"


Not much important happened this episode. But it was still surprisingly solid.

I am really rooting for Joyce and hating Xander. While Xander is right that Buffy put her mom through Hell, he does not get to be the one to call her on it. His behavior is loutish and he thinks he is more entitled to Buffy's apology than he is. Out of all of Buffy's major friends, he was actually hurt the least. And he's the one making her feel the worst. That's not okay. At all.

Joyce said some really interesting things in the episode. When Buffy snipes at the idea of private schools, Joyce ALMOST loses her cool and says with as much tact as she can muster, "Buffy, you made some bad choices. You might have to live with some consequences." That is a true thing a good parent says. Joyce also tells Buffy she wasn't perfect and handled Buffy telling her the truth badly. But this is something I already said: Buffy laid it on her in the most inconvenient and horrifying way possible, and acted like she was stupid for not immediately getting with the program. Joyce is a good enough person to admit she reacted badly. Is Buffy a self-aware enough person that she understands the way she told her gave her few other options BUT to react badly?

I have problems with the party. It's nice Joyce seems okay with it, but she shouldn't be. She was going to bring out the good plates, and the Scoobies essentially set up a drinking party with a band without asking her. They wreck her house even before the zombies show up.

And what was with the idiot answering the phone? I confess I don't go to parties but it is usual for a guest to answer the phone when it rings? Because it strikes me as incredibly bad etiquette. Even for a drunken stoner. There HAVE to be SOME sort of recognized rules at these sorts of parties. I can't believe strangers answering the phone is considered by anyone else to be okay.

I love Joyce's eulogy for the cat. It is very clear to me why Spike actually likes her. She doesn't NEED to be this decent and she weirdly is.

Giles' "Do you like my mask? Isn't it pretty? It raises the dead! Americans!" is one of that character's funniest lines ever.

Speaking of which, Oz saying he liked the cat and that he thinks they should name it Patches was a riot. His descriptions on the differences between a gathering, a shindig, and a hootenanny are Classic Oz too. "A whole lot of hoot, just a LITTLE bit of nanny." Awesome.

I have a problem with Snyder in the episode. He's too loathsome. A person like Snyder cannot function in society as long as he speaks to people like Joyce the rude way he does publicly. Someone like Snyder would have been fired a long time ago. I don't care that this is over fifteen years away from MeToo. Nobody who works with children would ever put up with it. I don't like how horrible they've made the character because it's quite unrealistic. You can throw Donald Trump in my face as a counterexample, but I think Snyder's behavior is openly worse. I have no doubt Trump is worse in private but Trump doesn't talk that way in public. I get this was a private meeting, but still, it's not realistic. Giles strong-arming him at the end was admittedly awesome but it never should have been necessary.

The last scene of Willow and Buffy jokingly throwing antifeminist slurs at each other has truly aged poorly. One of the worst endings of the series simply because every bit of the language is dated.

But the rest of the episode was decent, especially considering nothing much really happened during it. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Faith, Hope And Trick"


Interesting thing I noticed: In Faith's first episode, Buffy treats Faith far worse than Faith treats Buffy. Thought that bears mentioning.

I like Willow telling Oz he was supposed to stop her from doing that and him saying he likes when she does that.

Xander's "They should film that story and show it every Christmas," is also a great line. Although to be blunt, his perving on Faith is creepy. And to do it in front of Cordelia is especially rude.

"I told him I loved him, and then I kissed him, and then I killed him." Only on this show will you get an epic (yet ridiculous) line like that.

Mr. Trick is cool simply because he acknowledges the fact that he's black. He in fact mentions that Sunnydale is not exactly a haven for the brothers.

Scott totally whiffed it with that ring. Holy cow, what a screw-up. Not his fault, but it's also not something I'd look past were I Buffy. Were I Buffy, he just blew it forever with that.

Odd, weirdly poetic, and surprisingly accurate episode title.

The screen fading to black, and then the ring lighting up and shaking was a total Twin Peaks move. Instantly got that homage.

One thing I notice in hindsight is that I don't think Angel returning when he did was ever explained satisfactorily. I mean, I get The Powers That Be weren't done with him, but what caused him to return at that exact moment? I feel like a great deal of the most important parts of Angel's arc seem a bit random and coincidental in hindsight.

Buffy telling Snyder him being overruled is essentially him having his entire competency and fitness to do his job called into question is one of the few "good ones" the show was nice enough to allow her to get off on him. The fact that Joyce was there to enjoy it was icing on the cake.

The show is still doing The Slow Burn at this point, but with the arrival of Faith and Mr. Trick, things are starting to come into focus. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Beauty And The Beasts"


One thought kept circling around my head as I was rewatching this: Buffy The Vampire Slayer shouldn't ever be this bad. At least not at this stage of the game. I'm not saying the show hasn't done worse, or even that's it's the worst episode so far. But it's after "Becoming". There is no excuse for it anymore. I chalked up all of the horrible episodes in Season 1 and 2 as growing pains, and part of the process of the show finding itself. This is terrible with no larger explanation needed.

Here is a fun thought experiment for people who have seen the show but aren't completely attached to it, or maybe if the recent Whedon allegations made you lose the Faith a little (so to speak). The next time one of those alleged Buffy scholars (You know who I mean. The people who have done psychological dissertations on the show and characters, and believe the the show is perfect in its creation myths allegories, and that its melodrama is the closest the modern age gets to Shakespeare; those guys) talk about how purely brilliant the show is, I suggest you dare them to watch this episode with you while you MST3K it. If the person isn't fuming, there is gonna be a LOT of painful silence on their end due to utter embarrassment. You cannot declare Buffy The Vampire Slayer the modern Shakespeare as long as this episode exists where it does. What Buffy The Vampire Slayer is is television. Nothing more, nothing less. And it's often as thoroughly mediocre as all of the rest of the television is. It is NOT actually all of those revelatory things its boosters say it is. It's a regular TV show that is sometimes good. And sometimes it's this bad, and there is no defense for it possible. I'm sorry. It's the truth.

I think what the problem is is that even at this stage, the show believed that it needed to lean into the premise of "Everything scary is real." They've done Frankensteins, zombies, mummies, robots, witches, all that nonsense. So the producers were like "Hey, let's do Mr. Hyde!" That shouldn't be how any show tells its stories. Have you ever seen the show Grimm? (Coincidentally co-created by Buffy producer and Angel co-creator David Greenwalt.) During the early episodes they tried to make the premise a police detective procedural of a cop solving fairy tale crimes. Not only did the gimmick never convincingly work, but it landed with a thud every time. So the show soon enough decided it was no longer about that and never looked back. It was never a great show. But once it understood its entire high-concept premise was holding it back, it became occasionally watchable.

The sooner Buffy The Vampire Slayer realizes they aren't a "Monster Of The Week" show, the better off we'll all be.

What really bothers me about the episode is that it is SO easy to criticize. I never liked the episode, but it amazes me I never destroyed it in a previous review either. Its flaws are numerous, and obvious. And ultimately inexcusable. Where to begin?

Using the Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde plot as an Afterschool Special allegory for a guy beating his girlfriend is bad enough (on pretty much every level, both concerning message and episode quality) but what kills me is Buffy looking down on this girl for thinking she can change the guy in the very episode she's trying to tame Angel. How is it I missed that before this? How are Buffy's delusions any purer than this poor girl's? Why should I EVER think it's okay for Buffy to judge her negatively as some kind of doormat, instead of, I dunno showing some, "I been there, babe," empathy?

Whedon wants credit for being a feminist? He might do better by having the female characters actually support the poor girl being abused instead of acting like her refusing to leave makes it entirely her own fault. I should not have to be first person to point this out. Buffy scholars, hang your heads in shame.

I also am disgusted with how the show treats Mr. Platt. He is completely lovable, empathetic, charismatic, and a great addition to the show. But he's also black, which means he is destined to die in the most humiliating manner possible. I cannot think of a more embarrassing death for a black character. For one thing, a teacher like that wouldn't be smoking in his office at school EVER. And they only had him do that so they could do the horrible gag reveal of the burned out cigarette his corpse is holding. What's especially twisted and sick is Buffy goes into his office not realizing he's dead, and opens her heart and tearfully cries that she needs to talk to SOMEONE! Mr. Platt is not a heroic character. And the show still made his subtext the black guy who sacrifices himself so the white character can grieve them. I have to say, that's a pretty impressive (and awful) racist trick. If I haven't said it before (and I have) IStandWithRayFisher.

The continuity of the show is ludicrous too. Angel is a feral beast now? Swell! So who put on his pants for him at the beginning of the episode? That huge and ridiculous continuity error bothers me a lot less than the idea that this is the first time I've noticed it. I have never been a picky TV viewer, but I was SO lenient on shows I otherwise liked, I could never see stuff like this staring me right in the face. It's unacceptable, and I'm ashamed I never noticed it before.

Also Angel killed Pete at the end of the episode. Forget how the Scoobies explain to the rest of the school how that happened. How does Buffy explain to the rest of her friends how that happened? Without having to lie and falsely implicate herself as his murderer? They had Angel kill him to tie up loose ends, but instead it created an unforgivable plothole. What a mess this show is turning out to be in this viewing.

Faith's take on all men being animals deep down really annoyed me. Not because I disagreed with it. I'd have a problem with it even if I thought it might be true. The problem is the statement is definitive about ALL men who exist, no matter the circumstance, which is actually something she has no way of knowing about. It's not something any given man has anyway of knowing about either. You cannot state an ironclad truth about a group of people's personalities when everyone everywhere seems to have a differing opinion on every topic imaginable. It's just as toxic and cliched when men make "All women are," statements. Faith isn't insightful, she's ignorant, and desperately trying to hide it by pretending to be an expert on a subject she actually knows nothing about.

Is there anything in the episode I liked? (Besides poor Mr. Platt?) Oz had a very Oz line: "Just a thought. Poker, not your game." Basically we were treated to one great Oz quip and an unending mess otherwise. I never gave this a great review in my previous reviews, but I'm kicking myself for not destroying it long before now. 0.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Homecoming"


A lot of fun. And also imperfect. We'll try to focus more on the fun in this review, but we'll get in some snipes too.

I have to say I don't think in hindsight the show gave the Mayor a great opening scene. I think he's my favorite of the Big Bads, so it's very weird they made the restrained choice for an opening scene they did. To be fair, the scene may not be either great or memorable, but it's surely interesting and raises questions. He's obsessed with germs and Alan's hands, nothing really alarming in and of itself, but Alan is clearly absolutely terrified of him. I'm still not sure after all these years what specific thing Finch saw that made him so terrified, but it's an interesting way to go, if not as big and funny as the character wound up being.

I liked Mr. Trick in the episode very much. I liked his bit about spiny headed things, and expressing admiration for the Slayers still being alive. That's like the Capital citizens in The Hunger Games. They are all there to see the kids kill each other, but on some level they want the underdog to survive. It's a very brutal and human viewpoint in this kind of scenario. Mr. Trick is more of a man than Mayor Wilkins thinks he is. I especially love that Mr. Trick suggests Sundown towns were his reality before he became a vampire, so the Mayor isn't telling him anything he hasn't heard before.

It's funny that on the big board, the last listed weakness for Cordelia is Xander. It's true, but Buffy is a witch for writing it down in front of him.

I very much loved Oz's yearbook photo.

I think the thing that bothers me the most about the mess with Xander and Willow is that this specific episode is playing it as cute, and endearing, and even romantic. A couple of episodes from now our perspective will be that it's utterly heinous, and if that's true (and I lean towards "Lover's Walk"'s take more) they shouldn't be confusing the issue like this. That is a story failing. It can be argued it's confusing because they are confused kids and the writers are leaning into that. But if the writers are going to decide it's devastating and unforgivable later on, they shouldn't be doing that.

Loved Cordelia bluffing Lyle Gorch. You can think him a coward for falling for that, but out of all of the recurring evil vampires we've met, only he, Drusilla, and Harmony survived all eight seasons of Buffy and Angel. Maybe he's simply not stupid.

I'm wondering if it was this specific episode that gave Whedon the idea for The Cabin In The Woods. I see many elements from it here.

I think Faith's prank she pulled on Scott in front of his date at the dance was a pretty dirty and low-class trick. That she pulled on behalf of Buffy for no other reason than that she likes her. I think Faith is a pretty deplorable character, when all is said and done. But I'm not going to argue that a LARGE part of her descent into villainy wasn't triggered by Buffy treating her unfairly.

I recall the end being memorable back in the day because no other show would think to end it that way, but I'm underwhelmed in hindsight. Perhaps no other show would end it that way because it's actually really unsatisfying. Food for thought.

It was a fun episode though. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Band Candy"


This isn't a well-loved episode but I also think it was probably a bit better received that it should have been. It's Jane Espensen's first episode and it is classic her. It's well-written enough, but she tends to put in a really filthy or unpleasant element in most of her stories that doesn't let you enjoy things. This is a comedy episode. The "tribute" should not have been babies. I think as a person and somebody who interacts with fans Espensen is great and down-to-Earth. As a writer she is totally overpraised. I think because she's so awesome and great with fans people give her a pass for things like this. We really shouldn't.

I think the thing that worked best in the episode was Giles. It was down to Anthony Stewart Head's brilliant and convincing performance, but Espensen also made some very interesting (and correct) choices in her script as to how to depict an immature Giles. The first thing I noticed upon a rewatch is that he is a total jerk to Joyce. He leads her around hanging off his arm but he's totally inattentive to what she wants, never agreeing with her about what bands are cool, and saying growing up in England was boring, not because it was, but because expressing disdain for everything is cool and turns girls on. I think Whedon does not know how to write women properly when all is said and done. This episode proves Espensen knows how to write men. She did need not to make Giles as abusive to Joyce as Angel was to Buffy, and she still is able to show to the older people in the audience that he's mistreating her. Again, Espensen's writing is usually overpraised. But stuff like this is why she has fans to begin with.

Giles nodding along and getting into the music was brilliant. The way Head holds the cigarette is pretty convincing too.

Joyce may think that her car is the Geekmobile, but the truth is she still thinks Juice Newton is cool. Which means she ultimately isn't. Perhaps James Dean Giles is right to keep her at arm's length as long as she's saying stuff like that.

I took note at Snyder saying it was just wrong that the babies were going to be eaten. Because it is literally the only remotely good and noble thing he has EVER said. And it's really a no-brainer, and not exactly a tough stance for a person to take. But that's how low the bar is for that character. Literally his best quality is that he's against babies being eaten. That's not a real brag.

"Summers, you drive like a spaz!" I think the episode was better received than it should have been. But lines like that are why it was well-received back in the day at all.

I love Mr. Trick this episode, and I'm fascinated by him because I'm paying more attention to him this time through. There were three really interesting things he did. The first was to kill the guy who might not have eaten the candy just to make sure no-one else would. Whatever you think of Ethan Rayne, him witnessing that says he probably thinks he's gotten in over his head. The second interesting thing he did is that we learned he actually paid Ethan for his work. Rayne delivered what he said he would, and there was no need to burn that particular asset. I love it when villains are smart enough to treat people well because it's in their best interest. I also found Trick's perspective that the demon being killed was in Wilkin's best interest and that he did him a favor correct. That's the right way to look at it, but the truth is Buffy did Wilkins the favor. Trick claiming credit is him simply trying to get ahead of the narrative. Which is the right tack to take when your boss is a politician.

Giles being so punch-happy with Ethan was a lot of fun. He is so delighted whenever Buffy is forced to punch him it was infectious, and I wished she punched him more just to see Giles punching the air even more than he did. Ethan was never properly paid off on the series. But Robin Sachs and Head brought the goods this episode.

Fun, but imperfect, and the babies in jeopardy means it's less fun than it should have been. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Revelations"


In my rewatch of Season 1, I gave the episode "Angel" a shockingly bad review. It surprised me because I did not expect to hate that episode that much this go-round. But it was stupid and obvious. The thing that turned me against it totally was the dumb, cliched, and unlikely hoops the show had to go through to have Buffy come upon Angel holding Joyce in a compromising position. It was so fake and phony and television, (and I can never give a harsher description of a bad plot turn than describing it as "television").

However, Faith catching Angel in a compromising position with Miss Post was entirely 100% believable and properly set up. There is not a single piece of it that feels contrived. I can think Faith rash and stupid for not being willing to hear either Xander or Buffy out, but I don't blame her for seeing red for walking in on Angel doing what he was doing to her.

I think Miss Post was probably a bad Watcher to begin with. She tells Faith when she visits her Motel room that Vampires don't tend to knock. Actually, genius, they DO. That HAVE to in order to get into a residence. They cannot enter a home uninvited. This is not sound advice any Watcher should ever be giving a Slayer.

I found Giles' rant to Buffy a bit heart-breaking in how earnest and hurt he is, but if I may be so bold? What did he expect? I get why Xander is mad (and Cordelia brought up some excellent points as well) but Xander was very clear last year that re-ensouling Angel would essentially be giving that murderer a free pass on killing Miss Calendar, and a way for "Buffy to get her boyfriend back". As I recall, before he was taken and tortured by Angel himself, Giles was very supportive of honoring "Jenny's last wish". He cannot actually be surprised this went down exactly as Xander said it would. I get the torture makes him feel especially personally betrayed. But he's no better than the crying members of the Leopard's Eating Face Party always screaming that they never believed a leopard would eat THEIR face. This was always going to happen. He was kidding himself if he thought Buffy would put his personal dignity ahead of reconnecting with the man she loves. And this is EXACTLY why Xander was against the idea to begin with, so he can't act like he wasn't warned this was coming, whether he was tortured or not.

Cordelia's two best points are that Buffy doesn't have much to fear from Angel. The last time he went crazy he was focused on torturing and killing all of their friends. And I especially love her telling Buffy to get over herself when Buffy accuses Xander of hating Angel because he's jealous. That breaks my heart on some level. Cordelia is defending her man in a way he clearly does not deserve. But like, I get it anyways. Buffy saying that to Xander in front of Cordelia is actually insulting to HER too. I like that Cordelia calls her on it.

I feel like Oz seems a bit out of place in the episode. They didn't really have him offer an opinion either way, and he simply asked questions other characters could have asked if he weren't in the episode. That's not great or even usual for the character.

The reason the Glove cannot be removed is a brilliant and gruesome one, and Buffy's solution for "removing" it was brutal and funny. Although I need to point out that Buffy actually KILLED Miss Post by doing it. If you count her, the zookeeper from Season 1, the human bounty hunter from "What's My Line?", and the two German assassins she tricked into shooting each other, Buffy has killed a total of five people (so far). I really don't understand why she is coming down so hard on Faith for doing the same thing (only once) later on, but by accident instead of deliberately.

I continue to be annoyed that Xander and Willow are still being portrayed as tender and sweet. They even created a music cue for their love theme for God's sake! It's super obnoxious in hindsight.

That definitely landed better than "Angel", an episode with a similar premise. I felt every bit of Faith's pain was earned, and I can actually see her mistrust of Buffy and the group growing out of a real and logical place. I am very glad that aspect of Faith going bad actually holds up in hindsight. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Lover's Walk"


To be 100% truthful I expected to dislike that far more than I did. I think it's still a good episode. Although there are a couple of infuriating things. But they are briefer than I remember, and only one of them is as bad as I remember.

The worst thing in the episode is something I believe we as fans should have raised a fuss over back in the day. It was a d-word move on the producers' parts. The scene transition of a potentially mortally wounded Cordelia to a priest reading last rites at a cemetery, to widen to Buffy and Willow walking by and saying that Cordelia is fine, is one of those appalling storytelling moves nobody who ever watches current television would ever tolerate from a different modern franchise. We'd rightly go into conniptions. It's unfair. It's cruel. It's stupid. It's manipulative. And worst of all, it's not funny, especially because the situation isn't remotely funny either.

The other horrible thing that steamed me was Xander bringing flowers to the hospital room. The stones on that guy. But what I love is that Charisma Carpenter's performance is amazing anyways. When she tells him to stay away from her I got chills. Perhaps I notice it because (especially on Angel's show) Carpenter has never really been praised for her acting ability. She's funny in what she does, but she can't exactly stretch, at least not usually. This moment totally landed, and I felt her pain, and I especially like that the make-up job they put Carpenter in was credible for someone crying in a hospital bed. I'm not saying she looked remotely as messed up as a real woman in pain (this IS television) but it was still unflattering for a young woman to put herself in the position of other people seeing her like that. Having that vulnerability sort of helped her performance, and I think really got the basics of what she was feeling across very well.

But basically the reason I can't be mad at this episode is Spike. Now admittedly, last season Spike was not as great and memorable as I remember. I thought Marsters was excellent, but I had mistakenly misremembered his antics as being the highlight of the season. Once Angelus shows up, not only do they lessen, but they become that much less important until his team-up with Buffy.

This episode? Marsters was brilliant. I loved his scenes with Willow. Part of her actually feels sorry for him, and has genuine sympathy and concern. But he's so crazy and dangerous she's rightly in fear of her life. Him talking about the Chaos Demon being all slime and antlers is one of the most memorable Spike moments ever. And Marsters is kind of shuddering a bit when describing how he was telling Drusilla the team-up with Buffy didn't mean anything and Willow is totally conflicted in either saying "There, there," or running for her life.

And I loved the scene of him and Joyce at the house. Him talking to her about his problems and her offering genuinely sound advice is wonderful. And when he asks for the little marshmallows I'm rolling. I think Angel and Buffy are wrong about one big thing about that moment. Joyce is actually in no danger. Spike claims in Season Five she's the one person in the group he could stand and that totally plays here. He actually legitimately likes Buffy's Mom. Angel was doing more harm than good, and frankly scaring Joyce more than Spike ever could.

I loved and laughed at Spike's reactions to Angel being unable to enter Buffy's house. He points and laughs at him and pantomimes growling at Joyce. It's just SO much fun.

I especially love at the end of the episode after the big fight that he gets a big grin on his face and is all "Come on, don't tell me that wasn't fun?" Ultimately, he doesn't want or need the spell. Their friends are in the factory, and Spike will do what he should have done, go back, kidnap Drusilla, and torture her until she likes him again.

I thought Lenny the vampire offering to let Angel and Buffy walk if they simply left right then was a very generous and unusual offer for a vampire to make. Figures the one time it's offered, Buffy and Angel aren't in a position to take him up on it.

"Tell me you don't love me," is an epic, tragic line that I have heard before elsewhere, but it always works gangbusters in any show or film that uses it. It gave me the chills here. Not much. But a little. There is a reason it is overused.. Because it's effective.

The show is famous for having excellent and memorable last shots to black out the executive producer credit on. It's also famous for great iconic visuals for the character of Spike. Spike caterwauling to the Sid Vicious (or more accurately Gary Oldman) singing "My Way" is one of the best endings and iconic Spike moments at the exact same time. Yeah, the cemetery scene is dirty pool and I still feel angry about it. But I was never going to give the episode a negative grade as long as this scene existed in it.

Spike waking up on-fire in the sun was a scream. I'm guessing this is a common problem for drunk vampires. The ones too drunk to wake up from that never do.

The Mayor says he would sell his soul for a short game but it's a little late for that. 20 years later, I still don't know what a short game is. But it's still a great zinger. I also liked him describing Spike's activities last years as "shenanigans". Sort of tells us a lot about the character using that specific silly word for Spike's crimes.

I very much love that in the episode where all of the main characters are left off miserable, Spike exits singing and happy. That's perfect. The episode is not, but I liked it more than I feared I would. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Wish"


I have seen numerous alternate reality / alternate universe episodes before and after this one, but this one made such a positive impression on me for breaking some of the biggest rules of the high-concept. Cordelia is the central character of the story, as is often the case with the one character who remembers the previous world in the alternate timeline stories. But the show then does the unthinkable. It kills Cordelia off midway through! Not only are we now missing our main perspective character, but the alternate "wrong" versions of our heroes are going to have to figure out what is wrong, and how to fix it on their own. It says very good things about Giles and the Scoobies he's assembled that they were able to figure out and fix the problem with that little to go on.

I like that Larry is in the Scoobies in the alternate reality. That is the proper sci-fi technique. And Buffy isn't even sci-fi!

The dustings at the end of the episode were so great. They never put that much money into that visual effect before but they really, REA:LLY wanted the deaths of Angel, Willow, and Xander to be memorable, and even weirdly beautiful. The reality ending with the Master killing Buffy says we are very lucky Giles fixed things when he did.

Anyanka brings up a very good point. How can Giles, trusting fool that he is, even be sure the other world is better than this one? His answer is the only one needed: "Because it has to be." I got goosebumps at that. Well played, Giles.

The Master's mass production murder machine is truly horrific and looks absolutely 100% painful. Yikes!

Willow and the "puppy" is totally messed up although Evil Willow in general is messed up (especially in Season 6).

I love Buffy being all "You gotta be kidding me," when Angel shies away from the cross. And I love that it means nothing to her that he says her name as he dies in front of her. The fact that it means nothing is why Giles needs to fix this.

Let's talk a bit about the first act before the Wish takes place. To be perfectly honest, Anya's behavior is inconsistent with her later behavior. She seems outright normal here. She is not literal minded at all. Granted, she is actually undercover for most of the first act, but the Anya as we later got to know her would specifically suck at undercover because she utterly lacks pretense. It doesn't fit is what I'm saying.

I have a suggestion to any writers reading this review. It's something I'm gonna bash the episode over. The episode has one of the boys Cordelia likes say he can't be seen with Xander Harris' "cast-off" but if she wants to go somewhere a little private... Here is my suggestion. Never write a scene like that. Under any circumstance. Ever. It degrades all of the characters on every level. I shouldn't have to complain about something like this on a show created and run by a self-proclaimed "feminist icon". But I ultimately have to because Whedon has always been full of poo about that specific thing. Listen to me, writers. Don't EVER humiliate a female character in that specific way for any reason. Your show / movie / book will not ever be made even slightly better because of it. This is a solid genre episode that I have to deduct an entire star off of because that scene is so freaking icky. I'm not happy here.

Buffy throwing Cordelia into the garbage to save her life makes me realize why she is fed up with that girl to begin with.

There was a scene in the episode that I have seen a few times in the past couple of years, because American psychology has progressed enough to make it a common opinion. But it was unusual when Buffy The Vampire Slayer offered it in 1998. But Oz points out that he told Willow what he wanted, and he thinks she wants to talk to make herself feel better. The unique Buffy take on that idea is Oz saying that isn't his problem. But it's something a lot of recent stuff has done, although it was unusual 20 years ago.

The "Other Hellmouth" in Cleveland isn't explicitly called a Hellmouth here, but it's revealed that a lot of demonic activity DOES take place there.

Is Buffy's Watcher still Merrick in this reality? Unanswered question.

This defied a lot of the central conceits of the alternate reality premise. Once Cordelia is murdered, literally anything could happen! It was a bit exhilarating, to be honest! All bets were off! And a WB teen soap named Buffy The Vampire Slayer just delivered the most extreme example of that specific trope to date! People back then and now believe Buffy The Vampire Slayer mattered. Stuff like beating Star Trek at its own 40 year (at the time) game in a single episode is why it did. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Amends"


I was interested to rewatch this. The biggest question I had was whether or not Joss Whedon (who wrote the episode) planned from this point forward to have The First Evil be the Big Bad of the final season all along. I think that's very possible, but I also don't think the continuity holds together perfectly.

The First, particularly as Jenny Calendar, touches Angel at several points, which the First is not supposed to be able to do in Season 7. If I recall correctly, the demonic shape Jenny briefly morphs into at the end of the episode was also seen once or twice in Season 7, so that fits. One of the neat things about the First in Season 7 is that it had a scope of power that was hinted at but never fully proven or explained. I like that the First is a singular consciousness, and appeared to be able to be in two places at once in the episode "Conversations With Dead People". This episode suggests the First also has the ability to become invisible to some people while appearing to others at the same time. The scope and powers of what the First could do made it seem nigh unstoppable for the first third of season 7, and even though Buffy is poking fun with the whole "I get it, you're evil," thing, it really IS as far reaching as Jenny is suggesting it is.

I am disappointed in Oz's portrayal here, especially in a Joss Whedon episode. He's cool and understanding, and I DID love his "I think we should sit back down again." But one of the reasons I don't like seeing him and Willow quarrel or have angst is because Oz is not a character that remotely works with any sort of angst attached. I'm not happy, as sweet as Oz is.

I think "Am I a righteous man?" is probably one of the greatest killer lines Joss Whedon has ever given David Boreanaz. It was a literal gift any actor would kill for. It saddens me he is unable to deliver the EXACT level of pathos and commitment that line demands. People have given Charisma Carpenter guff for not being a perfect actor. But Boreanaz has had his share of slip-ups too. That should have gone down as Angel's best line ever and his most defining moment. Instead I totally forgot it even existed until I saw this again.

I love Buffy (correctly, mind you) telling Angel that he's fooling no-one by telling her she has no idea of the horrible things he has done. Of course she does! Because he did them to her! I would think Buffy Summers would be the absolute last person the dude would play the "You have no idea what I'm capable of," card on, but Angel is kind of a dope in this episode.

I love the ghost of the chambermaid going back to "That's right! Make a scene!" That was powerful and gave me chills, as did the dead father describing there being an art to the murder of his children. That's beyond messed up.

Giles will help Angel (it just keeps getting funnier) but only while he has a crossbow pointed at him. These hauntings of The First suggest Giles is not overreacting.

Joyce is SO kind to Faith here. I don't like where their relationship ended up. But Joyce remains the best mom ever.

I don't ever like seeing Angel with a mustache. It just raises questions about how he shaves. The show shouldn't ever do that.

The redemptive snowfall is much less redemptive for me this outing. I still haven't forgiven Angel for Miss Calendar and enjoying Buffy and Willow's grief.

Love the Mutant Enemy zombie in the Santa hat.

We are led to believe the First brought Angel back, and that The Powers That Be were responsible for the snow. I personally think The Powers That Be were responsible for both. The First is far too all-powerful and far-reaching to ever believe bringing back Angel would be in its best interest. It's trying to screw with him now but I don't believe it brought him back because it was unsuccessful, and probably could have predicted that it would be unsuccessful ahead of time. Buffy was right that if the First brought him back it needed him (sound and smart reasoning), and that means Angel could hurt it. But the First literally had nothing else to do with Angel for the rest of the series, even during its major war on Sunnydale and the Slayer in Season 7. So that means it probably didn't bring him back.

Willy the Snitch is back in my good graces. Him encouraging Xander's menacing and saying he was very intimidating was a very cool thing to say, as was him wishing Buffy and Xander Merry Christmas. Not saying all is forgiven for his icky behavior with Buffy and Kendra, but it's a start.

The plants dying underground here makes "From beneath you it devours," a really good clue in Season 7.

It's an interesting prequel to Season 7, but as far as a David Boreanaz showcase goes, he didn't quite bring the goods. Sarah Michelle Gellar was good, and he played well off her, but I really wish Boreanaz had more acting training before this show besides being a dog-walker. Although he definitely got better on his own show. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Gingerbread"


The adults in Sunnydale besides Giles are useless. Willow's mother is especially annoying, and that was true before the Hansel and Gretel stand-ins worked their voodoo on her.

I also feel that after what Joyce tried to do there needed to be more wrap-up between her and Buffy. I don't like that there was no apology given or accepted.

Xander and Oz falling through the ceiling after it was all over was a great gag to end the climax on. "Did I get him?" was also funny.

Love Cordelia calling Giles a Youthful Offender. I always loved that joke.

Xander is absolutely wrong that Oz is looking at him differently and judging him. If anything Oz is making more pains than usual to be friendly and make peace with him.

The end with Willow unable to change Amy back from a rat was funny too.

I like that the tough bully steps back once Buffy gets involved. Buffy is already getting a good reputation, and it definitely explains the Class Protector Award she received at the Prom.

This is the one episode where Wilkins doesn't do anything shady. We only see him in his role as Mayor and nothing else for the first and only time.

The episode was all right. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Helpless"



A few episodes ago Buffy really hurt Giles and this time Giles returns the favor. In my opinion Giles' sin was far worse than Buffy's. Buffy going back to Angel was understandable and actually expected, no matter what Giles thought. But Giles agreeing with the Watchers' Council to give Buffy the injections to depower her makes him no better than those people in psychological experiments back in the 1950's who were falsely instructed by "doctors" to administer electrical shocks on supposedly unwilling test subjects. But THEY were the actual test subjects, and how they responded was what the study was really about. The test was actually to see if people would comply with a person in authority ordering them to hurt someone they didn't know. What's even worse about Giles failing this kind of moral test is that those "experiments" were done on supposed strangers. Giles actually knows and cares about Buffy, so following arbitrary orders to hurt her is especially unforgivable.

Or is it? Buffy witnessing Giles being fired for the crime of loving her like a daughter surely made her forgive a LOT. And seeing what a turd of a Dad Hank is, I get why.

The joke ending with Xander and the peanut-butter wasn't very strong, but it's one of the few things in the episode I didn't like.

I also didn't like the roomful of Polaroids of Joyce. Where did Kralick get that much camera film? I notice these things now, writers. I'm not as easy to please as I used to be.

Dominic Keating, who played the resident butt-monkey Malcolm Reed on Star Trek: Enterprise, has a small role as the Watcher turned vampire Blair here.

Jeff Kober (China Beach) also played Rack in Season 6. Kralick is the more memorable role. His telling Joyce he knows he has mother issues was great, as was the disturbing revelation that he enjoys getting burned by the cross. I also found why he needed the pills very mysterious, although I'm guessing a big part of it is plain old addiction.

Buffy's trick with the Holy Water was great.

Buffy really doesn't like Quentin Travers. I actually do. Harris Yulin is one of those older "Serious Actors" Buffy sometimes hired that gave the show extra gravitas and respectability. Lindsay Crouse in Season 4 is another good example of that.

That was good. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Zeppo"


Shortest recap ever.

This has aged a bit badly. Not as badly as some of the series, but a plot by a group of zombie sociopaths to blow up the school is a lot less fun in the modern climate. Also troubling is the first instance of the show using the r-word in a derogatory manner. Beyond dated and offensive.

I also think the guys coming back from the dead is a bit inconsistent with how Giles always warned the Buffy characters about resurrecting the dead would go. Not only was the spell easy enough for a tool like Jack to pull off (without an animal sacrifice no less) but I don't see any personal costs or dire consequences attached either. Yes, the zombies are all psychos. Because that's what they were before they died. Bob's first question upon being raised being if Jack taped every ep of Walker Texas Ranger shows this particular resurrection spell brings back surprisingly human characters.

Weirdly, nobody makes any mention of any afterlife. That was the first thing that traumatized a reborn Buffy.

Faith's seduction and deflowering of Xander is played as sexy in the episode itself, but it's actually quite gross. She is a broken person.

Xander saying he liked the quiet was a cool thing to say to call Jack's bluff. "I don't think I want to see you around campus anymore, Jack," also says who's boss.

I liked and was a bit appalled and disgusted by Oz's line that he was weirdly full.

I liked Xander telling Cordelia he hoped she'd die of a wasting disease in the next 20 seconds. That's a good burn.

Speaking of which, Cordelia's snaps were quite masterful. She REALLY got under Xander's skin, which I like.

There is something about the episode I liked back in the day, but I don't think it was good for the show at all. It was done as a joke, but I don't think the show should ever been taking that specific shot at itself. But the whole "This is the greatest thing we've ever faced" bits are supposed to be comical because the viewer doesn't witness much of it at all. But Xander walking in on Buffy and Angel's torpid dialogue is so ill-advised as far as a story turn goes because the show is proving that out of context, the Buffy / Angel 'ship is ridiculous and overwrought and stupid. And while that may be true for a cynic, it is not a message the show should ever be putting forth to the viewer themselves. It strikes me as a bit of a breach of the audience's trust to say "Hey, we think deep down Buffy and Angel are a stupid teen soap opera". That's not the part of the show the show should ever be casting doubts about with the viewer. And I feel a bit weird that I tolerated that back in the day, just because it was so unusual for a show to do that sort of amusing mea culpa about itself. But it's TOO unflattering. That brushes aside the veil and the reality TOO much. It's not even meta when you get right down to it. It's the show being deliberately awful and suggesting it always is and we just didn't realize it before now. That's a not good or healthy message. Especially because frankly I don't think it's true. None of Buffy and Angel's melodrama is ever as over-the-top and unearned as this was. They are not just saying the show is dumb, they are saying it's dumber than it actually is. That is a mistake, a failing of the episode, and a failing of the series.

I love the revelation that the car wasn't even Jack's. Because that's the kind of night it's gonna be.

"Tell me right now!" Perfect time for the dude's head to get knocked off by a mailbox.

Naming a knife a girl's name is definitely a serial killer move. Xander's reaction to Jack's appalling threats and violence is surprisingly measured and reasonable and makes me like him, long before he stood Jack down over the bomb. He has a knife to his throat and keeps his dignity. Which is kind of nice because the donut runs suggest the other characters don't believe he has any.

I cannot decide what I think about Angel wanting Xander out of the way, so he'd be safe. On some level, it's gallant, and suggests that Angel actually cares about him and what happens to him. But the cynic in me thinks it's Angel's way of saying the same thing that Cordelia is: "You don't matter and none of the important monsters know you exist." It's a bit dismissive and humiliating, and considering how badly Xander has treated him before he lost and regained the soul, I think it's almost justified. But it strikes me as a mode of passive-aggression on Angel's part rather than a good tactical move.

Ultimately my opinion over the episode has cooled over the years, and not entirely due to the dated plotline and language. I question the wisdom of the show proving to the audience that it sucks. Is it just me or is that like the ONE thing a show should NEVER do? Am I weird for thinking this? 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Bad Girls"


I'm thinking about it and I think this is probably the best episode of the season. With one or two exceptions, Season 3 was pretty solid the entire way through, while Season 2 was more hit-and-miss. But Season 3 does NOT have any "Knockout" episodes like "Becoming", "Hush", "The Body", or "The Gift". So me saying this is the best episode isn't because it's particularly outstanding. It's because all of the season's best elements are working at their best, particularly the Mayor and Mr. Trick.

The Mayor's "To-Do" list being "Reschedule Plumbers' Union, Call Temp Agency, Become Invincible, Meeting With PTA, and Haircut" is a perfectly Buffy The Vampire Slayer joke, and the kind of joke only Buffy The Vampire Slayer ever did. What's interesting to me 20 years later is that most other dramas STILL don't do jokes like that. I think they are under the mistaken impression that they hurt a drama's credibility. There are some "dramas" like DC's Legends Of Tomorrow which do silly stuff, but the entire show is silly. I don't think television has quite absorbed that you can do silliness and drama at the same time without ever actually hurting the drama. I may not have really absorbed the questionable character arcs or the poorly planned mythology of Buffy, but one of the things I HAVE done is make Gilda And Meek a drama with legitimately funny jokes. Not just funny quips and one-liners. Funny jokes. And Buffy was the only show that really did that before or since. Even Angel sort of stepped away from that for a great deal of its run. It's very interesting and weird that nobody else has done that in the meantime.

I really love the Mayor and Mr. Trick and one of my biggest regrets in Faith taking Mr. Trick's place is that the Mayor is so great with him. Yeah, he's great with Faith too, but for an entirely different reason. But when the season starts out, it's clear Mr. Trick barely tolerates the Mayor. But when he walks off at the end of the episode giggling, Mr. Trick can't help himself. He's all smiles too. He's a vampire without a soul but finds the Mayor's good cheer endearing and fun. And I love what that says about vampires. And it also makes Angelus a lot less forgivable in hindsight if vampires are capable of that.

I love that Wilkins loves the Family Circus and Mr. Trick loves Marmaduke. The Mayor has sanitary issues with Marmaduke, but I like that Trick is comfortable enough around the Mayor to insist that's why Marmaduke is cool. Nobody tells Marmaduke what to do. That is Trick's kind of dog. Again, it's so endearing, and the season became lesser once the character was killed.

I very much like that the Mayor's reaction to Mr. Trick saving his life is to thank him and say that was very thoughtful of him. Frankly, it's played as sort of funny because it's understated from the sloppy gratitude many other people give heroes in that specific situation, but I really like it because it's entirely direct. There is no part of that expression of gratitude that is wasted on sloppy nonsense. And do you think a soulless vampire would actually be gratified to hear sloppy nonsense on his behalf from a human? Of course not. It's says everything about how cool Mayor Wilkins is in that his gratitude is so short and formal. This is a man who lives and dies by etiquette. Which makes the fact that he's totally evil all that more interesting.

I liked most of Giles and Buffy, but not all of it in hindsight. I still laugh when Buffy pouts to Wesley "Whenever Giles wants to do something he says 'Please'. And afterwards I get a cookie!" And Giles' snark to Bathazar about how if he asks him to clean those hard-to-reach places he should kill him now was hilarious, and so was the way he says "Ow!" when the vampire punches him.

But I don't much like how after Buffy tells him they need to talk, and Wesley says he's her Watcher and she should be coming to him, Buffy and Giles share a withering look, and affirm they'll talk later. I'll tell you why I don't like the moment. It's rude. It's unprofessional on the ends of both Buffy and Giles, and while I can't say that Wesley makes a favorable first impression, he is right that that's the way things are supposed to work. If Buffy wants to talk smack about Wesley and their situation, maybe vent when Wesley isn't there.

I think the reason I reacted badly to it this time is because Buffy and Angel had a similar moment with Riley in Season 4, and I thought that was clearly wrong and out of line. And if that's true for a character the audience is supposed to like like Riley, that means it's also true for a character the audience is supposed to dislike like Wesley.

Speaking of which, Wesley is SO unlike what he turned into on Angel. He is SUCH an overt coward here, and brags about confronting two vampires under controlled circumstances. Giles assures him he'll find few controlled circumstances in Sunnydale.

I mentioned before that Buffy ragging on Faith for killing a dude is wrong as long as she has killed (adds them up) FIVE people on the series (so far). But I think the reason Buffy is so upset at Faith is that this was entirely preventable if Buffy had not given into Faith's peer pressure. The audience is made to think Faith is a bad influence on Buffy. And that is clearly true. For me, one of the most annoying aspects of Buffy taking Faith's lessons to heart is that they are clearly stupid and untrue. But if Faith can be a bad influence on Buffy, that means Buffy could have (and should have) been a better influence on Faith. Maybe Buffy is so hard on Faith, and perhaps more than she even deserves, because she surmises this would never have happened if she had been prepping Faith to be more cautious. Yeah, I know Faith doesn't listen. But that doesn't mean Buffy needs to be feeding into or agreeing with the bad behavior like breaking into a store to rob it. Part of Alan's death is actually on Buffy.

I also feel a lot differently now about Buffy's "Faith NO!" before Faith stabs Alan. There is a lag time between when Buffy notices Alan is human and Faith stakes him. Instead of warning Faith, Buffy probably should have physically stopped her. She clearly could have (and has done similar things in the past, even with Faith). The show made Buffy aware of the mistake before it happened to suggest to the viewer Buffy wasn't complicit in it. Instead, I think her being unable to stop it makes it partly her fault. Stuff like that IS her job.

For the record, Faith DOES care. She wouldn't have went back to examine the body the way she did if she didn't. Of course, only the audience is aware of her expressions as this is happening, but it definitely affected her and she felt bad. That is a very important thing for the audience to understand. Part of her saying she doesn't care is because Buffy is trying to lay all the guilt on her. The truth is caring about it hurts, and as long as Buffy is blaming her, there is no upside to caring. If Buffy was taking responsibility too in that last scene, (for instance saying "WE killed a man,") maybe Faith would understand she's not actually alone in what she feels.

I like that when Xander's face twitches when he hears Faith's name, he slaps it. That was a well-timed bit of comedy.

A couple of dated bits of humor exist here. Xander saying Cordelia is dressed in "Hooker-wear" is no longer acceptable (although in reality it never was) but at least Cordelia has a snappy comeback. And while Faith saying she liked the cop because he was Butch is also a dated thing to say, it's also a perfectly Faith thing to say, which makes it still funny. Weird how that works.

I love what a comfort and bit of normalcy in Buffy's life Joyce is. Buffy truly does not deserve a mom that great. She's awesome.

Faith's bit of drawing a heart on the window was cute, and her and Buffy dancing in the club was super hot. A LOT of that montage (and the rest of the episode) was so visually cool it was used in the clips of the next season's main title.

"His name is Angel." That's not a badass line in the slightest so I am unsure why it sounds so badass when David Boreanaz says it.

It's very interesting that Angel and Wesley's first meeting is so low-key here. Although that also goes for Wesley and Faith. I wonder what Wesley thought when he saw that Angel was a vampire. That would have been a neat controversy to explore.

Balthazar is truly repulsive (and I mean that as a compliment) and an unrecognizable Christian Clemenson plays the heck out of him. 20 years later and I still can't believe that's Socrates Poole. Inspired casting against type. I don't think Clemenson was EVER given another role like Balthazar again which is a shame. He brought the ham.

Yeah, I think this IS the best episode of the season. And yet, I'm still not giving it five stars because it is imperfect. 4 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Consequences"


Buffy Characters Behaving Badly.

It's not just Faith that's the problem. Not by a longshot. I think the only major characters in the episode not to make disastrous mistakes are Giles and Angel. Everybody else approaches the problem all wrong.

I think maybe I want to talk about how Faith spirals out of control. We learned something about the character here we didn't know before. She's manipulative. The things she says to Xander are literally the most hurtful things you could tell a guy you slept with (and her accusing Buffy of secretly digging it when Angel went psycho is similarly appalling). Marti Noxon wrote a very effective counterpoint to Whedon's scene in "Innocence" here. But really, until Faith falsely blames the death on Buffy to Giles, I think Buffy is handling it all wrong. When Faith says near the beginning of the episode, "It's WE. You were right there with me. Everything I go down for, you go down for," she's right. It's the fact that Buffy is viewing this as Faith's sin which is why Faith refuses to face it. And as seen by her dream Buffy does feel a great deal of responsibility. It bothers me that until the "dirty" speech she refuses to verbalize it.

Let me be clear: This fault of Buffy's probably wouldn't have helped anything if she didn't have it. I think Faith is simply a broken person. It's nice she reformed the next season on Angel, but she believes she has the high ground now, and nothing is gonna change her mind at this stage of the game. The problem with doing an intervention with Faith at this stage of the game is that she hasn't hit rock bottom yet. While she still thinks she's in the right, there is no redemption possible.

I felt bad for Xander, but cannot help but still think he's a bit of a creep in telling Faith that sure, he'd like that to happen again... Sometime. "Just not like this." It does seem to me that Xander saying that while he's trying to comfort her gives him a clear, superficial (and toxic) agenda. The things Faith says and does to Xander are super gross, appallingly violent and hurtful, and out of line. But Xander isn't treating her very well either. He's acting like she's a potential future conquest. Why SHOULD she believe he's really on her side?

Opinion: Faith would have killed Xander if Angel hadn't shown up. Further opinion: The scene was badly written because there is no way Angel should have been able to enter Faith's motel room. Unless he was invited there off-screen at one point and we missed it. But that's sloppy writing.

I'll tell you the major problem I had with that scene, especially compared to "Innocence". I have taken Whedon to task for writing that scene plenty of times, but I don't think I ever gave Marti Noxon the proper level of shade for this scene. And I should have. Not merely because it's essentially the same toxicity with the gender dynamics reversed. I'm not suggesting it's equivalent because of that. It's because it started Noxon's disturbing trend of equating sex and violence, and using dirty talk and actions to work out the sexual frustrations she felt as a youth. I will talk smack about Whedon writing the scene he did. But if he ever said the specific things Angel said to another woman he slept with, I'd be surprised. And this is me knowing the allegations against him. But the problem with THIS scene is I can totally picture Noxon telling a guy these things. She's stated in interviews a lot of season 6 was her working out her youthful sexual indiscretions. The truth is I don't care about them, they make the show worse than it ever should be, and she needed to leave her therapy to the professionals. Perhaps the reason I was not down on this scene before now is that I never noticed Noxon wrote this episode before. But it's the start of a disturbing trend.

Also, this toxicity that Noxon has portrayed in her writing on the show is a reason I'm a bit annoyed she got on the MeToo bandwagon against Whedon. I think Whedon treated Charisma Carpenter like crap. But the truth is his time as showrunner involved a lot less objectification and sexual humiliation of the characters than hers did. Which is saying something because Whedon sexually humiliated characters a LOT. But I don't like Noxon claiming to be on Carpenter's side, because she was entirely on the wrong side of the issue while she was on the show. It's very hypocritical. I will listen to Emma Caulfield, Amber Benson, and Michelle Trachtenberg's stories. Not Noxon's. I seem to recall Sarah Michelle Gellar was very unhappy about the gross and violent sex scenes she was asked to perform in Season 6. She was embarrassed by them. That was Noxon's tenure. And it pretty much all started in this episode.

I liked the Mayor being dismayed with the horrible thought that Alan was about to betray him, and him being dead, and being unable to "scold him". Similarly great was him instantly admitting to Faith he sent Mr. Trick to kill her, her telling him he's dust, and him saying, "I thought he might be what with you standing here and all."

I broke out the world's tiniest violin for Willow crying over Xander and Faith. Truly annoyed by that especially after everything else. Her referring to the situation as Faith "Being with my people," was cute though.

I think the characters, including Faith are clearly throwing around the word "murder" too freely and inaccurately. It was an accident, which is the opposite of what murder is. The proper word is homicide.

Wesley handles things terribly too and is probably the real reason Faith turned. How much of Giles and Buffy's conversation did he hear? Did he miss the most important part where Giles tells Buffy this isn't the first time something like this has happened and that involving the Watcher's Council wouldn't be in Faith's best interest? Also him intruding into Angel's mansion with a group of guys and a cross to throw a net over him feels like the dirtiest of moves.

To be honest, I think Angel is saying the things Faith needs to hear, but I can't help feeling the things he is saying are emo and just insufferable. I won't deny she responded to them, and that she is the type of person who responds to emo things to begin with. But I personally don't respond to them and find them annoying instead.

I find this episode extremely distasteful in hindsight, and think Marti Noxon needs to check herself before she lays claim to being on the side of the MeToo movement. I think her portrayals of women and their sexuality on this show did far more harm than good. Even compared to Whedon. 2 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Doppelgangland"


It's kind of a shame Whedon didn't write or direct more fun episodes than he did. As this episode shows, he's really good at them.

Really, it's the humor and jokes that make this otherwise underwhelming episode enjoyable. I mean the start of "Bored now," and "I think I'm kind of gay," is NOT great, but the individual jokes just landed one right after the other. And that included the stuff without Vampire Willow in it!

Vampire Willow calling Willow the b word upon being shot with a tranq dart pretty much sums up the differences between the two characters. Also, "Hands!"

My favorite Vamp Willow line was said to Cordelia: "Cordelia, I promise to never steal your boyfriend again." If Cordelia couldn't see what was wrong with her based on THAT specific line delivery, she deserves to get eaten.

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, not being useless for the first time this season.

I love that when Xander holds up the cross to Willow he starts shaking it because it's not working right. Crosses work the same as faulty toasters in Xander's mind.

"She was truly the finest of all of us." "MUCH better than me." "Much, much better." It's such a devastating situation that the show finds the right comedy for. It's amazing how the show navigated stuff like that.

I like that the instant Willow covertly waves to Oz is the instant he knows she's all right. Unlike everyone else, he doesn't need to be convinced. He knows. I find that interesting and cool.

Perhaps I should discuss "Bored now" and "I think I'm kind of gay." The only thing you need to know about "Bored now" is that it's appalling that Season 6 brought that formerly wonderful character to a place where she'd believably say it. I don't love that aspect of it.

But "I think I'm kind of gay," bothers me. A LOT. Especially in light of Season 7 and Willow's later quip, "Gay now." One of the reasons I objected to Joss Whedon randomly turning Willow gay, (besides the troubling objectification he did with Amber Benson and Alyson Hannigan to titillate the audience) is that Willow's behavior is not gay in the first three seasons. I don't mean she doesn't act like a gay person. I mean she is legitimately attracted to Xander and Oz. Willow is a clear bisexual, and the show portraying her as having "switched teams" is not accurately showing the struggle lesbians go through. I don't like the idea that the show is sort of diminishing her feelings for Xander and Oz in hindsight. I watched those feelings. They were genuine. There is no "Gay now" switch. Whedon famously nixed a scene in Season 6 where Willow and Amy used a spell to turn a bully gay as punishment for making fun of Willow's gayness because it suggests being gay is something you can turn on and off like a switch. And David Fury is not a terrible writer, but perhaps the reason he had that questionable idea to begin with is that's how Willow's gayness was treated. I respect Whedon for stepping in and saying that is not something that should be treated like a punishment. But the "switch" note doesn't feel true to what happened to Willow.

Angel is about to tell Buffy that a person's personality doesn't change much as a vampire, and she doesn't want to hear it. My opinion: That's something she NEEDS to hear. Say what you will about how ill-advised the later Angel / Cordelia ship was, at least Cordelia understood exactly who and what Angel was before and after both times he was cursed. The only superior thing with Angel and Cordelia to Angel and Buffy is that Cordelia went into that ship with her eyes wide open. Buffy refusing to entertain the notion that Angelus was very similar to Liam is why Buffy and Angel could never work.

Also, this raises question for Buffy and Spike's ship, especially once he was reensouled. Is Big Bad Spike really all that different that William the Bloody Awful Poet? If not why do Big Bad Spike and Reensouled Spike still seem to have the same dry personality? It's very interesting to think about is what I think.

Vamp Willow's "F bomb" being cut off right before she was staked was pretty great.

It's interesting that Faith has no idea how to treat the Mayor. I don't see HOW he's "a family man" with his wife dead for a century, but by the same token it's refreshing he refuses to allow Faith to call him her sugar daddy. Him setting that limit suggests he's the first man in Faith's life never to treat her as a potential conquest. Let's face it, even Giles got an "Aw shucks" look on his face when Faith called him hot when they first met. Wilkins setting that limit with Faith might have literally been the first time that has ever happened. Like the questions raised about vampire personalities, it's very interesting. Do I think Buffy The Vampire Slayer is a complicated and complex enough show to deserve all of the psychological dissertations and essay's its gotten? No. Do I understand why it has them to begin with? Definitely yes.

It's not a great or perfect episode. But it's fun, which a lot of the later seasons forgot to be. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Enemies"


That was a bit of a mess. Not plotwise. But characterization-wise, specifically between Faith and the Mayor and Buffy and Angel.

I love Faith's relationship with the Mayor usually, but this feels very off, especially after MeToo. I think the show had him basically prostitute Faith out to turn Angel evil played as an evil father figure having different values than a good one. But I now find it unacceptable. As well as him telling her to pull her hair back. That was done back then to show him being fatherly. Instead he strikes me as every sexist boss a woman has to suffer through. What kills me is that there are good things between the characters too, such as her being unable to stop herself from smiling at his excited suggestion of miniature golf at the end. But along with his veiled threat about having to replace her at the beginning of the episode, I think the writers were still trying to figure their relationship out and things were a work in progress at this stage of the game.

It bothers me enough that the Mayor mispronounces "Angelus". It especially drives me nuts that ANGEL does too! Weirdly, Wesley is the only one to say it correctly in the episode.

I was always soured on Faith's line of "You played me!" It strikes me as the writers trying to be more current and hip than white people were in 1999, and I thought that back in 1999 too. The line hasn't improved with age. Also what is Faith truly angry about? She betrayed the both of them first.

The demon helping out Giles because he introduced him to his wife was a very funny and relatable idea. What kills me is that if he didn't owe that specific favor to Giles, he would have done what the Mayor asked, Angel would have been lost, and the Mayor probably would have won. We are very lucky Rupert Giles was where he was. I like how his line readings were much gentler and not scary when he was talking to Giles. That was a very nice touch.

"A demon's a demon." The mindset to killing demons is very different on this show than it was on Angel: The Series. If somebody had killed the harmless demon trying to sell those books on Angel: The Series, Angel and friends would be investigating the murder. It bothers me that Faith can tell Buffy there is nothing they can do and she just accepts that.

I am annoyed at Buffy for being mad at Angel for doing exactly what she asked of him. It wasn't exactly a request that he could refuse, but the reason I'm mad is that Buffy spends way too much time trying to make-believe the other guy doesn't exist. As we can see Angel can slip back into it like a glove utterly convincingly. When Angel was about to tell Willow that vampires have the same personalities as their human victims a couple of episodes ago, he should have finished the thought instead of allowing himself to be stared down by Buffy.

Do you know what DOES bother me though? Angel was more convincing than he needed to be. Complimenting Joyce's hair was very authentically Angelus, but Faith is kind of dumb, and would not have needed that specific thing. She DID appreciate it, but she never would have needed it. The only reason I can't dismiss Buffy being totally mad is that Angel played the part better than a dope like Faith needed him to. Part of me thinks he was having a little bit of fun in the role in that moment, which is why I myself am a little annoyed at him.

I love "Are you still my girl?" "Always," though. I'm not made of stone. That's awesome and iconic.

My favorite moment in the Buffy / Angel / Faith drama is Buffy telling Faith that Angel is a killer, and that the second they kill her he'll turn on Faith next. Angel helpfully admits "I probably will," so Faith cheerly says that that means they should probably keep her around for awhile. Faith may be stupid usually but her cold logic there is impeccable.

I liked Angel throwing the letter-opener at the Mayor and him catching it through his hand. That was neat. Him acting like a protective "What are your intentions towards my daughter?" father figure to Angel is a little too soon in their relationship for my taste though, especially since he tried to pimp her out earlier in the episode. That didn't feel right.

Giles' standards jokes were funny.

Giles asking for the receipt for the bribe Xander gave Willy is one of the most genius jokes I have ever heard. I love every inch of it.

Do you know what I liked? Wesley whining to Giles about telling the Council on him being turned around by Giles telling him that he should. This is actually a bad reflection on HIM, not Giles. This IS something the Council needs to know, and it's Wesley who is gonna be in the doghouse, not Giles.

The episode isn't bad exactly, but I don't think the characterization felt right. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Earshot"


Many of the sites I post these reviews on frown on talking politics and I need to talk politics a little before I start this review. What I CAN do is keep things a bit vague and general, and not specific. But this episode was pulled by The WB after Columbine due to the sensitive nature of the school massacre subject. I'm not going to get into the politics of gun control or bullying. What I'll talk about instead is television's constant need to postpone perfectly acceptable episodes due to real-world events the creators of the shows in question have no control over. I realize Columbine was the worst school shooting in the country's history, but it wasn't the first (Oz astutely points out school shootings had become trendy at the time) and I think that made the lessons "Earshot" was imparting MORE important after that, not less. The WB could have editted out the line of Xander asking who hasn't idly wondered about taking out the place with a semi-automatic, and the episode would be very necessary and healing for the country to see. And television always does this. Instead of having tough conversations about difficult subjects, television wants to ignore them until people forget about them. The modern day politics of school shootings are that people are tired of waiting to talk about it and that there is apparently no good time to bring up their concerns because these mass shootings happen so often. I'll go one further. When it comes to terrorist attacks, or even stuff as mundane as hurricanes, TV should not be censoring producers exploring that subject matter simply because it's become unintentionally relevant. If anything, that should give TV MORE license to take those kinds of chances.

As with any of my TV rules, there is an exception to this notion. American Horror Story had to censor a scene with a mass shooting after a VERY bad mass shooting in I believe the seventh Season (Cult). But American Horror Story also had a mass shooting in the fourth season finale that was so upsetting and exploitative to me, that I quit watching the show. I think in that one instance, the producers getting it through their thick skulls that that specific idea is not any acceptable level of horror "entertainment" is a good thing. But that is the only example against this rule off the top of my head. Usually TV needs to be more flexible to allowing shows to tell their stories, no matter what happens during the news cycle.

We got all of the annoying politics out of the way and I hope I kept things vague enough to pass muster on the sites this is posted on. How was the episode?

I'll tell you why it's solid. It has a new and unusual sci-fi premise handled beautifully. It's a perfect high-concept for a show filled with teenagers to explore how loud their pain actually is. Buffy is right about one thing: Jonathan is an idiot. A person does not go up on a clocktower with a high-powered rifle to kill themselves. He's the red herring to the lunchlady murderer, but the problem is that he's wasting focus on finding the actual murderer by doing something so stupid. Granted, he doesn't know there is another murderer, which is another thing to suggest Buffy is also right that everyone else has their own pain and Jonathan is not exactly being mindful of anyone else, and does not have the high ground there.

The quips and one-liners in the episode, particularly by Oz, are VERY strong. I don't want to say unusually strong, but this is the part of the season Oz says his best lines, but still, it's something to be proud of. Of course Jane Espensen is always annoyed when people quote the great Oz lines from the episode at her because they all tended to actually have been thought up by Whedon. I love that Oz usually enjoys lame, but this leaving him cold. I love that when he gets the school paper he usually heads straight to the obits (and I equally love that the school paper has obits). And I like that when he reads the review that his band plays as if they have giant Polish sausages taped to their fingers he believes that criticism is fair. SO great.

Do you know who else is great? Cordelia! I love that it turns out like we thought: The girl says exactly what she's thinking! And I loved her walking up to the creepy teacher and simply asking him if he was planning to murder a bunch of people. You'd think she was discussing the weather.

I groaned at the notion that Angel's thoughts were like the mirror. I like that Buffy's initial reaction to hearing that is denial she's trying to read his thoughts, immediately undercut by curiosity as to why she couldn't. The reason I don't like it (besides it not operating under Our Earth Logic) is that it's one of those rules that should box the show in. And really, it's something the producers would have to remember to always follow. And they didn't. The Beast's Master can read and speak to Angelus's thoughts just fine in Angel: Season Four. I don't think the series is particularly clever for making the one person whose thoughts Buffy wants to read be blank. I think they are buying themselves future headaches. And God bless me, I'm right.

Wesley's scene of not trying to think about Cordelia while Buffy smirks at him says the show should have given Gellar and Alexis Denisof more comedic scenes together than they did.

I feel for Xander's panic at what he can't help thinking. As far as guys go, I rarely think about sex (comparatively speaking) but if I knew someone could read my thoughts, my panicked mind would go to dark and horrible places it never goes. Xander's ideas are basically the show demonstrating how bad that would be in a PG-13 manner.

Willow being upset that Buffy knows what Oz is thinking when she doesn't is a legit complaint. Especially because what Oz is thinking is so meta and weird.

Buffy's reaction to learning Joyce had sex with Giles was classic, as was her dropping that bomb on him at the end of the episode (causing him to walk into a tree).

For the record, Xander being distracted by Jello in the dire moment he was shows that Xander utterly sucks, and you can't count on him for anything. That moment of selfishness and stupidity leading to finding and stopping the real killer feels like a cheat to me. Xander is the worst hero in the episode, and saves the day at the same time. That's not cool. I hate Monterey Jack on Rescue Rangers but at least he was portrayed as a genuine nuisance for his cheese obsession. I don't like Xander being made the school savior by being distracted from tracking down a potential kid with a gun because of Jello. Seriously bogus.

Larry is such a sunny and kind character now. It is SO nice how that bit of progression has stuck for him. It makes me even more mad for how he was treated in the season finale.

Angel should NOT be telling Buffy he'll never leave her two episodes before he breaks up with her.

I laughed at Willow asking if it was a boy demon. Thanks, Willow. Buffy did NOT need that put into her head.

For the record, this is definitely television. The demon is fully naked, and has no visible genitals. How is it there are two of them? How do they reproduce? It's TV, not HBO.

I hope Giles and Wesley were kind enough to share the rest of that cure to the crazy guy afflicted with the same telepathy Buffy had, or at least told the Watchers in charge how to make it. That felt like a loose end.

The episode was relevant, did not deserve to be postponed, and could have aired with a single edit. And it's also a solid sci-fi high concept, and a great allegory for teenage pain. It's a very good representation of the show at its best and what it can be. 4 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Choices"

Underrated episode. I absolutely love the Mayor's speech to Buffy about her having no future. I love it because he directs it towards Angel. And everything he says is actually true, which is what makes it especially devastating. His story about Edna Mae was similarly heartbreaking and especially made what he was saying true. Angel is being selfish.

Faith does NOT want to leave that knife behind. This will come up again.

Willow confronting Faith is not as impressive to me as her stealing those important pages from the Books of Ascension.

Xander looking for someone to hit Wesley was verbalizing my feelings, but the truth is Wesley was actually right, and I think Giles' knew it. So I was very relieved Oz lost his cool for the first time ever and destroyed the bowl, taking the decision out of his hands. That would have been a very uncomfortable drawn-out argument, especially because Wesley was right, and I didn't want him to be.

Speaking of uncomfortable arguments, even if Xander didn't know Cordelia was broke and hurting, the things he was saying to her were unfathomably cruel. He tells his friends she brings out the worst in him, but if that's the worst of him, he's not a great guy at all. Especially if it can be brought out so easily.

Snyder is starting to see his faith in the Mayor might be misplaced. I really look forward to seeing him being eaten by him.

I like that the frame that the Mayor uses when Faith frustrates him by not wanting to do the errand he gave her was that she was being spoiled. Him saying this wasn't a free ride was more than accurate, but accusing her of being spoiled is a very fatherly way to put it.

We never saw Oz lose his cool before, and this was the first time we saw Wilkins's rage too upon losing the box. When Faith showed up with Willow and a knife to her throat I instantly saw why he liked and valued her. Willow was right that it was too late for the group to make up with and forgive Faith, but she's wrong that she has nobody who cares about her.

The episode was better than I remembered. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Prom"


I love and hate the episode at the same time. It's so weird how divided my feelings are at various points.

My biggest problem with the episode is Buffy's reaction to the break-up. She's a teenage girl about that. "This cannot be happening." I don't like that. Because that fact and the fact that she writes "Buffy And Angel 4Ever!" on her class notebook says Angel never should have been dating her to begin with. The show had been leading us to believe Buffy's emotional maturity was 16 going on 40, and since they did that, I think it was inappropriate to lean into the immature teenage girl angst as much as they did here.

Angel calling their relationship a freak-show wasn't just a horrible thing to say. It was an out of character thing to say. That's a little bit too modern of terminology for someone as old as Angel to speak. It struck me as legitimately badly written, which isn't great.

Tucker has a very interesting and largely unknown place in the show's history. Initially, the plan was to bring this dirtbag back in Season 6, and make him the head of the Villain Trio of him, Jonathan, and Warren. Out of those three characters Tucker is definitely the most overtly evil in his actions before the sixth season, but they couldn't get the actor back, so instead of recasting him, they brought in Tom Lenk as his lovably doofy younger brother Andrew, and transferred the Big Bad role to Warren. The writers turned Warren pretty repulsive in his stead, but all of the bad things Warren did and that happened to him were originally envisioned to go to Tucker. Which basically would have completely changed the dynamic of Warren and his arc on the show. Instead of being the Big Bad, Warren would have been one of the two surviving members of the Trio, and been tricked by the First into killing Jonathan in Season 7, and later joined the Scoobies and the Watcher's Council. It's amazing how things as random as being unable to contract an actor can majorly change things in a show's arc. After what Warren did, could you EVER picture the disgusting Adam Busch in lovable old Andrew's role? I certainly can't and desperately want to at the same time.

There are a few Buffy moments that I recall clearly as purely perfect. Buffy kissing Angel, stabbing him with the sword, and sending him to Hell. Spike sobbing over Buffy's dead body. Spike and the kitten poker. Those are the scenes I like to remember the show for. Buffy getting her Award at the Prom for "Class Protector" is one of those moments. And it might just be my favorite of all of them. It's definitely the most feel-good thing the show has ever done. It gives me the warm snugglies like nothing else on the show.

I noticed that Jonathan brought a hot date to the prom. I like that.

Xander paying for Cordy's dress doesn't make up for his behavior all season but it was a pretty nice peace offering.

I loved the bit with Xander's sock-puppet of love. I especially love what an antagonistic foot his and Anya's relationship gets off on here. And Xander's rage at being overlooked for Class Clown by a prop comic is another example of how rage-filled the character actually is.

Cordelia is right. Wesley DOES look way 007 in a tux.

It tickles me that the priest in the dream sequence was played by the guy who played Detective George Frankly on Mathnet / Square One Television.

I like Xander's exasperation that VCR's don't have zoom, until he sheepishly realizes they DO have pause.

I absolutely love Joyce coming to Angel's home at the beginning of the episode and telling him he is going to have to make a tough choice on Buffy's behalf about her future. I will never forgive Angel for last year, but I don't think Angel is a completely worthless person because he doesn't ever reveal to Buffy that Joyce did that, or try to pawn off the decision on her. What is especially interesting about him not doing that is that he never gets credit from the writers to the viewer for that. That's something I had to admire in hindsight, and it never registered with me how cool and fair that was of him to not drive a wedge between her and daughter to get himself off the hook a little. It's an example of him being an adult, which is unfortunately another reason someone like him never should have been dating a teenage girl to begin with.

One of the reasons Buffy and Angel being together was sort of all right before this is because it's sort of understood that all Slayers have very short lifespans. That's the job and the destiny. But Buffy is clearly not playing by that rulebook, and her surviving so long means that she CAN have a future, and that needs to be taken into account. I'm not saying she would ever be in a position to have a house with picket fences and a nuclear family with 2.5 kids, but she could definitely have more than Angel as long as her mortal outlook isn't actually terminal. While she was living on the edge, Angel as her boyfriend was all right. Since she seems to be in it for the long haul, it's not anymore.

Buffy and Angel dancing to "Wild Horses" at the end was a nice moment to leave things off with. Nice night after all.

I love and hate this episode in equal measure. And yet, the Class Protector thing is the thing I will always remember. So it gets a good grade. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Graduation Day, Part 1"


I seem to recall Entertainment Weekly being a bit lukewarm on this finale back in the day, and I always thought that was a bit unfair. A little hindsight and my now better writing ability says it's not. Buffy talking about "watching my lover die" is truly emo and corny stuff, even as far as Buffy and Angel shipping stuff goes. "You killed me!" also seems like bad dialogue that belongs in a worse show. And yet all this was written by supposed dialogue genius Joss Whedon. I can't explain it either, and I'm not impressed.

I don't feel that bad for the professor Faith killed. Just because he's stupid. His attitude instantly turns amorous when Faith asks if he lives alone. He actually thinks he has a shot at getting laid then. With a woman who looks like Faith does while he looks like he does. Where did he get his degree? The University Of Being Unable To Read The Room? Unbelievable.

I talk smack about the episode but I cannot get over how great the Mayor's stuff is with Faith. He genuinely loves and cares about her, which is great. What's especially great is that she actually understands and appreciates it. I think he is the first man she has ever met that she doesn't believe has a larger sexual agenda for her in the back of their minds. And because of that he makes her feel safe. When she talks about her mother calling her "Firecracker" she is shocked the instant the story passes her lips. She never thought she'd trust ANYONE enough to let down her guard about that specific thing. But instead of shutting down (like she always did when Buffy got close to a breakthrough) she thinks it feels right, smiles, and continues. The reason I didn't totally object to a redemption arc for Faith the way I did Angel and Willow is because Faith always had the potential for good but never had the context for it that Angel or Willow did. I find her love for the Mayor enough of a reason to want to see her redeemed. And I especially love that during her redemption arc in season 7, just because she is trying to do good and the right thing, doesn't mean her love for Wilkins has lessened over time. Their loving relationship in the one decent thing in both of their lives. And like Spike and Drusilla, it's endearing and the reason I like them both, no matter what evil they do.

I think perhaps the reason Faith feels okay with expressing her feelings to Wilkins is that Wilkins is entirely confident that it's all right to, and gives her that permission. Whenever she is talking something delicate to Faith, Buffy is sheepish, and half-acts like letting down your guard is if not a bad thing, a hard and unusual thing. Wilkins is totally willing to hear her experiences out, and makes her BELIEVE it's okay and NORMAL for her to tell him. His confidence and assuredness in his belief in Faith's words mattering and being all right is worth a lot more than Buffy lowering her eyes and saying "I guess," all the time. And I love that about the character.

What's especially great to me, is that when she talks about her past, the Mayor is genuinely interested and supportive. She feels safe talking about it because he's not "Yeah, yeah, yeah"-ing her like most adults do. I think that is another commendable thing about Wilkins. He listens when Faith speaks. That's rare and cool.

The Mayor believes there is no point in becoming a demon if you can't be regular. That's hilarious. I feel the same way about being a guy in his 40's.

I don't know if anyone has ever brought this up yet. Possibly not because the feminist messages on the show are shaky, and that's what takes everyone's attention now that we know Whedon is a creep. But Anya's obsession with Xander is definitely stalkerish. Xander barely knows her, and she offering to run away with him and spend the rest of their lives together. The fact that Xander eventually falls for her and they make her weird forthrightness work anyways does not change the fact that her behavior towards him to start off with is pretty creepy.

Buffy quitting the Watcher's Council was long overdue. What kills me is that as petulant as Whedon tries to make Wesley sound, to sort of make the horrible things Buffy says to him seem justified, I don't think they are. The Council refusing to help was NOT Wesley's decision. I agree with her quitting the Council. But she doesn't need to treat Wesley like dirt to do that. He DID try. That's more than most people would do in his place. I don't like that Joss has him pout "This is mutiny," just to line up Buffy's nonsensical retort that it was Graduation. It's just all so unnecessary.

And you know what Whedon's excuse would be? Buffy is a teenage girl, and teenage girls don't always react to bad news appropriately. But the problem is that not only are the writers entirely selective about Buffy's immaturity, but they are having Giles feed into it here as well, and which suggests it's justified. And it's really not.

The Mayor entering the Library at the beginning strikes me as a far bigger violation than most of the other Big Bads ever did. And Wilkins is the Big Bad I personally like the most. But that was probably the dirtiest move. Even Angelus didn't do it again himself after he revealed himself in Season 2. More chutzpah than Angelus is not a brag.

"Our lives are different that other people's." Great Oz line. Also first mention of the world of shrimp with weirdly gets called back to more than once.

I like Harmony about as much as Willow does. It's weird how I sympathize with the character far more when she's an evil vampire.

Joyce accepting Buffy's order for her to leave town shows how far these two have come. I love that character. And Buffy saying that her staying could get Buffy killed was a great thing to say not only because it was the proper motivation, but also because it was true.

Xander saying he knows he's never making it out of this school alive works on every level.

Similarly great is the Mayor telling Snyder he is headed for his just reward. The viewer may see him being eaten by a snake coming, but Snyder sure doesn't. Can't say he wasn't warned here though.

So-so first part. We'll see if the conclusion is better. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Graduation Day, Part 2"


That is certainly the most ambitious episode so far. Is it the best? Not even a little. It had a lot of problems. It's better than Part 1, but it's still a mess.

This episode was also held back because of Columbine. What's weird is that even if I don't agree with the decision to hold back "Earshot", I at least understood the rationale. There is not a single thing in this episode that brings to mind the circumstances of Columbine. Even sillier, there is nothing in the episode that is remotely imitable for a kid in 1999. WB was being TOO cautious here.

We'll get to the good things but I want to talk about some of the messes, because I notice them now and it's unacceptable. Why is this episode the first we are hearing about the Eclipse? Those things are newsworthy events and not information that comes up at the last minute. People sell special sunglasses for them and everything. It's a shared cultural event. Everyone should already know it's coming. It should not be a surprise.

Even dumber are the rows of kids with the bows and arrows. Have you ever tried firing a bow and arrow? It's HARD. If it goes any distance at all it won't hit the target without practice and skill. You can't ask me to believe that a dozen random kids who have never had reason to use them before can somehow accurately hit moving vampire targets on the first shot. What drives me nuts is that I am the first person I've ever seen mention this. If Buffy had aired today, people would have noticed and talked smack about that specific thing. What I especially don't like about it is that I might have shut my brain off and accepted accuracy from weapons novices if Whedon had given them crossbows. But because they couldn't use those with the striking fire imagery Whedon clearly wanted, he has to insult my intelligence instead. My intelligence feels especially sheepish because it didn't pick up how dumb this was before now.

Larry was robbed. That it is all.

I have to say Dream Faith's riddle about Little Miss Muffet counting down from 7-3-0 is a lot less fun now that I know it doesn't lead anywhere. It launched a thousand theories (mostly involving Dawn in hindsight) but none of them were ever satisfactorily paid off enough to make that remotely credible. Granted, David Lynch never answers his riddles either. But that's the point of David Lynch. Whedon always acts like his stuff is gonna pay off and this is an annoying loose end instead.

I checked online just to be sure. It supposedly references Buffy's upcoming death. Not remotely clear either before or after.

Buffy making peace with Faith in the dream and then kissing her forehead in real life also feels very unsatisfying, especially knowing what is coming in season 4. Not well thought out by Whedon there either.

Speaking of which, that was an embarrassing way for Wesley Wyndam-Pryce to exit Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I only notice how badly Whedon treats him because of what an awesome character he became on Angel. And the kiss with Cordelia was beyond creepy and anticlimactic too. It wasn't remotely funny.

Speaking of creepy, the whole "Drink me," thing starts off as typical annoying Buffy and Angel emo and quickly devolves into something entirely gross and disturbing. What bothers me is the show NEVER shows blood when vamps feed so Angel seems unusually violent here by sloshing it everywhere. And he seem especially selfish and gross for feeding far longer than he should have. The worst thing is that Whedon also plays up eroticism in the moment which makes it no surprise it turns out he has the personal problems with women he does. Very weird things seem to arouse Joss Whedon. Legalized prostitution became his later obsession on Firefly and Dollhouse but this was his first example of finding a gross thing sexy rather than gross.

I very much like that Giles and Xander are properly disgusted with Angel. What I don't like (or get) is that this is Angel's last episode. Does Whedon truly think that's the best memory for the viewer to send him off with? Does he think people will be MORE eager to see his own show after he did that? There is just no part of that scene that wasn't ill-advised.

It's very interesting and cool at the beginning of the episode that at this point the Mayor clearly cares more about Faith than the Ascension. Didn't see that coming. Frankly, neither did he. Or Buffy for that matter.

The Mayor's rage is frightening. Him calling Buffy a whore is literally the first time he's ever used inappropriate language so it telegraphs how majorly and unusually upset he is.

Why do the nurses just let him walk out of the hospital after he tries to smother Buffy? Why weren't the police called?

"That's the craziest plan I've ever heard." / "We attack the Mayor with Hummus." / "I stand corrected." / "Just keeping things in perspective." Oz and Cordelia tend to always get the best lines, but they are rarely allowed to play off of each other. It's a shame it only really occurred this late in the game. That was phenomenal.

I like that the entire school was involved in the final battle. It was majorly empowering that Buffy armed all of the kids to protect themselves. Again, nobody should have been using flaming bows and arrows but the idea itself is sound.

Snyder tells the class it's a time for celebration so everyone should sit still and be quiet. Then he tells a kid to come see him after graduation. I was very glad to see him eaten by the snake. How dumb is he? He died remaining the character on the show with no redeeming virtues. Well, he thinks eating babies is wrong. But that's the only thing I can credit him with.

I thought Oz amending it was amazing they survived high school was cloying and cutesy. And yet, I still found the episode closing on the "The Future Is Ours" banner weirdly gratifying. It's sort of interesting (and admittedly kind of random and arbitrary) what I do and don't respond to decades later.

Cordelia says Wesley staying and offering to help was noble. She was right. Especially considering how unequipped to help he actually turned out to be.

Harmony being bitten here is the first clue she is a vampire in Season 4.

I was still majorly impressed by both parts of "Becoming" two decades later, with my tastes refined, my writing skills improved, and my eyes wide open about the show's many troubling subtexts. And yet "Graduation Day" doesn't hold up in hindsight at all. Although the second part is slightly better. 3 1/2 stars.

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Matt Zimmer
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Freshman"


The show has a reputation for poor season premieres, and this was definitely a good example of that. It was all of the annoying things about the show with none of the good.

Or am I wrong? I have to say, the kind and wonderful things Xander said to Buffy were so great because they were almost out of character. But while seething, conniving jerk Xander isn't entirely gone, him being a super helpful male friend to Buffy with no larger expectations sort of became more and more common as the series went on. There have already been a couple of episodes where Xander was not totally loathsome. I would argue this is the first one he's actually likable.

Sunday is a good villain, so of course Joss Whedon kills her off. But the thing that bothers me the most about how shoddy the episode actually is is the amount of cliches it traffics in. "College is a lot like high school," is not an end of the day observation a real person would make. It's a desperate promise from a middle-aged showrunner whose cast has aged out of the initial premise to keep things the same to the audience. Lemme tell ya, as far as promises go, that's not a great one. I am aware Joss immediately backpedals Buffy's familiarity by introducing the Initiative in the last scene. But that kind of storytelling is actually common for the show, so Buffy's comforting spiel to the audience is not wrong. If the show were better, it would be.

Xander may be less of a creep this episode, but Whedon still allows all manner of creepiness to occur. The fat-shaming for one. Granted, it's between two evil characters initially, but Buffy is sort of joining in by the end, and it occurs because Joss Whedon is not the misfit / feminist he claims to be. He is a bully / misogynist.

Case in the point. The way Whedon writes the cruel pop culture professor is done to let the audience know how awful is it people in authority often treat people under them, publicly, because they have enough power to get away with it. The fact that Whedon wrote this specific scene, and made a negative value judgment against the professor with it makes it clear him treating the female cast members on the show in a similar manner is no actual kind of misunderstanding. Whedon clearly knows it is wrong based on this scene. He simply believes he is entitled to act this way. He's trying to portray the professor as a jerk to the audience without realizing he's actually become his personal role model.

Xander hugging Kathy IS creepy but I loved Oz saying they don't hug because they are too manly. I am SUPER steamed they are a few episodes away from completely wrecking this near-perfect character.

I will say this about season four. And it's probably the only season I can say this about. It feels like from beginning to end like all the clues regarding the Initiative, and Adam, and Professor Walsh were mostly perfectly set-up and what shook-out rarely deviated from the clues. The resolutions to the various set-ups in seasons five, six, and seven are all over the map, and that's not even getting into how badly planned Angel: The Series seemed most weeks. The phone call of nobody being on the other end, and us learning in Angel's Pilot is him, is a very good demonstration of what a tight narrative ship Whedon was running this season on both shows. I don't love the Initiative arc myself. But from front-to-back it's the one season arc that holds together the best because I believe it's the one season where none of the plans were changed for reasons outside of the producers' control. Even Oz leaving was something they knew was coming, and they tease the Werewolf girl in the second episode.

When this aired, I can tell you the exact moment the episode lost me: When Sunday broke Buffy's Class Protector Award. Seriously, Joss, you did not need to do that. It's not like the episode is gonna get a ton of stars from me, but if I HAD been of the mind to give it five, I would have knocked off two, just for that. Inexcusable.

Pedro Pascal from The Mandalorian plays Eddie but you may not have realized this because he's credited as Pedro Balmaceda.

I have to say in hindsight, Buffy and Riley's "Meet/Cute" is insufferable. What kills me is it's the precise thing from back in the day that I used to love about the show. Imagine the TV landscape for a moment where a scene that dumb and badly written is considered funny and memorable, and a supposed strength of Whedon's from the fans. But it's clunky and cliched and stupid as hell, and nothing tells me both the entire pop culture landscape and my entire tastes have completely changed than the fact that I believe I found this charming back in the day instead of obnoxious. Joss Whedon is the luckiest guy in show business. His scripts were often GOOD, but it didn't take much to make them the best-written things on television, and for those first few years of this show he had that entire media turf to himself before better competition came along a few years later. But I would expect to see a similar scene on a terrible episode of The Arrowverse. No exaggeration. Good stuff doesn't do things like that anymore.

I'll tell you another thing I hate: Buffy telling Giles he's not allowed a private life because he's old and it's gross. Giles takes it in stride and good humor, but you know what? That's a freaking UGLY thing to say to somebody you care about. Even in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Again, Whedon turning out to be an on-set bully does not surprise me, because harmful things like that are treated as harmless and cute. It's disturbing.

David Boreanaz has an unbilled cameo briefly as the guy in the Bronze Buffy thought was him because Joss Whedon is shameless.

Even for a Buffy premiere, this one was pretty bad. 1 star.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Living Conditions"


I think every Buffy fan hates this episode. With good reason. It sucks.

I think Buffy is the far worse roommate. Who leaves a wad of chewed gum on somebody else's nightstand? And we're supposed to believe Kathy is the bad guy? For real?

And you know, I'll accept the idea that the fact that Kathy had a Celine poster in the previous episode shows why Buffy is going to hate her. I resent the show saying Kathy is insufferable for loving Cher. Cher Is An Institution and someone nobody should EVER feel ashamed for loving. She is the absolute coolest. Granted, Kathy playing the song over and over again is strange, but if this show wants me to believe this Kathy chick has bad musical taste, Cher is the worst example. Cher is awesome on every level and she always was. What's weird is that the writers are too clueless to think so. What is wrong with Marti Noxon? And could she possibly leave her therapy to the professionals?

I loved Oz saying the bench was looking shifty. I'm looking for signs of them ruining the character early on, or setting it up, but even the "sensing" of Veruca is understated. If anything Oz mumbling "Agreed" to Buffy saying this isn't funny and something must be done makes him cooler than ever. Which means they managed to ruin his entire character in a single episode. Quite a feat.

I thought it was clever that the Demons we understand are actually following Kathy, not Buffy, and were the entire time. It's interesting that because only the audience is granted both the subtitles and those earlier scenes that we have far more context as to what is going on than Giles and the Scoobies do. They seemed as bewildered at Kathy being sucked into the portal as anyone. As far as Giles and the audience goes, it's usually the other way around.

First impressions of Parker Abrams: Buffy has EXTREMELY low standards if somebody this lame is somebody she takes an interest in. Even before the next awful episode I already can't stand him. What's weird is I don't think this was deliberate on the writer's part. I think they wanted to play Parker being a using jerk as a surprise to the audience. But while as dumb as his intro was, Riley seemed genuinely nice. Parker has this sociopathic Patrick Bateman vibe going the entire time. The freaking haircut doesn't help matters, let me tell you.

I was gonna binge a few more episodes after this, but I was so soured by it, I just stopped here for today. It's not like I'm not going to hate the next episode too. 1 star.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Harsh Light Of Day"


I absolutely loathe this episode and I want to detail how wrong it did by the characters, specifically Buffy.

First off, back when this aired, I didn't have the internet. My go-to for Buffy information was Entertainment Weekly (easy to come by) and the Official Buffy fanzine (harder to come by). I recall a letter to the editor of one of the Buffy fanzine issues. It said that whoever wrote the episode where Buffy slept with a loser who used and hurt her deserved to have been fired from the show. I think two things in hindsight when remembering that specific letter (which stayed with me).

1. The writer of the episode is the universally beloved Jane Espensen.

2. The letter writer was right. She should have been fired. Hell, the script never should have been greenlit.

This is Joss Whedon's brand of feminism in a nutshell. Create the kick-butt heroine, and once you get the accolades and credit for that, either turn her into a damsel in distress, or in Buffy's case, repeatedly sexually humiliate her. I understood the parallel the show was raising by turning Angel evil after they had sex. But to do it with a normal human, who uses his dead father to get into random girls' pants? It's disgusting.

What makes it even more unforgivable is the fact that Sarah Michelle Gellar's performance is TOO good. You sense every inch of her confusion and pain and when she apologizes to him for "misunderstanding" I curse the fact that Espensen was put on the writing staff. Espensen, like Marti Noxon is a writer that expresses her feminism through degrading female characters. Noxon had actually received (deserved) direct criticism for this, but it kills me Espensen is always let off the hook for the same damn crap. Why?

Because Espensen is a down-to-Earth, wonderful person in real life. She is so responsive to fans, and just every time I hear her speak I love her. The fact that she did dirty by the characters on this show repeatedly, as well as turning the Enchanted Forest into a pit on Once Upon A Time is something people refuse to acknowledge or even see because she is so kind and wonderful in real life. And you know what? That's not an acceptable reason to ignore how damaging it is to show a young, vulnerable woman sexually humiliated and hurt by men. The cable channel Lifetime has sort of become a punchline for that, but Lifetime never struck me as something designed to empower women in those scenarios. You were supposed to sympathize with the abused and hurt women, but never admire them. The fact that Espensen is making the hurt woman Buffy the freaking Vampire Slayer is unforgivable for that reason.

This beng this show, there are good and humorous moments like Xander being excited Giles has a TV. "He's shallow just like us!" I'll tell you what I didn't like about that moment. Giles sheepishly is like, "I watch public television!" No, Giles, the proper response is, "I'm an actual person, just like you."

I also love Oz admiring his album collection and am again furious they are going to wreck him so soon.

I forgot to mention that season four has one of the best opening main title sequences of all seven seasons. Season three might be better, but it might not be. It's close.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer also never gets the crap it deserves for its plot related stupidity. Why did Spike point out to Buffy the Gem of Amarra was the ring he was wearing? Even if he had lost the fight, he would have gotten away with it after that if he hadn't.

I firmly believe this episode was a turning point for the Buffyverse. All of the pain and suffering before this felt earned. "Passion" was crueler than it should have been, but it was still fairly earned. After this episode, both Buffy and Angel: The TV Series started routinely trafficking in making the characters suffering and miserable simply for the sake of suffering and misery and with no higher purpose. I feel like in the first three seasons, there was something to be learned from any bad things happening, and lessons the audience could absorb from the pain and anguish the characters went through. Once this episode hit, the series lost its entire sense of conscience when it came to making the heroes needlessly suffer. I said it when I watched Game Of Thrones, I say it when I watch modern dreck like the Arrowverse, and I said it (first) for The Buffyverse. I'm not the bad guy. I did nothing wrong. I and the rest of the audience don't deserve to be repeatedly punished for having the gall to like and care about the characters on this show. It's weird that fiction believes we do. It's not remotely true. The bad thing is I appear to be the only one making the objection. 1 star.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Fear, Itself"


That was a fun, but slight episode. The best thing about it is how the ending pulls the rug right out from under you several times, in an amusing way.

First off, I think it's probably important to note that as far as horror and scary episodes go, it's not scary. Not only does the low-budget of the show make everything look fake, but the scares and jumps are very basic, and not something that will remotely frighten you. It's very low-level horror, even for broadcast television in 2000.

Let's talk about the good things. The nice part is there aren't a ton of bad things to gripe about so even if the episode isn't amazing, the review will probably sound more complimentary than average.

Anya's bunny costume is not just hilarious. Her claim to Xander at the end that bunnies frightened her gave the character a very weird mystique in that the viewer is never quite sure why this is true. But it's a real facet that's been brought up several times since, made even more confusing by the fact that Season Seven reveals centuries ago, when she was a human woman named Aud, she used to raise rabbits. What IS the deal there? Probably a great story we'll never get.

I love Oz saying that maybe it's all the things they've seen, but hippos in tutus don't unnerve him the way they used to.

Nicholas Brendan deserves some credit for the natural charm and charisma he gives Xander here. The funniest moment for me was when he seems hurt about the party, and Willow invites him, he doesn't pause a split second before amusingly saying, "'Kay. But only because I lied about having better things to do." A person with perfect enough comic timing to not even pause for a SECOND before saying something that hilarious is not remotely realistic. Which is why the franchise being a fictional TV show comes in handy. Nobody on the show speaks or acts like a real person.

I was laughing at Anthony Stewart Head's "It's alive! It's alive!". And the chainsaw thing was not simply badass and hilarious. I'd still love it if that was all it was. But like the Rocket Launcher from "Innocence" in Season Two, it's great because it's a technical solution out of the mystical conundrum. When Gaknar was first setting up his horror houses centuries ago, he could make the doors and windows vanish and nobody could do anything about it. He certainly never could have foreseen chainsaws. Giles using a technical loophole isn't just funny and badass. There is ingenuity and brilliance attached to it too.

Time to talk about that ending. It's a rare Buffy ending designed purely to pleasure the viewer, specifically by going the WRONG way than it should go. Like when Giles mentions destroying the mark, Buffy does it immediately, and he angrily corrects her that it will instantly summon the demon forth. The next rug being pulled is the demon being surprisingly tiny, and Willow exclaiming that he's so cute! Xander is all, "Who's a little Fear Demon?" and Giles seriously warns him not to taunt it. Not because it can hurt him, but because it's tacky. Buffy then stomps on it easily and anticlimactically. At the end at Giles' house, the rug is pulled out from the viewer for the last time when Giles finally translates the inscription under Gaknar's picture in the text: "Actual size". He's annoyed, and Buffy shrugs, and the show has just delivered one of its most subversive endings of all time.

"Fear, Itself" will never make any Buffy fan's top ten episode list. You'll find it on very few top TWENTY episode lists too. What it is is a enjoyable romp, making up for what it lacks in actual scares with clever surprise twists. And this is around the time the show sort of started forgetting it used to be entertaining, so I'll take the fun romps where I can get them. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Beer Bad"


For Buffy fans this episode is almost universally reviled and thought to be one of the worst episodes the series has ever produced. I disagree. I think that previous sentence is FAR too mild to describe what an appalling abomination that was. I was planning on binging a few episodes tonight, but it seems every time I plan to do that, I see a single episode and I've just had about enough. The reason I don't think people understand how bad the episode is, despite already hating it, is because the criticisms I previously heard had to do with the fact that the episode is both dumb and unfunny. And that IS the most noticeable problem. But really, if you examine it closer, it's not just the genre high-concept of the week that is a failure. Alarmingly every bit of the series mythos is made worse by the episode, which blows my mind. I never expected it upon rewatching it to believe it hurts the series at large. But it does. And the next episode also hurts it irreparably.

My current pop-culture theory is that all great TV series are two bad episodes in a row away from becoming terrible, unfixable TV series. I would not have been surprised to find out Buffy was one of those series in hindsight. But I expected that swift sharp decline in season six. Did "Beer Bad" followed by "Wild And Heart" actually wreck the series this early on? It CAN'T be. "Hush", "The Body", "The Gift", and "Once More With Feeling" are still in our future. And yet, that is how damaging I felt this episode to be as I was watching it.

I guess we should tackle the low-hanging fruit. The fact that nothing that happens in the episode is funny. That's not actually a dealbreaker for most genre shows, even if the genre show is trying for comedy and failing. I don't love most of the comedy episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation. They are kind of lame. And yet they are also kind of cute. For this show, "Band Candy" was a similar plot of characters regressing in behavior filled with funny jokes and one-liners and amusing characterizations. This is just stupid.

I mentioned this hurt the arc. And it did. On multiple levels. I'll try to describe all of those ways it was hurt, but there are a LOT of them, and even if I didn't accidentally leave any out (which I probably will) I DO have a life outside this review, and don't plan to spend my next two weeks on it adding to it gripe by gripe.

To start with, Buffy pining over Parker at the beginning? Actually having fantasies in class about him? It's not just antifeminist, which being a Joss Whedon show you know would be a problem. Buffy, the series, is typically antifeminist, almost always accidentally, because the writers are so damn clueless. But this crosses that line from showing Buffy being hurt by and vulnerable to this guy, to being portrayed as pathetic and weak. And she's the lead of the show, the freaking Vampire Slayer, one of the few powerful women on television at the time, and the writers are making her look like a doormat and a punchline. And yes, that hurt the arc of the show and every empowering thing they've ever tried to say. That is a Whedonverse show in a nutshell but this is somehow even MORE egregious than the show's usual failings there.

Take Willow rebuffing Parker's advances. I think the writers were hoping I'd punch the air and think Willow is awesome for that. No lie, my tastes were unsophisticated enough 20 years ago that that might have actually been my reaction. In reality it now makes me sick. It's damning that the show has a wallflower like Willow call Parker on his crap when Buffy is unable to do the same. Her wacking him over the head at the end isn't remotely the proper character growth for that either. Because she's not even herself. And if the series was always going to have Parker snidely compare Buffy to a toilet in the next episode, the apology at the end muddies waters that should not be muddied.

I'll tell you another thing I hated. How the fratboys treated Xander. And this is something wrong with the entire show, and something nobody gives it the proper level of crap for. The characters, specifically often the guest cast, is shockingly rude and cruel to people we care about. How does showing Xander in that position help his character or make me relate to him? I'm embarrassed on his behalf but I'm tired of feeling that way towards Xander and any other character the show's weekly Patrick Bateman stand-in winds up psychologically torturing. It's sick, unpleasant, and I'm tired of it. Maybe, MAYBE the ability to properly channel a psychopath is NOT the dramatic writing gift the people on this show who write these kinds of scenes think it is. Maybe the ease and frequency of this casual cruelty actually says something far more unpleasant about Joss Whedon and the writers: Maybe they can channel such horrible words because they routinely think and say such horrible words. What else am I supposed to think?

It's also an early example of the show taking elitist shots at the working class, a theme that became a HUGE problem in Season 6. Buffy The Vampire Slayer simply LOVED punching down in its brand of insult humor.

Kal Penn is in this episode. You know Joss Whedon is an overrated producer because that fact is true and he was utterly wasted at the same time.

I was convinced that the next episode totally ruined Oz's previously perfect character. I was wrong. They started demolishing him here. His destruction as a formerly great character into a crappy one took two episodes, not one. I can't tell if the fact that it feels a little more built into the arc than I thought is good or bad. I find it appalling myself.

I don't care if a great show delivers a dumb, funny filler episode. I don't even care if that dumb episode fails in its humor and is just cringe. It's just one episode. "Beer Bad" is so shockingly ill-advised because it is a throwaway filler episode damaging the long term health of the show and the characters. That is amazing to me, and pisses me off beyond belief. How is it I never knew how much this show sucked before? 0.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Wild At Heart"


That right there is one of the worst, most damaging episodes of the entire franchise. Not just the series. Few Angel episodes are this bad either. And I'll tell you what kills me about the Buffy fandom, including me. We took it. We accepted crap like this from week to week without ever saying, "This sucks and the show needs to course-correct." We gave Joss Whedon too much benefit of the doubt and faith that he knew what he was doing. Faith Whedon repeatedly abused and took for granted in the series every week.

I was remembering that this is one of my most hated episodes. And then "Written by Marti Noxon" popped up on the screen, and I was like "Of course". Marti Noxon was the absolute worst writer on the series, and largely responsible for the series' decline in the sixth and seventh seasons when she was inexplicably made showrunner. I'm pretty sure she's written crappy episodes before this. But this episode is a turning point for her because it's when she started writing DAMAGING episodes. Episodes that hurt the series, the story, the characters, and the audience.

Let's forget the fact that Oz is written out of character, and that Noxon essentially destroyed one of the best characters on the show. Let's take the character himself out of the equation. But him bailing on Willow at the end as if his lack of control is her fault is why Marti Noxon should never have been hired on the show. It is despicable.

But we'll just pretend destroying Oz is a valid story choice. Fine. Whatever. But this is Seth Green's last episode. This is how the writers decided to choose to have the audience remember him? I don't exactly work with actors, but it seems to me, when an important actor on a given show leaves, and you have plenty of notice ahead of time, they should get a nice farewell episode that wraps their arc up. This? Is not just a middle finger to the fans who previously loved Oz. It's a middle finger to everything Green brought to the series. How dare Whedon and Noxon do that to him? Charisma Carpenter shocked and outrage fans when she revealed precisely how Whedon cruelly screwed her over after she agreed to appear in the 100th episode of Angel. Do you know why her story was so believable to me? Because he and Noxon did this same damn thing to Seth Green.

Writers and producers do not just have a responsibility with how they portray beloved characters to the audience. They owe it to do right by their actors too.

When they did the close-up of Alyson Hannigan's face upon seeing Oz in the cage with Veruca I said to myself, "This is show is cruel. It's deliberately mean to its characters and is getting off on their suffering." The sensibility of this episode, using sexuality and cruelty in equal measure is why I hated Game Of Thrones. Gosh, Buffy beat that awful show to the exploitative punch decades earlier! It is absolutely disgusting.

I would be remiss to point out that even if Noxon wasn't busy destroying one of the few great things remaining on the show, the episode itself sucks. It is poorly written. If Maggie Walsh IS the leader of the Initiative, she wouldn't be the screaming victim she is portrayed as when the Werewolves jump her. Moreover, she would keep their presence a secret and not randomly be blabbing to Buffy to watch out for wild dogs at night. Noxon had her do these things because she believes it casts suspicion away from her being involved in the Initiative. And yes it does. By being terribly written, completely unrealistic, and out of character. Gosh how impressive that reveal in the next episode is gonna turn out to be after all that!

You can't create a mislead about a major plot point by having the characters act stupid and out of character, and expect praise for the later reveal. It amazes me how much crap like this Whedon coasted on. Because honestly, this is the first time I noticed this specific flaw in this specific episode. Why did we put up with this crap? Whedon didn't just abuse the cast. He abused the audience. Repeatedly. And we took it because we trusted him. How dumb were we?

Last criticism. The actress who plays Veruca (Paige Moss) is laughably bad. Her one-staged preening is so cringe you automatically think less of Oz by him being impressed by her theatrical, lippy pouting. Was this outside of musicians in the late 90's? Maybe not. But I don't have to pretend it's not ridiculous and that the show isn't juvenile for trying to get me to take it seriously.

Eyes wide open, man. My eyes are wide open. And it sucks. 0.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Initiative"


Not utterly worthless but somewhat flawed.

Back in the day one of my friends commented how Riley had appeal as the "Aw shucks" college boy, but once he's introduced as an top secret agent army guy he's lame. And seeing it in hindsight is 100% true. The reveal is cringe instead of awesome. And Walsh being in charge is the ultimate television contrivance. I'm not saying coincidences don't exist. But if you want to hit me with one in fiction stop trying so damn hard.

The episode made a huge mistake in playing Spike's initial attack of Willow as a rape. This is one of those unforced errors the show never needed to do. But I don't find his conversation with Willow afterwards where she encourages him and he insists this has never happened before as funny as it needs to be after that. One of the appealing things about Buffy The Vampire Slayer is it will hit you with absurdities in the direst of situations. Here's a tip for self-professed feminist icon Joss Whedon: A rape scene is not the place to do that.

What kills me is those scenes would have been as cute and funny as they were supposed to be if the initial attack was not shot and directed as a male on female violation.

I'll tell you an interesting thing about the scene that I did like. There is a knock at the door, and Willow says in a bored voice, "Come In" and Spike has the dreaded invite before she even knows who is is. Vampires are not things people chilling in college dorms should have to constantly be on their guard for. The reality that Willow reacts to that like a typical college student instead of someone who actually fight vampires for a living is a really cool idea.

Xander and Harmony's slow motion slapfight is funny. Seriously. But part of me thinks it's a bit degrading for both actors. They seem game though, which is 90% of the laugh to begin with.

Let me offer a final opinion about Parker Abrams in his last humiliating scene: If Joss Whedon has a male character say those specific gross things, even done to make a negative contrast with Riley's kindness, than Whedon is not a feminist or an ally. That is not something a good person would allow characters on their show to say. Plus, because Parker is a human, it normalizes it to the audience. It's pretty appalling.

You want to know something though? I think Forrest's comments about Buffy are pretty gross too. I don't see Riley as some big defender of Buffy's virtue by punching out Parker Abrams if he's letting Forrest's gross jokes slide.

Riley's whole "Yup, that's the plan," was not as funny as I remembered, but I did think Willow's "If you hurt her I will beat you to death with a shovel. A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend. Have fun!" was some excellent comedy on Hannigan's end. The dialogue in the sentence is clever too.

Plothole: Spike should not be punching the Initiative doctors as effectively as he does after the chip is implanted during his escape. He should be holding his head in agony during the fight. Unfortunately, that would tip off the chip's existence to begin with. Sloppy writing is sloppy. And noticed this time out.

As mad as I am at how Oz went out, seeing James Marsters in the opening credits as a series regular IS pretty awesome.

It is NOT a good thing when the central twist / conceit of the season makes you roll your eyes. And unfortunately, that's exactly what happened. Yeah, this season is already a dud. At least in hindsight. Still looking forward to "Hush" though. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Pangs"


As an episode, it's pretty good. As a character study, Willow is super annoying.

Ah, remember when James Marsters was allowed to be funny and we were allowed to like Spike? Season 4 sucks, but at least Spike is still fun at this stage of the game.

But Spike's rant at the end is like most Spike rants: His own damn opinion. While I don't disagree with him, I don't think he or Giles were ever able to point out that Willow's behavior is indefensible. Willow, as a white woman, has zero license to be offended on the spirit's behalf, or pretend she is in a position to offer condolences or reparations. Her version of white liberal guilt is so extreme it almost crosses the line to cultural misappropriation. And it's the fact that Team Mutant Enemy has always lacked racial sensitivity which is why Douglas Petrie, who wrote the episode, wasn't clever enough to have the characters call Willow on that. Probably because Petrie and Whedon are so culturally insensitive themselves that they are unable to recognize that that is what Willow is doing.

Great fight in the climax, and Spike screaming as he's getting a body full of arrows is both hilarious and exciting. Funniest bit in the episode was the end where Xander gets a lecherous look and rubs Anya's leg while saying "I think my syphallis is clearing right up." That? Is the kind of joke you could only see on Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Not a single other serious-minded drama would ever think of it, much less do it. I have severe reservations about the show now. But that doesn't change the fact that there was nothing else like the show on television at the time, and there really isn't anything now either. Full credit should also go to Nicholas Brendan's committed line delivery, and Sarah Michelle Gellar's visible disgust. Perfectly played comic beat.

Riley and his army friends in facepaint on patrol is a plothole. The Initiative wear masks on their missions, and the episode took a shortcut there because they'd already been revealed to the audience. But the commandos covering their faces made sense for plot reasons. This episode ignoring that fact to make Riley and his friends easier for the viewer to identify is a failing.

I love Spike asking them to leave Xander because he thinks he can eat him if he's already dead. Which is the deciding factor in Xander going, no matter how diseased he currently is.

For the record, the crossover occurred for promotional reasons. Not because the character of Angel was needed in the story, or because Buffy really needed his help. It felt incredibly forced for that reason. Ironically, the second part of the crossover on Angel was actually really good with legit stakes. It's sort of embarrassing this episode is so underwhelming in comparison.

Not bad at all. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Something Blue"


I've always loved this episode, but this is a rare episode that is not only better than I remembered, but MUCH better. And the reason I love now it is something I never appreciated before. But as ridiculous and stupid as Buffy and Spike macking on each other are, I love that the show explores how both characters would actually view a potential betrothal with each other. The issues explored are fun and funny, and damn it, CREDIBLE. Like the shadows of Angel and Drusilla. Or Spike being willing to help Giles because it's like he's going to be his father-in-law. Or Spike suggesting Buffy give up her career as Slayer because her job involves killing all his friends. The episode took a ridiculous stupid joke premise and explored all the actual angles, comedic AND dramatic. And damn it, that should be praised. Do I secretly resent the episode for clearly being the thing that started the Spuffy 'ship in the writer's room, which went SO off the rails in season six? Okay. But seeing this, although I don't approve how the writers ultimately handled it, I see why they started it to begin with. Serious chemistry between those two.

My favorite non-enchanted moment for Buffy and Spike is her calling out into the next room, "Giles, I accidentally killed Spike. That's okay, right?"

I love that Spike is addicted to "Passions", but I do need to point out he only calls TV "telly" because Joss Whedon has this sort of unhinged obsession with outdated British words and phrases. A guy who lived in America for this long would not call it that. But Whedon's interest in ye olde Englishe syntax is simply a mile wide and an inch deep. He's super dumb and lazy about it. You'd figure Anthony Stewart Head woulda told the guy he was embarrassing himself at some point, but apparently Head didn't like him enough for that, no matter what he claims in hindsight.

Excellent use and gag for Elizabeth Anne Allen as Amy the rat. A five second cameo but she is still billed in the guest star credits. Well played.

D'Hoffryn is so great and memorable for the surprising (at the time) reveal that he's reasonable. He is not gonna kidnap Willow and force her to be his Vengeance Demon slave. He simply essentially gives her his "card" in case she ever changes her mind. I personally love doing this in my writing. Cooking up a very obvious-seeming complication that is gonna screw over the heroes, and it turns out the villain actually doesn't actually give a crap about it and it ends in a push instead. I love doing that. I'm not saying I got the idea here. It's unlikely because Buffy, the show, LOVES adding unnecessary complications (the entire episode can otherwise be described as such). Nevertheless, the franchise has been known to make things a LOT easier than they probably seem at first glance, usually for humorous effect, and it's something about it I love and admire. And I guess I always have.

Almost every time I rewatch a Buffy episode today it is much worse than the last time I saw it a few years ago. I appreciate this one for actually gaining more of my esteem years later. It's a rare gift and I'm not gonna pretend that isn't an awesome feeling. 4 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Hush"


I was very curious to rewatch this because I believed it was one of the best episodes of the series. However the premise sort of made me worry a little that I'd find it overly pretentious (which is a definite Joss Whedon problem, and he wrote and directed it). I think the last scene of Buffy and Riley facing each other silently was sort of that, but I am pleased to report it was probably the only thing that was.

Don't get me wrong. The episode isn't perfect. The dream sequence opening is super annoying, and there is something else I was gonna bring up later in an review for a less important episode. But the fact that Whedon wrote and directed this makes it relevant.

Amber Benson is utterly miscast as Tara.

And I believe she was cast by Whedon for unsavory reasons. Benson has said after Charisma Carpenter came forward with allegation of Whedon's abuse that the set was toxic. And I believe it. Because while I think Benson is a decent actress, she is specifically all wrong for the role of Tara. Tara is supposed to be this mousy, stuttering tweaker girl afraid of her own shadow. Benson is literally physically wrong for that role. Not to get too sexist but Benson is, well, a DISH. She's statuesque, with full lips and bedroom eyes, and to me sort of looks like a live-action version of Jessica Rabbit (I'm not exaggerating there either). I think Whedon instead of casting a misfit, decided it might be fun to ogle somebody who looked like Benson on a weekly basis instead. And you know what? That's what happened. I don't begrudge Benson for taking the role. Work is work, and despite the fact that she was never able to nail the persona of Tara Whedon insisted the character was, she probably appreciated that it was a challenging role for that reason. But it must have eventually pissed her off realizing she got the challenging role so Whedon could objectify both her and Willow's lesbian romance. That sucks full-stop.

I wanted to get the complaints out of the way early because even if I don't exactly think that's the best episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer that ever existed, it's easily the scariest. The Gentlemen are the stuff of nightmares. It's not just their horrible faces. Whedon trained the guys playing them to not just glide along via special effects, but to move their hands and necks slowly and deliberately and as if they were in a ballet. The long fingers with the large knuckles make a huge visual statement too, as does the fact that their movements seem to have the fluidity as if they are moving underwater. Camden Toy was such a frightening pantomime actor Whedon brought him back a couple of times in season 7 (notably as the main Ubervamp). And I was amazed (but not really) that the other main Gentleman was Doug Jones from Star Trek: Discovery and Hellboy. Makes sense because of how great he is, but it's always fun to rewatch television of this era and see early casting roles for people you know from other later stuff.

The lack of pretention in the episode is actually something I find a bit amazing that Whedon (mostly) pulled off. Whedon has an ear for the small moments and the trauma of the situation. Buffy notices a girl running down the hall crying and is perplexed, but hasn't tried to speak yet herself so she goes on with her day. Whedon does small moments like the kid dropping the jar, everybody staring at him, and just going back to their own crap because they are all equally embarrassed they can't remark on that. And Buffy and Willow roll their eyes at the cynicism of a dude selling erasable message boards. But they are a good idea, and they buy them anyways. And I love that the important message Willow needs to get out upon reuniting with the Scoobies is "Hi, Giles." As the series went on Willow went on my poop list. Stuff like that however is why I loved the character at all.

Spike mocking Xander in Anya's voice as he's trying to sleep is also not a scene you'd see in another drama outside of the Buffyverse. His singsong "Xander" had me cracking up. Him calling Xander "a nummy treat" and Xander saying "Don't you forget it pal," is the funniest thing ever.

A lot of great silent bits like Anya making the shocking in/out gesture with her fingers, and Spike silently telling Xander to PICK a finger. A lot of these gestures probably only got by the censors because most of the rest of the episode was silent.

When Olivia looks out the window and sees the Gentleman across the way, and then one glides near right BY that window, I will say that is the scariest moment in Buffy The Vampire Slayer history. For a show dealing with vampires and demons, Buffy has always been somewhat lacking in the horror department. Whedon went all out for this specific episode and I jumped for the first time ever.

"Yes, that is the single most appalling thing you could have said," is not just a quintessential Giles line. It's the only proper response to what Anya just said. Girl has issues.

One last complaint: Sarah Michelle Gellar's scream is underwhelming. In fairness, as a character, Buffy is not a screamer, and that's not why Whedon hired Gellar. That's not Buffy's role. Part of me thinks Whedon should have dubbed a Scream Queen over her voice, but the subtext of giving Buffy's biggest vocal moment of the episode to a different actress probably seemed as wrong to him as it does to me. As such, Gellar sort of misses her mark. But at least it's actually her.

The Gentlemen's heads exploding in green slime slo-mo upon the scream however is a great visual gag and a brilliant capper to a horrifying episode. It turns things that were blood-curdling ridiculous, which is a good way to douse the fear the viewer is currently feeling. That laughline releases a LOT of tension from the most tense episode ever.

"Oh, we're not your friends. Do go on." I MISS the fact that Spike used to be funny and lovable. The Wheatabix stuff is great too. And you know what? That makes sense. I love the show exploring the realities over the fact that there is literally only one food substance on Earth that can sustain a vampire. It would make sense they would want to vary it up a bit if possible.

Buffy and Riley shockingly facing each other with crossbows is one of the best act breaks the show ever did.

For the record, I never found Buffy and Riley's love theme (introduced here) all that memorable. Doesn't hold a candle to "Close Your Eyes" (also by Christophe Beck).

I can't give that five stars anymore. But it IS one of the high points of the season. 4 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Doomed"


Back in the day you rolled your eyes at Riley thinking this all was fun and think he's the jerk of the year for calling such a self-sacrificing character as Buffy self-involved. In hindsight he may be wrong about everything else, but he's right about that. Buffy has always made every single situation about herself. She believes the world revolves around her. Her being the Slayer is not helping her perspective because it means it often does. But Buffy is making this hard because she believes things need to be hard. If Riley's perspective on fighting demons is naive, that's something she can teach and correct him about. There is no reason to shun him other than that if Buffy is not making things as difficult as possible for the people in her life, she doesn't feel whole. I think the character is very broken deep down, and was way before Season 6.

I like that despite Willow's drama of seeing the dead body, Buffy knows the actual upsetting thing is that Percy called her a nerd. Forget the end of the world, and Buffy's narcissism elsewhere. For that one moment, she actually knew what the important thing was.

I love Spike's laughably terrible American Southern accent at the end saying to Riley, "No, sirrrrr. I'm a friend of Xannnn-derrrr's." By the way, this means that Riley is as stupid and bad at his job as you'd imagine. Spike is not a guy you'd ever forget meeting unless you were unobservant.

The pheromones things was sort of useful, but it's interesting the Scoobies actually had the more pertinent and relevant information about the demons. That was a deliberate narrative choice and I thought it worked as a good way to show how unprepared the Initiative actually is.

And nothing says that more than the fact that Riley has never heard of Slayer Comma The, and Forrest thinks she's a myth. That is SUCH an important part of this entire subject to have no information about, I am really not impressed with the Initiative at all for knowing nothing about it.

Spike joining the Scoobies because the only way he can kill people is fighting demons is sort of the show settling in with James Marsters' role as a series regular. For some reason the series got it into its head it couldn't have Spike part of the main cast if he was killing people every week, so they neutered him there, as well as made the fact that he can only fight demons make him want to join the Scoobies. In hindsight, I'm not 100% sold on the chip. It seems to have occurred because the WB didn't want one of its major stars murdering people every week. Nowadays, and even ten years from this, series regulars being murdering villains is a common occurrence. I feel like perhaps the show nerfed Spike solely because they didn't believe they should be having a murderer in the main cast. Somebody should have reminded them about Angelus in Season 2.

Speaking of new series regulars, Marc Blucas joined the series in the main titles for the first time. I'm not saying Riley was a great addition to the show or anything, but he certainly wasn't a NEGATIVE addition, which is not something that can be said about the rest of the Initiative stuff.

While Xander and Buffy don't care if Spike kills himself, Willow does. I think Willow's liberal guilt is often very misguided. But on this one thing she has it right. Spike may be evil, but he is harmless and the other characters DO know him and have been through a lot with him. Even though they hate him they shouldn't want him to kill himself. I find Xander and Buffy's reaction to that a bit alarming and Willow's actually normal. I understand it's being played for laughs but nothing says the writers of the show are insensitive than not understanding that's never funny. Do you know what pisses me off about this? Jane Espensen wrote "Earshot". The writers should already KNOW this is a sensitive and triggering subject that will upset people. It's not something to turn into a huge joke.

Some of it was okay but a lot of it aggravated me. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "A New Man"


The first fifteen minutes of the episode sucked butt, but once Ethan Rayne shows up it gets better as it goes along. Mostly because it turns interesting.

But I'm not lying about those first fifteen minutes sucking butt. Essentially the characters who care about Giles says hurtful and cruel things to him because the story needed to make Giles feel hurt. Even if we were to accept the idea that Buffy forgot to tell Giles she knows what the Initiative was, Willow, Anya, and Xander are still saying incredibly thoughtless things not just to him, but in front of him. This is plot related stupidity at its worst, and there is nothing worse than writing characters unintentionally cruel just to hurt a character the audience cares about. Willow and Xander aren't actually stupid. Under any other circumstances they'd know enough not to say the things they do. They are only so stupid and cruel because the plot needed them to be, which is plot related stupidity at its worst.

I feel like Ethan Rayne's arc on the show was never wrapped up satisfactorily. This is his last episode in fact. But the Buffyverse having poorly thought-out wrap-up became a plague in the later seasons, particularly the last. This is just an early example.

I love that Spike speaks Fearal Demon. Let's be clear: There are many different kinds of excuses they could have used to have Spike be the only one who understood Giles. This one may feel both unlikely and entirely coincidental. But I like the idea that Spikes knows other languages, especially for guys he's worked with in the past. Learning another language suggests Spike is actually intelligent, which is true, but something we rarely see at this stage of the game. It definitely becomes a factor later on, but this episode saying Spike was bilingual says it didn't come out of nowhere.

This episode also started the great idea that Spike can be bribed with money. I love that vampires and demons can use human money just as well as non-murderous psychopaths can, and it has value to them too. What's amusing is that Giles' payment promise of 100 dollars raised by Spike to 200 and then 300 is something Spike doesn't understand is insanely low considering Giles' dire circumstances. Spike could have legit held out for draining Giles entire bank account and I would think Giles would have had little choice there. Maybe Spike is a dope after all.

Riley pointing out that Buffy is in charge and doesn't take orders at the end may seem obvious to the viewer. But I think it's good to get it across in the story itself as often as possible. Riley may be saying things we already know, but these are also things that need to be repeatedly said.

I love Giles' "How silly of me to choose my own word," to Walsh. In truth Walsh IS right that Buffy is a woman and not a girl, but she only said that to make Giles feel stupid. Her feminism there wasn't a teaching moment. She was trying to make him feel inferior. Giles actually fighting back at that a little is a good thing.

Buffy recognizing Giles through the demon's eyes might explain why she was so pissed Riley couldn't do the same when Faith impersonated her. But if you ask me, expecting Riley to be as competent as Buffy herself about stuff like this is not very damn likely.

Buffy seeming awfully impressed with how fast Riley can access information is something that makes the episode and the series feel entirely dated. Not only are we used to procedurals showings cops accessing data like that at their fingertips, but we ourselves, as a society do it now too. You think the lack of cell phones makes the show feel dated? Try it not understanding the entire concept of the internet. Which is especially galling because the show used to routinely deal with computers with Jenny Calendar.

My highest compliment I can give a work of fiction is to call it interesting. Will I give that a super high grade? No. But I WILL give it that highest compliment. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The I In Team"


Not loving that. Don't get me wrong, there are good individual elements. But the subtext is bad on multiple levels. I think the series' defense is, "Yeah, it's supposed to be." But I don't have to like it or give the series acclaim for being messed up. I'm allowed to be annoyed.

The love scene being intercut with the demon fight is beyond creepy and the worst way they could have portrayed that couple's first time. Except Walsh is watching it on the monitors so it's suddenly a billion times even creepier than that. The Adam ending made me shrug, and I resented Walsh referring to Buffy derogatorily as the b-word. I don't think Mutant Enemy understood exactly how antifeminist that word is (story of Joss Whedon's career actually) but it annoys me that in the previous episode Walsh takes the feminists stances she does only to completely be a vulgarian in her private moments. I liked that her feminism set her against Giles, and I love that it was a bit insufferable at the same time. Saying it was never real however is the wrong message.

Do you know what the right message is? Buffy looking into the camera and saying if she didn't know what a Slayer was, she was about to find out. I thought Walsh thinking the trap she laid was adequate enough to take out Buffy was laughable. I doubt it could have taken out the worst, least effective Slayer of all time, much less Buffy Freaking Summers.

It's amazing this episode is the first to bring up Riley's "vitamins". A better written show than this one would have seeded that all throughout the season.

I was annoyed more often than I was pleased. Story of this show's life. 2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Goodbye, Iowa"


Adam works better as a villain on paper than in execution. It's not even that his actor is bad or anything like that, he's simply the wrong villain for this show. He's too thoughtful, philosophical, and utterly devoid of humor. And man, him skewering a little kid to see "how he worked" is this show at its most depraved and worst. We talk crap about Game Of Thrones pulling garbage like that. If you ask me, shows like Buffy The Vampire Slayer opened the door. It's appalling.

At first I thought Forrest's accusation that Buffy killed Walsh is so stupid because he's acting like she could have gotten inside the Initiative to do it. My mistake. She pulls it off later in the same damn episode. Forrest isn't actually stupid. The show is simply legitimately that badly written.

Tara's shady behavior in the episode is an early example of the franchise pulling a similar unexplained, shifty move with a given character near the end of a season, and having the resolution and explanation to it being utterly underwhelming in the next season.

That was cruddy. 1 star.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "This Year's Girl"


Surprisingly great. I mean I remember always liking it but this show often doesn't hold up. This episode and the next are some of the reasons the show always managed to FEEL bigger than it actually was.

The Dawn foreshadowing at the beginning is not worth praising. Simply because even if it's neat for fans in hindsight, the truth is there is no reason Faith in her coma should be having foresight about that specific thing. As far as set-up for the next season goes it is utterly lacking a solid logic.

The rest of the episode is great. I loved Wilkins' video and him saying hi to the kids. But I don't think he's giving Faith enough credit. In fairness any measure of redemption and self-worth is not something he would have been privy to when he made the video. On the other hand, maybe because he's the one guy who believed in her, maybe he shouldn't be scoffing at her chances without him.

After their encounter with Spike, Xander asks Giles if they are dumb. The answer is "Yes."

The arrival of the Watcher's Council via helicopter gives the show a global feel. Them waiting in Giles' apartment in the dark feels like a movie moment instead of a TV show moment. I feel like the show used to have a LOT of movie moments and this season they've been overtaken by TV moments. That felt great to go back to that.

If you ask me Faith's scene with Joyce made the episode. Joyce has become fearless against Faith because HER faith in her daughter is absolute. When Faith mocks her for Buffy not crashing through the window to save her right now, that is when she does. "Hi, mom." / "Hi, honey." That is some effortless-seeming great writing. Doug Petrie brought the goods for this episode.

We don't get hit with "To Be Continued..." too often on this show anymore (for a serialized show that seems redundant) but it DID feel appropriate here.

I do want to express an opinion I did during season 3's reviews that I think bears repeating. Faith's behavior is monstrous, and she is deliberately cutting a path of destruction over Buffy and her friends. True. But the other ugly truth is in Season 3, Buffy treated Faith EXTREMELY poorly, and handled her accidentally killing Finch in the worst possible manner. If Buffy had been supportive of Faith, and not treated her beneath her contempt the entire time she knew her, things might have turned out differently. Part of Faith's turn to the darkside IS in fact, Buffy's fault. If Faith were a pure monster beyond help it wouldn't have been, but that is simply not the case. And Faith's nightmares in the beginning of the episode are a good reminder of that.

No complaints here. 4 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Who Are You?"


The scene with Faith as Buffy in the mirror at the beginning feels like a David Lynch scene. Full stop.

This is the point in any other franchise where I destroy the episode for the cruel thing it did to Buffy and Riley's relationship. It is beyond dirty pool, and not something real couples have to deal with, so it's unfair too. I would do that for most shows doing that exact same idea.

Joss Whedon has value as a writer / director because when he did this, he is less interested in the pain this will cause Riley and Buffy at the end, and more interested in the MUCH worse pain and confusion it is causing Faith as it is happening. And THAT is the actual pathos goldmine. It could be argued after what Faith does to Wesley later in the year on "Angel" she doesn't deserve any sort of redemption arc. But this episode, despite it not redeeming Faith, is an integral part of that. Simply because it's clear by the end Faith is disgusted with herself. Her punching a Buffy who looks exactly like her and saying exactly that is NOT subtle, nor is her telling Riley before the fight "I can't use you." Faith is no longer jealous of Buffy's good life. By the end of the episode she believes she doesn't deserve it herself, which is new.

When Riley looks into her eyes and tells her he loves her, she freaks out, shoves him off and asks what he wants from her. Wilkins' loved Faith in his way, but Faith has never been lovely romantically, and certainly not during a sexual encounter. And as sad as Faith's reaction is, I'm also annoyed by it because I recognize this is a problem with a LOT of misanthropes. Because they happen to randomly be saddled with dirtbags their entire life, they are dumb enough to believe that's all people are. They confuse their experience for every single person's in existence. Misanthropes piss me off so much because the core reason for their belief system is narcissism, and the utter unwillingness to entertain the notion that perhaps THEIR experiences are the unusual ones and THEIR toxic opinions are the freakish ones. Misanthropes are so stupid and wrong because they believe everyone is as bad as they are. Their belief systems aren't just stupid, they are lazy. And God bless the episode for explicitly exploring that idea, and how dumb it is. I kind of wish Gregory House had been allowed to switch bodies with Buffy Summers for a single episode. His entire show might not have wound up the trainwreck it did if he had.

Faith as Buffy's bit with Spike at the Bronze is a high point of the season. And memorable enough that when an ensouled Spike later quotes it at Faith verbatim in Season 7, I totally believe he absorbed and remembered every word. Whatever else Faith did with Spike in that moment, She Made A Freaking Impression.

At the end of the episode, despite Faith saving innocent people in the Church, Faith is still currently evil. And in fact is going to do MUCH more evil things on Angel: The TV Series in a few weeks. But this episode is still an integral part of her redemption arc because it's the first inkling Faith gets that there is something wrong with HER, and that SHE'S the entire problem. And I freaking love that about the episode and her arc. I still hate the character and will never forgive her. But she sure as hell is a fascinating case study in an angry woman believing herself the only honest and sane person in a cruel and twisted world, learning that SHE is the mad one and that cruelty and twistedness lies solely within herself and has the entire time. I will never like Faith. But the character holds my interest for that reason. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Superstar"


Buries face in hands. That did NOT age well.

In fairness, I've never liked the episode. But for nebulous reasons I could never exactly describe properly. MeToo gives now me the context for my discomfort.

First off, I want to again point out that Jane Espensen is a terrible writer and bad for the show. If this exact script were written by Joss Whedon we'd call it a huge red flag and not put up with it. Espensen does not get a pass from ME because the script was done as an in-joke for her good friend Danny Strong. Why? It's something true about most of Espensen's work, but Espensen for some weird reason likes telling rape stories. And that's what this is. And the Swedish twins make that idea explicit.

I'll tell you what bothers me the most about that. Season 6 of the show got a lot of criticism for being too dark and depressing and nihilistic. And most of that was deserved. But one of the most hated episodes was called "Dead Things". It involved the Trio, (including Jonathan) tricking a girl into being their fantasy sex slave. And when she comes out of it she tells them what they were doing was rape and threatens to expose them. And Warren kills her, and it's a huge disgusting mess that a LOT of fans resented for turning a Trio of harmless geeks into pure monsters. But I think as dark and disgusting as the episode was, it was one of the few episodes of the season that took the proper moral stand against rape. Considering that later in the season the writers used Spike attempting to rape Buffy as a moment of personal growth for his arc, that's not nothing. Geeks just didn't like being hit with that true critique about the toxicity of geek culture back then. And what kills me is that Jonathan's actions with both Katerina in that episode and the Swedish twins in this one are identical, and Espensen has so normalized characters sexually mistreating and violating one another in everything she writes it never occurs to her to make this comparison herself. Probably because it makes the premise seem less "fun". Counterpoint: The premise ISN'T actually fun. It never was. Yes, the altered main titles are a funny idea, but it doesn't change the fact that this story is basically Jonathan raping and violating the entire universe. And essentially getting away with it unpunished at the end of the episode.

I will never deny the actresses who were mistreated by Joss Whedon their experiences about what a toxic set it was. But Whedon wasn't the only toxic writer on the show. And some of those toxic writers, like Espensen and Marti Noxon were women, which blows my mind. But really there is no part of this episode that is defensible. I could always say the episode creeped me out for unspecified reasons. Couldn't really delve into it while Espensen and Strong were mugging in interviews together about how much fun they had making the episode. But I can say it now: It's a rape story. Played for laughs. Instead of horror. As admirable as "Dead Things" was for calling out Captain Kirk and other similar sci-fi heroes for engaging in acts of rape disguised as fantasy (and believe me I appreciated the hell out of it since I hate Kirk so much) this very episode does not contain that wisdom (or bravery). It's amazing the true insights "Dead Things" raised about violations and rape were treated deadly serious by the episode's male writer Stephen S. DeKnight, when it's all just a big joke to the female Espensen here. And yeah, crap like this is why I believe she is a bad, damaging writer and made the franchise much worse for being on-staff. 1 star.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Where The Wild Things Are"


That was bad. Not the worst of the series or anything, but it was a different level of bad than many of the bad episodes. The level of bad this was bordered on embarrassing. As far as genre high-concepts of the week go, this is beyond crass.

The good news is there are many good individual elements. I loved Spike's flirtatious scene with Anya, which is probably the thing that told the writers there was chemistry between those two characters and actors. When Spike is saying he wishes he appreciated the killing while it was there, and that he wishes he had stopped and smelled the corpses, it's a ridiculous joke line. But it works because Spike is utterly sincere when stating it.

Another effective Spike scene was his volunteering to be the group's unlikely hero and quickly talking himself out of it by stating the intentions out-loud. That is a classic Spike scene.

I always admired Anya for understanding what Mrs. Holt was referring to when she called the kids "dirty". In hindsight, the way she says it leaves little up to interpretation. In fact, this go-round, I think a LOT less of Giles for giving her the benefit of the doubt about it.

Speaking of Giles, I love that his singing raises amorous feelings in both Willow and Anya. And even Tara seems a bit impressed. What Xander is too dumb to understand is he can object to the frame that the girls find Giles sexy all he wants. It doesn't stop Giles from being sexy. Their reaction is not as appalling or insane as he is acting like it is. It's rational based on how he's singing.

It's neat that Mrs. Holt was played by Desperate Housewives' Kathryn Joosten. What's fun about rewatching this era of television is noting the actors who have gone onto bigger and better things. Well, Housewives wasn't actually better than Buffy. But her role on the show was definitely better than Mrs. Holt for sure.

I am mad Anya's hand is impaled and the show has her treat it with the annoyance she would a mosquito bite. I hate television. Truly.

Like most bad Buffy episodes, there are memorable bits here and there. Unfortunately, it's one of those episodes that is bad for embarrassing reasons. I hate it when that happens. 1 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "New Moon Rising"


This doesn't make up for everything, but it's a MUCH better goodbye for Seth Green as Oz. I think what I appreciate most is that it's a strong episode in general. It's not perfect, but the reason it works as a farewell to Oz is because everything is basically working.

I would not have had the sophistication to notice this next part the last time I saw this episode, but when Willow says that things are complicated because of Tara, I think it's one of Alyson Hannigan's best performances. And I think the thing that knocks me out is she played it unlike every other Willow scene before this. We all love Willow. But there is definitely a little deliberate silliness attached to her demeanor. It's part of her charm offensive, whether her friends understand it or not. Like toy poodles bred for their cuteness and demanded by people for companionship, Willow gets people to love and protect her by being deliberately adorable. And she is. And it's also completely manipulative on a very real level. When Willow was talking about how Tara complicated things, Hannigan played the moment entirely without the adorable affectation for the first time ever, and entirely straight, and as if she was having real difficulty talking about it. Not just because it was admitting a scary thing to her best friend (who let's face it, handled it poorly) but because she was admitting it herself for the first time too. It's a great and powerful moment not down to the writing, but to the performance.

I was very unhappy when Buffy accused Riley of being a bigot. I understand they were deliberately pressing a button there, but I don't think that's a button that should be pressed by a cute white girl taking ownership of that word. It's done to thumb the show's nose at people who level that accusation at real bigotry. I'm sure the producers will argue "No, dummy, it's done to raise the allegory that Riley IS indeed a bigot, and he is following in the footsteps of some famous oppressors." Except the comparison is ridiculous. Which is what a racism allegory never should be. I can't take Buffy's accusation seriously because it's ridiculous on its face to be used in this specific scenario. And that's a failing.

I'll tell you what I like. Despite the fact that Buffy was unhappy with Oz and how he left Willow I think it is REALLY cool she insisted to Riley Oz wasn't dangerous. It wasn't 100% true, but it was mostly true. But most importantly, for her, speaking as a person sort of ambivalent on the guy, it was freaking fair. Which I love and is what I think actually matters.

I didn't see much of Oz's former humor in his last real appearance. Except at the end when Willow laments that this was her fault because she made him mad. He looks at her and deadpans, "Well, that's good. Because we know you'll never do that again." It's an Oz line, but there is also some danger and regret attached to it, which actually makes him leaving make sense this time. Before it was a dirty move. This time, it's for both of their mental healths.

Something I notice about Spike's stuff with Adam this time out. Xander is outraged at the end of the season that Spike switched sides to Team Slayer at the last minute so they wouldn't stake him. Spike lovably is all "Did it work?" But seeing his demeanor around Adam here makes me think Spike isn't giving himself enough credit. He is feeling Adam out and already playing both sides while refusing to firmly commit to either. It's subtle but James Marsters plays his scenes with Adam with a great deal of skepticism. He wants to believe Adam can remove the chip. But it's very clear to me this go-round Spike was also deliberately keeping his options open. He himself notes here the Slayer had a tendency to win, and that could be a deciding factor in his loyalty.

I haven't exactly gotten used to George Hertzberg as Adam, but he's gotten a little better in the role. It's not that he still isn't too serious of a character for this franchise. It's that he's stopped trying so damn hard. Sometimes a Frankenstein is just a damn Frankenstein. He don't need to be Hamlet too.

I like Riley saying "I just needed to say that out-loud." And it's a good moment because I think anybody in his position would need to say that out-loud before casting that die. It's realistic for a character I don't find very.

It's an all around good episode and better farewell to Seth Green. I liked it. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Yoko Factor"

Good and bad. The good is quite good but the bad is freaking intolerable. Which to tackle first?

Oh, hell, I'm in a bad mood. We'll talk the bad first. The stuff with Angel and Riley was shockingly incompetently written. Not just for the stupidity for Riley believing Buffy slept with Angel. But I was reminded gravely of the third episode of the fifth season where Riley says how great Buffy is, but reveals to Xander that she doesn't love him. Whether he was right or wrong there is not clear. But based on the fact that after Riley says here that he isn't moving from his spot from where Angel is, Buffy gives Angel this knowing conspiratorial look and grin, and they go off to have their private conversation with Angel smirking, I see why he thinks that. Doug Petrie thought it was a brilliant salvo in the shipping wars, but dammit, shipping wars actually ruin everything. The truth is, Buffy is acting like her current boyfriend is beneath her notice and not somebody to take seriously in front of her ex, and they are both gloatingly rubbing it in. For fandom shipping, that is the mark of a bad girlfriend. For real life, it is the mark of a bad person. You can be outraged Riley trusts Buffy so little that he believes she cheated on him. The reason he doesn't trust Buffy is because she never has given him a reason to believe she's on his side when it counts. When she defends Riley to Angel privately and tells him to look at it from his side I was like, "Why the HELL couldn't you have said that in front of Riley?" She treats him like dirt to his face. And she always has.

What part of the episode worked? The Spike stuff with him spreading dissention among the Scoobies was glorious. Spike talks about how Yoko was always unjustly blamed, and that the Beatles broke up for other reasons, but if you ask me, that's another case of him not giving himself enough credit. He deliberately manipulates each of the group into believing the others are talking smack about them. He sees Tara touch Willow's shoulder and seizes on that immediately. In another life William the Bloody was either a con artist or a therapist. He instantly noticed that small thing and completely used it to his advantage, instantly knowing it's something Willow would actually be defensive about. Well played, William.

And damn, Giles is a funny drunk. When he ruefully says Alfred had a job, it's not just hilarious. It's dark and resentful. Also Giles knows Batman, so the show can't act like he didn't understand Spider-Man earlier in its run. Giles is a person and exists in the world.

What's great about Spike's various performances isn't just the fact that he lets the Scoobies take off their own resentments from what he said and set up. He deliberately makes it seem like he doesn't even care or register how hurtful the things he's saying are. He's casting suspicion off himself manipulating them by not seeming to follow the conversation too closely. Masterful performance and dumbshow. Now Buffy and the Scoobies always DO manage to come out on top against Spike. But woe be to the enemy who underestimates that dude's raw brilliance and cunning as seen here.

The Tony Robbins thing is great. That guy's really been around for awhile, hasn't he?

If this episode were all Spike's passive-aggression against the Scoobies, I'd love it. But no, instead it's the episode having Riley come up against Angel and making sure the audience understood Riley came up short. Which may be an okay thing for the audience to think. But to have BUFFY not only think that, but openly act like it? That girl has major problems. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Primeval"


As far as the finale arc is concerned, that left a lot to be desired. As an individual episode, that is not-quite-a-season-finale? It was all right.

I think my major problem with it is that a lot of the action and mayhem in the Initiative doesn't involve Buffy herself. It makes the battle feel bigger and more epic, but I don't think that's necessarily the right mindset for this show. Buffy's final battle with Adam was great. Besides the really excellent bullet-time visual effects, what I like is how increasingly disturbed Adam is. He doesn't understand what it going on, and he's starting to freak out. For the very first time, him declaring something "Interesting," is no longer his highest compliment.

Spike's hilarious little moment at the end of "Good work team!" makes it easier to forgive him.

One of the best moments was when Buffy told the general this was HER business, and he and the Initiative were playing on her turf. I love Buffy pulling rank on people in actual authority, and I don't think it happened often enough for my liking. Yeah, she gives the Watcher's Council the business too, but they are make-believe authority. There is something impressive about Buffy reading the riot act to an actual army general or a government agent. It's something I cherish.

Anya will never go down in history as the best or most attentive girlfriend ever. But she's still a GOOD girlfriend. For real.

Not loving Forrest's end just because he's a person of color, and this is a huge problem for both the franchise in general, and Joss Whedon in particular. IStandWithRayFisher. Because of crap like this.

I loved the final scene, honestly, of the government Council taking stock of the mess left in the wreckage. And the guy saying the civilians involved bear watching, especially if they thought to share their stories. As if the government could stop them. And I love that he says he doesn't think they will. What I love best about the scene, that I don't think it gets enough credit for is that as far as the season is concerned, Maggie Walsh, Adam's, and the Initiative's plans made no sense. And that's a huge problem for the season, with arguably the tightest plotted mythology arc. But I love the last scene because the guy speaking nonchalantly gives us the context to the ENTIRE damn season by saying the program was started by the government to try and control supernatural creatures for their own military advantage. Aha! I said. A motivation that makes sense, even if it's stupid. Because as the dude said, these creatures cannot be controlled. And the episode ends on a still of demon body parts on a B&W monitor, as he tells them to burn the Initiative to the ground and the salt the Earth. It's a great moment and ending to one of the series' most polarizing arcs ever. I truly wish this season had been better. But it still contained neat moments like that, so it's still this show.

It was a decent as far as the show goes. For an ostensible ending to the season-long Adam storyline? It's just acceptable. But maybe that's okay. Maybe I'll take acceptable this season over Season 6 being deplorable. And I'll like it. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Restless"


Back when this aired I was extremely ambivalent about it, but a TON of fans went nuts for it, and declared it one of the very best episodes of the series. I tend to evolve my opinions in decades past, especially where this show is concerned, but I think I had it right the first time to be underwhelmed back then.

The elephant in the room is that the episode is extremely problematic. Calling it politically incorrect is simply giving Joss Whedon more credit than he is due. It is both racially insensitive and sexually creepy. In hindsight knowing the allegations against him, most of the episode is a giant red flag.

We'll get to all that. I suspect this review is gonna be long. But I think the reason the episode was beloved during the time the show aired was that a LOT of the ambiguous and weird phrases in the dreams sequences gave clues about season five, specifically Dawn, and Buffy's later death. Foreshadowing! How neat! Here's my reaction: Who cares? What does making a vague reference to both Dawn and Buffy's death actually do for the viewer in hindsight? What I hate is that a lot of fans, truthfully me included, took a lot more meaning and intention from the episode than we should have. We treated the episode like a patchwork of clues to be deciphered. In reality, the final arc of Season 7 of Buffy vs. the The First Evil proved to me in no uncertain terms the show actually had no idea what it was doing long-term, and any short terms victories for season ending arcs only worked because they (admittedly rarely) wrapped up the season in question. For the Big Picture? Whedon had no larger gameplan. He never did. And while that's true, it turns all of the ambiguous phrases and scenes we've obsessed over here pointless. We put far more effort into our theories about the episode than Whedon did in writing the weird lines. In a way that's good. This is the episode of the series most like Twin Peaks, with its dreamlike speaking and visuals, including red curtains (!). And Lynch always wanted us to come up with out own explanations for that stuff.

The difference is, I think Lynch and Mark Frost actually HAD those explanations hidden away in some secret Twin Peak Series Bible we never would be allowed to see. Joss Whedon is simply setting up random encounters and people saying weird and disturbingly sexual things that ultimately mean nothing.

I mentioned in an earlier review Amber Benson was miscast as Tara. And nothing skeeves me out more than the notion that Whedon miscast her because he imagined him someday leering over her bare, painted back as director and having her dress like a biker skank and make out with Willow for Xander's amusement. By the way, network television in the early aughts means you can't even show the sexy kiss. Probably one of the biggest failings of the entire series. And yet part of me understands why the network balked. Whedon was doing it for exploitational purposes. I believe Charisma Carpenter about how poorly she was treated, and I believe Amber Benson too. Whedon sexually used her in the episode. I firmly believe that.

And again, I also stand with Ray Fisher. It's bad enough the first Slayer is portrayed as an African savage. In hindsight it is beyond foul Buffy makes fun of a black woman's kinky hair and suggests "product". What kills me about this is even if most people were willing to give Whedon slack about this back then for artistic freedom reasons, the truth is, it's ALWAYS been a crappy thing to say. Black Lives Matter means we can see it now and point out how gross it is.

Joss Whedon swears up and down there is nothing to the Cheese Man. It's not just that I don't believe him. He's wrong. If there was nothing to the Cheese Man he wouldn't have appeared in Jonathan and Andrew's vision that brought them back to Sunnydale in Season 7. Whedon wrote the episode and insists there is no larger message to him. Well, if you ask me, he may have wrote the episode, but he's actually wrong, and he's only wrong because he's not creative enough to come up with a legit explanation himself (of which there could be many). I have disdained many fan theories about the episode over the years because Season 7 paid off none of them. The Cheese Man? Was an actual thing. Whedon is actually wrong.

Time to talk about some of the interesting dream moments. One of the admirable things the episode does is that nobody talks like real people. They talk in the riddles people do in our dreams. We understand them as they are happening, but when we go through them after we wake up (but before we lose them) the things said make little sense, especially if we happen to write them down before we forget.

Some of the dream things I liked:

Riley as the Cowboy. I believe this was around the era of Mulholland Dr., so either that's another great Lynch homage, or one hell of a coincidence.

Harmony vamping at Giles and trying to bite him as he's giving stage directions.

Spike striking black and white poses for his freak show. So iconic some of his vamping was used for the next season's main titles.

Riley claiming the secret to world domination was coffeemakers that think. Equally genius and stupid in the best Whedon fashion.

Loved seeing George Hertzberg out of make-up and also loved Riley ordering him to build a pillow fort.

Buffy's monologue to the First Slayer about what she does. Problematic? Yes. Still artfully said? Also yes.

Some dreams things I didn't like.

Willow's fear that her real self is how she was dressed in the Pilot. Honestly, I think Whedon and the producers both did both Willow and Alyson Hannigan a grave disservice with that outfit. They shouldn't be reminding us of it years later. It was one of the Pilot's biggest mistakes. Retcon it or never mention it again. Don't remind us of it.

Xander's various sex fantasies. For Amber Benson and Alyson Hannigan, Whedon turned them quite exploitative.

Giles' song feels very cringe to me in hindsight. Back in the day it felt original and audacious (Christophe Beck even cameos on-stage!) but now it feels clumsily handled and badly written.

This episode has a real following in the fandom. I believe that admiration is misplaced, not just because none of those wild theories the episode launched ever panned out. But because the episode itself feels both exploitative and racist in hindsight. 2 1/2 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Matt Zimmer
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Buffy Vs Dracula"


This is a widely reviled episode among the fanbase, but I remembered two things about it: It wasn't especially offensive, and it sort of went for a lighter tone in a point in the series where it rarely did that. I told myself rewatching it, that I would be pretty open-minded, even if I didn't like it before now.

I wish I could report the episode is better than fans claim. About the best I can do is it's not especially worse compared to other episodes that have NOT raised a level of fuss or disgust among fans. Yeah, it's mediocre. In hindsight, it's not especially so, at least not compared to the rest of the series.

While there are individual elements that are really interesting, I do want to point out I disliked Spike's scene. I weirdly suspect that's the one part of the episode fans like, but there are two things about it I hate.

Remember the show Smallville? We loved Lex Luthor and his evil father Lionel on that show, and thought they were actually pretty good bad guys and master manipulators. At one point the producers decided to hook up Lex and Lana Lang, to create a love triangle with Clark Kent. When they did that, they decided to make Lana "worthy" of dating Lex by having her do ridiculously obviously shady things, and for Lex to compliment her on her deviousness and worthiness to the Luthor name.

Once the producers had Lex respect a widely reviled punchline of a character as Lana Lang for her supposed "Edge", all of a sudden Lex is the lamest villain ever, as is Lionel, and they never, EVER stopped being that. Spike did not suffer that particular fate from this single episode, but when he's flicking the cigarette and sniffing that he and Dracula are old rivals, I think much less of Spike ever considering this (as he referred to him) ponce as a threat of any kind.

The second thing that pissed me of is something Joss Whedon needs an intervention over. Marti Noxon wrote the episode so she deserves the lion's share of the blame for it, but if you told me Whedon himself wrote the line I'd instantly believe it.

Joss Whedon is infatuated with British idioms. He has Spike use them when he doesn't need to, and like in this case, he has Spike use the words incorrectly. Spike tells Riley to go back and have a nice safe snog. What does Whedon actually think the word snog means? It literally means "kiss". Have you ever heard anyone ever advise somebody in over their head to go home and have themselves a nice safe kiss? Of course not. It's ridiculous. Part of me is mad that Anthony Stewart Head never had that intervention with Whedon, and told him he was embarrassing himself. But maybe part of me likes to think that during the hiatus when he was back in England Head would laugh with his pub buddies, "He actually had the character advise a nice safe kiss! What a wanker!" with tears streaming down his face while they roared in laughter. I am aware that probably didn't happen. But the only way I can ever live with crap this dumb is by telling myself it did.

I'll tell you what I liked about Spike's scene. Him angrily complaining that that fame-hound did more damage to vampires than any Slayer ever did. Once his story got out, suddenly everybody knew how to kill them. That is a VERY clever and observant idea for the writers to have Spike grouse about. Using a famous public domain character created by somebody else, based on a real person, it is a VERY interesting idea to explore the pros and cons that fame has cost other vampires. And frankly, I don't see any pros. When Spike puts it like that, I agree Drac is bad for Vampkind.

Dracula's monologue recalls "Restless", another bit of foreshadowing that doesn't impress me at all about "Restless" in hindsight.

Joyce telling Willow and Tara she is just about ready to give up on men altogether, and they give each other a knowing smirk is the show at its hackneyed worst. How was crap like that ever tolerated by viewers? And how was a show where crap like that happened somehow beloved?

Dracula doesn't actually die at the end of the episode, and it's suggested Buffy can't kill him. But clearly since she's now out of his thrall, he might as well move on.

An interesting clue about Dawn is Joyce earlier in the episode talks about the lonely house Buffy is leaving her to. If Buffy having a sister is something the show is gonna retcon to the audience, the producers wanted to sort of establish the retcon itself occurred later in the episode and most of the rest of it occurred with everybody's original memories. Cool clue there. Won't deny that.

I wish I could say fandom was wrong about that sucking. About the best I can say is that fandom praises a LOT of episodes of the series exactly that underwhelming, so it's not actually terrible in comparison. 2 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Real Me"

Well, I remembered that worse than it was.

The thing that drove me nuts in hindsight that I was SURE I was gonna rip the episode a second anus over was Dawn's monologue to her diary at the end about how Buffy and her friends have no idea who she really is. The thinking before I rewatched it is that since Dawn is both benign and unaware of her origins, setting up her saying such a sneaky line goes beyond not playing fair with the audience. It's writing the characters saying and doing things they shouldn't to get a misleading audience reaction. It's a cheat, is the problem. My objection in my memory of the event was overstated. Because while Dawn's lines ARE as cringe as I remember, the episode does NOT set up a dramatic music cue or camera angle to play up the sinisterness of the moment. The ambiguous touch with the direction doesn't make me forgive it or make me believe it plays fair. But it crosses the line back from unfair to merely misleading. I don't love it for that, but I don't hate the episode for it either.

One of the treats of a new season is the new main titles every year. Besides new cast member Michelle Trachtenberg (credited as such for the first time here) Emma Caulfield as Anya has also been made a series regular. If you ask me, I think there are probably too many series regulars at this point. Theme song feels a little overcrowded. But look! The Gentlemen!

I don't know if anyone has ever praised this next bit, but considering the amount of college dissertations the show has inspired, I'd be shocked if I'm the first person to ever bring it up. But I know that this is the first time I'M bringing it up. I love that Tara asks Dawn if she wants to thumb-wrestle. We later see that Dawn feels sort of a maternal connection to Tara. And damn it, because of that, she should. It's like Tara is sort of a character the writers both don't know what to do with, and that Amber Benson seems unsure of too. The thumb-wrestling thing is something a responsible adult would do in that scenario. At least a good adult. If a family is shipwrecked or in a sustained life-threatening crisis, good parents will play games with the traumatized kids to distract them from the horror they are currently facing. Thumb-wrestling is genius because Tara does not need a decks of cards, or pen and paper to play it. She just needs a thumb, and Dawn's mind suddenly is elsewhere from the murder she just walked in on. And again, if I'm the first person praising this, I'll be shocked. But it's the first time I'VE praised it for sure.

The Creepy homeless guy talking about curds and whey seems to be a direct callback to Faith's dream about setting up a bed for "Little Miss Muffet" in Season Four. No, it doesn't make that set-up make a lick of sense. But it definitely exists as a callback to that.

Xander making fun of Harmony's Minion Brad is golden. "Screw you, Harris." Suddenly, they are all back in high school. I love that. I also love Buffy telling Harmony when she tried out for cheerleading, she was bad, and when she was put on the homecoming committee, she was REALLY bad, but when she tries to be bad, she sucks.

Say what you will about Mort. He is absolutely right they no longer needed Dawn alive for the plan to "work". I mean Buffy would have killed them all anyways. But she also still would have come because she wouldn't have known Dawn was already dead. Harmony was a little too wedded to a nonsensical plan to see her Minions slipping through her fingers over it.

Buffy claiming the owners of the magic shop have the same life expectancy of a Spinal Tap drummer is why Buffy The Vampire Slayer was really the first show EVER with great pop culture references.

Dawn's diary entry about asking her mom if she can do the things Willow and Tara do on their own is not merely appalling. It's obvious, unfunny, and cliche. It's the kind of dumb joke that makes the show seem worse than it actually is. Again, how did we put up with that?

On the one hand, it's not good. On the other hand, I misremembered it being terrible, and it's not that either. 2 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Replacement"


That ending is surprisingly heartbreaking. I almost forgot what the rest of the goofy episode was about.

The thing that kills me about Riley saying that is that all throughout the episode I'm getting the sense he's trying too hard. And while I don't think it's Buffy's job to validate all his hang-ups, the truth is when they are in the car and he says he's in love with every part of her, she needed to say it back. I didn't actually agree with Riley that Buffy doesn't love him (although I later changed my mind). But what else is he supposed to think after he put his heart out on his sleeve like that and she essentially shrugged? She definitely takes him for granted.

Toth's make-up is great. He not only has glow-in-the-dark eyes, he amazingly somehow has glow-in-the-dark teeth.

Gilda isn't dead or unconscious. Hooray for him.

Plothole: When Xander plays the message on the machine it doesn't replay the entire message we heard the other him leave from the beginning. It starts at the relevant info. Um, producers? That's not how answering machines work. You DO know that, right? Or do you think WE don't?

The premise is so Nicholas Brendon could interact with his twin brother on-camera. My biggest complaint and concern is that if they are BOTH Xander, they are having the Xander we suspect is a fake say and do things Xander should not say and do. Like barely recognize his name when somebody calls him Harris at the worksite. Or him supposedly not remembering how long he's been on the crew. Or worst of all, telling Anya he thinks he could understand why it is like to suddenly be human. This is bad writing. And it's bad writing on a level the show didn't use to engage in, or at least not at this level and frequency. And I promise in every single one of these upcoming reviews, every time the show tries to "mislead" the audience away from a mystery's solution by cheating, I will point out every damn instance. That is my vow. And knowing that, I think we are all going to see how badly the show does there in my upcoming reviews. I suspect it's going to be constant. I would love to be wrong, but I don't think I will be.

Everybody's embarrassed about Anya's sex thing at the end, but honestly, yeah, that's the question she should be asking. The problem is the Xanders didn't sound too into it. But her being into it is actually normal for a significant other in that bizarre scenario. I can totally picture the want there. I just see how the doubles in question wouldn't be into it. But if Anya didn't broach the subject, she's odd. But truthfully, it's her bringing it up in front of everybody else that's the no-no. The desire itself is understandable. Letting everybody else know it is not.

The ending stomped on my poor heart. Marc Blucas and Nicholas Brendan played the hell out of it. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Out Of My Mind"


That was one of the most shocking endings the show ever delivered. What I love about it, and what sets it apart for most of the other shock endings on the show is it's a good shock. It fills the viewer with evil joy. It promises good things in the future. Granted the show later botched the Spuffy ship is ways I never could have imagined at the time, but this was a perfect kick-off and I think Season 5 was the one season that did it right.

Graham saying Riley used to have a mission and was now mission's girlfriend is so brutal and awful because it's right. It gets under Riley's skin for that reason.

I promised to point out unfair clues to mysteries. Joyce demanding to know who Dawn is before she passes out and Dawn frantically calling 911 is perfect because it gives genuine insight into what is going on without ever misleading or cheating the viewer. Good job for the show there.

Buffy saying Riley knows more of her than anyone else was a necessary thing for her to say. And yet when he tells her he loves her she still foolishly doesn't say it back. I didn't even think that it's that she doesn't love him (although I later thought differently). It just doesn't occur to her he needs to hear it.

Do you know what I took a special notice of in the episode when it first aired? James Marsters is unusually ripped for a guy in this era. Not only for a guy in his 40's, but truthfully few actors back then actually bothered getting that muscled-toned. David Boreanaz never did. Nowadays for male genre heroes, six-pack abs are considered a necessary part of the package. For Marsters being bit ripped, and probably smooth-chested due to manscaping, was the first time I really saw something like that. He's ripped in an attractive way, rather than the bodybuilder way Ah-nold was in the 1980's. And as TV went on it become super common. But this was the first time I saw a guy both that ripped and that smooth.

I guess Marc Blucas is too sort of, but that never visually shocked me the way Marsters' abs did.

Harmony and the doctor were a scream. My favorite bit is she's smoking as he's performing the surgery. She has a crossbow at his head and he says she's not supposed to smoke. And she defiantly says "Oh, yeah? Says who?" And he points to the "No smoking" sign. And she's horrified and apologetic and says, "Oh God! Sorry! I didn't see the sign!" I love what that says about vampires, or at least vampires who haven't been vampires for too long. The human social niceties and rules society decides it must abide are still that deeply ingrained in newb vamps. It's not just that Harmony is stupid (although that is the implication). No the murderous, completely evil demon still has those rules ingrained into her psyche because part of her is still human. And I love it when the show explores things like that, without rubbing in your face that's what it's doing. People who don't take the show too seriously think Harmony is just dumb. Me, I think Harmony is just too trained and too human.

Buffy telling Riley if she wanted a superpowered boyfriend she'd be dating Spike sure is extra ironic in hindsight.

It's an interesting narrative choice to introduce Ben before Glory. I like it.

I like this episode a lot. I both feel bad for Riley and feel like he's demanding a LOT emotionally from Buffy. But one of those demands seems to be that he wishes she'd tell him she loves him. As far as that goes, that specific thing is not unreasonable. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "No Place Like Home"


We'll talk mysteries again here. The Glory stuff? Perfect. Granted, Clare Kramer was a bit polarizing in the role, but her smashing through the wall and entering in that red dress Made A Freaking Impression. Right off the bat. And she sneaking up on Buffy with her hands out like claws is a scream. Best of all, none of her weird behavior with the Monk she's torturing, (or Buffy) contradicts her role in the season. In fact her expressing shock Buffy hits her is the first definite hint she's a God.

The Dawn stuff? Sloppy as hell, and the series should be ashamed of its poor writing there. At that stage of the season, the writers wanted both Buffy and the audience to distrust the character, so they wrote a scene of her acting creepy with Joyce FOR NO DAMN REASON, and had her ask Buffy if she thinks she cares she's the Slayer FOR NO DAMN REASON. Sloppy, badly written dreck is sloppy and badly written.

All that being said, Buffy's scene with the dying Monk is beautifully played by both actors. Buffy actually wants him to change her memories back, but the Monk is weirdly more empathetic to Dawn's innocence than she is, and Dawn's need to be protected than Buffy currently is herself. The Monk's goodness and empathy shine through in that moment, especially in contrast with the Knights of Byzantium we meet later on. Both actors brought the dramatic goods here.

It's funny Buffy and Giles stare at each other in the empty store silently, and he puts away the hat and cloak. But does Buffy REALLY need to be that big of a buzzkill? I thought it was charming. She never lets Giles have or enjoy anything.

I'm gonna call plothole b.s. on something. Is the series really trying to convince me acquiring newt eyes is more expensive than salamander eyes? Are we supposed to believe newts are both rarer and harder to catch? I know the scene was done to give the magic shop catalog its own "insider baseball" feel, but that doesn't actually seem remotely credible to me.

Anya is going to be very good at her new job. I see her value there immediately.

Spike's scene is interesting. His counting off five words on his fingers was great, especially the punctuation he uses on the last (the b-word). It weird Buffy doesn't really register a deeper meaning to the pile of cigarettes. Also need to note that although this is not portrayed as a watershed moment for Buffy herself, it stands out because it is one of the only two moments in the canon where she calls him William. It's sarcastic here, where it's sincere the second time, but Buffyphiles have noted she only did it twice, and once was as a joke in this episode.

I would probably give that a solid four stars if the Dawn stuff wasn't so badly written, and the writers trying to trick and worry the viewer about bullcrap that isn't an actual worry. I was going give it 3 and a half stars anyways but writing that last sentence down makes me believe it only deserves 3. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Family"


The Tara and Willow stuff feels a little overwritten and cliche, and makes me cringe a little in hindsight. Really, Joss Whedon scripts are not usually as strong and flawless as he is given credit for.

Shocked to realize Cousin Beth is played by Amy Adams.

I will say this about Joss. The Ben / Glory stuff in the locker-room was fair. Misleading and making the mystery hard to guess? Yes. An unfair cheat? No. That's how that stuff SHOULD work, and simply hasn't been for most of this season.

I like Spike amending that he didn't care what happened to Tara.

I liked Buffy describing Glory as kind of like Cordelia. Heh. She totally is.

Also enjoyed the bit where Riley tells Sandy he doesn't go out with vampires. She gives him a very pissed-off look at that that is quite funny.

Honestly Buffy declaring Tara part of their family is nice on paper. My problem is neither she nor Xander are acting like that throughout the rest of the episode. In fact, when the deception is first uncovered Buffy seems far angrier at it than is probably warranted. Yeah, I get Dawn was put in danger, but it's clear Tara was a mess over it and didn't need to hear, "She almost got us killed!" out-loud. I don't like the fact that when Buffy tells Mr. Maclay he can take Tara, the second part of her sentence where she says he'll have to go through her first though is not actually a given. Whedon thinks it's a nice surprise. I think something specifically like that should never be in question. I should never be wondering if Buffy Summer actually is cool with Tara being sent back to her abusive family against her will. And the thing is, this is actually common for dramatic writers. Whedon isn't the first guy to do something like that, and he won't be the last. I'm arguing that it's unacceptable. I seem to be raging into the wind about that type of stuff though, so don't be surprised if I'm the only person you hear complaining about stuff like that.

Underwhelming, especially considering Whedon wrote and directed it. 2 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Fool For Love"


I haven't seen this episode in over a decade, and I liked it back in the day, but if you had told me that during this watchthrough of the series I'd find it one of the very best produced so far, I would still be surprised. Maybe the reason I love it has less to do with what the episode got right, and how little it got wrong. For this rewatch, Buffy: The Series annoys the crap out of me. Routinely, and almost every episode. The fact that I wasn't annoyed by this at all, and was able to suspend my disbelief and be riveted by Spike's tale and Buffy's horror at it is unusual for this show, as least during this go-round. And I noticed that fact.

There is of course something wrong with it, but it's actually not a problem in the episode itself. I think the Spuffy ship was the most ill-advised thing on the series. Season 5 handled it well because they kept it unrequited, and this episode is a perfect demonstration of them needling that thread perfectly. But when Buffy shoves Spike to the ground, tosses dollar bills at him, says he's beneath her, (calling back his greatest humiliation with the woman he loved when he was alive), and we see him picking the bills up off himself and the ground as he blubbers in shame? THAT'S why the ship should never have been consummated, and why it never should have gotten as far as it did. It's perfectly fine and something I find weirdly and surprisingly touching when in the last scene Spike realizes Buffy has been crying, asks her what's wrong, and sits down next to her and pats her on the shoulder and comforts her. As far as the ship goes, that is perfectly all right. It's only during Marti Noxon's tenure of showrunner next year do things go so disgustingly off the rails.

The flashback don't just give the episode and its following crossover with Angel an epic, global feel (check out that slow-mo "Power Walk" they used in the WB promos) but I noticed how carefully the timelines match up. While in his first appearance on the series Spike claims ANGEL sired him, I believe that was either later retconned or simply ignored. Making it DRU turning him into a vampire instead is right. Maybe Spike was referring to Angelus as "sire" as shorthand for him being his "grandsire".

The idea that he stole Nikki Wood's jacket off her dead body as a trophy for killing her is gruesome and horrifying enough. The REALLY bad thing is HE'S STILL WEARING IT TO THIS DAY AND IN THE PRESENT-DAY SCENES WITH BUFFY! Can you understand why the girl is squeamish and appalled by that?

I feel like Season Four was not cinematic enough, "Hush" and "Restless" excepted. The subway going through the tunnel, then the lights blacking out, and suddenly Spike being on top of Nikki when the lights come back is a classic horror movie moment. I remember watching Season Four and thinking, "Man, I seem to recall this show being shot and boarded like an actual movie" more often than it was. I'm guessing Season Four was simply an off year.

Buffy thinking Giles intended to say "unseemly" when he did instead of "painful" is one of the reasons I think Buffy treats Giles unusually badly. And Buffy Summers is a character who takes all of her friends and loved ones for granted. But that right there says she's especially uncool to Giles.

Speaking of the timelines of the flashbacks, the following Angel episode correctly reminds us that of the time of the Boxer Rebellion, Angel already was cursed with his soul for the first time. It was a VERY recent development, and he's still trying to fit in with his old vampire clan, but despite his words, he's not into it anymore, and the timeline is correct there. And it plays in this episode as well before being spelled out explicitly in the following Angel crossover later that night. Excellent synergy between the two shows.

The stuff with William the Bloody-Awful poet is the series at is best. It being shown immediately after Spike coolly says, "What can I say, baby? I've always been bad..." is why the show had value and was as unpredictable as it was. Its existence also suggests the written lore Giles relates for why he is called "Spike" in his first episode was wrong, and probably misinformation spread by Spike himself. Spike's name was probably a legend he himself cultivated. After seeing this, and Spike later insisting Angelus call him that, I think Spike started those bogus rumors himself. And they took off from there. And the fact that he's killed two Slayers means everyone just believed them and never felt the need to fact-check them.

I love that when Drusilla bites him he repeatedly, loudly, and totally uncoolly says "OW!". I'm tired of this show always acting like that specific thing wouldn't hurt like hell, and all vampire victims being wide-eyed and silent as they are killed. That's probably usually down to a censor note actually, and they probably got away with it here not just because it's Spike and he's not really dead, but also because it's being played for laughs. But it's a laugh I appreciated and found a bit overdue.

Spike's "effulgent" poem here is not as bad as his bullies in the episode say it is. Angel later reveals to Spike in the final season of his show he always liked his poetry, and that specific poem won Spike a poetry slam in that series' finale. Really, it's actually kind of clever. I wouldn't go so far as to call it especially moving. But it still works, you know? It's got a good rhythm the beatniks can snap their fingers to, you dig? I think the problem was always that it was ahead of its time.

It has been stated more than once that the vampire takes on the personality traits of their victim. William here not only raises questions about Spike, and later on ensouled Spike, but puts Angelus in a bit of a different context too. Interesting food for thought here.

I think the most heartbreaking moment of the episode is also the cruelest. When Spike tells the Slayer in the Boxer Rebellion he doesn't speak Chinese as she's dying and crying out for her mother I am devastated. I mentioned I have no bad notes about the episode. I guess I'm wrong. I found that a bit too much. It's TOO horrible and unforgivable.

The series is great at doing callbacks to earlier moments that mean things to the audience they don't the characters. But Spike saying, "Here endeth the lesson" is significant being it is a Master line, whether Spike knows it when he says it or not. Been a bit since I saw Season One too. I'm not even sure the Master ever said that in front of BUFFY either, so maybe even SHE didn't recognize that context.

I love that the Chaos Demon IS in fact all slime and antlers. Seriously, Dru? What are you thinking? I know she's nuts, but still. Also calling b.s. that she knew Spike was already in love with Buffy. That specific thing fits later, but not during Season 2.

It is hinted later on in Season 6 that Cecily here eventually turned into the Vengeance demon Halfrek. There is a story I wish we had gotten to but somehow never did. Halli recognizing Spike in Season 6 and saying "William!" in surprise while he looks sheepish is as far as that mystery went. I want the deets we'll never get.

Shockingly, one of the best episodes of the series so far. Didn't predict that ahead of time. 5 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Shadow"


I was very curious to see this in 2023. I have offered a very unusual opinion during most of my negative reviews for modern stuff and I was curious if this specific episode would back me up or not.

I have opined elsewhere that the fact that superhero shows and genre in general always trying to make the visual effects, costumes, and sets "real-world" believable is counterproductive as long as the majority of those projects engage in shoddy, cliched, and poor writing and dialogue. My bold opinion was I'd take a series with crappy fake-looking effects that had a decent script and acting, over a hugely budgeted but typically braindead episode of the CW's The Flash. And I remember this episode because, while Buffy is a show KNOWN for its visual effects being shoddy, this was widely considered one of its worst examples of that, especially for a later season. There is nothing about the snake monster than is credible or remotely believable.

Buffy's pain though? I believe it. Her stupidity around Riley is due to an actual character flaw instead of a plot contrivance. It feels very real. So yeah, I will take a crappy unbelievable monster in exchange for great human pathos. Genre having it bassackwards there is why so much of it is currently terrible.

Speaking of Buffy's stupidity, we will get into how annoyed I am that they made Riley's thrill-seeking behavior almost seem justified in his final episode. What I will say is whether it is or not, the truth is Buffy doesn't appreciate him. She wants him there when she needs him and gone when she doesn't. He's not her boyfriend. He's her whore. And maybe him letting himself be fed on is because that's what he's coming to believe he's all he's good for. And damn it, I HATE that nuance, and that I am forced to give it to him. I want to rage against him, and for Buffy to dump his loser ass for it. The fact that even after that I'm on his side instead of hers speaks extremely poorly of Buffy.

I'm not alone here, by the way. I find it interesting and endearing when Xander sort of tells off Riley here. Because he's doing it because he actually approves of him for Buffy. He is the first male ship for Buffy he actually wants to see succeed. He isn't threatened by Riley for the first time ever, because he thinks he's a better match for her than he is. Which is a nice progression. Anya has been good for the dude for many reasons. That's one of the biggest.

Both Spike and Dawn sort of pile on there. Spike is being deliberately upsetting (it's inexcusable Spike knows Joyce is in the hospital and Riley doesn't, by the way) but Dawn saying Riley has been really good for Buffy stings too. What are YOU getting out of this, Riley? Aside from being made to seem bland and nonthreatening by Buffy and her friends every waking moment of the day?

Giles looks like the dumbass of the year for selling that stuff to Glory. I love that's how Anya and the other characters treat him as. Because he is.

Kevin Weisman from "Alias" and "Runaways" plays Glory's minion Dreg. He's pretty funny here.

I must call malarkey on something. HUGE plothole. Glory being impatient? Not remotely believable. I get she's currently erratic, but she's millions of years old and has been around since the dawn of time. A few days of waiting should not upset her any. That bit is not remotely credible. They are trying to give her impatience a childlike pettiness without understanding that a being that old shouldn't ever have that specific character flaw.

It's official. Fake visual effects don't bother me. Fake characters do. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Listening To Fear"


Another bad VFX creature shlockfest, but the truth is this episode is way better than its reputation suggests. It does something VERY wrong at the end it never should have done, but I am a little surprised at how well the rest of it emotionally resonates.

As far as exploring grief goes, "The Body" has gotten unending and deserved praise for tackling that subject. I find aspects of this episode equally powerful and truthful to the subject. Buffy washing the dishes to peppy salsa music as she breaks down in tears? That is A Real Damn Moment. Do you know how rare real moments are on television? Man, this season is kind of delivering more of them than I'm strictly speaking used to. It's kind of amazing.

The stuff with Glory and Ben raises the right questions, and is clever for not tipping itself off just yet. Well played.

I guess my bad note (other than the crappiness of the alien creature itself) is a spent and sort of out-of-it Joyce telling Buffy that Dawn is precious to the world the way Buffy is it her, and making Buffy promise to love Dawn the way Joyce loves Buffy. This is a very bad Narrative mistake. Done by the writers believing they are strengthening Buffy and Joyce's bond by saying she's the favorite and Joyce doesn't actually love Dawn. But Joyce is dying in a few episodes. I don't find the moment touching or moving, I find it appalling and offensive. And maybe they could have walked it back if Joyce was gonna survive. Since she wasn't it feels like an incredibly unpleasant place to leave a character I otherwise love and treasure. That's not only not fair to Dawn or the Buffy. It's not fair to how I will remember Joyce. Brain tumor or not, that is not a forgivable thing to say.

It's weird, that always bugged me, but I'm betting if I dredged up my old DVD reviews of the fifth season I never bothered mentioning it because I always gave the series the hugest benefit of the doubt on practically every level. Now that my eyes are wide open, it's the FIRST thing I notice in this otherwise good episode.

I did like the realities of the stuff at the hospital, and Buffy explaining Joyce's condition to Dawn. Joyce can't drop f-bombs on network television, but the statement about being in bed with the thing gets across the idea that people with brain tumors often say completely inappropriate and disturbing things. I also thought the doctor detailing Buffy's routine she's need to keep up with when she took Joyce home very realistic too.

Ultimately, because of the drama, the episode is better than its reputation suggests. But because it goes so far as to have Joyce state she doesn't love Dawn, it's also not an episode I can fully recommend either. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Into The Woods"


I remembered hating this episode, and knew I would this time out too. What I did not predict is that there are a couple of things in the episode I REALLY like. We'll get to 'em soon, but the elephant in the room is Riley and Buffy's painfully overwrought fight.

Sarah Michelle Gellar is usually a gift in the role of Buffy Summers, but every so often she does a line reading so melodramatic I wish somebody else had been cast in the role. Those moments are few and fleeting, but when she's talking about "his whores" I wished somebody else played the character. And frankly as far as Marti Noxon goes, I wished somebody else WROTE the character too. That was the worst.

What I cannot abide or stand is that the show takes Riley's side of the fight. I understand why Xander did (one of the two things I liked actually) but I think based on what Riley was saying and Buffy was projecting, the viewer was on Riley's side the entire time anyways. And we shouldn't have been. That's not just wrong. That's antifeminist. The truth is the only reason Riley has the high ground is because the show has been going out of its way to show Buffy say and do the most hurtful things to the guy possible without ever considering how crappy she's making him feel. Xander's frame is that she's acting like he's convenient in being there and gone when she wants him to be either. My theory of the same thing being that of a whore instead feels more accurate to me, but Xander is actually Buffy's friend and has better reasons to be kinder to her than I do.

Damn it, it's sickening Xander is right. Why WOULDN'T she beg him to stay? Why wouldn't she answer his ultimatum that way? Damn, that toxic crap should NEVER be okay for a guy to do immediately after her hurts his girlfriend in the way Riley just did Buffy. But damn it, enough's enough.

I took notice when Buffy runs away from Spike after the reveal, she doesn't punch him. She would have before this episode. Spike tells Riley he doesn't believe he has a shot. But the truth is Buffy not smacking him around for that felt almost like a bit of a turning point.

The worst thing about Xander correctly calling Buffy on her crap? It's the poster boy for toxic masculinity arguing to the strong female lead on the side of it... and crazily being right! I'm sorry, it's both kind of awesome and completely messed up at the exact same time.

The other thing I loved was Spike and Riley's scene together. The plastic woodgrain moment was funny ("Hey!") but I was shocked at how watchable things got when they start commiserating over their love for Buffy and wondering which one of them got the better deal. Spike decides it's Riley after talking it through, even though he's probably right Buffy doesn't love him. And Spike isn't right about much, but I think he's right about that. Them sharing a drink over their sorry lots in life was a very good place to leave both characters.

For the record, I have decided Buffy didn't love Riley. But... But... The notable thing is I think she realized Xander was right that she someday COULD love him, scarily so, and that's why she tried to get there in time to stop him. I think Riley is right that Buffy doesn't currently love him or need him. Where he's wrong in thinking is that that would always need to be permanent. Relationships grow and change, and in the cases of romances, often strengthen over time. Just because Riley doesn't feel Buffy is with him now doesn't mean she never will be.

Would have been nice if a character present offered this perspective on behalf of the feminist hero against the toxic ultimatum, wouldn't it have? Marti Noxon has got herself LOTS of problems about crap like that. She is awful on every level.

Anya refers to herself as literal for the first time. Like the fear of bunnies, this is a facet that is brought up again and again, and the mystery of why she speaks as precisely as she does remains a huge mystery even after the series is over. Anya's origin story "Selfless" in Season Seven literally offered ZERO answers about either that or the bunny thing, and just raised extra questions about them both.

I DO hate the episode. I do. But I thought it would actually be much worse than it is. I hate it, but the quality itself is passable. And on some level I find that fact infuriating. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Triangle"


I expected to like that a lot more than I did. It's Jane Espensen so there is some good. But there is also the totally cringe scene at the beginning of Buffy pondering becoming a nun. Why is fiction this stupid? It truly does not need to be. It chooses to be.

I think Abraham Benrubi delivered one of the best guest starring roles on the series as Olaf the troll. I think Star Trek missed the boat never casting this guy at as a Klingon. Olaf is like the best parts of that. He plays the hell out of him. And he's mad funny.

In the spat I am more on Anya's side than Willow's. Despite Willow's claims to the contrary, I find her as equally rude to Anya as she is to her with the added flaw that she acts like she's superior to her in every way (and never shuts it off).

My favorite two moments are Spike jokes. Him saying he was paralyzed with not caring very much is one of those great one-liners I always remember and try to use myself in everyday conversations. I also love when Olaf asks where there are babies to eat, Spike looks at Xander thoughtfully: "What do you think? The hospital?" And Xander's all, "Shut up."

I know it's played for laughs, but the thing with Spike and the practice mannequin is good reminder that William the Bloody is actually insane.

The stuff with Olaf was golden, and Spike stole the episode too. I just wish the script wasn't filled with the amount of bad writing and cliches it otherwise was. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Checkpoint"


I was looking forward to seeing this one again too but this one was fortunately exactly as strong as I imagined it being. It's a great premise to bring back the Watchers' Council and have everybody play catch-up. Harris Yulin is one of those old-school actors with gravitas and he lends some much needed respectability to things.

Let me clear up something: I don't agree with Buffy's speech on power, or the stance the show takes about its importance. I think the thing that bothers me is Buffy and the other characters are taking that as a given, when in reality, most viewers watching the show have no real power themselves, and I would guess many of them (me included) don't actually want that power. Buffy, The Series', obsession with the importance of power at this stage of the game makes it very difficult for me to relate to Buffy, the character, or the message of the show. As far as messages and morals go, I don't believe in it. That's a failing.

I always remembered Glory calling Dawn the darlingest thing she ever did see. I thought that was a delightful way to put it, at least as far as a purely evil character goes.

Travers ending the episode saying Glory isn't a demon, but a God might not wind up the best cliffhanger of the entire season. But you know what? It might. It's one of those surprises that hits the viewer so right because it's a good surprise instead of a bad one. My stomach doesn't drop and I squee with evil joy instead.

Buffy throwing the sword at the guy was great, and regardless of whether I agreed with her speech on power of not, it was important for her to take back her authority there. The threat to deport Giles feels like dirty pool. And yet when Giles claims their true power lies in their bureaucracy you actually appreciate how dangerous they are and always were. And what's cool is they are dangerous in a way few other bad guys are. Using the letter of the law to punish their enemies is certainly not how most supervillain organizations operate.

I love that Spike immediately centers on the female Watcher who did her thesis on him. He gives her a big smile at that and she's embarrassed. I love that they meet him at the point of a crossbow with a cross raised as well. Maybe these guys are less effective than we thought.

Spike and Joyce bonding over "Passions" is great and puts paid to Spike's claim after she died that Joyce was the only person among Buffy's circle Spike could stand. And yeah. It's true. And yeah, Joyce treats him like a damn person, which nobody else ever bothers to do.

Buffy trusting Spike to protect them is another turning point for them, I think.

Without a Slayer, they're pretty much just Watchin' Masterpiece Theatre. Great line. I also love Buffy saying that she and Glory had what probably passed in Glory's twisted mind as a civilized conversation. Buffy is right to think Glory is nuts for that.

The Knights of Byzantium wound up major nuisances, but as far as Little Bads of the season go, I never felt they evolved beyond that. I never viewed them as a genuine threat the way I did Glory, or even Ben.

Buffy insisting Giles be rehired is awesome enough, but when he coughs to remind her of years of backpay you really understand how she has the upper hand now.

Solid, solid, solid. 4 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Blood Ties"


Not bad. The Glory / Ben reveal still works and Dawn's amnesia at the end is evident enough not to need to be further explained.

Spike is also fun as Dawn's conspirator in crime. When he looks at her and says "I guess that means you, niblet," it's a great moment.

I love the fact that he brushes back against Buffy yelling at him. I feel like his saying she should have been honest with Dawn feels like Monday Morning Quarterbacking on his end a bit. But when he suggests she was gonna take off anyways, and he thought she'd be safer if Bad Bad had her back, that's right. It's not happening all at once, but Buffy is starting to shift in how she sees Spike. She still hates him at this point, but she is also starting to strongly consider his advice and take it seriously.

I love that Buffy is angry upon seeing Dawn's open arm with the knife. The truth is, if one were to do that in front of a loved one, their first response would more likely be anger than sympathy. It feels very recognizably real by having Buffy yell "What did did you just do?" instead of instantly cuddling her when she sees she's all right.

Again. Not bad. The series has done better, but the series has also definitely done worse. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Crush"


I don't like this episode. I've never liked this episode. Spike is portrayed as too pathetic in it. In "Lover's Walk" Spike famously admitted to Buffy and Angel he was love's b-word. Here, he's its victim. And it's painful to watch. I don't dig the ship myself and I don't mind the show pointing out why it doesn't work. But considering the show did a 180 on the topic in the following season I can't even give it points for that.

The thing that is the episode's saving grace is there are a lot of great jokes in it. Let me itemize some of the best bits:

Spike arguing with Xander over how hard he's making him work to steal his money, Drusilla's amused and mocking reaction to Harmony's outright trashiness, Xander laughing upon learning Spike is in love with Buffy, Buffy saying she's serious, and him saying he hopes so because it's funnier if it's true. And while Spike's ultimatum at the end between Drusilla and Buffy is both pathetic and cringe, I did like his initial admission of the truth when she asks him if this is a date. "Do know want it to be?" "Angel was a vampire." Buffy protests he was good and had a soul. Spike argues he has a chip and it's the same thing. Buffy counters it's more like he's a serial killer in prison, and he angrily says women marry them all the time! Harmony's conditions for threesomes are boy / boy / girl, or Charlize Theron.

Considering Joyce is dying in a couple episodes, the fact that she invites Spike in and laughs at his jokes is a good demonstration of why Spike liked her. Her being so worried about the crush and finding Spike dangerous is a bit more of an ambiguous place to leave things there than I'd prefer.

Buffy telling Spike the only chance he had with her was when she was unconscious gets replayed and replayed in future recaps. I would like it more as a Sherman Statement on her end if it were actually true.

Xander being horrified Spike has replaced him as Dawn's crush is actually quite creepy. Creepier than anything Spike says in the episode even.

I don't know. If this were a turning point and Buffy stuck to her guns about Spike's advances the episode would still be cringe, but it would also have integrity. As it stands, it's just cringe. 2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "I Was Made To Love You"


Yes, the ending is a punch in a gut, but it's less an ending to this episode, and more the beginning of the next.

I find the rest of the episode problematic. And I should have guessed Jane Espensen wrote it. It's basically a woman being used and abused by a man in the most degrading fashion possible. That's what Espensen does. You might think the use of a robot for the idea might actually tone things down a bit and sort of distance the audience from the inherently cruelty of Warren. No, Espensen is the kind of writer who instead finds ways to make the fact that it's a robot being sexually degraded seem even MORE painful and humiliating than if she were a regular person. Under a lot of circumstances, this would actually be a valid storytelling choice. But it simply never ends for Espensen, and I'm tired of the fact she is never called on it. Enough already. April literally is not programmed to cry because tears are blackmail, and if Warren cries out to her and she doesn't answer it physically hurts her. Espensen took the fact that she wasn't human and went out of her way to invent new sci-fi ways for this character to be humiliated. And no, Espensen doesn't get a pass there just because she is down-to-Earth and wonderful with her fans in real life. The toxic things she writes are not something to be praised.

The thing I notice most about Joyce this episode is her vitality. It not only makes the ending more shocking, but it's also sort of how I want to remember her. Telling Buffy she left her bra in the restaurant. I love that woman. Truly.

Giles gets a little "Ripper" on Spike in the Magic Shop and it's a pretty badass moment. Too bad Buffy made a liar out of him in the next season.

Speaking of great moments, Warren may suck and so does the episode, but the anticlimactic third act break of "She's a robot," was quite great.

Anya had some good moments too, truth be told. As someone raised in the Lutheran faith it is hysterical that Anya says it took her a LONG time in her 1100-year-old lifetime to get used to us. I notice whenever Lutherans are brought up in popular culture it's usually as punchline, and I'm not quite sure why that is. We don't really have the, lets say... different beliefs of Mormons, or even Scientologists. We're essentially Protestants who do Catholic rituals. That's it. I don't see why that should amuse people so much, but yeah, for some reason people find that weird. I should also point out that I personally find the show itself quite weird, so glass houses, Mutant Enemy. Glass houses.

I also love that Anya point out April speaks shockingly evenly in a too-precise tone of voice. In an even too-precise tone of voice herself. Some guys dig that.

Warren's first appearance is not consistent with his later role in Season 6. Yeah, he does strike me as a bit of an unfeeling sociopath for what he did to April. But he simply does not appear to be built to become the Big Bad he ultimately became. Why? Because the initial role for the secretly crazy and evil leader of the Trio was supposed to go to Tucker, Andrew's brother. I believe Warren's role was planned to be like Andrew's was in Season 6. Kind of a jerk but possibly able to be redeemed. When they couldn't contract Tucker's actor, Andrew was created, given Warren's former role, and Warren's was given Tucker. It is very hard to imagine after Season 6, but if Tucker's actor had come back, likely Warren would have been the one the First Evil tricked into killing Jonathan, and HE would have joined the Scoobies. Can you picture Adam Busch in Tom Lenk's role in Season 7? The harmless goofball? I actually can't after Season 6. Busch played Warren's psychopathy too well there. There is no part of that actor that doesn't make my skin crawl now.

And I don't like that things like that can easily be transferred from character to character like that. It's common for fiction, and hell it's probably something that's happened in my own writing from time to time too, but for this specific role? It grates a bit that Warren was essentially created to be harmless. Especially after what he did to April here.

Spike's "My bleeding sympathies to Warren," was great.

One interesting sidenote about the episode: The role of April was written with Britney Spears in mind. I'm glad she wasn't cast. We as a society are on Spears' side now about her conservatorship, but the truth is Spears had a habit of being ill-behaved on sets at this point of her career. I feel like maybe the Buffy set was toxic enough already. Spears might have added insult to injury there were she cast.

I think the problem is Espensen. She is too invested in showing men hurting women. Maybe she should step back from genre television and make the transition to Lifetime movies of the week where those specific skills would be appreciated. For me, watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Once Upon A Time, Battlestar Galactica, et all, I've had enough of that crap. 1 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Body"


Reviewing the series with my Eyes Wide Open is not just me seeing bad things I never noticed before or refused to admit. A lot of times it can involve seeing things that I liked back in the day that I realize are amazing in hindsight. And yes, I am gonna go over every inch of that I can. Fair warning: I'm giving that a perfect five star grade on general principle, but you will be very unhappy to learn I will talk about both the episode's faults and some of the story choices I disagreed with.

I think I'll talk about the negatives first and try not to dwell too much on it. Basically when I get to the second half of this review I want it to be clear that despite the following things I am about to rag on, it is clear to me this is still one of the finest episodes of television ever produced.

Let's talk about my problems. Like I said, I'll try not to dwell on 'em, but this specific "Eyes Wide Open" complaint is probably only a factor because of my personal disgust at Joss Whedon and his generally revolting personality. I would not have even taken notice of it had he himself not pointed it out on the DVD commentary years ago. Now, I'm watching the run this time on Hulu, but I never forgot the amount of disdain Joss showed for the character of Kevin in Dawn's art class. Joss, while using that snotty tone you could grow to hate, claimed Kevin says the things to Dawn he does because 14 years olds "think they are deep". He's taking a shot at kids that age. I'll call b.s. on that. He spent the first three seasons of the show PANDERING to kids that age, and especially in the first season had Buffy herself say painful cliches mistaking them for wisdom (such as "Seize the day" in the Pilot). The fact that he's using Kevin as a negative statement about how shallow kids that age are is a giant middle finger to the entire audience he spent years saying he related to. This scene and that commentary says Joss thinks they suck deep down and is not the alienated misfit he presents himself as.

Anya's stuff is good and bad. I thought it was very interesting that Anya is asking about the mechanics of what happens next with the body because nobody ever talks about that stuff. My problem with the scene starts when she starts crying. Emma Caulfield's performance is not remotely convincing, and I will get torches and pitchforks for that statement, but it's something I've believed for over 20 years, and this is literally the first review of the episode I've done where I ever had the courage to admit it. The other problem is the writing in the things she says and her complaints about "mortals". I feel less like Anya is speaking a larger truth of humanity and more that Joss is leaning into her genre gimmick and using it to explore this subject in a rather hamfisted manner. If the scene were better written or performed, maybe I wouldn't have noticed that, but it felt more than a writing exercise than an expression of real grief.

The final complaint is I don't like the ending. Joss' reasoning for it sounds right, but it isn't. The vampire shows up because "life goes on". Just because you think the world's ended for you, doesn't mean it has for everyone else. There is an earlier scene that deals with that notion beautifully. For here, it seems more like it's included because Joss was afraid people would turn against an episode with no supernatural elements. It's supposedly done to show a return to normalcy. For me, it struck me as narrative timidity and being unwilling to stick to the premise's guns being realistic the entire way through.

Another snotty moment on the commentary I remember is Whedon expressing frustration that people thought Dawn reaching out to her mother in the closing shot meant she was going to heal her with her "magical key powers". Part of me shares his frustration there. TV audiences back then often refused to believe what an episode was telling them and would come up with crazy theories that flew in the face of the entire lesson an episode was teaching. This episode about the power and permanence of death is clearly not designed to be bought back the next week. I get Joss's exasperation there.

And yet, in the very next episode Dawn DOES attempt to bring Joyce back, and actually does before the end does the whole Monkey's Paw thing before we can see what fresh horror she's unleashed. And maybe people would have had less stupid thoughts about that ambiguous ending if it weren't ambiguous. Whedon is going for powerful. But the moment doesn't really mean anything, so it's confusing instead. If Whedon wants to complain people ignored what he was trying to say, a better ending would have shut them up.

That's a pretty long list of petty complaints. When I talk about the selling points of the episode, I wanna REALLY talk about 'em.

The first 15 minutes are some of the finest moments of television ever produced. Sarah Michelle Gellar can wow me some weeks and infuriate me others. This is her best performance. Seeing this again makes me realize I don't know Joss Whedon's life story. Did he ever discover one of his parents dead? If you told me no, I'd guess I'd still believe it, but part of me thinks he must have. If not, it would be one of those things that shows that for all his faults, Whedon is scarily insightful in ways audiences took for granted back then.

A friend of mine recently pointed out to me the truly effective "Life goes on" scene is Buffy looking outside at the beautiful sunny day after she's puked, and hearing the kids playing without a care in the world. My friend rightly thought that was amazing and that Gellar's pain is palpable. How DARE the world keep spinning on in this moment? Does it not understand what is happening and how important it is? Gellar plays up the weariness in the scene, but if you think about it, if Buffy had been enraged instead that would have been valid too.

Buffy noticing her mother's dress riding up is entirely real world credible too. I've heard of people dressing their grandfathers in their Sunday Best before calling the ambulance. How the loved one is perceived to outsiders after their death is a definite real worry and concern.

I also love that Buffy is so shell-shocked she thanks the EMT's and wishes them luck as they leave. It makes NO sense for her to do either thing, but it's such a normal human reaction. As well as Buffy rejecting the idea that her mother is a body and not person.

I criticized Anya before, but the moment where she expresses clunky condolences at the end to Buffy works because we now know what she's doing. And also because Buffy is surprisingly gracious. Willow's anger made the scene feel much weirder than it probably needed to be.

I like that XANDER'S reaction is anger, first at Glory, and then the doctors. Xander's defining character trait to me is resentment and rage. The idea that crap just happens and there is nobody he can rant against is almost as an obscene notion to him as Joyce's death itself. And I love the moment Willow puts up her dukes and he says he can't take her.

Willow and Tara is a mixed bag. I feel like the kiss is WAY too passionate for this episode. Obviously Whedon felt some resentment he wasn't allowed it in "Restless". So he tried again here, and the censors relented because the episode is classy instead of as exploitative as the "Restless" scene would have been. But it's a little too much for this episode. Maybe it wouldn't have been if same-sex kisses were as common on television 20 years ago as they are now. But it felt very much like Joss was making a statement, and that specific statement was sort of stepping on this episode's specific statement a bit.

I was not a fan of the act breaks opening with Joyce's body being hauled around with the only sound effects being those of the body bag zippers and the scissors that cut off her clothes.

But I DO love how there is no soundtrack to the episode. Whedon claimed music is a comfort to the audience and not to hear it during upsetting moments makes them more upsetting. What's amazing about him being right is that it flies in the face of all of Hollywood history. You want to make somebody feel the sadness of Casablanca's ending? You need the soundtrack to deliver the goods there. But the lack of music make things like the naked vampire rising up from under the sheet and attacking Dawn way more upsetting than any screeching horror movie music cue ever was.

Like a lot of Buffy episodes, it also feels very cinematic. It's an interesting choice as the EMT delivers the bad news, the POV of the camera doesn't reach his eyes. It give a sense of unreality to things that Buffy refuses to meet his gaze as he tells her the hardest thing she's ever had to hear. Another similar cinematic choice was dubbing over Buffy believing the doctor said he was lying to make her feel better over whatever it is he actually said for real. A lot of cool touches like that in the episode.

Buffy and Tara don't quite make the connection here they do in Season 6. But because of their moment here, I WELCOME their connection in Season 6. I want it and am grateful to have had it then.

I have elsewhere mentioned that an Emmy is a worthless award. Breaking Bad can tout all its wins it wants, but the truth is Breaking Bad would have made the mark it did with or without the Emmys. The Emmys reward obvious, pandering, badly-written stuff like Murphy Brown, Picket Fences, and Ally McBeal. While the fact that what was arguably the greatest hour of dramatic television at that point in history didn't get a nomination for either Joss Whedon or Sarah Michelle Gellar means the award means nothing. I look forward to watching Breaking Bad and I expect I'll love it. But it and Bryan Cranston winning multiple Emmys means nothing while Gellar wasn't even nominated for this, and David E Kelly's annual house of Idiocracy invariably was (and often won).

Do you the irony? I still don't love this episode as much as "Becoming, Part 2" or "The Gift". But it's sure as hell the best-acted episode on Sarah Michelle Gellar's end and it speaks larger truths about death and grief most television wasn't willing to at the time. Yeah. This is some amazing (if imperfect) stuff. 5 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Forever"


Buffy and Dawn's scene at the end was both wrenching and amazing. Sarah Michelle Gellar and Michelle Trachtenberg brought the goods.

Speaking of which, Spike had a good showing too. His claiming that he liked Joyce, and that she was the only one of the lot of them he could stand tracks. I especially love that he likes that she never treated him like a freak. Xander callously tells him that was her mistake, but Spike's sincerity is proved by the lack of a card on the flowers.

He also wants to help Dawn provided she not tell Buffy. He gets seriously injured in the process and Dawn apologizes for it. He asks her if she got the egg, she says yes, and he asks her what she's sorry for then. Very interesting Spike moment.

I always found Joel Grey creepy as Doc (one of those respected Serious Actors like Harris Yulin or Lindsay Crouse the show would occasionally hire to lend the show gravitas) but he's way more squirrelly than I remembered. The whole thing of confusing Spike for the guy who played dominos makes him off-putting from the start. It's a great performance and the character appears to be great too. Who knew?

Willow's irresponsibility here, and her refusal to be honest with Tara about it is a red flag for her downward spiral in Season 6.

Anya had some good scenes too, including talking to Xander about life after their sex, and telling Dawn she is unthreatened by her helping in the Magic Box.

I get the logic of Angel coming back for this, but the truth is he didn't add anything to the episode. And it's been a good long while since he added anything to this show too.

I'm really digging Dreg, especially him figuring out that the Key is a person from Ben. "An innocent? What an interesting choice of words." And him doing everything to survive Ben's stabbing him to bring the info to Glory. She'll even forgive his subpar toadying since he went so above and beyond there.

I love that Giles is listening to the song he and Joyce made love to in "Band Candy". Great callback.

In case you were still harboring any doubts that Hank Summers is one of the worst fictional fathers on television, Buffy can't get ahold of him and he isn't there for the funeral. I hate every inch of him.

I mentioned that Buffy is a show that manages to be compelling while having bad visual effects. The lousy three headed demon being in an episode with this level of drama, pathos, and acting is further proof that THAT is the thing that makes a work of fiction credible, not supposedly believable effects, sets, and costumes. It's annoying current fiction believes different. They totally forgot how much Buffy resonated with people despite that.

I mentioned in the review for "The Body" the fact that this whole episode involved Dawn trying to resurrect Joyce sort of takes away from the serious message of the previous episode. Whedon is frustrated people thought he was going to buy it back in the next episode. But he actually spent the next episode making the viewer aware that he actually could. Not smart. No wonder people got the wrong idea.

It's all right, but truly the ending with Buffy and Dawn makes up for any of the episode's missteps. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Intervention"


I talk a lot of smack about Jane Espensen, but this is my favorite of the episodes she wrote. That ending was amazing, and a turning point for both Buffy and Spike. And that kiss in gratitude should have been as far as they took it. But Buffy telling him what he did for Dawn was real and she wouldn't forget it bonded them in a way they hadn't been before.

I thought it was narrative genius that Spike claimed the key was Bob Barker. Man, I recall laughing so much at that back in the day. Him berating Glory until she punches him into the wall is great too. "Lopsided ass". It's funny because it ISN'T true.

Gellar's performance as the Buffybot is SO much fun. And you can tell she's having fun too. It's interesting Tara's reaction is "What are you kidding me? She's nuts!" Because when it happened for real she was the friend who was the most protective and understanding about it.

I love that Giles is miffed Spike didn't bother programming his name right. The hokey-pokey bit was funny too.

I didn't have the problems with the First Slayer I did in "Restless". I think the concept was treated a bit more respectfully.

"Who was whatting how at the huh?" The show can gotten both a lot of praise and more than a little bit of criticism over the childish shorthand ways the characters speak. THAT is one of the Buffyspeak highlights of the entire series.

Dawn being a klepto never went anywhere interesting. Story of this show's life.

I love that Anya is both grateful and delighted the Buffybot asks how the money is.

Let's be real. It will never be an episode to make the Buffyverse Top List. But... But... in a franchise I am increasing becoming jaded with, I'm giving it five stars because there is really nothing of note worth complaining about either. That's not nothing. And the ending is still amazing. 5 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Tough Love"


I'll tell the you, the best parts of the episode for me are the verbal fights between Tara and Willow and Buffy and Dawn. Tara and Willow seem especially credible in detailing people who don't fight getting into it for the first time. What strikes me is how sympathetic they are with each other to start out with, but each keeps saying a wrong word and can't walk it back properly. I have taken special annoyance at how unrealistic dialogue in pop culture is, and I have in fact given this specific show crap for being overrated in that department. This was solid.

I love that it's not just Buffy's strictness with Dawn being revealed that her guardianship is in jeopardy, but that Buffy extends that cold authority to Willow too, and draws the line there and refuses to budge from it. And honestly, I found Willow not even understanding the subtext that Buffy was under the microscope with the State obnoxious. Tara says several dumb things in their fight, but I was on Tara's side the entire time because she was defending Buffy. And no, Willow really can't understand or know how important it is to keep Dawn grounded.

Spike's role in this part of the season is interesting. He's sort of got an advisory role to Buffy similar to Giles. I actually think it's probably the coolest portion of their ship, and I hate that it's so relatively brief. But she takes his advice extremely seriously here. And I love that.

And just to show that the situation with Spike is not black and white, Dawn feels guilt over his injuries and he DOES try to comfort her. If you ask me, the show giving Spike these moments of empathy is a mistake in the long run, but before the mess that was season six, they seemed nice at the time.

I love that Giles knows the Minion is behind the door and slams it into his face without even looking. Giles is a badass.

First appearance of Proto-Dark Willow. Tara is not wrong to find her frightening. And yeah, she's the first of the Scoobies to actually hurt Glory. She is perhaps their biggest current gun, maybe even bigger than Buffy. It's a Big Moment.

Solid, man. Few complaints. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Spiral"


I've always liked this episode, but it does feel like it bit off a little more than it could chew. Don't get me wrong. The fact that this show had a tiny budget and was STILL this ambitious is actually a good thing. But it also makes it a little less epic than it should be.

This is Buffy's version of Game Of Thrones. And the thing I notice is that despite the battle scenes being worse, they aren't THAT much worse. Maybe I can be grateful for that fact instead of underwhelmed.

Speaking of "whelmed", Buffy did that joke here WAY before Young Justice did. I am tired of Greg Weisman getting props for how hilarious it is. Buffy did it first here which is something I did NOT know before rewatching this. It pisses me off realizing that in hindsight. I don't object to supposedly "stolen" comedy bits as much as some writers do. I believe once a joke is out there, it more or less belongs to the world. Variations on it don't bother me. The thing is, the "whelmed" thing IS Young Justice's most famous joke, and arguably the dialogue it is best known for. It pisses me off realizing it was stolen. Especially because Weisman never copped to it and instead allowed the show to be tied to it anyways.

I love that Giles and Xander are mad Spike is driving the bus, but Buffy pretty much lays down the law and insists his inclusion in non-negotiable. They do not quite get how strong their connection is yet. I don't think the audience even understood it then.

Anya calls running away a sensible plan is because Anya is actually sensible. Well, maybe not in suggesting dropping a piano on Glory's head. But in her cartoon knowledge defense, the frying pan works later on.

I actually agree with Anya that Bugs Bunny is creepy. But she is the first person in world history to refer to Elmer Fudd as the nice bald man with the speech impediment. It's not like Bugs Bunny isn't a total ass to him. But Anya not understanding he actually deserves it says she's kinda dim.

The General's backstory of the Beast and the Key is riveting, and shows something I've always believed. You can get a whole lot of interesting backstory out via a riveting conversation or narrative passage. It's the fact that most fiction fears both things which is why it's rare. And in fairness to that fear, if it's handled incorrectly it WILL be boring. You get a guy like Wade Williams to explain it all in that gravelly voice of his, and that deep, spooky stare that penetrates your damn soul, I cherish and visualize every word he says. It's not that dialogue and narration is a bad thing for infodumps. It's that very few people understand HOW to make them interesting to begin with.

It should be noted Buffy and her friends killed ten humans in this episode. Deliberately. Which is something they all looked down on Faith for doing to one accidentally back in season 3. As Xander notes, this IS war, but after what happened with Faith that specific incongruity must be remarked upon.

I always admired this episode. In hindsight it's a little less of an epic than I remembered it being. But it is still very good. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Weight Of The World"


Not a fan of this episode.

I think Season 5 would have been more effective as 21 episodes instead of 22. Or hell, 21 and a half. Buffy's catatonia feels like the series is spinning its wheels for the sole reason they have nothing better for her to do for an entire episode. It's like the cougar and Kim Bauer, or Teri Bauer's amnesia on 24. Because that show couldn't simply ignore those characters for a few episodes, they put them in scenes that were ridiculous, stupid, and besides the point. That's essentially what Buffy's mental breakdown boils down to.

In recent years genre has gotten VERY good at casting young actors as younger versions of famous characters. Buffy The Vampire Slayer was NOT one of those shows that started that trend. The little girl they got here is at least blond (unlike the one in "Killed By Death") but she is still nothing like Sarah Michelle Gellar in looks, voice, and demeanor.

Let me compliment the show about Ben for a minute. And most people won't because Ben is annoying character. But Charlie Weber's role isn't just thankless. It works. I honestly believe Parker Abrams as played by the skeevy actor Adam Kaufman is the worst Buffyverse character. Why? Because even before he uses and discards Buffy, there is something very unsavory about the character. I could never put my finger on it but I instantly distrusted and disliked him. So I had little sympathy for Buffy falling for that creep's nonsense. Ben is similarly annoying, but only in hindsight. I never liked him, but as the season was going I never hated him either. Him turning to the dark side was genuinely not a given, and he could have gone either way. And for a character you want for a surprise heel-turn, that's what you want.

I'll tell you though, you can pinpoint the moment Ben is going to do the wrong thing. While Dawn is traumatized and terrified the dude is actually complaining about and resenting what Glory has done to his career! Talk about missing the point! The character being that shallow and self-involved during that moment of a child's clear trauma meant his alliance with Glory was inevitable.

The scene at the beginning of Spike explaining Spike and Glory was funny, but I think it was difficult. The series does NOT want us to view Willow as a punchline in the moment (her Taking Charge Like A Boss at the beginning was great) so they had her simply looking confused and gave all the "dumb guy" lines to Giles and Xander. I get why they did that. But it's not credible either.

I think Joel Grey gives one of the finest performances of the season as Doc. It's amazing I never appreciated it before, but he was a great get and one of the best finds of the show. I'm trying to think of another role on the show this small that is this great and coming up blank. He's amazing.

Broadcast television, man. 22 44 minute episodes per season. Can't shorten any of 'em, or even lessen the episode number to tighten up the arc. I think that was ultimately Season 7's downfall. I believe (not unreasonably mind you, and we'll get into this later) that Season 7 had the potential to have been the best season of the show if it had been 12 or 13 episodes instead of 22. At least Season 5 only feels like a single episode too many. But the 22 episode orders for dramas of this era invariably ruined a lot of arcs. But since so few shows even DID arcs at this point, nobody really had any way of knowing that at the time. Oh well. This episode is ultimately the show spinning its wheels and a whole lotta nuthin'. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Gift"


As far as picking the best Buffy episodes goes, I am a purist. I tend to prefer the big emotional season ending episodes to the cinematic gimmick one-off episodes. My belief for years was that "Becoming, Part 2" was the best episode and "The Gift" was second-best. I won't lie. I noticed some flaws this time out (while when I rewatched "Becoming, Part 2" it remained pitch-perfect). But this ending is far more effecting than Becoming's was. I cried every time I watched Becoming's Ending. Except for that last time. I feared I perhaps grew a bit too used to the drama there. More than likely I found the things Angelus did during the rest of the season too unforgivable to waste a second of regret Buffy is forced to kill him after he gets back his soul. The devastation of "The Gift" still lands properly, and I DID cry. So I haven't become a heartless detached bastard after all. Just different things move me than they used to.

The stuff with Ben and Glory, and Xander and Anya in the Magic Shop give me this weird feeling like the episode is ten minutes too long. Yes, it's ultimately more emotionally resonant than Becoming's second part. But I feel like Becoming focused on the right things and ran a tighter narrative ship the whole way through.

Speaking as a person who has literally watched thousands of hours of television, seeing Spike come upon Buffy's body and breaking down in tears, and bawling like baby, is one of the most effectively tragic things I've ever seen. It feels 100% earned instead of manipulative too (sneers at Forrest Gump) and although I was already pretty weepy when it happened, I just about lost it then. It does the trick every time. It's just perfect. It is devastating on every level.

I mentioned there were things about the episode I didn't dig. The teaser feels like Joss Whedon puffing out his chest for a little unearned feminist street cred by the boy victim saying in disbelief upon being saved, "But you're just a girl!" That moment isn't the feminist victory lap Whedon thinks it it. Also the stuff with Anya and Xander in the basement with the proposal dragged a little.

Let's talk about the good and the great.

Without a doubt the greatest recap in Buffyverse history. Literally a clip of every single previous episode from the past five seasons is played for a split second. And the reason the show's DVD releases are so shoddy is because they cut out all the recaps as if the viewer wouldn't want to have them. Fans were so outraged by this one not being present Fox "graciously" added it as an Easter Egg on one of the discs for Season 7. But it simply was not the same. I want a proper Blu-Ray release for the show, recaps intact, and also not using these horrible generic HD Masters Hulu is using. They make the show look like crap.

Anya being super helpful after Giles and Spike berate her for being annoying in expecting everybody else to come up with ideas is one of my favorite moments for that character. Buffy and Willow did their share of damage to Glory, but they wouldn't have if Anya hadn't thought of the Dagon sphere and the Troll Hammer.

Spike's scene with Buffy where she invites him in again is interesting. Not just him telling her he knows she'll never love him. But that he appreciates that she treats him like a man. I don't approve of the Spuffy ship, even when he later got a soul, for a multitude of reasons, but when Angelus reemerged in Season 2, he said the fact that Buffy made him feel like a human being was unforgivable. Regardless of how poorly I think of the Spuffy ship in general, the fact is that evil Spike valuing that fact instead means he's STILL a better match than Angel ever was. Both with and without the soul. And frankly, that's a pretty low bar. But it exists, partially because of that moment.

This is not the only time Spike has joined the Scoobies to save the world, but it's the only time he did it without his soul, and without doublecrossing anybody. Buffy's death means something for that reason.

"Hey, kid! Wanna see a trick?" Where did they find this Joel Grey cat and why is this the first time I'm noticing how awesome he is?

Giles killing Ben is the right move, but I don't like him claiming Buffy couldn't bring herself to take a human life because she's a hero. Not only has she already done it several times in the past (in the episodes "The Pack", "What's My Line?", and "Homecoming") but she killed several Knights of Byzantium just two freaking episodes ago! Make up your mind about that, Joss!

I'm gonna say something controversial. Unless either Season 6 or 7 changes my mind (and I know they won't) I find Season 5 the best season, qualitywise. Season 2 is uneven on its best day, Season 3 is totally overrated, and Season 4 is underwhelming (the less said about the crappy Season 1, the better). Season 5's Glory arc does not actually resonate as much as Angelus', or even the Mayor's. But the truth is the best group of episodes occurred during it. For the previous 4 seasons it was episode after episode of crap I hated in between amazing Joss Whedon gimmick episodes. I still hate "Buffy Vs. Dracula" and "Family" is probably Joss's worst written and directed episode. But I didn't routinely feel the searing sense of rage I did when rewatching the previous seasons. I did feel it sometimes. But there were quite a few episodes I didn't which is unusual. For the other seasons, there were very few episodes that DIDN'T have a ton of things for me to nitpick.

I will nitpick one major thing about this. And I blame the internet for it, but really, Joss Whedon is ultimately responsible. The fact that Buffy was gonna die in this episode was a poorly kept secret. Not just because the entire season pointed to it and built up to it, but because Ain't-It-Cool-News and other spoiler sites got ahold of some inside sources who would spoil literally nearly every script as it was handed in. Apparently, Buffy's grave was originally supposed to read "She died to save the world." Which would have been pure perfection and ended the season (and potentially the series) in a devastating, amazing, emotional place. "She saved the world. A lot," actually seems like a joke during one of the series' saddest moments. And I think it was changed at the last minute because Joss couldn't stand the idea that people already knew that was coming and made the one thing he COULD make a surprise before the airing an actual surprise. But that other thing would have been purely perfect, and Joss got it in his head internet gossips should be proven wrong instead. But he turned the most perfect ending on the show possible imperfect through pure spite. As his career went along Whedon sort of accepted internet spoiler sites as the price of doing business, and the only person who could EVER mess them up was David Lynch himself. But Buffy got a joke on her tombstone instead of the loving goodbye she needed out of spite. And I almost want to deduct half a star for it. I won't. But I want to.

I still think it's the second best episode. But whatever the third best episode is, I no longer think it's MILES ahead of it. 5 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Matt Zimmer
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Bargaining, Part 1"


This was a bit of a surprise. A good one. Considering how much I hated the season I totally forgot that the premiere was solid. Buffy is notorious for terrible season premieres and I mixed it up in my head that because the season sucked, the premiere must have too, But thinking back on it I think I liked it back in the day too. I think UPN sort of went a bit above and beyond qualitywise for the premiere because a lot of people were concerned about the change of networks. And yeah, it's good.

There is so much to go over, and I think I will have things to complain about in the second part. But what's interesting to me now, and was the selling point of doing it then, is that Buffy's death last season never struck the audience as permanent. Maybe if the show had ended there, it would be different, but the UPN negotiations were pretty widely publicized. And with one of the main cast members being a powerful witch it's a no-brainer to bring the character back from the dead. Regardless of how I feel about dark and light magic, and how the show tried to supposedly have Willow's poor behavior excused by the practice's supposedly addictive nature, it is definitely a well-thought out idea to suggest that bringing the main character back from the dead was the wrong move. And every episode in Season 6 and 7 sort of solidified that idea and proved the point. What many viewers took for as a given and a cheap way out of a supposedly phony death, the show took it seriously. I think a LOT of the consequences that sprung from it seem unrelated, stupid, and annoying. But I take note that the show decided to explore consequences to this to begin with. Season 6 sucked. But this premiere showed that it had potential, and it might not have destroyed itself with a different showrunner. Marti Noxon wrote a solid premiere. It's her long-term planning of arcs and character development that damned the season later on.

People decry the ruin of Spike's character, and damn it, as much as I wound up hating Spike, I do sympathize. If you want to get right down to it, he's more interesting in this specific episode than he's ever been. There is really no reason to fight alongside the heroes anymore. He doesn't even have a conscience to speak of. Except it seems he weirdly does, which makes his frustration over refusing to leave Dawn alone fascinating, but if you ask me, makes him even more culpable for the ill-advised attempted rape later in the season than he already was. Him helping Giles is good. His disdain of the Buffybot's sexualization of him is good. I resent the ruin of the character too because at this point they could have done great things based on these first two episodes back. The fact that the show decided instead to literally destroy itself speaks poorly of not just Marti Noxon, but Joss Whedon giving her the free reign to destroy everything he spent five seasons building up.

I love Spike's impression of Giles' life flashing before his eyes: "Cup of tea. Cup of tea. Almost got shagged. Cup of tea."

A criticism of the series is due, and I would have griped about in in "The Gift", but it didn't register for me that last viewing. But it did this time for this episode. Willow should not be able to project her voice into Spike's mind and read his thoughts. According to the episode "Earshot" from Season 3, vampires cannot have their minds read because it's like the mirror, and your thoughts are reflected back on you instead. But let me be brutally honest. I don't blame this episode for ignoring that (or the series Angel later ignoring it either). In reality, that was a STUPID storytelling mistake by Jane Espensen back then, who tends to accidentally weaken the long-term health of the shows she writes for without intending to. Damn, that specific thing, done as a cheap gag, really boxed the writers in, or would have if they didn't just choose to ignore it. But "Earshot" is a flawed episode because of the Angel stuff, and this episode proves it.

I love how freaked out Dawn is when the Buffybot says she's her sister and she loves her and give her a hug. I'm like, "Damn, I can't even PICTURE the level of pain that girl must be feeling." In the past I have expressed disdain for this show putting characters through pain no real person can relate to. But even if this is that, it's the right thing to explore.

Honestly, I find Willow's leadership of the Scoobies entirely lacking. We'll get into that more in the next couple of episodes but the jarring thing is Willow fixing the Buffybot so demons wouldn't know Buffy was dead... While her damn grave is marked and VERY easy to find. And you can blame Joss Whedon's insistence on ending last season on a shot of the grave. Truth is, the idea is super shady to begin with.

As is Willow's idea to resurrect Buffy in the first place. As far as potentially being trapped in a demon dimension, Willow has absolutely no reason to think this. Forget no proof. There is no reason she should be thinking a hell dimension is a potential reality for Buffy. None of the facts of her death supported it. "Mystical energy"? That right there is Willow trying on a excuse to bring back Buffy for entirely selfish reasons and pretend she's doing her at -peace friend a favor.

I feel like the arc of the arc season went totally off the rails early on, and the show kept pushing the limits to how much the audience was willing to tolerate from it. But I'll give the episode this. One you see Willow kill the fawn, it's clear she's the villain of the season. And she would have been in spirit even if Warren hadn't killed Tara, and she hadn't gone "dark" in retribution. That moment says Willow is the villain. Even more than flaying Warren did. And it happened MUCH earlier on too.

It's not just Spike noting the Buffybot got along famously at the parent teacher conference because she's a predictable automaton. I thought that was pretty evident at the meeting itself, and even if Spike had not perfectly articulated it later on to Dawn, I thought as far as allegories go, it was pretty sly. The show stopped doing sly allegories soon after this. But it's a clever moral for this episode anyways.

We'll discuss that further in the next review, but that was a strong as hell opening with a killer (or rather living) closing shot. 4 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Bargaining, Part 2"


That was powerful with a lot of great moments. Buffy asking if this was Hell is a perfect set-up to the end of the next episode. But I need to say, the episode does a few majorly questionable things that I think would have been danger signs for a different show than the one we spent the last five seasons invested in. We didn't see it imploding coming. But this episode had some warning signs and red damn flags.

The first major red flag is a red flag because it's not played as such. But Razor essentially threatens to have his biker gang, gang-rape Willow and her friends. The sinister implication of him smirking that some of his boys are "anatomically incompatible" and are likely to tear them up is a major part of that threat.

He's a thought. No.


That's not acceptable for a piece of primetime entertainment, especially one that used to be aimed at teenagers. You need to have your villain threaten that specific thing to up their scariness to the viewer? You, Marti Noxon, have simply created a crappy villain. I am not saying the threat of rape cannot be used in fiction. I have in fact used it in some of the darker issues of Gilda And Meek And The Un-Iverse involving Vic Puff. What you CANNOT do is have that threat be so casual. Have it be a mere gimmick of how to prove the villain's bonafides. Season 6 of Buffy is wholly immoral, and right from this episode Marti Noxon is treating rape as a gag / gimmick instead of a trauma. And maybe people would have ganged up on this episode more at the time if it weren't for the fact that the threat itself isn't made a huge deal, and the dude is killed before ANY of his gang get anywhere with it.

But no. You don't do that in a proper bit of fiction. You do that if you are Game of Thrones and a terrible series written by terrible people. I think this season, that actually described Buffy The Vampire Slayer. In no small part that a threat of a gang-rape is brushed off and ignored by the writers immediately after it happens.

Spike taking care of Dawn even though he is evil is SO freaking fascinating and another reason I am furious Noxon ruined the character.

I mentioned I was gonna add some complaints from the last episode to this one. Here is one, and why I believe both Joss Whedon and Marti Noxon should get their privileges revoked from the League of Dramatic Writers: The first season episode "Nightmares" established that Buffy has a deep-seated fear of being buried alive. It never occurred to either Noxon OR Whedon to call that back and make the scenario that Buffy dug her way out of her own grave a thousand times worse? The show is repeatedly chasing after bad unearned drama this year. They had a perfect excuse to up the stakes exponentially with Buffy's suffering there and didn't remember to do it.

Do you know the messed up thing? This is not a Hindsight / Eyes Wide Open gripe. I was disappointed it was never brought up back when this aired. It's an actual failing.

I doubt many of y'all watched the premiere the night it aired, but it was shortly after 9/11, and there was some controversy about the sensitivity of showing Glory's tower being knocked down. I feel like if anything, the last vestige of the Beast's evil falling to the Earth feels even MORE powerful and necessary with that subtext. Uncomfortable? Yes. And the right moment.

My biggest gripe of the episode is how the show treated the destruction of the Buffybot. The other characters didn't care much about it. But damn it, the audience DID. It deserved better, and for the Scoobies to actually show a little damn compassion for the most innocent character currently on the series. I get the show didn't want to have to deal with two Buffys going forward. But if they needed to destroy her, they could at least have done right by her when doing so. A great death can be a powerful thing. A wasted death that nobody cares about? Is not okay.

I am still reasonably happy with the episode as the second part of the premiere, but My Eyes Are Wide Open and I see some incredibly disturbing and troubling things that didn't quite register with me before this rewatch. Most disturbing is asking myself WHY I didn't object to all this before now. How could I possibly have let some of these things slide before I rewatched this tonight? I don't just think less of the show for this. I think less of myself too. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "After Life"


Wow. That ending;. Cuts me like a knife. Sarah Michelle Gellar didn't just play it to the hilt. I think the way James Marsters played it deserves praise. He is seriously disturbed and outraged on her behalf. And her admonishment that her friends could never know. Man, I get why they grew closer.

I do have to say the "I always save you," thing is super creepy in hindsight. And I would have thought that even if the attempted rape hadn't occurred.

I love Anya claiming the demon isn't a price but a gift with purchase. I will never get tired of how literal that character is.

Willow nervously asks Tara if her wanting to be thanked for bringing Buffy back makes her a bad person. Yes, Willow it does make you a bad person. The worst in fact. It's weird that you think it might not, especially considering the damage you did to that poor woman.

And Dawn. Dawn. Her telling Willow taking Buffy back now is worse than never bringing her back at all feels righteous when she asks her what gives her the right to play with people's lives.

Spike and Xander's confrontation is amazing to me. Xander is kind of looking down on Spike as the creeper perv he always viewed him as, but Spike feels legit betrayal by him. Because he fought beside him all summer. Him speculating that Willow kept him out of the loop because he'd protect whatever came back if the spell went wrong, was never clearly decided on the show, but it does seem to me the most likely scenario. Him saying there are consequences to magic is him summing up the entire season without having to actually ruin it (yet).

Buffy standing in front of the statue with the angel wings was sort of genius foreshadowing back in the day, but despite being a great visual, in 2023 it now has the subtlety of a sledgehammer, and the allegory lands with a thud. Great for back in the day. A groaner by modern standards.

One of the best moments in the episode is Buffy looking at the picture of Joyce and pretty much losing her all over again. WHILE she's in Hell. If it feels especially cruel in hindsight, at least it's the right episode for it.

I notice Buffy marked the fact that Willow actually deserved the blame for bringing her back. Before it was a group effort. But Buffy has to put on a fake smile and thank Willow for destroying her existence and well-being. Ugh. So freaking complicated.

Spike immediately noticing the injured hands because he crawled out of his own coffin himself is another reason Buffy is currently relating to him better than her friends.

That ending kills me dead every time. Even if the rest of the episode feels a bit disjointed and uneven at points. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Flooded"


Trouble ahead. Not necessarily in this episode. But there are warning signs.

In hindsight, I think the Trio is the worst of the various Buffy villains. Big Bad, Little Bad, the Trio is the worst and doesn't work at all. Why? It's because they have perhaps the absolute worst motivation for a fictional villain you can imagine: They're bored. Robbing people and causing chaos is how they cure their boredom. Jonathan, Warren, and Andrew are a triple threat of sociopathy and narcissism. And no, I won't just say this toxicity is just down to Warren. That's the easy answer the show tried to get me to swallow. But Jonathan putting up making Buffy their sex slave On The Board says these guys are already the worst.

I resent the ending of Warren saying "Don't be such geeks." It implies there is a harmlessness to the Trio. That would be okay if they were harmless. But ultimately the only Big Bad to do the Scoobies bigger damage than Warren was Angelus. So I don't appreciate them ending their first episode on a laughline.

On the other hand, I love that that the sex slave thing is being treated a joke at this stage of the game. Because for many nerdy viewers who identify with Jonathan, Warren, and Andrew's geekage, sex slaves are a fun trope and secret fantasy. Only later in the season the reality is brought home by Katerina crying "Rape!" and suddenly these lovable doofs are monsters. And while I didn't appreciate their ending in the episode being a harmless gag, I do appreciate that the love slave thing is not made aware to the viewer how harmful it is ahead of time.

I felt Giles' fury at Willow was righteous. And here is why Willow sucks: Even if she didn't agree, she's actually surprised this is his reaction. If Willow were the hot magic babe thinks she is instead of the rank arrogant amateur Giles rightly called her out for being, she'd know Giles would be super pissed and sort of approach him delicately with her tail tucked between her legs. Instead she's outraged he doesn't admire her for it, which is just about the most vulgar (and insane) reaction I could picture. How about letting Giles be mad, Willow? Because he's mad for the right reasons! Let him vent. Take it. And work through it. Instead she's threatens him? How dare she? Who does she think she is?

I can't tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing Spike offering to "thin the herd" gets a smile out of Buffy. As far as Buffy's emotional health and the Spuffy ship in general goes, it probably counts as a bad thing. Considering how Buffy has to constantly keep smiling smiles she doesn't feel in front of them all? It sounds like a half reasonable (or at least funny) idea.

Todd Stashwick on my TV way back in 2001? That dude has been on TV forever, and is MUCH older than he currently looks. Also it's nice he's graduated to some leading man roles in the meantime, because he has a rugged handsomeness to him, and back then he always got cast as monsters and alien goons in heavy make-up. Like here. Simply because he's huge. But the dude can stretch a little, even if he's best at playing buttholes.

I love that Anya is mad that Xander doesn't back her up on the Spider-Man thing. First of all, Xander happens to be right about Spider-Man. But for Anya, it's part of Xander's larger agenda to kiss her and fool her with comforting words, trying to make her forget why she's pissed. When she storms off saying, "When are you going to grow up, Xander?" I pretty much punched the air.

Say what you will about UPN and The WB, they lined things up easily enough for the shows to still coordinate endings like that, even if crossovers were off the table until Buffy's series finale. It's even more impressive realizing that the shows no longer aired new episodes one right after the other and having the timing of the airings of each episode of Buffy and Angel running off to meet each other must have been tough.

This is not going to be a fun season. And I don't think I am going to be a particularly fun reviewer either. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Life Serial"


The last act is aces, but I have problems with the rest of the episode. We'll get to that awesome last act by the end of the review, but I don't feel like the writing was as strong as it needed to be.

Especially during the test at the construction site. Okay, I can buy Buffy's sexist coworkers denying she saved their lives after the fact. But the idea that she knocked the foreman unconscious when saving his life from the demon so he doesn't actually see her heroics is bargain basement writing. And I have to say I'm angered Xander doesn't stick up for Buffy. Maybe not as far as the firing goes. But they were making a ton of rude and sexist remarks. They said the time of the month thing in front of Xander and he sheepishly pretended like he didn't hear it. Some friend. I understand he doesn't want to lose his job, but it's my understanding that he's good at it and has a LOT of credibility at the site. I would think if he told the guys to be respectful they would have listened to him. But that would involve putting his reputation on the line for the friend who's saved his life hundreds of times and the world itself a half dozen times too. It's a bad look.

Also, the "r-word". No. This is why Buffy The Vampire Slayer is unacceptable. It's a really hard show to defend while it has that word in so many episodes.

Again, I think the Trio suck. Their motivations sucks, they're an annoyance instead of a threat, and all three have repulsive personalities. I won't lie. The bit about the mummy hand ceasing to be, and an ex-mummy hand was pretty good. But their James Bond arguments were working my last nerve, and while they are bringing up the time loops of Star Trek: The Next Generation and The X-Files it never actually ONCE occurs to them to mention "Groundhog Day"? Are these guys actual nerds or not? That is shoddy. Did the writers skip the room's elephant because they thought Groundhog Day was too mainstream a reference? If so, it's another reason I believe the show often completely misread nerd culture in Season 6. NO nerd would overlook Groundhog Day. Mainstream or not. That's not how nerds work.

The scene of Buffy in the college class was pure cringe. I've never actually been in a college class, but if that scene is truly credible I'll eat my hat.

So we get to the great last act. The kitten poker scene just exploded my imagination and I wound up writing an entire comic book story in homage to it (and it's one of my better Stella Stickyfingers stories). The reveal is hilarious as is Buffy's reaction. I love her drunkenly freeing the kittens and accusing Spike of being a neutered vampire who cheats at kitten poker. To which Spike replies, "Oh, you noticed the cheating, did you?" Despite the fact at how poorly the season handled their relationship, I find the fact that Buffy seems to like him now, despite him being evil, is kind of interesting. I think for a LOT of Buffy's thought processes regarding her feelings for Spike, I don't wanna know. But before it became the huge mess it did when things were consummated, I recall having questions and taking interest in how that kind of friendship could actually work.

Clem is hardly as lovable here as he wound up becoming. He's kind of a jerk to start out with.

I was gonna give this 2 star episode 3 and a half stars for kitten poker alone. But going over everything else before it in my mind like I just did makes me feel that is WAY overly generous. 3 stars is respectable for an episode with this many problems, but it's the best I can do. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "All The Way"


I was actually kind of hoping I would like that (there were individual elements that impressed me back in the day) but in hindsight, it's freaking terrible. I'm wondering if this is a season 6 thing or not, but this felt like an episode that could do little right.

The creepy old man was over the top and it was a nice surprise the teen vamp killed him at the end of the first act break. And I love that Spike watches the Great Pumpkin like a person. And him being personally offended at the vampires not taking the Halloween off was a good moment too.

What's wrong? Everything else.

The episode somehow manages to have all of the characters frame marriage in the scariest terms possible to show Xander that it's a bad thing. Willow's magic addiction plot feels even more hamfisted in hindsight and her fight with Tara was poorly acted by both Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson. Buffy expecting Giles to "take care of things" for her feels especially egregious because the writers deliberately had her put that in the most clueless and insensitive manner possible, which is pretty much what the entire episode is.

Unpleasant thoughts: The Dawn teenage make-out stuff is pure cringe just based on the dialogue alone. Either the show has gotten VERY shoddy at teenage flirtations, or we let a LOT of crap slide in the first two seasons we shouldn't have. Pretty sure it's the second thing. But this feels like the show being a parody of itself at the point. Worse, knowing that Michelle Trachtenberg felt unsafe with Joss Whedon on-set, and was not allowed to be alone with him because he couldn't be trusted makes the kissing she has to do feel especially creepy, and as if she's being a bit objectified. At her age? Yuck. And that's not something I should ever be thinking, but that's how off the rails the show has become about stuff like that. And it only gets worse during the rest of the season.

That was bad. And the scary thing is that I did not remember it being particularly so. I HATED the rest of the season back in the day. I dread thinking about how it's going to come across to me if this episode that I formerly found so inoffensive made me cringe so much. Ugh. 1 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Once More, With Feeling"


Where do we go from here?

I have an unhappy opinion about musical episodes. Almost all of them, with a couple of exceptions (like this very episode) are horrible. They are damaging. They are poorly written. They are stupid. They are cheap. They are tedious. They are cringe. Almost all of them. They never fit the shows that use them, and any excuse the show uses to explain the singing in the story is always completely lame and stupid. And I won't lie, "Once More, With Feeling" is imperfect. Willow and Tara's crappy song feeds into how terrible almost all other musical episodes are. And the less said about Dawn's creepy child bride stuff, the better. Michelle Trachtenberg claims Joss Whedon was not allowed only in the room with her when she was 15 years old. Gee, I wonder why.

I have and will say my share of bad things about Whedon. But he did the musical episode right for one of the few times in the trope's history. I also liked the musical episodes for Xena: Warrior Princess and Batman: The Brave And The Bold. But literally every other musical episode I've ever seen is, no exaggeration, horrible.

What sets Once More With Feeling apart from other crappy musical episodes? The first thing seems obvious, but for me it's not actually a deal-breaker. But still the fact that MOST of the songs are amazing is a victory. I noted "I'm Under Your Spell" sucks and both "I've Got A Theory" and "I'm Standing In The Way" are weak too. But "Going Through The Motions" is a fun opening, "I'll Never Tell" has some funny byplay between Xander and Anya, "Let Me Rest In Piece" works as a great and angry Rock Ballad for Spike, "Walk Through The Fire" is a great crescendo, and both "Life's A Show" and "Where Do We Go From Here?" are pretty much perfect showstoppers. This is unusual for musical episodes (to put it mildly).

Why else does it work? The reason for the singing is ludicrous as usual, but Buffy The Vampire Slayer is a drama that already has a LOT of silly broad comedy in it. It fits the Universe better than any other drama attempting it. Even most comedies (like Scrubs) weren't able to pull it off because it felt stupid. This is probably also the precise reason I liked the Batman and Xena musicals too.

What else? People LOVED Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' musical episode but I hated it. Everyone was TOO good of a singer. They were belting out showstoppers. In an episode where people are showing vulnerabilities by singing secrets they don't want to share, it HELPS that most of the cast here besides Anthony Stewart Head and James Marsters are unprofessional singers at best, and shoddy at worst. Buffy's songs would not mean as much to me as they do if Sarah Michelle Gellar belted them out like a diva. It's the heart and vulnerability in her voice telling them they pulled her out of Heaven that tears my guts out. If she were a great singer, it wouldn't mean as much to me. The lack of polish is the selling point. Deidrich Bader didn't even sing his own songs in "Mayhem Of The Music Meister!" so it's not like Batman: The Brave And The Bold's musical ep was perfect to begin with either.

So those are the reasons this works for one of the few times ever. I might as well talk about the arc stuff next.

I find the romantic kiss between Spike and Buffy at the end beyond problematic. It hints their relationship is a Hollywood Ending when it's nothing but toxic and dysfunctional later on instead, and leads to an attempted rape. Talk about misrepresenting the scenario. I feel incredibly angry in hindsight that it was botched as badly as it was. Yes, that was almost certainly Marti Noxon's fault. But Whedon let it happen. It's his show, and he signed off on Noxon destroying it. He is not blameless even if he didn't have much to do with the rest of this season besides this episode.

And yeah, the Dawn stuff is creepy. Technically, Labyrinth had a similar amount of cringe going for it in the young woman discovering sensuality for the first time. But Jim Henson was Jim Henson, and you KNOW Henson is protective of kids, and wasn't actually exploiting Jennifer Connelly in her dancing scenes with David Bowie. But Whedon wasn't JUST knocked out by the MeToo movement by Charisma Carpenter. Trachtenberg says he perved on her too when she was just a kid. And seeing the way he's dressed her here and the things he's had her do on the show, it's super gross. You forgive Labyrinth because you know the set was still safe for Jennifer Connelly. You don't Buffy The Vampire Slayer because you know it was hell for Michelle Trachtenberg.

In hindsight, I think Hinton Battle as Sweet is one of the best One-And-Done Buffy Villains ever. Not just because he survives. But because he's fair. Knowing it was Xander who cast the spell lets him say although he's tempted, he'll let the clause slide just this once. Dawn is a fool for hoping he's a good demon. But I will argue he's not an entirely bad one.

I think other shows saw "Once More With Feeling" and took the wrong lesson from it. The lesson they took was "This is a fun trope everybody should try!" Without understanding the REAL lesson is "Very few fictional shows have elastic enough premises to make this believable and work." Even "Once Upon A Time", a show based on Disney Fairytales made a terrible musical episode. A show that can sustain the premise is rare enough. But having good songs, a strong script, and even the right mix of different quality singers is near impossible to find. When it comes to musical episodes most franchises need to understand they aren't built for it. What's weird is I don't think most people actually even LIKE musical episodes. I could be wrong, but I think most people simply tolerate them. More credit than I'LL give them, tolerance is, but it's also not a trope that is remotely fan-demanded. I think fans put up with them instead of liking them. I suggest we all stop doing that. Enough is enough. Very few franchise could ever make "Once More, With Feeling". And the truth is Buffy's famous musical episode IS actually imperfect and slightly overrated. If Buffy The Vampire Slayer is making these kind of visible stumbles in the greatest musical episode that ever existed, what chance do House and Riverdale stand? Come on now. Be real. 4 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Tabula Rasa"


In reality, it's one of the stronger episodes of a poor season. In hindsight I'm not going to love it.

The jokes between Rupert and Randy worked. As did the magically appearing bunnies. And the loan shark is an amazing villain. He said something very funny when Spike claimed he needed more time to get him his kittens, that was also very deep: "Time turns kittens into cats."

The problem in the episode is how irredeemably detestable Willow is. And I can't think of any good reason for it, which is the biggest failing of the season. Willow is a good person. Willow loves Tara. So showing her deliberately hurting her as some sort of cautionary addiction tale is both ridiculous and maddening. Literally. I'm mad about it. It shouldn't be happening.

"Goodbye To You" is one of the best songs the show has used for a closing montage. And again the tenderness in the last shot totally misrepresents how Marti Noxon plans to fail Buffy and Spike.

While I will concede it's noticeable and fascinating that without his memory Spike has no idea he is evil. It's also not remotely credible. That's not how vampires work.

The King Ralph bit is funny, but nobody young seeing the episode fresh would get it. Also, King Ralph wasn't actually funny, so maybe the joke NEVER was.

Tara noting how it's a violation after what Glory did to her is why Willow is unforgivable. And Tara wasn't exactly asking for the moon there. The fact that Willow can say in a straight face she loves this woman, and ask in a shy baby voice if she's gonna leave her, and doesn't even put in the bare minimum effort there means Willow is a bad person, whether she's gone on a killing spree yet or not.

They were really infantilizing amnesiac Dawn which struck me as totally unnecessary, and something that should only happen on a worse-written show.

The Randy bits were funny. "Randy Giles? No wonder I hate you," as was Spike realizing he's English too. Bonus points for Spike not actually misusing any of the slang. Whedon is usually incredibly sloppy there but listing it out of context works all right. It doesn't always.

The spikes. The spikes were hilarious.

I'd feel better about the nasty Giles and Anya kiss if it actually changed things between them going forward. Since it didn't, it's just awkward, gross, and weird for no reason.

This is NOT actually a great episode. What makes me most unhappy about realizing this is knowing it's pretty much all downhill from here. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Smashed"


That was ghastly. A shark jump and an irreversible one. The series never recovered. That was appalling. God, I feel SO bad for Sarah Michelle Gellar. She deserved SO much better.

In the commentary writer Drew Z Greenberg, a guy who I will now always hate, complimented Joss Whedon for giving the note that after Greenberg envisioned Willow making the two louts kiss, that Whedon rightly told him 1. He shouldn't be sending the message that you can turn your orientation on and off like a switch, and 2. He shouldn't be treating it like a punishment. Greenberg was really impressed by that, and at the time I kind of was too. In hindsight, it seems a self-evident message. Whedon is not amazing for knowing it. He just contained a lick of common sense that Greenberg did NOT. And Greenberg deserves MUCH scorn for that fact and any praise Whedon gets should be measured. It's actually super obvious.

Another reason to hate the episode: Andrew claims he's seen every episode of Doctor Who. Written by someone who knows nothing about the franchise and how many lost episodes there are that could NEVER have been viewed by a person of Andrew's age and country of origin. The Red Dwarf reference was more impressive. I'll give them that. That is a Brit sci-fi staple and this episode is really the only time in pop culture I'd seen that show referenced. But the Doctor Who quip is pure garbage.

Beside Amy getting that lesbian to mack on Willow WAS sending the message that feelings can be turned on and off like a switch. The bad message there was sent, whether there was homophobia attached to it or not.

I never forgave the show for this. 0 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Wrecked"


It is my theory (that has yet to be proven wrong) that every great series, no matter HOW great it is, is two bad episodes in a row from being a terrible series. The wrong 2 episodes in a row can not just destroy a series, but make any possible future improvements impossible. The two wrong episodes, if they follow one another, make a show's decline irreversible. No matter what.

Weclome to Episode 2 for Buffy The Vampire Slayer. The show never recovered.

This episode is so loathsome and painful to watch I am going to basically discuss my disgust in brief rather than detail. Focusing on how gross this is will just make me angry and not add any additional insights besides "That sucked."

Let's see: The beginning of the season was fooling people in believing Buffy and Spike had some sort of deep connection and friendship. Both "Once More With Feeling" and "Tabula Rasa" hinted an epic love story was in the making. Here Buffy and Spike treat each other like dirt and the entire thing is a master class in degradation. Marti Noxon claims a lot of the season's rough sex came from her experiences as a younger woman. Let me just say, it's not fair to shove her hang-ups into the audience's faces. Nobody who watched this show ever signed up for this crap. Noxon needs to freaking leave her therapy to the professionals, instead of injecting her gross habits into a previously good show because she's mentally unstable. After Whedon was outed as a creep, Noxon declared solidarity with the female cast members who spoke their truth. You ask me, she was every bit a part of that set's toxicity as he was. Whedon NEVER put Gellar in the kinds of humiliating and degrading scenes Noxon did. And Whedon was pretty famous for degrading his female leads. But is a whole other level.

Also "Strawberries". Noxon needed professional help that we as an audience cannot give her. And I don't WANT to help a person that gross and broken anyways.

One last interesting tidbit to note before I give one of the very worst episodes of the entire series its deserved zero star grade: It is only the second episode in Buffy history (besides the Pilot) where we see garlic. It's actually a repellent for vampires after all. It's just clearly nonlethal which is why we almost never see it.

The show is utterly ruined and I am disgusted. 0 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Gone"


Do you know what pisses me off? The social worker was right that Dawn had a crappy home life and deserved to be taken away. And invisible Buffy messes with her to make her think she's going crazy and potentially lose her job. That isn't remotely fair.

The stuff with Spike remains totally gross.

The invisible fight was probably a neat conceit back in the day, but now it just bores me, and I don't see the humor in it.

Warren is an irredeemable jerk, but he's right that the only reason Lex Luthor doesn't kill Superman is because it's Superman's book. It's not like he doesn't try.

The series is currently working my last nerve. This rewatch has become a slog. 1 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Doublemeat Palace"


I remembered hating this episode, and I looked at the writing credits, and of course, it's Jane Espensen. She is universally beloved by fandom, and makes every show she writes for MUCH worse than if she weren't involved. I don't understand why both of those things are true. But they are. Because she's bright, and sunny, and real, and funny in real life interviews! The fact that she screws up every show she writes for doesn't even matter to her fans. It's the access into the process that is Espensen's selling point. If you go by episodes like "Doublemeat Palace" it certainly isn't the work.

Most sites I post the reviews on frown on discussing politics but I probably need to sort of talk a LITTLE about the topic for the main reason the episode hits me wrong. And again this has to do with both Espensen and Joss Whedon personally. But Espensen probably considers herself progressive, and an ally to the labor movement. But really if you unpack the messages of the episode, this isn't giving sympathy to people with hard jobs. It's shaming them for them. The prison door clink as the timecard is punched is meant to evoke a sense of helplessness.

Excuse me? Who decided fast food work is a crap job? What gives Espensen, "ally extraordinaire", the right to look down on people making an honest living, rather than shoveling crap out into the world and being unjustly praised for it? The idea that Buffy now humiliatingly smells bad is treating the character like she's turning tricks down by the dock, instead of doing an honest job many people who watch the show probably have. What an insult to them that is. And it pisses me off about people from my side of the aisle, and it's one of the reason so many low-income hard-working people believe the politicians I advocate on behalf of don't believe in THEM deep down. There are larger societal issues than that (including racism, of course) but that crap from my side doesn't help. At all. Nobody on the left should be snickering at and looking down on people in the service industry. Randy is portrayed as insane for taking his job seriously and caring about it. And that is everything that is wrong with people like Jane Espensen and the writers of this show. It's sickening, it pisses me off, and it's so totally on-brand for the kind of toxicity the show routinely trafficks in. Whedon supposedly created the show because he never had a good day in high school. Instead much of the humor and messaging of the show venerates the cruel and the bullies. And Whedon himself being taken down by that isn't a shock. What is was people like Noxon and Espensen claiming solidarity years later with the women he harassed and bullied. Because they were a part of the problem. And they always were.

The stuff with Amy is maddening, but her wanting the cage is an interesting facet. But the show never allows us nice and interesting characters, and leaves her part off in the season and her one-off next year on a bad note for no good reason that I can tell.

Halfrek is interesting because while I get the sense that she's partly messing with Anya, and no guy would be good enough for her friend no matter what, the truth is every single criticism she leveled at Xander was not just true. But damning for being true. The episode itself had to have Xander playfully brush Anya being mad at him by the end off. Because he literally has no good defense for the true things Halfrek says. Using the words "corrections" puts Xander's Nice Guy toxicity in the proper context. What kills me about this insightfulness is that I don't think Espensen planned for it to be as right as it was. She wanted it to come across as Halfrek being a manipulative b-word and it never occurred to her the words were actually true. And it's the fact that the most truthful scene in an episode filled with cruelty and debasement was an accident which is another reason I think Espensen is ALWAYS unfairly praised.

Awful. Just awful. 1/2 star.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Dead Things"

Wow. Okay. Yikes.

The broad fan consensus back in the day is this went too far. It is TOO dark and outside of what the show should be, and actually was for the first five seasons.

I don't buy that. Don't get me wrong. I agree with that in principle. But I don't think that's WHY people were upset. I dislike the episode too. But its quality is actually quite good, although it is far from perfect. I think the episode hit people wrong because Buffy was one of those early franchises back in the day really responsive to online fandom, and this episode took a harsh mirror up to it, and they didn't like the conclusions they saw about themselves. After MeToo, Katerina's accusations of rape now hit the viewer exactly right. But back when this aired, plenty of sci-fi and genre "heroes" took advantage of love potions, mind control, body swapping and the like. Basically this episode is saying anyone who has sex with a slave is a rapist. And that makes Captain Kirk a rapist. This is an opinion I've always held. But the episode rankled fans, male ones specifically, for pointing out why that is. What's especially clever is the first half of the horrid scenario is played for laughs, and a bit like wish fulfillment. Jonathan is all "Gee whiz, I feel like a kid in a candy store!" And when she says the word, and he's horrified by it, it probably hit him worse than either Warren or Andrew, because going by the events of "Superstar", penned by Danny Strong's good pal Jane Espensen, Jonathan is already a rapist, and was before either of those two ever thought of the idea. And yeah, people were pissed that they took a lovable character like Jonathan, and accused him of that. The reality is it's been a part of him since "Superstar", and good for Drew Goddard finally understanding that and portraying that. And despite his "nice guy" protestations, even he mutters that it's cool they got away with murder at the end.

In a season with nothing but bad message after bad message, as dark and unpleasant as the episode is, for the most part, it's the right messaging. For maybe the ONLY time in the entire season. Yes, I hate the episode. But I fully dispute that it's actually bad. I hate it for being both true and effective. And if people were more honest to themselves, they'd admit that's why they hate it too. But really, I don't think anyone slamming the quality has a leg to stand on. It hits its mark very well. The male fans suffering from arrested development who grew up during an era when male genre leads routinely mistreated women? It pissed them off for the sole fact that it was right. I won't love the episode for making me hate Jonathon, but it's a good episode for making me understand I always should have, and long before this.

Buffy and Spike's stuff at the Bronze was super gross, although Buffy beating him up at the end was horrifying for the right reasons. Spike says you always hurt the one you love. But every horrible thing she is saying to Spike as she's hitting him is a thing she believes deep down about herself. She isn't hurting someone she loves. She's hurting herself. And she currently HATES herself.

Usually I don't take Dawn's side in their fights, even this season. But Dawn finding Buffy thinking about turning herself into the police as unforgivable is exactly right. Spike may be trying to prevent her from doing that for entirely selfish reasons. But he's still right to do that.

People reviling this episode can never really appreciate something about it that may have slipped them by. I don't know about anyone else, but I never liked Tara. Amber Benson was miscast and I feel like Whedon probably mistreated her because of that fact. What I will say is Tara's understanding at the end of Buffy's suffering, as Buffy is pleading her not to forgive her, makes me like the character for the first time ever. And this is speaking as someone who doesn't agree with her rationalizations. But when Buffy speaks aloud the fear about what her friends would think of her, and how they would look at her in disgust, Tara has value because when they DID find out, they DID give her that look. And Tara was the only one who didn't. And honestly, finally giving a reason for the audience to like Tara makes thoughtlessly killing her off later on even worse in hindsight. Whedon stated the death was supposed to hurt and feel like a loss. Who says the audience deserves to be hurt? For no good reason? We aren't the bad guys. We did nothing wrong. But that's a complaint for later in the season. For now, I really enjoy Tara's role in both this episode and the next as Buffy's secret protector, and person who has her back, and doesn't judge her (and gives Spike the business for good measure). And I wish the producers had cared enough about her to realize that means she didn't deserve to die for shock value and as a poor excuse to turn Willow temporarily evil. And her being amazing in this episode makes me extra angry about that.

I will never like this episode. But I dispute it's bad. It's good and effective, and shines a light on the kinds of skeevy sci-fi heroes fandom used to venerate and give a free pass to. It doesn't surprise me that pisses certain fans off. It IS a direct shot across the bow at not only genre, but fandom in general. A recent favorite expression I recently heard was "A hit dog hollers". That's the only real reason the episode is dragged on if you ask me. It's quality is above average. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Older And Far Away"


I probably like the episode more than I should. It's not very good. And yet my reaction is mostly favorable.

I love Tara as Buffy's wingman and shooer-awayer of Spike. Her defending Willow against Anya was really cool too.

And while I do feel Anya was losing control and being uncool, I felt her anger at Dawn was righteous. Besides Xander, the thing Anya values most is money and commerce. And Dawn essentially hurt her in the most personal way possible. I don't even think Dawn understood exactly how cruel that would seem if and when she was found out. What I especially love is it isn't made explicit through dialogue. It's something the viewer must work out based on Anya's reactions and the performances. We aren't being spoonfed how betrayed and hurt Anya is. We simply see it and accept it.

What's most interesting about Anya's rage is the defense Buffy uses to shield Dawn. She wants Dawn to tell her it's a mistake, and she didn't do it. I love that because Buffy as the Mama Bear cannot actually protect Dawn from Anya's fury if she actually did it. And she KNOWS how much Anya value money and property, and is helpless to actually say "Stop treating my sister like garbage." Tara can say that to Anya about Willow when it comes to bullying her into doing magic when she doesn't want to. When it comes to taking Anya's legit rage over Dawn hurting her in what Anya would only perceive as a personal manner, Buffy is helpless against it. And I think that serves Dawn right a bit. As long as Anya isn't being violent (and she isn't) Buffy has no choice but to let Dawn take it.

Kali Rocha plays both Halfrek here and she played William the Bloody's human crush Cecily in "Fool For Love", and she and Spike both recognizing each other means they are the same person. How Cecily became a Vengeance Demon, excuse me, JUSTICE Demon, is one of the biggest unsolved mysteries of the Buffyverse. Along with Anya's bunny fears, I bet the backstory is amazing. And probably more amazing than the writers could think up, which might be the real reason why they didn't.

I love that she calls it being a Justice Demon and suggests most Vengeance Demons aren't as specialized as Anyanka always was. It's fascinating to hear stuff like that, and makes the very silly seeming world sound credible, even if it's technically a joke.

Clem is funny and nice when he isn't eating kittens. Which raises questions to me of why he's friends with Spike to begin with. There are definitely weird and unusual reasons I could think they might dig each other, which makes the friendship interesting. But it IS weird.

The episode is taking pains to prove the group are ignoring Dawn and her pain. There is a moment at the beginning where I think they are ignoring Buffy's clear problems and doing FAR worse by her. Xander claims to Willow that is seemed really important to Buffy Tara was at the party "for some reason". It never occurred to Xander that that was unusual, and that something was up. And if you want to be charitable Xander might assume it's not his business. But not only does Xander routinely insert himself into Buffy's business, even when he shouldn't. But he KNOWS she's been struggling, and a good friend would have delved deeper into WHY Buffy and Tara are such fast friends now. For the record, this passing by both Willow and Anya too makes them not off the hook either. But both of those characters had personal reasons to either not notice or not object to it. Xander himself should have been a little bit concerned about the idea if he was the great friend he thinks himself to be.

I was not impressed with Halfrek's righteous rant about the pain Dawn was in. Because the truth is, when it comes to pain, Dawn spreads it around. She is no innocent victim. Ask Anya herself. Maybe the adults in her life are failing her and treating her like crap. But it's not like she isn't always telling them how much they suck. I find them wanting to vacate the premises under those circumstances understandable, rather than unforgivable. When it comes to mistreatment of their loved ones, Dawn Summers has never once made me feel like she ever had the high ground.

I mentioned this isn't a good episode. It's not. It's more filler than anything else. And Season 6 had more filler episodes in it than any other later season of the show. The season always felt a bit empty and meandering for this reason. But I won't deny that there are parts of the episode I really like, mostly involving Anya and Tara. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "As You Were"


I really like this episode, and looking over what's coming in the rest of the season, I will not be shocked if it's the last episode of the season I really like.

People give the show unending crap over the constant misery they put every single one of the characters through, but really, the fact that they gave Riley Finn a super happy ending is usually ignored by people. Not by me. It's appreciated. And I'll tell you why the episode did this specific thing right. It made choices other franchises would not have made. Like for instance Riley not judging Buffy negatively for Spike and claiming it didn't matter to him. Him affirming to her how amazing she was. Him finding proper closure with both her and the rest of the Scoobies. But most importantly and most unusual of all, the show decided to make Riley's wife likable. Not just to the other characters. But to me too and I'm betting everyone else. We aren't jealous. She says the precise awesome and insightful things to people who need to hear them and is incredibly empathetic and cool to the group. The show did NOT need to do that. But it put in our heads Riley moving on and being happy is a good thing instead of an obstacle to BUFFY'S happiness. That's an amazingly rare gift for a show to do with a love triangle or quadrangle and it's appreciated.

I do find Buffy's behavior with Spike distasteful. Not just for her being dumb enough to defend him. But for clearly using him even before she admitted it at the end. But in my mind the most unforgivable thing to me, is the fact that she didn't defend Riley when Spike starting rubbing his nose in being discovered. It was deliberately cruel to Riley, and regardless of the fact that Spike is evil (the Doctor thing proves it yet again) she does exert a level of control over him. If she had raged against him and told him Riley was ten times the man he could ever hope to be, that would have not just defanged the taunting, it would have supported Riley in a difficult moment too. Worst of all, the things Spike was saying were degrading Buffy herself. She can't defend Riley's hurt feelings WHILE this jag is telling her she'd never go for him because she's actually a terrible person? Remind me why she isn't arguing against that specific thing? Or at least remind me why she isn't actually a terrible person by not doing that.

The end and the "William" thing felt both final and moving. And of course Noxon ruins what is already a difficult ship for people who used to like both of those characters in "Seeing Red". We'll talk about the attempted rape then, but maybe if this actually HAD been the end of it, I could have lived with it occurring at all. Probably not, those two irreversible episodes in a row already occurred. But maybe. But every time the show ever gave Buffy and Spike a moment of grace with each other, they ruined it for the sake of shock value. And that's why the show jumped the shark. It cared more about upsetting the audience than it did about doing right by the characters. And that became more and more evident as the final two seasons went along and the show was much worse for it.

But this episode was a rare bright spot in the season. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Hell's Bells"


I don't think there is a single Buffy fan who doesn't hate this episode. And the reasons are self-evident. An open question is if the writers understood how hated the episode would be. And if they did, what made them push forward? I think the biggest mark against the episode is that the breaking up of Xander and Anya is unnecessary and never shook up or really changed anything in the show besides making them both temporarily miserable. For Joss Whedon, that's enough. For a person who cares about the characters, and was truthfully moved by their performances at the end? It's NOT enough.

Buffy usually has good casting, and hiring sitcom vets Casey Sander, Lee Garlington, and Steven Gilborn as Xander's family was inspired. But I can't get over what a bad hire old Xander was. Forget the fact that they look nothing alike. They ACT nothing alike. Buffy has a REALLY unfortunate tendency to not just cast badly when hiring a different actor to play a regular character at a different age, but SPECTACULARLY badly. Every single miscast is not just unfortunate. It always winds up atrocious.

Spike and Buffy's stuff was eye-opening to me in that it's the show indulging in its trite cliches, and showing not only that they don't work with those two characters. But the fact that they don't work really makes you notice how badly written and stupid the cliches are to begin with, even with you characters you previously thought they worked with. After seeing this, you will roll your eyes at every bit of Buffy and Angel angst upon a rewatch. And you'll be right to. It's super dumb.

I love the bit where the little girl says she's bored and Xander's aunt says that it's a wedding and they are all bored.

I don't run the show. But if I did, I would certainly not be delivering episodes that NO-ONE would ever like. I wouldn't mind some of the tough drama of the season being debatable (see me liking "Dead Things") but there is not a single Buffy fan who doesn't think this is one of their least favorite episodes of the entire series, and probably the whole damn Buffyverse. That would be something I would avoid were I showrunner. Call me nuts. 0 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Normal Again"


This is another episode most people hate, but unlike "Hell's Bells", I believe there IS some artistic merit present. Not much, and the episode is a hot mess, and the ending is unforgivable. But there are a few individual elements that work in an episode that mostly pisses me and everyone else off.

Learning Buffy spent two weeks in an institution and she worries she never left is some of Sarah Michelle Gellar's finest acting on the series. I would argue it was an even bigger lift than "The Body". Buffy spent much of that episode in a daze and wasn't permitted to emote as much as she was probably feeling, especially since the episode didn't focus exclusively on her. Gellar is purely haunted here. "Goodbye." Gut-wrenching.

What's great about the hospital scenario is the doctor pointing out that Buffy inserted Dawn retroactively into her "delusion", and it started crumbling apart because of the "inconsistencies". Common fan complaint there, and it's handy the series addresses it in such an up-front way.

Similarly, Buffy and Spike's pain with each other felt real instead of obnoxious. I especially like Spike deciding to stop taking crap from Xander. Xander is of course lashing out because HE'S hurting, but despite Spike being evil. he doesn't have the right to do it. Spike was mostly civil to Xander for Buffy's sake. Why NOT rub it in while Xander is acting like he's better than him?

Another thing to note about Hank Summers being present in the delusion. Hank isn't absent during the rest of the series because Dean Butler was an in-demand actor who was impossible to contract. He was absent because he was a terrible father. Whenever the show needs a fantasy Hank for contrast over what a bad father he is, Butler always shows up. Hank is just a turd deep down.

The reason most people hate the episode is the ending. I got into an argument with Bruce Timm on a message board about it because he liked it, but Bruce Timm is a Twin Peaks fan and sort of enjoys being punished as an audience member. In reality, it's probably the worst storytelling mistake of the entire season, a season with almost nothing BUT storytelling mistakes.

I understand Buffy likes bringing the pain this year. But ending the episode on an out of body experience Buffy is not even present for is a violation of the audience's trust. I think that's what actually appealed to Bruce Timm, and it's to his credit he never screwed us over the same way on Justice League Unlimited despite admiring the idea. But regardless of the artiness of the horror movie ambiguity there, it's an unfair worry to saddle the audience with from a long-running series. The episode did it as a subversive middle finger to us all. I don't believe I or anyone who watched the show deserved that middle finger. It's weird Joss Whedon and Marti Noxon think torturing the audience, not for dramatic stakes, but for giggles, is all right. The truth is it's not. We don't deserve that. We deserve better. And that's where a lot of the fan hatred boiled down to, I think. But I think the season spent so much time punishing the viewer that many of us had difficulty separating the earned moments of pain, with the torment that exists because the writers are lazy and bad at their jobs. That ending is the latter, and probably the worst example of it the entire season. I don't believe that fiction needs to be hyper realistic to have value. I would not be a Buffy fan, with all its crappy visual effects if I did. But fiction needs to be realistic within it's own world and consistent with the rest of the story. I don't mind Buffy fighting rubbery and bad CGI monsters. I do mind the producers suggesting a possible St. Elsewhere ending could potentially happen. Both of those things are unrealistic, but the rubbery monsters fit in with the tone of the rest of the show. Screwing around about Buffy's sanity is out of bounds, especially since it only happens the once. We aren't the bad guys. We don't deserve that. We never did.

Ultimately, it's a bad episode that has a few redeeming qualities I can now recognize. Enough to make me think the episode isn't bad? Nope. THAT is a MUCH harder reality to accept. 1 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Entropy"


Both Anya and Spike are shown to be misbehaving all throughout the episode, but truly, it's the things Xander says and does at the end that are unforgivable. It's why the character has always been toxic, and why despite the show always trying to tell us he's changed, he never really does.

The biggest lie told in the episode was Spike saying he doesn't hurt Buffy. The ending here doesn't just make him a liar. So does the entire next episode.

Do you know what bothers me most? I feel like Spike and Anya's liaison was portrayed as healthy, at least as far as Spike goes, and it's like Anya gets nothing but crap for it. For the record, she's right she owes Xander nothing in this regard. Him acting like she does is why the character has always sucked.

Willow and Tara's stuff at the end was so filled with maudlin cliches, it made me cringe. And this is a problem for a LOT of the shipping in the series. Just because the show invented many of these cliches itself doesn't make them good.

Buffy saying at the beginning her friends would love her no matter what is true, but considering what happened the last episode, probably the least healthy mindset she could have about it. I'm also a little creeped out and wary over how insightful and cool Dawn is being towards her. That must mean things are bad.

Halfrek and Spike having no reaction to each other now feels like an oversight.

I don't think it's a bad episode in and of itself, but it didn't occur in a vacuum. It was the show piling misery upon misery to the characters for no good reason. And that takes a toll on a viewer. I know I didn't enjoy that. And I dislike the episode because I didn't. 1 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Seeing Red"


Back in the day, this was television that passed for shocking. In hindsight? It's just appalling.

We'll talk about the rape scene soon enough, but what I can't get over is the misogyny the writers have Warren spew. He is worse in this episode than he's ever been, and for the Trio, even after "Dead Things", this feels very much like a bait and switch, and an unearned one at that. I understand the need the writers have to make the audience hate Warren. It would help us forgive Willow later on. Here is my question: Who says that Willow deserves to be forgiven? In hindsight, just based on Tara in this episode, Willow deserves no amount of forgiveness. Because she did it in the name of a person who would be utterly appalled by her actions. Every thing Willow did in the next three episodes was an utter perversion of the love Tara felt for her, and the forgiveness she gave her after Willow personally hurt her. And making Warren this openly evil is cheap writing. And I don't care. I choose not to let Willow off the hook.

Speaking of which, Xander is back on my poop list. I'm glad he and Buffy hugged at the end and told each other they loved each other. But Xander's behavior towards Buffy is appalling and gross. And when Buffy tells him her personal life is not his business he tells her it used to be. No, it didn't. How does the show not have her correct that delusion? She tells him how hard it's been since she's been back and he foolishly says she could have told him, and she is right that he didn't want to know. NONE of the friends did, with the exception of Tara. Everyone else was willing to let Buffy sort her pain out for herself, because to talk about it would be admitting their selfish culpability in how they mistreated her and screwed her over. Buffy is a better than me because she doesn't say this to Xander. Buffy is a worse person than me because I never in a million years would have apologized at the end for keeping the secret. And Xander admits he would have been an ass, but that's not good enough for me. I am angry the writers had Buffy offer the apology to begin with. Xander was never owed it, and television ALWAYS pulls crap like that. It especially hurts when somebody as cruel and toxic Xander Harris gets an "apology trophy" not because they deserve it, but because TV writers are dumb enough to believe it settles the issue. Xander's psychological problems are deep. And again, while I'm glad he and Buffy can say they love each other, I'm mad the writers had Buffy apologize at ALL to keep the peace. That's not her job, and Xander was the one mistreating HER. It is utterly messed up that the show turned Warren in a misogynist and Spike into an attempted rapist to make Xander's toxicity seem like the persona of a nice, understanding guy. Xander is the bad guy here. Just because Spike and Warren or worse doesn't let him off the hook for contrast.

After Charisma Carpenter came forward to talk about how Joss Whedon mistreated her on the sets of Buffy and Angel, Amber Benson confirmed the set was toxic. I feel angry at the show killing Tara off. Not because I like the character, or I believe Willow deserved her, but the idea that the show put Amber Benson's name in the cast titles for the episode she dies feels like this giant middle finger before writing her off the show. And Joss Whedon has said he ALWAYS wanted to kill of a character in the main titles. Amber Benson is not his plaything to screw around with, and fulfill that "naughty" desire. She's a real person who was essentially fired from the show because Whedon and Noxon wanted an easy and unearned way to make Willow the final villain of the season. That's not okay. And it's doing really dirty by her actress after firing her.

The attempted rape. Ugh. Here is my problem. Over and over again, producers of the show are asked why their characters often do evil things, often to each other. The writer asked the question then invariably smirks and says "Joss LOVES redemption stories." I don't give a crap about what Joss loves. He's already messed up in the head, but maybe the question we should be asking about things like this is "Why should Spike be redeemed from this?" Why is the takeaway from that horrible scene about how bad Spike feels about it after the fact? The show is SO messed up HE'S the one having PTSD flashbacks about it! I was shocked by that! Not only does the show care more about the guilt of the attempted rapist after the fact, but it doesn't even care about Buffy's perspective at all! What is wrong with this show?

Couple of final notes. Clem is an interesting character. I can't deny that. He's interesting because I don't think he's remotely evil. I think he's nice. And he's still friends with Spike anyways. And here is the kicker: When Spike gets his soul the next season, they are still friends. They apparently aren't friends because they have evil in common, and they aren't friends because they have good in common. They are friends for some other reason we simply don't know about.

The last note is between the end of this season and the next, Whedon made a big to-do about how Spike's quest actually WAS about him getting his soul back, and he wasn't tricked and trying to get the chip out. I'm calling malarkey. Not that I don't believe that after the fact, but the things Spike says here mostly focused on the chip, and how it ruined everything, are entirely inconsistent with Spike searching for and then fighting for a soul. TV of this era, and the Buffyverse in general, used to mislead viewers this way all the time, and you know what? It's not okay. It's lazy. It's stupid. And it's unearned. Which describes this entire trainwreck of a season.

I knew going in I was gonna rag on the episode. What's scary is it's actually even worse than I remembered. 0 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Villains"


It's an interesting episode ("Bored now" is probably the season's killer line) but I maintain Willow is not forgivable. If it was just Warren, maybe. But it wasn't.

And again I must look down on the show for making Warren crueler, more obnoxious, and stupider than he's ever been. He thinks he's getting out of this? It never occurs to him to legit deescalate? Even after Rack's warning? After the bullet his completely insincere "I know you're in pain," makes the audience WANT Willow to kill him. It's too late.

I will say this. I like that the show raised the controversy with Buffy, Dawn, and Xander themselves. I fully agree with Buffy, by the way. But I like that the writers had Dawn feel differently, and Buffy kind of had to tell Xander to knock it off when he's all "Out of the mouths of babes". Also, Xander, Dawn is not a babe. Not in the baby sense and not old enough to be thought of in the other sense either.

I notice that Buffy takes an instant liking to Clem. Her trusting Dawn with him is a pretty big deal in hindsight. And I will never forgive the last episode. But I did find it entirely interesting that even afterwards Buffy suggesting Dawn should go to Spike's. Just because Dawn still trusted him. Xander thinks she's nuts but as messed up as the idea is, I think Buffy is right that Spike wouldn't hurt her. Of course I thought the same thing about him and Buffy before they decided to randomly destroy the character, but there is a cold logic to Buffy's crazy idea. And the fact the logic exists is almost a mark against the show. It really shouldn't.

I love how disrespected Warren was by the demons, Rack, and the vampires all throughout the episode. Buffy and friends didn't talk up The Trio as a legit threat to the demon underworld for the sole reason that they weren't. Honestly, I really liked Rack's reaction to Willow's rage. And honestly it's the fact that she kills HIM in the next episode that I can't forgive.

The scenes of the EMTs with Buffy and Xander rubbing his mouth with blood on his hands were dramatically impactful, because although the show traffics in death and blood all the time, a gunshot wound is just not done, and it's played up as wrong and out of bounds as is. The show does not deal in gunplay, so Warren using one is cheating, especially when the nimrod is gloating how effective they are. I am so annoyed by this character, and I'm annoyed that the only reason the writers made him that way was because they needed to turn Willow evil. The fact that Warren's sociopathic role was gonna go to Andrew's brother Tucker, but the show couldn't contract his actor, means Warren's irredeemable evil is random, instead of earned or built into the character. I'm not remotely impressed by that.

The is the point in the season where although the stakes are more personal, it becomes about as action oriented as the other finales. As such the show is actually watchable again. If I give the next two episodes positive reviews don't be shocked. And also keep in mind that won't ever make me forgive the season, Joss Whedon, or Marti Noxon. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Two To Go"


I expected to like that more than I did.

My problem isn't even Rack's death anymore (although the series decided to try and make us think he also had it coming, which is bogus). My concern is Willow's shocking cruelty to her friends. She's terrorizing Dawn and saying all of these horrible things. She actually calls Buffy the b-word at the end. At this point it's not even the people Willow has killed which makes her unforgivable. It's the things she's said.

I do have to admit when she told Buffy she needed every square inch of her ass kicked, part of me DID think that true. Mostly because I recognized Buffy's "There is so much to live for," speech for as hollow is it was. Willow was right about that.

Xander's guilt about the gun thing is interesting and I don't think he's wrong for feeling that way. You can't blame a guy with no superpowers for freezing, but none of his friends would have in his place, if only because they have superpowers.

I hate Xander. I won't lie. But the good thing about if not him, then his role on the show, is when he's not being a misogynistic creep, he is often given the perspective of the everyman. Him noting the smell after Warren died and being all "Willow did that," is his entire selling point, as was him debating with Buffy over or not whether "he had it coming". And Buffy's reaction is interesting: "Maybe." Now that's it's over, Buffy no longer feels the need to take the iron-clad stance against it she did before it happened.

I adore Anya describing her affair with Spike not as vengeance, but as solace. What kills me is she has to tell Xander this. This isn't his first thought. His first selfish thought was she did it to get back at him. And while he didn't see Spike and Anya's conversation before they had sex, we the viewer understood that's what it actually was. She AND Spike had no idea the cameras were there. She never expected Xander to find out. It's amazing that fact doesn't just not occur to Xander, it's not brought up on the series itself to prove Anya's point.. But when it comes to women telling hard truths to cruel and crude men, Buffy The Vampire Slayer has always been lacking in that department, whether Joss Whedon claims to be a feminist icon or not. The fact that Anya doesn't say "Duh, you were never supposed to know!" means he's actually not. Well, okay a BUNCH of things mean he isn't, but if those things didn't occur that one fact would STILL mean he wasn't a feminist icon.

The dialogue between Spike and the Demon he's seeking out to "restore him" is too cute by half, especially with Spike misleadingly threatening Buffy again, and saying, "This b-word is gonna see a change." What is it with this show and the b-word anyways?

Andrew begging Jonathan to give him orders makes Andrew pathetic, and the fact that Jonathan is only worried about himself upon hearing Warren died makes Jonathan pathetic. I really liked Buffy in the episode because despite the fact that she and Jonathan have a personal connection (he presented her with the Class Protector Award at Prom) she doesn't like him anymore. I think in Buffy's mind Warren did what he did because none of his friends had the courage to stand up to him when they should have. And honestly, after "Superstar" a rapist like Jonathan doesn't deserve to be forgiven either.

I continue to be impressed by Clem. His squeamishness confirms he's not a bad guy. And him suggesting that he wants to stay on Buffy's good side is another good demonstration of the complexities of good and evil demons and how they might approach the Slayer differently. That kind of ambiguity is more fully explored on the spin-off Angel, but I always appreciated Clem for bringing that dynamic to THIS show for the last couple of seasons at least.

Can I tell you a secret? Giles' reappearance at the end is awesome, but back in the day, I was actually disappointed. No lie. And in hindsight, I think I was right to be. Despite the fact that the character has been entirely absent since Episode 8, he was STILL a major part of the season. From TV Guide's episode description of an old friend returning to help Buffy stop Willow I was imaging big, instead of the most easy to contract actor. I would have loved it if OZ had come back! Even if they had Xander be the one to talk Willow down, it would have been the perfect excuse to bring back a character we all missed, and the show no longer seemed to have a place for. And if I had been running the show, aside from the season not sucking because I wouldn't have made the mistakes it did, I would have brought back both Giles AND Oz and sort of made it an intervention from people who really cared about Willow.

I'll say this good thing: I forgot about her screaming. It's actually terrifying and effective. It didn't make me jump (it wasn't a jolt) but it made me squirm. Totally creepy.

For the record, Buffy saying Willow has an addictive personality is just bogus. It's a completely cringe thing to say, especially because it's not actually true.

I did like the moment where Jonathan points out he's known Willow as long as the rest of them and she's always been "Just Willow". It's a good reminder that the character used to be harmless and the Scoobies used to be okay with him. That fact also bother me too, truthfully.

I expected to like that more than I did because I guess I forgot that Willow didn't just turn quippy when she turned evil. She turned damn mean. And THAT somehow makes it worse than her killing a couple of dirtbags the producers are TRYING to get us to hate. Because it's aimed at people we like. But yeah, I'm a little disappointed. 3 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Grave"


I am not the same person I used to be. It confuses me a little.

I didn't like that. I'm surprised I didn't. And I'm wondering WHY I didn't. Sure in this following review I'll list problems I had, but ultimately, those problems always existed. Have I become so jaded that I can no longer enjoy things I used to because I am hyper-aware of the faults? I would like to think I was more jaded back then and I simply didn't think the faults mattered. Regardless of whether I've evolved or devolved as a person (and it's debatable to ANYONE who has read and disagreed with my reviews) I don't feel that was right.

I can talk about the fact that it DID actually do a lot right. There is no denying that. I feel like the bones are strong, and the execution weakens them.

What worked? First of all, one of the reasons it was questionable to make Willow the Big Bad at ALL is because she is the most powerful character on the show, and probably has been since Season 5. And Buffy couldn't beat her in a fight, or at least not believably. So Xander talking her down using love is the proper way out of the crisis. Not just for using love instead of violence to solve the problem, but to show that Xander's humanity is crucial to Team Buffy, and he's the only one who can defeat the most powerful enemy they've ever faced. And Nicholas Brendan played the idea to the hilt, and his performance telling Willow that he deserves to be the first person she kills if she destroys the world is just great. I think Brendan is very underrated as a comic actor. If he weren't, he'd be a sitcom star today. Despite his young age here, he had legit comedy chops and great timing. I like that stuff like this stretches his dramatic skills. And I felt a lot more connected and bad for him than when he's slut-shaming Buffy and Anya.

And the truth is I still don't like him. He calls Jonathan and Andrew the R-word and it's just SO freaking hard.

I love that once Giles returns, Anya is back to the doofy girl she was before Xander left her at the alter. She can't help it. She loves Giles.

What else? I can't believe I didn't bring it up first in the review, but despite the Spike dialogue continuing to be misleading, and frankly narratively dishonest, that doesn't change the fact that that was literally one of the best season-ending cliffhangers I have ever seen. It still is whether I can binge Season 7 starting tomorrow or not. A great cliffhanger for me means a LONG ass summer. And that summer back when this aired was unbearably long. I don't like the misleading dialogue, but if I were Joss Whedon I would not have revealed Spike intended to get the soul back in interviews, and left the fans twisting in the wind. It would have been extremely cruel as a creator to make the fans wait, but I think it would have been better if we had to. While that twist definitely gave the final season added buzz, it probably would have been through the roof if Joss had let the issue be debatable until the second episode of Season 7 when Spike tells Buffy the truth. I think the cliffhanger in Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince was beyond cruel. And regardless of whether J.K. Rowling sucks or not, she was absolutely right NOT to give us any hints about whether Snape was good or bad. Whedon thought he was being kind to the fans by unclenching a bit of the knot we felt over the last shot. I think that's something we needed to suffer a little. Whedon is always going on about not giving us what we want, but what we need. The fact that Joss just couldn't stand to have driven us so crazy means he didn't know what we actually needed, and he never did. It's one of the best moments of the show. And Whedon ruined it a little by talking out of class. He shouldn't have.

The Sarah MacLachlan song was a nice touch too and sort of a callback to Season 2. She sings the correct songs for sad endings, and it leading into Spike's thing felt perfect.

I love that the first thing Giles notices about Buffy is that she cut her hair.

Those are all good, solid things, and reasons for me to like the episode. Why didn't I?

It felt like it was going through the motions. I mean Willow randomly decides to destroy the world because every Buffy finale has the group facing the end of the world. No rhyme or reason, no matter WHAT the show would have us believe. It had her do it because the show is lazy. And yes, again, I like and appreciate the idea that only Xander, the guy without powers can stop their worst threat through love. But despite the fact that the premise and heart of the moment is right, they didn't bother giving Willow a good reason to kill everybody on Earth. That's a pretty baller move, especially for a former hero. You might want to make the audience believe she has legit reasons for doing it.

Willow is general is not working as a villain. I mentioned how impressive the scream was in the last episode. I feel like the show having Willow do sinister mustache-twirling "Mwa ha ha!" villain lines feels false. I'm not saying Alyson Hannigan performed them badly... You know what? I am saying that. It doesn't fit the actress and they weren't believable things coming out of her mouth.

One of the things I absolutely loathed was Buffy and Dawn's fight in the ground with the plant zombies. First of all, Willow says she's doing that because Buffy deserves to go out fighting. Honestly? I think it's because the show did not have the courage NOT to end the climax with an action scene. And maybe I could have shut off my brain and lived with it if Dawn didn't just be randomly awesome as swordfighting and upon Buffy's amazement asking her if she never thought she was watching her this entire time.

I've been watching Buffy the entire time too, and longer than Dawn has probably. And I've probably seen more than her. That doesn't mean I automatically know Kung Fu or swordfighting. And the show is lazy and stupid if it thinks that's an excuse that will fly. I seem to recall being a little annoyed at that back in the day, mostly because Dawn was the annoying Mary Sue character on the show, and that moment very much fed into that. But the truth is the moment would have been dumb if they gave it to XANDER. The moment doesn't suck because Dawn is obnoxious. The sucky moment is obnoxious independently of Dawn. It's amazing I disliked the character so much I never noticed that true thing. I think a LOT of writers try to skate with bad and stupid writing by handing it off to a hated character and then the audience rolls their eyes and says "Of course." It's the character's fault for saying something obnoxious in a totally familiar way instead of the writers for being super dumb. But My Eyes Are Wide Open. The writers are actually super dumb. That is not Dawn's fault.

Giles' laughter: On some level it's a good character moment. It says what a good relationship he and Buffy have that they can both laugh at that. And I recall a person reviewing the episode noting Giles' response over the increasingly ridiculously tragic doings of the season since he left is the only response that nonsense deserved. The storyteller in the me though? The guy who takes his work seriously? I would not be poking THAT big a hole through my work, especially not for a single joke, and I'm the dude poking holes in the work in the work itself CONSTANTLY. Giles' reactions says we shouldn't take the pain of the season, that the writers were deliberately piling on not just the characters, but us the viewers, remotely seriously. That is bad narrative messaging. Full stop. I often do Mea Culpas in my story over plotholes and inconsistencies. I would never seriously ask the reader to question the entire message or the saga's actual credibility. There are just some things I believe a story shouldn't do. And back in the day, before I was a writer, or at least before I took the craft seriously, I laughed along and was delighted with everybody else. Now it hits me wrong. Entirely.

I wanted to end a questionable season with a positive review, and since most of the Buffy finales are solid I had high hopes I'd be able to. But I don't think I'm more jaded or cynical. I don't think I'm too demanding. I just think my tastes and expectations for fiction are different now than they were then. And you know its true. If any other show from today, even one I like, made those specific mistakes I'd point them out and say I didn't like them. This rewatch isn't a revenge tour to prove that Joss Whedon is a creep (although truthfully some of the reviews can be read that way, as can the notion that I'm watching this with My Eyes Wide Open and Looking For Red Flags). But the truth is things I rolled with back in the day just don't fly with me anymore. Hazard of the craft, I think, and nothing more. Why? I honestly think before I became as serious about writing as I did, I was mistakenly under the impression that stuff like the stuff I just griped about came with the territory. All shows, good and bad, suffered from dumb stuff like this because that's how fiction works. I guess the reason I don't tolerate it now is because I now know better. Fiction can choose NOT to use bad tropes and shaky ideas and do that easily. Talk about Eyes Being Wide Open? That was an extremely shocking thing to learn for myself. Genre writers always pretend they are powerless about stuff like that, and I foolishly believed them. Writers CAN do better. And fans CAN demand better. And if something simply isn't up to snuff, a fan pointing it out isn't being a troll for doing so. Coming to that opinion honestly, especially if one can argue rationally about how you arrived at it is totally in-bounds. I'm sure many of my negative reviews drive people crazy. But I don't complain for the sake of complaining and if I felt an episode failed me, like I felt this one did, it's because I believe that. No because I'm a contrarian. Either way, the episode delivered one of the best season ending cliffhangers in TV history after a finale that was thematically right, and extremely flawed in the specific choices it made to explore that theme. 2 1/2 stars.

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Matt Zimmer
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Lessons"


I mentioned in some of my reviews for Season 6, that Buffy The Vampire Slayer jumped the shark by doing the Wrong 2 Terrible Episodes In A Row. I said if a great series has 2 terrible episodes in a row, if they are the WRONG 2 episodes, it becomes a terrible series and never recovers.

Buffy never made a liar out of me. But I think this is best season premiere by far. I think if this season had lived up to the potential the early part promised I would have eaten my words and my theory would have been proven wrong for the first and so far only time.

I expected to cringe at some of the high school stuff and then I didn't. It's not amazing but it's not embarrassing. I also must commend the series for the way they present Principle Wood. He's the wild card of the season, and though he turns out later on to be good, the series played it like he could go either way. And I will give the series credit that absolutely none of the potentially shady things Wood actually did were inconsistent with him actually being a good guy. Buffy cheats at crap like that all the time. For all I know they could have cheated with WOOD about that in an upcoming episode before his true deal is revealed. But the season premiere, as written by Joss Whedon, dealt us square there. Beyond fair play.

I am a little amazed and shocked at how well Buffy and Spike's first scene together since the attempted rape works. Buffy doesn't know he has a soul, but she can clearly see something is wrong and different. And he's insane. "There's a duck?" She is so shocked to see him she doesn't even have a flashback in that moment (although she will in the next episode) and she's weirdly concerned about his self-injuries when by all rights she shouldn't be. The episode handled it better than it had any right to. I don't think I can forgive Spike. But they made it believable.

I distrust Halfrek. I do not believe her when she claims she Anya's only demon friend left. I also really hated the cheap shot at the French, and that's further proof that Whedon is a bully.

Willow is also very hard to forgive but putting her in England for the first couple of episodes doesn't just make the show breathe a bit. It, along with the prologue in Istanbul, gives the show a global feel, and makes it seem bigger and more epic than it has ever been.

I'm gonna talk about two more scenes before I dive into Episode 2. I believe they tie into each other, but that's up to the viewer to understand for themselves. It's not actually made explicit.

But although I found most scenes of Buffy training Dawn this year a bit overbearing, the one at the beginning of this episode is great. Not just for Sarah Michelle Gellar's bemused line reading about asking the vampire, "You're stuck?" But for Lesson 1, which we should have paid attention to at the time.

That ending is insane and dire! Fans had theories. What does that final season curtain call of the six previous Big Bads mean? Why is it Buffy at the end? And most importantly, and most up for debate: Is Spike simply crazy and this a part of his delusion? And that's where Lesson 1 being repeated comes in handy: "It's always real." So yeah, this is definitely the final season.

I could have sworn we learned Spike MEANT to get the soul back in the next episode, but the First as Wilkins says it here first.

Spike's undyed grown-out hair is probably the biggest thing that threw Buffy.

There are absolutely no cast changes this season. So them changing up the main title THIS year was done entirely to please the audience. I like it.

This was a near-perfect start to the season, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer had a REAL shot at redemption with the viewers. (And considering how much Joss loves redemption stories, that would have been appropriate). As the season goes along I will talk about why that didn't happen. But despite my ultimate disappointment in the series, I have always believed the bones of the final season were strong. It just wasn't told in the correct way. Partly due to poor characterization and partly due to the way too long 22 episode count. But Buffy The Vampire Slayer had a golden opportunity to go out on top and simply could NOT stick the landing. It's a DAMN shame. I actually think if the series had had an extra 3 months of prep time, and the network had agreed to cut between 8-10 episodes out of the final season order, Buffy might have gone down as the finest TV show in history, no matter how crappy Season 6 was. Instead my theory bears out, which believe me, doesn't actually make me happy. Buffy came SO close to ending well. Not just well. Amazing. SO close. 5 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Beneath You"


This is a frustrating as hell episode, and it hindsight, I don't see any way it couldn't have been. The thing with Spike is not something the audience should forgive, and acting like the soul is a Get Out Of Jail Free Card for rape is problematic. Maybe it wouldn't be if Spike himself wasn't suggesting he be forgiven at the end. The scene at the end of him hugging the cross is heart-breaking, devastating, horrible, and 100% narratively the WRONG thing to put on Buffy's shoulders, especially because of the attempted rape.

Here is an idea. Buffy forgave Angel in Season 3 for all the misery he put her through once he got his soul back. My question about that goes for Spike: "Why SHOULD she have forgiven them?" How is that the expectation for the poor girl? What does it tell women in the audience in abusive relationships by suggesting the people who abuse them can magically change and that's the end of it? I hate how messy this is, but this is last season's mess and they couldn't clean it up.

Anya recognizing the soul was great moment.

I also love Xander's line reading when he asks the woman if she'd like more tea.

The opening in Germany with the pink haired girl being chased to techno music was a total homage to Alias. I'm going to choose to believe it was a deliberate tribute / shout-out instead of outright theft.

"From Beneath You It Devours" is a great season catchphrase. Although Season 3's "Amends" definitely shows the First Evil evolved from underground, it still doesn't completely fit the premise, as cool as it sounds.

Here's something I either missed or forgot that's cool. Giles admits to Willow she might not be wanted in Sunnydale. There are no guarantees her friends would forgive her. What an adult idea and refreshingly honest. Even though he's wrong, he might not have been, so that makes the warning admirable. She might not be wanted. What she will be is needed. That's an amazing scene.

I think the episode is problematic. However... It's not this episode's fault. It had to clean up an unfixable mess. I'm not surprised it couldn't. Expecting it to is unreasonable. I guess I'm annoyed because they actually tried. I coulda told 'em it was a lost cause ahead of time. 2 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Same Time, Same Place"


That was great. The Gnarl is one of the scariest monsters of the series. And he's played by Camden Toy who played the equally terrifying Gentleman and Ubervamp. Both of those other roles are dialogue free. What's amazing is that he has a great, spooky voice.

This is the only episode of the series without a guest cast list at the beginning. The guests stars are all featured players like Toy rather than major roles.

Anya and Willow's stuff is great, especially Willow being taken aback by how insightful Anya is. "Buffy just killed the demon. It was really gross." I love Anya.

Her playing doll with Dawn was hysterical too.

Spike's insane. What's Xander's excuse? Honestly, I feel like the insane things Spike says have gone from batty and creepy to painfully silly. There is a fine like for that and "Button button, who's got the button?" crosses it. It's lame instead of chilling.

Buffy and Willow's scene at the end was amazing too. I love that Willow tells her it's all right that Buffy thought the worst. She's the Slayer and HAS to think things like that. It was a very good scene of both forgiveness and acceptance leading to the episode ending with Buffy literally giving Willow her strength. Nice ending.

I dig this episode a lot. One of the scariest episodes of the series for sure. 4 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Help"


This episode is earnest, well-meaning and a total disaster. I cannot say enough bad things about it. But Azura Skye is so cute I feel bad for picking on the episode, no matter how sucky it is. Call it the Forrest Gump Effect. And it sucks.

Xander saying, "Willow, she's only 17!" upon Willow suggesting Googling Cassie is probably the most embarrassingly dated reference of the entire series. If you ask me it was dated by the time the episode first aired and Xander looks like a major league dumbass. But I like Nicholas Brendan's line reading on "Love poems!" (Willow's over you sweetie) and the revelation that Willow used to write Doogie Howser fanfic.

Honestly, I think the worst moment for me is Buffy going into Cassie's father's house and accusing him of beating her with zero evidence. He's angry at the accusation, but if you ask me the episode is poorly written because he's not outraged enough. I believe him that he doesn't do that. And if he doesn't, somebody coming into his house and accusing him of that would make a normal person flip out and lose control in rage. That is NOT an accusation to toss lightly at somebody just to see how they react. Parents take protecting their children seriously, and if they do do that, accusing them of the opposite will enrage them. For good reason. Buffy does a LOT of questionable things this year, many in her role as school counselor. This qualifies as one of her most egregious mistakes. She has no idea how lucky she is the guy didn't either flip out or report her for coming to the house and making an accusation she had no business making. She could have been fired. Maybe his fear of visitation rights being taken away completely is why he isn't currently calling her every dirty name in the book. Which makes Buffy even MORE contemptable that he can't fight back. But that was one of the lowest things Buffy ever did.

And the way the moment is played, I got the sense the writers were trying to portray the fact that since Buffy came back from the dead, she still is pretty much user-unfriendly, and simply out of f-words to give. But that's not an excuse, especially if it's a stranger on the other end of that.

I have never liked Zachary Bryan in a single role he's done. He plays jerk and sociopaths so effortlessly it surprised me not a jot he turned into such a turd when he grew up.

Early role for Rick Gonzalez. I just realized. The guy MUST really trim his unibrow. It's ever present on Reaper, Arrow, and Law & Order: Organized Crime. But still, it's never been as bushy and thick as this. He's practically Bert from Sesame Street here.

Cassie wishing her mean cousins would grow up to be fat is a very cool and bittersweet line.

Souled Spike does something Evil Spike is never willing to do: Play through the pain of the chip in inflicting violence on a human (who in this case deserves it). I'm starting to think Evil Spike is even weaker willed than I already thought he was.

When a show does a Very Special Episode, there is a thin line between portraying the problem realistically, and going overboard on the angst because you aren't actually taking the real problem seriously. I think the latter happened here. I really do. It's a bad episode. 1 star.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Selfless"


In hindsight I can safely say this is one of the very best episodes of the entire series. Yes, I still think Buffy has irreparably destroyed itself. But it can still do highlights like this once in awhile.

Where to begin? I should probably discuss the flashbacks first, but honestly I was just to riveted by the debates and controversy to be able to talk about anything else before them. What a brilliant, twisty teleplay Drew Goddard constructed. That argument between Xander and Buffy about her killing Anya is amazing for the fact that it explored all sides of the issue. Let me be frank. I think Buffy is wrong to go straight to planning to kill Anya. What Xander doesn't understand is that wrong or not, it's her call. When she says she's the Slayer, and there isn't a guidebook, and she needs to be the law, that's the God's honest truth. She might be wrong about Anya. But it's ultimately up to her, even if she is.

I love Xander being all "When our friends go crazy and start killing people, we help them." I almost agree with Buffy's reasoning that Willow was different because she's human. Here is the only false note. If Willow should not be slain because she's human, she should follow human laws and be in prison for the people she killed. Buffy is right that Willow's case is different than Anya's because Willow's humanity means Buffy should not kill her. What Buffy is refusing to admit is that Willow IS actually getting preferential "Friend Of Slayer" treatment there anyways.

And Buffy didn't just decide this right then. She's known for awhile it would come to this and that's why she's not mad Willow was reluctant to reveal Anya's guilt. Because I think Willow knew what it meant better than Xander did. Buffy is about to break Xander's heart while he's mad at Willow, and I love the words she uses are "It's okay, Xander." It's really not. What's she's doing is letting him know Willow is NOT the person he needs to be mad at here. That's a great moment.

God, the double scene of Spike's delusion of Buffy in the basement broke my damn heart. Marsters killed it.

Let's talk some flashbacks. The Aud thing is amazing, especially hearing Anya raised rabbits, and in fact boosted the idea of communism and the public's general welfare. I was astounded by how great Abraham Benrubi's performance as Human Olaf was. This is a person who could have been cast in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with no problems. That's how authentic to that he feels.

I love D'hoffryn. He's cruel, for sure. But damn it, he's reasonable. And while him saying going for the Big Hurt is more what vengeance is about, left unsaid (and more true in my mind) is the fact it's not actually a sacrifice if Anya agrees to die in the guys' she's murdered places. That's the least she can do. Having to live with the death of her only current friend is the actual sacrifice needed to tip the Universal scales. D'Hoffryn uses scary words to ask her who she thought she was dealing with. But if you ask me, this wasn't entirely D'Hoffryn's choice or doing. It's the actual price of undoing the wish. D'Hoffryn both happens to know it and the exact way to rub it in to make it hurt the most. But it's actually right and just. Anya has to live with it now.

I love he stops his pitch mid-appearance, sees who summons him, and says, "Miss Rosenberg..." in an amused way, like they are old friends. He wishes! I think the reason I like D'Hoffryn is because he did favors for Buffy and the others that happened so quickly they probably didn't even register as favors. He warns Buffy loudly to hold Xander back. If she hadn't he would have had to kill him. I don't think ANYONE, even Xander registered that command was done to save the life of the man Anya loved. And D'Hoffryn does surprisingly respect him and refers to him as gallant. I also love how he points out he'd be gone before the sword even touched him. D'Hoffryn is unfinished business is a VERY bloody affair. Him warning Buffy off chasing him away before anything is fixed is another kindness. I love evil villains. But the evil villain I love the most is the FAIR evil villain. The REASONABLE evil villain. The evil villain who possesses a measure of grace maybe even the hero isn't altruistic enough to recognize as such. I LOVE that.

The episode is mad funny too. "Let us throw various meats and fruits at him!" was perfect, as was the fact that they actually translated subtitles for Olaf saying "Aaaarrgh!" Anya: "They all deserve it." D'Hoffryn: "Yes, that's what I was going for." Has everybody eaten their crazy flakes?

The final thing I wanted to talk about, is something I wanted to talk about every since "Hell's Bells", but I knew this episode was coming, and it's a better time to discuss it because it's dealt with head-on. Anya feels great regret at the end of the episode for never being her own person, and just latching onto whatever came along. And that was my problem with her arc in season 6, and even here. Anya doesn't make decisions for herself, or have her own goals. She listens to what other people tell her she should be doing. The only thing I have ever seen her do that she wanted and pursued of her own initiative is her relationship with Xander itself. Everything else, from the marriage proposal to becoming a vengeance demon again, she is basically sold a bill of goods, and signs on because she has no better prospects. That's why the title of the episode resonates so much. She's not been her own person up to now, and she's realizing she might have to be.

Unfortunately, because Season 7 is underwhelming, although the wish for that piece of character development is laid here, it's never actually followed up on on the series itself. Anya maddeningly dies a pointless death at the end of the season for a cause she didn't fully believe in. And I think the thing that makes me the most sad about Season 7 being underwhelming is stuff like this gave it the opportunity to be amazing, and it just couldn't follow through for whatever reason. This episode got to me though. It's one of my absolute favorites. 5 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Him"


I'm trying to think of an episode of this show Drew Z Greenberg has written that wasn't absolutely horrid, but I'm coming up blank. This however is probably his worst so far.

Greenberg mentioned in a previous commentary the wise guidance Whedon gave him for teaching him you can't flip an orientation on and off like a switch. And yet, that's EXACTLY what he did here with Willow! He did it with an absolute lack of self-awareness too, which is equal parts alarming and disgusting.

After the stances last season took about rape, it's played for laughs here. Since it's not RJ's fault, technically the JACKET raped Buffy. But that's what happened and we're supposed to find it funny.

Even if we didn't accept Buffy as a victim, her age and role as school counselor makes her a predator herself instead. The counselor bit from the season was pulled back on once it became clear Buffy was terrible at it, and in cases like this, often criminal.

Her flinching when Spike touches her is the right moment, but also shows why the attempted rape was so ill-advised.

I'm having a very hard time understanding why people, even Buffy, don't understand the soul thing. As if Xander leaving Anya at the alter was equivalent to what Spike did. All Buffy needed to say was "Remember when Angel was nice, and then he was bad, and then he was nice again? That's what the soul means."

Spike is laconic and observant in the episode. It's sort of an interesting facet to give him as he slowly adjusts to life outside the basement. Him and Xander make an interesting crime-fighting duo.

Here's an opinion that I shouldn't have to point out: Xander ogling a woman on a dance floor and saying "Daddy like," is disgusting and out of bounds even if it WEREN'T Dawn. The fact that the show doesn't know that is why it sucks.

The sight gag of Spike tackling Buffy in the background shot of Wood obliviously working on his computer is actually sublime. No doubt. I also liked Xander's line "I refuse to answer on the grounds that it wouldn't fit."

If I don't wind up thinking this is the worst episode of the season, I'll be shocked. 0.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Conversations With Dead People"


Vastly overrated, but in fairness to the episode, I only think that because I have the context of having seen the rest of the season. When this aired, my mind was blown. If the season had lived up to this episode's promise, I'd love it unreservedly.

Maybe there's one thing I wouldn't dig. The cruelty of the Cassie stuff. Apparently, the original idea was to have the First take the form of Tara herself. The First as Cassie makes a lame excuse for why Tara can't visit herself here, but the truth is if anyone was going to convince Willow suicide was palatable, it would need to be Tara. It makes no sense to be suggested by a third party like Cassie.

The problem was Amber Benson said no on coming back. Not only was her time on the show miserable, but I'm guessing she found the return unfathomably cruel, not just to Willow, but to the audience. The show gave the character a giant middle finger on the way out. Reveling in Willow's suffering here would be adding insult to injury. I agree with Benson for not returning. But that fact doesn't make Cassie a passable substitute. Instead the entire thing is simply messed up and unpleasant. Seeing Willow hurt in the name of Tara is not good earned drama. It's damn mean.

Let's talk about the good drama: Buffy's conversation with Webb is one of the highlights of the season. He's great because although he's evil, he's empathetic. "Buffy, I'm here to kill you, not to judge you," is a perfect line not just in its earnestness and honesty. But the fact that it is both makes it completely ridiculous, and you stop and be amazed at what a wonderfully weird show this can be at its best. And Jonathan M. Woodward (A Mutant Enemy Hat Trick) is beyond charming and funny.

I also love the touch that the episode title is seen at the beginning for the first and only time, and the episode is set on November 12, 2002, at 8:01 PM. That means nothing to people watching it for the first time years later, but those of us who saw it over the air remember that was the date it aired, and 8:01 was the exact time the title card appeared (after the usual recap). The original conceit was that the episode was being aired live for the first and only time. Again, that doesn't play for new audience members. But it was beyond cool back in the day.

Jonathan talking about how much he cared for the people he went to high school with is leaving the character on a moment of grace after basically destroying him in the later seasons. Letting him have this one last nice thing before Andrew kills him is good. Although frankly, it would have been BETTER if Andrew didn't kill him.

Few things to note about the First in its "First" onscreen appearance. And some of this stuff is why I think the episode is less awesome in hindsight. This episode indicates the First Evil can be in two places or more at once. If it's a single entity is can break up its focus into smaller groups, that would make is VERY hard to beat and ascertain its reality. But what kills me this is the only episode that occurs in! The First can be accounted for in every other later appearance. Can you see why I'm a little disappointed in hindsight? That's a huge idea, not seen or used in much of the rest of fiction, and the show just abandoned it.

Similarly, Dawn's stuff is horror movie frightening (although I could have done without the "Mother's Milk is red today" stuff) but Joyce's warning about Buffy could have been a major tension of the season, but was never followed up on. Yes, it's clear Joyce is actually the First and lying. But Buffy's betrayal is in the back of Dawn's mind the entire season and it's not properly addressed or paid off. My biggest complaint about the season was all of the exciting ideas the show set up early on it simply abandoned, or hoped the audience would forget about. And that's really unfortunate.

I'm all about Buffy baring her soul to a vampire she barely knows. It's an amazing thing that is insightful, funny, crazy and weird. Would that the rest of the episode (and the season) lived up to that promise. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Sleeper"


There was a sense of dread permeating this part of the season which was why back in the day I thought we were in for a killer ending. I was wrong, but I was not wrong about how strong, tense, and scary the first third of the season was.

THAT is a cliffhanger. Although I will probably wind up calling b.s. on the resolution.

Aimee Mann hates vampire towns.

I love Buffy telling the guy Billy Idol stole his look from Spike.

Buffy's feelings for Spike seem beyond complex. The fact that she both cares about him and is a little disgusted with him is evident.

Anya's behavior was actually kind of gross. I love Spike's "Do be specific and tell a fella what you are doing sneaking around in here."

I really wish the series was not under network scheduling demands and huge episode counts. It could have had an amazing ending. 4 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Never Leave Me"


This is probably the high point of the season. Not the best episode. But the episode where the arc was at its most exciting. The last shot of the Ubervamp was sublime. He tilts his head minutely (for a single frame no less) before the credits black out and it's perfectly chilling. This specific episode was the reason I thought Buffy's end would be amazing. I'm not saying it's all downhill from here. But I feel like the momentum and tension never quite lived up to the last episode and this.

Buffy telling Spike she believes in him is freaking amazing. I also really like that Spike calls Buffy on using him. He didn't understand or mind it before, but it's interesting it bothers him now. And maybe the writers got it into their heads that what Spike did in "Seeing Red" is forgivable simply because Spike could tell Buffy she got off easy and we'd believe him. I don't agree with that method of storytelling but I get the logic of how they believe that would work. They just happen to be wrong.

The Watcher's Council is just done blowed up good. Yeah, this is the last season, and also the highpoint of the Arc. We later learn that was the work of Caleb.

I don't think we ever got a properly good reason why Wood buried Jonathan's body in secret. It would have made sense if he was already teamed up with the Scoobies. But even with knowing what he probably already knows it seems like a plot oversight.

The return of The First Evil. I had totally forgot about them back in the day and it's amazing they are the Ultimate Evil on the show.

It's genius that the first person to confront Andrew is Willow. I feel like the scene could have been better written though.

I know it's the First claiming it instead of Jonathan himself, but the idea of that kid having an ulcer in high school is completely believable.

The show DID have the potential to redeem itself for the final season. And I'm convinced if a few more things had been working in its favor, it could have. 5 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Bring On The Night"



There are problems present. I didn't exactly completely register them at the time, but they exist.

Buffy's final fight with the Ubervamp is huge, but that's really all the episode is. There's nothing much else of note occurring. Spike is in a holding pattern and the Potentials are annoying and the only interesting thing is Buffy FINALLY getting every square inch of her ass kicked.

I will say this: One of the biggest failures of the season was how poorly written and performed Buffy's "inspirational speeches" wound up being. Sarah Michelle Gellar is a good actress, but those bits were never believable to me. Except the first one here. This one feels genuine, and maybe because she's so hurt, the vulnerability makes you believe it. But I don't think Buffy is b.s.ing anything for the only time.

I understand the show playing fast and loose over whether Giles is Giles or Giles is dead and evil (driving fans crazy is a good thing), but I think it's playing TOO fast and loose with Wood's motivations. The mysteries line followed by the evil smirk helped nobody and didn't feel narratively truthful.

Buffy falling asleep mid-session is why her job as a counselor was so ill-advised. You can't playfully make her incompetent at that specific thing and not make me hate her.

The most moving part of the episode is Spike refusing to give up because Buffy believes in him. I wonder if Buffy understands exactly how much that meant to him. I sincerely doubt at this point she does.

The worst thing in the episode is Molly screaming "Biscuits!" Joss needs an intervention over him English idiom obsession. Would an American teenage girl seeing a box of cookies ever scream "Cookies! I love cookies!" Then get a freaking grip there.

I was a little concerned when I first saw it, but it was the next episode that really let me down. It's still solid. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Showtime"



I LOVE the last scene and think it's one of Spike and Buffy's most moving scenes ever. But back in the day I was hugely disappointed with the episode. I sensed the season was becoming unraveled. I had pretty basic tastes back then, and was hardly as critical as I am now. But me sensing trouble was right. There are a LOT of problems with the episode that hurt the season. We'll get to the fact that the Potentials are almost uniformly whiny and unlikable. But the episode made some very poor choices that I'm betting the series would not have made with either a smaller episode count, or three extra months of planning. Network TV is always done on the fly, and Season 7 of Buffy was one of the most ambitious seasons in TV history up to that point. Nowadays shows have year long hiatuses and episode counts of only 10 to get it right. Back in the day stuff like Buffy was done on the seat on their pants, and it failing was not a surprise. I was unhappy, but really, the show had SO many things working against it budget-wise, time-wise, and padding-wise.

I believe killing the Ubervamp was the first major mistake of the season. Yes, there have been crappy episodes like "Him", but that was filler. Killing the Ubervamp gutted the building tension the season had been piling on top of itself over these past few episodes. And if the episode count was 13 episodes, not only wouldn't they have done it, they wouldn't have needed to do it. I get the logic of letting things breathe until Caleb shows up near the end of the season. But it was the most tense and exciting season ever until they did that. And it never recovered.

The Oracle thing was another reason I got my hopes up, and they were dashed. I mentioned that if the show had a few extra months of planning, things would have worked. This specific thing may mean I was wrong there. There is no reason for the show to be setting up the idea that Buffy's resurrection was responsible for the First gunning for the Slayer line. It not only doesn't actually make sense (the Slayer line currently resides with Faith, not Buffy, after all) but something like that needs to not just be followed up on, but explained how that would work later on. If the season had been the amazing arc I had been hoping it would be, that would have been a huge part of the mystery of the First, and to do with both its history and how to defeat it. The season and the series were a disappointment because it's never brought up again instead. And I keeping wishing the show had more time to develop the final arc, but the truth is that kind of glaring mistake is not something that can be excused by lack of prep time. It suggested the entire arc was NOT planned out ahead of time, and damn it, regardless of the fact that brutal schedules probably messed things up, it being planned out is not an unreasonable expectation. Hell, previous seasons of the show were clearly planned ahead of time (I'm thinking most clearly of Season 4, which while technically being a lousy season, also ran the tightest arc from beginning to end.). This kind of thing says the writers are making it up as it goes along. And considering the First is a nebulous villain Buffy can't REALLY kill, I wanted a better backstory. And the First was first introduced in Season 3, so it's not like the show had NO time in developing the idea further and figuring out how to make it work. Sigh.

The Potentials. Rona makes an incredibly bad first impression, which grates because she's the Black Potential. In fairness to the show, at least she doesn't die by the end of the season. But making her always complaining and always wrong feeds into a negative stereotype about Black women anyways. The show tries a little harder with Kennedy in making her a little more gung-ho and competent, but that's annoying for a different reason. I think the biggest thing to say the Potentials as characters aren't working is that despite the fact that the show WANTS me to hate the ghost of Eve, I hated her way before I should have. And maybe the show thinks I SHOULD have hated her the entire time. I don't. I think that's a sloppy, easy cop-out to how manipulative the First would need to be and the tightrope it would need to walk to both cast doubt and not get found out. Subtlety would have done wonders for the idea, but that's not how this show rolls.

Dawn casting shade on Andrew felt pretty good. For noting he killed his only friend, to being disgusted with how his Timothy Dalton talk made no sense, Andrew is very much useless. I did appreciate he was the one among them who got Buffy's Thunderdome reference, but he's not making a good impression on the Scoobies. I notice he brought up the Imperium and the Shape-Shifting Alien Invaders in regards to the Justice League! I never noticed that! That means he was specifically referring to the animated Justice League of that era. It's always bothered me that I believe Justice League Unlimited is the greatest animated show of all time, and it's made always NO impact on popular culture. Well, there apparently always was this reference on Buffy back in the day, I must have missed or simply not understood the significance of it.

Just pointing out, the Bringers are human. Clearly. They disfigure their eyes but Buffy does not mind killing them left and right. It makes the fact that Buffy sees killing humans in such a black and white light in previous seasons feel even more obnoxious than it was. After all, these AREN'T the first humans Buffy herself has killed on the series.

"Why is that guy tied up?" "The question you soon will be asking is why isn't he gagged?" Classic.

Spike praying for Buffy to rescue him is moving, and considering what happened last season, kind of twisted. And I think that button pushing is a bit deliberate on the show's end, and I can't fault it for that. It's really an amazing turnaround for the characters. I especially love that Spike has turned into the scantily clad damsel in distress. That is his role here, and considering it's Spike, yeah, that's EXTRA subversive. But I think it's that in a good way. I will never forgive Spike, but Season 7 certainly got their money's worth in exploring his repentance with his soul. So there.

It's an exciting episode. That has a happy ending and relieved tension at a part of the season our stomachs should still be in knots over. Killing the Ubervamp was a grave mistake. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Potential"


I won't lie. The last scene between Xander and Dawn is unusually amazing for this show. I will argue it is Xander's finest moment on the series.

Unfortunately, the episode starts off wrong and gets wronger and wronger until then.

Buffy's speeches are terrible. This is a major flaw for this season, considering they are trying to make Buffy's speeches a huge facet to her character, and how she relates to both her charges and her friends. Inspirational speeches are NOT easy to write. I know that. If they were, I'd write a ton of 'em. But as writer you can only take them so far before they lose meaning, and yes, their punch. This show clearly spun out of control with that idea early on, and it becomes painful by the time the episode is over.

The episode exists to sort of feel out the idea of Dawn The Vampire Slayer. It's no wonder because of crap like this Sarah Michelle Gellar said in no uncertain terms this was her last season, and they ended the show instead. Joss Whedon bragged in the commentary for "Lessons" that the final scene of the premiere proved it was the last season. Except Marti Noxon and the producers were sending out feelers to figure out a way to keep the show going sans Gellar, and she was understandably pissed and offended. And she should have been. That's insulting.

I love that Buffy hugs Clem. He's so cute. And his Beetlejuice trick is freaky.

The sexual tension between Buffy and Spike (noticed by the Potentials) is not working for me. I still can't get over last season. Still.

Usually I frown on purposefully cringe moments. But Andrew talking about the allegory for womanhood was cringe in a GOOD way. It was hilarious, as was Xander begging him to talk about Star Wars again.

When Buffy says the First is "in remission" I was like "No, no, no!" That is NO way to run a final season. And I've thought that was a huge mistake for over two decades. Me hating that idea now is not remotely new. I've always hated it and this was the actual episode the season lost me.

Flawed from the ground up. The season is losing steam it can't afford to lose, and the characters are becoming too unlikable. This is bad news for the rest of the season (and series). 2 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "The Killer In Me"


Not great. Not bad. But filler in a season that by all rights should be going full speed ahead.

We'll take a little more about the Giles resolution in the next episode, but the gang tackling him was fun. The joke about him being evil for NOT touching the girls was however strictly badly written sitcom, which is sadly what the humor in the show often is.

Allyson's Hannigan's performance in the gun shop was great too. Like the Ubervamp in his first episode, she slightly tilts her head before the act break blackout and it's actually creepy as all hell.

I don't love Willow anymore. But I do have to say I appreciate the fact that she says there was a REASON she killed Warren. There actually was. The morality of it before she turned full-fledged evil WAS actually debatable. On some level he had it coming.

Lousy end for Amy. I won't forgive the show for this.

I love that the army guy calls Spike "Ass-Face" because those were Riley's exact words. I also love that Riley put all matters regarding Hostile 17 in Buffy's hands knowing she'll make the right decision. Which is cool because she does. I wonder why Riley will think when he hears the chip was removed. Does Buffy have to fill out a report? Would she explain the soul there? What about Spike's killing spree? It's the right decision but looking back on it Riley put a LOT of faith in her.

The FX transitions of the kissing of Kennedy between Willow and Warren were absolutely terrible. I know it's TV from 20 years ago, and one with a tiny budget. But really it's about as noticeable an effect as Patty Duke. Well, okay maybe not THAT far. But ballpark.

The "Will that phrase ever be useable again?" thing is something I noted as amazingly clever at the time, but I don't think I gave it enough credit for it even then. It's a great Ghostbusters reference because it never actually references Ghostbusters. It knows the viewers understand what it's talking about and doesn't make it explicit to explain the joke for anyone who's never heard the phrase (Which I'm doubting is very many people). But I love the joke for not explaining itself or making itself super obvious to dilute the comedic impact.

Didn't like Hannigan's performance in the last scene crying over Tara. It's a bit much and I always cringe whenever she refers to Tara as "Baby".

The season should NOT be doing filler episodes. 2 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "First Date"


Part of me wants to love the episode. But it made some choices that made sure I'll only like it.

I recall being fed up back in the day over how Buffy was treating Giles after the episode "Lies My Parents Told Me", but I was a little shocked at how much I disliked Giles in THIS episode. When he says at the end "Oh, enough!" about the group's private lives, I think they should be saying the same thing to him. Buffy and Xander both had dates. And Buffy's date didn't stop her from her job of saving the world (and Xander). She navigated it entirely successfully. If it were a case of that taking up her entire focus, and messing up the group, that would be one thing. But Giles is essentially complaining because in these dire circumstances, people looking to make connections and find rare moments of peace and happiness is somehow bad. It's not. It's normal. It's human nature. It's necessary to GET people through these bad times.

The resolution to how Giles stopped the axe strikes me as a retcon. At the end of "Sleeper" the axe came far too fast and close to his head to have been able to have been stopped by his hand. It was at this point Annie Wilkes stood up in the theater and screamed, "That's not what happened last time!"

Ashanti doesn't bring much to the table, but she's cute, and Buffy gets to kill her, so she's a passable celebrity guest star. Normally I frown on black actors being killed on-screen, but I feel in this specific instance it was done as an honor to the actress, instead of as genre racism. And God knows this show has its share of genre racism.

The jokes with the Chinese Potential are a case in point. It went on long enough that it stopped being a funny idea and became an offensive one. What bothers me is that I only noticed that in 2024. I wish I had been able to see how harmful the portrayal was at the time. I will say this in my defense. Even though I never registered how the jokes were trafficking in harmful stereotypes, I can honestly at LEAST say I never found them funny. Small comfort, but it's true.

Wood's shady actions alone in his office are beyond misleading, but the idea that his mother was a Slayer, and one of the Slayers Spike killed is a good one. God, I wish this season had been ten episodes shorter. They could have really laid it on thick there.

And yeah, D.B. Woodside is a dreamboat. I love that Spike tells Buffy he's okay before the date, but Wood knows it won't work the second she sees her tending to Spike's wounds. He immediately gets he's not The Guy and he ain't gonna get The Girl and the 'ship is dead.

I loved some of the things Buffy said about Spike in the episode. She claims to Willow she isn't still in love with Spike. Funny, she spent the entire last season claiming she WASN'T in love with him! I'm wondering how dramatically inept the writers are to not have Willow drop everything and say "Hold the phone! You WERE in love with Spike at one point?" I also love that Buffy tells Giles Spike can be a good man. I don't think Giles understands the context of why that is. But the truth is Buffy's hold on Spike is thousand times stronger than the First's. Once she told Spike she believed in him, that was probably the greatest moment of his life up to that point, and he'll do anything for her. In Giles' defense, he has no context for that idea because he doesn't know what ordeals Spike and Buffy went through, what unforgivable things Spike did, how much them getting through those things to be in a platonic friendship / alliance means to them both. The third thing Buffy said about Spike I actually didn't agree with. She said the chip was immoral and wrong. When he was Hostile 17 and biting people, I couldn't disagree more. The chip was an actual kindness to an unsouled vampire. Hell, Spike never would have gotten on his path of redemption with Buffy at ALL without that damn chip. It was the furthest thing from "wrong".

Danny Strong gives a surprisingly, well, STRONG performance as The First. I haven't forgiven Andrew, but him telling the Scoobies and wearing a wire makes me forgive him a LITTLE.

People have noted how literal Anya is. And one of the funniest demonstrations of that is her claiming Xander is trying to make her jealous on his date, and Buffy rolls her eyes and says, "Thank God it's not working." And Anya looks are her in disgust. "Of COURSE it's working!" Despite her claim in the next episode for being valuable for her sarcasm, the truth is she doesn't understand the concept.

I remember hating the next episode? Will I? We'll see. I DID like this one. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Get It Done"


Three brief notes. I was right. I hated it. Second note is this review will probably be long. The third note is this is one of the most influential episodes of a TV series I have ever seen. It greatly informed my writing and how I approach things. It was definitely pleasurable rediscovering and remembering why that was.

On paper a fan of The Un-Iverse would take a look at this episode, and says it's a master class in what NOT to do in Gilda And Meek. I think that's PART of it. But it's not ALL of it. Despite the fact that the episode did a LOT of bad narrative things that it helpfully taught me to avoid, the truth is it had the right idea about something. It just didn't pull it off. But I thought the idea was great, and it greatly influenced a future scene. The end of the Doctor Who episode "The End Of Time, Part 2" influenced that scene equally, and for the same reason. It's a great idea. That both Buffy and Doctor Who botched.

But I REALLY love the idea of that when the chips are down, the main hero rages against the dying of the light instead of facing things with cool resolve and dignity. Becoming petty and petulant, and whining about how unfair everything is. I think it brings humanity to a main hero, and I am gonna to give Gilda one of these moments down the line. The problem is both Buffy and Doctor Who botched the idea. But it's a sound and even GREAT idea. They just both did it wrong. What did they do wrong? Specifically THIS episode, since I'm reviewing it?

See, I don't have a problem with a hero not being willing to face either their deaths or a bad situation with dignity. I don't. But did Buffy REALLY need to crap on all of her friends to do it? Did Ten REALLY need to browbeat poor Wilfred Mott as if he didn't feel bad enough? The upcoming scene with Gilda has her raging against an unfairness against her. And yes she's whiny, petulant, and sounds weak for it. The reason it's gonna work and this didn't is Gilda is not gonna blame her friends for her problems. She's not gonna tell everyone ELSE how much they suck compared to her. You won't hate Gilda after her snit. And that's the difference.

When Buffy says Chloe was an idiot and weak, she was right to take that tack with the Potentials. When she starts going into "I've been carrying you guys" her rage crosses the line from dying against the light, to simply being a jerk and a bad friend. I don't think that second is necessary for the first thing to work and have resonance. And this scene and Ten's regeneration got stuck in my head and I was like, "I KNOW I can do better!" I LOVE that feeling, especially when it's true. Technically, yes, the episode's main value is telling me what NOT to do. But it gave me the idea in the first place even though it messed it up.

I think what the producers of this show and Doctor Who don't understand is when you do something like that, especially in the final season / episode, when a character should be gaining wisdom and insight instead, is that the the friends the character rails against aren't the only people who have to live with it. The audience does too. I never forgave Buffy for this. I mentioned there were points in the season where the show could have potentially redeemed itself from the horrible sixth season. This was the episode that made it so it couldn't. Buffy blaming ALL of her friends for her frustrations, and suggesting she's better than them meant no decent ending or redemption story was possible for the series.

Buffy says some of the most horrible, unforgivable things to Spike. Here is what kills me, and something Giles cannot ever grasp. Spike thinks so much of her, he is the only person in the group to take her bogus complaints seriously and adjust his behavior. Maybe because Buffy's behavior is so despicable, this wouldn't impress Giles much. But as far as Buffy insisting Spike is a good man goes, it definitely points out that she has more control over Spike than the First ever did.

"Where did you get that jacket?" "New York." Perfect moment. Bad things are going to go down.

Anya and Spike's stuff is painful and embarrassing. I don't even know why they are going there. It makes me think less of both characters.

The show's biggest mistake was giving Buffy this when she is supposed to be wise and making inspirational speeches. But she turns down the power offered not because of female empowerment, as she claimed. But because she's scared. And having that occur AFTER the snit of her telling everybody how great she is the worst storytelling decision the show could make. I think the idea is that before the final battle, the show wanted to tear Buffy down a bit. For the final time. But it's the last damn season. They shouldn't need to do that anymore. It's a storytelling failing.

This episode put good ideas in my head and made me say the phrase every writer longs to say after seeing a shaky episode of a show they happen to love: "I can do better." I remember that feeling, how wonderful and powerful it is and love and hate the episode in equal measure.

My love won't effect the final grade though. The episode still sucks. Big time. The season never recovered. 1 star.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Storyteller"


I feel like Andrew's arc took up too much of the season. And the worst part is that Anya's death was done ONLY to service it. I mean, Andrew is cute and all, but who really cares about him?

I do find it very interesting how much Buffy personally dislikes him. For the record, a record of the end of the world IS a good idea. I think less of Buffy for not realizing it.

One of the things I like about her dislike is that it comes from disgust that he killed Jonathan. By the end of last season, she didn't much like Jonathan anymore. But it's nice that she was still able to feel rage on his behalf after he was gone. Still, it probably woulda been easier just to pack some onions for those tears

There is a point to Andrew always missing filming the important things. I'm sure of it.

Once he has the cigarettes and the jacket back, Spike is very much back to acting like he used to before the soul. It feels a bit of a stretch on this show after everything that happened, but it made it so James Marsters could more believably blend into the cast of the fifth season of Angel.

Xander and Anya feel very much like unfinished business. And they always will.

I love that the Cheese Man in in Jonathan and Andrew's vision of the First, that brings them back to Sunnydale. Joss Whedon staunchly denied the Cheese Man ever meant anything. Him being included there makes that incredibly hard for me to believe. I can come up with better answers than Whedon could, for sure. It weird Whedon is so against me doing so. I am allowed to believe the Cheese Man matters and is an Agent of the First and always was.

This is one of the only four episodes of the series (along with "Becoming, Part 2", "Once More, With Feeling", and "Chosen") that change up the Mutant Enemy title card in the end credits.

Eh. It's a good-ish episode, but it's filler too near the end of the series, and also focuses entirely on a character that really shouldn't matter to us. Not enough to center one of the final batches of episodes around at any rate. Some stories aren't worth telling. 2 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Lies My Parents Told Me"


On some level it's one of the best episodes of the season. On another, it's another reason the season failed.

The Spike stuff is pure dynamite. My God, what a wonderful and horrible backstory with his mother. And him declaring at the end that unlike Nikki Wood, his mother loved him back, was both cruel and transcendent, and a perfect character moment.

The thing I most notice about the trap Wood led Spike into is how dirty it was. I was actually right not to begrudge Giles' decision here. Hell, the tone of voice Anthony Stewart Head says "You're Nikki Wood's son. Spike killed your mother," makes me UNDERSTAND it, if not agree with it. But did Robin HAVE to make it such an unfair fight if he was gonna use the trigger to bring out the monster within? It was below the belt and cowardly. And Buffy telling him it's the mission that matters has to sting for that reason.

The stuff with Spike's mother makes me think. I think the reason Spike never understood it was the demon talking, at least before he got his soul back, is because before he did, he never recognized himself as two separate people, which he was. Vampire Spike was an entirely different entity than William. He just had his personality and memories. He never felt the disconnect that he was the thing that killed William instead of William, so he is shocked that his mother saw things entirely differently. I'm not gonna go so far and let his mother entirely off the hook by the way. While I believe she's wrong that William felt a deep need to... um... be WITH her, her bringing it up at all suggests it's at least crossed her mind before she became a vampire. I'm not willing to put that entirely down to the demon. Granted, the demon was trying to torture her former son, but I don't actually believe the idea originated with her. Either deep down his mother secretly wanted that, or worried that he did. I'm glad Spike found some peace when he was detriggered. I might have had a few more real concerns about this were I in his shoes.

I love Spike's reactions to Wood after he comes out of it. He was a vampire, she was a Slayer, that's how the game was played. Wood is outraged he calls it a game, but it's not like Nikki wasn't trying to kill him. Even if Spike decided to let up and NOT kill her, her "mission" is still to kill him. That's how it works.

Andrew talking about the guy on the phone from L.A. named Fred sounding kind of effeminate was the show crossing over with Angel the best it could to bring Faith back. It's lucky it works at all considering the show aired on different networks at this point.

One of the fundamental difference between Souled Spike and Souled Angel is that Spike does not feel the same level of guilt Angel does. And for good reason. None of the evil things Spike ever did were personal. He never overthought the horrible things he did. At least until Buffy came along. For Angelus, he made torture, murder, and cruelty an art form. Angel feels guilt because he MEANT every horrible thing he did as Angelus. Spike does not have that burden. And his perspective that that's how the game is played is WHY he and Angel are so different once they've gotten their souls back. Spike now recognizes the demon as a separate entity. Angel never can because he enjoyed it too much. And I find crap like that endlessly fascinating, and thinking about and debating that stuff is why I love the franchise. Season 5 of Angel had plenty of problems, but the Spike and Angel dynamic certainly breathed new life into that show for exploring those exact themes.

I mentioned the episode was part of the reason the season failed. Buffy says things to both Giles and Robin at the end of the episode that she should not be saying. She mentions in the episode how tight they are on allies and that they need Spike. The reason neither Giles nor Robin defend her when the others kick her out of the house later on is because she washes her hands of them here. I hate that in the final season instead of building alliances and showing why Buffy is a unique and amazing hero for doing that, the show has her blowing up her personal relationships at the precise time she can't afford to. Why does the show decide to have her alienate everyone in her life? The season doesn't need it, and is worse for it, and I'm arguing it ruined it. It drives me absolutely bonkers. If it were good drama, maybe I'd get it. But I can't think of a single fan who wasn't pissed off by stuff like that. Even for people who otherwise liked the season. It's insane.

My theory of two bad episodes in a row potentially wrecking a great series permanently stands. But Buffy had a GREAT opportunity to make a liar out of me, and bungled it for inexplicable reasons that no credible show would be making in the final damn season for their hero. So far, my theory holds up, even 20 years later. But Buffy was unique in that if if had done things even SLIGHTLY differently, it would have proved me wrong. And who doesn't WANT to do that? Doesn't that sound fun and amazing? Try it! You'll like it!

Great episode though, right? 5 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Dirty Girls"


Eyes Wide Open. That's what this latest rewatch is about.

Xander's dream sequence at the beginning is purely repulsive. And they are dumb enough to put that in the episode where he gives that amazing speech, AND where Caleb half-blinds him. The unforced errors of the season are maddening.

Let's talk about Caleb. The fact that he's a violent, woman hating misogynist I'm sure felt to Joss Whedon thematically right as Buffy's Ultimate Villain. But man, those facets strike me as lazy storytelling, and an easy way to automatically get me to hate the character. Here is another thing people will NOT want to hear. But one of the amazing things about Caleb back in the day was seeing Nathan Fillion play completely against type as him. In hindsight, and considering what Fillion has been accused of on the set of Castle, IS he playing against type? Mal Reynolds is also a violent misogynist. But Mal doesn't just call strange girls he's just met whores. He repeatedly calls his love interest on the series that! Is Caleb actually Fillion playing against type? I will argue that as far as dirtbag creeps go, Caleb and Mal are only a matter of degree.

One of the reasons the episode DID impress me back in the day is it properly raised the stakes right back up to where they should be. The next two episodes stumbled a little, but that foreboding tone from near the beginning of the arc of the season is briefly back. Just what happens to Xander is purely horrific.

I love that when Kennedy refers to the evil vineyard, Spike says "Like Falcon Crest." Awesome.

His flirtations with Faith were funny too, especially with how unhappy Buffy seemed with it. "Oh, you HAVE been away."

I think the thing that bugs me most, is Buffy only committed to the terrible plan because she was mad at Giles. She basically got those girls killed out of spite and nothing else. Is it any wonder they all turned on her in the next episode? This whole thing just strikes me as utterly unnecessary.

20 years ago I would have given that an easy five stars. It makes me a little uncomfortable now. The words spoken by Caleb do not actually NEED to be spoken for a villain to be effective and evil. I feel like the ugliness voiced is giving a toxic perspective that is real and actually exists a platform it shouldn't have, whether Buffy kicks his ass later on or not. I'm resisting the powerful message a little here when I was wowed back in the day instead. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Empty Places"


With the exception of Buffy telling Faith at the end to lead the other Potentials, Buffy does absolutely nothing right in the episode.

That infuriates me.

I used to drag on Supergirl and The Flash and other similar genre shows for their heroes being just as dumb in their final seasons as they were their first. At least Supergirl and The Flash routinely trafficked in easy to digest toddler morals. It's partly why The Arrowverse disgusts me, but the characters being that dumb is on-brand.

Regardless of the fact that I certainly did not enjoy Buffy The Vampire Slayer as much as I used to this time out, for the most part, even when it gets it wrong, I don't see it as a stupid show. So Buffy failing everything with three episodes to go is simply inexplicable.

She can't stay and comfort Xander at the hospital. She barely asks how he's doing. She treats Giles with contempt and Wood with barely concealed contempt. Faith's idea to go to the Bronze to bond with the girls was actually a good one and it's not her fault the cops were murderous. And the truth is Buffy's plan sucked. Spike gloatingly tells her in the next episode she was right, but that is coincidental. She had absolutely no proof. She was not brooking any dissent or taking anybody else's feelings into account. This is a person we've spent seven seasons with. Having her be this clueless, arrogant, and ignorant right before the show ends is the worst look possible. I adored Anya's speech about Buffy being luckier than the rest of them. Anya clearly hasn't forgiven Buffy for trying to kill her. And maybe she shouldn't. Maybe THAT plan wasn't actually well-thought out either.

I'll tell you what bugs me. All of the other characters against Buffy have legit grievances. Rona, the black Potential is simply portrayed as a b-word. They don't have to kill Rona off to make her into a racist genre trope. They can just have her be stupid and wrong all the time instead. And if Mutant Enemy considers that a "victory", that's why IStandWithRayFisher.

Andrew being bad cop is supposed to be a joke, but I did take pleasant note how empathetic Spike was when questioning the monk. The whole thing with the blooming onions was great too.

Good final scene for Clem. Not all Buffy characters were granted that (sneers in Amy's direction).

Robin and Faith very much have a MeetCute here.

Willow starting to cry and Xander telling her not to was played perfectly by both actors. I believed these two people love each other very much.

I also love Xander saying he's trying to see Buffy's perspective but he guesses it's a little to his left.

If this were a worse show, I could almost accept the main hero never having learned a single thing over the course of the entire series with three episode to go. It's Buffy The Vampire Slayer instead, one of my favorite shows back in the day, and one of the most beloved and celebrated shows of all time. I'm like "How dare they?" instead. 2 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Touched"


The Scythe from Fray! Neat!

As tender as Buffy and Spike were, I appreciate the series showed her feelings were complicated. She flinched when he touched her face, and seems a little uneasy when she wakes up in his arms. Whatever this is, it's not easy. Regardless of how beautiful Spike's words are.

I have always wondered what Buffy made of the differences between Spike and Angel with and without their souls. With and without his soul Spike was always about either obsessing about Buffy or caring for her. If it were me, that would raise serious questions and anger about Angel and Angelus. And if the demon and the person ARE entirely different, why would souled Spike give a CRAP about Buffy? The comparisons this makes to Angel / Aneglus are entirely unflattering. And again, I love the franchise for making me wonder about things like that.

Mayor Wilkins playing some good head games as the First. I missed the dude. I love that he and Faith read Little Women together.

Buffy's plan to simply not let Caleb touch her was a good one. Also, this seemed better for a one-person mission, so maybe it was better the entire gang didn't come along after all.

Buffy's plan may have sucked the last episode, but the group's plan to kick her out seems equally ill-conceived. NOBODY ever thought Spike would have a problem with it? On some level I feel rage that Buffy basically made all of her friends feel like crap. But she did the same to Spike, and he was the only one still standing by her. Rona is outraged that Buffy cares so much about Spike. But when she told Giles Spike was the only one who had her back, it turns out she was right after all.

Faith would be sexually compatible with Angel. They are both cold-hearted monsters the next day.

Ugh. The r-word. I sometimes hate this show.

I loved Andrew's reaction to Giles slitting the Bringer's throat. Good comedy there. But the Bringers are human and Team Scooby are ALWAYS killing them. Anyone else seeing the disconnect there?

I love Caleb telling the First to stop looking like Buffy because while he was fighting the real her, it was confusing. That boy isn't especially smart.

Great cliffhanger. I look forward to the resolution for reasons I will discuss in the next review. 3 1/2 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "End Of Days"


How does Buffy gain back the Potentials' trust? By slaying three Ubervamps in front of them with the Fray Scythe. That'll do it. I love it that she tells them they weren't be punished and Faith's mistake could have happened with anyone. That is the right message.

Shirty is a real expression by the way.

The First is using uncouth language but Spike is right to be furious at the end. Buffy REALLY shouldn't be kissing Angel. Spike told her it was the best night of his life. Why is she doing that?

Anya and Andrew's scenes were delightful (if cringe in a few places). Buffy is a weird show because the scene ends on a "wheelchair fight" and it feels like the right stopping point.

I love Buffy telling the Guardian her name, and the Guardian saying, "No, really?" There's a reason people make fun of the show for the name.

I love the bitterness of Faith saying the Scythe felt like hers, so she guesses that means it's Buffy's. There is real bad blood there that can't be fixed.

The Guardian is definitely a "Penultimate Episode" thing. Like the Scythe, she feels right to be introduced right near the series' end.

I mentioned I was gonna discuss the cliffhanger resolution. I watched this on Hulu and saw the explosion! For some inexplicable reason, Fox cut off ALL the recaps from all the Buffy and Angel DVD's. They went so far with this nonsensical idea that they accidentally cut out the damn explosion from the beginning of this episode because the idiotic people putting together the DVDs didn't realize it was an original scene! Some day I want an actual Buffyverse Complete Franchise Blu-Ray, totally remastered from the junk Fox crapped out on streaming with a recaps attached. I love finally seeing the explosion again years later. The makers of the DVD's ripped us off there or no damn good reason whatsoever. 4 stars.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Chosen"


I remember loving this back in the day. Entertainment Weekly, which had practically turned into a Buffy fanzine at that point in time, gave it an ultra rare "A+". It hit all of the right emotional beats a series finale should hit. I'm wondering why I feel a little colder to it now.

Is it because some of the mistakes I notice now aren't actually forgivable if you think too hard on them?

I guess my first major complaint goes for the show Angel too. I think The X-Files might wind up having done the most damage to television in the 1990's and the aughts out of any TV show in history. I'm happy to say the terrible trends it started have receded a bit, but it definitely effected both finales of both Buffyverse shows.

See, because of The X-Files, shows stopped writing definitive series finales. They were someday gonna bring the characters back in movies, you see! Just like The X-Files! This plagued The Buffyverse, Alias, Heroes, and most genre shows of the era not named Battlestar Galactica. One of the reasons I always get cranky at people talking crap about Lost's finale is I'm like "At least we were actually granted a damn ending." You don't know how lucky you have it. And it's like, yeah the final Apocalypse hinted in the first issue of Fray is pushed off, probably because Angel is still on the air. Part of me questioned the wisdom of Angel: The Series to begin with. Not just for splitting up the show's actual 'ship. But I worried that Angel would last longer than this show, and the franchise wouldn't give us a definite ending. The stinger is Angel did the same damn thing! All because Joss Whedon has visions of the silver screen dancing in his head. The X-Files messed TV up good there.

And no, I don't blame Star Trek: Generations, at least not to that extent. Star Trek: The Next Generation actually GOT a great and definitive series finale, so it doesn't count as a show that hoarded its main mythology for movies that would never come.

That's one of the big gripes. The other is that the actual day is saved not just by Spike, but by Spike using the MacGuffin Angel brought over from his series. Spike claims before he dies she beat them back and his job is the clean-up. No. No. His job is to kill ALL the Ubervamps and destroy the Hellmouth thereby making the Slayers' battle irrelevant. I LOVED the empowering message of Buffy's "Are you ready to be strong?" speech. The girl smiling at the bat, the heavyset girl defending herself against being struck by her stepfather. These are all very empowering ideas. But the reason Whedon always calls himself a feminist and is not is because he made Spike the actual guy who saved the day and stopped the actual threat. It bothered me then a little, but knowing what I know about Whedon NOW, it bothers me now a LOT.

I also object to Xander, Dawn, and Anya slaying Ubervamps. I understand it's the finale, and Whedon wants an epic battle, but you can't promise the threat you made with that first Ubervamp by having them be able to be killed by the Scoobies with no powers. And it's not like there weren't Bringers for them to fight. It's just wrong.

In hindsight, I actually think the biggest mistake was Anya's death. Not that she died. That's good series finale drama. It's both the way she died (pointlessly) and the reason she died (to give Andrew's arc as a storyteller the proper ending). I don't give a CRAP about Andrew. If anything his death should be helping HER final arc about caring about humans, not the other way around. And with her and (supposedly Spike) dying the happy ending Whedon is trying to go for in the final shot, actually isn't.

That's about it for the complaints. And note that list is not just long, but those are serious-ass faults, and not just petty gripes. What I will say is that the episode did a TON right.

Wood surviving was great, as was him saying "Surprise." He's a Black dude in genre. Him surviving IS a pleasant surprise. I love him telling Faith he's so much prettier than she is. It's funny because it's true.

Spike's effigy of Angel on the punching bag was awesome. That feels like the mostly purely Spike thing the character has been permitted to do this season.

I love Spike waking up yelling about drowning in footwear.

The next thing is both good and bad. When Spike is all "I can feel my soul!" he's totally Data from Star Trek in that moment. What I don't like is when Buffy tells him she loves him, he says she doesn't and thanks her for saying it anyways. Why did Whedon have to do that? I believed her when she said that. And there are many ways to love a person. Buffy does not need to be giving a romantic commitment by telling Spike she loves him. She might actually be speaking the truth and I'm annoyed Whedon couldn't give her that.

I love the early act break where Buffy realizes they are going to win. It's unusual for sure, and that's why I like it.

The Original Four Scoobies making plans for what to do the next day. The world is definitely doomed.

I think the cookie dough metaphors is claptrap, and the kind of cutesy cloying thing Whedon always does. But the way Sarah Michelle Gellar delivers it is right. And I think she's also right about Spike. He's not her boyfriend. But he's in her heart.

Angel being jealous about Spike having a soul is funny, but in hindsight I think because Angel doesn't know how and WHY Spike got his soul back, he should NOT be making comparisons to himself. He was cursed with his soul. Spike earned his. He should not be bringing up the comparison while it is so utterly unflattering to himself.

I love "I want you to get out of my face!". It works on multiple levels.

In hindsight I'm not crazy about Willow The White. I guess partly because the awful comics retconned it, and partly because really it's not any sort of twist or surprise. It certainly never shocked me over the air. I don't penalize shows for being predictable. But when they do a predictable thing, and shoot and board the moment as if it's revelatory instead, I'mma call b.s.. I'm allowed to do that for THAT at least.

There's another Hellmouth in Cleveland. This also confirms the idea of WHY Buffy went to Cleveland in the alternate universe episode "The Wish".

The Welcome To Sunnydale Sign falling into the pit was such a perfect comedic moment I cribbed it verbatim (including the exact wording of the sign) for one of the last issues of Gilda And Meek. The bit doesn't actually make sense in the Gilda And Meek story itself, but it's funny and recognizable for Buffy fans.

The visual effects in the episode aren't actually feature quality, but Whedon DID use newer technology used for other big budget films of the era to generate the horde of thousands of Ubervamps.

I love the moment of Buffy and Spike walking towards each other in the basement, and I think the scene cutting to the next day is awesome, because the viewer is being granted a kindness. We are allowed to fill in the blanks of what happened next. Maybe they spent another night in each other's arms. Maybe they had sex. Maybe they got into a fight. Every single person who had a differing opinion on the polarizing Spuffy 'ship was given a moment to imagine it ended the correct way in their own minds, without that ever being contradicted in a later episode or project. That's genius. And the fact that it was a deliberate choice shows that for whatever his faults, Joss Whedon had a value as a storyteller. I just wish he weren't such a creep.

It felt like an amazing and satisfying finale. But if you peel aside the layers and sit with it for a couple of decades, it's no longer adequate for a show of Buffy's caliber. This entire thing is the fault of the damn X-Files. That showed ruined television. Thank God, not permanently. But for at least the ensuing 10-15 years following the first movie. SO much great television gave us crappy finales. BECAUSE of The X-Files. I don't say "Damn you, Joss Whedon!" for being unsatisfied by Buffy and Angel's endings. I say "Damn you, Chris Carter!" This mess is entirely his fault. 4 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Matt Zimmer
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Angel "City Of"


Eyes Wide Open. Always.

I am shocked at how much I disliked that. I pledged to review the entire Buffyverse, but I dragged my feet on Angel because Seasons 3 and 4 are some of the biggest bummers I've ever seen on television, and both seasons engage in cheating and unfair cop-outs when plotting out their twists and turns. I seem to recall the first season being bland and inoffensive. I thought it would pass the Abe Simpson test there at any rate.

My mistake. The Pilot is a mess. And it's so badly written, and yes, directed that it calls attention to its own flaws in a way Buffy The Vampire Slayer often did not. The scene transition flashcuts for example are not just annoying and off-putting, they date the series as one of those mid-aught shows that confused flashy for edgy.

That whole teaser didn't just feel cliched, it felt FORCED, and made the series feel less like an organic thing, and more like something fulfilling WB contract negotiations between the network, David Boreanaz, and the producers. It made me hyper-aware this isn't just a new unique show. It's a financial investment on behalf of Big Money. I don't like TV that feels like "product". That's what this feels like. And whenever a show winds up feeling like that, I find it extremely cynical and depressing. Here is an interesting fact: I don't find this is a specific fault with a TON of television, at least not TV that I watch. I was never struck by that feeling when rewatching the pilots of Star Treks Deep Space Nine and Voyager (although I WAS Enterprise) and this is a problem that truly only should be infecting worse stuff.

And the writing is purely terrible. I'll tell you it's the exposition that's killing me, and the cliched things the characters say to one another as it's being said. You can say, "Matt, it's a Pilot to a spin-off, and they need to explain all this for people who never watched Buffy". But I don't believe a recap needs to be cringe to be effective. When Doyle describes Angel and Buffy "getting groiny with each other" I'm like "How old is Joss Whedon?" and I'm wondering why I should find his juvenile mallspeak delightful instead of crass. Because it's crass.

And I will concede this. It is possible the rest of the season will settle down. Joss Whedon is known for poor premieres (Angel's Pilot's paired Buffy episode "The Freshman" might be the worst Buffy premiere of all time, although there have been so many bad ones, so that's debatable). Joss Whedon does not handle introducing people to the franchise with any sort of class or finesse. It's a very heavy-handed approach. And with such tacky directing and poor dialogue, I notice it completely now.

I realized something very unpleasant. One of the things I hated absolutely the MOST about the show was the bad guys discussing "New Players". Like the "Champions" cliche, it sounds stupid and lame and Whedon trying to make Fetch happen. I'm alarmed Lindsey McDonald says it in the first damn episode. The series didn't just BECOME problematic (which was my false recollection). It has always been so.

Can I talk about a couple of good things? The bit where Cordelia says "Hey! You're a vampire!" and Russell says "What? No, I'm not," is legit cute and funny. Whedon is definitely capable of that and probably would feel more comfortable doing it in this episode if he weren't so busy selling out.

Also Glen Quinn as Doyle is way more charming that I remember. Yeah, I noted the exposition was bad. But I like when he's walking with Angel down the street and is earnestly telling him it's all about making connections with people, a homeless woman asks him for some change, he says "Get a job, you lazy sow," and goes right back to his earnest preachiness of helping people to Angel. I think that was a very telling moment of the flaws of the character and told us a TON about him in only a few seconds.

And I would give the series credit for the "Can you fly?" gag at the end (super memorable climax for a first episode) if Angel didn't later tell Doyle Russell "Saw the light." No. No. You can't use a Horatio Crane line afterwards and pretend that ending was still badass. You just ruined it. Totally.

I'm dismayed. I'm dismayed I've committed to watching another 109 episodes like this, many of which are from seasons I hated FAR more than this. I hate the first season of Buffy too. But since I always have, it never filled me with this sense of trepidation this does. I was far too lenient and forgiving of Angel in my old reviews back in the day. I always knew that was true based upon how much Seasons 3 and 4 upset me in hindsight with some distance. But I am completely shocked my disdain for the questionable tropes the series engaged in was baked into the Pilot. I guess I could level that at Buffy's Pilot too, but the difference there is everybody was still new at this. Growing pains are acceptable in that circumstance. This was released after Joss Whedon damn near took over TV and was universally praised from critics and fans. He should be better at this than he is considering his reputation. And we let him slide too much about things like this.

And maybe the sole benefit of learning that Whedon was an abusive creep is that we don't have to do that anymore. And I'm wondering if I DID do that the entire time. This episode is terrible, and yet my tastes back then were not. It suggests that if I ever DID have a problem with this episode, I kept my mouth shut so as not to upset the applecart. I can't even call myself cowardly for that. That's what ALL Whedon fans did at the time. But "City Of" is definitely one of those Emperor's New Clothes moment for Whedon. It sucks but everybody puts up with it. Until one day some truth is told that makes us all realize we don't actually owe him that. I do not believe in the notion that creators owe US good television. That is a messed up and damaging mindset. But by the same token we don't owe bad television good reviews just because we view the creator and franchise favorably. I am very careful not to expect too much of new projects in different franchises and to judge each thing on its own merits, And I'm doing that for Angel for the first time ever. And it's telling me I was weighting the show unfairly with praise while I was rooting for Whedon. My mistake. As awful as going through the next 109 episodes will often be, the one good thing about rereviewing it all is that I can correct that mistake quite easily. That is definitely a selling point for me and something to look forward to when I rewatch a series I realize I probably am not going to like very much this time out. 1 star.

Angel "Lonely Hearts"


Extremely weak episode, but I remembered it as such, and the truth is most sophomore episodes are, so I won't penalize it too harshly.

But I'll still penalize it. Like Torchwood, the second episode features "the sex monster". It's also nowhere NEAR as bad as Torchwood. Which really is not a real compliment. Torchwood is no sort of quality bar any show should struggle surpassing.

I guess my problem is that the plot is sloppy. And it's the same for a lot of the Monster Of The Week episodes of The X-Files. The monster has a pattern. It kills people after sex. But it attacks Kate at the club instead not just for unearned narrative stakes, but to make it easier for Angel to catch him. This happens in a LOT of monster of the week episodes in genre. The monster serial killers escalate for no discernable reason other than the writers need the heroes to catch them, which is outside of how real killers operate. Most killers are still caught by the way. Genre taking these kinds of narrative shortcuts should not necessary for a show with gifted writers. And it's not just this show. It's The X-Files, it's Smallville, it's all of it. And it's annoying.

Kate's debut is beyond a mess. I will not deny her raising the gun and then the badge is a cool moment, but presenting Kate as a hot mess to the audience under false pretenses makes us unfairly dislike her right out of the gate, and speaking as an audience member, I just never stopped. That's bad a thing for a recurring character, especially a supposed good guy. Kate should not always be as stubbornly wrong as she is, especially about Angel, if I'm supposed to sometimes root for her, and care about her.

I was troubled by the scene of the guys at the bar treating Cordelia as a hooker. It adds nothing to Cordelia or Doyle's characters, and it seems to me to be a large part of the reason that Joss Whedon repeatedly emotionally abused Charisma Carpenter on-set. If this was only it, it wouldn't matter. Instead Whedon tried to completely destroy this woman's self-esteem for his own amusement. But it feels like an early piece of that.

I frown on exposition as a rule, but it was good Doyle himself tells Cordelia vampires cannot enter the homes of the living uninvited. It covers the potential plothole of Angel bursting into the dead woman's apartment. But before the show pats itself TOO firmly on the back for covering its bases in a separate scene (which IS a crucial and admirable skill) it begs the question why Angel believes he has the ability to run into the apartment to begin with. She's dead, so he can enter it after all. But he was running so fast into it that if she had been alive it's like he would have been running full-speed into a brick wall. The exposition explains how Angel was able to enter that apartment. It doesn't explain how and why he did so while running full speed as if it wasn't an issue to begin with.

Look at the scene of Doyle picking up the bra. Cordelia is not just right to be disgusted with that. I think the audience should be disgusted with the writers for believing that is a laughline. I would take Doyle's protestations of "You're disgusting" more serious if he hadn't JUST done something far more disgusting.

I have to admit there was something, I'm not gonna say amusing, but memorable about the desperate, dying bartender macking on women while trying to pretend his face isn't falling off. The monster is kind of pathetic on some level, but that brought it home very to the audience in a very easy to read visual gag before it was killed.

But effective moments like that are few and far between. I will say that although much of the dialogue about making connections and meeting people is trite, triteness aside, I don't feel like the episode is trying so hard to sell itself to me the way the Pilot did. There's SOME of that, but it's not as in-your-face or poorly written as the first script. And technically this script and episode ARE worse. But it's not bad in the same ways and is better in some of them.

But it still sucked. No getting around that. 1 star.

Angel "In The Dark"


The first episode that isn't awful, but the truth is I remembered it being a LOT better than it is. It has a TON of problems. Some small, some big.

But I should point out WHY this episode was mostly successful when the first two were duds: James Marsters as Spike. He brings SO much to the show, it kills me he's barely seen outside of this episode until Season 5. I was watching Marsters' monologue over Angel saving the woman and it was brilliant. It was cruel, but it was a relatable human type of cruel, which is why Spike is SUCH a unique villain. The whole thing about "I've got a nephew's who's gay," shows that despite the fact that Spike is not a person, he actually understands them well enough to credibly mock them. It's not the same kind of vicious sociopathic cruelty Angelus spews out. It's more the kind of human cruelty Daniel Tosh spews out. Difference is here I'm laughing for once.

I have to really say I'm alarmed at how good Glenn Quinn was as Doyle. I don't think in hindsight anybody ever gave him enough credit for the role, at least not until he died. But the reality is despite the fact that "Hero" was a great episode, and his death was amazing, the truth is they should never have killed him off. I think at this stage he's the show's biggest asset. His reactions shots to Cordy telling tales of Spike are outright amazing. They are relatable, human, and amusing. Why would Whedon get rid of that?

I don't think Marcus is a GOOD villain. But he's a scary villain. But only partial credit there because the pedophile angle is BEYOND problematic.

Let's talk about the episode's biggest faults, and the reason I can't give something this solid an actual solid four star grade.

Oz's appearance is terrible. I like the "We're usually laconic" bit, but the truth is Cordelia calling him the face of Sunnydale is as cynical and artless as Lisa Simpson telling Chief Wiggum and Principle Skinner she can't wait to see all of their sexy adventures in New Orleans in The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase. It's stopped being entertainment and the crossover has turned into commerce. Tacky and it makes me cringe.

Also every 30 seconds I watch Angel doing Pilates is 30 seconds of my life wasted that I will never get back. Any time a show uses a poor type of excuse like this for eye-candy, it should be called out and criticized. Doesn't matter if the show is asking the females in the audience to ogle a man. It's exactly as gross.

I think the biggest negative thing I can say about the episode, and something I doubt anyone would disagree with is now, is that the ending sucked. And what frustrates me is it suggests the episode should have searched out a different premise for the crossover. Angel destroying the ring doesn't make sense. If the show had him do it for practical reason ("Vampires will realize I have it, be gunning for me, and we'd live in constant fear,") I'd accept it. I wouldn't necessarily believe the risk wasn't worth it, but I'd get the argument. Angel instead destroying his biggest weapon in fighting evil and protecting his friends (and possibly even Buffy) because he feels too guilty to use it, and doesn't feel like he deserves to enjoy its "perks" doesn't actually make a DAMN lick of sense. And the reason we are hit with that crappy ending is because the show is gutless and refuses to change the status quo. And maybe that's understandable in Episode 3, but that just shows why the Gem Of Amarra is NOT an arc that should have been "solved" in Angel's third freaking episode.

Angel feels very much like television because Angel does a stupid and harmful thing under the guise of penance, when the reality is the creators just wanted to hit the Total Reset Button at the end and not worry about changing the entire premise of the show. But again, there are legitimate reasons Angel should not want to wear that ring and create that target on his back. The show being too dumb to argue them and leaning into Angel's patented moping instead shows these five seasons are gonna be a freaking slog. No question in my mind if THIS is the solution to something like that.

"It makes me feel bad," is not a legit excuse to handicap oneself for no damn reason especially in a job as dangerous as Angel's with loved ones on the line. The biggest irony, the thing that floors me, and pisses me off the most? The first time Matt Zimmer complained about all this in this episode, was in 2024 in the previous sentences I just wrote. I used to be such a TV stooge and apologist for my fandoms doing me dirty, I never ONCE raised an objection over how stupid that is before this. And maybe Angel doesn't have as much value in 2024 as it did when it was first airing (or when my standards were lower). But maybe my reviews DO. And maybe that's something. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "I Fall To Pieces"


This is going to be a tough as hell five seasons. I can't think of anything to compliment in the episode. An episode this bad shouldn't be occurring in the fourth outing.

So I knew going in when Cordelia tells Doyle he's smarter than he looks, but of course he looks like an r-word, I wasn't going to laugh (and I did back in the day). What genuinely surprised me is there wasn't even a temptation there. It's simply not funny. And not just because it's an unforgivable, politically incorrect slur. It's because the thing Glenn Quinn says before she says it is so refreshingly candid and correct, and her saying that seems mean as hell, and mean for no damn good reason. One of the drawbacks of me believing Doyle is awesome this time out is that none of Cordelia mistreatment of him is funny anymore. And nothing demonstrates that more than me being THIS angry at a line I foolishly used to laugh at.

It's bullying. And I'll tell you why the stalking plot bothers me so much. And it was the same with the episode "Beauty And The Beasts" on Buffy. There is no subtlety involved. I think I'm going go a LITTLE in-depth into why that is problematic, and yes, much of it has to do with the accusations against Whedon. But the dude being this openly out there with his harassment is not credible. Not really. It's an Afterschool Special version of how a stalker behaves. I've heard from women in real life that real stalkers are charismatic, and always keep plausible deniability to their obsession. If they threaten the person, it's often using dogwhistles only the woman herself would understand. There is a lot more underhanded emotional manipulation involved in most of those cases. Granted this d-bag has a supernatural reason he's getting away with this, but the show isn't expressing a real-world problem for women who are harassed.

And my real major problem with this is knowing what I know about Whedon now, it seems that this is how far he had to go to believe somebody crosses the line. He doesn't see anything wrong with his routine psyhcological torments and manipulations. As long as he isn't acting EXACTLY LIKE THIS, he's a feminist icon in his own deluded mind. I resent that the show believes this is the actual bar for showing men mistreating women. There is no place in the show for the real-world horror of the charming sociopath who wins everybody else over, or the guy who doesn't show his true colors out in public near an ATM machine, but only when he and his victim are alone and she is defenseless. I resent the fact that Whedon bullied and harassed his female employees because he believes anything less than THIS is okay. And he thinks showing THIS, and taking a stance against THIS, makes him a feminist ally, instead of somebody who has no clue about the struggles women go through when dealing with monsters like this. He believes he is due credit and goodwill he hasn't earned instead of the scorn he actually has. I am perfectly comfortable giving him his due here.

The smash-cut scene transitions make the show feel far more unprofessional than it probably even was. Five seasons of THAT headache-inducer. Good God, pass the Tylenol.

Here is how you know Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt are poor storytellers who know little to nothing about the world. The doctor killed a cop. And Kate and nobody else seems to really care. In reality, that would have the police on the warpath and high alert. Kate would be super pissed, and the police presence would intensify. As far as Kate and her cop father goes, none of it is remotely realistic. The show doesn't seem to understand cop killers get the full fury of the justice system thrown at them. They are lucky when they are taken in alive. This episode's take is, "Gosh, he's escalating by killing a person (who I assume is a cop by complete coincidence). How troubling."

If the episode were better I'd congratulate Andy Umberger as one of the rare Mutant Enemy actor Hat Tricks as in being an actor who has appeared in Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly in three entirely different roles. But no. D'Hoffryn may be a brag. But this loser doctor is not.

The episode was so poor it pissed me off. When did Angel turn into Titans / Riverdale? More disturbing question: Has it always been and I'm just noticing it now? 0 stars.

Angel "Rm With A Vu"


I love Griff. I thought that was Marcus Redmond and it was. I'll talk a little more about him in "The Ring".

The episode is all right. I like that Cordelia's new roommate is an invisible ghost (although Phantom Dennis is a dumb name).

I also love Cordelia's frustrations about the Invite loophole.

My problem is that Cordelia is too much of a victim during most of the episode. It shouldn't take being called the b-word for her to want to put this Granny Ghost in a world of hurt. Out of character and no fun to see.

Not a terrible episode by any means though. 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "Sense And Sensitivity"


Good God, this is a nearly impossible show to binge. Every time I sit down to watch a few episodes, the first one is so bad, I give up.

I believe this specific episode probably already has a bad reputation. As unfunny, lame, and unimaginative. I didn't like it back then either.

This time out? I actively dislike it. It offends me on several levels. I can talk about the problematic subtext (and I will) but how about we start off with the fact that Elisabeth Rohm is a shit comedic actress? There are people who would argue Rohm is a shitty actress in general, but I'm not one of them. Granted, neither Kate or the lawyer she played on Law & Order were remotely likable. But she played them fine, at least when Kate was played straight. I am struggling to understand why they would hand this actress whose only appeared a couple of times this huge comedic role. Did they ever audition Rohm for comedy? Because this episode is early enough in the run to suggest they probably should have.

And I'll tell you why the episode pisses me off the most. It's the shots at sensitivity training. You think the police work on this show isn't credible? All Tim Minear knows about conflict resolution and crisis counseling is what he read in a fortune cookie. It's insulting. Basically Team Whedon is mocking how ridiculous it is to show empathy for people outside of your circle by using the most bullshit outlandish examples possible. Considering the trauma Charisma Carpenter was put through in Season 4, maybe if the writers and producers actually thought kindness and understanding was something to strive for instead of make fun of, Joss Whedon would still be working in Hollywood instead of frozen out for his abuse masked as "jokes".

And the entire premise of the episode essentially tells you Mutant Enemy believes treating people kindly is ridiculous, and that people who advocate it talk in meaningless platitudes instead of getting to the root issues of the problem like a competent sensitivity trainer actually does.

Do you know the worst part? Kate is a dirty cop. She's beating up suspects. Worse, they're actually GUILTY, so she's making their prosecution harder by giving Wolfram and Hart so much ammo for their defense. And it's portrayed as hardass instead of wrong. And maybe nobody really complained before because nobody EVER liked Kate, and her role was totally secondary, and frankly ultimately unimportant to the entire series. That doesn't make me think she's not a total corrupt shithead though. Because she is.

Angel as a mook was kind of funny, but the problem is the show is still too new to understand they did not need to buy that back with Angel acting normal and apologetic to Kate afterwards. Later seasons allowed Angel's humor to stand instead of just saying "See, he was just kidding!"

I have to admit, I REALLY love the fact that Doyle notices Cordelia's shoes and compliments them and asks if they are new. That is a wonderful moment for them both because it's actually something Cordelia cares about and he noticed. Maybe her expecting Angel to notice is a little much, but the fact that it's a little much, makes Doyle caring about something she does all the cooler.

But, man, I can't keep going. I don't recall having this specific problem with Buffy, and Season 1 was the pits. I guess it was still watchable (in a trainwreck way). There is just ENOUGH TV credibility existing in the first season of Angel that it's painful to view episodes this terrible instead of in a fun and trashy way. Maybe that's a compliment? Maybe that's me saying the show seems worse than it is, because it's not as bad as it could be. As as weird as that sounds, it's probably why I find myself so skeeved out and unhappy, and thinking Joss Whedon needs an intervention ALREADY. Mostly because he clearly doesn't understand what an intervention entails. It's ugly.

One last personal note. As a person suffering from mental illness, mocking therapy and conflict resolution as something only wimps and saps need is part of the reason there is so much stigma against us. That's not the only reason, of course. But that crap happens ALL the time, and it's damaging. And hurtful. And even if I never liked the episode, I'm finally in a place where I'm comfortable being offended by it and calling bullshit on it. Back in the late 90's / early aughts, the Golden Age Of Television was still a couple of years away. So TV from writers who are still hacks, but not completely WORTHLESS hacks, (like Joss Whedon) got a lot more praise than they deserved. Whedon had the TV climate to himself for a good couple of years when it came to clever drama with decent dialogue. But seeing all this again says Whedon is simply NOT as good at that as he was given credit for. He was only given that credit to begin with because almost everybody else was awful. In comparison, he was Hollywood's bad boy. In reality, and in hindsight, he's just as big a hack as everybody else was back then, but was able to mask it better, with fresh creative decisions that we never saw before. But that doesn't stop Angel: The Series from being crappily written. Not always, of course. But for a critically acclaimed show with such a huge and loyal fandom? It's far worse than you'd expect it to be, and even worse than it should be (or needs to be).

This show is currently dreck.

So I'm gonna hold off watching "The Bachelor Party" for a couple of weeks, prepare for another binge, and probably be so instantly disgusted with that episode I turn it off for another couple of weeks. Wake me when we get to "I Will Remember You" and "Hero". I have serious doubts either of those episodes will seem as great to me as they did 20 years ago, but I almost sincerely doubt they'll actually suck. So far, when it comes to the Buffyverse, Not Actually Sucking, sounds pretty damn good right about now. 1/2 star.

Angel "The Bachelor Party"


Carlos Jacott, who plays Richard, is one of those rare Mutant Enemy Hat Trick actors, i.e. actors who have appeared on Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly in different roles.

This episode is better than most of the show has been so far, but it's not up to the standards of modern stuff. I get why we all tolerated this crap. A LOT of Angel episodes I DON'T understand why. But yeah, this has selling points that a lot of the earlier terrible episodes did not.

When Doyle asks if Cordelia thinks he's a nice guy, she says she's Cordelia, and if she thinks it, she says it. That sounds nice. Here's my problem: Earlier on she was comparing him to Xander Harris as a supposed fixer-upper, and that's about the most insulting she could have said about Doyle. If she's talking up nice guys and Xander, we're pretty much in incel territory at this point. Consider what a toxic piece of shit Xander was, ESPECIALLY to Cordelia, it is WRONG to project that on somebody like Doyle.

I love that he used to be a teacher. Working in a soup kitchen is less of a surprise, but considering how he treated the homeless woman in the Pilot, it doesn't exactly fit either.

Just to clear up the record, when this episode was filmed, Glenn Quinn was a FAR more handsome actor than David Boreanaz. Despite the fact that Boreanaz is taller, and the series lead, Quinn has a specific "hunk" thing going for him Boreanaz never did. Boreanaz is traditionally handsome. Not hunky. Quinn literally has bedroom eyes. There is no question he is prettier than Boreanaz.

The thing with Richard in demon face and the knife was a dirty trick to play on the audience. I think the dirtiest thing about it is that only a very stupid person would take it at face value. So portraying it that way is pretty much insulting the intelligence of the actual viewer.

The whole "Hold up... Did you say... CHARADES?" thing is not a cheat or anything, but unlike similar Whedonesque rugpulls, it lands with an utter thud. The music cue doesn't make it funny, because it's lame and stupid. And the harsh truth is whether we tolerated it back then or not, it probably actually always was, even if we couldn't admit it to ourselves. Ouch. Sad reality.

The show has done worse. But I'm also pretty sure the show has done better. 3 stars.

Angel "I Will Remember You"


I am not giving that episode the rave I did 25 years ago but it is a VERY good reminder of the franchise's selling points, and its faults. I curse those faults in hindsight. Because they are entirely unnecessary and simply badly written tripe. But that ending still delivers The Good Hurt I chase.

Gilda And Meek fans who know what a fan I was for the Buffyverse back in the day might wonder if there is any of the ending to this episode to the ending to "Timeline Trilogy". I can safely say no, believe it or not. "Timeline Trilogy" was more of a response to the X-Men: The Animated Series episode "One Man's Worth". I felt the Universe rebooting ending there hit wrong due to the lack of stakes and follow-up on the Wolverine / Storm ship so I added them. "I Will Remember You" has a similarly sad ending of the characters bemoaning the loss of their love and memories, but unlike "Timeline Trilogy", which again was used as an antidote to the darkness of a Saturday morning cartoon, there is absolutely NO light at the end of the tunnel here. It is pure heartbreak that unabashedly still makes me cry in a TV and film landscape that has largely stopped me from doing that. Mutant Enemy is the king of The Good Hurt, and the reason the tears feel so good is the sacrifice is genuine and will not be bought back down the line.

Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz's final moments before the reset would have gotten an actor in a more respectable-seeming show an Emmy. And Gellar had a TON of performances where that was the case and the Emmys simply gave them all out to David E Kelley, the single worst writer on television. Breaking Bad's Emmy record means nothing to me. The fact that Gellar was never nominated for Buffy means the award is purely bullshit and not worth winning. In case the Twin Peaks shut-out of 1990 didn't make that clear enough.

The Oracles are a cool concept, and I like how they speak, and how their concerns are entirely outside of ours. And yet, the female Oracle is still aware enough about human emotions to know that what Angel is proposing is an insane sacrifice on his end, and not something to simply be dismissed. I like a show where the hero makes the Gods of that Universe say "Hold up."

I'm trying to say as many nice things as possible. I remembered this as the best episode of the first season. And if that's true, we are in for a slog. The episode is SO uneven before the ending it's not even funny. Buffy is basically the same melodramatic narcissist she was in Sunnydale with the added annoyance that she infantilizes herself several times, and refers to herself as a girl and human Angel as a normal boyfriend. If THAT is the dream for Buffy Summers, I think less of her. And do you know what? For every single strong female character in fiction, no matter how empowered they seem, the messaging ALWAYS seems to be they can't be emotionally healthy without a good man to settle down with. Timeline Trilogy wasn't exactly a response to this episode. But Gilda Thurman IS partially a response to Buffy Summers about shit like this.

Aside from emo Buffy, about the worst thing I can say about the episode is that the humor is fucking terrible. Angel is holding a stake in his office getting ready to level his uneven desk, and Cordelia and Doyle run in pleading for him not to kill himself. Or how about Cordelia looking at the dust under the desk and believing Buffy killed Angel before remembering they don't have a maid? Or human Angel running to the refrigerator to get chocolate and Cordelia worrying he's going to eat them. What do each of these terrible, cringe, unfunny jokes have in common? This is something that plagued Xander and Willow on Buffy too so it's on-brand. It's characters believing completely stupid things to give the audience a cheap laugh. Here is the reality: None of that cringe shit is remotely funny or clever. And each thing makes me think MUCH less of not only Doyle, but Cordelia too. It's like the show keeps making sure I have a low opinion of this woman no matter how much personal growth they are pretending to hand her.

And harcore Buffyverse fans will say I'm being too harsh. There are plenty of genre shows worse-written than Angel, right? Keep some perspective here, Matt. But my perspective is Cordelia confusing dust bunnies for Angel's remains is NOT a high enough bar. Whatever else good the franchise and this episode did, that right there proves the show is stupid and badly written. When push comes to shove, as much genuine pathos as it can make me feel, it will go for the cheap laugh that makes its character seem stupider not just than they generally are. But that any audience member would willingly tolerate. And I think MAYBE we all tolerated a little bit too much back in the day there.

One last thing: People complain about the exploitative sex scenes on Game Of Thrones, but can I be real? I often feel the sex scenes in the Buffyverse are just as ill-intentioned, with the difference of no nudity or penetration taking place.

Now I am aware Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz are great friends in real life, and love goofing off with each other. But it bothers me that the writers had her licking ice cream off his bare chest. She is not a pornographic actress. And that is SUCH an intimate thing to do on-camera that asking a female actress on a broadcast TV show to do it is is beyond the pale. As mistreated as the Game Of Thrones actresses are, that shit is in the HBO contracts they sign before joining the cast. If Sarah Michelle Gellar's initial Buffy contract had stipulated she'd be doing porn star moves on camera, and multiple times, I think she probably would have passed on the project. It's the fact that team Whedon asked her to do that which is why I think there was always something very wrong with the female empowerment Joss Whedon always tried to claim for himself, WHILE he was exploiting his actresses. It doesn't just make me cringe. Knowing what I know now, it makes me angry.

So that was a hell of an ending. Attached to an episode that seemed to be written by a writers' room filled with pure hacks before it actually went down. There are some things about this episode I DEFINITELY want to forget. 4 stars.

Angel "Hero"


Let me put some opposing thoughts in your head.

This is the best episode so far. By far. The Scourge is a fantastic villain group, made all the more horrific by the real-world rhetoric of today. Doyle the ONE series regular on Angel who was gifted a perfect and satisfying character arc. The Good Hurt is especially good here. As far as writing goes, the episode is solid and wastes very little time on bullshit.

That's the first thought I want you to thunk.

The second thought is that this episode is the single biggest mistake of the entire series, and never should have been made.

Yeah, my feelings are complicated here.

Rewatching these past (mostly shitty) 9 episodes, it is clear Glenn Quinn as Doyle was literally the best thing on the series, the glue that held everything together, the unsung MVP, and now the show doesn't have that anymore. And it never really regained it, did it? Lorne helped a LITTLE there later on, but Andy Hallett was better for comedy than pathos. Quinn bought the goods for both (in spades).

Here is the thing that upsets me most. In interviews Joss Whedon has always stated that he wanted to kill off a main character who was in the series main titles on Buffy, and killing off Doyle is him fulfilling that writing wish. First of all, speaking less as a writer (although part of the writer in me knows it's bullshit so I don't give him the pass for that other writers might) that is a sincerely shitty thought for a producer to harbor towards his actors. A LOT of people really respond to the fact that literally ANYONE can die in current television. I don't. TV series often wind up crippling their long term health for a 24 hour watercooler topic. Yes, the episode was shocking and amazing. But Doyle was the best thing on the show. And again, now they don't have him anymore.

And treating actors who work for a living, especially a good actor like Quinn, as some part of your sadistic producer bucket list is just a shitty way to be. I feel sick that every single actor in Hollywood these days can literally get fired on a moment's notice. There is no HR rep they can go to to complain about the producers wanting to "jolt the audience". And I think that's shitty. And not just as a person who invariably misses the character the shows in question slowly destroy themselves by killing off one at a time. But for the actors who can't count on a steady paycheck even if they finally make it big on a successful project.

I could talk your ear off about this specific subject, but let's just say actors claiming Whedon treated them like property did not shock me.

Finally, the biggest disappointment in the episode is the fact that the Scourge is SUCH a damn good concept for a villain. I wouldn't have accepted Doyle's death easier if it was the harbinger for the shitshow that was gonna follow with them now in the picture, but I'm a writer, and understand that is a valid storytelling choice when introducing a villain scarier and deadlier than any the heroes have ever faced.

And they were never heard from again.

Doyle sacrificed his life to temporarily stop this unbeatable threat. And we never hear from them again.

And the thing that bothers me is we probably never heard from them because since their motivations are different than all the other villains, particularly Wolfram & Hart's, it would have complicated the show on every level and turned it into a mess. But see, I LIKE messes. I hate Game Of Thrones, but literally the only really selling point to me about it is it's a mess. And you know what's interesting about messes? Sometimes they're worth it. Not just speaking of Twin Peaks, or even Lost. But Gilda And Meek And The Un-Iverse. The idea that Angel could have turned into a story with such political intrigue, and different factions with different agendas amid the Apocalypse is something I understand WHY the producers shied away from. But I would have welcomed it, and I'd like to think the fans of this franchise, as misguided as we all were back in the day, were mature and sophisticated enough that the idea would have excited us rather than bored us.

Bad Genre politics are The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. Good Genre politics are Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I feel like if the Scourge had been a recurring threat, Angel could have been as pleasurably twisty a show as DS9 was on a weekly basis. And I would have loved that.

I can't find fault with the episode itself. It's amazing and powerful. But not only were the intentions of it bad, but it hurt the rest of the series for the remainder of its run. And I might have even tolerated that if it turned Angel DS9-level political via a Dominion-level threat. Since it didn't, it's a huge unforced error instead. 4 1/2 stars.

Angel "Parting Gifts"


We'll talk about Wesley in a bit. And we'll have a lot to say. I think my main question about seeing that is wondering if the Barney reveal is good or bad. Part of me resents they turned the character who correctly pointed out to Cordelia that Doyle left her the only thing of value he had evil, but part of me wonders if it was the right or wrong narrative choice.

On paper he's the wrong narrative choice. He is, of course, the first suspect. Which makes his actual culpability a narrative surprise. Is it a super obvious reveal when the series makes the red herring the murderer? It is narratively WRONG to do so. But I can't outright say it's predictable. It's the fact that it's obvious, which is why I was so sure it wasn't him when I first saw this. The show was using our genre savvy against us. That's not bad, right?

Whatever. Time to talk about Wesley. I don't much love the goofy phase of his character, because the grim phase of his character is so real, and it breaks my heart on some level. What kills me is that Angel seems tolerate him. Not like him. Not yet. But he seems a little amused by the guy and he seems to get Angel's stamp of approval. And knowing what's coming down the line, that's especially heartbreaking. I don't think I EVER hated a character on this show as much as I did Angel in Season 3. I am not looking forward to going through all that again.

Cordelia trying to keep the auction going through outraged narcissism to simply play for time is a GOOD bit of writing. It's Cordelia using her greatest outward weakness to cleverly save her own life.

Also clever writing was after Barney tells Angel he's a demon, Angel deadpans, "I appreciate your candor." This is why all the earlier dumb, stupid character bits drove me nuts. See how easy it is to come up with a funny line that makes your character look awesome instead of stupid? They could literally choose to do that for every joke if they wanted, and for some reason they don't. Here is a writing secret: That bit is not actually hard.

I forgot Wesley was briefly gifted an amazing kiss with Cordelia here! I always thought their disappointed uneven slobber sort of wrecked things for them both, but Wesley himself seemed pleasantly into it. And slightly hurt when she only realizes it's him after the kiss.

Her kissing Angel was comedy gold too. We know why she did it but hearing Angel stammer was GOOD dumb comedy for once.

Making the red herring the culprit is poor writing. And yet because we all know that and nobody does it, it was still a surprise at the time. I DID appreciate the show using our savviness against us. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "Somnambulist"


Holy shit! Jeremy Renner was Penn? Rewatching the Buffyverse is always just one giant mind-fuck.

Fans of the show give Kate Lockley nothing but shit. That character is loathed. I guess fans hate Elisabeth Rohm in particular in the role. Me? I think blaming Rohm is the cop-out. It is true Rohm is a poor actress not up to the part. And yet, that should not make the audience LOATHE her. David Boreanaz himself does not always display great acting chops. Something else is going on.

I think the writers tried to get the audience to hate her. Which is a shitty thing to do, not just to Rohm as an actress, but to a supposedly strong female character. Kate is not necessarily the WORST written character on the show (although she might be in contention with Connor) but there is no doubt in my mind she is the most inconsistently written. It's no wonder Rohm was never able to get a bead on her.

Check out how she treats Angel during the first half of the episode. She's making moon-eyes at him and is grateful for his help. This time out I noticed that's unusual. Kate has NEVER treated Angel with any degree of trust before this episode, and she only is written so out-of-character now to make the wedge driven between them by this bigger. That's poor writing. And I'm not gonna call out the actress for coming across as a judgmental b-word. The writers were the ones who dropped the ball here, not Rohm.

First off, Angel explains himself poorly at her door. After what she read about Angelus, is it any wonder she doesn't trust him and hates him? She's not even wrong that this murder spree is entirely his fault. At least she's not wrong by the standards Angel is using for himself. When she brings this up, Angel foolishly talks about not being able to make up for his actions, when the franchise canon treats Angelus as an entirely separate entity. Frankly, I think that's a little more deference to Angel than is due, but while the show is insisting that's the situation, Angel himself is allowed to bring up he is literally a different person than Angelus is. And he doesn't once. Is it so Cordelia can impart that life-lesson at the end? I don't think that's a good enough explanation because we've seen before that Angel already saw it that way himself, if only so he could ever look Buffy in the eye again. It's poor writing to drive false conflict, and the wedge after Kate's father is killed later on.

Speaking of poor writing, Angel asks for a stake and Cordelia tells him it's only 9:00 AM. No halfway decent show about vampires would have a character make that dumb statement in a life-or-death situation with a vampire, which tells me Angel is NOT a halfway decent show. Similarly, upon Penn declaring Angel is his true father, Angel quipping, "You're grounded," makes me question every compliment I have ever handed a Joss Whedon show for clever dialogue.

I do like the bit of Wesley being like "It's a classic!", Angel and Cordy looking appalled, and him revealing he was speaking of Gallagher and watermelon with a blissful level of unawareness at what they thought he had actually said. I don't know who Lady Hamilton is either, Cordy. Weird thing to apologize for from the guy who later on asks his evil girlfriend to keep wearing the Fred wig and glasses.

I love that as Kate is reciting the profile of the killer, everything she says applies to Angel. It's a clever bit of writing. I guess my major gripe against it is if the show was even a LITTLE smarter, those things would actually be true of Penn as well. But this is not that perfect franchise, even when giving us clever moments.

Yeah, I was not impressed with this one at all. 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "Expecting"


Pretty terrible.

"Sex is bad" being the moral shows WHY Joss Whedon never deserved to claim the mantle of feminism he did. It's also another example of a young woman being punished for her sexuality. That is the opposite of empowering and feminist.

Ken Marino is probably a little too old to play the boyfriend, even back then.

I'll tell you what moment bothered me. Cordelia screaming at the woman about to touch her stomach. The show plays it as an overreaction, but any woman will tell you when you are pregnant, the fact that total strangers feel like they have the right to walk up to you and put their hand on a very sensitive area of the body is entirely fucked up. Cordelia's reaction is not a sign of madness. It's righteous and the show is too dumb to know it. Again Whedon claiming to speak for feminism is disgusting.

The show often has the characters talking about how lonely a town L.A. is, and how the people are always struggling trying to find their places in it, and it all sounds like pure bullshit. It's all just meaningless blather from clueless writers trying to sound important.

Yeah, this season is a slog. 1 1/2 stars.

Angel "She"


Mutant Enemy bigwigs David Greenwalt and Marti Noxon came down from on high to cowrite this episode. Mostly because the thought was that if Jhiera turned out to be a well-received and popular character, Bai Ling would become a recurring guest star.

Needless to say, Greenwalt and Noxon are a pair of total dumbasses.

What a ghastly premise for an episode. I'm not saying TV can't take a stand against the real-world horror of female genital mutilation. But it's the fucking Buffyverse! Stay in your lane, Mutant Enemy.

While I'm telling the show to be less serious, I do have to concede that the bit of Angel dancing doesn't work. Wesley dancing is fun because it's happening. Angel's is essentially an Ally McBeal fantasy. I think more hard-hitting dramas need repeated hilarious scenes. But the thing is those scenes need to be germane to the plot, and fit in with the rest of the episode. The fantasy here is ridiculousness for the sake of ridiculous, which is okay for a comedy, but NOT for a freaking drama.

Repeating the bit in the end credits doesn't make it better.

I love as Wesley is doing the painful sweater monologue, Angel says nothing and leaves the guy hanging. There is an amused look on his face which suggests he not only enjoys Wesley's humiliation, he likes Wesley. Angel is the worst wingman ever.

One of the episode's best surprises to me is that the spa guy Jhiera trusted didn't betray her. He was actually a solid dude, which might not be the first inclination of other stories with a feminist bent. Mutant Enemy in particular has been guilty of making every man in their feminist episodes a total bastard which is why I appreciated the light touch here.

Honestly, there are a couple of good bits here and there, but the episode sucks in both premise and execution. And the idea that Jhiera would become a fan-favorite character after leaving Cordelia and Wesley to die borders on delusional. 1 1/2 stars.

Angel "I've Got You Under My Skin"


Here is the interesting thing about rewatching the Buffyverse. USUALLY, the baller, most memorable episodes are disappointments to me in hindsight. But often, episodes like this that I remember SORT of liking back in the day, hit me absolutely perfectly and aren't dated at all. That describes the exorcism episode where the demon itself is afraid of the bad seed it has narrowly escaped.

What I love is that the demon is pure evil. No getting around it. But this kid is too much even for him.

The mystery is SO well constructed. The parent who seems to be crying out for help is Paige, while Seth angrily swats away every friendly overture Angel makes. But once the reality is known, Paige retreats into denial, and Seth decides this MIGHT be the guy to help. He's not, but I love the shifted power dynamic there.

This is the episode where we learn Wesley was abused by his father. It was paid off beautifully in season five, when not all family member foreshadowing was (hairy eyeball directed towards Fred's parents).

I like that Angel knows Wesley isn't actually planning to kill him. But he's willing to, which is good. It's an important distinction that matters.

The look on Charisma Carpenter's face as the dude asks if he can giftwrap the mystic box was priceless. What this chick has to put up with.

I love that nuns in the Buffyverse can spot vampires. What a great bit of lore for the franchise.

Easily the best episode of the series so far. 5 stars.

Angel "The Prodigal"


I feel like this episode checks off most of the boxes for a solid episode. Not too much dumb stuff, they didn't do the cliche of having Kate believe Angel killed her father, etc... But it leaves me a bit cold.

It's the flashbacks that bother me. We meet Angel's father for the first time, and he's some hammy no-named overactor from a B movie. It should be a HUGE freaking role, and they didn't bother hiring a Special Guest Star. Even if they DID eschew a celebrity casting (WB money was tight back then) they could have at least hired a GOOD actor. But he's a Puritan cartoon character. It's embarrassing.

Also, not to put too fine a point on it, I disliked the episode because even if the episode tries to pretend it isn't, Kate's father's death is entirely Angel's fault. If he had gone to her, they both could have protected him. But Angel misguidedly thought he was doing her some kind of favor by keeping the fact that her father was dirty from her. I'm pretty sure she would have preferred learning he was dirty to him getting killed, and that's essentially the choice Angel made for her without asking. And by the way, she found out he was dirty anyways, so great job there, Angel.

There have been many stories about how Angel got the name. Learning his little sister believe he was an Angel returned from the dead right before he killed her was a pretty solid one.

Angel kills his whole family including his beloved little sister in the flashbacks and the show can't be bothered to bring its A-Game. You cannot say Buffy The Vampire Slayer did not go for broke when we met Spike's mother in "Lies My Parent Told Me". This is narrative malpractice. I mention the thing about the episode is it checks boxes for a decent episode. The episode where we see Angel kill his entire family deserved a bit more than a "checked box", don't you think?

Couple of random thoughts. Cordelia using her birthday as the security code is selfish and passive-aggressive, but you know what? If Angel and Wesley HAD forgotten her birthday offscreen, even once, I see it as justified. Cordelia is a shallow person. She has never denied or hidden that. Her friends remembering her fucking birthday should really be the least they can do for someone like that.

The other thing I loved was Angel saying "Ever since she ran me through with a 2 by 4, things have been different." That is ONLY the type of line you would ever get in the Buffyverse. And although the Buffyverse does lines like that all the time, I give props to this one for letting the ridiculousness of it stand and not yucking it up to the audience. The characters say silly things seriously. And I like that the show didn't wink at us and just allowed the nonsense to stand.

The show is starting to solidify in this part of the season after a rocky start. But the episode where Angel kills his family needed to be amazing, and it's a box check at best. Not good enough. 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "The Ring"


Better than I remember, and better than it even needed to be. We'll talk a bit about this one.

Back in the early aughts a big trope in genre was "alien" / "demon" fight clubs. The Brad Pitt movie was hot and all genre franchises had their take.

For the most part, each take was awful. So awful one of the unwritten rules in my never before published essay "Rules Of The Un-Iverse" was "No fight clubs". Just because they are awful and cliche and already were by this point. This take is not bad, especially compared to everything else.

Marcus Redmond was actor back then with a strong name and a stronger presence. I talk shit about David E Kelley. But Redmond was the ONLY thing I liked about Doogie Howser M.D.. I couldn't even stand NPH on that show. But Redmond played a reformed criminal turned nurse and I liked him.

I can't 100% remember if I named Redmond the Dark Child after him. It seems unlikely because that name seems to be older in my memory than Doogie Howser. But to be brutally honest, it's possible. It's a great name. It's a strong name. Cribb the demon was a GOOD role for him here. Also checking IMDB says he was in Fight Club too (which I have yet to see) which is another reason the casting is great.

The actor who played Val Trepkos is also good. Maybe the real reason this fight club episode works while no others do is because the performances don't suck.

I totally forgot Lilah Morgan was introduced here. Her first episode makes her intriguing and alluring. It's interesting they sort of wound up turning her into a hot mess as the series progressed. The mysterious and sexy vibe she gives off here totally suits her.

You may think it's out of character Wesley can handle the thugs, but that's the point. He's rapidly getting better at this. Alarmingly so. Considering what happens later in the season, they would have done better not to connect him to torture at all however.

And the dude shoots his brother. It's a dark moment, but the problem for me is it doesn't make too much sense. Letting Angel go is not an option. Clearly. But shooting his brother himself isn't necessary to stop him. It's done to show how bad he is, but it doesn't make sense.

And they let the demons go at the end. I'm actually cooler with that than Wesley and Cordy were. They've earned it. It's a funny ending though.

I'm very surprised this didn't suck. It should have. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "Eternity"


I knew I wasn't going to like it, but it was even worse than I remembered. By a LOT.

It's not that Cordelia is more obnoxious than usual. It's that her obnoxiousness takes up so much of the episode. We are usually allowed a breather from this shit, but she spends the entire episode being the single worst person who ever lived (and never shuts it off).

And she uses the r-word because this franchise is just the worst.

For viewers of the show, the only reason to watch the episode is the last 15 minutes where Fake Angelus shows up. I'm not giving the episode zero stars because that part isn't worthless. But the reason the episode is otherwise is the case of the week sucks. Rebecca the guest star sucks. She is a terrible overwrought actress at the end, and Boreanaz's overacting performance sucks too. Angel actually LIKES her? It makes me think less of him. It's just awful.

The whole "And the Oscar goes to" is supposed to be this huge empowering line for Cordelia, but I just don't buy it. If she can be convincing at acting when her life is on the line, why would she not be able to with her career on the line? Do the writers actually view this as a moment of personal growth instead? In what way is that remotely believable?

And Angel is still chained at the end because as bad as the episode, it's the right ending.

But make no mistake: The episode is bad. 1 star.

Angel "Five By Five"


This is why I watch television.

This is why as problematic as it is in hindsight, the Buffyverse can never be outright dismissed.

I was in tears by the end. Good tears, The Good Hurt only Mutant Enemy appears capable of delivering.

Here is something people may not know about amazing television. And that was one of the most amazing hours I've ever seen. Sometimes television is amazing for reasons outside of the actors' and producers' control. Look at how perfectly timed that climax is. The boarding as Wesley is freeing himself and getting the knife as Angel and Faith are in their final is tight as hell. It would have been nearly perfect no matter what. Except in the middle of the scene, rain starts to downpour. This is real life, actual unplanned rain, that the producers realized made the scene a thousand times more effective. It was like The Universe decided to hand us a perfect episode of Angel and did so by starting to downpour exactly when it did.

You can't always predict amazing television. Sometimes shit like that is entirely outside of your control. It can just happen for one in a million beautiful random reasons. And it IS amazing.

This episode is a turning point for Wesley. Let's be clear though. He is far more stoic in the torture than the producers needed him to be. If Faith actually HAD gotten him to scream I wouldn't think any less of him. Just him telling her she's a piece of a shit is enough of a victory for him.

"Just when I think I've got you figured out, you come in here in a suit." Great line by Lindsey MacDonald there. I also love the bit with Angel in the lobby shooting the breeze with the asshole lawyer who's mistaken him for somebody who works there. Very funny comedy.

When Angel catches the bolt, and Faith is like "That was awesome!" I can't help but agree.

Julie Benz is clearly making all of these appearances in flashbacks simply so viewers will recognize Darla in the season ending cliffhanger. Thoughtful really. Better than a recap, I think.

For whatever reason it chose to rain in L.A. in the very middle of the end sequence, the Universe was gifted an amazing hour of television. Such rarities cannot always be planned or predicted. The beauty is often random and chaotic. And it's why no matter how much shit I talk about it, I prefer TV to movies.

A movie does something like this, it's just a movie. You get this on a weekly TV show, it's amazing.

This is one of the best episodes of the Buffyverse I've seen on this rewatch. And it's perfect for reasons the producers never even intended. 5 stars.

Angel "Sanctuary"


The episode is not worthless by any stretch of the imagination but the reason it doesn't entirely work is because it CAN'T work. A redemption story for Faith the episode immediately following what she just did is too fucking messy to work. And adding Buffy to the mix? I am half-convinced I might have liked the episode a LOT more than I did if Sarah Michelle Gellar didn't show up.

This is Buffy's final appearance on the series, and really, it's a foul place to leave her off. Buffy's entire shtick here is "What she did to ME. How could you not tell ME? I have someone new in MY life now." Buffy's problem in this episode is something that plagued the original series, but since this show isn't hers, we notice it more. Buffy thinks everything revolves around her. She always has. For a World Savior she is incredibly self-involved and narcissistic. Yes, Cordelia is too. But Cordelia is both aware of that part of herself, and the other characters make fun of her for it. Buffy making everything about herself is always indulged and excused by her friends. Angel's rant at her tone deaf "Oh, I have a boyfriend now, and he's better than you!" is not something he ever needed to apologize for.

I love that when Wesley comes in the next day looking like a truck hit him, he immediately walks up to Cordelia because he's concerned about her black eye.

For the record, the Watchers' Council is a bunch of wankers. They really are not any better on the evil scale than Faith is. The head guy is played by Alastair Duncan who voiced Alfred on The Batman and other animated Batman stuff. He doesn't look like Alfred at all. For one thing he looks much younger (even though he was already clearly middle-aged in 2000).

The thing with the popcorn and Faith knowing she can't apologize to Wesley is why the episode can't work. It's too messy.

And God bless Buffy for confronting Kate about "committing murder" but that girl is SUCH a drama queen. It is SO obviously a bluff that I'm wondering why anybody on her show follows the instructions of a leader that gullible to begin with.

I love Lindsey simply siccing the cops on Faith. It is ridiculous they didn't think of that earlier.

Lee Mercer has turned out to be the most hapless Wolfram & Hart lawyer. He is obviously not cut out for this. His death in a couple of episodes is not a surprise.

One of the biggest problems with redeeming Faith in the bulk of the episode is that Faith is still clearly dangerously psychotic and violent. It's nice Angel is giving her a final chance, but the truth is while she is so mentally unstable she is a danger to everyone she encounters.

Her turning herself into the police at the end was the only ending for this. But since it's the right ending, it makes Buffy's cruelty all the more shallow and petty. I can't believe I watched and often liked a show for seven seasons centered around that hot mess..

Wesley telling the Council he's fought more evil and done more good with the Angel is a huge sign that there is no way he was going to betray Angel and Faith. I like that as of this moment, Wesley is still a believer in Angel and his cause.

I also like Kate correcting that Mulder is the believer and Scully is the skeptic.

The last episode was amazing but left a huge mess. This episode did an all right job cleaning it up. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "War Zone"


I can't tell if Charles Gunn has the best introduction on the show or if it's Lorne in the next season. That was pretty badass though. He's even wearing the black coat! "You were expecting somebody else?" Um, maybe?

David Herman looks so young here.

I love Cordelia's scene with Wesley at the end. It's nice. There isn't enough nice on the show.

What's interesting to me that I either didn't appreciate at the time or misremembered is that Gunn is extremely fair-minded towards Angel himself. After he saves Alonna's life, Gunn is entirely in wait-and-see mode. He asks questions of his friends about Angel because the guy bothers him. I guess I was under the mistaken impression that Gunn initially showed an instant hatred for Angel and only gradually came around. No, Gunn was always surprisingly reasonable about the subject, especially considering both his background and his mission.

Gunn's goodbye to Alonna is interesting. Part of you thinks as she's speaking, she's convincing him to submit to her. But in reality, she's convincing him to stake her. It seems his heartbreak is due to resignation. But it IS actually due to loss.

I like that Angel doesn't talk at him at the end. Gunn claims he doesn't need help (which is bullshit by the way) but Angel is cool because he says he (Angel) might.

Good intro to Gunn. It's not like the series didn't spend the next four seasons actually dragging that character down, but his origin story works. 4 stars.

Angel "Blind Date"


This is a turning point for the series. I feel like the show has spent the entire season living in Buffy The Vampire Slayer's shadow. It tried to do its own painfully adult take on the franchise, and being broadcast TV still, it's not actually any more adult, and thus the pretentions of such are cringe. This episode is significant because it had an entirely different, more morally ambiguous voice than Buffy The Vampire Slayer ever did.

Angel as a series would go through its own highs and lows (and some of them are VERY low). But this episode made the show stop being Buffy's step-sibling and sort of a different part of the Buffyverse entirely.

I think the main success of that is the brilliant and subversive casting against type of sitcom vet Sam Anderson as the evil lawyer Holland Manners. Now Anderson had a small role in Forrest Gump (where he was a punchline) but until Angel hit, Anderson was best known for guest bits on sitcoms. He later on found great popularity as Bernard on Lost, but Angel was the first show to test his dramatic chops, and it was a risk that paid off.

The scene with the mindreaders would never happen on Buffy. Holland talking about nodding his head to Phil is such a uniquely coldblooded and iconic moment I used a similar beat in Lace Doilies briefly, minus the subtext and brilliance. This is a delicate moment and the question is does he nod his head. And the shocking answer he doesn't. And he STILL promotes Lindsey at end, and the musical strings crescendo as Lindsay casts the die and closes the doors of his new office. It's all beautifully played, iconic stuff. Holland Manners is a great character because he's warm, fatherly, coldblooded, and utterly menacing all at the same time. His fondness for Lindsey and his ultimate leniency to his sins make a great contrast to how Mercer gets the bullet. And part of me thinks Mercer's sin was much less, and he was only murdered to prove a point to Lindsey himself. That is why Holland Manners is so scary to me, and why Sam Anderson was perfectly cast against type in the role.

Angel tells Gunn he'll help him because it's dangerous. Angel knows what Gunn likes. Gunn's bit in Rich Evil White Guy Heaven was pretty funny too. The kid is good at this.

Angel pretending to nod off during Lindsey's tragic origin is great. I think "Can we get to the part where you are evil?" is frankly a sloppy and poorly written line, but the moment still works because plenty of people who DON'T sell their souls have shitty lives. I'm supposed to be outraged that Lindsey's father was a good enough person to joke around with the guy who repossessed his house. And really, it's annoying he thinks I should be.

For some reason the guest stars credits are missing on Hulu / Disney+.

This is not a perfect, five star episode by any means. It is not the amazing television "Five By Five" turned out to be. And yet, I think it is the far bigger turning point, and when the show found its own voice without worrying about Buffy The Vampire Slayer. And that is a very good thing. 4 1/2 stars.

Angel "To Shanshu In L.A."


The thing with Lindsey's hand is beyond cruel, but considering what he was about to do, almost justified. I am torn.

Knowing Darla is coming doesn't make the last scene any less effective.

Charisma Carpenter was probably hired for Buffy The Vampire Slayer for being a good Scream Queen. As such, she is very good at horror and trauma too. Excellent and sympathetic performance here. I believed in and empathized with her suffering.

Todd Stashwick is at the stage of his career where he's always dressed up in goony monster make-up. He's a big dude, but I think his talent is still being wasted at this point.

The thing in the prophecy that always intrigued me was Wesley's reference to "plagues". That sounds both Biblical and real-world relevant. I was very curious what the plagues (plural) entailed.

I hate how mean Angel, Cordy, and Wesley were to David Nabbit. It would be forgivable if it were part of a recurring bit. But they scared him off for good and it's the last time we ever see him. It's uncool instead if that's the case.

Solid first season finale. 4 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Angel "Judgment"


One of the things I love about Season Premieres, particularly of the Buffyverse, is to see how they shake up the main titles and cast list. J. August Richards being made a main cast member was this season's treat in that department.

Lorne, A.K.A. the Host had one of the best introductions of any Angel character. It's both bizarre and funny. Yeah, in hindsight the monologue about L.A. is a little torpid, but Andy Hallett makes a GREAT first impression here.

Speaking of which "Tell me why Mandy, and speak true because you know I'll know," is amazing. It's because Angel knows the words... And it's kind of pretty. And it is, you big sap! I love that song too.

Cordelia and Wesley's introduction to Gunn was designed to be awkward and stupid, but it's a little too so. I don't think much of either character.

I love the pregnant woman saying to Angel "You know how you aren't good at anything?"

I love the notion that the "evil" demon was good and her protector. Angel taking a look around his dwelling after he killed him and seeing he was religious was fascinating to me. Her describing the demon as her only friend in the world is heartbreaking.

First appearance of Matthew James as Merl, who is listed as "Merl Demon" in the credits, which is just plain weird.

I love that Angel visits Faith in prison. It's nice to know he hasn't given up on her.

The "Mandy" outtakes in the end credits are funny and suggest Boreanaz probably isn't as terrible a singer as he pretended to be in the episode itself.

I think the Darla stuff was a weak point. There is absolutely no indication here she is human which strikes me as a failing.

The big board is keeping score and that's not what the job is. Good moral.

Season premieres of the Buffyverse usually suck (and Buffy The Vampire Slayer's premiere on the same night "Buffy Vs. Dracula" was horrid) but this is solid. 4 stars.

Angel "Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been"


I remembered this as amazing. And it is. That ending kills me dead. It's a little slower-paced than I usually like, but the Hyperion is the spookiest hotel since the Overlook from The Shining.

The Thesulac Demon is one of the best One-And-Done monsters in the Buffyverse. That Cajun accent and those big grinning teeth. You don't know whether to laugh or scream.

Him saying Judy was so tasty because Angel HAD made her his friend just shows how evil he is. The episode is one of the first mainstream projects I had seen to suggest the 1950's weren't society's Golden Age. They actually sucked, were filled with bigotry and paranoia, and anyone who didn't fit in (or wasn't the right color) was rejected. The episode is so effective because there are examples of this kind of misery happening all in the background of the hotel as the main action is progressing (like a black family being denied room and board).

Joss Whedon has always been a bit tone-deaf about race, but Tim Minear having Judy confess to "passing" is a pretty adult concept. And when she sees them throw the noose around Angel's neck, the horror is real for her in a way it wouldn't have been otherwise. That was the right button to push.

Do you know what I love about the end and Angel finally "freeing" Judy from her Hell? How absolutely kind he is to her. When he says he isn't the same person, he's right. 1950's Angel, although he was helping her, wasn't very kind, and was doing it reluctantly. Angel just being the friend she needed as she was amazing. I teared up a little. Him forgiving her is just wonderful.

The bellhop being terrified of Angel in the teaser was great too. That guy was totally squirrelly.

The bookstore owner was kind of cool too. Him questioning why a vampire wanted to destroy a demon is basically the hook of the show.

Cordelia says it's not that vampires don't photograph. It's that they don't photograph well. The irony? It's actually a great photo. I don't think you can really do a poor candid of David Boreanaz.

Effective use of old timey music ("Whoop-de-doo") in the scene with the salesman's suicide. Both The X-Files and Millennium used to excel in using old music to accentuate horror and this episode is in that grand tradition. It's great.

One of the best episodes of the series. I'm confident in saying this even at this early stage of the game. 5 stars.

Angel "First Impressions"


It's all right but there are flaws.

Mostly the Darla stuff. It's portrayed as sexy but it's mostly creepy and gross.

Wesley knew exactly what he was doing with the pink helmet. Good for him. He enjoyed that.

I like the bond formed between Cordelia and Gunn. Her shit with Veronica was too painful but she made up for it by saving her life. The doctor actually clarifying this for Gunn says he's been misreading the idea that she's useless in a crisis.

I love Angel headbutting the incognito female vampire. Desmond being Deevack was a good twist too.

I love Gunn saying he's never seen a movie since Denzel was robbed of an Oscar for Malcolm X. Which leads to the Fang Gang discussing how great Denzel is. Because that's the important part of the discussion.

I'm glad I misremembered and David Nabbit appeared again here. Much better place to leave him off with Angel and his crew.

The danger being Gunn himself both makes sense and also helps the viewer sort of get an idea of where his and Cordelia's arc might be headed. It was a good reveal.

But the Darla stuff is icky. 3 stars.

Angel "Untouched"


I am not remotely comfortable with this one.

Honestly, the Buffyverse sucks at abuse stories. They are never realistic. This is the first one that's somewhat credible. And yet, the things it shows makes me question whether this is done to show the audience how to empathize with abuse victims or to titillate the audience. I think the thing that really is red flag for this is this is the one episode of the Buffyverse directed by Joss Whedon that did not need to be directed by Joss Whedon. He didn't write it. There are no real fancy directing tricks. Knowing what I know about Whedon now, it leads me to wonder if he simply wanted to get up close and personal with the sex scenes between Darla and Angel and Bethany's attempted seduction. It's very hard to take an anti-abuse message seriously when it's directed by a known abuser. I don't believe Whedon put himself in the director's chair for any other reason than to perv on what's going on. And I see nothing in the episode to tell me differently. Nothing about it NEEDED to be directed by Whedon.

Lindsay McDonald is Holland Manners' Golden Boy, but while Holland DOES do his empowering shtick with Lilah, the truth is, she is on very thin ice. Lindsay gets away with what he does because he delivers results. Lilah is not as hapless as Lee Mercer was. But with him gone she's the one in Lindsay's shadow now. And it's noticeable.

Here is the thing that bothered me about the stunt Wesley pulled. The rationalization is "At least now we know." But there was no reason to traumatize her about that specific thing. It was mean. And they already pretty much knew.

Lilah uses the r-word AGAIN because this show can't help but be completely problematic.

Hulu / Disney+ has cut off the recaps for the second season, which is a problem. I might need to discuss it later near the end of the season.

Things I liked: I liked Gunn asking Cordelia if she was still saving his life, and she's all like, "You're still alive, aren't you?" Angel's line of "You wouldn't like me when I'm happy," will go-down as one of the all time greats on this show.

But I don't feel comfortable with this. Yes, I was complaining about how abuse episodes in the Buffyverse aren't believable. But I sort of think this one is believable for the wrong reasons. 2 stars.

Angel "Dear Boy"


This is why Kate sucks and doesn't work as a character. She should have worked out that Angel couldn't the enter house himself. Is she a detective or not? More power to Gunn for catching that, but really, it's the first thing I noticed. Kate is not just bitter failure of a cop. She's legit incompetent.

"God doesn't want you! But I still do!" is one of the more iconic moments of the season. No doubt. I also love Angel telling her she never made him happy. I believe him.

Poor Drusilla. Oof.

I love Lorne shutting Angel down like a boss. He don't answer to him yet. And he KNOWS he ain't gonna start nothing in his club. Lorne is surprisingly badass at times.

I didn't much dig the episode, but I'll tell you what I like. How matter of fact Cordelia and Wesley are about Angelus to Gunn. In hindsight, it's refreshing. The thing I like best is they don't make excuses for him. They are giving Gunn important information he needs to know and aren't dicking around at all.

I'll tell you that the twist that Darla is human doesn't work. Because she doesn't speak like a human in her earlier conversation with Lindsay. She's talking about eating eyeballs, as if she's still a vampire. I feel like it's an early case of the show refusing to play fair about its twists. It got REALLY bad with that in seasons 3 and 4. But this is definitely not fair narrative play.

Could have been worse, I guess? 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "Guise Will Be Guise"


It's a fun episode, but I feel like it could have been better.

I was always disappointed that the T'ish Magev was a fake. It's an amazing conceit that the Swami is this big burly working class-looking Joe. And him being a fake doesn't make TOO much sense. Because if he's a mob goon standing in for that he shouldn't be able to routinely beat Angel, much less offer the words of wisdom he does. It would have worked better if he was the real deal.

The end about the question of Virginia's, um VIRGINITY is some great comedy. Gunn had a good reaction and Angel is VERY insistent he is NOT a eunuch. But, Angel, that's what makes you special, remember?

I love how he's kind of squirrelly about Wesley taking charge. "Can I get my coat back?"

I love Cordelia's "Swamis don't hit. Swamis swam."

It's an amusing enough episode but it will never be confused for high comedy. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "Darla"


This episode shows the entire problem with Darla. And it's something we've seen before. She thinks she did Angel a favor. When it was the single most ghastly thing anyone ever did to Liam in his young dumb life. It's interesting it's not just the soul Darla is rejecting. It's humanity, the heartbeat, the breath, the living, everything. It's certainly a new perspective.

Holland Manners is five steps ahead of everybody. How on top of things is this guy? He EXPECTS Lindsay to betray the firm on behalf of Darla, and feeds into it to make the scenario "believable". Sam Anderson's warmth and friendliness is extremely scary when smiled by Holland Manners.

The flashbacks are great and give added context to the flashbacks in "Fool For Love". As far as Buffyverse crossovers go, this pair of episodes were unusually well-coordinated. The timing is NOT off in "Fool For Love", Angel WAS indeed cursed during the Boxer Rebellion, and feigning he was still one of them.

The first season Buffy episode appropriately named "Angel" said a very dumb thing to box the entire show in. Angel claimed he never fed on another human being after he was cursed. But we've seen him do it several times, and here it's hinted he's become the vampire version of Dexter and killed evil people. But instead of doing that to feed his dark nature, he's doing it to mask his goodness. It's very interesting stuff. I think it's very interesting he spent a hundred years searching for Darla so he could become Angelus again. I like the idea that Angel's redemption path was never a straight line. As much regret as he felt for Angelus' actions, losing Darla and his position in the vampire community was still a loss to him. I find the contradiction there fascinating and believable.

Darla threatens to spare the Romani's family's life if they uncurse Angelus and Spike emerges from the cart belching. It really is criminal how little James Marsters was used early on in the series. The additional context of what Angelus and Darla were doing as Drusilla went off to sire William the Bloody is another piece of continuity between both crossovers that fits well together, and explains questions "Fool For Love" raised but saved until this to answer.

The Master's role is great, and be real: Angelus is essentially cuckolding him. It's never made explicit that the Master and Darla are intimate, but read between the lines at how hurt the Master is. You never saw ANY sort of nuance or character development of that guy EVER, so it's interesting and weird to see it in his two brief scenes.

Gunn earning his keep by being the one smart enough to recognize the evil lawfirm certainly has properties to stash their "clients". File this under "Duh". When Angel tells them, "Hey, we're detectives! We're good at this!" it feels completely true when Cordelia corrects him that they actually suck at the detective aspect of the job. I kind of agree if Gunn is the guy who figures out the existence of the safehouses.

I recall liking this less than "Fool For Love", but the truth is it's pretty freaking solid too. 4 stars.

Angel "The Shroud Of Rahmon"


This is the series' spin on The Usual Suspects, and it doesn't really work because a regular TV series CAN'T do The Usual Suspects. For the one thing, Wesley is not the only survivor after all. Angel, Gunn, and Kate made it out too. And a regular TV series especially can't do justice to The Usual Suspects because that's a one and done film that can afford the mindblowing twist ending. There's not really any twist here, is there? How do you do The Usual Suspects without the trick ending? It doesn't work.

I love the idea that Angel fed on Kate to save her life. God, their relationship is SO fucking messy. This did not help it. At all.

Cordelia correcting Wesley that the virgin blood isn't about purity, but dominance, is pretty cool.

Jim Kouf obviously saw The Usual Suspects, said, "I want in on that!" but because this is a weekly TV series with regular cast members and a fixed premise, he is actually not allowed any part of that. Is it just me or is it weird that he thinks he is? 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "The Trial"


Even though years later it is no longer a surprise, Drusilla's appearance at the end is still chilling. Big melodramatic moment played to the hilt.

Few thoughts:

Julie Benz has a set of pipes on her. She's amazing.

As cruel as what the Valet says ultimately seems to Angel as he's being tortured, I get no sense of malice from the guy. I think he's just the polite butler he appears to be. Which is fascinating and MUCH more interesting than if he were truly evil and enjoying this. True, he doesn't care one way or the other. But I get the sense by the end that isn't true and he DOES.

Darla calls Angel Angel for the first time here. However else Darla's human arc ended up as, it's clear she actually wound up caring about Angel.

And while I do understand Lindsay's perspective that there IS a way Angel could "save" her, I think after Angel dusted the creep in the alley he was probably right to look for a different solution. And after Darla sees what he is willing to sacrifice for her she believes it too.

That vamp was such a goon. It was vulgar that Darla was willing to debase herself with him. Her describing the notion as "Mythic" is why she needed to look elsewhere if that was gonna be her solution. The dude was a total dope. And yes, Angel won Darla over by the end.

Until Drusilla forces the blood into her mouth. I am not going to ignore that since it's Drusilla there was obviously some mesmerizing going on, and Darla is not ENTIRELY to blame. But it IS her ultimately reverting to weakness after Angel proved her strength. Is it any wonder the guy was driven off the deep end?

Angel says something to Lindsay that's stupid, that Lindsay should have fought back on. I get Angel is amused Lindsay loves Darla (mostly because there is NO way that can work if she's a vampire) but Lindsay RIGHTLY pointed out Angelus never loved Darla because he was incapable of it. But Angel says Lindsay isn't either. Calling bullshit on that. Lindsay's crush may have a lot of delusion attached to it, but he's human, and as dirty as his soul is, he has one. He IS capable of love.

If he didn't love her, would he have instantly invited Angel in? That specifically should have been the demonstration that he DID in fact love Darla.

In upcoming reviews I am going to be talking MAJOR shit about the unfair and bullshit storytelling practices in Seasons 3 and 4. Most of the shots I am taking against that shoddy mythology in those later seasons are gonna be taken because I am well aware Mutant Enemy is fully capable of properly setting things up seasons ahead of time and simply chose not to because they wrote themselves into fixes with no credible solutions. But even when I do that, I want to approvingly point out Holtz is properly set up here, as is the Jasmine in the hotel's courtyard. Both things are SUCH a nice touch and clues for later things, the sloppiness of the later seasons is actually quite enraging in comparison. We were promised nice things and Whedon fucked us over completely. I'm pissed.

But this is still a huge episode. 4 stars.

Angel "Reunion"


This episode has a LOT of nice touches to it. As grim and horrifying as it is, it holds me interest every step of the way.

I love that Lindsay isn't afraid. It's not that he doesn't care that he's going to die. It just doesn't bother him. Christian Kane was one of the best villains of the series and the series suffered when he left for a couple of years. Just the notion that he doesn't mind dying at the fangs of the woman he loves is twisted, insane, and more than a little bit beautiful.

Now Darla and Dru didn't actually finish off Holland's wife. But it says what a despicable bastard he is that although her supposed death disturbs him, he's already pivoting and looking for way to manipulate Darla and Dru. I might have felt worse for him if he hadn't said the very words to Angel earlier in the episode that he repeated before locking them all in the cellar: "I just can't seem to care." He almost invited it in those words.

What kills me is this outcome is rather obvious, isn't it? Vamp Darla and encourage her and Dru to go on a killing spree? Check. Make them both make Angel completely lose his moral compass? Check. Wolfram & Hart's reputation as a group of criminal masterminds is overstated if they didn't see something like this coming, or prepare for it. It's really the only way it was gonna go down.

I love that Darla is initially angry at Dru. She may be an evil, soulless fiend, but she's still pissed Dru took something that big out of her hands. I was fascinated by that.

And the guy they killed is brimming with homophobia. I'm not saying he deserved to die. But isn't is gross that that is the first place most dudes' minds go? It's tiresome actually. Also it's tiring to see it on screen and probably still was in 2001.

I love Lilah nervously taking the "compliment" about her "nice skin" by saying she moisturizes. Drusilla is the best because she tells her that was very thoughtful of her.

Good for the show for Kate later being mad at Angel for letting that massacre happen. She let him go so he'd stop it, and he totally fucked her over. I think most of the reasons Kate is always pissed at Angel are bullshit. That was genuinely not cool.

One of my favorite bits was near the beginning where they had Gunn say "You had me at 'Gear up'." There is something refreshingly uncomplicated about Gunn at this stage of the game. But of course Mutant Enemy being the racist dillholes they are, they spent the following 3 seasons trying to convince both Gunn AND the audience this was a bad thing. And after they did THAT, they had to properly emasculate him for rising above his station. I think both things were mistakes, and both things were also hugely racist. IStandWithRayFisher. Also, fuck Joss Whedon.

I love Angel telling Holland to be careful who he offered that hand to. He just might lose it. See what he did there, Lindsay?

I do want to point out something. There is no actual reason for Angel to either fire his friends or cut ties. As far as I can tell the series had him do that to create conflict. But creating conflict for the sake of creating conflict is not actual conflict. It also never impresses me. And frankly that is something this "Dark Phase" of Angel at this point in the season never got enough crap for.

But that's probably griping best served for the next episode. This was still a literal feast of melodrama. 4 stars.

Angel "Redefinition"


There are holes. I can see them at this point. They are small, but they will get bigger as the show goes on. And more stuff will fall into them.

First hole: Drusilla was ultimately wasted on the series. I can't pretend her appearances in this episode and the last weren't great. The thing is, outside of a brief appearance on Buffy later in its fifth season, this is present day Drusilla's last canon appearance, and the only one where she actually does anything of note. No closure is ever offered for what happened to her and it feels like not just a loose end. But an annoying one.

I think Wesley, Cordy, and Gunn should have fought back harder at the beginning against Angel firing them. If I were them, I simply would have refused to leave. What's he gonna do? Kill them? It's out of character Cordelia didn't, in fact. Angel has threatened to fire her before and she said he can't fire her because she's Vision Girl. That hasn't changed. It's out of character she didn't raise a fuss. Why didn't she? Because that could have legit solved the problem, and false drama refuses to solve itself. False drama isn't very interesting (or dramatic for that matter) but it exists to make the characters miserable. If the characters ever figured out they didn't have to be, TV producers would actually have to tell their series' stories without dicking the audience around. And that simply isn't done.

While we are poking holes, Darla and Drusilla should not have survived the fire at the end. They are vampires. Their entire shtick is that they are are a hundred times more flammable than human beings. You light one on fire, that's it. They are dust in seconds. They certainly are never allowed enough time to escape the warehouse and conveniently turn on an unlikely placed fireplug to put the flames out.

This is a dramatic failing. This is a plot failing.

I think the only thing I really dug in the episode was the stuff with Lindsay and Lilah. I love that Lindsay is annoyed somebody else survived and doubly annoyed it's Lilah. This episode is a turning point for how the audience sees Lilah. Despite her earlier failings, we previously saw the character as somewhat poised, classy, and even aloof. This was the first episode to make us realize she's actually a pathetic hot mess. Nothing says that more than the wire Lindsay grabs out of her blouse.

Lindsay is way cooler about the 50 percent chance thing that he should be. But the fact that he's unphased whereas Lilah is conniving about it is why I'm rooting for him.

The "We Are The Champions" thing was pretty fun, but the episode does not allow the audience to fully enjoy nice moments. Moments before that Cordelia cruelly calls her friends the r word. And earlier in the episode the franchise takes a cheap shot at fast food workers. And going by chronological order, this actually occurred before the nastiness of Buffy: Season 6 there. Joss Whedon is not a progressive warrior. He is an elitist snob who looks down on people who work for a living. The idea that this asshole goes on and on about what an "ally" he is is a pretty sick fucking joke. And if that doesn't prove it, the r word does.

My favorite Darla moment is when she deadpans that she's in love with Lindsay, when she and Dru cruelly laugh, I love her telling Lilah to shut up. Lilah thought she was entitled to be in on that cruel joke, but no. She can shut up now.

Holes, holes abound. And they are about to get MUCH bigger. 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "Blood Money"


The good is REALLY good, and the bad is REALLY bad.

That whole charity event is super cringe. And just not remotely credible. The kinds of video testimonials Holland Manners was a part of are slicker and more believable in real life. The video here is designed to help the audience understand Holland was full of shit. But we already know that. It doesn't make sense to make the video shady when they are legit trying to fool the public.

And shit like that is why I hate television. It's constant.

I think the episode expected the people asking the actress if they made her character gay for ratings to get a big laugh for meta reasons, but it's another joke that is absolutely painful. Especially because in hindsight, I don't remotely believe the reasons Joss Whedon made Willow Rosenberg gay on Buffy The Vampire Slayer were remotely honorable.

The opening Risk joke is lame, and what's especially lame is the Buffyverse has a million openings just like it, and they expect us to either still fall for it or find it funny. One of the reasons Joss Whedon's writing does not hold up in hindsight, is that once you know HOW the trick the done, you can instantly recognize it every damn time. And that might be less of a problem than it ultimately is if Mutant Enemy didn't keep repeating shit like this. If this was the only gag like this, I might not even be annoyed. I wouldn't laugh (because it isn't funny) but it certainly wouldn't have stirred any sort of negative reaction in me. Instead I find it a total groaner and a cliche.

Let's talk about what I liked. I like the new Wolfram & Hart boss Nathan Reed. His baldness and gauntness has this whole spooky vibe going for him, and him telling Lindsay they can't kill Angel, even if him killing Lindsay and Lilah is a strong possibility, because they are expendable and Angel is not is awesome. Sort of puts things into perspective, doesn't it, Lindsay?

It's sort of a gag that we don't actually SEE the giant two-headed fire breathing monster, but I think although it's done for humorous effect, the actual joke is they did not have the budget for it and were poking fun at themselves a little.

My favorite part of the episode is Boone. He is a great character. His honorable motivations make him outside of most other demons, and it's fun that he simply needs to know if Angel is a better fighter than him. He's never seen again, but I do sincerely hope Angel didn't kill him. The idea that in the 1920's he stopped the fight with Angel because the sun came up tells you everything you need to know about him.

Angel may have gone dark (and his scene in Lilah's car was super creepy) but I like that he's still enough of himself to make fun of Merl's beanbag chairs.

I love when Lilah tells Lindsay they aren't allowed to killed Angel, Lindsay mockingly says he'll wipe away his tears with his plastic hand. Good one.

Anne Steele has one of the coolest Buffyverse arcs of any secondary character. She starts in a place of foolishness as Chanterelle on Buffy, and later moves on to a place of weakness as Lily, and once she takes the name Anne from Buffy, she turns her life around and dedicates it to helping other people. That's pretty cool.

Wesley is recognized from the video as the dude who is dating Virginia Bryce.

And Boone is cool. But the charity shit, man. It's just bad. I can't actually wholeheartedly recommend any episode with shit that badly written in it.. 3 stars.

Angel "Happy Anniversary"


Another one of those episodes that did nothing for me back in the day but REALLY tickles me in hindsight.

It's Andy Hallett. The dude was simply amazing. He's the best thing to happen to the show since Doyle.

I love how he gets Dark Angel to talk about his feelings. It's really interesting that while Angel is on the outs with his friends, Lorne (or simply The Host as he is known at this stage of the game) did not get the memo that Angel is off-limits and wants to be left alone. It's amazing.

There is SO much fun stuff for Lorne. The bit of him hiding behind the book is hysterical, and I love him using the high note to deafen the demons, and then he takes a couple of punches at them and looks pleased with himself. But I absolutely love the part where he has the bartender sing to read into his soul and confirm they are looking for the right guy, and he tells him to keep writing the novel. Lorne was such a wonderful character because of how empowering he was to everyone he met. And it's why the late Andy Hallett was so beloved.

Virginia's role was pretty funny too, as was Wesley's Sherlock Holmes bit at the end.

Angel threatens that Lorne is a demon and if you don't watch out... he'll talk your ear off. This is correct.

If I have any objections, it's the inclusion of the Doomsday prophecy. I don't know. It would have made the episode singularly unique if the potential apocalypse was sci-fi-based instead of fantasy-based. I feel like one of the weaknesses of the Buffyverse is it always felt the need to involve vampires and demons in EVERY problem. I dunno. I like my franchises a bit more well-rounded, and less concerned with ALWAYS adhering to the formula. On the other hand, without the demons, there are no actions sequences or fighting. But I'm the kind of guy who doesn't believe that even though every episode of the Buffyverse had that, I don't think every episode always NEEDED it. I would have accepted the race against time sans demons or punching just fine.

The other failing is less to do with the episode and more with the series. This is the first hint Lorne gives that Wesley has a major role to play in the Apocalypse. And it's a completely tantalizing idea that is great for both the character and the hook of the series. But like a LOT of major stuff the show teased, nothing came of it. Wesley died in the final episode before playing any sort of major role. And that's one of the frustrating things about the series. It had bigger ideas than the producers were able to pull off. And that's true for a LOT of shit they set-up and just abandoned.

But really, this is a much better episode in hindsight than I thought at the time. Mostly due to Andy Hallett. 4 stars.

Angel "The Thin Dead Line"


It's problematic, but not as problematic as later stuff will be. A lot of the street dialogue does not feel precisely authentic, and as if it was written by white writers (which it was) but the actors handle it as best they can and make it mostly sound credible.

The thing with Wesley getting shot is the best thing in the episode and the worst thing at the same time. It's the best thing because it instantly shows the zombie cops have escalated from simply beating on innocent kids. It turns real in an instant. The bad thing is an episode about black kids in trouble with out of control cops instantly becomes about saving the selfless white dude savior. And it shouldn't have. It even has a scene of the bad guy Jackson sniffing a dead white man doesn't trouble him, with Gunn slamming him against the wall, while the audience cheers because it's Wesley, for God's sake. This is not scenario where a lesson that not all white people are bad needs to be given to the audience. It is also counterproductive to have the one instance of true racism be from a Black person against a white person.

Wesley getting shot pushed a button, and part of that button was race-based. But the fall-out was too far, and basically shows the tone-deafness and racial cluelessness of Mutant Enemy. It's not as bad as it would later get. But it's a troubling sign that things could get bad in the first place.

Do you know what though? I love when Anne asks Gunn how he is so certain the cops would hassle them, he's like, "Because we'll be the ones Walking While Black." You can look at me with shame when I tell you this, but speaking a white person in 2001, who was kind of isolated from society, that was the first time I had heard that phrase, and it turning out to be a real-world phrase many Black people use made a LOT of sense to me. It's definitely too insightful to have simply been dreamed up by this show.

Anne saying she's knows a guy and it turning out to be Gunn, is a good twist. I love her describing the eye in the back of the head as "handy". You know? That's true!

I both love and dislike how much warmth and love there is between Cordelia. Wesley, and Gunn with Angel gone. I love seeing these characters care about each other so much but it fucking infuriates me that Season 3 will ruin it for no damn good reason whatsoever. It pisses me off.

Speaking of pissed, Cordelia's anger at the end towards Angel is righteous. And maybe if he had made an overture earlier she wouldn't have been as mad. It says something also that Merl of all people is shaming Angel for the same thing at the beginning of the episode.

The best dramatic moment of the episode was upon Angel explaining the cops being Zombies, Kate flipping out, and rushing over to her father's grave and frantically asking Angel to check that the ground hasn't been disturbed. That was a great character moment for them both. I'm glad the show thought to include it.

One thing I will mention about the racial buttons the show wound up pushing with Gunn (and most of them were fucking UGLY) the truth is the notion that Gunn has "Moved On Up" with his new white crew and started to forget his people back home could have potentially been a good source of drama and pathos for Gunn. Of course the conclusions the series ultimately came to about that were in fact racist as fuck, which is why we aren't allowed nice things. But the truth is, what was set up here, could have potentially been a great source of inner conflict for Gunn. The fact that the show instead had Gunn rejecting his roots by the time Season 5 came around it why Joss Whedon is such a racially insensitive piece of shit.

Could have been worse (and it will be in the future). Still a bit problematic though. 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "Reprise"


It's a good episode but there are a lot of things in it I don't like.

Let's start off with the good. Sam Anderson's final appearance as Holland Manners is without a doubt his best. He is still sinister and friendly, but in death, he sounds strangely reasonable. And his notion that Wolfram & Hart doesn't intend to win, but simply go on is both not a good explanation, and the only explanation there needs to be. I don't feel Wolfram & Hart was properly explained on the series (especially with the questions raised by the Pylea arc at the end of this season). But the Home Office being Earth, and evil simply residing in every single person there, might not give us answers about the law firms' origins. But Holland describing the law firm being there for the Crusades and Khmer Rouge certainly hints at the scope.

Also, nice Julie Benz side-boob here. Bless the censors for allowing it.

What didn't I like? Angel's tryst with Darla is beyond problematic but I'll delve into it a bit more in the next review. But Angel's violence and Darla's fear makes it almost not seem completely consensual, which is fucked up. The show never should have done that.

Also Denver's ending was way too fucking mean! That was beyond cruel. And totally unnecessary.

I like the loophole that Lorne will not tell Angel what he's read from his clients but he'll mention what he overheard in the men's room.

The scene where Angel threatens Cordelia sucked ass too.

I feel like Virginia never really wound up making a solid contribution to the show. Her breaking up with Wesley didn't land very hard for that reason.

It's both a solid episode and crucial to the arc of both Angel and the show. But there are a bunch of things in it I wish they had done differently. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "Epiphany"


This is a REALLY good episode with a lot of themes that I need to discuss. But I think we need to start off on a negative note. Mostly because the episode does.

The beginning recalls the Buffy The Vampire Slayer episode "Innocence" where Angel lost his soul after making love to Buffy. Except with Darla, instead of perfect happiness, he felt despair and kept his soul. But one of the interesting parallels the episode raised (which I'm sure were deliberate) was the fact that as apologetic as Angel was to Darla, as much as he thanks her for saving him, the things he says to her and the way he treats her is exactly as cruel as Angelus was to Buffy the next day. You want to hand me an episode where Angel has an epiphany that he's been a jerk, maybe THAT is not the aspect of "The Next Day" the producers ought to be bringing back. Goddamn it, Darla may be evil, but it's still a man mistreating a woman after a night of sex. That might have been Tim Minear's idea of subverting that, but spoiler alert, it's not actually okay. And it's weird the show thinks it is.

To subvert the trope, the episode asks the viewer to believe a crazy thing: That after a night of bad sex, a man telling a woman if he sees her again, he'll kill her, is righteous. Not only is there no scenario where that is true (even the twisted logic they bent over backwards to justify it here is pure bullshit). But it's fucked up enough already that the producers are trying to get the viewer to think so. But there are some horrible scenarios that should not be left up for debate. Joss Whedon created Dollhouse because he wanted to make the viewer uncomfortable with the human trafficking premise and wonder about its morality. Who the fuck thinks human trafficking and sex slavery should be debatable? There is challenging the viewer about their beliefs and perceptions (which is all right) and there is defending the indefensible. Like Dollhouse, this episode engages in the latter.

I love Lindsay's role in the pick-up truck just beating on Angel with the sledgehammer. He is given one of my favorite roles for antagonists: He's the Wild Card. The unpredictable element that's gonna fuck shit up right when shit can't afford fucking. It's SO great. And after what he did to Darla, Lindsay wailing on him feels a bit cathartic. Of course Angel smashing the plastic hand is adding insult to injury, but if he HADN'T had the Epiphany it would have been the good hand he smashed.

I love after Wesley and Angel kill the demons at Wesley's apartment they smile at each other before Wesley remembers what Angel did. It's a nice moment. As is the notion that Angel will make reparations with his friends by working for them.

Gunn and Wesley's loving bro-slap is so fun because the viewer knows that Wesley is lame and uncool. Being a part of that warm dynamic with a person of color who adores him for supposedly taking a bullet for him (although if you rewatch that episode, that's not precisely what happened) is really cool.

I also love Wesley sticking up for Cordelia when Angel snidely is all "This is Cordelia we're talking about," when expressing skepticism that Cordelia is spending Friday night in. I thought that was not just a cool thing for Wesley to do, but his anger about it let Angel know he is in no position to be joking about shit he knows nothing about. And I like Wesley for that.

This is Kate's last appearance. Honestly, I'm not sure why they retired the character after this. They didn't kill her off or anything. But I do have to admit they gave me my favorite moment for her before she left. When she's talking about faith and Angel asks why she has it, it gives me the freaking chills when she says, "Because I never invited you in." It's both a perfect moment and an imperfect moment. It's perfect in the sense it suggests that Angel has enough human left in him that the vampire rules might not always apply to him. The bad thing is it's never explained, and nothing similar to it occurs in the future, so it's just a random convenience. But the moment she says it still gives me chills.

The whole Sharp family having been killed is kind of a dour place to leave that arc. The season has been doing some dour things lately that I don't like.

But all in all, I DO like the episode. I don't like the reasons Angel turned a corner, and I certainly don't like his behavior towards Darla once he did, but it's a solid return to the status quo. 4 stars.

Angel "Disharmony"


There is SO much in this episode that is either interesting or outright fantastic. But I was frustrated by the end. For good reason, I think.

Before we get into good things and bad the biggest thing I want to point out is that Doug Sanders has quite the mustache. How the fuck does he eat soup?

I love the moment at the beginning where Cordelia tells Angel they aren't friends. Cordelia is overly honest with people. That was her second most righteous overly honest comment she made since she said to Xander Harris: "Xander? Stay away from me." And I think less of the episode because something that real and awesome occurs while she's falling for Harmony's bullshit, and worse, ultimately proves she can be bought at the end. I thought Angel's reaction to that was adorable. But damn, it's bad for Cordelia.

I think the premise is interesting, and it might ultimately be why they brought back Harmony in Season 5. To explore the premise of an evil vampire who is evil simply because that's what she is. There is no deeper malice attached to her. She's not looking or planning to screw over her friends. It's just something she is. And it's a struggle while she has to interact with heroes and good guys.

Lorne is a good guy, but it's interesting he serves human blood at Caritas. I like to think it's from blood banks instead of corpses, just so I can forgive him.

Lorne and Wesley disagree about the name. Wesley thinks "Harm" is the perfect nickname for her, but after hearing her on stage Lorne believes "Harmony" is the incorrect moniker for her. They are weirdly both right.

I have my doubts Mercedes McNab is that bad a singer in real life. It almost sounded like she was singing purposefully badly. Come to think of it, I was almost thinking the same thing about David Boreanaz. It's a known fact singing badly on purpose is extremely hard, and almost all people who can even sing a little who do it sound completely off and fake when doing so. That's what I thought here.

A vampire pyramid scheme is actually a good hook. And the thing about the "scheme" is it's actually quite good. The first Pyramid scheme I've ever seen that would probably lift ALL the participants up. All human pyramid schemes strictly benefit the top of the pyramid and no one else. I think Doug's vision is credible because it empowers every evil vampire there. Harmony gets a blue robe in 20 minutes. That's the opposite of staying at the bottom of the pyramid. Frankly, because of that, it's possible the allegory is a pure failure simply because that clearly isn't what it is.

Angel having to get the coffee felt good. Asshole.

Cordelia's "lesbo" slur in front of Willow was meant to be funny, and show Willow speaking up for herself. Which might be okay if I remotely believed Willow was made gay for noble reasons. Like I said in the review to "Blood Money", I DON'T believe that, so it's just an awkward and offensive moment instead.

I thought it was an interesting morality play about friendship while Cordy and Angel are imploding. And yet, I feel like it ultimately made Cordelia look bad, in an episode where she was demonstrating real strength at the beginning. I was extremely proud of her. And the rest of the episode buys that admiration back. I think that's a mistake. Check that. I KNOW it's a mistake. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "Dead End"


I loved this episode when it aired. But the truth is as much as I loved it, I was unable to fully appreciate how amazing on every level it is. I knew it did things right. Only decades later do I have the wisdom and the context to know EXACTLY what it did right.

I want to say it has probably one of the best endings of any episode in the Buffyverse. Because it's small, quiet, unexpected, and hilarious. As Lindsay is leaving Angel tells him to drive carefully because there are a lot of cops out there. Lindsay nods and the truck pulls away revealing a hand painted sign on the back reading "Cops suck." That will never be confused for one of the Buffyverse's amazing Good Hurt endings, or even their dire and tragic cliffhangers. But it's fucking perfect, mostly because Lindsay was not just a defense attorney, but a crooked one too. Of course he hates cops. And the baller thing about Lindsay McDonald is he'll drive downtown L.A. with that sign on the back of the truck daring the cops to pull him over for it. In fairness, he only did it because cops suck. The sign only speaks the truth.

So much greatness in the episode. Christian Kane left the series (although he came back in Season 5) and I think they gave him the best ending to anyone in the Buffyverse who left a show. God, I sincerely wish Oz had this killer of an ending instead of the character assassination he got. That whole scene of Lindsay pitching a hilarious violent fit because of his "Evil hand issues" is pure comedy gold (especially when he gooses Lilah before he leaves and raises the hand with smirk.) What I absolutely love about the scene, and it's something I always dug, but I appreciate it's significance more now. The full-throated defense he gave to Lilah to get the promotion.

Let's be very clear. He did not have to do that. He has never treated Lilah in as shady a manner as she connivingly always treated him, and somebody else in his position would leave her twisting in the wind. If only because she laughed when Darla said she was in love with him. But he's actually sick of this crap, it's not a joke, and the least he can do it make sure the only other person in his same boat isn't murdered. And the shaken look on Lilah's face after he leaves is not just shock that's she's still alive. But gratitude for the reason she is.

Honestly that scene was comedy gold. I never pictured Christian Kane with such brilliant comedy chops. But they I never picture him as a Rock God until "L.A. Song" either.

I love when he's shooting up the office, Nathan Reed is doing his very best not to either move or even flinch. I admire that Reed actually shuts off his fight or flight response, simply because he knew the people in that room were gonna remember his reaction. Him barely being flustered is what folks are going to remember second after the Evil Hand.

When Lindsay is in the cellar, it's a reminder that as evil as the character is, he has a shocking level of compassion in him. I don't know if Holland Manners always nurtured and indulged him because his pet project was secretly to stomp that speck of goodness out. But regardless it couldn't be done.

I love that Cordelia is amazed at his singing performance. I would go so far as to say she's smitten. I especially love that her, Wesley, and Gunn tell Lindsay how much the performance meant to them.

Angel gives Lindsay a bunch of life lessons near the end, and I think the biggest thing I took from Angel clearly enjoying being the Swami here is that Angel himself has forgiven Lindsay. And damn it, that fact sort of undoes the knot of rage Lindsay is feeling, and they can have a fucking civil goodbye at the end like actual people. Also cops suck.

The portrayal of the visions being so painful for Cordelia is good drama, a performance Charisma Carpenter is very good at delivering, and also an ongoing struggle. I do have to point out something that I don't think Cordelia or even Angel grokked. The guy who stabbed himself in the eye? He may have had a happy life, and a loving family, but if he got an eye transplant from that human body farm via a demon spell, he's a bad fucking guy. I'm not saying he had it coming, or that he definitely knew the extent of the evil going on in that basement. But damn it, both things MIGHT be true so I'm not willing to give him ANY benefit of the doubt there.

The most powerful thing about the episode to me is it starts off showing Lindsay struggling with his disability. It wasn't just a badass gag when Angel cut off his hand at the end of the first season. Disfiguring a person is a fucking MONSTROUS action. And when we see him struggling to shave and put on the tie, it's bad enough. When see him looking longingly at the guitar in his closet? There is not a depth of hell deep enough for Angel. It was not a joke. It was a purely cruel thing to do.

I am not saying I have never written an ending as good as this in my own work. But I will say, if I never had, I would have considered myself a total failure and probably not even bothered. This episode's perfect twist ending is everything good endings CAN be, and seldom are. I cannot say enough great things about this episode. 5 stars.

Angel "Belonging"


This is mostly an enjoyable episode, and a Tour De Force for Andy Hallett as The Host / Lorne. And I will be talking about every inch of how great what we learned about him was. Unfortunately this episode is EXTREMELY problematic given Joss Whedon's history, specifically his abusive treatment of Charisma Carpenter. Whedon didn't write this, but it's essentially everything wrong with how she was mistreated.

The scene with the asshole producer humiliating Cordelia in the bikini is done to make a statement on how terrible Hollywood producers and directors are. I have additional thoughts about that. If Mutant Enemy thinks this asshole is the actual line, and anything less than this is all right, THAT'S why MeToo.

Carpenter is forced to wear that bikini on camera and turn around for the producer. He says she has bags under her eyes and looks like a refugee from a woman's abuse shelter. Let me let the producers in on a little secret. Cordelia Chase is a fictional character. The woman who plays her, Charisma Carpenter is not. Having somebody say that about her on camera while she suffers having to listen to it (in a bikini!) is not all right. It's not just abusive to the actress. I'd argue ANY actor in a similar scene is being abused by the given producer. It's sickening.

Frankly, I also have issues with the drama of Gunn being wracked with guilt over one of his crew dying because he wasn't there. I mentioned earlier this had the potential to be an interesting conflict for Gunn. But the show never allowed it to occur organically, and the conclusions they ultimately reached were both bullshit and yes, racist.

Let's talk about Lorne now. Angel being excited over Bonanza is great. And yes, he's old. Him being cheap at the beginning (a tavern wench! Ha!) is not the only demonstration of that ("They'll take that off the bill, right?"). But the interesting thing about Lorne is I don't entirely agree with him about Pylea.

Yeah, I get why he was unhappy there. No art or music sounds terrible for a soulful person like Lorne. I also appreciate that he refused to get into jousts because he saw the other person's point of view. This is an essential character beat for Lorne and says everything about him. But the truth is Lorne later describes Pylea as Hell and the worst place you can imagine. It's simply not. It sucks. But it's a medieval reality level of suck instead of a supernatural hellspawn level of suck. Lorne is exaggerating.

I love at the library when the woman tells him the horns look fake, but it must be a hard thing to get right, Lorne doesn't get offended. He plays along and gleefully says "Honey, you have no idea." I love that about the Host. It's why he's so great.

I also love the part when Angel is skeptical about going to an Elton John concert with him because he doesn't do crowds, Lorne challenges him to hear Elton sing his best standard and "not feel like the only other person in the room." I fucking love that.

As much as the director's shit enraged me, Angel walking past the beach babe to enjoy the fake beach sunlight is a good moment. I just wish it wasn't attached to such a fucking ugly scene.

Also Wesley's father sucks. Just noting that.

I'm deducting an entire two stars from this really good episode for how badly Charisma Carpenter was treated. It's not okay. 3 stars.

Angel "Over The Rainbow"


"Hi, guys." Hilarious, memorable, and frankly iconic ending. You can tell she planned that. She's laying it on pretty thick and enjoying every inch of it.

Although to be honest, ending the entire season on a four episode romp still seems like a strange choice to me.

I hate Hulu / Disney+. They are using the shitty DVD transfers (probably because they were in widescreen). But on the Season 2 DVD set, which cuts off all the recaps, part of the beginning of this episode it cut off was new material of Wesley and Angel discovering Cordy was sucked into the portal. It sucks so much Disney+ is using those edits and that there isn't a single person there running things smart enough to recognize an error that has literally been present for two decades.

Here's an opinion. It's a strong one. I firmly believe the act break of the car going through the portal and the book dropping on the ground after being left behind is probably one of the greatest act breaks in television history. Honestly, I cannot think of a better act break, although I also have not seen all of television. It's just so fucking dire and hilarious and perfect, and distills every reason people loved the Buffyverse. Joss Whedon may suck, but there's a reason he gained a following to begin with.

Unfortunately Gunn's "Xenaphobia" / "Can we pretend I didn't just say that?" is an excruciatingly terrible piece of dialogue. It's embarrassing. It's Xander from Buffy Seasons 1 and 2 terrible. But possibly worse because the producers damn well ought to know better at this point.

Gunn's stuff in general doesn't work. He has legit reasons for not wanting to come. Again, it's interesting to explore Gunn feeling the needs of his community should come first. But he comes along anyways, for no damn good reason I can see (nothing about the scenario actually changed) other than that the writers obviously felt Gunn was better off rejecting his friends of color for his white friends. Tell me something else is going on and I won't believe you. There is no other explanation for the change of heart lacking an actual change of circumstances.

I love that Lorne has a previous unheard of human friend named Aggie. When he tells her all the crappy things he's rather do than go home he asks, "Do you see where I'm going with this?" And she replies, "Not Pylea." That banter is very insular and speaks of a strong friendship between two people who love and understand each other. It's awesome.

It's still hard to believe the show saw this Fred character and thought she had the makings of a series regular, but that's what happened.

Gavin Park is not the most memorable lawyer from Wolfram & Hart, but let's be real. I have never seen Daniel Dae Kim in a role I have not enjoyed. And I like Park even more than most.

Damn you, Disney+. This is why we aren't allowed nice things. 4 stars.

Angel "Through The Looking Glass"


Shocking and horrific ending, but it's bought back in the beginning of the next episode (comedically even), so it's all right.

I am very much enjoying Cordelia's skimpy outfit. I love the beginning because Cordelia is having fun and it's been a long time since she was allowed to have fun.

Fred as Demon Angel's Medicine Woman (with a pan flute in the background and everything) is a bit maudlin and not entirely successful. It doesn't quite work cinematically and yet, I Get What They Are Going For. Which in most cases is always good enough for me.

What I love about the Groosalugg is that he isn't just handsome and hunky. He's kind. What a neat character.

I love Fred's reaction to Cordy being a made a Princess. "Oh. They didn't do that with me. How nice for her." Amy Acker hasn't really been asked to stretch yet, but her comedic instincts are already good.

The Wolf, Ram, and Hart thing raises SO many freaking questions that we never got the answer to. Damn it.

The low-budget in the sets and outdoor environments really makes me question the wisdom of this show doing an arc on an alien world / alternate dimension. Outside of the monster make-up, it's very basic medieval Earth stuff. They didn't even bother coloring any of the plants or making the sky a different color.

Again though, this is a really weird place to end the season. Because until the Pylea Arc started, Season 2 was one of Angel's more narratively disciplined seasons. Only Season 5's mythology was sturdier. Strange way to end things if you ask me. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb"


Let me be honest. This is a mess. It tries to do too many things and it does none of them well. They bit off more than they could chew.

I like Gunn's plan of them dying, Wesley going to Hell, and him spending eternity in the arms of the baby Jesus. It's interesting when he faces death, Gunn gets religious.

The ending dovetails into the Buffy The Vampire Slayer finale "The Gift" but it doesn't fit in with anything else.

I love the moment where Wesley tells Angel he'll come back. Until it's revealed he doesn't actually believe it. Why does TV never allow me nice things? Nice things are not actually hard to write and they should NOT be as hard to come by as they are.

About the best that can be said about this arc is that I'm glad they got it out of their system. Let's move on. 2 1/2 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Angel "Heartthrob"


Some of it I liked. Some of it I outright hated.

The thing in the car with "Her or you," is SO fucking horrible. It adds nothing but misery and the worst thing is it involves characters we don't know or care about. It's cruel for the sake of cruel and doesn't even have enough courage to effect people we'll have to see again and live with it. I find that type of storytelling absolutely shameful. It's also why I tend to steer clear of most horror films.

I would feel better about James and Elizabeth appearing out of nowhere if we ever saw them again in flashbacks. No, they aren't even MENTIONED again. It's shoddy as hell. Although I confess James' grand romantic notions are appealing. Because he is evil his version of love goes to obsession and is unhealthy and twisted. But the interesting thing is Angel feels a little bit of shame that he ultimately didn't feel that way over Buffy's death. At the end he tells Cordelia he's upset because he's fine. The fact that James has been driven mad and suicidal with grief almost strikes him as the more reasonable reaction, when in reality it's James' lack of a soul that has him twisted about love's true meaning.

Holtz, Holtz, want more of Holtz. Not a disappointment upon finally seeing him.

Do you know what pisses me off the most about the "Don't say the b-word" thing? Buffy's name is rarely mentioned in the season because Buffy The Vampire Slayer moved to UPN and the networks frowned on cross promoting the shows anymore. There is no rhyme or reason to never saying Buffy's name. Except the WB suits didn't like it.

I always love season premieres for the new main titles. A lot of the images feel a little squarer and cornier this year, and it's frankly WEIRD to made Amy Acker a series regular. But I also love Season Premieres to see how that shit always changes up.

Dennis with the loofah will give me nightmares. Super creepy.

I'll tell you the problem with the ending. The reveal of Darla's pregnancy is treated as a horror movie moment. If Connor is not inherently evil (and he's not) it really shouldn't have been. I can't describe my distaste for it fully. It seems to be suggesting pregnancy is gross and unnatural. I guess for a shock cliffhanger it works. As the subtext and introduction of an entirely new character? It's misleading. I don't like that.

Buffyverse shows usually have weak season premieres. This was no different. 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "That Vision Thing"


The Young Man In Fez does NOT have any sort of accent but Kal Penn absolutely HATED playing the role because he felt like it fed into negative stereotypes anyways. How fucked up of a franchise do you have to be to waste the talents of Kal Penn? The Buffyverse's excellence is overstated.

You ask me David Denman's best and most memorable role isn't Roy on The Office. It's the Demon Skip in Angel. Now to be clear, Angel absolutely wound up ruining this character, but his first appearance is perfect. He's smiling not saying anything until, "You aren't supposed to be here." To which Angel says "Is HE supposed. to be here?" "Oh yeah. He's supposed to be here." He holds out his hand in friendship. "I'm Skip." Angel shakes. "Angel. You live in this Hell dimension, Skip?" "Nah, I commute. About 20 minutes from here." Going over all that again I realize The Buffyverse's excellence is understated.

The fact that Angel's weapons are left behind when he transports to the Hell dimension is the exact same gag as the book vanishing on the trip to Pylea, and because it's second, it's much less funny. That being said, I will acknowledge at least it's the last time the franchise used the bit. It's such a great gag any other franchise would have run it into the ground. And part of me wouldn't blame them.

Charisma Carpenter's performance is amazing. The rasp she gives Cordelia as she is suffering is completely believable. There is a tenderness in their bond that makes me resent the Angel / Cordelia romance even more. Their bond would be FAR more interesting if there was no romance attached, but because it's television, and television is the worst thing that ever existed, we aren't allowed nice things.

For the record, Gilda And Meek fans? I got you covered on this.

Angel shows far more restraint at the end than I would have in his place. Him telling Lilah never to go through Cordelia to get to him ever again, and if she plays that card a second time, he'll kill her is far more reasonable than I would have been in that same scenario. Lilah would have been dead at the end of the night either way if I were Angel. I wouldn't even let her play that card ONCE.

I mentioned earlier that Amy Acker is gifted at comedy. "I've been forking with Gunn," is my receipt for that opinion.

All about Skip, but demerits for fucking over Kal Penn. That simply isn't done. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "That Old Gang Of Mine"


Fair warning: Those of you sick of my political opinions, skip the following review. Those of you who value them, I might have some interesting things to say.

This is probably the most racist episode of The Buffyverse. Angel has done some racist stuff, and will do even more racist stuff in the future, but this one deliberately pushes buttons in a completely divisive way. The subtext is absolutely horrible. I did not realize Tim Minear wrote and directed it and now I think much less of him.

Basically the lesson the episodes wants to impart is that the truly ignorant characters of the show are the Black gang members. They are thugs, they are stupid, and they are immoral. Who doesn't understand the nuances of the demons on the show? Gunn's Black friends, of course!

That specific subtext is horrible enough. It's indefensible. But the thing that is truly disturbing is it goes MUCH farther than that. It suggests the characters who don't understand intolerance and bigotry, are the Black characters. They simply have no idea how racism and prejudice works. To be fair, that precise button has been pushed in other franchises to make the allegory land as hard as possible. In Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, the Black Admiral Cartwright said some completely noxious things about Klingons which upset actor Brock Peters so much because it was the same rhetoric Black America faced in the 20th Century. Which is why they had that character do it. It made a statement. I would argue it made a BAD statement, but people would clearly see how fucked up it is to hear Brock Peters say it.

So this show having the Black cast be the bigots is a rug-pull genre has done in the past. But it's the fact that's it's paired up with pure ignorance which pushes it over the line from provocative to offensive.

The thing I want you to understand is that there are things in the episode I like. There are moments that are well-written and well-played. I'm not going to talk about them in this review however. They don't matter. In an episode this deliberately offensive, and actually even MORE offensive in hindsight than even intended, the Nice Touches don't matter. They don't make up for the show taking a huge, judgmental shot at Black culture and people. In order to build up the righteousness of the white heroes. They even use Fred as this poor innocent cute white girl these brown-skinned thugs are terrorizing. Every inch of the episode is done as a slam at Black people. But because the producers are supposedly liberal leaning, they expect the audience to tolerate it.

That doesn't wash with me. I think one sentence can sum up my ultimate opinion about this episode: IStandWithRayFisher. 0 stars.

Angel "Carpe Noctem"


This had the potential to be an all time great and it just sucks.

David Boreanaz does great in the body-swapping role. The thing with Lilah is especially twisted, especially how into it she was.

The problem is the old guy playing Angel sucks.

Do you know the most frustrating thing about that? Even ten years later, it never would have been a problem. TV shows very soon after the Buffyverse starting casting actors at different ages in the same part and had them mirror the original performance. Whenever we saw Kid Buffy on the Mothershow, they never did. Likewise, this idiot has clearly never seen an episode of the series in his life. If this episode aired even five years later, they would have cast a name actor precisely because he could nail Boreanaz's mannerisms.

It's true The Buffyverse was instrumental in the journey to making television great. But the truth is, because of shit like this it was rarely great itself. Other later great stuff built on the foundations Buffy built (and those foundations are gamechanging) but very little of the Buffyverse itself could qualify for The Golden Age Of Television. Arguably there WOULD be no Golden Age Of Television without Buffy and Joss Whedon. And yet neither were actually a part of it.

Disappointing episode, to say the least. 2 stars.

Angel "Fredless"


I'm calling that terrible.

It's maudlin, and cringe, and cliched, and even a bit condescending. But I think the thing I dislike most is how it misrepresents Fred's parents.

They are hinted to be sinister and Lorne's reaction cinches that. But they were nice after all? And the stuff they were whispering to each other was clearly designed to be followed up on and revealed in a later episode. Because they never did, it's a failing.

Angel goofily being excited to be bandaged up by Cordelia was kind of fun though.

Wesley and Cordelia's Buffy / Angel performance was as cringe as the rest of the episode, but I liked it because Wesley was allowed in on the silliness. Alexis Denisof has been given plenty of goofy moments. But those have all been at Wesley's expense. It was nice to see him actually in on the joke for once.

I think the thing I especially like about it is Buffy and Giles used to make fun of Wesley in a very mean-spirited (and even bullying) manner. I like that despite the fact that Buffy thinks Wesley is utterly uncool, it turns out the feeling is MORE than mutual. And I think that Wesley is more right than she is.

Do you know what else is good about that? Buffy spent SO much time making fun of Wesley. It's nice to see him making fun of her.

The only other thing I liked was the Lorne stuff. I love that Lorne is mad at Gunn and wants him to leave. He also has zero patience with humoring Fred's parents with a bogus monster movie story. And again, Lorne's instant dislike of them tells me they were intended to be future antagonists and the series simply dropped the ball. That's not good.

Neither is the episode. 1 star.

Angel "Billy"


It's a powerful, disturbing, and scary episode. But I don't know if that's a good thing.

I really find it incredibly distasteful on every level. The fact that it was written by two men might have something to do with it. Although I found Cordelia's scenes with Lilah very realistic, I felt the turning of Wesley into a monster was just gross. The joke about woman with two black eyes is why I think for the most part men ought to stay away from writing stories of male on female violence. This is Stephen King's problem too. It's a joke, and one that a decent person would not tell. But premises like this tend to give male writers the imaginary license to have a bad guy say a joke like that, when the writer themselves never would.

And yet, Tim Minear and Jeffrey Bell obviously heard that joke somewhere. It was memorable enough to them both to put in this script. I feel like often in abuse stories, the jokes like that are repeated not merely said to show men are monsters. But because the jokes amused the writer when they first heard them, and they believe this is the only appropriate place to share them. They won't get in trouble for repeating a joke they laughed at if they make the person who says it evil.

I don't think that flies with me. What especially doesn't fly with me is the fact that Wesley manages to say the precise most disgusting things to Fred. And I guess I can talk about my own writing here. My resident psychopathic character is Vic Puff. But one of the things I like about Vic Puff is nothing he says or does is remotely credible or realistic. He says gross and horrible things. But they aren't things a real person would say. I am proud of the fact that I refuse to put myself in such a toxic headspace to make my monster character believable. You can say the character is a failure because I don't believably get in his head or make you believe this kind of evil could actually exist in a real person. Guilty. But Vic Puff being a failure is just fine with me if it means I don't HAVE to put myself in that bad headspace to write him properly. I will take the slings and arrows of the monster not being realistic if it means I can look myself in the mirror every morning. And you know what? I can.

One interesting thing about Cordelia's scene with Lilah. Lilah doesn't want to help. She disgustedly says she isn't Lindsay and doesn't switch sides when it becomes convenient. I think what Lilah didn't understand (until maybe now does) is there were legitimate reasons Lindsay did that.

This episode makes me very uncomfortable and part of me doesn't believe the entire idea behind it was completely honorable. I might be wrong, but it's the two black eyes joke as well as the line about tides and bleeding. That shit is a red flag. 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "Offspring"


It seems kind of stupid that Cordelia is forgetting what Darla is. But I like it because she's calling Angel out on his shit. Angel's deplorable behavior last year was never treated as such until now. And whether Cordelia is naive or not, it's about damn time.

I love when Angel says the baby has a soul Darla is like "Not my child!" Oh, it's her child now? Interesting.

Holtz at the end was never this huge surprise but what I notice this out is the little touches given to Sahjahn. The cigarette and watch say a LOT about him in a scene than is amazingly brief for such an important character introduction.

I think it's a good episode. But I will always think the Angel / Cordelia 'ship was a bad idea. 4 stars.

Angel "Quickening"


This is a very fucked up episode, but unlike much of Season 3, the ways it is fucked up are good.

All the Wolfram & Hart shit is somehow a million times more horrible than usual, probably because we're getting a bigger look at their inner workings than ever before. John Rubinstein (Pippin!) is Linwood, and the guy is a total bastard. Him telling the doomed psychic he really should have had that kind of foresight earlier was coldblooded.

Sahjahn continues to make a favorable impression. He asks Holtz if he can tell if he's had work done. One of the things I have always liked about Holtz is that although he is a man out of time, he isn't ever unable to deal with that. The technical wonders and information overload he sees interest him far less than killing Angelus.

If I have to criticize the episode for something, it's a weak cliffhanger. It doesn't feel like a dire stopping point, but rather as if the episode was cut in half. The Buffyverse's cliffhangers are usually more properly melodramatic. Few too many balls in the air in this one.

Good (and fucked up) episode though. 4 stars.

Angel "Lullaby"


Fair notice: I am going to make a stink about the very final moments. But before then it was one of the best episodes of the series.

Holtz's slow-motion hunt through the fire and then the rain will go down in history as the most visually iconic moment of the series. Honestly? I can't think of a moment from Buffy The Vampire Slayer more iconic than that. And that's a statement.

The notion that the baby is sustaining Darla rather than the other way around is beautiful. She doesn't want to give him up because when she does she'll stop loving him. And probably try to kill him. Darla was not given her soul back at the end of life. But her sharing Connor's before her ultimate sacrifice shows a measure of redemption neither she nor Angel ever expected.

Her saying the baby was the one good thing they ever did, and that Angel needed to tell him that, right before she stakes herself gives me chills. The Good Kind. The Good Hurt I chase that breaks my heart the way I want it broken and give me goosebumps when doing so.

The most unexpectedly funny moment was Angel's, "What are we looking at?" It's so hilarious because it's the wrong place for a hilarious joke. Let me say you will find a LOT of wrongly placed hilarious jokes in my work, and yes, Whedon was an influence about that specific thing.

The "New Player" bit always pisses me off. It sounds SO fucking forced and Angel trying to make Fetch happen. It makes me roll my eyes every time.

I have to slam the last scene. Maybe not in this episode but it is the first unfair storytelling move in the arc, not the last, why the entire season became a failure, and why it pissed me off so much. Sahjahn tells Holtz he can't just let Angel get away.

Except it's later revealed Sahjahn has no interest in Angel. It's the baby prophesized to kill him. I think it would be weird for Sahjahn to suggest Holtz kill the baby for him, but really, that's his agenda, and the show acting like it isn't is a very early demonstration that this was an arc that was largely made up as it went along. None of it fits. And Sahjahn bemoaning ANGEL getting away is the first crack in the season's massive plotholes.

Him declining to tell Holtz Darla is pregnant also makes no sense if that's the actual reason he brought him back.

But you know what? Because it didn't affect this episode itself, I'll still give it the perfect grade it deserves. It's such an amazing episode I don't want to penalize it for the rest of the season failing the viewer. That's not actually this episode's fault. It did its dramatic job well, and is one of the best episodes of the series. 5 stars.

Angel "Dad"


That nice ending breaks my heart knowing what is coming.

Again, I must call foul on Sahjahn not showing the slightest interest in the baby. I will be mentioning in later reviews NONE of how the shit went down with Connor was properly set up. That! That!

I'm amused that Linwood likes kids. He's still a creep.

Files And Records is cool (and ALSO creepy).

I don't like Holtz simply because he doesn't recognize pop-culture references. I like him because he's crazily cunning enough to understand that what Justine is talking about IS a pop-culture reference in the first place. He's freaking 200 years out of time. People of his time barely had pop culture, and certainly nothing was referential about it. Him actually knowing what a pop culture reference is, even if he doesn't know the reference itself is kind of amazing.

The holes are getting bigger and harder to ignore. But we're still okay (so far). 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "Birthday"


I loved Skip for so long and this episode was one of the reasons why. It makes me angry what they did to him, especially considering they implied his kindness to Cordelia was bullshit.

I liked all the alternate timeline stuff. They got the most important beats laid down there.

Aimee Garcia ("Lucifer") plays the young woman Cynthia. Which considering how young Ella Lopez was on Lucifer, tells me the actress is MUCH older than she looks if she's playing a young woman 15 years earlier. She apparently aged well enough to play young when she was middle-aged. I checked Wikipedia and it says she's currently 45. Yeah, she played Ella young. Hell, she played Cynthia young too.

I like the idea that Dennis is always protecting Cordelia.

Pretty interesting premise. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "Provider"


That's Jeffrey Dean Morgan? Rewatching the Buffyverse is just one giant mindfuck.

I feel like the episode should have made Sam Jack's lover instead of friend. That would make the lengths he's going to make more sense. But I guess in 2001 gay MALE relationships were still frowned on in television for the most part, which is another reason Joss Whedon deserves zero credit for turning Willow gay. And yes, he turned that character gay. That was the actual problem.

Angel and Cordelia's intimacy at the end was so nice and WHY the romance ultimately sucked. It would have been stronger and purer without it. But TV always pairs up the genre leads, even if it's a bad idea. It's kind of infuriating actually.

It's also interesting that Cordelia and Angel's viewpoints about money vs. the mission have each done a 180 with each other. It's the fact that Cordy used to be all about the first thing which give her credibility when insisting about the importance of the latter.

The zombie having been killed by his girlfriend is a good twist, but I do have to crossly point out it's annoying they never explained HOW he was reanimated. Zombies don't just HAPPEN in the Buffyverse. His existence suggests there is a third person out there who brought him back to life, and probably for a bad reason. But the show isn't clever or interesting enough to realize it.

He is something I've noticed about Lorne now that he's on Team Angel full time. He's kind of useless, isn't he? I LOVE Lorne as a character, but he doesn't bring much to the table outside of constantly needing to be rescued. It's something I notice this time out.

I thought the shit with Holtz was horrible because it's him being an abusive bastard being treated as a Jedi Master moment. But I'll tell, you I love that the first thing Justine did upon the spike being removed from her hand. She decked the asshole. For good reason. He deserved it.

It's an all right episode. It's filler, but it doesn't piss me off. 3 stars.

Angel "Waiting In The Wings"


Interesting! I had NO idea this was a terrible episode! Sort of shocking to learn that for myself this rewatch.

I'm wondering if the fact that I dislike Joss Whedon so much predisposes me to be harsh on his episodes, and I'm aware that may be some of it. But even if it was true, don't you think an episode by the franchise creator ought to be judged by the very highest standards? Instead Whedon coasted on mediocrity like this. And as a Whedon fan I was so deep into the cult it never occurred to me to judge the episode objectively by my own standards. Whedon wrote and directed it so it's good. That was my opinion back then.

My pop-culture life 20 years ago was a LOT less interesting. And I don't think the fact that I had no context or understanding to object to this is a good thing.

This is self-indulgent tripe. Possibly the worst of its kind Whedon has ever done. It's not completely worthless, which is even more annoying. It would be easier to dismiss if it was. But damn, the fucking voodoo romance is SO badly written and scripted, and the dialogue is shockingly shoddy for the very guy our cult used to worship for that exact reason.

God damn. Just God damn. It's often painful having to rewatch The Buffyverse, not just because I can recognize Joss Whedon's red flags after MeToo now. It's because since I'm not on his side anymore, I can fairly see he often does a LOT of sloppy writing and directing.

I think the very first thing I need to mention is the sex scene. It is not remotely cool. He has David Boreanaz kissing Charisma Carpenter's bare stomach. Whedon used to jokingly say that the character of his he most related to was the sex slaver Topher from Dollhouse who liked controlling pretty people and things. It was a pretty appalling joke in hindsight, and considering he just asked actors he's worked with for YEARS to pull off a porn move on on-camera on broadcast television makes the "joke" even MORE problematic. Because he isn't joking. Charisma Carpenter has said how uncomfortable on the set he made her. Do you remotely think for ONE second she was actually cool with this? Because I don't.

Yes, I know Carpenter has done a sexy movie and posed for Playboy. That doesn't mean she would appreciate being objectified on a 9 to 5 job she's had for a good 6 years. Playboy and sexy movies pay the bills. But asking her to do that in one of her legit roles is wrong. And Whedon sucks because he doesn't understand that. He's Topher and the Dolls do what he says. It's gross.

This next opinion will strike some as unfair, and a little out of left field, but I remember how the show progressed, so I believe my disdain is fair: But it's bullshit Whedon had Gunn be enchanted by the ballet. I'm not saying a Black writer would never have given him this facet. But they never would have with the specific arc Gunn wound up having. Gunn loving ballet an early example of the show showing the audience Gunn wants to rise about his station. And that's not a terrible moral. But considering the entire arc of season 5 is proving that Gunn was a fool for ever wanting the nice things his white friends had, you bet your ass I'm calling bullshit on his "enchantment" here. I'm going to declare we aren't allowed to have nice things while the show spends the rest of its run beating on Gunn for being nice. So no. It's bullshit, written by a white writer who thinks he's being cute. In hindsight, it's a major red flag and why IStandWithRayFisher.

Cordelia being described as a Champion and has having come so far is also cringe, mostly because I never felt any of this was happening organically. And the show sucks because Season 4 lives down to the audience's doubts about that. No wonder Carpenter was so pissed when she left. Whedon does this: Build up the strong feminist hero to knock them down, and sexually humiliate them to boot. It was his go-to for Buffy too, while we're keeping track of these things.

Lorne's lullaby about selling Connor out is ill-advised and if Joss Whedon was HALF as competent a writer as he claims to be he'd know it. We like Lorne. But this is still only his second season on the show. We don't fully trust him yet. Him making that joke at this stage of the game isn't funny for that reason. It's alarming. And a smarter writer than Whedon would instantly know it and would have nixed it immediately.

I want to a talk little about Buffy and why Angel's relationship with Cordy is more mature. Let me note the romantic angle blows chucks. But Buffy had this seriously delusional version of Angel in her head. Do you remotely think she could EVER head off to a ballet Angelus enjoyed when he was evil? It's the fact that that bit doesn't bother Cordelia which is why she is more mature and emotionally healthy than Buffy.

For those who feel bad about the fact that Summer Glau infamously brings a Curse upon every short-lived TV show she she appeared on, hey, Angel lasted two more seasons after her screen debut here.

I mentioned there were a couple of things I liked. Yeah, I LOVE Angel describing crying like a baby at the ballet a hundred years ago, and beaming "And I was evil!" I loved that bit.

I also love Cordelia gong up to the guard. "Say, do you like bribes?" "Do I ever!" Admittedly not a strong end to that literal punchline, but those two lines always crack me up.

It's tempting to say none of Whedon's output holds up, and Angel in particular is a badly written thing to have to rewatch. The thing is, it isn't always. And sometimes it's even great. And the thing is when it's great, it's rarely because Whedon had a direct hand in it. This self-indulgent tripe is a chance for Whedon to prove how classy he is while treating his actors like porn stars. Yeah, not a fan. 1 1/2 stars.

Angel "Couplet"


If you ask me, this is the last episode of Angel before the big Shark Jump. I wish it was better. It has good things, but not enough of them.

One thing I love is that the Groosalugg is absolutely 100% sweet and earnest. There is no part of the guy who resembles an alpha male or a threat. Which is why he IS a threat to Angel. He's as open and caring for Cordelia as Angel would need to be, but it's isn't. If Groo strutted around swinging his dick, Angel would have a shot at Cordy. Instead the way Groo is better than Angel is pretty much the only way that matters.

I mentioned the next few episodes are the series' shark jump. As dire as that cliffhanger is, it doesn't quite drive home what a cheat and cheap shot this entire false prophecy will turn out to be. It involves the most unfair storytelling of the entire Buffyverse (which is a statement). But with Cordelia's vacation and a potential estrangement between Wes and Gunn, the episode is effective for isolating Wesley in a time where he could have used a friend or wise counsel. Which was pretty much the only fair thing set up in this entire arc.

But no, we are in for bad times. Not just for the characters. But for the show's quality and the viewer. I hate this season and it starts here. 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "Loyalty"


This is going to be a very difficult review for me. Because it's not actually a bad episode. And yet on a very real level, it is one of the worst episodes ever. We just didn't know it as it aired. It comes across very well without everything that followed. But if we are looking at Angel's Shark-jump, this is precisely where it started.

I think my biggest objection to the episode is how unfair it is. Not just to Wesley as a character, but to the audience who have come to trust Mutant Enemy to fairly set up an arc and follow through with it with good (or at least memorable) results. But this episode contains some of the biggest bullshit writing Team Whedon has EVER engaged in, and the bullshit kept getting thicker all throughout season 4. There was no turning back once the show realized it could lie to the viewers and never be called on it.

Lie the first: "Sahjahn supposedly wants to kill Angel." That is the plan. A lie. Not only does Sahjahn not NEED to kill Angel, but we later learn he actually wants to kill Connor. Holtz does not. So recruiting Holtz in the first place JUST to kill Angel doesn't help him at ALL. The show changed Sahjahn's motivations midstream and expected us to be okay with it.

Lie the second: "This was a false prophecy, and Wesley should have known that." Sahjahn himself rubs it in in a couple of episodes. But the prophecies and texts all supported it, and so did the oracle Wesley consulted. If we are to believe Sahjahn manipulated these events to construct the entire false prophecy, that's giving him more power than he should have, and so much he probably never freaking NEEDED Holtz. Sahjahn is supposedly both powerless to confront Angel and Connor himself, and so powerful he can rewrite prophecies and histories and get oracles to lie for him. Both of these things should not be true. The fact that they apparently are is bad writing. Worse, it's UNFAIR writing.

Lie the third: The biggest. The reason this is the Shark-jump and why I never fully trusted Joss Whedon ever again. "Angel would NEVER harm his son." And in the very last scene of this episode he literally suggests he wants to snack on him. THAT is the specific cliffhanger to show how dire things are. It's never walked back, it's simply ignored as if it never happened. The writers never ONCE have Wesley say to Fred or even Angel after the fact "Dude you were TALKING about eating him with a smile on your face!" Wesley must be shamed and humiliated for his "betrayal" so much so that the writers rewrote the entire history of just two fucking episodes ago! That is something a bad writer does. That is something a bad piece of fiction of does. I don't much like Misery's Annie Wilkes. But she knew the cockadoodie bullshit about storytelling cheats when she heard it. And her anger about it feels righteous now that I'm experiencing the same damn thing on Angel.

I did like Lilah's scene with Sahjahn. He seems a little flirtatious with her and a bit bemused both by her competence and by the fact that he doesn't impress her. He's shocked she's already got Connor's blood and she affirms this even before the request is fully out of his mouth. Learning Lilah's mother is battling dementia also adds a little dimension and nuance to a character with very little of it.

Gunn and Fred's romantic drama was torpid and annoying.

The giant talking hamburger is WHY people loved the Buffyverse, and me loving shit like that is WHY I feel so betrayed. I can deal with shitty shows I hate dealing me dirty. It washes off my back. Something I LOVE fucking me over? The Giant Talking Hamburger is one of the reasons I will never forgive this show for making me entirely lose faith in it. The Giant Talking Hamburger means I never wanted that.

Wesley mentioning Holtz's "Low, scary voice" is pretty much the only argument he needs.

Holtz has no use for Sahjahn at this point and Sahjahn is starting to realize he's not just a hindrance to his plans at this point, he could become a threat to HIM. Holtz declaring Angelus evil with absolutely no hesitation says that Holtz is foolish. Whether his revenge is righteous or not (and hearing him describe what happened to his family tells me it is) he has to use heavy-duty bullshit to justify it to himself.

I feel used and violated by the last scene of this show and as if I have been lied to this entire time. Mostly because this means I kind of have been. 1 star.

Angel "Sleep Tight"


I am not entirely sure how to respond to that. I am extremely angry.

I will note two good things:

The scene where Wesley hums, realizes he's busted, and attacks Lorne is truly horrific.

I love the small detail of Holtz declaring he doesn't like these "cotton" cups for his tea. It's a very interesting way to have an 18th Century man see Styrofoam.

Holtz is crazy by the way. He is THIS close to snapping Connor's neck because he KNOWS Angel will come after him. When he tells Angel Connor will never even know he existed, it's not just cruel. It's a fucking lie. The whole scene is disgusting on every level.

And my disgust for the series is complete. Wesley gets his throat slit for his troubles. Hearing Wesley describe his friends as his family is SUCH a fucking cruel thing for the show to do. I detest television that repeatedly punishes the fans for daring to like and care about the characters. I doubt Joss Whedon created the idea himself. But the Buffyverse was certainly Patient Zero for that mindset spreading to the rest of television.

I am not happy. 2 stars.

Angel "Forgiving"


Worst episode ever.

Really? With Sahjahn's amazing line "Bad for me, bad for America"? Or the fucking White Room and that creepy-ass evil little girl?

Yeah. That ending pisses me off like nothing else.

Justine, Sahjahn, everybody spends the episode talking about what a sacrifice Wesley made and how he was a true hero. Even Fred firmly believes he did the right thing.

And then they hit us with THAT ending.

There is a sickness in television. And I think that sickness started with shows like Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel. Both series in this franchise hit highs TV never quite hit before. And both set a majorly bad examples for everything else that followed, and basically made the current television landscape nearly unwatchable.

Worst episode ever. 0 stars.

Angel "Double Or Nothing"


That's the thing. You can never UNJUMP a Shark.

Case in point: Fred cruelly blaming Wesley in his hospital bed. Just last episode she was telling everyone Wesley did the right thing, but she apparently changed her mind off-screen because the audience MUST feel terrible, and Wesley MUSY be punished for sacrificing everything to save Angel's son. What characters say and do on the show doesn't seem to matter. From one second to the other, what does is how the audience can be best manipulated to feel like shit. Consistent characterization? What's that?

The way Gunn breaks up with Fred is the case in point. It's false unearned drama because obviously the episode was running short on time. That does not remotely impress me.

Random thoughts.

Groo is very much a fifth wheel and his constant bewilderment is adorable.

Angel asking to get straight that Gunn and Fred were dating was the funniest joke in the episode.

Yes, Angel getting a 3 is funny too, but it's also pretty obvious.

Gunn selling his soul for a truck without air conditioning doesn't make me think much of him.

I liked the demon with the Cockney British accent.

Whatever magic and pull the show used to exert upon me is gone now. Just like Angel cannot forgive Wesley, I cannot forgive either Angel or the writers of this show. And this is an unnecessary mess entirely of their own making. Well talk in a couple reviews about how unnecessary all this is but the thing I hate most about all this is it's the kind of thing a desperate show that has been on the air for 9 seasons does to "spice things up". This is Angel: Year 3. It's MUCH harder to forgive for that reason. Impossible really. 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "The Price"


That ending kind of pisses me off but we'll get into why in the next review. Promise.

I love that Groo can pronounce "Pomegranate" because it was his mother's name.

Also, Cordelia is essentially the worst girlfriend ever. As far as I'm concerned she and that asshole Angel deserve each other. Groo can do better.

The thing about the episode I liked the most was Wesley's fury at Gunn. I've think we've had just about enough of people talking shit about Wesley for trying to save Connor's life after Angel literally threatened to eat him. I felt we were due Wesley telling Gunn HE was the one who was betrayed by people he thought were his friends.

I'm aggravated. Next episode. Ugh. 3 stars.

Angel "A New World"


I have a story to tell. My favorite reviews involve me telling a story.

Speaking as a Philistine back in 2002 when this aired, I had no problems with it. In hindsight I really should have.

I used to be obsessed with TV Guide. This was really before I had access to the internet and really it and Entertainment Weekly were my only ways to keep up with the happenings of my fandoms, and news about shows I liked was ALWAYS stingy. But regardless of how much I read it, I knew the difference between it and EW was the fact that TV Guide's columnists were shitty. Across the board. There was a weird, uncomfortable conservative bent to a lot of the reviewers and columnists and it always seemed weird to me that the writing staff was charged with writing about television, when every dumbass opinion they always stated said they never understood it. There was a sports columnist. He was a dumbass, and I think he was probably a conservative dumbass.

But he related a story about a sports announcer who read the promo for this episode on air. Family Guy has done a cutaway about how unenthusiastic sports announcers always are to have to hype TV shows they clearly don't know anything about, or give a shit about. Phil Mushnik (I believe was the sports columnist) noted this guy read aloud about how this exciting episode of Angel involved Angel's son finally returning home, and wanting nothing more than to kill his own father. Mushnik, being both a conservative and a dumbass was extremely proud of the sports announcer for after having read that saying something to the effect of "I am ashamed I had to read that to you out-loud. That is not right."

I thought Mushnik's high horse back then was not just ridiculous, but infuriating. The sports announcer was obviously a dipshit who couldn't recognize interesting television and writing if it knocked him over the head. And do you know what? I think that's true. I think that announcer AND Mushnik were probably dumbasses who knew nothing about ANYTHING.

But blind squirrels can find the occasional nut. Despite the fact that this sports announcer does not remotely sound like a person I would EVER like to spend any time with, 20 years later, I realize his opinion isn't exactly wrong. He's wrong for the reasons he has it. They involve the conservative culture wars. And he certainly did not have the context of how all this went down in the episode. But he was right that it's a fucking horrible premise. The truth is the producers went OUT of their way to wedge the characters into it in a completely unlikely and unbelievable fashion, just so they could do a promo about "Angel's son coming back to kill his own father." Story and character considerations didn't seem to matter much.

I talked to my best friend about what bullshit the Connor arc ultimately was and she told me, it probably went down the way it did because Buffy was exploring new teenage family drama with Dawn, and Angel, the series, wanted some symmetry between Buffy and Angel's respective arcs. And the fact is, they weren't gonna saddle Angel with a baby for the rest of the run. And while she's probably correct about the logic of why it went down the way it did, the truth is, it's fucking unnecessary. It's fucking cruel. It's fucking annoying. And damn it, back then I didn't know enough about writing to understand exactly HOW unnecessary shit like that is. I was naive enough to accept it as a matter of course. The sad truth about fandom is many people still DO accept shit like this as the price of genre business. It really shouldn't be, and it sure as hell doesn't NEED to be.

Should I talk about the episode? Like how Spookycool (one word) the disappearing lady is? The bullshit of Lilah's Judas Iscariot allegory and how Wesley IS too good to work for her and she's an idiot to think otherwise? Or how about that right when Angel is trying to calm his son down, he angrily and shockingly grabs his arm because he's worried he's been doing drugs? Or Groo showing actual sarcastic insight and resentment towards his shitty girlfriend?

Okay, those are all interesting things, as are Connor's reactions to the modern word (including junk food and getting kissed by a hot girl). But none of those interesting elements change the fact that the episode's entire premise is fucking horrible, and written for the express purpose of being fucking horrible. They are TRYING to shock and offend people with the idea. Is it any wonder some people who have never seen the show actually ARE offended? In hindsight, even though I HAVE seen the show, at this point, I'm kind of offended too. I feel a bit manipulated and dirty in how all that went down. 3 stars.

Angel "Benediction"


I REALLY liked the episode, but I have some negative things to get through in the second half of the review. I wish I didn't, but the things I note will be necessary.

WHY did I like the episode so much? Mostly because the drama involves conversations between the characters. My jam. Holtz's stuff with Connor, Angel, AND Justine was pure dynamite, and as cringe as the premise of the second half of the season turned into, the pain felt by all four characters here feels real and resonant.

Lilah's scene with Wesley at the club was very interesting too.

Groo's anger is justified. Lorne apparently REALLY digs the guy now for being far more insightful than he lets on to anyone. "If my princess asks, I went for a walk." Sad pause. "IF she asks." And yeah, that ending for them is devastating. Cordelia legit sucks.

So does Connor. His meanness towards Lorne is horrible, and I love that Lorne is not gonna take this from the kid whose diapers he changed last week. The thing that kills me about Lorne is he is the gentlest and kindest member of the group. And he always seems to get more undeserved shit than any of them. Truthfully, Angel gets more shit. But Angel is an asshole and has earned every inch of it. The bigotry constantly shown to the series' kindest character is really upsetting.

And Connor putting a knife to Cordelia's throat is a big shock moment too.

Now we get to the part of the review where I say an unkind thing. And despite me being a Philistine in 2002, the truth is this unkind thing occurred to me back then too. If I had not mistaken this correct idea for simply an alternate take, instead of good writing, I might have returned to Gilda And Meek a good 10 years early. But no, I had no clue my problem with the episode occurred solely because I am a better writer than Tim Minear. I certainly was not in 2002. But me seeing this flaw says I always could have been someday.

It IS pretty unfair storytelling to hit Holtz with this huge measure of grace and character growth and for him to just frame Angel for his assisted suicide from Justine as a vampire murder at the end. But the thing that COULD have justified it is the heartfelt letter telling Connor to have a good life with his father.

And I didn't realize it at the time, but I'm a better writer than Tim Minear. I would have loved it if upon Connor confronting Angel, Angel hands him the letter to prove he's on his side and even HOLTZ knew it, for it to have turned out Holtz never taught the kid to read in the Hell dimension.

That would have been a BEYOND cruel twist. And 100% the right one. It would have suggested Holtz left off things with Connor on a place of vengeance, but if Connor someday goes out into the world, and learns how to read, and becomes his own man and finds himself, he'd discover the truth for himself. Only AFTER putting in the work to make something of himself. That would have been sort of halfway between vengeance and hope for Holtz, and sort of leaving his son's fate in his own hands. It would have been fucking cruel and horrible to make Connor illiterate. And there would be a beauty and truth to the rough road ahead for the kid if he was EVER going to learn and accept the truth.

I realized this in 2002. Back when my comic sucked ass, and I was so embarrassed about it I refused to show it to ANYONE. I cracked a MAJOR storytelling hole the producers added that could have been solved brilliantly if they had the talent to do so.

Many of the people who read my reviews are writers. One thing that usually happens to a writer at some point in their life (at least if they are any good) is they watch or read something professional and say to themselves "I can do better." Now this was not my first time saying that to myself by a longshot. But it was significant because it occurred in a franchise I loved (at the time at least) and one that was pretty much revered for the quality of its writing. At the time, I didn't recognize how significant me understanding the problem with that ending was. I was not a very self-reflective person back then. But looking back now, yeah, I might be all right at this. Better than Tim Minear at any rate. 4 stars.

Angel "Tomorrow"


I liked two things.

I liked the Groosalugg laying it on the line for Cordelia. Because he's amazing and she never deserved him.

I like Stephanie Romanov's naked back. Her sex scene with Wesley is problematic. I LIKE Wesley, or at least I DID, but it's not easy to like a character after they are given the line "I wasn't thinking about you while you were here." Also him grabbing her by the throat and asking her if she was VERY anxious to find out what having your throat cut was like is pretty fucking scary.

I can't support anything else. The episode ends on a cliffhanger. The Buffyverse is refreshingly (and deliberately) light on cliffhangers, and this is probably its most unresolved-feeling one. (If you don't count "Not Fade Away", but I think the problem there was the non-answered resolution there was both obvious and bad.) I have never dug season ending cliffhangers from most franchises. Only Star Trek ever really did them right and for most other franchises, they are an annoyance at best. And this one is terrible.

I wrote a review years ago for the Angel DVDs and I believe my word for Cordelia ascending to a higher level of being was "inexcusable". The show has spent this season adding virtues to the character that aren't there, or at least SHOULDN'T be. Saying she's a Champion and other such happy horseshit. What really angers me is next season, after Skip reveals this higher plane thing WAS a con, he sneers that the idea was ridiculous to begin with. I resent the HELL out of that. Because it is, and the producers were trying to pretend it wasn't here. And that sort of thing in fiction pisses me off. A lot of people believing fiction calling itself on its own bullshit is a meta way for audiences to forgive the bullshit. That doesn't work if you wait a season to do it. If you do, it makes the viewer lose ALL faith in what they are seeing. It tells us even the WRITERS never believed this bullshit, which is poison for a work of fiction.

Also Cordelia was driving a car down the highway when Skip froze time. What happened to that empty running car and how many people died in the inevitable crash and pile-up? God, this show has NO foresight about shit like that.

And Connor reads the letter and it means nothing, and I am a better writer than Tim Minear and David Greenwalt. And I always was.

It's not like the Shark hadn't already been jumped, but the show was NOT helping itself with this shit. 2 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Angel "Deep Down"


It's all right.

Angel's "Nothing in the world is the way is ought to be," is definitely one of the most iconic speeches in the entire Buffyverse. My only problem with it is I don't believe Champions actually exist. I believe they are a fictional idea, and thus there isn't actual truth to Angel's monologue. Maybe somewhere Champions DO exist. But I think their scarcity and the fact that the world is currently much WORSE than it ought to be says there is little real-world veracity in Angel's sure declarations there.

Andy Hallett has been upgraded to Special Guest Star, but he'll be a series regular mid-season. Vincent Kartheiser has already been bumped up to the main titles. Alexis Denisof has been promoted to "And Alexis Denisof" at the end which is a great honor for main titles.

Fred's fury at Connor feels righteous. And if you ask me Connor's betrayal was a hundred times worse than Wesley's. Wesley's lasted a night. Connor has been lying to these people for over three months.

I love Fred accusing Wesley of not caring and him saying Angel will need more blood and he is fresh out. Another good Wesley moment is after Justine is creeping up behind him with the wrench, he threatens to take away her bucket.

Linwood got a memorable exit, didn't he? I'd sleep with one eye open if I were Gavin.

Angel thinking he's seeing Connor and saying "I should have killed you," to Wesley is actually a powerful and devastating moment. The fantasy at the beginning however says that deep down Angel WANTS to forgive Wesley. That's what I took from that.

Unfortunately the amount of fake-out dream sequences in the episode is troubling. The Buffyverse already engages in that questionable trope far more than it should, and in fairness, the viewer can pretty much tell what is a fantasy here after the first one. But I believe fake-out dream sequences are so damaging to fiction because they make it so the viewer cannot trust what they are seeing. So whenever somebody dies for REAL, the moment doesn't land properly because you are always looking for an escape hatch. I don't approve of this method of storytelling, and I have to say it's a little disturbing I seem to be the only person with a real problem with it. Most people don't like it, but everyone sort of has accepted it as a normal trope. I don't think any tropes that weaken a work of fiction ought to ever be normalized by either fans or other writers. And there are a LOT of them that do that. And I seem to be the only person with a problem with them.

So that was "Deep Down". An all right premiere in a season that will get shittier and shittier as it goes along. 3 stars.

Angel "Ground State"


Gwen is a great character and I think she could have broken out on the show a lot bigger than she did. What I think happened was Alexa Davalos suddenly became a very in-demand actress and scheduling conflicts stopped them from using her more. But I love her bit about fibbing being lying only classier, and "It's fun for a girl and a boy."

Angel's heartbeat leading to the kiss was a pleasurably shocking moment. I love the guilt it instills in Angel, but if you ask me that is misplaced.

Fred's drama with Gunn is tiresome at this point.

Wesley Wyndham-Pryce report: His sex scenes with Lilah are really starting to gross me out. I loved his nonreaction to Angel claiming they were okay again. The group has been operating under the assumption that Wesley's actions were unforgivable. Did it ONCE occur to them, that the way they treated him afterwards was FAR more unforgivable? Angel doesn't get to be all buddy-buddy and be all "We're okay again," after what he did. If he hadn't tried to kill him, yeah, Wesley would NEED to earn back his trust. At this point, it's the other way around.

I think the weak spot of the episode is a weak spot for the Buffyverse in general. Gwen's younger actress looks and acts NOTHING like Alexa Davalos. To be completely fair, casting dead-ringer kids for the younger versions of main actors only really became a reality, I would guess, about 5 years after this episode aired. I think it was Fringe that started doing it, and then all genre did. But before then nobody bothered. Also not helping is this is Gwen's first fucking episode. For all we know the kid might have been cast before Davalos was.

The episode was almost standalone, and not much connected to the larger Season 4 arc. That might actually be why I liked it. 4 stars.

Angel "The House Always Wins"


Lorne singing "Being Green" is just pure magic. "Lady Marmalade" was also amazing.

I love that everyone is pretty much sick of Angel's Vegas stories by the end.

Gunn is an asshole for thinking the absolute worst about Lorne. The problem is before Lorne is punched and the cage bars go down the show itself is sort of mispresenting his intentions too. But really, I think Gunn is an asshole for blaming him without realizing Lorne did it because innocent people were under threat.

The amnesia at the end is annoying precisely because there is no reason for it and it was never explained. This season is probably the worst as far as narrative consistency goes. It's just a bunch of random crap happening with no rhyme or reason.

Lorne in Vegas was fun though. Diddle? 4 stars.

Angel "Slouching Towards Bethlehem"


I've said in earlier reviews of my rewatch of the Buffyverse that my eyes are wide open. Even so I am shocked this episode sucks. I'm especially shocked at how MUCH it sucks. We Buffyverse fans must have tolerated a LOT back in the day.

Lorne's reading of Cordy and the "Slouching Towards Bethlehem" thing was why I liked the episode when it aired, but really the rest of the episode sucks butt. It so poorly written and contrived the way they pushed Connor and Cordelia together. I thought it was stupid and I didn't believe it for a second.

Wesley and Lilah's stuff is still creepy to me for some reason. They're trying to give it nuance and new angles and it's still skeevy.

Man, I am really surprised how much that sucked. I KNEW that Season 4 was a mess in hindsight but I never suspected it was going to be this bad. 1 star.

Angel "Supersymmetry"


I've always hated this episode, but a LOT of times when I hate something a little time and hindsight will cool my opinion. The verdict?

There are a BUNCH of elements that REALLY work that I didn't even notice before. But the reason I hated the episode was because it sucked. And it does.

I'll talk about the good things first, because the bad things are more on my mind. But I thought the idea that Fred would go to Wesley and that Wesley would help her with her revenge plot was interesting. I also thought it was interesting Wesley went to the lecture and Lilah was jealous. Lilah very much understands she is the second choice. It's almost like the Groosalugg between Angel and Cordy, the difference being that Cordy was not aware she liked Angel better and would NEVER have said something like that to Groo before HE pointed it out. There is NO doubt in my mind Wesley would dump Lilah the SECOND Fred showed an interest, he'd be completely up-front about it, and Lilah freaking knows it. It's also interesting that Wesley is the one of Fred's friends who had a layman's understanding of her lecture. I think mostly because unlike Gunn and Angel, he put in the effort to understand it. And despite me thinking Wesley's actions towards Fred are usually more creepy than romantic, that's something Gunn should have been doing instead of cracking wise about being dumb. He's not dumb, so that's his way to get out of it. That's not okay.

"They talk about me in the chatty rooms?" Regardless of this show's (MANY) failings, Angel is funny here and was not at ALL on Buffy The Vampire Slayer. So that's an improvement.

Actually I take that back. He was funny in the series finale "Chosen". But that's because his own show taught the producers how to do it.

I also loved Angel's scene with Lilah. I must be crazy but I get the sneaking suspicion at this point they actually like each other. I don't know if Wesley is providing some sort of unconscious buffer for that or what, but while Angel rips the top off her car they are both all smiles and very much enjoying this. "Hulk smash."

I'm with Gunn. I loved Angel's triggered eidetic memory "parlor trick" too. With the things Angel is able to draw from memory it is believable he has this skill, even if we never saw it before.

What's wrong with the episode? Everything else.

I found the stuff with Cordelia and Connor back in the day objectionable, but now? It literally makes my skin crawl and me sick to stomach. In my heart and my head I know that 'ship in the most disgusting thing the show ever did and I've always thought that. But it comes across FAR worse in 2024 than it did back when this aired. Connor's behavior is BEYOND creepy and Cordelia is fucking up as an adult entirely. The entire thing is completely disgusting. Did Charisma Carpenter tell Joss Whedon she was pregnant yet? Because that was the catalyst for him ruining her character out of spite and it arguably started here.

I also object to how Fred ultimately reacted to Gunn killing the professor. We'll talk about the professor in a bit. And truthfully Gunn doing that so Fred wouldn't have to is a pretty annoying alpha male move. All that being said, and all things being equal, it's a bit rich for Fred to be pissed at him when this was entirely her fault. It's like she felt she ruined him. Well, if she did, that's not exactly HIS fault, and he doesn't deserve to be punished for that. I think essentially whether Gunn can be forgiven is down to whether Fred was right or not to want the professor dead.

Again, we'll talk about the professor in a bit. But whatever Fred's revenge motivations, killing the professor was the most prudent move. Not just because as Fred said he was serial killer. He was escalating and summoning demons and opening portals far beyond his previous pattern. He literally tried to kill Fred at least three times in the episode. Her killing him would be self-defense in this scenario. He was not going to stop. And if she was right to want to kill him, then there is no reason for her to think less of Gunn. The only reason to do so would be if she thought Gunn's advice was right in hindsight. My problem is I don't think it was. I think it was naive and an opinion offered by a person who preferred his girlfriend when she mousy to when she was dangerous. And you'll be pissed to hear me say this, but I don't blame him for that. But since he's wrong, Fred has no business blaming him as if he were right all along.

The professor bothers me. A lot. His motivations are stupid and as stupid as they are I'd let them slide if he wasn't such a maniac in this episode. Throwing potential rivals into portals so he'd always be the top dog, is, um, well fucking STUPID, not just for a person, but for a professional writer paid to WRITE a person. It's ridiculous. But again, bad writing is often a VERY necessary part of genre. I am aware of that. I'd excuse it if he wasn't fucking opening the portal at the lecture in front of a roomful of people and in front of witnesses each fucking time. Does he want to get away with this or not? Because for most serial killers, that is job one. This was done solely so he'd be caught. And I might even be able to forgive THAT bit of bad writing if every single other part of it wasn't badly written too.

The episode is a mess, and makes me dislike Fred. Not a fan back in the day and it turns out I was right (for once). 1 1/2 stars.

Angel "Spin The Bottle"


I was curious how this one (written and directed by Joss Whedon) would hit me. Unlike "Waiting In The Wings" it has a lot of good jokes. It also has a lot of BAD jokes and more than a few major flaws.

I hate to say this about a Lorne Tour De Force, which is what this episode is. But as amazing and funny as Andy Hallett's narration is, the framing structure bothers the HELL out of me. When is this taking place? Why can we hear an audience that isn't present? Most annoying of all how is Lorne relating a story he was not even there for most of? For Whedon he's treating it as a silly conceit that isn't supposed to make sense. I don't like shit that doesn't make sense in projects that TRY to make sense. If ALL Buffyverse episodes were flights of whimsy, I'd deal, but this is just annoying.

I'm going to try and detail the good jokes first. There were so many I'm definitely going to forget a few.

Fred asking everybody for weed is amazing.

I loved Wesley patting her shoulder and the singsong way he said "Don't be afraaaid."

"Your ass better pray I don't look that word up."

Lorne turning to the camera and saying "I know I'm supposed to be unconscious but can you believe these mooks?"

Angel calling Wesley an English pig.

The bad jokes next.

Wesley panicking upon Gunn saying his name. I was like, "Holy shit, this franchise is STILL dirt-stupid. That will never change. WHEDON wrote that joke himself. Idiot."

Angel suggesting Gunn is a slave. It's meant to be a laughline but instead I'm thinking IStandWithRayFisher.

Lorne talking about the nice products we all ought to purchase. And I'm not slamming that because its streaming absent commercials, so it doesn't make sense off broadcast television. I hate it because it breaks the fourth wall TOO much. I already am leery of Lorne telling a story he shouldn't know to an empty room. That was its worst part.

I liked Liam's laments to Connor. Even though Connor had no idea what was going on, he knew exactly where his father was coming from, and maybe for the first time ever.

The thing with Cordelia however was disgusting and I'm thinking Whedon might benefit from some therapy. The scene with the hooker he saved was similarly disgusting and it makes me believe every bad story about Whedon I've ever heard. That was not written by a non-abusive, non-disgusting person.

Wesley's "Not all of us have muscle to rely on," is great as was reason for why he changed: "I had my throat slit and all my friends abandoned me." I will say this about Gunn pushing up against him for trying to "steal" Fred from him. Whatever Gunn's current problems with Fred are, Wesley has nothing to do with them. Gunn owns them entirely. If Wesley senses that and is stepping in, that's not nice, but him pointing out that Gunn really ought to have more faith in his relationship is a good point because Gunn does not (for good reason).

One of my favorite scenes in the episode is how Lorne gets Fred to untie him. He asks her to look in her heart and asks her if she really thinks he's evil. Say what you will about both this episode AND Joss Whedon, that was the first moment I completely trusted Lorne, and it was permanent past that. No matter how lovable he was, it was always a question mark. Until the way he asked Fred that meant it was a no-brainer he was actually good. Joss Whedon did many shitty things in this episode, many of them to Lorne. That was one of the best things he did.

Flawed as hell, but entertaining (and creepy in places). I'll allow it. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "Apocalypse, Nowish"


That is the single most disgusting ending in the entire series. The ending to "Forgiving" is more appalling, but that was way grosser.

For some insane reason, this episode is a fan-favorite. What a mess-up fandom we used to be.

Yes, Wesley with the pistols and the shotgun is awesome. But this is some seriously fucked up shit.

"Can we not do this right now?" is the Whedonverse version of "No, WE did it!" A hoary, embarrassing, overused cliche that makes me less of the characters and think the writers are a bunch of dolts.

Both Fred and Gunn were annoying me for different reasons.

Angel's reasoning with Lilah was sound.

Wesley telling Lilah to leave the glasses on is disgusting. It not only feels like a creepy long-distance violation of Fred, it's always clearly hurtful to Lilah. He sucks.

I will say this: The episode gave me stuff to speculate about. It's so bad, I can't get a bead on its intention.

Cordelia's character is positively ruined, so it's safe to assume she told Joss Whedon she was pregnant at this point. My question was how far ahead was his planned abuse of her? Was he already planning on turning the character evil? If he was, the way Cordelia reacts to Connor is actually credible. Connor says incredibly stupid and obvious things to her and she is praising him as insightful and for supposedly always saying the right thing. Because the things he says are dumb, the choice to believe is either the writers are stupid (definitely possible after giving us THAT) or this is an early demonstration of Cordelia's evil and she's literally grooming him.

If it's the second thing I believe Joss Whedon did NOT catch enough hell for this. He literally ought to burn in Hell for this. I am furious.

My opinion of Season 4 of Angel used to be that the Buffyverse was fun as hell to enjoy the ride week after week, but not so much fun to view in hindsight.

I'm not even enjoying the ride this time out. 0 stars.

Angel "Habeas Corpses"


Great episode title. The episode? Eh.

I liked the horror movie elements most of all. Angel and Connor's banter during the fight was great too. Angel describes zombies as undead things. Connor says, "Like you." And Angel is like, no they are slow-moving dull-witted things that eat flesh. "Like you." I love that. I especially love that as mad as Angel is the first thing he does upon seeing Connor is hug him.

The rest of the episode is problematic as hell with a dash of totally shitty. I will offer speculation in a minute about Cordy's character assassination but I would like to offer a weird opinion. Connor's stuff with her POSSIBLY could have worked if Angel reacted differently. But Angel is jealous. Angel is mad Cordelia slept with somebody else. Which is why I don't like Angel.

Angel should be pissed Cordelia HURT Connor. She groomed him, warped him, used him, and discarded him. Angel is right to be furious but Angel is a sucky father because he's furious for the wrong reasons. If Cordelia is unforgivable to Angel, it should be for hurting Connor, not him. Moreover, he should NEVER forgive her. But the series is a cheap ass wimp about consequences to things like that.

But hey, turns out Cordy and Angel ARE sexually compatible. She's a cold-hearted SOB the next day too.

I agree with Wesley breaking up with Lilah because he's choosing a side. But I hate him for "You're embarrassing yourself." No, Wesley, YOU should be the one embarrassed by that.

My theory is while Whedon was busy ruining Cordy, at this point he HAD decided to turn her evil. The clues are the specific ways Cordelia refers to Connor to Angel. "He's a sweetie. He's special." If she's evil, she's twisting the knife. The idea that it was decided LATER for her to be evil is supported by her looking shocked behind Connor's back the next day as well as her reaction alone when Angel found out "Oh, God." Those things says her being evil was still not thought up yet.

My theory is it was. My theory is that was just the series not playing fair with the audience and fucking us around. I believe the series less made things up as they went along by this point and more treated the viewers like pieces of shit. That's also in line with season 3, so that theory is my actual bet.

Particularly cringe uttering of "Can we not do this right now?" by David Boreanaz. The show at its worst.

Shit, I hate what Joss did to both Charisma Carpenter and this show. 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "Long Day's Journey"


Solid. The dedication at the end to Glenn Quinn, who died the week this aired, was nice too.

The episode title has a nice double-meaning.

I love Manny. He's funny and also a great concept for a higher being. "You guys got Skinemax?" "Thanks, pal." Good stuff.

Even if Cordelia weren't evil, she's still awful. Fuck her.

Also Angel trying to make her jealous with Gwen shows he has NO idea why he SHOULD be mad at her.

I love Wesley calmly saying Angel is a suspect. He's actually being framed by Cordelia but I love Wesley putting it so baldly.

My one complaint is that even though Angelus DID wind up killing the Beast (out of spite more than anything) he really didn't give them any necessary answers. At least not until it was too late.

But again, the episode was solid. 4 stars.

Angel "Awakening"


I've always hated this episode with a passion. And I was right to.

The fantasy sequence makes the entire thing a huge wheelspin. The worst part about it is the fantasy makes me think very little of Angel. It's a completely narcissistic idealized world where Connor understands his place and Cordelia feels the proper shame for her behavior. In fairness these elements are the major clues that Angel's friends are acting how HE'D like them to act, rather than how they WOULD act.

Nothing says that more that Angel's b.s. claim that Wesley never apologizes. Wesley apologizes ALL THE TIME. With that curt, British "Sorry," of his. If this Wesley weren't entirely a meat-puppet of Angel's delusion, he'd point this out himself.

And the sex scene is so bad, not just because it's badly written and acted. But because we're expected to accept and believe both Angel and Cordelia somehow conveniently forgot about the Curse. And the entire problem with the Angel / Cordy ship is it's never remembered that's an actual obstacle. Lorne has mentioned Angel finding pure happiness with Cordelia ironically. In reality, it's the reason they can never be together.

I ultimately believe the episode could have, if not been saved, at least tolerated, if David Boreanaz's laugh at the end was actually as chilling as intended. It struck me as corny and forced. I've not seen Bones or his recent Seal Team series, but even thought Boreanaz is often GOOD as Angelus, the truth is at this stage of his career, his performances were very much hit or miss. Charisma Carpenter too, but that's more of a failing of the writers this season than the actress. Sometimes Boreanaz nails the scary with Angelus. In that moment, arguably the most potentially momentous one of the season, he whiffed it.

I don't think it's the worst episode of the season anymore. But the truth is I've always hated it and see no redeeming virtues years later, which is frankly unusual for me about stuff I hate. When I love something, when I rewatch it, I tend to love it less. When I hate something, when I rewatch it I tend to hate it less. I hate this exactly as much as I always did. 0 stars.

Angel "Soulless"


Angelus as Hannibal Lecter is pretty much the entire conceit of the season and everything else hinges on whether or not it works.

It mostly works. I have to admit Wesley's behavior with Fred is gross, made even more obnoxious by the fact that she tolerates it. But Angelus' mindgames with Connor were great, and everyone's reaction to him and Cordy were the correct ones. She WAS the closest thing he had to a mother. It beyond destructive that she did that for that reason. "There ought to be a play."

I love Angelus' line at the end, "The more you piss me off, the longer I'll keep you alive." It sounds like the opposite of a threat until you realize the implications.

I didn't much love the bit of Cordelia claiming she's a better ride than a Mustang. Goddamn, TV is gross to women, and back then the worst part was how female characters fed into that shit themselves.

This is a good episode. No lie. Although Wesley is icky. 4 stars.

Angel "Cavalry"


Remember, Hannibal Lecter always escapes.

That ending pisses me off. SO much.

Also Wesley pisses me off. He is SUCH a creep in this episode.

I thought Angelus' stuff with Gunn was appalling. It was deliberately racist, but I think the producers were hoping I'd find that fact amusing in a gallows' humor kind of way. They were very wrong.

I love when Angel reveals Wesley and Lilah, Fred's reaction upon learning it's true is to nervously say it's not any of her business. I love that because it's not! Fred has spent the entire season behaving like a hot mess. I like that when she got flustered by this she was permitted an adult reaction for once.

This show's solution to jumping the shark last season is to nuke the fridge. Gosh, I wonder why it isn't working. 2 stars.

Angel "Salvage"


You know, I would have given that episode an unconditional rave if not for that disgusting ending. Also, "Give momma some sugar." I honestly think Joss Whedon belongs in jail.

But outside of Cordelia, Faith makes everything better, even Connor. Her scene with the kid saying she was going to protect Angelus because she owned Angel more than him is great as is her pointing out she's a murderer and he is not (at least not yet).

I love her scene in the prison with the Bringer knife and the Guard saying somebody would be crazy to try and take her on. It ties beautifully into the First Evil plot on Buffy The Vampire Slayer's final season. What I especially like is it seems to be an unspoken acknowledgement between her and the guards that she is only here because she wants to be. Probably why there was never an all-points bulletin out for her arrest after that. Her wardens actually understood what a Vampire Slayer was at this point.

I love that she's a little troubled and impressed that Wesley's new look suited him. I sensed her troubled reaction had to do with some unwanted attraction on her end. Just my opinion, but after they bust out the window and land on the car several stories below, when she asks if he's all right, when he unironically, effortlessly, and coolly says with a smile, "Five By Five" THAT is the best moment of the season. And that's not even a question for me. And while we are talking bests, its early but I firmly believe Faith's arc in Angel Season 4 was the best thing that franchise ever did with that character. She was all right in Buffy's five final episodes. But she is a force of nature here, a born and natural leader, and basically the only person able to tell Connor what to do.

My one Faith regret is her telling Gunn she loved his name. That was beyond lame.

"Hey, Dawn, is your sister home? She is?" He hangs up. "It's the other one."

I notice that Angelus never actually killed anyone this season. It's very strange, and I am pretty sure it was probably a censor note. There is no other explanation that every single one of his potential innocent victims either escapes at the last second, or he gets distracted by something else. While it is strange, I'm not necessarily sure it was a BAD censor note. It might have actually been for the best. Enough horrible shit was already happening this season. Angelus racking up a body count would have added nothing positive to the show.

I don't like the r word, but Angelus is evil, so it's consistent he uses an evil term. What's Cordelia's excuse? Also I am with him in being fed up there was some veracity about killing the Beast ending Permanent Midnight in Angel's fantasy. It was too stupid to be true so it being true means reality is stupid.

I loved Wesley's scene of taking care of Lilah's body. Him yelling "You didn't love me!" is a powerful moment. Also, at the beginning when he comes upon Angelus feeding on her and he sees she's dead I said to myself, "In Lilah Morgan's life, there was at least ONE person who truly cared about her." And it was Wesley, damn it.

I'm scrunching my eyes shut, sticking my fingers in my ears and yelling "La la la la la!". Just to pretend that ending never happened. 4 stars.

Angel "Release"


Yay! Andy Hallett is in the main titles! Series regular!

Great ending. Been a long time since I've said that.

I loved Wesley's scene with Faith about the torture. He REALLY lets her have it and you believe he's turned on her but in reality he's trying to toughen her up for Angelus. She's right when she says there has to be another way but the love bite at the end of this episode says she might not be.

Unfortunately I have to complain about something I don't want to complain about. It's not a remotely fair complaint but it must be made.

Charisma Carpenter is ridiculously bad at playing evil. Shockingly so considering she's been acting in this franchise for a good seven years.

But let me let you in on a little secret. That's not her fault.

She never signed up for that when taking the role of Cordelia Chase. She was essentially hired as a Scream Queen, not a diabolical evil genius. And a smart producer knows exactly what their actors' strengths and limitations are. The fact that Whedon wrote this evil arc for her before finding out if she could pull it off DOES suggest to me this was deliberate career sabotage on his end. What a clusterfuck of a franchise this has turned out to be. It's made me absolutely disgusted and I have never sympathized with Charisma Carpenter more than seeing her fail in a role she never asked for or wanted. It's bullshit is what it is.

But the Faith stuff was aces. Her and Wesley are SO interesting now. But I will never forgive Whedon for Cordy. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "Orpheus"


Angel vs. Angelus. We have been waiting years for this.

It's nice to see Willow again for the last time but there is too much Cordelia in the episode.

The main problem is how obviously crazy she is acting. Just because the audience knows the truth is no reason to have the character act super suspicious in front of everybody else. That is textbook bad writing.

They really should have ponied up the money for the Manilow version of Mandy. Manilow is SUCH a huge part of Angel's character that the soundalike feels wrong.

And I love the scene where Faith watches Angel feed on a dead guy in the past to Angelus' glee. The franchise has always played it fast and loose about when the last time Angel actually fed from a human was so this continuity mistake is not remotely unusual.

I loved Faith's reaction to him saving the puppy. Angelus is furious. Even more-so than at the bad 70's hair and Mandy.

I love the teaser where it's reveal Faith dosed herself to incapacitate Angelus. What a great cliffhanger resolve.

I mentioned how awful it must have been for Charisma Carpenter on-set at this point. I have to wonder what Alyson Hannigan must be thinking, coming off on the soundstage down the street and see the mess this show has turned into. Yes, Wesley's darkness is a real arc (although they talk about it in a very cliched and annoying fashion) but I wonder if Hannigan saw what was going on with Carpenter and thought it was bullshit. I am very aware that Hannigan was one of the people who supported Carpenter after her allegations against Joss Whedon. As was Alexis Denisof for that matter. And David Boreanaz. The list goes on.

"Break me off a switch, son. There's about to be a whoopin'." I absolutely adore Faith. Even after everything. After that line how can you not?

I love Gunn wishing he saw her whoop Junior's ass and her saying it was pretty funny. I will miss this specific sort of thing for the rest of the season. That's probably why Faith's three episodes are the season high-point.

I liked it, although too much Cordelia. 4 stars.

Angel "Players"


Terrific episode.

That last scene is SO effectively creepy and dramatic because of the lack of music. The pained expressions on the faces of Angel, Wesley, and Fred also say this is the last thing they wanted. The magic 8 ball ending and Lorne's last line feels subversive.

It's clear while Cordelia was spending the season manipulating Angel, he spent the episode manipulating her. It's very clear he's known the truth since he came back.

If Cordelia had just admitted she was wrong to Connor I could almost accept him still following her lead. But she can't even do THAT much.

I love Wesley and Fred's talk about the creepiness of Cordy and Connor transitioning to Wesley and Lilah. I adored Wesley saying, "It's not always about holding hands." Because that's pretty much what Fred and Gunn always did. It's a confession on the end of Wesley and also a bit of a negative judgment about Fed. I loved the nuance the line contained.

I also liked Gwen believing the group has done a number on Gunn. For the record, the idea that Gunn actually got a passing familiarity with Japanese culture through Samurai movies is patently ridiculous. And yet, I also take note about how self-deprecating he is being over having done a great job. Gunn's arc is one of the worst of the series, and yeah, it wound up having racist undertones. This was a good moment for him.

"I was struck by lightning. See how my life sucks?" is great because she's talking about something entirely different in the second sentence.

The love scene at the end was steamy and yet I also didn't feel like it exploited either actor. Which is good. And unusual for the Buffyverse.

I love Angel acknowledging that Wesley paid a high price with Lilah's death. Earlier in the season, Angel told Wesley they were okay again, but Wesley did not agree. Just the fact that Angel understood this was a loss for him says they can repair things. Even Fred doesn't quite get it.

Demerits for another "Can we not do this right now?" It's becoming pathological at this point.

You know what? On some level Connor is right that people are making fun of the baby because they don't like Connor. But whose fault is that? Connor's behavior alienated him from pretty much everyone. And THAT was his fault. Him bemoaning the people he mistreated for their lack of empathy tells me he simply doesn't deserve it.

Solid episode in a season that mostly fell apart. 4 stars.

Angel "Inside Out"


The episode is terrible, with almost no redeeming virtues, and a huge middle finger to Charisma Carpenter on her way out. But back in the day, I was disappointed in the episode for a different reason.

Back when we trusted Joss Whedon, we had faith in a Masterplan that never was. I heard rumors about this episode before it aired. It was supposed to basically explain and tie into EVERYTHING that ever happened on Angel and make this perfect arc.

If this is Team Whedon's idea of how to do that, they are shitty writers.

Predestination can definitely be thing in fiction. As can Universal Design. Many franchises have moving pieces not actually up to the main characters. The thing is, the episode's idea of tying everything together is to simply claim it is. No proof, no receipts going back four years, everything happened to facilitate Jasmine's birth just on the producers' pinky-swear. And I while I will admit Jasmine WAS set up last year, there is absolutely no evidence to support the idea that the entire series was leading up to this. I believed it at the time because I had faith in Joss Whedon. Now that I know better there is clearly no there there.

What Whedon did to Charisma Carpenter as an actress and the things he made her do on camera is abusive. And it hurts to watch it because I know he did this to punish her for getting pregnant. She didn't get the abortion he wanted and so he did this to Cordelia out of spite. The Beast's Master is not the real monster in the episode. Joss Whedon is.

Turning Skip evil will go down as one of the worst plot turns in Angel history. It's not the worst, but it's up there. We loved Skip. We didn't want him to be evil. There was no reason for it. It added nothing and took away a lot. That's how you recognize a shitty plot turn.

Also Skip pointing out how ridiculous the notion of Cordelia as a sainted higher being was is breaking an essential level of trust with the audience. I thought the whole idea was shady from the get-go. But after a season, the resolution should not be to prove the skeptics right. That's actually lazy writing and the easy way out. Not impressed.

I loved that Julie Benz as Darla is Connor's conscience in the episode which makes him failing her all the more appalling, and makes Connor's "redemption" at the end of the season unearned. This is not a person who made choices that should be allowed to be redeemed.

I like that after Angel's sympathy for Lilah Wesley angrily says he and Lilah were mortal enemies, so what did he care? And Angel says he cares because Wesley did. Yeah, they can get past this.

I also loved Lorne's description of how Connor knocked him around and took off with Cordelia. "Kid Vicious did the heavy lifting. Cordy just Mwah ha hawed at us."

Fred's talking about Cordelia grooming Connor to be her own Champion was right, but I think she missed the mark on the bigger meaning of the word "grooming" in this context. Still, I'm glad that word was used at least once, even if the context wasn't entirely accurate.

Wesley making the shot in the tiny hole in Skip's head says he's a great marksman. Probably why he's so good at darts.

I will say this for this episode before I give it zero stars for being an appalling piece of shit. The truth is the Jasmine ending doesn't suck. It's a complication unlike any we're ever seen on the show, which makes it direr than anything else either. So I will recognize that before giving this shit episode a zero. 0 stars.

Angel "Shiny, Happy People"


I hate season four. Just based on what happened to Cordelia. No matter how the rest of the season shakes out, I don't think that will change.

However in hindsight, this is one of the greatest horror episodes of the entire Buffyverse. It's psychological horror rather than violence, but the entire idea is terrifying. This was the movie "mother!" before the movie mother! was mother!

The scariest part is that none of the tension is released at the end of the episode. The guy kneeling outside the diner just makes it ten times worse.

Like "mother!" this is a creation myth allegory exploring the underside and ugliness of Godhood. And it's not because her face is rotting. And it's not because she's bent humanity to her will. The real reason Jasmine's entire crusade is evil is that at the dawn of the new world, she is ringing it in with tribalism and paranoia against people who think differently. You think Fred would have made that move with the crossbow if all of her friends hadn't turned into a horror movie at that point? I don't. World peace doesn't end the struggle. It sharpens the divide between people recognizing reality and people who refuse to hear it. There is a modern day parallel there, and the polarization of the idea feels very timely in 2024.

I think the episode was attempting to make a big statement by having Wesley be the last one to kneel. Unfortunately because none of the juicy stuff hinted about Wesley was EVER paid off, it impresses me far less in hindsight. But I remember when I first saw this thinking it was kind of a big deal.

Sam Witwer has a small early role as the crazy guy who tries to kill Jasmine.

I'm pretty sure this arc winds up going off the rails, but this episode is SUCH a curveball because it's not a problem that can be easily fixed. Because nobody wants to. Again, this is feeling kind of timely and relevant these days. 4 1/2 stars.

Angel "The Magic Bullet"


Another terrific episode. I expected it to be and it was. We are due one more great one before shit falls to pieces.

Patrick Fischler as the book store guy is amazing. "I can still feel the CIA reading my thoughts, it just doesn't bother me anymore." Perfect line reading.

I think the idea that Jasmine tells him Oswald acted alone is incredibly cruel. Whether it's the truth or not, it's the last thing he wanted to hear and him being made happy at it is almost grotesque. I notice nobody answers him that he's allowed to come out of his bookstore he is setting on-fire.

Danny Woodburn was also great as the Executive Demon. "Do you want to live in a dirt hole? Then why the hell would I want to live in a dirt hole?"

One of the best things the episode does is making sure the viewer understands breaking Jasmine's spell isn't precisely a good thing for the awakened. It's a loss. And when Fred tells Angel she cried herself to sleep every night you realize it. When she says she wishes she could go back Angel's reaction is interesting: "Why can't we?" It's an interesting reaction because there IS no reason they can't other than that they know the truth. But it would be so much easier if they didn't.

I love Wesley offering to get Connor. "I've kidnapped him before." The dumb smile on the kid as he's leading him into that final horrible scene is chilling.

Open mic night was comedy that did not work. The part of the episode that was a misfire.

The whole season was a roller coaster with the show throwing shit at the wall to see what would stick. This part of the Jasmine Arc landed and stuck. No question. 4 1/2 stars.

Angel "Sacrifice"


I was a little disappointed.

That was one of the best cliffhangers of the Buffyverse ever. And yet, the fact that the resolution in the next episode is a cop-out makes me that much less impressed with it.

The episode was written by the creator of The Tick, Ben Edlund.

I loved Randall's reaction to Lorne trying to teach him politeness towards demons: "Man, shut up!" He doesn't do that, Randall. We've tried.

That clicky spider demon was freaky as hell. I loved his voice. His scenes with Wesley were great. This is Wesley's role and what he's good at.

I loved the vampire grossed out by his own dismemberment. "Dude, just stake me!"

I don't give two shits about Fred and Gunn having killed that professor and it's annoying the show still thinks I should.

Weaker episode than I remembered. The cliffhanger might have saved it exception the resolve is a dud. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "Peace Out"


Okay, I'm going to say that went a bit BEYOND falling apart.

Jasmine kissing Angel and Connor talking about him always making a play for his girl shows why this franchise is fucked up and disgusting. And it helps nothing.

I think the biggest reason Connor should not be redeemed in the next episode is because he killed Jasmine by punching her through the back of her head. He wasn't even forced to look at her in the eye when he did it. That means he never should have been redeemed.

Him always having seen Jasmine as she was was not a surprise, but it's cool it was Lorne who figured it out.

Lilah at the end is a good cliffhanger.

I question why they are doing all of these scenes with Charisma Carpenter in a coma. How much punishment was this woman supposed to endure at the hands of Joss Whedon?

This season has been all over the map with highs and lows, and plot twists with zero rhyme and reason. It's not an actual surprise that method of kitchen sink storytelling eventually caught up with the show, but I don't have to be happy about it. 2 stars.

Angel "Home"


I have always really liked this finale and it's even better than I remembered. I had problems back in the day but I was wrong.

I guess I used to be so put off by the Connor stuff I couldn't fully appreciate everything else. But if anything, Connor's madness and Angel's desperation over it tethers the entire episode until the very bittersweet ending of Angel having to walk away from his son. As if Fred's "Who's Connor?" isn't heartbreaking enough.

Honestly I think Season 5 did a few major mistakes, but the premise of Angel and company taking over Wolfram & Hart, set up here, is pure genius. I love every inch of the idea, and this was the perfect hook for a show on the bubble to come back for another season. Pity Season 5 didn't have one of those.

Wesley pegging Sirk as former Watcher's Council is fun because when he punches him he says there's always something about Watchers and librarians. When did Wesley Wyndham-Pryce become cooler than Rupert Giles? Because he totally is now.

And I love that he sneaks off to the file room to burn Lilah's contract. It's fruitless, but she appreciates the gesture. Also when he tells Gunn after he referred to Lilah as a loved one as just a figure of speech, he's full of shit. He loved her. And that's not even a question.

Angel not bursting into flames is impressive enough. But, ooh, is that High Def? God, this show is SO 20 years ago.

I love that Lorne is already in the limo.

Good tie-in to the series finale of Buffy The Vampire Slayer at the end. It works because since they were on different networks at this point, the shows didn't run concurrently anymore.

Gunn's stuff with the panther is cool here, which is a shame because his arc as Wolfram and Hart was a VERY big part of the ruination of his character. But the White Room Panther is as of now cool. It won't always be. Which pisses me off.

Jonathan Woodburn is a rare Mutant Enemy Hat Trick actor with different roles in Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Firefly, and here. Unlike his one-off roles in Buffy and Firefly, Knox is a recurring baddie, but he's one of the few actors (along with Andy Umberger and Carlos Jacott) to appear in all three shows.

Still pissed off about Cordelia but it's not Tim Minear's mess to clean up at this point.

I was still very happy with this. 5 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Matt Zimmer
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Angel "Conviction"


Honestly, the premise of the episode is a bit horrible. But the premise of the season is refreshing. Let's talk about what worked and what didn't.

Harmony turned out to be an asset. So much so that later in the season Mercedes McNab was made a series regular.

Eve is annoying. I later learned that the fact that she being condescending was a deliberate narrative choice, but it's still freaking obnoxious.

Gunn's stuff is starting to become problematic. And yes, it's Whedon himself who kicked it off. Him as a lawyer who knows Gilbert and Sullivan sounds like it could head good places. But it didn't.

James Marsters is in the main titles, second billed after David Boreanaz. For the first time the main title filmed a shot just for it, that didn't occur on the show itself: The Power Walk at the end with the cast. No such Power Walk existed on the show at that point with Marsters and Andy Hallett, so they had to film it themselves.

Spike is a good ending, but it was frustrating when it aired. Wesley knowing who he is by sight is interesting, because they've never met.

It was all right, but I didn't like the case of the week at all. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "Just Rewards"


The supporting cast's reactions to Spike are interesting. They are shocked he has a soul and that Angel didn't think that was worth mentioning.

But honestly, Angel's annoyance at Spike can be boiled down to to "You spent 3 weeks moaning in a basement and then you were fine." That's got to infuriating for a person who suffered the remorse Angel did. It's actually the hook of the season for me, and I like it because neither character is completely right.

What Angel doesn't understand is Spike does not feel the guilt he does or the need for redemption he does, not because he had some virtues as a vampire and Angelus did not (although that's true). It's not because he's separated himself from his evil actions (which ironically Angel has). It's because Spike never took the mayhem he caused personally. He never enjoyed it the way Angelus did. Yes, it was fun for him, but the fact that he never overthought it, or even CARED about it, is both an unhealthy attitude after the fact, and the healthiest perspective ever. Angel has more to feel guilty about because he DID care about hurting people. That's the specific reason he did it.

And frankly one of the fears of Spike getting reensouled on Buffy The Vampire Slayer was him turning into an Angel retread. And while he DID have a redemption arc in the last season, his appearance on Angel is cool because he's not looking for forgiveness or redemption.

Tricking the audience about Spike's potential betrayal is understandable but I think the show went too far. Spike was not serious when he suggested it, but once he talks about going back to Buffy in Angel's body and sort of tricking her that he's Angel, that is not a thing the franchise should have misled the viewer about after everything he and Buffy went through.

I thought Wolfram and Hart was already a great hook for the season. But in reality I think it's the two vampires with souls, who each got them differently, and see them differently which is the actual fascinating thing about the season. I seem to recall it took up more of the season's focus than the lawyer stuff did too. I approve of adding Spike to the show 4 stars.

Angel "Unleashed"


Later in the season, Lindsay McDonald has a good observation. Heroes don't accept the world the way it is. They fight it. And if Angel and friends simply allow the Werewolf Dinner Club to continue, just with a different, "more deserving" victim, Wolfram And Hart has already won.

I liked the scene at the end of the gang hanging out at Angel's new place. We need more scenes like this. Werewolf Girl gave Angel a look.

I not only love Spike's lie about him and Wesley having a past, I love that Fred instantly knows he's full of shit.

Spike angrily admits to Angel the soul has been a pain in the ass. While Spike IS currently fine (compared to Angel), it's not like it doesn't ever bother him.

John Billingsley (Phlox on Star Trek: Enterprise) plays the shady doctor. I haven't seen him on much stuff recently.

Decent episode. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "Hell Bound"


I love that Fred actually likes Spike. And that she's self-aware enough to know his flirtations should not be trusted.

Spike learning about the Shanshu Prophecy is significant. Because the end of the season tells us it probably refers to him, not Angel.

The medium was kind of snarky and fun. Sad she was killed.

Eve continues to be condescending and annoying.

I love Angel admitting he likes Spike's poems and Spike pointing out he likes Barry Manilow. Oh, you're a critic now, William?

Also I'm curious how Spike knows that. ANGEL liked Manilow, not Angelus, and Spike has barely spent ANY time with Angel before this. I'll chalk it up to a plothole. But it's funny, so I'll let it slide.

Horror episode with a spooky ending. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "Life Of The Party"


I liked the first half of the episode, disliked the second.

I felt Lorne telling Angel he was part of his team, this is what he's good at and he believed it had value was a great scene. I feel like Angel and his friends often take Lorne for granted.

Lorne's subconsciously killed two demons, but they were the RIGHT two demons. We never see Lorne lose his temper which is why the teaser was so jarring. Also unusual was it blending into the Main Credits instead of the customary Black Out. Only Buffyverse episode to ever do that.

"Pee pee." Good lord, they went there.

I love that Lorne loves Harmony. No judgments there.

And Spike isn't still being positive, it's just really good Gunn pissed on the boss' chair.

Angel and Eve hooking up sucked, Knox sucks, the part of the episode where they were all under the influence sucked. Mostly because shit like that is a genre go-to and made the entire enterprise feel like television. Although Alexis Denisof and Amy Acker are funny acting drunk.

So-so. 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "The Cautionary Tale Of Numero Cinco"


What a delightful episode.

Number Five is SUCH an amazing character with an amazing history (he was recruited by Holland Manners!). The Luchadores thing actually makes the Buffyverse feel part of this connected global mythology which is awesome. I also love that Fred loves the guy and him throwing Angel across the room tickles Spike.

I love Spike complaining he can't "diddle his willie." Yeah, broadcast network euphemism there, but it's funnier that way.

Wesley doesn't remember the prophecy Angel is referring to but it being the reason Angel doesn't believe in them anymore makes sense. But about the Shanshu prophecy, Angel correctly pegged this about Spike: He wants it more. And he clearly does. And yeah, that matters. Spike is not going to be a ghost forever.

I thought it was great and the end was moving in the right places too. 4 1/2 stars.

Angel "Lineage"


That was a pretty damn good episode.

It's a turning point for Wesley and Fred. I think she finally gets how much he cares for her and what he'd do for her.

The defining moment for Wesley and Fred for me is her at the end trying to comfort him and naively telling him that deep down in his heart he didn't believe that was his father. And he corrects her and says he was SURE it was him. And it was good to not only get that in no uncertain terms as a viewer. I think Fred needed that as a character.

His father is horrible, even if it's not really him. Every single thing he says is some kind of dig, or a way to make Wesley uncomfortable. He's a clear sociopath, and it sucks Wesley had to grow up with this.

Angel put it best at the end: Wesley's the guy who will do what needs to be done for the greater good, even if he has to do it alone. And Angel's like "I didn't get that before this." And yeah, him shooting what he thought was his own father proves none of the hard, unpopular choices he's ever made were made for selfish reasons.

And the best thing is, it is never ONCE hinted that Wesley is living out a vicarious fantasy of killing the bastard. Him puking immediately afterwards was a very canny way for the show to demonstrate that fact.

I think the writers essentially ran out of ghost stuff for Spike after this episode. His bit with Percy as Head Boy was funny, and I also dug him admitting after he killed his mother she tried to shag him. What's interesting about Spike in this show is that even though he has a soul he acts more like the goofy Soulless Spike from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. For whatever the reason, around Buffy, reensouled Spike had a measure of seriousness attached to him. We are constantly told vampires mimic the behavioral patterns of the humans they've killed (which is definitely one of the biggest sources of guilt for Angel) but it was a bit hard to reconcile William the Bloody with Spike until this season of Angel.

I also love the bit about how after Roger tells him the circumstances that they previously met he's like, "Oh. How've you been?" That is a total Spike thing. And we never got total Spike things in the last season of Buffy. Shame on the last season of Buffy.

This next observation has nothing to do with the episode's quality, but it's still weird. Every time Wesley uses one of those source books he holds it up to his lips, whispers into it, theatrically jerks it in front of him, and quickly opens it. It's a VERY weird move and it happens EVERY dang time. I know Giles has the thing where he's always cleaning his glasses, but you don't often notice it as it's happening. This specific thing draws attention to itself. It's weird. Not bad. But weird.

Liked Spike's scene with Eve. I like that he doesn't like her. For the record, when she suggests the amulet might NOT have been meant for Angel, I think she's full of shit. I think she's just trying to play headgames with Spike. It probably feeds into his hero complex, so he's probably dumb enough to half-believe it even though it's bullshit. That's my opinion.

My one complaint is these cool ambiguously aligned cyborgs set up here are never brought up again. Considering the last two episodes of the series sort of took a lot of plot threads in the season and tied them all together, it's a bit disappointing this was never followed up on.

I think this is yet another solid episode. This season is so far more consistent as far as quality goes than any of the others. Frankly, Buffy The Vampire Slayer never had this consistent of a run in any of its seven seasons either. 4 1/2 stars.

Angel "Destiny"


We needed this. Badly.

I love the morality explored in the episode. It raises the question of who deserves both the Shanshu Prophecy and Buffy more. The conclusion the episode reaches is Spike. I don't disagree with it ENTIRELY but I disagree with it some.

First of all, when Spike suggests he's more than Angel because of the ways they got their souls, it's true. Angel's soul was a punishment for his wicked deeds, Spike's was a reward for suffering trials and torture. Spike sought his soul out and literally fought for it while it was the last thing Angelus ever wanted. That is true.

Where Spike is fantasizing a bit is claiming he did it because he knew it was the right thing to do. I will not dismiss the fact that Spike went through all that as a form of penance. That happened. But the truth is Spike did it because he wanted Buffy, and he believed it was the only way she'd take him back, especially after the attempted rape. Despite the method of getting the soul being nobler than Angel's, the truth is it happened entirely for selfish reasons. Again, Spike is right to be disgusted with everybody making such a big deal about Angel while this is something forced upon him. But Spike is not entirely clean here either.

Him saying Angelus made him a monster rings truer. I would argue that Angelus was not entirely successful there. If he was, Spike would probably be feeling guiltier than he generally does.

The flashbacks were the weak link of the episode. It's interesting William is a bit afraid of Angelus when he first meets him, but it's easy to see why he hates him. And by the way, Drusilla sucks ass too. If Angelus was trying to hurt William, Dru did NOT have to go along with it and laugh. The fact that she did shows William loved her more than she deserved.

The conclusion Angel reached at the end that Spike beating him to the fake cup means the prophecy is about him is wise. He put it into the precise perfect words: "He wanted it more." And isn't that the entire problem about the souls in a nutshell? Angel signing away the prophecy in the series finale didn't come out of nowhere. It's perfectly set up here.

I hate, hate HATE Eve. She's such a condescending piece of shit she calls everybody "Kids." I bet she thinks she's funny too.

What's interesting about Angel and Spike, is Spike spent every last moment of the previous parts of the franchise jealous of Angelus, and then Angel. This is the very first time Angel is actually threatened by and jealous of Spike. That would have been unheard before Spike got the soul and had a relationship with Buffy. Maybe the reason Angel's heart is not fully in this is because HE believes Spike deserves it more at this point too.

Mountain Dew is a good laughline, but it doesn't make much narrative sense.

Also, to be honest, the way the show cured Spike of being a ghost was way too simple and easy, and sort of took the sails out of the tension of the premise. It felt like kind of a cheat.

I LOVE that Wesley is entirely absent in the episode. I'm pretty sure that wasn't to save money by leaving off Alexis Denisof for an episode. This was back before TV dramas used to rotate which cast members they use each week for budgetary reasons because the cast is so big. Angel usually has every cast member appear in every episode.

No, I think Wesley is gone to up the tension in the last scene with Eve to the Nth degree. When you first see it you are freaking out in fear that it's Wesley in the bed. And when Lindsay McDonald with the tattoos is revealed, the knot in your stomach unclenches and your mind is pleasurably blown. One of the biggest problems of the Buffyverse, for me at least, is that I liked very few of the surprise twists and turns the franchise did. I felt punched in the face at each of the most shocking moments. This one filled me with evil joy, and utterly satisfied me back in the day, and made me anxious to see what would happen next. I am all about good surprises in fiction, and as strong as the Buffyverse often was, it never quite understood the value of that. The end of this episode is probably the most notable exception to that.

The thing I love is Spike saying, "I probably should have dusted you, but I don't want to hear her bitch about it." I love that Spike is thinking ahead of running back to Buffy. And he wouldn't lie to her about that. And he knows she'd be pissed. But in Spike's mind it would not be genuine grief over a man she loved being killed by another man she loved. It would just be bitching. As poetic as Spike thinks he is, there is a vulgarity present in him that Angel himself does not have. Him describing "Sticking it" to Buffy also suggests whatever relationship he and Buffy could ever forge in the future, he is not her fucking Prince Charming and never was. Angel may have felt comfortable in that role (even if it was somewhat of a lie) but Spike lacks pretentions there.

Another great episode with a killer ending. 4 1/2 stars.

Angel "Harm's Way"


Harmony is totally Elle Woods from Legally Blonde in that opening montage. Except that the dog hates her. Seriously, I love that the dog always growls at her.

No clue what the deal with that Wolfram and Hart ad was at the beginning. It shows actual scenes from the series so I can't see how they filmed it. I'll just chalk it up to a non-canon gag.

I love when Harmony talks about "taking her for granted", Spike is outraged that he never took Buffy for granted, but Harmony is talking about herself. I love that Spike realizes he's been unnecessarily mean and decides to comfort her at the end.

Harmony shoving people in the closet was hilarious.

The girl from the steno pool was played by Danielle Nicolet, who wound up playing Cecile on The Flash. I find her earlier role as a duplicitous vampire murderer far less polarizing. Cecile was a fucking mess.

The cops called because Wolfram and Hart owns the cops. Of course.

I love the final fight being used with chopsticks in lieu of stakes. When Harm stakes her I love the clans being all, "Works for me".

Harmony struggling to connect with people because she doesn't have a soul is a really interesting premise. It's harder for her and God bless her, she's trying. And despite Angel being all "You should have come to me," she saw him chop off a dude's head the day before. That seemed a little risky to me.

Fun episode. 4 stars.

Angel "Soul Purpose"


It's a not a great episode. A little too television. The fact that Buffy, Cordelia, Darla, and Connor are not in any of these dream sequences makes me aware I am watching a TV show on a budget. Okay a Buffy body double is present. But really, not damn good enough.

Lindsay posing as Doyle to Spike is the dirtiest move ever. Angel is gonna be righteously pissed at that.

You know what? I like how they framed the shot of Wesley and Gunn visiting Spike. The camera angle plays them up as heavies coming around to threaten Spike. I think the most interesting part of the scene itself is when Spike figures out they didn't tell Angel they were visiting he accuses them of "hedging their bets". Gunn claims it's not like that, but how else is Spike supposed to see it? These areas aren't actually gray and the lines are actually pretty clear.

R-word aside, I adore Spike calling his first save a moron and berating her. It would never occur to Angel to do that, much less invite a couple of his rescues to go out drinking and listen to The Sex Pistols.

The dream sequences weren't that great. The best was Fred taking silly crap out of Angel. I love that his soul is a goldfish and she randomly hands it to a bear. That was funny.

I dislike the dream of Spike Shanshuing. Just because it made me think a LOT less of Angel. I get this is a real fear, but his idealized version of what becoming human entails is beyond pathetic and lame. And I don't like thinking about Angel that way. But to deliver some comedic beats the show made Angel seem much uncooler than he should ever be portrayed as.

I think Eve was found out too quickly. There is really no reason for Angel to ever trust her past this point and her accusation in the cliffhanger has no teeth because it's obviously just a lie and a mindgame. Like I said. It's not a great episode.

Spike's retractable double-stakes are cool. Even after the thing with Lindsay blows up later on, he's still keeping 'em.

Weak episode that very much felt like filler. 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "Damage"


What an amazing ending. On every level.

I love that Angel says Giles sent his top guy on this, and it's Andrew. And it's not that Andrew is now one of their top guys. It's that Andrew is all Giles is gonna waste on Angel and Wolfram and Hart.

And yet at the very end, with the back-up of 12 Slayers, (none of who have ever dated Angel), he shows strength and conviction. The orders came from Buffy. Nobody trusts Angel anymore and they believe he's on the wrong side. The fact that BUFFY believes this is telling and heartbreaking. But I don't blame her. Does Faith agree? It would also break my heart if she did, but Andrew said NOBODY trusts him, so she probably does.

The thing with the penny was hysterical. "The blood smells stronger over here." "You mean like nickels?"

I've always found the humor at Andrew's expense entirely homophobic, but his love for Spike here is genuine. Spike doesn't actually love him back, but it's so real and heartfelt (and lame) he's not going to talk shit about Andrew. Not too many people in Spike's life think he is worth a damn. And that goes back to his Sunnydale days too. Outside of Buffy, Fred, and now Andrew, Spike has very few advocates. And whether he disliked Andrew before this or not, I think it mattered to him after all he's been through. To be hugged like a loved brother is uncomfortable. And also not bad and something to be made fun of and rejected.

Spike is glad Andrew betrayed them because on some level he was rooting for him.

Spike and Angel's discussion about the true nature of evil shows Spike's entire problem. While "Get over it," is good advice to keep a souled Vampire sane, Spike is finally realizing real people got hurt for his "fun". He never thought about the victims left behind, and him doing so for the first time here is a turning point, not just in Spike's journey as a hero. But in his relationship with Angel. They are starting to find common ground. And it's kind of amazing when Angel is saying Dana isn't a monster, she's an innocent victim, Spike is like, "So were we. Once upon a time." He acknowledges that of Liam too which is great character growth. I loved it.

What Andrew is talking about what is going on with the Scooby Gang here sounds more interesting than the Buffy: Season 8 comics. In the comics' favor, the Immortal was retconned. But I enjoyed Andrew's updates anyways.

Amazing and thought-provoking ending about the true cost of evil and the damage it leaves behind to the victims. 4 1/2 stars.

Angel "You're Welcome"


It's a sad ending that hurts so much I am in tears. But the truly devastating thing this time out is knowing how tainted it is and the real-life story about how Charisma Carpenter was abused for the one last time she was on the series. And it's unforgivable.

The 100th episode is a real crowdpleaser. Some amazing Spike and Angel interplay. "I won't risk anyone I care about." "I'll come." "Okay." Or how about Angel describing Spike as a brain trust for falling for Lindsay's jive? Spike is sometimes smart. But Spike is also often cartoonishly stupid. Him biting Cordelia is a case in point.

I was extremely uncomfortable with Cordelia talking about Connor. I love that she had some good times with Wesley but the scene where she expresses fear and regret that nobody is talking about her heel-turn is something she probably also should have broached with Angel.

Lindsay and Angel's fight was awesome, as was Angel describing him as a Tiny Texan. And yes, Lindsay, I think the Senior Partners will be mad. On the surface this episode does things right for the viewer. And it even seems to do right by Cordelia, or at least it did.

Until we learn the real story. After Charisma Carpenter's falling out with Joss Whedon over his abuse, she was reluctant to come back for the 100th episode (understandable after what she was put through and what the producers did to her character out of spite for refusing to have an abortion). But Cordelia is a huge part of the show, and she knew the fans would want her for this. Her one condition is that Cordy not be killed off.

As moving and sad as the ending was, it was the opposite of the script Carpenter shot. They added Angel learning Cordy died off camera after Carpenter finished filming and used directing tricks to make it seem like she was a part of it. It was a giant middle finger one last time disguised as a moving moment.

And here's the thing that REALLY bothers me now. The idea that Cordy never woke up and died doesn't make sense. The Doctors already called Angel telling him she was awake, she's already interacted with everybody else. There is no plausible explanation to suggest that Cordy was some kind of ghost or something. It's not just a middle finger to Carpenter. It's a middle-finger to believable storytelling too.

My biggest regret this time out is I wish the episode were genuinely bad. For MANY problematic Buffyverse episodes in hindsight, I am granted that wish in spades. Here, though. the episode is moving and effective and that fact breaks my damn heart. They had to seriously hurt a woman in real life to make it do that and that is beyond fucked up. It's not something I can just overlook or get over. 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "Why We Fight"


I forgot what a great episode this was. It's a tragedy. But the shit with Rasputin's lover and the Prince of Lies makes it a bit of a ridiculous one.

This is the franchise that shows Spike in an S.S. Uniform, and he claims he's not a Nazi. He just ate one.

Lawson is a truly tragic character and the regret in Angel's voice as he says, "I don't think it works that way, son," breaks me heart. Lawson did NOT get a soul. But he got enough of one to regret being a vampire and wishing he had died instead, which is majorly unusual enough. I feel for this broken man / creature.

And I like Spike comforting Angel at the end, not just because he was there, but because he's the only person who understands the pain Angel is currently going through.

I love the scene at the beginning between Angel and G-Men. We are witnessing the birth of the Initiative, and the cruel and callous ways they treat Angel and talk about him like he's not even there are dramatic gold. I love evert inch of that scene. It also feels weirdly credible. Not all Buffyverse stuff set in the past does.

I forgot how good this was. 4 stars.

Angel "Smile Time"


This was one of my favorite episodes. It's great. But it's not getting five stars this time out. It has a major flaw.

Puppet Angel is hilarious and how excitable he is is freaking adorable. I loved his puppet vamp face and his fight with Spike. "You're a bloody puppet!"

I probably would like Wesley and Fred getting together now if not for the next episode.

Nina shredding Puppet Angel was great. Lorne asks for a medic. Or a Geppetto.

Unfortunately, I forgot this was the episode where Gunn is all, "I can't go back to what I was." The doctor literally calls him "ignorant street muscle" and we're just supposed to ignore that bit of blatant racism because we are told to agree with it (at least as it's happening). I am bummed this is the episode that happened in. It's near-perfect otherwise. 4 1/2 stars.

Angel "A Hole In The World"


This episode always made me cry. I didn't cry this time. Either I've become cynical and jaded, or I just cannot get over the subtext to what they doing with Gunn. But regardless of my absence of tears, the truth is both Amy Acker and Alexis Denisof brought their A-game. I'd say they deserved Emmys for their performances but I don't remotely believe an Emmy is an award worth winning.

Gunn jokingly telling Wesley that if he hurts Fred he'll kill him is why I don't like what they've done to Gunn.

I love Fred saying Wesley always liked blotchy girls. For the record, it's clear although this is a nice slam on Lilah, Fred is unaware he and Cordelia were a near-thing.

I don't love the Cavemen Vs. Astronauts bit. Mostly because it the kind of overly cutesy running gag Joss Whedon peppers into his teleplays and screenplays. And once you know how the magician does the trick, there is no magic to the thing left. In fairness to Whedon, some of his cutesy jokes in other stuff hold up. Cavemen Vs. Astronauts feels about as forced as the "Language" thing from Avengers: Age Of Ultron. Although it's admittedly more legitimately humorous. But it's also lame. I did like Wesley asking if the astronauts have weapons. "No!"

I love Drogan and how he hates questions because he cannot lie. Spike was getting sick of him in short order. Not a question.

Lorne putting the hurt on Eve was scary because it's Lorne. Also dramatic was the screechy music cue upon Fred singing, Lorne turning around in terror and shock, and her spitting out blood.

I don't object to Knox being a villain exactly. The problem is that the audience already dislikes him, and most of us wanted him to be. It's not just predictable. I feel like getting the audience to hate an annoying character to make him evil is a cheap dramatic ploy. And a LOT of TV of this era engaged in it. Hell, TV STILL engages in it.

It's a devastating episode with a killer ending. But my eyes remain dry. 4 1/2 stars.

Angel "Shells"


This is a smash debut for Illyria. SO much right, including a Tour De Force for Alexis Denisof. But there are things in the episode I can't forgive.

I have mentioned Gunn's arc was ultimately racist. But I figured I ought to wait until this episode to fully explain my thoughts about it. Gunn had to be brought down to Earth and humiliated for the crime of seeking to rise above his station. It's not enough that the series says Gunn's persona as a Black Vampire fighter is not good enough. But it cannot ever let him be that something else he wants to be, which is a doubly fucked up moral. Whether he's misguided for rejecting his Blackness and essence (and he is) the truth is the series felt the need to make him cry and feel shame in his hospital room simply to emasculate him. That's the only reason it happened. And by the way, IStandWithRayFisher.

Also why the fuck did they need to destroy Fred's soul? It's unnecessary. It's cruel based on the mythology of the franchise, and if they insisted Fred couldn't come back for other reasons, we'd accept it. It's not an okay plot turn, especially in what turned out to be the last season.

There is a ton of good in the episode, despite my misgivings. Spike's reasons for staying are good, and I found Angel's angry reactions to Wesley quite dramatically interesting. Because Angel knows Wesley does NOT remember the Connor timeline, he can't be as openly angry at Wesley as he should be because Wesley wouldn't understand why he's pissed. But, "Were you even listening?" suggests pure frustration on Angel's part that he can't tell Wesley he does not have the moral high ground regarding team betrayals. What I like most about it is I imagine if Angel WERE a bastard he WOULD tell him, just to twist the knife. But he doesn't want to put that on Wesley, especially while he's suffering. So he's angry and annoyed at Wesley for reasons he can't articulate.

I will argue "A Place Called Home" is the best ending musical montage in the entire Buffyverse. And that's not even a question for me.

This is a great origin for Illyria. And it's also a really cruel character assassination of Charles Gunn. As much as I love the former, I can't forgive the latter. 3 1/2 stars.

Angel "Underneath"


I love Lindsay saying heroes don't accept the world the way it is. They fight it.

That was a pretty messed up hellish penalty box.

Marcus Hamilton makes a favorable first impression. He's funny. I laughed when Eve says she fell in love, he wickedly smiles and says "Congratulation!" I also laughed at Lorne, Harmony, and Eve screaming when he punched the dude through the chest.

Angel telling Gunn he was going to feel bad because he should, because he's a good man, is a rare nice moment for Gunn this season. I didn't much like where he ended up at the end of the episode, but that was good.

Illyria and Wesley are kind of in a holding pattern. I like that she says he drinks too much whiskey and called her a Smurf. Wesley knows the Smurfs! I bet Giles doesn't know the Smurfs.

New Main Titles including images of Illyria. Mercedes McNab is promoted to series regular for the last six episodes of the series.

I liked Lindsay's harsh truths to Angel at the end of the episode. They aren't observations I ever forgot. Very memorable speech. 4 stars.

Angel "Origin"


This was not designed to be Angel's last season, but it still checks off a TON of major boxes you'd normally see in a final season. Despite the show now being less serialized, they are wrapping up major plotlines one episode at a time. To be truthful, the final heavily serialized season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer had more filler episode than this season did.

You'd figure upon the box being broken Angel would be furious at Wesley. Nope, he only cares about Connor.

Illyria has this weird instant loyalty to Wesley. Even she is disappointed by the truth at the end. For his part Wesley seems devastated too. And he has nobody to blame but himself. Angel didn't want him to have that burden. Him getting it back was a problem of Wesley's own making.

Wesley and Angel sending Spike to train her is funny because he's the one guy they don't care if he gets hurt. His fights with her were VERY funny. She wants him to be her pet.

"This one is lusting after me." The bit about older women is more creepy than funny, but Amy Acker's line reading was humorous.

I loved Sahjahn pretending to be a genie and Connor being all, "Really?" Sahjahn is really quite a hilarious character too.

Vale is a creepy-ass villain. Dennis Christopher is unrecognizable under all that make-up.

Marcus Hamilton claims him and Angel won't be having sex in his office. Oh yeah? Well I feel a sexual tension there so thick you can cut it with a knife. Gunn refusing to make any kind of deal with him is a very necessary part of his redemption arc.

This was not designed to be the last season, but Connor saying he learned to take care of his family from his father says it is anyways. 4 stars.

Angel "Time Bomb"


I bet many people think the moment Illyria kills Spike, Lorne, Wesley, and Angel is one of the greatest act breaks in the history of commercial television. And it IS great, and pleasurably crazymaking, but the truth is it's a bit TOO extreme. I automatically knew when I saw it back in the day that they would buy it back. That was NOT the right moment to kill off four major characters including the series lead. The audacity of moment is indeed commendable, but I think a truly mindblowing act break needs to be something the audience actually believes will stick. But I get the logic of people thinking this is the best ever.

Jaime Bergman is so lovely here. What an amazingly beautiful actress / model.

I like at the end after Wesley says he needs Illyria right now Angel baldly says that's weird. You know what? It is.

Wesley going crazy in his office was pretty great too. He wants to apologize to Gunn for stabbing him, but it's awkward, so no. He's gone absolutely nuts.

Hamilton knows more about Illyria than he lets on. Intriguing.

I love Spike telling Illyria he liked Fred. There is no pretense to it, he just dug the bird. I love that.

For the record, the ending feels out of place. It's haphazardly put in there to set up the Circle of the Black Thorn, but the problem there is THIS ending isn't set up at all, so it feels out of left field and unearned instead. That's a problem.

I think this was a pretty great episode, although perhaps not as great as its reputation suggests it is. 4 stars.

Angel "The Girl In Question"


This episode has a VERY poor reputation with the fans, and I while I STILL do kind of hate it, the truth is it's not as bad as I remember. As far as romps go, it's both competently made, and even funny in places. The Italian Wolfram and Hart woman is just an absolute scream (and I love her boobs) and I love how warm and welcoming the Rome office seems.

But if Spike and Angel are annoyed by the Immortal, even if it created some good jokes, I'm annoyed too. He makes me think MUCH less of Buffy. And after the last two seasons of her show my opinion was already dirt low. But Buffy "having a type", especially of THIS variety, says she is shallow and probably never truly cared for either Angel or Spike. She's just into bad boys. And damn it, Sarah Michelle Gellar couldn't clear her schedule for this, but I don't see how her being in this episode could possibly have lessened that specific sting.

But there are great jokes. Angel telling Spike sex isn't a relationship and he's like, "It is if you do it enough times," or Angel saying he gave Buffy "a look" to stab him through the heart and send him to Hell to save the world. Spike retorts he helped her there so that one counts as his. And at the end them seriously contemplating spells and magic shows that are both very stupid individuals.

Flashback Spike seems outraged on Angelus' behalf at Darla's cuckolding until he see Drusilla and his fury is entirely personal. Yeah, this Immortal cat sucks.

I loved the black-and-white bit of Spike and Dru in Italy in the 1950's. For evil bloodsucking fiends, they are blending in very well. Ciao!

Seriously, that bit is both ridiculous and cartoony, and yet it still feels like it completely fits this usually serious franchise. Which is the value of the Buffyverse. They get away with ridiculous stuff (including puppets and giant talking hamburgers) that no other franchise could.

The part of the episode I actually like was Illyria impersonating Fred so as not to cause her visiting parents grief. I admit I am STILL pissed that the darker past for Burkles hinted at in their first appearance turned out to be so much unfair storytelling bullshit, but I thought that was an interesting moment for Illyria anyways. Because after awhile she starts to enjoy it, and especially the vibe Wesley is giving her (outside of his own damn free will). It's to Wesley's credit he rejects the fantasy. I'm not sure he would have done so in season 4.

I liked Wesley's anger at her because it was entirely absent of fear. He's the only person who can get away with talking to her like that. Probably because he doesn't fear her.

One majorly disappointing scene is Andrew going off in the arms of a couple of Italian hotties. See, viewers? The way to show that Andrew has grown and changed is to show that he's not really gay and is finally into babes! I have mentioned elsewhere Joss Whedon deserved ZERO LGBT credit for Willow. Shit like this is why.

I criticized the Circle of the Black Thorn ending being improperly set up in the last episode. And while it is referenced here, the problem is Angel acts completely normally throughout the episode. They really were not thinking ahead there.

This is the only episode in the final season (except perhaps the finale itself) which might have played better in hindsight if the series wasn't canceled and keep going for a couple more years. It being the third to last episode in the franchise ever also doesn't remotely help. 2 1/2 stars.

Angel "Power Play"


Pretty intense episode.

I think my favorite scene is Illyria and Drogan playing Crash Bandicoot. It's fascinating to see these old-world characters confounded by something modern. Equally cool is the fact that former jailer and prisoner have what essentially amounts to a heart-to-heart. And it's amazing that when Hamilton attacks them, for some reason, not involving any that would remotely benefit her, Illyria attempts to save him and gets the shit knocked out of her for her troubles.

It's interesting Angel uses Lorne as an example of a person who doesn't judge good versus evil. Lorne's offended to be brought up here and I get why. While Lorne doesn't judge other people for their D&D alignments, he definitely has an opinion. And he's good. Angel can leave him out of his meltdown, thank you very much.

Poor Drogan. Whether Angel killed him for noble reasons or not, it was still a damn shame. I loved the dude. The concept of an immortal truthsayer who cannot lie is a cool one.

Whether using Drogan the way he did was a brilliant plan or not, it felt sadistic as hell. The evil genius is Angel is fucking over the one person everyone else will believe when he says Angel's gone bad. He's using Drogan's best trait against him, which might not be as horrible as it is if he didn't have to kill him later on.

The reveal of the Black Thorn members was essentially a who's who of the seasons baddies. Felt almost like we were actually due some closure here! Fat chance.

Angel fully explaining his plan to the team was a cool moment.

Wesley offering to help Angel make the right decision to do good, even after suspecting what he did to Fred, shows MAJOR character growth for him. It's actually quite amazing. I love that guy.

This Circe of the Black Thorn arc was somewhat clumsily set-up but it does tie many of the previous elements and storylines from earlier in the season together pretty well. I think as far as penultimate episodes and cliffhangers go, Angel did it right. 4 1/2 stars.

Angel "Not Fade Away"


I believe this is one of the series' best episodes. As far as season finales go, it's by far the best too. It's exciting, action-packed, hilarious, rewarding, and filled with grief and pathos. As an individual episode there is very little (if anything) for me to complain about.

As not just a series finale, but what turned out a finale for the entire Buffyverse franchise? It's the wrong episode. It's the wrong ending.

I think the hopeless cliffhanger would be a bold move under other circumstances. But the Buffyverse had been on the air for two series comprising 12 seasons altogether. And maybe that ending would STILL be acceptable if there was another sequel or spin-off right around the corner. But although there have rumblings about revisiting the franchise in recent years, it has yet to happen. And you should NEVER end a long-running franchise on such a moment of dire uncertainty if there will never be anything else. Basically my problem with Twin Peaks: The Return too, but I think David Lynch has a bit more artistic leeway there. The Buffyverse, despite being high-quality at times, is NOT some art-house project. It is very much a franchise designed for general audiences. And it's not good to leave audiences off like this.

Here is my theory: The X-Files ruined television. Everything currently bad about television is The X-Files' fault.

You ever wonder why so many long-running sci-fi shows refuse to give audiences satisfying endings with proper closure? Because every single jackass producer behind those shows looks at The X-Files and believes they can bring these characters back in movies! That almost never happens, and we are rarely given great endings, because The X-Files cynically taught producers to not give viewers closure just in case they can someday sell movie tickets. There are MYRIAD reasons The X-Files was bad for television and ruined it (including its seasons always starting late, and there being no rhyme or reason to the mythology). But the biggest, most ruinous part of The X-Files' shitty legacy is it taught producers that good endings are bad things. That show did a LOT of damage to the pop-culture landscape. Do you know the fucked up thing about that? The X-Files was often not just great, but phenomenal. If the show had been worse, I doubt everyone would've been copying it. The bad thing is they mostly aped its worst traits instead of the good things.

I believe if The X-Files had never existed, the Buffyverse never would have had an open ending. They would have wrapped thing up nicely on Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and the Angel spin-off might not even have ever happened. Not Fade Away giving us no kind of ending at all is the fault of The X-Files, and Joss Whedon greedily believing "Big Time Hollywood Movies" were in his near-future. Damn Chris Carter. He corrupted every single television producer past him about this. And it's infuriating. Although maybe if Whedon weren't such a narcissist, he'd know better. Whedon isn't blameless about this by a longshot.

I mentioned the episode itself is amazing. There is SO much good stuff to get through, and I don't want to forget anything (although I'm certain I will).

I didn't cry during Fred's death, but I definitely did during Wesley's. For some reason, Illyria's reaction to him dying hit me as far more tragic than his reactions to Fred dying. Mostly because we already knew he loved Fred. Illyria, an emotionless and vicious character learning both kindness and grief all at once, was far more powerful to me. It's the fact that Illyria would not have cried before this which is why I did.

I don't know about you, but even if this hadn't been the final episode of the franchise, Spike getting a Standing O at the Poetry Slam for his Cecily "Effulgent" poem is one of the most rewarding moments in the franchise's entire history.

Also up there is Gunn expressing helplessness at the crappy state of the world, and Anne Steele having enough wisdom to just tell him to get his ass moving boxes. The big picture doesn't matter when there are boxes to be loaded into the truck. Anne Steele had one of the best arcs in the franchise too.

Lorne's final scene was shocking and on some level I'm furious at Angel for it. I suspect Angel gave him this specific assignment because he knew Lorne would take off afterwards, and he might just survive the shitstorm that was about to follow. I personally think Angel had Lorne violate every one of his principles and murder Lindsay solely so he survive. And if Lorne spends the rest of his life hating Angel for what he made him do, at least he's alive to hate him. Lorne mentioned he's the weak link as far as fighters go in the group. So why shouldn't Angel find a reason to not have him in that fateful alley?

As horrible and distressing as the scene is I can't help be amused by LINDSAY'S reaction. He's outraged! Lorne is a FLUNKY!! ANGEL is the one who is supposed to kill him!! It's not the fact that he's dying which is why he's mad. He's mad than an unworthy person killed him and the Big Cheese pawned it off to the flunky. In Lindsay's mind it's an insult. And on Angel's end, it probably was designed to be. And I think Lorne knew that and that's another reason it's unforgivable.

Do you know what's interesting? Lorne was the only one of the group expressing skepticism that Angel was still on the right side at the beginning of the episode. What Angel had him do tells me he was right to think and worry about that.

I loved Spike's refusing to wear an amulet or other various pieces of jewelry. It felt very much like a series finale moment, but in fairness, Whedon somehow always thought to put in moments like that in earlier Buffy Season Finales too, just to make them more satisfying. But it's still appreciated.

It's really interesting Connor got his memories back, and is still weirdly put together. That is a blessing.

I love that Angel knew Harmony would betray him, planned to fire her, and still put a reference in her desk. He's the best. Her in bed with Hamilton was a total "Whuh oh!" moment.

Speaking of which, "Guess which of those words you shouldn't have said," is the crowdpleaser of the episode. We know what's coming next and we're here for it.

That last scene! Spike telling Charlie-boy the red stuff is supposed to be on the inside is absolutely chilling, and Angel dreaming of slaying the dragon is quite awesome. But for the last scene in a dormant franchise that hasn't been properly revisited in over 20 years? It's the wrong final moment. But there is no denying this wound up one of the best episodes of the series anyways.

I have finally finished rewatching the Buffyverse. Eyes Wide Open for the first time ever, I finally confronted the good, the bad, and even the very ugly. I tried to be as honest as possible in these reviews, and no lie, a LOT of this was a slog (which is probably why this project took so long to begin with). But interestingly enough, just based on quality consistency, for all its faults, Angel: Season 5 is probably the best Buffyverse season. I hated what happened with Gunn (and Cordelia) but outside of that, it's the one season where I wasn't routinely cursing Joss Whedon's name. As much as I've ragged on the franchise this go-around, there is no denying this is the one season that feels competently made. At least compared to everything else. 4 1/2 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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