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Castlevania: Nocturne: Season 2 (Netflix)

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Matt Zimmer
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Castlevania: Nocturne "A Living Legend"


I love that on this show the vampires have their own agency and make their own decisions. Souls or not, they can choose to love. Alucard isn't just jiving Maria to make her feel better. Tara's fierce independence against both Erzsebet and the Abbot shows the idea in woven into the show's very premise.

Maria blaming Richter for Tara is unfair, which is why I know she'll forgive him eventually. She's not stupid enough to believe it's actually his fault.

I would love to report being wowed by seeing Alucard kick ass in the teaser, but it truthfully was a little too bloody for me.

The Abbott's scenes with Erzsebet was great. The guy has a great voice and the animation on her was truly frightening at points.

Good premiere. 4 stars.

Castlevania: Nocturne "Angel Of Death"

Ugh. Gruesome ending. Didn't like it.

I love when Misrak tries to kill Tara and Maria stops him, when he protests vampires are evil, she's like "Dude you were creating night creatures five minutes ago. Find a lower horse."

It's kind of adorable how flustered Richter is with the accidental hand-holding. He is NOT the cad Trevor is. It's totally cute and endearing. But somebody needs to explain to Alucard why there are no rabbits.

Olrax's mercy with Misrak is plenty interesting to me.

Some of it I liked, bur the ending was too Grimdark for my tastes. 3 stars.

Castlevania: Nocturne "The Widow's Window"


Alucard seems to take Richter's boneheaded mistake in stride. He's annoyed, but it doesn't seem like he ever expected any better.

You know as far as vampires go, Tara ain't so bad. That being said, I disagree with her trying to "save" Maria from killing her father. The Abbott needs killing, and nobody deserves the honor more than Maria does.

That guy has a great voice though, don't he?

Olrax doesn't give away much, does he? I like that about him.

Solid episode. 3 1/2 stars.

Castlevania: Nocturne "Monstrous Things"


Far be it from me to instruct another narrative on its pacing, but when the chick says to Alucard, "You killed me. Now it's time to return the favor," and they rush at each other, THAT should have been the blackout cliffhanger, and they should have saved the actual fight for the beginning of the next episode! It could even have been the teaser! That's what I think.

I love Misrak noting Olrax has been branded, Olrax saying it will fade, and Misrak coldly saying that so will he.

Maria is right that it's foolish old men who seem to be responsible for all the mistakes in the world. Back then and now too.

Alucard name dropping Da Vinci like a heathen. Not impressed, dude. I thought you were better than that.

The acapella vocals at the end were I think supposed to sound majestic (as the climax started) but I found them unfortunately, unintentionally comical instead.

S'okay. 3 1/2 stars.

Castlevania: Nocturne "Into The Abyss"


Tara doesn't like Maria's idea. Not one bit. Of COURSE she has to leave for Maria's own protection after that idiotic plan. It's weird Maria thought she wouldn't. She has only herself to blame.

The nuance given Olrax is a bit shocking in hindsight. This was the bastard who killed Richter's mother in the Pilot! Weird (but good) arc.

The tentative ship between Richter and Annette is kind of sweet. Maria had her chance.

Good stuff. 3 1/2 stars.

Castlevania: Nocturne "Ancestors"


I like Juste saying Maria was part of his family. Probably more than she deserves at this point.

The flashback was a little too sunny to be entirely believable to me.

I love James Callis' soft whispery voice as Alucard. Totally outside of Gaius Baltar.

I love that Alucard is insightful enough to say he doesn't regret being Dracula's son because everything is connected. I also loved when Richter's asks why he didn't wake him upon Annette's state, Alucard asked what he was going to do. Man, this show is making it easy for me to like it.

Alucard is the worst girlfriend ever. Although it WOULD be fun to braid his hair.

Great wrinkle for Annette in the cliffhanger. It's also something that totally makes sense.

This show wants me to like it. I can feel it. 4 stars.

Castlevania: Nocturne "Grenadye Alaso"


A battle-episode, so not my thing, but the animation was tight, and there IS something comedic about seeing a vampire battle with Revolutionary War muskets and cannons.

When Annette as Set-Keth tries to reunite both spirits it is a powerful moment.

Loved Maria tackling Richter in pure love.

Olrax saved Alucard's life before? Does Richter know about this?

Also they are totally setting up him vamping Misrak.

Dire cliffhanger too. 4 stars.

Castlevania: Nocturne "A Line Of Great Heroes"


Alucard busy doing Alucard things at the beginning.

This is very much structured like a finale, with the deciding battle at the BEGINNING of the episode, followed by character wrap-up and Richter kicking the villain's ass a final time. Using Ryu Hands. I love that the building behind her splits in half right before she does. Great detail.

I liked Richter saying he'd kill Olrax one day. But not today.

Juste was totally stiffed out of a life of Alucard. What a rip-off!

Olrax just delivered the most obvious vamping ever.

I think it's a really cool idea that after the final battle Richter follows Annette home, instead of the other way around.

Nice wrap-up for Eduard too. Not precisely believable, but nice.

I love Alucard's "I think I'd like to see how that goes." What a great voice!

The animation during Richter and Annette's love scene was beautiful.

That look of Alucard's at the end is what happens when he realizes Maria doesn't do nuance.

I hope this is actually the last season for this specific incarnation. This felt like a good stopping point. 4 1/2 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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