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Matt Zimmer
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Family Guy "LASIK Instinct"


Episodes like this are the reason why no matter what despicable things Peter or Brian put her through, my sympathy for Lois is limited, going on nonexistent. She is truly the worst.

I love that Doug's parents refer to each other as Doug's Mother and Doug's Father. I can't think of anything more impersonal than that. I also loved Stewie laughing at Doug's Elsa underwear.

Cleveland's new voice is good. I'm happy with it.

This episode had an interesting and (sort of infuriating) observation about how Ellen DeGeneres has the persona of a kind and generous person and is somehow still despised. This always confuses me a little too (speaking as someone who doesn't despise her) but I sort of understood it a little while ago when I looked a bit closer into some of the many complaints she gets against her. None of the complaints about her being pushy or driven or not a nice person would ever slow down her career or matter if she were a male star. Male stars get away with a TON of crap. MeToo has lessened that, but the truth is I don't ever hear complaints about male celebrities for being ambitious or simply rude. Personality types for male celebrities don't actually matter. And I hear "Oh, well it matters because of the 'nice person' image Ellen has cultivated for herself" but isn't that also true for male movie stars too? I've heard private complaints here and there that Ben Affleck and George Clooney aren't all that nice, and it doesn't effect their "nice guy" image at all. For the record, while we're going there, maybe Family Guy would be less confused about why this is happening if they stopped taking as many cheap shots at women celebrities as they do, and then wonder what's gone wrong there. Seth MacFarlane is part of the problem.

Those Burbank PSA's were hilarious, and told me a lot about how Hollywood sees Burbank. Usually when Family Guy does that specific kind of joke, whenever I'm well-versed in the topic they're slamming, it's usually true. Which makes me want to stay away from Burbank.

Strong-(ish) episode surrounding a character I can't stand, and who no matter what she tells people who work in coffee shops, is NOT a good person. 4 stars.

Family Guy "Rock Hard"


Giving Jerome a story was a nice touch.

I liked the slam that Elton John was the only gay guy with a worse haircut than Pete Rose. It's funny, they started ragging on a photo of present day Elton John at the end, but realize it's much more fun to go back to Sean Hannity. Recently Seth MacFarlane has made no bones about how unhappy he is to work for Fox. I think the Hannity thing is going to be the next long-running gag after Giant Chicken fights and Conway Twitty. What I like is that unlike those two things, it's actually funny.

I don't tend to like Family Guy trilogy episodes but this wasn't the worst example ever. 3 stars.

Family Guy "Must Love Dogs"


Wow, that was... Not pleasant. It was interesting in its unpleasantness but that was not a fun-filled episode. This review might be longer than normal.

Now that we've established that Brian and Quagmire don't like each other, and Brian has stopped trying to mend fences, it's an interesting premise to try and make them work together. It's a solid mine for comedy especially seeing Brian enjoy Quagmire's discomfort.

Carrie says that if Glen didn't like dogs that was fine, but he didn't need to put them through all this by lying. That bothers me. Right at the outset she sets the limits that not loving dogs is the one relationship dealbreaker for her. Her telling Glen she would have been cool with it after the fact says she's just as dishonest as Glen is, except nobody on the show is rightly calling her on it.

The ending with the dog stampede at the engagement party was like something out of The Brady Bunch, which is why I didn't like it.

I tend to say this about a lot of annoying characters, but I keep a special level of hatred in my heart for Peter Griffin. Technically, he's not the most annoying character ever on television. But as far as characters as annoying as he is go, he's been on the air the longest. Both Peggy Hill and Michael Scott are retired and the cast of Titans and Riverdale are still young. But there hasn't been a current annoying character on television pissing me off this much for this long of an amount of time besides Peter. How much does he suck? He steals his kids' Halloween candy. And this is why I don't like Seth MacFarlane. Nobody in the episode ONCE points out he shouldn't be doing that, and that it makes him the worst parent ever. It's like it doesn't even occur to the writers that it's wrong. It's just dumb Peter stuff to them. And God bless the show "Kevin Can F Himself" which has basically pointed out once and for all how harmful these types of "silly" dumb guy plots are to the people on the receiving end of them. It just pisses me off beyond belief.

This is the first "regular" episode for Mayor Wild Wild West, and it's shouldn't have been. If they were going to cast Sam Elliott. they should have made sure his schedule was clear enough so they could use the character as often as Adam West. The verdict for his first regular episode: He's not as funny as West. But he's very much like Patrick Stewart in being a voice I would delight in hearing dirty and twisted things come out of him. Sir Stewart is game and will literally say anything if you pay him enough money. I have yet to see Elliott goes to the humiliating vocal lengths both West and Stewart go to. To be fair, it's West's second episode. But Adam West was having an orgasm over chewing taffy in one of his first episodes too. Wild West should be saying a LOT more outrageous stuff than he is. For one thing his describing of the camera for the privates is said in an incredibly old-fashioned, borderline inoffensive way. Neither West nor Stewart (nor James Woods for that matter) would ever be made to use a PG-13 euphemism. They'd say the dirty thing, get bleeped, and sell uncut DVD's of it. I don't see Elliot willing to do that which is a shame.

I did not much enjoy that episode. But it was watchable, if not actually funny. 2 1/2 stars.

Family Guy "80's Guy"


Peter's plot seemed to be the show doing a mea culpa over the show overdoing the 80's jokes. It also correctly points out how problematic movies from the 1980's are. What's interesting is that I and many other people have thought that era was messed up long before "MeToo". I think the reason the 80's racism, sexism, and homophobia is so bad is because society actually knew better at that point, and was merely doing those jokes to supposedly be edgy. For this reason, I suspect South Park will be looked on unfavorably in 20 years, as will Beavis and Butthead, and yes, early Family Guy. I think Family Guy from this era will hold up simply because it's willing to have these conversations to begin with.

I see Patrick Warburton is now billed as a regular cast member. That is long overdue.

My favorite bit from the Stewie and Doug stuff was the little kids on the ground clarifying how far away from each other they clearly were, and then concluding they just wasted everybody's time. The show wasn't clever enough to do that joke 20 years ago. Another reason I think the new episodes are better than the old ones. Also funny was the end of the kids saying they were different kids from yesterday, and that the Frisbee meant nothing. That was pretty great too.

Boston Superman is excellent. "Clahk" is a name begging for that specific parody.

I liked it. I don't like Peter, and think he sucks. But I like an episode clearly pointing out that he sucks, and him not being forgiven at the end for it. 3 1/2 stars.

Family Guy "Brief Encounter"


Arif Zahir has been indistinguishable from Mike Henry. Great casting. And I still can't say enough good things about Patrick Warburton's promotion to series regular.

Doug has been a fine addition to the show. Having Patton Oswalt as Tyler (Doug's Doug) was great too.

The whole thing with the photo of Stewie was hilarious. Also great was Brian's "It went poorly."

I love that Quagmire was beat up by the Giant Chicken.

Chris was unusually annoying this episode. The Wednesday thing was obnoxious. "Tuesday night's a part of it!" Shut up, Chris.

This was super funny. It's amazing how funny the MeToo era of the show can be if it puts its mind to it. Doug is definitely a part of that. 4 stars.

Family Guy "Cootie And The Blowhard"


Oh my God! They actually made fun of the 9:30 timeslot! I have to say I was shocked when Fox moved Family Guy to 9:30. It felt like a deliberate slight. I'm sure it actually wasn't, and was instead a canny way to shore up Bob's Burgers, but historically, it's the other way around. Historically, the show starting on the hour always supposedly props up the show starting on the half-hour. Always. That's specifically why the scheduling move surprised me. But instead Fox put their biggest show first and their second biggest show last making fewer drop-offs during the night. It's a good scheduling strategy that amazes me that nobody put together before. In fairness, I think it's easier to do for cartoons. Live action stars whose shows have been on for years being moved to 9:30 would probably take it as a snub and an insult and complain. Peter Griffin can make jokes, but the only people likely to be truly pissed off are the producers.

I think was Fox was realizing is that there is no reason to use the "9:30 is the walk the dog timeslot" mindset, when there isn't a drama starting at 10:00PM to prop up the 9:30 show. Therefore, it's the shows that air between 8:30 and 9:30 that need the strong shoulders, not the last one. Fox was making a mistake for decades by putting the shows they believed in the least last. Peter Griffin once called it "Limping to the barn" and I think the current line-up proves it's not just unnecessary in a network without a 10:00PM line-up. It's counterproductive, and probably has been the entire time.

The Chris jokes with Lois and then Meg were cringe. And I'm sick of this show pushing that line. I sort of get the logic with Meg and Chris (both Chris and Meg are sexually confused and isolated), but as far as Lois goes, that's sick. It's not funny.

I like the note Stewie left in the closet for Brian. Also loved him correctly predicting he'd need to charge his phone in his room, and answering Brian's question about his predictability on the video, "Yes." Although Brian had less interest in the suits than he thought he would.

The reason the stuff with Peter and Bonnie worked, for me at least, is that unlike Marge and Homer, Peter has never once expressed an appreciation for her cooking. While I know for a fact the show HAS shown her using the oven before, the show has also never had Peter or the kids rave about anything she's cooked. There is no "Pork Chop Night" level of anticipation for Peter when sitting down to a meal with his family. I believed the Peter and Bonnie thing because I totally bought that this was a thing he was missing in his life. Whenever Peter raves about a food (and it DOES happen) it's invariably junk food, or cooked in a restaurant. He never seems to think Lois' stuff is worth word of mouth.

Peter says he doesn't like it when Bill Murray is serious. He also reminded us that he is severely mentally impaired. I think those two things are related. There is nothing Bill Murray does, serious or silly, that isn't awesome. Peter Griffin is a Philistine to believe otherwise.

I loved the Bernie Sanders stuff. I especially love Brian saying he loved what he was saying but that he was saying it too loud. Seriously, I agree with Bernie's ideas, but his voice is loud and annoying. I've had my fill of angry white male grievance based politics to last me a lifetime in the past five years, thanks. But I especially loved the cheap shots at his appearance. Because the specific problems wrong with Bernie Sanders appearance are down to grooming and personal care. I am amazed somebody who looks that unkempt not only ran for President, but seems to have expected to win. Somebody once quipped he looks like he combs his hair with a balloon. Seriously, Bernie. They don't have barbershops in Vermont? Your hair is a mess because you don't take care of yourself. It's not a personality quirk to put as a silhouette on campaign literature. It's a failing, and a gross and embarrassing one at that. And because I mostly hang around Democrats, I never feel comfortable pointing this out. But the dude looks totally gross, and as if he doesn't take of himself. And age has nothing to do with it. Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi always look freaking sharp.

He has nice mittens though. I'll give him that.

It was good, but not great. But this is not a show I demand greatness from. It killed 22 minutes on Hulu nicely. 3 1/2 stars.

Family Guy "Peterschmidt Manor"


I like that the slam at Mad TV was done by characters played by Alex Borstein and Nicole Sullivan.

For the record, that slam at "betas" is stupid. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being well-mannered in public, and treating both store employees and other customers with courtesy. There is something wrong with Seth MacFarlane for thinking there is.

I thought Carter giving Lois the pond was actually kind of sweet.

My favorite moment was a really shot at The Love Boat via Brian. I love when the Librarian is outraged that his advice is just to sit back and see what happens. I like that because that nonsense was always Isaac's advice, and he was always portrayed as wise instead of as totally unhelpful as he actually was. Insightful joke there.

The echo was one of those running gags that became increasingly annoying. I knew it would be trouble when it was brought up.

Honestly, the episode was a bit underwhelming. Not too much funny stuff either. 2 1/2 stars.

Family Guy "The Birthday Bootlegger"


I don't like the new boss. Although it's refreshing his race wasn't mentioned once. I suppose a new boss was inevitable though. Bryan Cranston must have either become unaffordable or unavailable (or both). But Burt was fun while he lasted.

I love that Peter is good at office birthdays. He's a person. He's bound to be good at something. I mean he even got Leslie Uggams! Who cares if it's actually November?!

This show's example of a toddler / kids show isn't real, but it's exactly as crazy and confusing as every show for kids that age actually is. Are you a Pokemon fan still? Don't kid yourself. That's how dumb your fandom is.

I love the way Doug cries.

Good to see Stella again at the end.

The J.K. Rowling slam was great, but it suggests something I don't like thinking about. Ever since her gross anti-trans statements, I have yet to reread the Harry Potter books. I notice whenever I rewatch or reread material I previously enjoyed from a person who later turned out to be a dirtbag, there are always huge red flags in the material I either missed or willfully ignored for the sake of my own sanity. I cringe at the idea of reading Harry Potter again. I know there is gonna be gross stuff in there. To be frank, I already thought a lot of the ideas were shady before Rowling revealed herself to be a crackpot. I imagine I now would have the full context to the many things in the books that bothered me. And I don't really want to reread them if I do have that context.

Solid week, if nothing special. 3 1/2 stars.

Family Guy "The Fatman Always Rings Twice"


I like how they kept everything in black and white, even the end credits and Fox logo.

The opening title was great.

I love the idea that Seth MacFarlane is dismayed TBS renewed American Dad for three more seasons. When are his weekends?

The 1930's definitely had a lot of female sounding names for men. I love that Chris is so defensive about it even though Peter didn't bring it up.

PI's in the movies back then sure did a lot of different allegories for descriptions. Thesauruses for Old Hollywood were a must.

I don't usually like gimmick episodes, but this one was pretty good. 3 1/2 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Matt Zimmer
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Family Guy "Christmas Crime"


What a great episode. When the Griffins are singing "Come All Ye Faithful" I actually felt GOOD. Not a usual feeling in this show (although the "penis" carved in the prison ceiling mitigated that some).

I love the Happy Asking Panda. I love the bit about Dancing With The Stars. I love the M&M Advent Calendar (leading to Peter getting shot by an M&M). And I love Stewie's story about how he bought the Malibu Barbie phone case. It was just a fine and funny episode that I greatly enjoyed. And the bit with Quagmire having all day to listen to Brian's rant about Christmas Carols was sublime too. Quagmire calling Brian on his crap will never get old.

I loved it. ****1/2.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Matt Zimmer
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Family Guy "Mister Act"


I think both of those stories were disturbing, but Stewie and Lois's crossed the line into reprehensible. What kills me is that it falls into a trap the first two seasons did 20 years ago. It exists solely for shock value,. There isn't actually anything remotely funny about it. And that kills me that the writers don't understand that about comedy even after all these years. It's such a disturbing and upsetting premise it gives me dark thoughts about the morality of the writers, and what they think about when they aren't writing. Are their kids safe at home with them? I truly wonder. Frankly, the Fox Network deserves some blame here too. It not a question of being permissive enough to let them get away with it. It's a question of being wise enough to understand this is a comedy dead-end. But Fox execs have NEVER been good judges of comedy. It's on brand for the Fox censors and editors to fail their jobs the one time we actually needed them.

Most of my reviews wind up recaps of the episode I just saw, and I can't bring myself to do that. That would suggest this was a normal episode that I can pretend didn't totally upset me. Even for the crappier episodes of Family Guy, I see some value. This might be the first episode since "Excellence in Broadcasting", and only the second one since the show came back from cancelation, that I will simply never watch again. 0.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Matt Zimmer
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Family Guy "The Lois Quagmire"


I don't feel like they said anything new with the Lois and Quagmire stuff. It was a nice psychological admission that Lois wanted Glen to try something so she could shoot him down and feel both desirable and morally superior. But everything else was just blah.

I think if you described the pizza plot's premise to someone, you'd get a far bigger laugh than the subplot actually delivered (pun intended). Other than Meg saying she wanted to shove the body in the sewer to keep Pennywise off her jock, nothing occurred funnier than the sentence "Peter and the kids cover up the death of a deliveryman in their house so Lois won't find out they ordered pizza." You describe the scenario and you laugh. You sit down and watch it, and it's just okay.

Meh week. The Simpsons handily won the night of Fox toons. **1/2.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Family Guy "Lawyer Guy"


Huh. New character. Brick Baker won't be replacing Doug's place of importance on the show anytime soon.

Frankly, I found the idea that Peter sued his neighbor without even meeting him ridiculous. Far more ridiculous than it being his lawyer.

Also, I have always considered "Family Guy" one of the worst names for a popular TV show ever. Only Arrested Development is worse. It's a name the show should be ashamed of. It pisses me off instead that they have been putting it in the end of random episode titles since the show came back. This was probably the worst example of that ever. Awful episode title, and maybe the worst the show has done since Season 1.

I love the guy from Brooklyn doing the play-by-play to the Surfin' Bird musical.

I loved Chris cheering at the excited energy Peter brought into the room.

Man, I forgot Tom Everett Scott existed. That bit answered the question of what would happen if that untrue mean-spirited joke about Ron Livingston being forgettable were an actual thing for another actor. Tom Everett Scott qualifies. I don't even remember what he looks like.

Local commercials always getting cut off at the end drives me nuts. It's amazing. All of the commercials are awful and I'm still always frustrated when they get cut off. Why is that? What is this deeply held belief in my psyche that everything on TV deserves a sense of completion, no matter what it is? It's very weird and human at the same time.

I love Lois making fun of the woman at the market who called Peter for her real estate business. That was super embarrassing.

I like hearing Sam Elliot say the words "fish whiz".

It was a pretty good episode. As far as winning the night of Fox toons goes, it surprises me that on the night The Simpsons delivered perhaps the greatest Martin Prince episode EVER, that they were not only slightly edged out by Bob's Burgers, but a Bob's Burgers that contained a poopy story from Linda. Weird night. ***.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Matt Zimmer
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Family Guy "HBO-No"


I've never even heard of Succession and Big Little Lies.

Didn't understand the purpose of the Seth Green footage unless it was simply to remind us he's unfunny and unsuccessful.

It's true. Game of Thrones was only beloved for 6 and a half seasons. It then went downhill QUICK and became legitimately despised.

Come to think of it, the final battle with the White Walkers WAS kind of dark and hard to see.

Funny shot at Amazon Prime.

I don't much like Family Guy's trilogy episodes. Unless they're Viewer Mail. Bring back Viewer Mail.

Not a great night of Fox toons. Bob's Burgers won it with a night that was merely passable. **.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Family Guy "Hard Boiled Meg"


You wanna do a Bob's Burgers? Lead with that next time!

I liked it. Meg was acting crazy at the beginning of the episode, and it's neat there turned out to be a reason for it. Seymour not existing was a great twist, but even funnier was him being a real guy at the end running a Family Guy VR simulation. Really creative stuff.

The car chases were phenomenal too. Excellent animation there.

I also laughed at the "Who Else But Quagmire?" Guy at the funeral. The idea of Quagmire's subplot was really a bit genius. If I had a case of hiccups that never went away I'd prefer to be dead too. They're merely an annoyance when I have them, but if they were unending, they'd actually be torturous. Just like that old Simpsons cutaway: "Hic. Kill me. Hic."

Tight episode. Both Family Guy and The Simpsons were good tonight, but I'm giving a slight edge to The Simpsons, and declaring it the winner of Fox Toons. ****.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Matt Zimmer
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Family Guy "Prescription Heroine"


If people don't object to that, I think they should.

If you ask me, the premise is absolutely everything wrong with Family Guy. It's a serious subject matter that hits Lois only because the show hasn't done a Lois episode in awhile. It could have hit any of the other Griffins and nothing would have changed. It speaks to lazy writing, and frankly boring characters that a specific plot like this can randomly hit the mom of a sitcom and nobody blinks an eye. The indignity and humiliation of Lois dunking Stewie in the toilet to get the pill bothers me for that reason.

Family Guy's animation has improved since it came back. Its musical numbers are top-notch. Its observational humor and comic timing has never been better. But the characterization and bland storytelling is nearly as bad as when the show was absolutely terrible in its first two seasons. And this is not something the show has shown much interest in improving. And while Family Guy is delivering great voice performances and funny jokes, it's utterly failing the characters and any sort of credible storytelling. I don't know what the answer is. But MY personal answer is to complain about it. It's not okay. The show is so lazily written they couldn't even have Lois hurt her own back. They had to make her seem like the worst person ever to steal the pills from Brian. I don't think this show really understands how damaging it is to both their characters and any credibility the show ever tries to have by doing things like this.

I'm ragging this episode very hard. (And sort of ignoring the boring ping-pong subplot). Was there anything I actually liked? The runner of Lois repeatedly calling Stewie's name in the cage while he ignores her was absolutely perfect and sort of felt like just desserts for Stewie. I liked that scene very much and it made me genuinely laugh.

I don't know, Family Guy. I don't know how a show can be on the air for 20 years and still have trouble coming up with plausible plots and likable / interesting characters. Both of those things are not as hard as Family Guy is always making them seem. At all.

Bad night for Fox toons. The Great North won it with the only really good episode of the night. Bob's Burgers was middling, and this show and The Simpsons were outright terrible (although The Simpsons was much worse). *1/2.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Matt Zimmer
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Family Guy "All About Alana"


Well, Family Guy easily won the week of Fox toons, simply because it was the only one with a decent episode.

Modern Lois episodes tend to be great and twisted at the same time. I like a lot of the female observations (done by male writers like Danny Smith, but still). The idea that Lois uses new nicknames to assert dominance is great, as is the idea that she does it to Stewie too.

My favorite Stewie bit was at the end where Alana says she never liked the baby. He says it's because he was always on to her. I laughed when she insisted that wasn't it. I bet after hearing that Stewie wished she was one of those people who couldn't understand him.

I think the most twisted and subversive thing in the episode is literally Peter and Lois' reunion at the end. What I like about it is it's the show pointing out its biggest flaw, in that Peter does unforgivable things that a real woman would leave him for, that Lois forgives at the end with an "Oh, Peter!". The specific subtext of that happening here sort of tells me they are aware of that problem, and even if they can't bring themselves to fix that aspect of the show, they at least aren't happy about it either. It's literally the thing about the show that pisses me off the most, and I like that the show sort of did a Mea Culpa there.

Pretty funny episode. ***1/2.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Family Guy "Girlfriend, Eh?"


That was probably the saddest and most accurate slam at Pixar ever: "Pixar: We're no longer a guaranteed home run!"

I was amazed that did that exact same gag with Jamie getting electrified on the telephone wires on tonight's Simpsons episode with Mr. Burns. What a freaky coincidence.

It was fine. I think Bob's Burgers won the night of Fox Toons though. ***.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Matt Zimmer
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Family Guy "First Blood"


When I read the episode synopsis, I believed the show had run out of ideas. And no lie, the first half of the episode was terrible. The horse prom thing is one of the unfunniest bits the show has done in years, and it was not only really long, but it was repeated twice. About the best thing I can say for it is that unlike Conway Twitty, it's not likely to become a recurring joke. But it was almost as obnoxious as Conway Twitty.

Halfway through the ep, I starting liking some of it. The idea that Frasier cures insomnia is great. The return of Bears Scares was funny too.

I mentioned when I heard about the Stewie plot I thought the show ran out of ideas, but there were two good jokes. One was when Brian was ranting at Stewie he didn't want to diminish how weird Stewie's grown-up thing was, and the other was when Stewie said the nurse he talked to had a low tolerance for nonsense.

I think the reason the plotline felt even less funny than it should have is that due to the news, the episode's attacks on transgender people and abortion feel much more mean-spirited than were probably intended. I've had to adjust my comedy too. I used to always describe David E Kelly's TV shows as televised abortions, and I did that recently on a site I frequent, realized the subtext to that joke is entirely different in the current climate, and edited my post. While Family Guy wants to be an ally to liberals (and it does) the truth is those kinds of jokes feel more like personal attacks than they would have even six months ago. I don't envy comedy writers, especially those on shows that push boundaries. The attacks marginalized groups are now under seem really to have rather suddenly been amped up in the past couple of months. I don't know how a cartoon that takes more than a year to make can possibly keep up with all that. Things be scary.

The female Ghostbusters slam however was NOT out of bounds. But it's been remarked before, and repeatedly, not only on this show, but elsewhere. It's gratuitous because it's old, not because it's punching down.

Can I just say that Wild West is a poor substitute for Adam West? Maybe he wouldn't be if they could get Sam Elliot to say all of the dirty and inappropriate things Adam used to say, but they clearly can't. Elliott seems to have far too much personal pride and dignity to be the mayor of Quahog. It's becoming a problem.

The episode started off very badly, but the second half was passable. But The Simpsons won the week of Fox toons (which it seems to be doing quite often lately). **1/2.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Family Guy "The Jersey Bore"


Preston has turned out to be an all right character. I like that he's on the spectrum.

The show's travelogues continue to be hilarious. Great takedown of Atlantic City. I also like that the suicide notes are preprinted in the motel rooms.

Clark's not working out. Now he's winning them over.

Solid week. But The Simpsons won the last week of Fox toons. Again. ****.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Family Guy "Oscars Guy"


Out of The Silence Of The Lambs, American Beauty, and Forrest Gump, the Silence Of The Lambs parody here is the odd man out. Why? Because it's the only one of those that actually DESERVED to win an Oscar. I woulda gone with Shakespeare In Love, although I doubt too many 14 years olds have seen it. It's been pretty much forgotten in the meantime.

If Chris wasn't Buffalo Bill, I would have been pissed. Seth Green based his entire voice performance as Chris on Ted Levine from that film.

I love that Buffalo Bill has a Bush / Quayle 92 sign outside of his house. Not subtle. But when has this show ever been?

The best Family Guy American Beauty joke occurred before the show was for real canceled the last time. After Peter talks about a piece of trash blowing in the wind proving the world is so beautiful it makes him sick, God yells down from Heaven, "It's just some trash blowing in the wind! Do you have any idea how complex your circulatory system is?"

Yes, the show manages to point out every bit of unpleasant subtext of American Beauty. The amazing thing is it was always skeevy. We just put up with it because it was an art film. If MeToo had occurred during Shakespeare's time, Romeo and Juliet would be as equally forgotten as that movie was.

Same deal with Forrest Gump. Donna describing the movie as sugarcoating Southern racism is putting it mildly. Peter talks about how badly written the running scene at the end is, as well as how illogical him running out of the crutches as a kid was, but I would have liked the parody more if it took a few more shots at the film's actual quality than that. I firmly believe Forrest Gump is the worst film to ever win an Oscar. American Beauty was a GOOD film that in no way shape or form deserved an Oscar. I think Forrest Gump is the only Best Picture winning film I've seen that I think is outright terrible.

And no, guys in wheelchairs don't belong on fishing boats. How dumb were 1994 audiences?

It was all right, but I think it was a mistake to do a gimmick parody episode for the season premiere. Bob's Burgers slightly edged out The Great North to win the night of Fox toons. ***.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Family Guy "Bend Or Blockbuster"


It was pretty great. I like the observation that late fees are the thing that killed Blockbuster. They tried to change that policy right before they went out of business but it was too late. Netflix (the DVD rental version) destroyed them for it.

I like that they couldn't get Holiday Road. Mayor West says that Lindsay Buckingham must have said no. That's all right. There are probably very few things in life a man named Lindsay has control over.

For the record, the pink Starbursts are the best. THOSE are the ones you hoard.

They did a great callback at the end for Peter's most memorable antics, but only Stewie is insightful enough to point out that none of those are actually good things.

Family Guy is right about something: Card games are terrible. They really are. I used to play them all the time, but almost none of them were any fun. They were done to pass the time. They have no entertainment or fun value whatsoever. And they are playing the exact same game in Hell because the Devil knows what he's doing.

I am from the Northeast. I see Red-hatted people the same as the Griffins do. They both confuse and frighten me.

Family Guy easily won the night of Fox Toons. ****1/2.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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Family Guy "A Wife-Changing Experience"


Wow, that was pretty bad (although Joe's "bad day" was funny). About the only other thing I enjoyed was the implication that Quagmire and Donna have an unheard-of-before-now friendship and a jogging routine. That was neat. In fact this is the first episode Donna appeared in and that Cleveland didn't. Nothing else in the episode worked at

Simpsons won the night of Fox toons. By a lot. *.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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