Land Of The Lost (2009)
I was shocked. That was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. To be fair, until the past couple of years I haven't been watching a ton of movies. I'm a TV guy. And I've seen my share of TV shows as bad as this. And I kind of knew movies this bad were out there. I just never had the misfortune of seeing them all too often. I guess my luck is running out there.
It was so bad I almost shut it off after a half-hour, but if I didn't finish it, I couldn't review it, and I really wanted to warn people to stay away. It was shockingly bad. The characters were all super unlikable, there was not a single funny thing in the movie, and it was outright gross in many places. I immediately was curious afterwards and checked the Wikipedia page expecting like a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. It got like 26% which is insane to me. Roger Ebert gave it a positive review too, which is one of the two things that proves he was a flawed human being and not an Immortal Movie God / Titan. (The other proof being that he's dead.)
Sid And Marty Kroft apologized for the film in 2017 and called it one of the worst movies they had ever seen. I was impressed that they seemed to know what the first line of my planned review was going to be before I even wrote it.
One more thing: This is not an opinion I've had that's come up too often, but I think this movie is the perfect excuse for me to share it. I STRONGLY dislike Will Ferrell. It's not just that I don't find him funny. That's true of plenty of SNL players and other comedic actors. But there is something about Ferrell's voice, demeanor, and yes LOOKS, that strongly rub me the wrong way. It's not something I can quantify or fully explain, but the first time I ever saw Will Ferrell onscreen, I strongly disliked him. Instantly. And this movie was a good reminder of why that was. This is another reason why I have yet to see Elf. Everybody loves that movie, but if Will Ferrell is onscreen during the entire thing, that's a tough movie to get to me watch. Even if it's actually good.
I can think of no better tribute to what an asshat Matt Lauer is that than perhaps this movie being the absolute epitaph of his entire career. Nobody will ever see his creepy ass on the Today Show ever again. But people like me who ever catch this movie on streaming will remember his choice of movies to appear in was as shady as his 2016 Presidential interviews and how he treated his female interns. There are plenty of reasons to detest Matt Lauer and this movie makes it even easier.
Leonard Nimoy briefly did a voice. And I couldn't figure out who called in the favor for him to slum in this for even two scenes.
So wow. I'm not just shocked at how bad that was. But I think it deserves an even worse reputation than it got. It is vile. And part of it is down to the fact that Will Ferrell is awful in it. 0.
ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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