Strange Darling
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Strange Darling

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Matt Zimmer
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Beware spoilers. I am discussing the ending because fuck you that's why. 

Strange Darling


I'm not grading that negatively, but take note I am also not giving it the rave critics and audiences are.

Beware this review. Everyone who has seen this movie says "You won't believe the twist! I have never seen anything like this!"

First of all, those people claiming that are either sheltered or liars.

Secondly, because I don't do what I'm told, I'm going to spoil the major twist. Soon. So stop reading.

You know what though? You already know it now. Because I did as the movie was going along.

A cat and mouse between a serial killer and their victim? Of COURSE the twist is the Lady is the serial killer and the Demon her victim! In that scenario it's the only "big twist" possible. And people acting like they are doing you a favor by telling you to see this amazing film based on the unbelievable twist have already ruined it.

In fairness, I have yet to hear somebody else voice MY specific complaint. It might simply be that I'm too savvy for my own good.

But damn it, that shouldn't be fucking true! Because I always avoid horror films, and only really peek through my fingers if the buzz demands I see it. I should still be able to be surprised by this specific genre since I rarely watch it.

The movie is perfectly serviceable. I love the narration at the beginning stating this was a dramatization of the final run of America's most prolific serial killer, because it instantly set the parameters about what kind of horror movie this was. I also love them calling this a drama in six chapters. And they immediately start off with Chapter 3. Although I'm immediately suspecting the Lady is up to no good by them doing that. Goddam critics and their fucking advice that I won't believe this unheard of twist! How fucking stupid are they? Were they born yesterday because I sure as hell wasn't.

Again, not a bad movie. But anyone telling you you HAVE to see this movie because of the surprise twist already ruined it by saying that much. Or at least they did if you have never seen a movie before and are truly that gullible.

The Crying Game had similar buzz for its big twist. And yet, the twist was not immediately guessable, and best of all, once it's revealed, there's still a hell of an interesting film following it (and a great deal of it to boot). Once the Lady kills Ed Begley Jr. things start turning very standard horror movie, very quickly.

I will take note that there does appear to be an antifeminist bent built into the film. It's done to be provocative, but every benefit of the doubt afforded the Lady is solely because she's a woman and any man who warns "Hold up, this isn't right" is punished for their trouble. And the Lady's warning about the risk women take in one night stands is feeding into that big time. And that's kind of the subversive point. But that isn't exactly something that should be praised.

Say this movie will blow my mind again, motherfucker! I DARE you! Meh. 3 stars.

ThunderCats Ultimates! Wish List: Turmagar, Tuska Warrior, Topspinner, Ram-Bam, Red-Eye, Tug-Mug, Driller, Ro-Bear Belle, Ro-Bear Bert, Ro-Bear Bob, Mumm-Rana, Dr. Dometone, Stinger, Captain Bragg & Crowman, Astral Moat Monster, Spidera, Snowmeow, Wolfrat, Herkie, Sampson.
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