I reached out to Dan via his Instagram account and he says this will not be Walmart exclusive but I haven't found it on Amazon or McFarlane's own site...
Show is holding 100% on Rotten Tomatoes and staying in the Netflix Top 10 longer than the prior run. Chances are high (but not guaranteed) Kevin's co...
This is a Mexican production, not an American one. That being said, it is an enjoyable watch despite its very trite and cliched approach to writing. ...
Gotta say I was surprised to get a full story in such a short season. I really thought this would just be part 1. Liked the tag at the end though, ca...
Has anyone been watching this? I think it's been fun, but not great. I'd love to hear what some of the rest of you think
Mr Zsasz is a weird figure to be getting. "Hey kids, you want a Serial Killer covered in self inflicted scars?" "Yeah!" I get that this is 100% ...
OK, haven't watched anything beyond episode 2 yet, I"ll finish it Friday. I'll not be spoilers (unless you haven't yet seen Daredevil or Hawkeye and i...
They don't have links up yet on Amazon, but they are in the Wave 6 set. Also, all of the figures are available for pre-order on mcfarlanetoysstore.c...
SO, wave 6 pre-orders are starting to hit Found these last night: Justice Lord Superman: eBay: ht tps://ww w.eba y.com/itm/14548 4387943 Ama...
If that listing is accurate what an AMAZING wave! Absolutely LOVE what is in that list both for figures and vehicles. Can't wait to see some images
So excited to see this. With 3 parts I'm guessing they are cutting very little from the original source material so this might be the first media app...
A Blue Beetle car would be so much fun.
I'll have to be on the lookout for the Batgirl one. Thanks for the heads up
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water ...